Summer Remix #10 from Game of Drones “The Night Lands” GoT S2E2
Nighttime, night lands all good jumping off points for a sleep podcast. Instead I get fixated on Taylor Swift's “Shake it Off” and keep exploring tangential threads that bring me back there. Don't worry there will be plenty of mind numbing moments to break it up.

Article about “Sleep With Me” on Matter by Bobby Finger
In an attempt to reduce the super boring over-reliance on wikipedia articles we now have some a “Glittering Researcher” Stacy who is generously helping out. Here's Stacy's outstanding work this week-
- I feel tired
- I tire easily
- Physically I feel I am in bad condition
- Physically I feel only able to do a little
- I think I do very little in a day
- I get little done
- I dread having to do things
- I don't feel like doing anything
- My thoughts easily wander
- It takes a lot of effort to concentrate on things.
- Social exclusion can cause fatigue. “Individuals who are socially excluded enter a defensive state of cognitive deconstruction that avoids meaningful thought, emotion, and self-awareness, and is characterized by lethargy and altered time flow,” (Twenge, 2003;
journals/psp/85/3/409/). - There is a lot of research done on fatigue in cancer patients as well as many other conditions like multiple sclerosis (MS) and erythematosus (lupus).
- Heat exhaustion along with dehydration can cause marathon collapse (
article/10.2165/00007256- 200737040-00027)
The rest of the links (my research aka lots of wikii)
- Pyke @awoiaf | @gameofthrones.wikia
- Try This Folding a Piece of Paper in Half
- Podcast Hero Britney Gallivan @pomonahistorical
- Folding a Piece of Paper the Size of the Universe
- 10 Startling Giant Squid Facts
- Giant Squid
- List of Imposters (did not make cut)
- Women who passed as men (cut) @HuffPo | @Listverse
- Things you Didn't Know about Pirates of the Caribbean Ride
- Pirates of Caribbean Ride @pirateswikia
Older “Game of Drones” episodes can be found here
Sleep With Me is a bedtime story designed to take your mind off of the racing thoughts that keep you awake at night.
As you listen you will find yourself distracted from your worries and drifting off into dreamland..due to the fact the story gets a little bit more boring with each passing minute.
This podcast is a little weird, a bit silly and a tad offensive so beware. It is very similar to ASMR or guided meditation bedtime story that slowly carries you off to slumber.
“Sleep With Me” is a groundbreaking podcast created to help you fall asleep. So get in bed, press play and drift off into dreamland. If you struggle with insomnia or just getting a good night's rest, you've found the podcast for you.
On Twitter @dearestscooter
Music by Christopher Postill @ Sounds Like An Earful Podcast “A Podcast about collecting stories, tinkering with noises and fumbling with really big questions”
Sleep With Me Artwork by His Grace Scott
“Game of Drones” Only Feed Cover Art by Ken Ackerman
Sleep With Me is narrated by Dearest Scooter and written by Drew Ackerman