Superbowl Sandwich “The Lich” | Real Time Recipe Listener Fav #489
A listener favorite where Scooter starts some sleepy sandwiches.
Episode 1265a – Superbowl Sandwich “The Lich” | Real Time Recipe Listener Fav #489
SCOOTER: Hey everybody, this is Scoots, and this is a Subscriber Summer episode where on Sleep With Me+ we’re putting out wild bonus episodes for Subscriber Summer. Here in the ad-supported podcast, we’re revisiting old favorites, and this is a style of episode we haven't done in a while called Real Time Recipes. This is one from back…almost…what, 800 episodes ago? Eight minus five…yeah, almost 800 episodes, 700, 800 episodes ago. But if you’re…so, if you like these episodes, please let me know about it.
Think about joining Sleep With Me+ and say, hey, I joined Sleep With Me+; I want you to think about making more Real Time Recipe episodes, and we may be doing more in the future. We’re working on finding ways to do that. But also, if you join Sleep With Me+, there’s gonna be bonus content related to this, like maybe me making this recipe. I don't know, I haven't done it yet. I mean, I haven't done any of the bonus content yet, but it’ll probably be some kind of video or pictorial. So, another reason to join Sleep With Me+. Be a part of our discord community, 'cause that’s where a lot of that stuff goes. Without further ado, here’s past Scoots.
Ladies and gentlemen, boys and girls, and friends beyond the binary, it’s time for the podcaster that…I’m not…this isn’t…I said, geez, I could go for a salt lick. I’m talking about one right out of the package, gerbil-size. I was like, what am I gonna do as the opening? Then another said, hey, I could go for a salt lick. Remember what those tasted…? Anyway, it did…I did taste…please tell me it was a clean one. But it’s time for Sleep With Me, the podcast that puts you to sleep, and that’s it. Let’s get on with the program.
INTRO: [INTRO MUSIC] Hey, are you up all night tossing, turning, mind racing? Trouble getting to sleep? Trouble staying asleep? Well, welcome. This is Sleep With Me, the podcast that’s here to put you to sleep. We do it with a bedtime story. Alls you need to do is get in bed, turn out the lights, and press Play. I’m gonna do the rest. What I’m gonna do is create a safe place where you can set aside whatever’s keeping you awake, whether it’s thoughts, things you’re thinking about, things…something you’re physically feeling or dealing with, anything emotional that’s coming up. Those are things that could mess…get in the way of sleep. I almost said ‘messing’, but, I don't know, that’s…messing it up, that’s a little harsh.
But it could be outside noises, it could be a snoring partner, or it just…whatever’s keeping you awake, whether it’s some of that stuff or something you’re dealing with that maybe I haven't experienced. I’m pretty sure I can relate, and that’s why I make this podcast, 'cause I’ve been there, and that’s why I send my voice across the deep, dark night. That’s why I work so hard to create a safe place where you feel welcome, where…I don't know if I do anything, necessarily, but ideally you feel treated with dignity and respect, 'cause I say, hey, come on in. I’m glad you’re here and I really hope I can help you fall asleep. That’s what I say at the end of the intro.
But I am glad you’re here, 'cause if you’re…you know, there’s…I don't know how many people are into fan…not fantasy…there’s a lot of…I talk about fanfiction that I’ve been working on a lot, and in the fantasy genre of fiction, that’s…Game of Thrones would be an example of that. There’s also a podcast called The Magic Tavern. Of course my brain is screwing it up. I want to say it’s Tales From the Magic Tavern and I can never…I always…but anyway, all these things, they feature these inns. Like, I-N-N, an inn. It’s always nighttime, it feels like, at these inns when you see them.
You don’t see them very often in the day, but…'cause…and at night they got the candles and the fireplace and the ale and there’s bowls, usually…I think usually they serve a lot of stew and then maybe some sort of…there’s roasting going on, and it’s warm and you’re supposed to close the door when you go in. I think you’re supposed to shuffle your feet and then look…then, you know, it depends on the plot what you would do next. I always wonder…maybe I’ll do a podcast one day from the life of an NPC, non-player character. They don’t really get any…they don’t get enough props, you know? What happens when they go in the inn? It’s not like Cheers where everybody knows their name. They say, what are you…? You’re just supposed to reveal a part of the plot, aren’t you?
They say, no, no, no, I’m just there…yeah, I’m supposed to tell you to go dig in the hay for the key to Meister Flynn’s barn where you’ll find the missing egg that you have to…that whole thing, if that’s a game. That’s not usually in fiction. I guess that’s a long-winded way of saying the spirit of the fantasy inn…no, no, don’t get that wrong with fan…that kind of fantasy inn or Fantasy Island. Now I’m starting to write fantasy…fantasy, fantasy fiction. The Fantasy Inn, where fantasy, fantasy fiction takes place. I don't know, maybe I’ll write…maybe I’ll work on that one in 2030. But anyway, this is way off…if you’re new here, welcome. The podcast is a little bit…I go…I just went off the rails. There was no…there are rails in this podcast, but they’re rubber rails.
Instead of being like those iron rails that you see on train tracks or whatever the heck they’re made out of, steel, iron, hard stuff, these rails are made from…they’re rubbery rails and they’ve been in…they’re warped and rubbery and they’ve been in the sun, weather-worn. Of course I installed the rails, and I’m not…I’m no craftsman. When you see…Drew or Scooter, the two people behind this podcast that both occupy a space within me…if you say…have you ever stopped…? You’ll never see either one of us in the same sentence as ‘bespoke’ or ‘hand’…unless it’s broke, like I broke something bespoke. I’m just not…I can craft lulls, but those are more smushing and smoshing than crafting. What was I saying? So, if you’re new here, welcome. This podcast is a safe place where you can set aside whatever’s keeping you awake.
I send my voice across the deep, dark night. I use these creaky, dulcet tones, the rubbery rails of something…I wish I could rhyme with my…rhyming rubbery rails of…rh-rhyme, rh-rom, you know? But where I craft the feel of an inn without…for just the non-player characters, you know, between the action, where there’s a lot of thumb-twiddling, eat…mostly just people are in there eating, discussing regular matters. Well, how’s things down at the barn? Well, not bad. That kid took that egg that was…no, no, your barn had the key. Yeah, would you…? How’d that key get in the hay? Well, that soldier fell asleep with it. Remember? Oh, that’s right. Anyway, this is the best…I’m gonna dip some bread in…that would be the most boring inn in the world, and that’s…but it’s warm.
Most importantly, when I start the podcast out, I want it to feel inviting. Like I said, you see these inns at night and they’re inviting. They exude warmth and warm light and they’re a place where…those of you…I don't know what I would drink at an inn 'cause I don't know what they serve for people like me that can't drink anymore, and I don't think…as much as I say the inn is inviting, I don't think I would just drink straight water. I guess I’d have a tea because that would be boiled. Bring me a flagon of your finest water. Don’t; don’t do that. Bring me a flagon of your finest water after you’ve put boiled water in the flagon to clean it, then boiled the water, covered it, and then serve it to me at room temperature. That’s a dream. Nothing like room-temperature water. Never mind; I guess I’m not…I guess I just will bring my own.
No, no thank you, I don't want any milk, either, from your inn. What would I drink at an inn? This is a good question, 'cause they definitely don’t have sparkling water, so that’s out, and iced tea…I guess a cold tea. Well, they don’t have ice, Scoots. Good, glad you…thanks for pointing that out. I guess it would be tea, 'cause I don't think they had coffee, either. I don't think in the fantasy books…maybe they do. I’d like a coffee, depending on the time of day. They said…the person would be like, are you still talking? We have ale. I say, okay, I guess…they say, can't…? I guess I’ll just drink my stew, the water…exactly. Okay, great. Believe it or not, I’m in the middle of a podcast intro. Sorry about that. So, this is a podcast that’s…it’s supposed to be inviting like an inn before I start talking too much.
If you’re new here, the way the structure of the show works is we have a little business section at the beginning; that keeps the lights on and lets us do some promotion and stuff. That takes about five minutes, then we’re about nine minutes into this intro. Usually our intros are somewhere around twelve, fourteen minutes, and they’re kind of like a show within themselves where I show what shouldn’t be told. Or, I say…and I can't shake it. Sometimes my brain gets…that’s one of the things with these rubbery rails; they’re in my brain. That’s how I designed them, you know, the exterior ones that run the podcast. But they also run my brain, these rubbery rails, and they won't let go of…I mean, my brain’s not done. It said, well, really, if we find ourselves in an inn, what are we gonna drink?
‘Cause it’s…I guess I gotta be honest with you listeners 'cause you’re here, you give me…I don't think I want tea. Modern tea, it’s…I don't know. That’s the kind of discussions that I’m here to distract you from. You know, when you lie down, if suddenly an internal debate creeps up, crops up, they say, well…and then you say, well, geez, you’ve got…you have appearances to keep up. You can't just go into an inn and not know what you’re gonna order. I say, wow, that’s a lot of pressure for something that doesn't exist on this planet except in fiction. So, I don't see…they say, well, okay, that’s your life.
If you wanted to live it that way, I guess you don’t know…clearly if you end up…I’m just saying, if…what if George R. R. Martin calls, or Weiss and Benioff, and they say, well, we built an inn and we’d like to have a meeting with you there? What are you gonna order then? I don't know. I guess I’d have more to worry…I guess I’d have other things…is that what…? Yeah, of course that’s what I’d have you worry about. I wouldn't…okay, I’m in the…I gotta get back to this podcast intro. But that’s the kind of stuff that can keep me up at night, and that’s one of the reasons I make the show, to take your mind off whatever it is that’s keeping you awake. So, you don’t need to take me seriously. That part should be clear. I can't even…I still can barely get through…I’m barely gonna be able to make it through the end of this intro.
My brain…lemonade; do you have lemonade here? No; you don’t know what a lemon is. Terrific. I’m still at this inn 'cause it’s so warm and inviting, just like this podcast. I will try to get…you sure you don’t have any lemons? I could show you how to make lemonade. No. Okay. There’s no citrus in this region, they just said. Oh boy, they said something about the wizard that lives up on the mountain in citrus…so, I could be…I better close this intro out. So, I’m glad you’re here. You’re under no pressure to fall asleep. I’ll be here for about an hour to keep you company, so I’ll be meandering and giving it my all the whole time. But you also don’t need to listen or pay attention. You could just kick back and relax.
I’ll be here to take your mind off of stuff, to keep you company, to say, well, at least I don't got Scoots’ problems, or just make…lightly guffaw. If you’re new, this podcast, it takes a couple times to get an idea if you…you should know right away if you dislike it. Don’t put too much pressure…like I said, you’re under no pressure to fall asleep. So, the podcast, at the same time, shouldn’t…it’s a no-pressure situation, unlike this inn situation that’s somewhere in some part of my brain still being carried out. So, give it a few tries. If you’re skeptical, I…I mean, I can't even frickin’ order something in an imaginary inn that’s within my brain, so you don’t need to take me seriously. You should be skeptical. But I’ve been there in the deep, dark night and that’s why I do this, and that’s why every episode I say I’m glad you’re here, and I really hope and I really yearn to help you fall asleep, and thanks for stopping by.
Hey, so good to see you. Are you ready to do some shopping pretty soon? Yeah? What’s the occasion? Well, the occasion is either…I don't know. Is it the soon…upcoming Superbowl Sunday or recently-passed Superbowl Sunday? It’s that occasion, whichever it may be, 'cause I have some super sandwiches, one of which was named accidentally. I call it the Lich, L-I-C-H, which is kind of a play on the…I think that’s a…I guess maybe you don’t want to think about it. I think that’s a name from…that would be…they would talk about at an inn. But I thought we’d cook up two sandwiches and something to drink, 'cause I don't know if you…do you listen to my podcast? Sometimes. Oof. We’re…really? Sometimes? Well, I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to make it…I know you didn’t mean to…it doesn't hurt. No, no, it doesn't hurt.
It just looks like it on my face and my body language that it hurts. I mean, I do know I put out three episodes a week. I don't expect you to listen. I just…I guess…I’m sorry, that’s a lot of pressure. I just…because you’re…I thought you listened to every episode for some reason. You don’t have to; I know. I’ll get over it. Yeah, it’s…this is…I guess this…that’s the pain you see on my face, a growing pain, growing used to that my friend doesn't listen to every podcast episode. I know, they’re not…every episode isn’t for everybody. But…oh, do you listen to the intro that just took place? That was my question, because I said if I was at an inn in a fantasy tale…no, no, no…don’t know…that word has…for me, it has too many meanings. But in a Dragonlance-style story…or Dragonlance sometimes is a little too bright, I think.
I don't know…but in a…you know what I mean. In a DnD game, if I was at an inn, I don't know what I would order to drink, so I thought we’d make a drink that has a certain connotation for me. Then in honor of Superbowl Sunday, it’s…pending or posting, I thought we’d make two sandwiches that I affiliate…I did make once for Superbowl Sunday, one of the sandwiches, and then one I just invented, the Lich, L-I-C-H, I think. The Lich Sandwich I just invented. It’s a riff…it’s more of a riff than an invention…on this other sandwich. So, you ready to go? Is there anything you should know about Trader Joe…? No. No, since the last we talked, nothing new at Trader Joe's. I mean, I guess I say, geez, is…am I growing? The last episode I said, can I be attracted without a crush? I say, yes, 'cause that’s what’s still happening.
I say, well, that person is attractive. Then, can I feel attractive? Let’s just not go…can we just not go there, please? I’d rather not talk about that. I know we have to talk about something awkward. It just makes the time fly by for you, I know, but I don't have a crush, not even in a…okay, there’s one thing, but it’ll be when we’re in the meat section. Yes, I…something…yes, it’s embarrassing, of course. Of course it is. Well, do you want me to…? I guess I don't need to spoil it 'cause I’m involved, so you already know how…let’s buy…let’s fly by the magic of podcasts to Trader Joe's. Oh, before we go in…let’s see. I got a list of things. This time I tried to write it down.
We need some iced tea, lemons, limes, sugar…iced tea, pretzel bagels, paper towels, eggs, cheddar, Swiss, pastrami, mayo, coleslaw, pumpernickel, bacon, potato…bacon ends, potato pancakes, hashbrowns…I think that’s everything. Something tells me we should buy some coleslaw, but I don't know…oh no, that’s what it says; coleslaw, on the list. That’s why…the list…I was thinking of sauerkraut, though. So, let’s grab a cart and take a right, and…oh, you want to get to the embarrassing stuff right away. No, no, we gotta tease it out. We gotta tease it out. It doesn't work as good when we just do it. Anyway, so, we do need to use the magic of podcasting to make some coleslaw appear. Oh, traditional coleslaw…and I know you can make coleslaw and there’s all these new style of slaws, which I do like the idea of a broccoli slaw.
But for this particular recipe, we do kinda need the mayo-based, old-fashioned carrot-and-cabbage slaw, which is right there, 'cause I’ve actually never seen it at Trader Joe's. But look at…that must be the…the spirit of slaw just made that. So, grab that. Then, I don't know if we need anything else healthy, just coleslaw, which I think is faux-healthy. Then we’re gonna go here, and right up here on the right is their luncheon…do they still call these luncheon meats? Or deli meat, I think they…when did it become deli meat? Yeah, this is one thing I wouldn't normally buy here at Trader Joe's, other than lunch…turkey for lunch, but this…we’re gonna get this pastrami here. No, I haven't had it, and yes, it is…I do…I am a fan of Trader Joe's, but I’m not a Pollyanna.
I don't know what Pollyanna means; I just know how to use it in a sentence. I would assume Pollyanna is someone that loves everything. But anyway, let’s not…you pretty sure I am a Pollyanna for Trader Joe's? No, no, no, 'cause I don't…I would…if I had my [inaudible], I would only buy Boar’s Head luncheon meats. Or pastrami, I prefer to buy it from someplace that’s making the pastrami that day. But this will be masked by many…so many layers of things. Okay, so, we’re gonna get the pastrami, then right here are the cheeses. I decided we’d get…we’re gonna get the slices of sharp cheddar, yeah, and then Swiss. No, don’t get the light Swiss. I don't know what the difference is, but I want full Swiss. Okay, so, we have all that, and then the meat section’s coming up.
I know I told you I’ll meet you back…I’ll meet you back at the meat. You grab those bacon ends, the Trader Joe's bacon ends. It’s a roll of the dice. The last thing of bacon ends I got was a ten outta ten. It must have been some sort of smoked, high-end bacon that they chopped the ends off of. Now I’m gonna go get…I’m gonna just go across the way here and get pretzel bagels. Yes, I love pretzel bagels. I do, I do. You’re right. Then I’ll tell you the story, 'cause it happened right here at the meat section. Again, what happened? I guess…we gotta talk about it now? Okay, this…it just happened within the last…since I last saw you, right here. Yes, I…so, this was…I did…this one, I blew it big time. I blew it.
So, I was standing here…well, first…no, no, I did one of those ones where I came in and I said…they had a eye-contact situation, maybe first a glance situation where I said, hm, holy ponytail. Then there was a eye-contact situation and then a brief assessment, and then I did say that this is a healthy attraction I’m feeling. Then I said…then I, yes, I did snuff out…I blew out the candle of attractive hope or whatever you want to call it, whatever…I don't know, whatever…which metaphor you want to use. I said, well, that’s good…that was nice. Let’s just blow that out; correct. I got over here to the meat and maybe the…I think maybe it was…I don't want…why do we have to talk about this in the meat? ‘Cause it’s too metaphor-rich. Okay, well, we were…there was a brief side-by-side meat inspection, and I was looking at this pork roast.
Then she headed off, but then it was a re-thinking…I knew…it was like I was frozen, okay? Then, yeah, she came back to the meat thing, looked at the meat in my hand — I know that’s…but this is true; this is what happened — looked at me, and then maybe looked at the look on my…like, looked at my…looked at the roast I was holding, looked at me waiting for me to say something, waiting uncomfortably long, then saw the look of…probably misread the look of…the frozen look on my face, my slack jaw, the different flying things flying in and out, you know, all my fillings, of course, but I don't…I’m not self-conscious about that, but just with my slack jaw…and then even…then fuzted around with some of the…still one more…say, okay, I’ll give you one more chance to talk to me.
No, I didn’t say anything. I did contemplate asking a question about what I was holding in my hand. I don't know what happened. I got scared. I totalled…uncomfortably long. Like, the only thing missing was, are you gonna talk to me? The look said every…yeah. I think I had one more chance in the frozen food, but then it gets…then it’s just…that’s when…then it’s awkward, where I probably re-project something onto her, and then she says, well, this person’s…I don't know what that…their problem was. So, yeah, totally blew it. I was holding the roast in my hand. I even had…it was a bacon-wrapped roast. I could have…I could easily have talked about it or asked questions. I guess there was…yeah, there was the turning. It went from facing the meat to turning to me and facing my roast.
How was I holding the roast? Was I holding it…? I don't know where I was holding it; probably at waist-level, maybe at chest-level for protection. No, I’ll probably never again…it wasn’t a crush, though. No, not even a post-crush. I guess 'cause, yeah, it was totally…no, I mean, I guess not even…it wasn’t burned in my mind, other…now that we’re recapping it, my inability…I don't know. This happens to me where you say, well, geez, you got a podcast. You could talk boring for hours. Can't you talk about something interesting for one second? No. Can't do it. So, that was that situation. So, we got that out of the way. Thanks. We have pretzel bagels, we have bacon ends. Now we’re gonna grab a dozen eggs. You might want two dozen if you’re having a Superbowl party.
We’re gonna need this dark rye over here, pumpernickel. Now, it’s…again, I would buy this from somewhere else, but under the circumstances, this is what we’re gonna use. I don't know, I would prefer my pumpernickel or rye to be a little bit fresher and a little bit thicker. I’d probably get it at the same place we get the pastrami. At the Bay Area, you’d probably have to drive I think to a kosher deli in Oakland, maybe, or to some other place that specializes in pastrami I can't think of. I can't think of any place that’s making their own pastrami in a real way on a daily basis, or corned beef, yeah. Okay, so, we have the eggs and the cheddar, and we don’t really need anything…oh boy, we got…yep, I messed up. We gotta go back and get some lemons and limes.
Now, you’re gonna notice here — I don't know if this is a universal thing — lemons cost three times as much as limes. I don't know what’s up with that. I mean, no offense to the lemon, and maybe it was 'cause we did…I didn’t eat a lot of limes as kid, but a lime feels…we’re gonna buy six of each. Yeah, great. The bag of lemons, you’re swift; they are cheaper. Okay, then we’re gonna head down this aisle. Grab those paper towels. We definitely need paper towels; unfortunately we’re gonna waste paper. Not too much, but we will. Then we’re gonna grab sugar here. We’re gonna grab the refined sugar, yeah. You can grab the other kinds, but in this case…I mean, I would go on the assumption you have super-refined sugar at home from a regular supermarket, but we’ll buy some here 'cause it’s still good sugar to have around.
It’s just a little spendy to get refined sugar here when you’re not getting a full pound. I don't…or maybe that is a pound. I don't know. It doesn't…or maybe you get two-and-a-half pounds at the grocery store. I don't know. It is cane sugar; that’s nice. Then down here we’ll grab some mayo, and I realize mayo is a divisive thing. Holy cow, we forgot the most important ingredients back at the frozen-food aisle. Good thing I made a list. I’ll have to start doing this every single time. So, we’ll grab the mayo, and I realize mayo’s divisive, like I was saying, and…but you need it. I guess…and I don't know if it’s from eating breakfast sandwiches in New York City, that they have mayo.
I think they did, an egg-and-cheese sandwich, but I don't…I like having mayo on my breakfast sandwich, and I know that’s not for everybody, so that’s why you buy it and then you don’t have to put it on. I think I’ve told you this; yeah, I didn’t have mayo ‘til I was like twenty…somewhere between twenty and twenty-two, I think in Florida. It was first…dijonnaise was my first foray, which I think was mayonnaise and dijon mustard combined into a spread. Yeah, it was in Florida. It was my friend Pat and Marnie, Rick and Chris. I think that was everybody that was there, and maybe a couple other people, but…maybe my friend Charlie. But yeah, we ate a lot of turkey sandwiches that we were…we were all crashing somewhere and that’s what we subsisted on. Yeah, so, what do you call it?
The dijonnaise; that’s when…then I said, wow, I like mayonnaise now. Yeah, maybe that was the hype. So, okay, so we have mayonnaise. Now we gotta go back to the frozen foods. Now, these are our primary flashy ingredients for our two different sandwiches, and these are both a refinement on the sandwiches we’re gonna make. We’re gonna get a thing of those hashbrowns, the frozen hashbrowns just like you get at the Mickey D’s. Yeah, those square, ovular ones. Exactly. Then, much…I mean, no offense to those. Those are great, but this is the piece de resistance, as they say. I don't know how to…but potato pancakes, which play a big role in my life…and these are…there’s different types of potato pancakes. These are latkes, I think you call them, and I’m probably saying that wrong, but we’re gonna grab those.
Those are the piece…whatever. This is the ingredient that’s gonna make all the difference, but we’re gonna have a hashbrown option. What are we making? We’re making two sandwiches. We’re making a Lich Sandwich which I just invented, and then we’re making a paninis-style sandwich. Let’s get in the checkout. I’ll tell you more. No, I don't want to talk about it anymore. What is…? I don't think I saw her in the checkout. It was over. I had my chance, and…well, I may…I did have a chance to start a conversation with another human being. Now, I guess one way to look at it is I’m not starting any…I don't start conversations with people I’m attracted to or not attracted to, so there’s…that’s a positive spin on it. It’s like, anyone else in the meat section, I’m not gonna talk to them, either, unless they’re commenting on my singing.
Yeah, but then that’s not a conversation, usually. What I do is if I’m singing, they’ll say, oh, he’s singing. Then I’ll say, no…no, I don't say anything like that. I usually pause and then I repeat. So, let’s say I was singing Deck the Halls. Usually…well, usually it’d be pop music now, I think. So, then if it’s 24 Karat Magic in the Air, they’d say, oh, and then I’d say…then I’d pause, and then two beats, and then I’d repeat the…even if…no matter where I was in the song, I’d go back to the hook and make eye contact with them and then leave, like leave them on the hook, and then sing and drift off. Well, what would I say? Here’s my meat roast…roast, roast…meat…roasting some pork…no, that wouldn't work 'cause there’d be no…I just don’t talk to people. It doesn't matter.
So, I guess I shouldn’t feel embarrassed that I can't talk to anybody. Yeah, I don't know, maybe there was some inner…whatever, we’re the same species, but there was a…we had a yin and yang going or whatever. I didn’t say anything and maybe there was an opportunity. I don't want to fixate on this. I know…okay, so we’re here…okay, so, we’re checking out. Oh, we’re back to the…so, one of these sandwiches is based on Panini’s, a restaurant in Cleveland, Ohio, and I’ve spent a lot of time in Cleveland, Ohio. That’s where Sophia’s mom, Natalie, is from. So, we spent a lot of time there and we had a lot of good sandwiches at Panini’s. It’s usually a bar with a sandwich shop, but it’s usually best late at night.
They have a version…I think their…I think it’s called a Pittsburgh…I think these originated in Pittsburgh, but I’m not positive ‘cause there’s Giordana Bros. in the Bay Area, and they make the same sandwich. But it’s a heavily-piled sandiwch. Now, at those places, I think it’s bread and you get to choose your bread, your meat, and your cheese, I believe. But it’s usually bread, like ideally a rye or a pumpernickel, in my opinion, then a cheese, then a luncheon meat, then egg, then fries, French fries, coleslaw, and cheese. I think I said cheese…and all that together, and it is delicious. They’re these giant, messy sandwiches that at 1:00, 2:00, 3:00 in the morning, you wolf down and they probably help you absorb everything in your stomach and it feels good to eat it. It’s just a good way to cap the night off, or at least in my opinion.
I love going there. It’s been a while since I’ve been to Giordana Bros. in the Bay Area. I don't know if I’d go back. I can make them at home now, and then…because I associate…yeah. I don't know if at lunchtime what a sandwich like this would be. Pretty intense. Oh, look at that; we’re back at my apartment without even checking…the miracle of podcasting, the magic of podcasting. We’re here at home, and it didn’t cost me anything but $100 and my dignity. Thanks, thanks. No, I’m just kidding. Well, it’s just that you know what really happened, but most people think that I’m joking, that these type of things don’t really happen to me and that it doesn't…yeah, but…yeah, it’s fine. It happened. Well, that’s the thing…okay, I’ll be honest with you; I can't…you say ‘live and learn’. People say, oh, that’s okay.
Next time you’ll get ‘em, chipper. Chin up. Next time you’re holding a meaty roast in…I say, no, no, no, next time I won't. Well, can we…? Anyway, we have a lot of cooking to do. I’m glad you care about me, yes. It’s not self-esteem-based. It’s just…it’s…I think it’s some sort of visceral reaction. Well, no, maybe it’s…it brings me some pleasure. Oh, it’s so pleasureable, yes, and look at the material I get out of it, to be able to solidify our friendship and for the audience to think that that didn’t really…like the Worcestershire thing, the worst…that one, they don’t think it was real, either, and I’m sure they’ll say the pork roast…I was holding it…yeah, just…anyway, not important. I don't think the person would ever listen to the podcast, and…I don't think so. Anyway, so, we got a lot to do.
So, the first thing we’re gonna do is open those bacon bits and start pulling them apart. I’m gonna heat the cast iron…whatever this thing’s called, a big…it’s a pot pan. I don't know what you call it. Yeah, this is the one I use. It’s a Lodge. It’s a Dutch oven. You can use this big pot and then you could put the skillet on top as the thing. So, it’s two pans that become one, but in this case we’re just using the deep one to cook the bacon in. Because this is a Superbowl party, we are going to…we’re gonna do some prep. So, we’re gonna cook the bacon, and I want you to take the pretzel bagels and cut them all in half and then reassemble them, 'cause we don’t want to separate them like they’re socks or something. Okay, so, great job on the pretzel bagels.
Now, the next thing I need you to do is start juicing or…not a juicer, but squeezing…yeah, I got the OXO squeezer. I don't know, I like…I think…I broke one of these once. I did. I think I did send it back. I think they’re one of those companies that say, just send it to us and we’ll send you a new one. I know I did that with something once. But so, juice those until we have a cup of…just juice a lime, then juice a lemon until we have a cup of lime and lemon juice. Then what are we gonna do? So, we’re gonna take…I’m gonna take this cup and I’m gonna measure two cups of sugar, loosely. I usually go a little bit over. Yeah, 'cause this is a cup, so I just…I don't…I’m not gonna go under a cup, but I’m not gonna go massively over a cup, either. I’m gonna put them in this pot and then I’m gonna put a cup of water in there.
Yeah, we’re making a lemon-lime simple syrup. Okay, so then you’re gonna put in the lime juice. Now I want you to shave some…see the…? I don't have a microplaner because I still…I have a cheese grater. It has the…just on the thin side of the chese grater, start grating a little lime and lemon peel. Yeah, we’re gonna throw that in there. Great job. Then we’re gonna set that to slowly boil. Remember that whole slotted-spoon thing versus the spoon with the holes in it? Yeah, I use that to stir it as it cooks up. Yeah, we’re gonna liquidate the sugar, whatever they call it. The bacon is cooking, too. Then, yeah, just take the top off the coleslaw, put a spoon in there, and then, yeah, open the pastrami and put it nearby. We’re gonna use that at some point. Then if you want to preheat the oven for me, that would be wonderful.
I don't have a toaster, so we’re gonna toast it in the broiler, in my oven. So, that’s why we’re heating it up, yeah. We won't toast the bread; we’ll toast the bagels 'cause we’re gonna make two different styles of sandwiches. Then, yeah, if you want to open up the potato pancakes and the hashbrowns…they should stay frozen, but we’re gonna use them soon enough that they’ll…they’re…they’ll be nice and frozen when we use them. But let’s keep an eye on this bacon here. Let’s keep turning the bacon. You’re so good at that. Yeah, you are good at the turning of the bacon. Yeah, like a bacon-wrapped roast. I feel like a bacon-wrapped roast right about now. So, let’s see…so, we got our bagels, we got our bread, coleslaw, we got our potato starch thingamajig, we got our pastrami ready to go, and then we have the eggs ready to go.
Okay, it looks like that’s just the sugar…citrus thing is just…the simple syrup is starting to boil. So, we’ll just turn that down a little. I don't know what I’m doing. I just always read the first three steps of ingredients, never…a recipe; they call those recipes, huh? Yeah, so, stir that. What we’re gonna make is…did we buy iced tea? We didn’t. I knew we missed something on my list. That’s okay. I keep iced tea in the cupboard here. Now we’re gonna make a little drink called the iced teaser, and we’re gonna need the miracle of podcasting anyway to make it, but…I think I talked about…Trader Joe's has two iced teas that I mix together 'cause I can't take either one. Unsweet…normally unsweetened iced tea, yeah.
Yeah, they have this mint and…I think it has a hint of a mint, hint of mint, with green tea and white tea, and then they have that teajava or whatever they call it, black iced tea. So, in my water bottle or whatever, drinking…thermos-type bottle for work, I do have black tea and then half of the green and white tea. Yeah, that’s what I drink, yeah. I guess…I don't know if it affects my sleep. I was talking about it. I think as long as I don’t drink it after 2:00…I don't know, it’s…I don't know if my water bottle is 64 ounces or 32, but I drink it all for most of the time. Yeah, so now that that’s boiling, we’re gonna move this simple syrup to the side and let it cool. Then once it’s cool, we’ll put it into a jar. By the miracle of podcasting, I have the exact same jar of simple syrup in my fridge, so…yes, I cheat…I guess I cheated, yeah.
You could call me Rachael Ray. She’s from Buffalo, I think, so she would eat these sandwiches. She would promote them. I don't think…it has nice alliteration, but I don't think I’m a…not a good or a bad thing. Just, I don't see myself as a Rachael. Yeah, she would talk to somebody in the meat. She seems much more…anyway, we gotta focus 'cause we got…so, that bacon, okay, we’re gonna put it on paper towels on my skillet here. Why on the skillet? I guess it’s a griddle. You’re right, it’s a griddle, it’s a cast-iron griddle. Because it’s gonna…what’s gonna happen is some of the bacon drippings are gonna leak through the paper towel onto the griddle. Then we don’t have to oil the griddle, yeah. So, we’re wasting paper towels but we’re saving oil. Thank goodness, correct? Right. Okay, so, what was I saying?
I don't know what I was talking about. Okay, so, yeah, let’s get the bacon spread out on there. We’re gonna keep the oil. Now, this is a tough one. Oil is…it’s tough business, right? The nice thing is the oven’s on. So, put a cookie sheet in the oven. Yeah, the only cookie sheet I have. Then we’re gonna do…let’s do the hashbrowns first 'cause they’re a little bit thicker. You gotta watch the temperature, but it’s tough…I guess I could take the temperature. I wouldn't know what temperature it should be, though. But we’re gonna cook the hashbrowns. I know we don’t want to overcrowd it 'cause we don’t want to bring the temperature down too much of the oil. So, just two hashbrowns at a time.
Then, yeah, and then just…we’ll cook them, then you flip them, and then we’ll put them in the oven, and then we’ll do two of the potato pancakes. Okay, yeah, we are looking good. Then I’m gonna start frying some eggs on here, on the…I’m gonna squeeze out a little bit of oil and then I’m gonna rub the paper towel right on here, and then I’m gonna start frying eggs. Yeah, so, I’m gonna fry these eggs here, correct. Yeah. Then we’re gonna…I mean, I always prefer…I think you could…most people would probably prefer their egg with a little bit of a run in…yeah, I think most people would prefer their egg with a little bit of a runniness in the yolk. But yeah, we’re gonna fry those. Yeah, you just keep…you take care of the potatoes. I’ll take care of the eggs, and the pastrami I’m gonna fry a little bit.
Then we’re also gonna start toasting the bagels, and then we’re gonna melt the cheese on the bagels, too. Yeah. For the pastrami ones, what we’ll do…I think what they did at Panini’s somehow is when they were frying the egg and the meat, they stacked it all with the cheese. I think probably a restaurant…but we’ll get it done. Then, yeah, we’ll make a iced teaser, which a iced teaser is just…we’re gonna take the iced tea, we’re gonna put it in a cup, we’re gonna put a splash of our simple syrup in there. These are shaker cups, so then you’re gonna shake it up and taste it. It tastes like…it’s…yeah, it’s like, whatever, a Nelson Palmer or whatever they call that. They used to serve it at the New York State Fair, and I never could…when I was a kid, I don't think I could afford it.
It was a Arnold Palmer, yeah, but it was $3 or $4, and as a kid, I think I got to go to the fair if I had $10 or $20 to my name. It was full of ice, so it was…and you didn’t get a free refill, and I drink beverages like there’s nothing. So, I remember the one time I paid for it, I was very unhappy. It did come with half…it does come with half a lemon in there. But yeah, that’s our iced teaser, and you put it…we’ll serve it with ice, yeah. That makes sense. You’re right. Otherwise it would be ice…it’s still a iced teaser 'cause it’s iced tea and it’s teasing you because it’s so good. I should have said that in the meat section. Well, I wish…let’s not…okay. Okay, so, things are looking good here. Our potatoes…now, I gotta tell you about these.
The potato pancakes have onion in them, so these are more of a latke or whatever than a potato pancake, where they have extra…it adds so much. I don't want to, again, shame the hashbrowns, 'cause hashbrowns are great. This just has a extra oomf, a za-zoom. Couldn't have said that, either. Don't worry about what I should have said. Believe me, I say that every…that’s the story of my life. Okay, so, we’re gonna start assembling these things. Do we have guests coming? We may, but let’s get the sandwiches ready. No, 'cause I don't know who did the Superbowl Shuffle. I mean, we could do the Superbowl Shuffle, but…no, I didn’t invite anybody from the Superbowl Shuffle. I invited Bronson Pinchot, but I think…and then…but I don't know if I said his name correctly. I said, can you bring Larry?
I said, do you keep in touch with cousin Larry? Most people don’t think it’s funny when…they think I’m doing it on purpose when I forget people’s names. So, they’re not coming, so Emo Philips is coming instead. Yeah, Emo Philips, a great comedian from my childhood. Yeah, and Rich Hall…everybody from Not Necessarily the News; Stuart Pankin, Rich Hall, Anne Bloom, Lucy…you don’t know what Not Necessarily the News is…well, maybe you weren’t watching adult shows when you were in second grade like I was. Anyway, it’s not important. They’re wonderful people and they love sandwiches, so let’s just concentrate on the sandwiches. What do they feel about roasts? I don't know. I didn’t…I never…I always tell people…I say, if you have dietary restrictions, that’s another…that’s why I can only get certain guests to come by and eat with me.
Yes, I did have to apologize to Stuart Pankin for saying something that…alls I said was I saw him in a infomercial. Anyway, I think…okay, I just got a text; Rich Hall is the only one coming now. Great job. That means Helen St. Thomas and Frosty aren’t coming with Bob Charles or whatever…Stuart Pankin is…something. That’s fine. It’s not really fine. Oh, wait, Rich Hall’s with Conan O'Brien, Greg Daniels, and Andy Richter. Wow. Rich Hall was so cool-looking. Rich Hall, you are…do you go by Rich Hall or Rich? Hey. Yeah, you’re one of my childhood heroes. Anyway…holy cow, the power in this room…Andy…no offense, everybody else, I think I retweet…you’re the most re-tweeted person…the person I re-tweet the most. Yeah, maybe a couple other people, too. It’s great to see everybody. Do you love sandwiches? Do you love…?
Yeah, so, anyway, yeah, go out, have yourself…yeah, Rich Hall’s gonna recreate sniglets for…yeah. Can you do your routine? Yeah, Rich Hall, just do your…do it about this iced teaser lemonade, Rich. Do some sniglets for everybody outside. I can't believe Greg Daniels, Conan O'Brien, and Rich Hall, of course…yeah. Better than a day…better than meeting…better than conquering my fears, yeah, having great, imaginary guests. It would have been nice…cousin Larry…if I could remember…but I blew that not knowing his name. You’re right. Okay, so let’s finish this out. So, let’s do the…so, here’s…let’s get the bagels ready. So, we’re gonna put the bacon on here, then the potato pancakes, then the egg, then we’ll serve them open-faced so that if people want to add mayo, they can. Oh, thanks, Andy.
I knew you…Andy’s gonna carry the plates out. So, these are the Lich Sandwiches. So, let me make sure I have everything before you take them out. Egg, potato pancake, bacon, cheddar is melted on there, and…okay, Rich Hall is…okay, I’ll make Rich Hall’s own…with the crusts cut off; okay. Anyway, so they…that’s the Lich Sandwich, and then we’re gonna make the panini-style one next. Okay. So, the panini one…you want to watch, Andy? Okay. So, the panini one, it’s a panini…oh, you’re familiar? Great. So, we’re gonna take the pumpernickel and then…Andy, can you find out if anybody does need mayo? Rich Hall doesn't need mayo; okay.
So, we’re gonna put the mayo on of everyone’s except for his, and then…yeah, I guess…I don't know, I haven't…let’s go with cheese and then we’ll…I forgot to melt the cheese, but we could do that in the broiler. Oh, there’s ones in there. The miracle of podcasts. Then we’ll put the egg and the pastrami and then the hashbrowns and then coleslaw. So, I guess I didn’t need mayo. I overdid that. I think that’s everything; eggs, cheese…yeah, and then put the top on. Yeah, that’s…go ahead and take a bite, Andy. Holy moly, that is…yeah, the crunch of the coleslaw does make it. You’re right, and the hashbrown, yeah. Yeah, normally they would have fries, but a human house, it’s tough to make fries that are at that level.
Yeah, the iced teas are…this one’s just…my take on a panini sandwich, it’s just easier to do…the hashbrown is more in a home environment versus trying to make home French fries. I guess I’m gonna make Rich a PBP, pumpernickel peanut butter and jelly, PPJ or whatever. Do you have a sniglet for that, Rich? Okay, tell it to Greg and Conan. That’d be great. Just tell them all about that. But you brought…did you bring me a collection of sniglets? You brought all the books? For sale…oh, I’m just kidding, Rich. I’m just doing material about you on the podcast. I know, I’m just…I was making you seem like you were hard to deal with. Why? Because of low…because I really look up to you. I’m intimidated. Honestly, when I was…Not Necessarily the News changed my life. I think I could say that.
I mean, later in life discovering Andy and Conan and Greg’s shows, it had a great impact on my life and I derived pleasure. But when I was watching you, Rich, I was in second grade and third grade, and it was my first taste of adult comedy, I think, between you and the rest of the Not Necessarily the News team. So, I really have so much to thank you for. Also, I probably did need to take somebody else down, because I just told a story about…oh, you already heard it. It’s already out on the internet; yeah, at the meat section. Yeah, I was holding a roast. Was it dripping, the roast? Probably.
My mouth was open, though, wide open. Yeah, you could see my fillings. So, yeah, that’s why…I’m sorry. It was a little passive-aggressive of me. I apologize, Rich. So anyway, those are sandwiches, Super…for Superbowl Sunday, what could be more super than sandwiches that are super stuffed with stuff and some lemonade…iced teas or lemonade? So, thanks, thanks for coming by, thanks for the inspiration, everybody in Not Necessarily the News and Greg Daniels, Conan O'Brien, Andy Richter for the inspiration, and that’s it. Goodnight.
(Transcription performed by LeahTranscribes)
Real Time Recipes
The Inn
Super Bowl Food
Wild Sandwiches
McDonald’s Hash Browns
Not So Sleepy Moments
Talk of Liches, Cooking meat and animal products
27:20 – 27:55 extended talk about sugar
32:06 – 32:19 some singing
37:34 – 37:50 more sugar talk
I’m so glad you’re here
Deep Dark Night United
Orlando Parkstop Fundraiser; Sleep With Me Plus; SleepPhones; Rusty Biscuit Links; Emily Tat Artwork; NAPAWF; Anti-Racism Resources; Ukraine Relief; Crisis Textline
Claritin; Dusker; Helix Sleep; Odoo; Air Doctor Pro; AquaTru; Zocdoc; Progressive
“Messing It Up” might be a little harsh
Maybe it’s a snoring partner
Ideally you feel treated with dignity and respect
I talk about my own Fan Fiction and Fantasy a lot
It’s always nighttime at an inn
There’s always warmth, stew, and ale
The life of an NPC
The Spirit of the Fantasy Inn
Fantasy Fantasy Fiction
Believe it or not, there are rails on this podcast
Rubbery Rails
Warped, rubbery, weather-worn rails, installed by me, a non-craftsman
You’ll never see me near “bespoke” unless it’s preceded by “I broke something…”
An inn for NPC’s between the action
How did that key get in the hay, eh, NPC?
Bring me a flagon of your finest water, post-boiled of course
There’s nothing like room-temperature water
The intros are a show within themselves
Where I show what can’t be told
These rubbery rails also run my brain
If I was in an inn, what would I drink? Seriously
What if George RR Martin or Weiss and Benioff wanted to meet me at an inn?
Does this inn serve lemonade?
This is truly a no-pressure situation
I can’t let this inn leave my brain until I figure out what I could order
It’s great to see you!
Upcoming Super Bowl Sunday or maybe it was last week
I have a couple sandwiches to make
Maybe I shouldn’t talk about liches too much
It hurts a little that you’re my friend but only rarely listen to the show
But did you just listen to this intro?
A Dragon-Lance style story
I’m making an inn drink for myself
I’m making 2 sandwiches for the Super Bowl
And I just invented one of them
Since last we talked, there’s nothing new at Trader Joe’s
Can I be attracted without a crush? I think so
Let’s fly by the magic of podcasts
I tried to make a list this time
We should buy some coleslaw. And sauerkraut!
We have to tease out the embarrassing stuff
I’m talking traditional coleslaw
I’m not opposed to new slaws, though
Coleslaw is definitely faux healthy
Do they still call these luncheon meats? When did they become deli meats?
We’re getting pastrami
I’m gonna use the term Pollyanna even though I don’t know its proper context
Yes, I do love pretzel bagels
I’ll meet you back at Meat
Ok, let’s talk about this
I blew it big time
I came in and immediately made eye contact
I blew out the candle of attractive hope
I froze when I ran into her at the meat section
She returned, saw the meat in my hand, looked at me, waited for me to say something, and waited some more
Misinterpreting my slack-jawed look of terror
I truly didn’t say anything
Why didn’t I just ask a question about that bacon-wrapped roast??
I’m grabbing a dozen eggs
We’ll need this dark rye / pumpernickel
I’d prefer this was a little fresher and thicker, but ah well
It’s a bit of a drive to a proper kosher deli in the Bay Area
Eggs, Cheddar
Wait, we have to go back and get lemons and limes
Why are lemons so expensive compared to limes?
6 of each
We’ll definitely need paper towels
Grab some sugar
We have to grab mayo, despite it being divisive
I think NYC breakfast sandwiches have mayo on them
I like it on my breakfast sandwiches
I didn’t have mayo until I was 20 or 22
I think it was Dijonaisse the first time
In Florida, subsisting on turkey sandwiches
Back to the frozen section
Frozen Hash browns
Potato Pancakes
These are the piece de resistance
The Lich Sandwich
Panini-Style Sandwich (PSS)
I’ve lost my chance with her, let’s move on
My Bruno Mars-inspired conversation
I shouldn’t be embarrassed I don’t talk to people
One of these based on Panini’s in Cleveland, OH
I think this sandwich hails from Pittsburgh
Bread, cheese, meat, egg, french fries, coleslaw – delicious
It’s a good way to cap the night off, if you know what I mean
I also get it at Giordano Brothers in the Bay Area
We’re back home now
Most people don’t believe my interactions at the store are fake, but they’re 100% real
Open those bacon bits and heat up the cast iron pot pan
Cut apart the pretzel bagels
Squeeze the citrus juice
Oxo has a good warranty
2 loose cups of sugar
We’re making a lemon lime simple syrup
I don’t have a microplane, just use the cheese grater side
We’re gonna liquidate the sugar
Put a spoon in that coleslaw
Have the pastrami ready to go
Preheat the oven, please
We’re toasting in the broiler of the oven
Keep the potato stuff frozen but ready to go
You’re so good at turning the bacon
I feel like a bacon-wrapped roast right now
The simple syrup is starting to boil
Oops, we forgot to buy iced tea
That’s ok, I have some right here
The drink called the Iced Teaser
I mix TJ’s 2 iced teas
One is a Hint of Mint with Green tea and white tea
Also they have Tejava
I’ll mix those two together
I do have a duplicate of simple syrup all ready to go in the fridge
I don’t think of myself as a Rachel Ray
Put that bacon on the paper towels on this griddle
We’ll use some bacon fat to grease this griddle
Put a cookie sheet in the oven
We want to cook the hash browns 2 at a time
Then 2 of the potato pancakes
Let’s fry some eggs here
I think most people would prefer a little runniness in the yoke
I think at Pastrami’s they’d stack the egg, meat, and cheese at the same time
Put some iced tea and the simple syrup together
It’s kind of like that drink, the Nelson Palmer
The potato pancakes also have onion in them
They just have that extra oomph
We may have some guests coming
The cast of Not Necessarily the News
Let’s assemble these sandwiches
Most guests can’t come by because of their dietary restrictions
Okay, only Rich Hall is coming
And other celebrities
Andy Richter, you’re the person I retweet the most
Rich Hall, could you do your sniglets routine?
Wow, this is great!
Having great imaginary guests is better than conquering my fears
Back to assembly
Bagel, then bacon, then potato pancakes, cheese, then egg, mayo is optional
That’s the Lich
Andy is helping carry plates out
Rich Hall wants the crusts of the bagel cut off??
Panini Style Sandwich now
Pumpernickel, optional mayo, cheese, egg, pastrami, hash browns, coleslaw
Isn’t that good, Andy?
It’s tough to make good fries at your house
Pumpernickel Peanut Butter & Jelly for Rich Hall
Not Necessarily the News truly changed my life
My first taste of adult comedy
What could be more super than great sandwiches and a drink
Thanks for coming by
Jelly Sock, Dustin, Uri, F Bottom Girls, Vern, Spoonfed Music, Erica S, Sophie W, Susan T, Beartrap, Jesstastic, In These Heels, Nug, Allison B, Andre W, Creative Wolf, Nick L, Teresa A, Amy SH, Women at Warp, Rachel Duke FA, Dan, Steve B, Judith K, Snogers, Bucks vs Movie, Abby S, Jen P, Bruce H, Lord Pumpernickel, Yayamgol, Karina, Christine, Chairman Meow, Solo for Grace, Orlando R, Jed, Hither Came Conan, Beverly Z, Triumphant Jen, Rhea Benji, Amanda Ginger, Cara, Callie B, Babs, Elizabeth McDoeli, Daft Can, Preston P, Dara, Sam Squanch
Kalik P, Goodrun H, Laura, Tania, Tom B, Shlock WBDM, Heather G, Acacia, Mariah, Kat N, Katrina, Lauren, Penny K, Sandy W, Susie B, Leonard B, Mary M, Andre W, Allie H, Ben S
Episode: 1265a / 489
Title: Superbowl Sandwich “The Lich” | Real Time Recipes | Listener Fav #489
Deep Dark Night United: n/a
Plugs: Orlando Parkstop Fundraiser; Sleep With Me Plus; SleepPhones; Rusty Biscuit Links; Emily Tat Artwork; NAPAWF; Anti-Racism Resources; Ukraine Relief; Crisis Textline
Sponsors: Claritin; Dusker; Helix Sleep; Odoo; Air Doctor Pro; AquaTru; Zocdoc; Progressive
Twitter Thanks (Old): Jelly Sock, Dustin, Uri, F Bottom Girls, Vern, Spoonfed Music, Erica S, Sophie W, Susan T, Beartrap, Jesstastic, In These Heels, Nug, Allison B, Andre W, Creative Wolf, Nick L, Teresa A, Amy SH, Women at Warp, Rachel Duke FA, Dan, Steve B, Judith K, Snogers, Bucks vs Movie, Abby S, Jen P, Bruce H, Lord Pumpernickel, Yayamgol, Karina, Christine, Chairman Meow, Solo for Grace, Orlando R, Jed, Hither Came Conan, Beverly Z, Triumphant Jen, Rhea Benji, Amanda Ginger, Cara, Callie B, Babs, Elizabeth McDoeli, Daft Can, Preston P, Dara, Sam Squanch
Facebook Thanks (Old): Kalik P, Goodrun H, Laura, Tania, Tom B, Shlock WBDM, Heather G, Acacia, Mariah, Kat N, Katrina, Lauren, Penny K, Sandy W, Susie B, Leonard B, Mary M, Andre W, Allie H, Ben S
Notable Language:
- Inn
- Fantasy Fantasy Fiction
- Rubbery Rails
- Bespoke
- Dragon Lance Style Story (DLSS)
- The spirit of slaw
- Dijonaisse
- Latke
- Panini-Style Sandwich (PSS)
- Hint of Mint
- The Iced Teaser
- Pumpernickel Peanut Butter & Jelly (PPBJ)
Notable Culture:
- Super Bowl
- Hello from the Magic Tavern podcast
- Fantasy Island
- The Fantasy Inn
- Game of Thrones
- George RR Martin
- Weiss & Benioff
- Dragon Lance
- Pollyanna
- Dijonaisse
- McDonald’s
- 24K Magic – Bruno Mars
- “Deck The Halls”
- Panini’s – Cleveland, OH
- Giordano Brothers – Bay Area
- Lodge cookware
- Oxo Good Grips
- Tejava
- Rachel Ray
- Arnold Palmer
- Super Bowl Shuffle
- Bronson Pinchot
- Emo Phillips
- Not Necessarily the News
- Rich Hall
- Conan O’Brien
- Andy Richter
- Greg Daniels
Notable Talking Points:
- “Messing It Up” might be a little harsh
- Maybe it’s a snoring partner
- Ideally you feel treated with dignity and respect
- I talk about my own Fan Fiction and Fantasy a lot
- It’s always nighttime at an inn
- There’s always warmth, stew, and ale
- The life of an NPC
- The Spirit of the Fantasy Inn
- Fantasy Fantasy Fiction
- Believe it or not, there are rails on this podcast
- Rubbery Rails
- Warped, rubbery, weather-worn rails, installed by me, a non-craftsman
- You’ll never see me near “bespoke” unless it’s preceded by “I broke something…”
- An inn for NPC’s between the action
- How did that key get in the hay, eh, NPC?
- Bring me a flagon of your finest water, post-boiled of course
- There’s nothing like room-temperature water
- The intros are a show within themselves
- Where I show what can’t be told
- These rubbery rails also run my brain
- If I was in an inn, what would I drink? Seriously
- What if George RR Martin or Weiss and Benioff wanted to meet me at an inn?
- Does this inn serve lemonade?
- This is truly a no-pressure situation
- I can’t let this inn leave my brain until I figure out what I could order
- It’s great to see you!
- Upcoming Super Bowl Sunday or maybe it was last week
- I have a couple sandwiches to make
- Maybe I shouldn’t talk about liches too much
- It hurts a little that you’re my friend but only rarely listen to the show
- But did you just listen to this intro?
- A Dragon-Lance style story
- I’m making an inn drink for myself
- I’m making 2 sandwiches for the Super Bowl
- And I just invented one of them
- Since last we talked, there’s nothing new at Trader Joe’s
- Can I be attracted without a crush? I think so
- Let’s fly by the magic of podcasts
- I tried to make a list this time
- We should buy some coleslaw. And sauerkraut!
- We have to tease out the embarrassing stuff
- I’m talking traditional coleslaw
- I’m not opposed to new slaws, though
- Coleslaw is definitely faux healthy
- Do they still call these luncheon meats? When did they become deli meats?
- We’re getting pastrami
- I’m gonna use the term Pollyanna even though I don’t know its proper context
- Yes, I do love pretzel bagels
- I’ll meet you back at Meat
- Ok, let’s talk about this
- I blew it big time
- I came in and immediately made eye contact
- I blew out the candle of attractive hope
- I froze when I ran into her at the meat section
- She returned, saw the meat in my hand, looked at me, waited for me to say something, and waited some more
- Misinterpreting my slack-jawed look of terror
- I truly didn’t say anything
- Why didn’t I just ask a question about that bacon-wrapped roast??
- I’m grabbing a dozen eggs
- We’ll need this dark rye / pumpernickel
- I’d prefer this was a little fresher and thicker, but ah well
- It’s a bit of a drive to a proper kosher deli in the Bay Area
- Eggs, Cheddar
- Wait, we have to go back and get lemons and limes
- Why are lemons so expensive compared to limes?
- 6 of each
- We’ll definitely need paper towels
- Grab some sugar
- We have to grab mayo, despite it being divisive
- I think NYC breakfast sandwiches have mayo on them
- I like it on my breakfast sandwiches
- I didn’t have mayo until I was 20 or 22
- I think it was Dijonaisse the first time
- In Florida, subsisting on turkey sandwiches
- Back to the frozen section
- Frozen Hash browns
- Potato Pancakes
- These are the piece de resistance
- The Lich Sandwich
- Panini-Style Sandwich (PSS)
- I’ve lost my chance with her, let’s move on
- My Bruno Mars-inspired conversation
- I shouldn’t be embarrassed I don’t talk to people
- One of these based on Panini’s in Cleveland, OH
- I think this sandwich hails from Pittsburgh
- Bread, cheese, meat, egg, french fries, coleslaw – delicious
- It’s a good way to cap the night off, if you know what I mean
- I also get it at Giordano Brothers in the Bay Area
- We’re back home now
- Most people don’t believe my interactions at the store are fake, but they’re 100% real
- Open those bacon bits and heat up the cast iron pot pan
- Cut apart the pretzel bagels
- Squeeze the citrus juice
- Oxo has a good warranty
- 2 loose cups of sugar
- We’re making a lemon lime simple syrup
- I don’t have a microplane, just use the cheese grater side
- We’re gonna liquidate the sugar
- Put a spoon in that coleslaw
- Have the pastrami ready to go
- Preheat the oven, please
- We’re toasting in the broiler of the oven
- Keep the potato stuff frozen but ready to go
- You’re so good at turning the bacon
- I feel like a bacon-wrapped roast right now
- The simple syrup is starting to boil
- Oops, we forgot to buy iced tea
- That’s ok, I have some right here
- The drink called the Iced Teaser
- I mix TJ’s 2 iced teas
- One is a Hint of Mint with Green tea and white tea
- Also they have Tejava
- I’ll mix those two together
- I do have a duplicate of simple syrup all ready to go in the fridge
- I don’t think of myself as a Rachel Ray
- Put that bacon on the paper towels on this griddle
- We’ll use some bacon fat to grease this griddle
- Put a cookie sheet in the oven
- We want to cook the hash browns 2 at a time
- Then 2 of the potato pancakes
- Let’s fry some eggs here
- I think most people would prefer a little runniness in the yoke
- I think at Pastrami’s they’d stack the egg, meat, and cheese at the same time
- Put some iced tea and the simple syrup together
- It’s kind of like that drink, the Nelson Palmer
- The potato pancakes also have onion in them
- They just have that extra oomph
- We may have some guests coming
- The cast of Not Necessarily the News
- Let’s assemble these sandwiches
- Most guests can’t come by because of their dietary restrictions
- Okay, only Rich Hall is coming
- And other celebrities
- Andy Richter, you’re the person I retweet the most
- Rich Hall, could you do your sniglets routine?
- Wow, this is great!
- Having great imaginary guests is better than conquering my fears
- Back to assembly
- Bagel, then bacon, then potato pancakes, cheese, then egg, mayo is optional
- That’s the Lich
- Andy is helping carry plates out
- Rich Hall wants the crusts of the bagel cut off??
- Panini Style Sandwich now
- Pumpernickel, optional mayo, cheese, egg, pastrami, hash browns, coleslaw
- Isn’t that good, Andy?
- It’s tough to make good fries at your house
- Pumpernickel Peanut Butter & Jelly for Rich Hall
- Not Necessarily the News truly changed my life
- My first taste of adult comedy
- What could be more super than great sandwiches and a drink
- Thanks for coming by