1325 – Romance in a Pamphlet
DateMoi is proud to present Scooter trying to squeeze fifteen story beats into 6 pamphlet pages as he pioneers a new medium with a message that is equal parts informative and heart-shaped.
Episode 1325 – Romance in a Pamphlet
SCOOTER: Friends beyond the binary, ladies and gentlemen, boys and girls, it’s time for the podcaster who’s here to keep you company and take your mind off of stuff, no matter what the seasonal holiday is or whatever…I don't know. If you're supposed to buy people boxes or bows or things tied up in string, flowers, or whatever, this is not gonna be about…well, it will be about that. We’ve done a series of episodes about an imaginary romance convention called Romcom Con. Turns out, I think that was a real thing, or Romcom was. There was also an imaginary dating app I created called…I forget what it was called. I also created another imaginary app called Midler, which was to express your displeasure. Oh, it was an imaginary dating app built into Venmo called Datemoi or Datemo.
I don't know, this episode may be tangentially related to some of that; it may not be. But it’s here to keep you…whoa, welcome to Sleep With Me, by the way. Holy moly. Did I say friends beyond the binary, ladies and gentlemen, boys and girls? I’m really glad you're here. If you're new or you're a regular listener, this show is very…a bit different. It’s here to keep you company and take your mind off of stuff, to be your friend in the deep, dark night. It’s a sleep podcast that doesn't directly put you to sleep. It keeps you company. I don't know, it’s your friend in the deep, dark night. That’s all I’m here to do, is just be your goofy friend in the deep, dark night. So, try it out and see if you like it or not and see if it helps you or not.
I really hope it can, because if you're having trouble sleeping or you’re just not feeling great in the deep, dark night or during the day, that’s really what I’m here to help with, is just to be a friendly voice that you can just bare…that you don’t have to listen to, though, that…you say, well, I could bare…could I barely listen? Could I not pay attention to you? I’d say, yes, you…yes, you may. You may or you may not. You may barely…you may have never…may not pay me any mind or you may pay me a little bit of mind. So, I’m glad you're here. Like I’m kinda trying to explain, it’s different. So, just give it a few tries if this is different than what you expected. But it is here to be a friendly thing to keep you company so you could fall asleep or have some comfort and distraction in the deep, dark night.
The structure…what we got coming up is support. So, this is a ad-supported version of the show. If you prefer something without ads, I’ll tell you how to get that. Then there’s a long, meandering intro separate from the support. That’s the part that eases you into bedtime, not so much to put you to sleep, just to ease you into bedtime. Then later on we may be talking about romanphlets and pamphlets, which is something…been on my to-do…like, let’s get it off my to-do list, I guess. So, I’m glad you're here. I work really hard. I yearn and I strive. I really hope I can help you fall asleep. We do this together. The majority of people just listen to this ad-supported version and fall asleep, and that’s great. If you weren't falling asleep, I wouldn't be making the show, right?
If it didn’t help you out like the help I needed back when I couldn't sleep at all, I wouldn't make this show. But I get to make this show because of the people that support the show, support me and the team of people that work on the show, either directly or through the sponsors or just by spreading the word about the podcast so we can grow organically, just by your powerful word-of-mouth, by telling one or two people about the podcast. So, I’m really glad you're here, and yeah, here’s a couple of examples of how we're able to do it for you.
INTRO: [INTRO MUSIC] Hey, are you up all night tossing, turning, mind racing? Trouble getting to sleep? Trouble staying asleep? Well, welcome. This is Sleep With Me, the podcast that puts you to sleep. We do it with a bedtime story. Alls you need to do is get in bed, turn out the lights, and press Play. I’m gonna do the rest. What I’m going to attempt to do is create a safe place where you could set aside whatever’s keeping you awake. That’s thoughts, like things on your mind that you're thinking about, feelings, anything coming up for you physically that you're feeling, or sensations, changes in time…oh, feelings, physical sensations, forgetfulness, or…is that doublethink when you're thinking about your thoughts or when your thoughts are commenting on your other thoughts?
They say, wait a second…where you're…I mean, I’m…I get distracted by my thoughts, which makes the show work, but then I get distracted by my thoughts about thoughts, which I’ve talked about before. My thoughts about thinking…Thoughts About Thoughts; I don't think that could be a talk show, but it is one in my brain, right? It is like a call-in show. I just was talking about this recently, but not as a call-in show. But it does…oh, what’s a call-in show? Great question for everybody that’s…it’s…so, once upon a time, particularly in sports or in the middle of the day on radio or television…television was…used to be this thing they broadcast…you’ll learn about it. You could figure it out, kind of.
I don't know if they just didn’t have the budgets or what, but they…there wasn’t as many people making things to watch or wasn’t as many choices. But one of them was kind of like inter…early interactive where they would put up a number or they’d say it, and then you’d call in. They kinda still do it. I mean, I don't know, they have a forum on the Bay Area here. There’s not a lot…a whole lot of calling in directly, which makes sense, because you're like, wait a second, I don't even know what you're gonna say, right? So, you need somebody to do all that. Or, with sports, they call in…I mean, they still probably have it on sports talk radio. You say, oh boy, I don't know what that person was doing with that ball. They said, well, they were playing the game. You say, yeah, but…I don't know.
You could get that for podcasts and stuff. But I was just thinking, what if there was a show where you call…? I say, today’s…today we're talking about Scooter’s thoughts. I mean, this is what it’s like for me at bedtime, and maybe it’s like this for you a little bit. They say, right now…or they could say, today’s…what do they call it? Open…there’s no days of the week that start with an O, huh? Wide-open Wednesday…so, you call in with a topic about Scooter or his thoughts, or give him something…let’s give him something to think about, like Reba once sang. I don't know if that was Reba. So, let’s do that, Scooter misquoting Reba McEntire. Alright, Scooter, what…? Okay, Scooter, start telling us about…your thoughts about it. Well, are you sure? You're right, it’s not…people are talking, right? Talking about people.
But I gotta actually do a podcast intro. I guess you're probably right. Maybe it’s not Reba McEntire, but I’m gonna laugh…ideally I’ll make you laugh a little bit. Not too loud, though. So, I’m gonna give you less to think about. That’s ideally the show. I guess I gotta move on from this thing, but that kinda…at bedtime, it could be thoughts, feelings, physical sensations, TV-show proposals, meet…legacy media, explanations that actually don’t explain anything. You say, what in the…what in the name of Walt Whitman are you saying? Because you're supposed to be saying Marshall McLuhan. But you couldn't think of anything with an M, and you forgot Marshall McLuhan’s name, but you knew it was a double…so, you said Walt Whitman.
Plus, ‘what in the name of Walt Whitman’ sounds better than something with an M or, you know, Marshall McLuhan. You say, talk about…you don’t have a Marshall McClue about anything, do you? I say, you're right about that. There is no message. So, what was I talking about? Well…oh, I’m just here to keep you company and take your mind off of stuff…whatever’s keeping you awake, because you deserve a good night's sleep. You deserve a friend in the deep, dark night who’s here to just keep you company so you could fall asleep, because for me, it’s a tough place; trouble getting asleep, trouble staying asleep, trouble waking up early, trouble just having deep sleep.
Whichever…thoughts, feelings, physical sensations, I’ve dealt with all of those, and I hear from a lot of listeners that dealt with…that are dealing with things or dealt with things or going through things that I haven't been through. But there is something we share, even if it’s sharing it indirectly, which is an understanding…I’m just laughing 'cause I say, well, it’s not like some groundbreaking realization. It’s like…but it’s like there’s a feeling under that, right? A shared feeling. I don't know if you're picking up on it. Sometimes it’s like, you can't even sleep 'cause you're excited. But it still stinks 'cause you're like, well, I want to be rested tomorrow…anyway…to enjoy this thing I’m excited about, like before you travel or when you get to someplace, both of those.
You say, my first two nights sleeping in any new bed in a new environment are rough. So, what am I saying? I’m glad you're here and I hope I can help you get the sleep you need or at least some relief in the deep, dark night, some comfort and distraction so you can feel a little bit at ease and not alone and maybe get the rest you need so your life is more manageable tomorrow and you could be out there living your life. That’s important. I hope I can be a part of that for you. The way this show works is I send my voice across the deep, dark night. I use lulling, soothing, creaky, dulcet tones, pointless meanders, and superfluous tangents. So, that means my voice is not traditionally soothing, right? You say, I was expecting something better, and not somebody that laughs at things…I say, well, it’s just the truth.
If you came here, you probably were expecting something…‘better’ might be the wrong word. But you say, well, I was expecting something…‘better’ is not the…it’s not the right word or the wrong word, right? I say, yeah, no, I get it. I’ve gotten plenty of those e-mails. You say…or something…yeah, I don't know what other word, but I was expecting something better. I say, yeah, no, I get it. So, this show’s very different. My voice is creaky, dulcet, I go off topic, I get mixed up, I use words I don't know the meaning to, I bring up irrelevant pop culture things, then I try to explain them, which makes it more confusing, maybe bring up things…people’s whose books I was supposed to read, not…I’m not saying you, Walt or Marshall. I mean…I don't know. I’d have to time travel to find out.
Please don’t time travel, though, without me with you, so I could distract you. You say, Scoot…here’s Scooter outside his university classrooms. Alongside him, Walt Whitman, Marshall McLuhan…is it Clewyn? Clue me in. Is it Clewyn? They're about to check…or it’d be like, Scooter is…we see…we’ve used our engagement detector, and Scooter’s very engaged. So, we're gonna go to his room and see what he’s studying, because he has reports due on Whitman and McLuhan, separately. But we're here live. You could do a call-in there, too. But don’t call in, because we're gonna surprise him. Then you open the door. If it’s what I’m picturing…I don't know, there’s a lot of different times…I’m gonna be reading…you’d open the door…and if I was actually very focused, it would probably be some mass-market paperback from a used bookstore.
That’s just…or a movie. But more than likely, if you say, well, his brainwaves are similar to studying…like something very…it would definitely be…both of them would be disappointed, and that’s not any offence to mass-market paperback writers, because I was very engaged. I was liking it. So, I don't know, I guess I could add that as a chapter. Now I…well, now I have more than one way…more than one way I’ve disappointed Marshall McLuhan and Walt Whitman, probably a third one with McLuhan, 'cause they say, that’s not my name, either. Also, you've said…I say, I still don’t get it. I don't know which thing I understand less, medium is the message, or…and this is just true…and Disneyland, the back side of water. I’ve talked about both. I still don’t get either one.
I’ve tried, and I think at one point I understood the joke, back side of water, and now…and then I forgot what it was. Then I’ve asked people. I think it’s like a 3D image. I’m like, I can't…I don't know. I just don’t get it. This isn't me dissecting a joke. It’s like, almost like I’m missing something, like one main component. You say, it’s strange to have those two things be…have mental blocks for them. I guess I could add that to my list. You say, you're equating my groundbreaking theory on mass media with a joke at a waterfall at Disneyland. That’s obvious. I’d say, it is obvious. That’s what…that is what I’m doing. Also, I’m using it to accidentally fill time with a sleep podcast to show what a pointless meander is. Not that you're…you're just in a pointless meander. It doesn't mean you are a pointless meander.
I don't know, is that…? That may be…the medium’s not…the medium’s the message, not the message, Marsh. Do you mind if I call you Marsh or Mallow? Okay, now I’m pushing my luck. There’s gonna be a textbook that’s gonna fall on my foot. It’ll probably have my name in it. It’ll say, property of…say, this thing’s unopened. Well, one day I’ll…I’m glad I have it now. One day I may open it. Okay, so, where was I? I think I was still at the beginning. I was trying to explain what this podcast is. So, this is a podcast you barely listen to. That’s one thing that takes getting used to. The other thing is that…or you're having trouble sleeping…you're like, how could this possibly help me? That’s a legitimate question. It can't help everybody. This is a show that takes two or three tries to get used to.
I’ll explain a little bit more, but I’m just here to barely be listened to and keep you company and talk to you and tell you a story later on as a friend in the deep, dark night. Just like a kid gets a bedtime story…this is a different delivery form 'cause you're a grown up. Or, you may be a kid or you may be young at heart. I’m just here to be your friend in the deep, dark night, just like if you called me or you're…you said, hey, just…I’m gonna put on a movie, but it’s not a movie that’s super interesting. So, just give it a few tries. But most people don’t ever like me or the show, and that’s totally okay. I have a website set up for you, sleepwithmepodcast.com/nothankyou, so you could find something that helps you out.
But give it a few tries at first before…I mean, some people bail instantly, so it’s already too late, and unfortunately they're sending me a message that…it doesn't matter the medium it arrives by, but…if you're still sticking around, just see…a couple tries. Or you're like, nah, I don't think I like you, or I don't think we're a fit…that’s cool. Check out sleepwithmepodcast.com/nothankyou. We’ve referred probably more people than listened to the show to other sleep podcasts, and that’s great because you still deserve a good night's sleep whether you like me or not or whether we're a fit. But if you are new and you're unsure…how is this gonna help me? Just kinda wait and see. It helps you by…indirectly. So, what else do you need to know? Oh, this isn't a podcast to put you to sleep.
That’s how…why it does…how is it gonna help you? It’s not gonna put you to sleep. I’m here to keep you company while you fall asleep. There’s no pressure to fall asleep with this show. That’s why the show’s over an hour. I’m here to keep you company whether you're awake or asleep. I’m here to the very end so that you don’t have to worry about…oh, I gotta fall asleep in twenty minutes? No, no, I’m gonna be here over an hour to keep you company. There’s hundreds and hundreds of episodes in the archives ready to go, so you could use them whenever you want, or build a playlist. I’m here to be your bore-friend, your bore-sib, your bore-bae, your neigh-bore, your bore-bud, your Borbie, your bores, your boreman, your Borlaf, your bore…I had another one. Borely?
Old Jacob Borely Borlaf…and I’m here to be your bore-sib, your bore-cuz, your bore-bruh, your best bore-friend f’eva, to keep you company and to be barely listened to, so that you just wake up at some point tomorrow and you say, I don't even know what he was talking about. I mean, at some point he was talking about something, but I don't think he knew what he was talking about. You say, I don't know, I feel like watching Jason Segel…a show with Jason Segel. I say, is that because I said Marshall so many times? Say, I don't know, but…what was…? I just fell asleep. Okay. So, yeah, I don't know. I’m here to keep you company while you fall asleep. Yeah, for regular listeners, they just wake up and they say, what was he talking about? Kinda like I just said. The only other thing you need to know is the structure of the show.
The show is structured in a way to benefit the maximum amount of people it can. The cool thing about podcasts is…and I think Marsh would like this, is that they are adjustable. We put out a lot of different styles of episodes. We release episodes on a consistent basis. We have a large, ad-supported archive so that you have a lot of options. But the show starts with a greeting; friends beyond the binary, ladies and gentlemen, boys and girls, so you feel seen and welcomed in. You say, okay, I could check that…I’m gonna check that show out and see what he…see what it is. That kinda gets you in the door, puts you at ease, makes you feel seen and welcomed, ideally. Then there’s support, sponsor support.
Most people prefer to listen to an ad-supported version that they don’t have to pay for and that comes out regularly and consistently. If you prefer something without ads, you could get that at Sleep With Me+. Then after the support is a long, meandering intro. It goes on and on and on. I think we're almost over twenty minutes now, and I try to explain what the podcast is and I go on a bunch of random tangents. I don't know where they come from. They're gifts to me from somewhere else. I just have to get distracted by them. But I follow the same structure every time in the intro so it offers familiarity and variety, which I think is a key to distracting you and putting you at ease from whatever’s keeping you awake, just in my experience and from doing the show for a while.
But we have a story-only version that’s ad-supported and free, Bedtime Stories from Sleep With Me, but the intro also serves a purpose; to ease you into bedtime. Most people don’t fall asleep during the intro. So, if you fall asleep during the intro and this works for you, that’s great. Or you could listen to Bedtime Stories from Sleep With Me, or you might like ad…a supported version…or ad-free version. But for most listeners, this part of the show just eases you into bedtime, right? You could listen as you're getting ready for bed, you're in bed getting comfortable, or you're winding down, doing some other chill activity. But, yeah, that’s what the intro is. Then there’s support and then there will be our bedtime story, which I think will be about romanphlets, but I’m not positive 'cause I haven't recorded it yet. So, it’s fun.
But yeah, that’s it, I think. I’m really glad you're here. So, you can kind of adjust the show as you wish, or we have different versions, right? In all podcast apps is that free, ad-supported version of…called Bedtime Stories from Sleep With Me, and that comes out twice a week as well. That’s just the stories of the show. Then on Sleep With Me+, we have tons of story-only shows, ad-free, full episodes, bonus episodes, different compilations. But not only that…your podcast app’s very adaptable depending on which one you're using. So, you could also build playlists and all sorts of different stuff that works for you. But at first, you could try it out like most people listen. That doesn't mean there’s a right or wrong way to listen.
It’s just that this ad-supported version linearly, where you're greeted, you wind down during the intro and then you fall asleep during the story, maybe, 'cause there’s no pressure to fall asleep. That’s what the majority of people do, but there’s a lot of different ways that people listen beyond that. Actually, the majority of consumption happens with people that listen to a lot of episodes or all night long, which is best done…whatever. You figure it out as you become…you know? Yeah, you could figure it out, right? Or you could reach out to me. But I love making the show because it is such a important thing to do, but it’s also a puzzle that…I don't think it’ll ever be solved, including my thoughts. Should they be a call-in show? Have I disappointed Walt Whitman?
I mean, that one’s not a mystery…100% chance of that. I mean, Marshall McLuhan? Yeah, that’s 1000% chance. Is that okay? I don't know if I want to know that, but I’d prefer to say, sure, maybe they're forgiving? I don't know. Maybe they could laugh at me, hopefully, wherever they are. I think the mission of the show, helping you out so you could feel some comfort in the deep, dark night…and they’d realize that everything I’m saying is…I’m always…I’m the rear end of all my jokes, so…or most of them. All of them; okay, thanks. Some…one of them just interjected in my brain. So, alls I’m saying is I’m really glad you're here. Believe it or not, though, myself and a team of people work really hard on this show, so…'cause we believe in it. So, we really want to help you fall asleep. So, thanks again for coming by, and here’s a couple ways we're able to do this for you twice a week, regularly. Thanks.
Alright everybody, this is Scoots here. Welcome to Datemoi, a February, heart-shaped episode…a episode about heart shapes. However you celebrate the heart-shape season, especially if you listen to this podcast on a regular basis…if you're not sure if the heart-shaped day’s the 12th or the 14th…but it’s a major holiday for a lot…you know, and…but I always think about…one, I hear from so many wonderful listeners who write romantic fiction or romantic-adjacent fiction or fiction with romance. I don't know what the proper term is, so I apologize. Back when I worked as a librarian supplying books to…I didn’t work in a branch except when I was working extra hours, but we would bring our books to people.
We had kinda…we would organize…most of our books were mass-market paperbacks, and so…I don't know. Please humor me if you've heard this before because you're a regular listener, but…so, we would organize the books into two basic sections as far as romance and romantic fiction, kinda three sometimes. I guess three. There was mass-market romance, which I think we put a pink dot on the spine, then there was stuff…which now I’m out of…stuff like Nora Roberts, which is a little bit harder to…I don't know why, 'cause I wasn’t exactly in charge of the categorizations. But I think Nora Roberts would not get a pink dot but would be just in the mass-market paperback section.
Then there was sweaty…well, actually, they have…this was a long time ago, but actually…now I think about it like it’s yesterday, but it was over twelve years ago. There was the sweaty-back…degrees of sweaty-back romantic fiction, which…there was an imprint called Blaze, which you say, okay, that means my back is fairly sweaty. But they had different subgenres other than Blaze or imprints. As someone that makes something on a regular basis, I hold the utmost regard…people that can put…create fiction on a regular basis that is gonna have a audience that’s gonna look at it…scrutinize it but also enjoy it and derive pleasure from it. So, it’s something that some people may think is easy, but I guarantee you it’s not.
I guarantee you, it’s crafted, lovingly crafted, probably with some consternation, much like making a sleep podcast. I haven't made this direct pitch — and I guess I’ll probably do it at another time in another episode because it’s not something that’s impending — but I have done other pitches which will lead into this episode. But of the romantic fiction or writers that may write books that could be categorized as romance or romantic fiction or even into the more sweaty-back areas of that fiction, reach out to me, 'cause down the road I’d like to connect if you attend conferences on a regular basis. Because as…if you listen to the show, we put out a few episodes about Romcom, which is my…and then Romcom Con, which turns out, there’s…those are names that are used, but it was like a romantic…a romantic comedy convention.
Romcom, which is actually…is a romance…romantic fiction conference, or was, that I thought I thought of. Of course, you say, come on, Scoots, you're not…and I say, yeah, I mean, it’s a idea probably plenty of people had. I think we even pitched this idea of having a booth. This is all imaginary at this point, still, right? I know I’ve also come up with this idea of romanphlets. This isn't a gimmicky idea. It seems gimmicky, but…especially the writers that are listening, the idea of writing a pamphlet or a romance…making a romance into a pamphlet is an incredibly challenging creative constraint. But, I don't know, I like the way ‘romanphlet’ sounds. So, I said, well, we gotta run with it. But it’s been a while since we’ve run with it. So, I’m bringing these ideas together in a what-if way. Well, what if Datemoi sponsored us?
That would be the imaginary dating app built within Venmo, which I still have not done…which I still don’t get. I mean, Venmo’s become more and more popular. But even ten years ago, when I said, this would be perfect…it’s like, huh, you like pizza? I like…you use a pizza emoji for things and I use a pizza emoji for things. Why not…? Let’s…there’d just be another layer there below…but again, I get it. It’s not made for that and yadda, yadda, yadda. So…but if they did…or another dating app wants to…you’d have to…it wouldn’t be just sponsorship because this is an idea that I came up with in the podcast, Datemoi, which is…I mean, that’s a good date…name for a dating app. I mean, it’s gone around where it’s just like, oh, you can only date Scooter, though. That’s the whole dating app.
He’s designed a dating app for just dating him, and it’s called Datemoi, but it’s…also doesn't exist. Say, okay, that…I’m a Sleep With Me listener; that all checks out. So, imagine we had a budget where they said, okay, Scoots, go for it, rent a booth at one of these conventions. It’ll be…this would be…as I enter this next phase of life where my daughter moves away or whatever, in Valentine’s Day 2026, I don't know where I’ll be in the world, right? My life will be different than it is in…when I’m recording this. So, yeah. So, all these things got me thinking. Yeah, so, what if we had a booth or a sub-booth? I’d have to figure out how to connect it to romance, 'cause I want it to be Romcom Con. But so…whatever. I did some research.
So, we're just gonna talk about pamphlets here and kinda look into pamphlets, and maybe some romantic…I got a lot…wow, okay, we got a lot of notes. Okay, so, what’s a pamphlet? Because…so, there’s a couple archetypal types of pamphlets. I’m trying to think of the pamphlets I have experience with. The number-one pamphlet here…I don't know if I’ve seen it outside of the US. Maybe I have, maybe I haven't. But visitors to the US and people in the US, you probably have seen these pamphlets. You’ll find them in a couple places; lobbies of hotels in tourist areas, at tourist…some tourist attractions. If you're…you don’t find them in airports, which kinda makes sense 'cause they're kinda messy. But you will find them at road stops, especially state-run…what are those called? Rest…comfort areas, though not all of them.
But I think hotels and motels that I stay in, you'll see these for sure. For example, I’ve seen them at Holiday Inn and High Places recently, and I also saw recently at a tourist location we went to with our family over the holidays where they just have a display with a bunch of pamphlets of tourist attractions. I don't know if the companies pay for it or it’s just offered as a service. But a pamphlet is a small piece of paper. It’s, I think, a normal piece of paper maybe folded up? I don't know, it may have…in my research. So, we’ll see. It has…hey, visit…well, okay, let’s talk about something I haven't been to that’s a local California tourist attraction. Huh…Santa Cruz Mystery Spot, I think it’s called, or just the Mystery Spot. I don't know if I’ve seen a pamphlet for it. That one’s more of a bumper-sticker one.
But if it did, it would have…the cover would say Santa Cruz Mystery Spot, or Mystery Spot. Everybody in California is like, Scoots, man, come on, how could you miss this? Then on the back page it would have directions and ticket info, and, ideally, hours would be on both sides, someplace…you're gonna want to keep the cost on the back side only. Some will put it on the front. If it’s free, obviously, they’ll put it on the front. Then the inside would offer some promotional things. I mean, another place you could get them…I’m trying to think. If you're trying to stay sober, you could probably get some pamphlets for sure, and you should. If you're sober-curious, get some pamphlets. Sometimes when I go to the place that takes good care of Koa, they’ll give me a pamphlet about something new.
They’ll say, hey, we got this new thing. It’s called blowing kisses to your dog. Then there’s something about it. There used to be more pamphlets about…'cause a lot of pamphlets now are…have an immediacy to them, I’d say, versus a planning aspect. They're either there to plant a seed or to get you kind of…plant a seed that you're gonna act on quick, I believe. Maybe I’m wrong. Or they're informative and…but it’s information you could use right then, versus…once upon a time, you would get a pamphlet about, whatever, Dollywood, we’ll say. I don't know where I would have got…I mean, I don't…never had a pamphlet from Dollywood, but I’m trying to think of travel destinations I would like to go to one day.
I’d say, okay, if it was…I don't know if Dollywood’s been around this long, but let’s just say it was twenty-five years ago. Yeah, maybe…yeah, that’s probably a good time. You say, okay, I got this pamphlet to Dollywood. It gives me a little bit more information, makes me more likely to do it. Or like, boat tours of the Thousand Islands and Boldt Castle. Usually…maybe you would keep that around, like if you…this would be a pamphlet I haven't encountered that I can remember, but…or here in the Bay Area, there’s a couple famous islands that you might want to visit. You’d say, oh, I got a pamphlet for that. But now it’s like…that was when you couldn't constantly update the information. If they wanted to update the information, they’d have to put out a new pamphlet.
Then you might find the pamphlet is no longer accurate. But then you would call the number or go to the website. Okay, so…but the idea of a fictional pamphlet…now, there’s zines, which I would say is pretty close, and I’m sure there have been fictional pamphlets, but never mass market. Maybe I should make pamphlets for Sleep With Me, too. This is…then you gotta get them printed and everything. But…you know? So, okay…so, let’s look at my research with that in mind now that you know what a pamphlet is. Okay, and this is a little bit like storytelling. So, I did look up some stuff about a different storytelling model just 'cause it was a little bit more cutesie. I guess you could call them meet cute pamphlets, but I’d have to have a better understanding of what that is to…maybe we could meet at a pamphlet stand.
Talk about…is that a meet cute if I fell in love…? I mean, it wouldn't be falling in love, right? It’d be like, hey, wow, you like stalactites? I like stalagmites. Whatever…you…I loathe vernal pools; you love vernal pools. You know what a stalactite is and a stalagmite; I don’t. Or, you loathe roadside tourist attractions and I…whatever. So, I don't know, that’s the start of an idea. But I looked up a different storytelling model, but we will kinda refer back to the Dan Harmon Story Circle. Here is journey one if we're looking at a story. But this is more from a business perspective to start. So, what’s your purpose and audience?
So, I guess for the romanphlet in this particular case study that we're talking about at a romantic fiction convention, the audience would be attendees of the romantic fiction convention, and lovers of romance would be our secondary audience. The purpose would be to tell a romantic tale or tell…yeah, tell a story, a romantic story. So, what do we want to achieve? We want to achieve…it’d be different. I guess we want to tell…we want the person to feel the love of romance. I guess that’s a pretty good…how do you serve people that like romantic fiction? You tell them a good…a story well-told, a simple story well-told, ideally that…yeah, to give them pleasure, I guess, through a romantic story. Okay, what format is our thing gonna take, and paper size?
Typically they're 8 by…8.5 by 11, or 5.8 by 8 by 3, which I don't know…I think 8.5 by 11 is a normal piece of paper, but I mean, you're not gonna get that kind of information out of me. Okay, there’s trifold, which would be three folds. One, two…I don't know…and then there’s also a Z-fold. But what’s the difference between a Z-fold and a trifold? Then there’s a bifold. So, a bifold would be…that’d have to be a smaller piece of paper, 'cause it would have one, two, three, four…right? Bifold…one, two, three, four. A trifold…I’m trying to picture…okay, so, we’d have the front cover, and then a Z. So, then you’d have the in…first inside page, which is on the front…is on the same page as the back…or the front cover, and that would be folded over.
So, then when you’d open it up…then the third panel would be after the second panel, and then if it’s three folds, that would be one…okay, so, we had one fold between the first and the second. So, you’d have three panels on…six panels. I think six panels is good. So, let’s just pretend because I don't understand…if we have three…we have a piece of paper sideways, so…and it’s divided into three panels on each side. We’ll just pretend how we're gonna fold it, panel one, two, three, panel four, five, six. So, that means each…I mean, that’s a lot of story for each panel to carry. I mean, I feel like we gotta call Scott McCloud up, if I’m not miscommunicating that, too. Okay, next would be talk about our…start to think about the layout, right? You're gonna have your front panel. That’s supposed to be catching.
Your logo, tagline, images…inside panels are details, and the back panel should have contact details, call to action, social media, website, and stuff like that. Okay, so, we’ll have to return to that. But the story begins at the beginning of the front panel and ends at the last panel. I guess we have six panels. You’d want to give one panel to Act 1 and one panel to Act 3, and then four…no, one and a third for Act 1 and one and a third to Act 2, and then…how many did I say we have? Six? So, that’s two and two-thirds, and then three and one third for Act 2? Very specific. I like to be very specific on this show. No breaking those rules, either. Okay, write concise and catchy stuff. It’s gotta be concise. It’s gotta be engaging. It’s gotta be digestible, and it’s gotta have clarity and active voice.
I don't know if we need that so much for the romanphlet, but it could be another piece of creative constraint. Direct and compelling call to action…okay. But that could almost happen in the first act, that the person has a direct and compelling call to adventure. In this case, to romance. Okay, design your pamphlet. Make important information. Pick your fonts, your font…no more than three font styles. Maybe use your brand’s colors, contrasting colors for readability, high-quality visuals. Avoid clutter. Oh boy, Scoots, less is more. Man, holy moly. Leave room between elements. Use computers, proofread, and edit it. Test it out. Print and distribute. Evaluate success and use feedback for future pamphlets. Okay, let’s look at some examples. Okay, what about one for a travel agency?
So, it talks about escape to paradise, and it’d be great if it was…escape to Paradise was like Paradise Island or the town of Paradise. Okay, it’s got a eye-catching cover with a picture of paradise, and it’s aspirational, easy to read, and also has a tagline; dream, explore, discover. It reinforces the branding. The inside talks about packages and activities and testimonials for paradise. Bold headings, pricing is clearly in the chart for the packages. So, you want to break your content into logical sections. Incorporate charts or icons. Charts and icons could be interesting, too, in a romantic story. People are like, not really. At least for a sleep podcast, making romanphlets…the back panel includes the CTA. Book your dream vacation today. It has…they say…maybe they use a QR code. Make sure it’s easy to see.
Call, visit, book…okay, this one…next one’s a pamphlet about smiling and helping people that help you with your smile. Your smile; our priority. This one’s a bifold. That other one was a trifold. It says, yeah, visit us twice a year. Keep your smile smiling warm. It has warm and inviting imagery with a smiling person on the cover who likes to help you smile. Yeah, so, positive images that resonate. So, I guess a romanphlet is like…how much of it is…? This is interesting 'cause it’s not gonna be a comic. So, is a romanphlet…? But it has, I guess, some of these things, right? Because it’s a visual and uses language, which is challenging because…I was like, it’ll just be written in my mind. So, you can't have a romanphlet or a pamphlet without pictures. So, I guess if we were doing the romanphlet, we’d have to do it with collages.
So, it would be like…which would be fun, because then we’d just get a bunch of old magazines, right, and scissors and glue sticks so that you could use that for…so, it’s like, that would be fun for a romanphlet, too. It is getting more zine-like, which is good. Okay, so, where were we? Okay, on the inside it has short panels on the services the smile person provides, it’s easily readable, has testimonials from their…they educate, visually appealing, and authentic to build trust. So, this is just a three-panel. A bifold has four panels, though. So, one, two, and then the fourth panel on the back. Address, phone number, e-mail, map for directions, contact details…easy to find. Okay, this one is about somebody…a non-profit, a Z-fold. This one’s about water. Every drop counts.
The first one, the cover is…tries to establish an emotional connection. So, this is handy for us…emotional connection on the cover. So, the cover…emotional connection, empathy, compassion. So, there’s emotional weight…stories that later on will add to the emotional weight. Then it has a problem-solving structure on the inside. It outlines what’s happening and how this organization is addressing it. The final panel invites readers to join the cause. So, they say, clearly define the problem your pamphlet addresses, present it as a solution…and then a compelling invitation to act. This one particularly has…you can donate, volunteer, or spread the word. It sounds like Sleep With Me, almost. Multiple ways to be involved. Okay, this is a single-page one for a smart watch.
This isn't what we’d be doing, but I guess this is a pamphlet still. The future of wearables…plenty…clear layout, lots of white space, large, high-quality product image in the center stage, simplicity, less text, more visuals. Single, dominant image to grab attention…and why it works; it’s concise, features are in a list with icons, each feature is tied to a benefit. So, a step-counter helps keep you fit. Highlight features with brief descriptions and connect those to user benefits for relevance. Then on the back it has a call to action; order now and save 10%. It has all the info you need; call to action, urgency, 'cause it has a deadline, maybe. Okay. Alright, so, let’s see. So, the first thing we're gonna do, I guess, if we're thinking about this romanphlet…I should have watched a romcom.
Oh, let me go, 'cause I think I have it analyzed. Let me see here. ‘Cause…When Harry Met Sally…I’ve actually never seen that movie, or You Got Mail. Is that the same two characters in different romances? No, Tom Hanks is in one, right, and Billy Crystal’s in the other one? Okay, so, let’s see how we go here. Alright, so, the…so, there’s the Save the Cat model, right? So, I looked at that. So…okay, so, yeah, establish premise and hook. Oh no, that’s not Save the Cat. That’s another…something else…research. Premise and hook; let’s remember that, and…or who…well, that’s not…that’s different. That’s the story. Okay, here’s the Save the Cat model, which I haven't used for Sleep With Me, so I’m not…opening image…okay, so, that’s helpful. Premise, hook, opening image.
Theme stated, set up…so, it looks like the Save the Cat is fifteen story points. Let’s just see…so, fifteen divided by six is like, a little bit more than two. Okay, so, let’s see in the first one if we can get to three, and then that would leave us for…twelve for the other five. So…okay, so, we’d have the opening image, the theme, and the setup. Okay, how do they explain that? Opening image, the tone, protagonist…life before the romance. Okay, so, at least for the opening image, it is like you, the hero, ordinary world…theme stated…introduces the central theme about whatever it is. Then the setup introduces the world, the supporting characters, and the stakes. So, need…what’s missing in the protagonist’s life? Okay, so, you need…but like…and then maybe saving…should we put the…? I don't know what they call it.
This is called the catalyst. I guess 'cause that would be the hook, right? Premise and hook. So, you have to have the hook on the first page. So, the first page has a lot of lifting to do. I guess in the Save the Cat one, we’d have to do all…maybe if the hook could be in the setup, I guess you’d have…and the Harmon-like hero’s journey model…you need…or ordinary world, call to adventure, or whatever. Okay, so, I think you need both those. Along this idea, at least on these ones, of like…so, premise and theme. So, I think…what do they call it? Your theme, I guess. There must be another one. I know Craig talks about it a lot when he talks about…I think he even uses the term ‘theme’. Like, what is the story really about, almost? What is this romanphlet really about? But this is interesting thinking about it, right?
So, this would be a big one to think about, is our opening panel, because we're gonna want to show…we're gonna want to choose one image, ideally, maybe two or maybe some symbolic…what do you call that? Laying the groundwork. What do you call…? Not premonition, but when you're showing…you're tipping your hat or…I don't…of what’s gonna happen later. But yeah, so, you have to show the person in their ordinary world and somehow also express a need. Wow, so, that is difficult to do…huh. So, this is the first challenge, but it’s…'cause you gotta get someone to, one…even the lead, right? So, the top-half…'cause a lot of pamphlets are gonna be in a pamphlet-holder, so you're only gonna see the top-half or third.
So, I’m trying to think of a romance that I’ve told before that I can't even remember…I get the last few ones we’ve told that were barely romantic mixed up. But I did kinda look at this analysis of Harry Met Sally. But I don't know, I didn’t watch the movie, so, I don't know, that’s kinda hard. Plus, I’m trying to be creative, you know? I don't know, is Frozen…? I mean, it has romantic elements and it’s about sisterhood and friendship, too. So, I don't know, I’m trying to think…I’ve never told…I’m not…I don't write romantic fiction. Okay, so, maybe we get meta here. What was I saying? Okay, a person…we’ll do…let’s just do our premise of the meet cute at the pamphlet stand. We’ll get meta and…so, there’s a character, Scoots, Drew. Now, we have two choices with him.
Is he trying to write a pamphlet to put in the pamphlet thing to get the attention…? Yeah, so, I guess…okay, this is more movie…story-like. I think the meet…he’s trying to create his own meet cute. I think a meet cute at the pamphlet stand is good, but it’s just…it’s a story I’d have to work harder at. But this one…so, it’s a through…it’s a stop on the New York State through…no, not on the throughway; on the highway. Not a paid road. I know there’s a new one that comes…so, it’s a tourist stop and…so, in New York State, there’s one on Route 81, I believe, not that long if you cross from Pennsylvania into New York State, maybe? So, it’s a place you could use the restroom. I think there’s one or two places to eat, and then there’s a lot of tourist information.
It’s to promote tourism in the state, and it has a lot of pamphlets as well as those magazines that are also like pamphlets. So, in this example, let’s imagine it’s a little bit larger than the one I’m picturing. So, there’s multiple places to eat, and maybe Scooter is the one who stocks the pamphlets. He works for Pamphlet International. So, he only goes there, whatever, once a month, and of course he’s gonna get a coffee. So, he falls in love with the barista or he has a crush on the barista. Or, maybe not; maybe someone one step removed. Maybe it’s like a higher…a real…so, yeah, maybe she’s…I don't know what ‘barista’ means, actually. So, maybe it’s like a specialty sandwich shop, and she is a sandwich chef. So, she doesn't interact with the customers, but it’s kinda like one of those open kitchens or whatever.
So, we’ve seen her before but never interacted with her, except for…I don't know how you’d do that in the…right now I’m just trying to figure out the story, right? So, he’s…had a crush on her, been attracted to her, I guess. Then at some point they interact by the thing and he…while he’s stocking it, she’s…happens to be…excuse me, I gotta stock these pamphlets. You looking to go to…spelunking or whatever? Maybe she’s the one that knows a lot about stalactites and stalagmites, and Scooter’s…I wouldn't know one…the difference between them if one was poking me in the rear. Maybe she giggles at that. But then they never interact again. He keeps hoping he’ll run into her. Maybe he waves at her, but she’s always making sandwiches, right? So, she’s busy. So, he decides to make a pamphlet.
Maybe this is the first romanphlet ever made. This is good. This is so meta, which is so Sleep With Me. So, we're telling the story…I guess it’s not…it’s a meet cute, okay? ‘Cause they met…the first time they met was at the pamphlet stand. Okay, so, we're sticking to that. I guess if we were doing that, the whole image…again, this is a little hard to figure out. Again, we're just…I guess we're just figuring right now…is…a good image, though, would be their…the old popcorn touching hands things, you know, when you're on a first date in a movie or whatever. Maybe it was in Tales of Fourth-Grade Nothing. But your hands touch in the popcorn or…and then it’s like…so, it could be like their hands touching over a pamphlet. I don't know. Are we trapped in someone’s imagination or what?
But I guess we would want to show that’s not quite enough. So, we could tuck more than one…maybe we need more than one…that’s the image, I guess. Let’s just say that. So, we have a image, we have a general idea of the story. We're just not quite sure how to tell the story in this context. But I guess the story would be you…Scoots needs…he has a crush on the sandwich-crafter, but there’s not really a way for them to interact 'cause he’s on…he gets paid by…oh no, you gotta be at this throughway stop at this time to change out the pamphlets. But he’s had that…he had seen her from afar, then they had connected. So, I guess you could have panels of…or maybe…I don't know. I guess it would be a good image to have a lonely person standing…I guess you could even be more on the nose.
Like, maybe he gets…maybe the first image…or, this would be the emotional image. I’m not exactly sure how we do this, but he’s standing in front of an empty pamphlet stand with just one pamphlet of…or maybe there’s pamphlets on the floor or maybe he’s holding pamphlets in his hand. ‘Cause there’s that place in Pennsylvania that has a funny name where courses come together or something like that. Or, Vermont’s for lovers? Is that what state’s for lovers? I’m never sure which one it is, but that has a bumper sticker. So, maybe he’s standing at the pamphlet stand and that thing is there, and he’s looking longingly at a beautiful character, but she’s just so far at a distance. This would be better as a piece of art than reality. She’s crafting a sandwich far away.
I guess if I just be myself, people…the times I’ve had to make presentations, sometimes people have come up to me and said…so, the loneliness part I guess I could be the model for, just of internal loneliness or whatever. Okay, so, that’s a start of an emotional image, right? So, that’s the ‘you’ and the ‘need’, and then the ‘go’ and the ‘find’…we’ll look at the Save the Cat version. But it’s like…I guess we're leading…we still need the premise. Well, I guess the premise…could a pamphlet make someone…could a pamphlet ever trigger romance? I would say I can't…you can't go so far as ‘could a pamphlet make someone fall in love with you?’. So, I don't know, is that the theme or whatever? But we're getting there. But I guess you would have to have the hook, but that’s already into the ‘go’ or the ‘find’.
But the idea that he’s gonna craft a pamphlet probably should be on the first panel, or am I overdoing it? ‘Cause it’s like, why would you…? Love at the pamphlet stand; I guess that would be…if you saw that, love in a pamphlet…love in a pamphlet…I guess if that was the first text…and that was the first image for the lead, right? So, the top-half to third, that would be pretty good. I think that would be good for at least getting someone to pick up the pamphlet. Now, our next goal is to get them to read the bottom half and to either want to take the pamphlet with them or read the rest of the pamphlet, and then…which is good. Our premise is pretty good. So, the first image would be something like that, where it’s maybe…I think that’s a decent one. Then…maybe that’s the first…I guess that would be the first half.
So, the bottom half, we're still trying to get the theme and the setup, right? We get the general opening image, kinda getting the idea of the theme. You, need, go…we get to the ‘go’, which is…or do we need something more? I guess maybe if you had…the next panel would be the inciting incident, is like when they connect. So, just again, getting…emotionally, we’re not locking anything in, but the next stage of the pamphlet…romanphlets are…it’s not just a pamphlet; it’s a romanphlet…would be where they meet at the pamphlet stand. So, this is kind of like having some elements of comic books or comic strips. So, they're…I guess maybe you would do mini-panels. I think the image of two hands connecting…maybe there’s even…maybe it is real sparks? I don't…again, we're just thinking emotionally right now, or story-wise.
Like static electricity…it’s like, oh boy, that’s…I mean, again, I guess…let’s just flesh it out. No bad ideas. So, are you interested in spelunking? No. Then we’d have to start thinking about…I guess this is just my story brain. What’s her B plot, right? Why is she pro…or what is it about spelunking to her that, again, would make an interesting B plot that’s like a double…? Whatever, turns a couple times, right? What is it, something from her family past, something from her romantic past, and something she has to get over. But somehow that’s…becomes the key to their romance or their true connection, or maybe they don’t connect. So…I mean, maybe it’s like you prefer…I don't know.
Again, I don't know how we’d do this, but I think a image of the hands connecting and maybe there being static electricity…how you would do that effectively, I don't know, but as well as some dialogue. Again, this is a new artform, right? Or it’s like a artform that is…I’m trying to develop into…I’m sure other people have done it. So, it’s like he’s trying to…whatever. You say, dude, this is exactly like a comic. Okay, but it’s a romanphlet. I get it. It’s like I’m adjusting a couple things. So, he’s…I don't know, he’s not good at small talk. So, he’s trying to make small talk about the pamphlets. It goes not well, but there’s still a open door somehow.
So, that would be…I guess ending with a thematic question versus a theme would be important, of like…or maybe she states the thematic question in a indirect, accidental way, of like, I’ve never found…I’ve never had a pamphlet…maybe it’s something like…again, this is too much dialogue, but…man, all these pamphlets advertise all these great places, but in the end, it always ends up being a disappointment. In the end, it almost always ends up being a disappointment. Okay, so then, both these characters in different ways…that’s the romantic experience thus far before this cute meet-up, right? So, they…yeah, they connect there at the romanphlet, and she states it somehow.
Like, I guess, yeah, it could be a two-pamphlet choice versus…nah, I definitely think spelunking’s one just 'cause I’m stuck on it for some reason. Also, it has…even though spelunking tends to be in cool places, there’s a lot of imagery that’s warm and…whatever. Could be allusions to back-sweating. Then some other choice that’s much more romantic, whatever…blah, blah, country. Maybe that’s it; it’s like, are you choosing a cold cave over…? Maybe it’s even Valentine’s Day? I don't know. Again, this would be impossible to…but we had…but I think she states both their experience, which is like, it really doesn't matter which one. I don't know, maybe the image of like…oh yeah, I like to go caving alone, hiking alone, some sort of solitary thing.
I don't know, I guess both characters can't be solitary, but…I don't know, I guess none of these…it never matches the images. The experience never lives up to the hype, kinda thing. So, the thematic question would be something along those lines. This is, again, breaking those rules. But it was like, can romance…does…is romance always a disappointment or can romance ever live up to the hype? I guess that’s the question for them to answer. I guess it’s a good way to end it, too, 'cause that’s a hook, right, is if we work on that question enough, we’ll be like, is that a hook to get people…? It’s like, okay, so, you see the opening image, pamphlets in love or whatever I said, love in pamphlet form or whatever it is, and then…does…can love ever…?
Whatever it is, that thematic question at the bottom with a little bit…one or two other images, maybe, and maybe one other thing. It could just be that. Why this or that? Well, this, that, and then that. So, we could minimize it, I think, with the big image, the hands, with two…maybe a two-pamphlet choice, then them…that way you’d have both those…all those displayed somehow. I guess maybe it could be like a comic where it’s like, static electric. Then, yeah, then the thematic question of like, can romance ever live up to the hype?
She’s stating it about the pamphlets. So, I guess that’s where we’ll leave off this romanphlet episode. I don't know if we’ll be back in February of 2026 or what, but I’m intrigued. Maybe we’ll be back sooner than that. I don't know. Let me know what you think if you want me to continue romanphletting. But I think this is…now it’s helping me be like, could this be something we actually do down the road? I like to dream big. Thanks, everybody, and goodnight.
(Transcription performed by LeahTranscribes)
Seasonal / Holiday
Call-In Shows
Santa Cruz Mystery Spot
Save The Cat
Remember RomComCon and MIDLR
And DateMoi!
Time to talk about romancelets
Sleep With Me Plus; SleepPhones; Bedtime Stories from Sleep With Me; Rusty Biscuit Links; Emily Tat Artwork; Crisis Textline; Referral Program
Helix Sleep; Zocdoc; Progressive; Anker Soundcore; Dave’s Killer Bread; Acorns
Forgetfulness, how could I forget that?
Thoughts About Thoughts, the call-in show in my brain
Explaining call-in shows
I guess that still exists in sports radio
Wide Open Wednesday
Call in with thoughts about Scooter’s thoughts
Discussing Scooter misquoting Reba McEntire
Forgetting Marshall McLuhan
What in the name of Walt Whitman!
A shared understanding that something stinks
In case you haven’t noticed, this show is very different
Sorry Walt and Marshall, I’m not sure I’ve read your works
Is it McLuhan? Clue Me In
Time traveling to my youth with Walt and Marshall
Understanding the joke backside of water
I’m in a pointless meander, I’m not a pointless meander
Don’t push your luck with Mr. McLuhan
Old Jacob Borely Boreloff
I want to watch a certain Jason Segel show, now that I’ve said Marshall so many times
These tangents are gifts to me from some mysterious place
100% chance I’ve disappointed Walt Whitman
1000% chance I’ve disappointed Marshall McLuhan
I’m the rear end of all my jokes
Welcome to a DateMoi, heart-shaped episode
However you celebrate the heart-shaped season
Back when I was working as a librarian…
Organizing mass market paperbacks
Mass Market Romance had a pink dot on the spine
How do you categorize Nora Roberts?
Degrees of Sweaty Back Romantic Fiction
I have respect for people who create regularly
I promise those books were deeply crafted
RomCon does actually exist, I guess
RomComCon might exist
Making Romance into a Pamphlet
What if DateMoi sponsored a Romamphlet
I still don’t get Venmo, alas
Creating a dating app just for myself
My life will probably change after my daughter moves away for college
Archetypes of Pamphlets
Pamphlets in hotel lobbies
I guess you don’t find them in airports, huh
But you do find them in state-run comfort areas
But they’re everywhere in the hotels and motels I stay in
The Santa Cruz Mystery Spot
It would contain basic information and perhaps some coupons
If you’re curious about being sober, definitely take some pamphlets
Pamphlets about blowing kisses to your dog
Pamphlets plant a seed nowadays
I’d like to have a pamphlet from Dollywood
Zines are the cousins of Pamphlets
Fictional Mass-Market Pamphlets
Meet Cute Pamphlets
Maybe you meet cute looking at pamphlets
Referring back to the Dan Harmon story circle
Different Story Models
Audience – attendees of RomCon and lovers of Romance
Purpose – to tell a romantic story
How will our pamphlet be oriented
Z-Fold vs Tri Fold vs Bi Fold
6 panels is probably good
I have 6 panels to tell a romance
Front panel should have a catchphrase
Back panel has contact info and call to action
How do you put a 3-act structure in 4 panels?
Write catchy, digestible stuff
Direct, compelling call to action
A Call To Romance
No More than 3 Font Styles
Avoid Clutter, uh oh
Use feedback for future pamphlets
Let’s look at some examples
A travel agency pamphlet
Escape to (Romantic) Paradise
Charts and icons would be interesting in a romance…right?
Warm and inviting imagery
You need pictures so I guess we’ll use collages
Making collages will be fun
Getting more and more zine-like
Analyzing a non-profit Z fold about water
Establishing emotional connection
Problem-Solving Structure
A single-page pamphlet for a smartwatch
I should’ve watched a romcom
I’ve never seen When Harry Met Sally
Are When Harry Met Sally and You’ve Got Mail about the same people?
The Save The Cat model
Page 1 – Opening Image, Theme, Setup
Page 1 has to do a lot of heavy lifting
The First Challenge
And it really has to fit in the top half (or third) of page 1
Have I told a good romance lately?
Let’s Get Meta
Meet Cute at the Pamphlet Stand
Drew is trying to create his own meet cute
A stop on the highway
Multiple Places to Eat
Scooter stocks the pamphlets for Pamphlet International
He falls in a love with a sandwich chef
A specialty sandwich shop
Brief flirting about pamphlets
She’s too busy to talk with him
Maybe Scooter is making the first romamphlet
The Old Popcorn Touching Thing
Hands touch over a pamphlet, maybe
Which state is for lovers?
A model of internal loneliness
Can a pamphlet make you fall in love with someone?
Love in a Pamphlet
Next goal: read the bottom half of page 1 (and the rest)
What is our sandwich chef’s B-plot? Why does she like spelunking?
Taking the structure of a comic
He’s not good at small talk, but an open door remains
She states the theme accidentally
Allusions to Back Sweating
Maybe they’re choosing which romamphlet they prefer
She likes to cave alone
Both characters can’t be solitary
Can Romance ever live up to the hype?
That’s our hook!
Maybe we’ll continue this romamphlet in 2026
Let me know!
Episode: 1325
Title: Romance in a Pamphlet
Plugs: Sleep With Me Plus; SleepPhones; Bedtime Stories from Sleep With Me; Rusty Biscuit Links; Emily Tat Artwork; Crisis Textline; Referral Program
Sponsors: Helix Sleep; Zocdoc; Progressive; Anker Soundcore; Dave’s Killer Bread; Acorns
Notable Language:
- Doublethink
- Wide Open Wednesday
- What in the name of Walt Whitman!
- Old Jacob Borely Boreloff
- The Heart-Shaped Season
- Degrees of Sweaty Back Romantic Fiction
- Romamphlet
- Archetypes of Pamphlets
- Fictional Mass-Market Pamphlets
- A Call To Romance
- Let’s Get Meta
- Spelunking
Notable Culture:
- Thoughts About Thoughts, the call-in show in my brain
- Reba McEntire
- Marshall McLuhan
- Walt Whitman
- Jacob Marley / A Christmas Carol
- Boris Karloff
- Jason Segel
- How I Met Your Mother
- Nora Roberts
- Blaze
- Venmo
- The Mystery Spot
- Dollywood
- Dan Harmon
- Scott McLoud
- When Harry Met Sally
- You’ve Got Mail
- Craig Mazin
Notable Talking Points:
- Forgetfulness, how could I forget that?
- Doublethink
- Thoughts About Thoughts, the call-in show in my brain
- Explaining call-in shows
- I guess that still exists in sports radio
- Wide Open Wednesday
- Call in with thoughts about Scooter’s thoughts
- Discussing Scooter misquoting Reba McEntire
- Forgetting Marshall McLuhan
- What in the name of Walt Whitman!
- A shared understanding that something stinks
- In case you haven’t noticed, this show is very different
- Sorry Walt and Marshall, I’m not sure I’ve read your works
- Is it McLuhan? Clue Me In
- Time traveling to my youth with Walt and Marshall
- Understanding the joke backside of water
- I’m in a pointless meander, I’m not a pointless meander
- Don’t push your luck with Mr. McLuhan
- Old Jacob Borely Boreloff
- I want to watch a certain Jason Segel show, now that I’ve said Marshall so many times
- These tangents are gifts to me from some mysterious place
- 100% chance I’ve disappointed Walt Whitman
- 1000% chance I’ve disappointed Marshall McLuhan
- I’m the rear end of all my jokes
- Welcome to a DateMoi, heart-shaped episode
- However you celebrate the heart-shaped season
- Back when I was working as a librarian…
- Organizing mass market paperbacks
- Mass Market Romance had a pink dot on the spine
- How do you categorize Nora Roberts?
- Degrees of Sweaty Back Romantic Fiction
- I have respect for people who create regularly
- I promise those books were deeply crafted
- RomCon does actually exist, I guess
- RomComCon might exist
- Making Romance into a Pamphlet
- Romamphlet
- What if DateMoi sponsored a Romamphlet
- I still don’t get Venmo, alas
- Creating a dating app just for myself
- My life will probably change after my daughter moves away for college
- Archetypes of Pamphlets
- Pamphlets in hotel lobbies
- I guess you don’t find them in airports, huh
- But you do find them in state-run comfort areas
- But they’re everywhere in the hotels and motels I stay in
- The Santa Cruz Mystery Spot
- It would contain basic information and perhaps some coupons
- If you’re curious about being sober, definitely take some pamphlets
- Pamphlets about blowing kisses to your dog
- Pamphlets plant a seed nowadays
- I’d like to have a pamphlet from Dollywood
- Zines are the cousins of Pamphlets
- Fictional Mass-Market Pamphlets
- Meet Cute Pamphlets
- Maybe you meet cute looking at pamphlets
- Referring back to the Dan Harmon story circle
- Different Story Models
- Audience – attendees of RomCon and lovers of Romance
- Purpose – to tell a romantic story
- How will our pamphlet be oriented
- Z-Fold vs Tri Fold vs Bi Fold
- 6 panels is probably good
- I have 6 panels to tell a romance
- Front panel should have a catchphrase
- Back panel has contact info and call to action
- How do you put a 3-act structure in 4 panels?
- Write catchy, digestible stuff
- Direct, compelling call to action
- A Call To Romance
- No More than 3 Font Styles
- Avoid Clutter, uh oh
- Use feedback for future pamphlets
- Let’s look at some examples
- A travel agency pamphlet
- Escape to (Romantic) Paradise
- Charts and icons would be interesting in a romance…right?
- Warm and inviting imagery
- You need pictures so I guess we’ll use collages
- Making collages will be fun
- Getting more and more zine-like
- Analyzing a non-profit Z fold about water
- Establishing emotional connection
- Problem-Solving Structure
- A single-page pamphlet for a smartwatch
- I should’ve watched a romcom
- I’ve never seen When Harry Met Sally
- Are When Harry Met Sally and You’ve Got Mail about the same people?
- The Save The Cat model
- Page 1 – Opening Image, Theme, Setup
- Page 1 has to do a lot of heavy lifting
- The First Challenge
- And it really has to fit in the top half (or third) of page 1
- Have I told a good romance lately?
- Let’s Get Meta
- Meet Cute at the Pamphlet Stand
- Drew is trying to create his own meet cute
- A stop on the highway
- Multiple Places to Eat
- Scooter stocks the pamphlets for Pamphlet International
- He falls in a love with a sandwich chef
- A specialty sandwich shop
- Brief flirting about pamphlets
- She’s too busy to talk with him
- Maybe Scooter is making the first romamphlet
- The Old Popcorn Touching Thing
- Hands touch over a pamphlet, maybe
- Which state is for lovers?
- A model of internal loneliness
- Can a pamphlet make you fall in love with someone?
- Love in a Pamphlet
- Next goal: read the bottom half of page 1 (and the rest)
- What is our sandwich chef’s B-plot? Why does she like spelunking?
- Taking the structure of a comic
- He’s not good at small talk, but an open door remains
- She states the theme accidentally
- Allusions to Back Sweating
- Maybe they’re choosing which romamphlet they prefer
- She likes to cave alone
- Both characters can’t be solitary
- Can Romance ever live up to the hype?
- That’s our hook!
- Maybe we’ll continue this romamphlet in 2026
- Let me know!