952 – More Than Waffles | Real Time Recipes
A breakfast provided by a noderator, Chef Staci, and empowered by all of the noderators who nurture an independent community of podcast listeners.
Episode 952 – More Than Waffles | Real Time Recipes
SCOOTER: Ladies and gentlemen, boys and girls, and friends beyond the binary, it’s time for the podcaster who just lost his voice. Patrons, normally that doesn’t…that was…it’s still there. It’s something in my…I got a tickle in my throat, patrons, and you’re the ones that allow me to take care of the tickle in my throat so I can take care of the old tickle in the brain that keeps us up at night if you’re familiar. Thanks so much for the support and let’s get on with the show. Oh, and if you’re a patron, I just want to remind you; remember sleepwithmepodcast.com/patronfeed, sleepwithmepodcast.com/patronhelp, and sleepwithmepodcast.com/patronsupport. Thanks, everybody.
INTRO: [INTRO MUSIC] Hey, are you up all night tossing, turning, mind racing? Trouble getting to sleep? Trouble staying asleep? Well, welcome. This is Sleep With Me, the podcast that puts you to sleep. We do it with a bedtime story. Alls you need to do is get in bed, turn out the lights, and press play. I’m gonna do the rest. What I’m going to attempt to do is create a safe place where you could set aside whatever’s keeping you awake, whether it’s thoughts you’re thinking about, so things on your mind, could be…they could be pop-up thoughts or lean-in…what about…those slide-in thoughts? That’s when there’s a…this is another thing from like, 2018; sliding in your DMs. But those thoughts, they do slide right in. They say hey, what up? I want you to give me some attention right now.
I’m from…I’m back from twelve years ago or I’m from the…I’m from what I anticipate the future will be even though I’ve never been accurate in any of my predictions except when I post-predict. Post-predictors; that’s another thing that keeps me up at night. It says see? I told you so. You say well, actually, when you told me about this you said it was gonna be like this, this, and this, and then that, and then this. So, you were actually only right about this, that at some point in my future things wouldn’t be super-easy. You were right about that, I guess. Yep. See? I told you so. I say, could you slide…so, it’s hard. So, thoughts, feelings, physical sensations is what I was gonna say but it can be hard when those things slide in there ‘cause you can’t just slide them back out.
Unfortunately, it’s like they slid down some sort of slippery ramp and they’re also…they have a lot of mass so you say I’m gonna push you right…I’m gonna slide you right outta here. You say well, it’s uphill, it’s slippery, and I might not look like I have an…I’ve got a lot of mass, so moving me is not gonna be easy. So why don’t you just let me sit here and talk to you about the stuff I was gonna told you so about? So whatever it is that’s keeping you awake; could be one of those things. Obviously you know what it is for me because you say Scoots, you never described it that way but you really got it down. But it could also be a version of that that’s more feeling-based or physical sensations. It could be something else. Sometimes it’s just the old baffling…you say what the heck? Why can’t I fall asleep?
Or, you know, something specific. Whatever it is, I’m here to try to take your mind off that and keep you company while you fall asleep. The way I’m gonna do it is I’m gonna try to create a safe place where you could set aside things. I’m gonna smooth the…unfortunately, I guess I decide…the safe place already had these ramps with the sliders in there. I don’t know who greased them up, greased up the old ramps and the sliders, but I wish they didn’t. But I got a nice, safe place and I’m just gonna distract you from that, so it’s almost like we’re in a giant safe place. Right now, I’m picturing a warehouse which is normally not a giant one ‘cause I was just trying to think of where else there would be big ramps where imaginary DM told-you-so’ers, slide-in’ers would be existing.
I would want to point out in a positive way; it is really smooth when you slide that way. It looks really good but I’m just trying to go to bed. But don’t worry; there’s plenty of space and it’s cozy. I have cozy places in this giant building. Technically it’s not a warehouse; I just called it that to try to be illustrative. It’s a safe place and it’s not…it’s an industrial…it’s an…we’ve re-zoned it. It was once an industrial building but now it’s a…that’s…yeah, it’s an…yeah. What was I talking about? So, here’s what I’m gonna do; I’m gonna try to create a safe place. I’m gonna send my voice across the deep, dark night. I’m gonna use lulling, soothing, creaky, dulcet tones, pointless meanders, superfluous tangents, I’m gonna go off-topic, go way off-topic and get mixed up. Extra words; that’s another thing.
So if you’re new, if you’re a new listener, I’m glad you’re here. If you’re a regular listener, so happy to have you back. Thank you so much. But if you’re new, I do like to take some time to give you some information. A couple things to know; usually I start off differently but I’ll let you know the structure of the show is different, right up front. So, this podcast starts off with a greeting; ladies and gentlemen, boys and girls, friends beyond the binary so hopefully you feel seen and welcome. Then there’s business. That’s how we’re able to get you this podcast twice a week, so that is about two to four or six minutes. I don’t know. It just depends on how successful it’s going. Then there’s the intro. So, around six…from six minutes to about twenty-two minutes is the intro of the show.
Particularly for new people, they say wait, there’s business and then there’s an intro? That doesn’t sound…and I’d say well, it’s all part of the process. But when you first get here, you say wait a second. So, you’ll kinda see. The whole idea of the intro…the reason the intro goes for about fifteen to twenty minutes is that it gives you a way to slide into bedtime without sliding or the greasy stuff that I earlier described. I usually say ease into bedtime but I said well, talking about sliding. Hopefully, just like that song, whoever sang it…I don’t know if it was Garfunkel and Simon or Simon and Garfunkel, but slip-sliding away. Could have been one of them solo or it could have been somebody else. But hopefully I have whatever’s keeping you awake slip-sliding away.
You say wait a second, we could…what if we reverse things? You’re right; what if we put the safe place up above the ramps? Then the people that slid into the DMs, they would have to climb up the ramp which would be really hard. Wow, we already…talk about solving problems together. Thank you, new listener. But so, the long intro is…it eases you into bedtime so some regular listeners, they start it before they get into bed. Some start it in bed. Some listen during the day for distraction, and it’s totally okay to skip it. Like, 2% of people start the show around…between twenty and twenty-two minutes. But for most people, it’s just part of their bedtime routine and for a new listener, it kinda gives you an idea of the nonsense that is gonna be going on throughout this podcast.
But when you first listen, you say wait a second, I don’t understand this. So, another thing to remind you is kinda listen to this podcast loosely. Don’t pay too much attention or don’t kinda wait for it to get started. I mean, at first you will naturally, but if one part of you can hold it loosely and just imagine that DM-sliding-told-you-so’er…and now we’re in a enviable position; we’re up on a…we’re up past a ramp. You say well, know-it-alliver’s sliding in my DMs again. This will be a tech conference in 2028. They say well, how’d you figure that out? How did you get people from…to stop sliding in their DMs? I say well, you shut it off. They say no, no, no, but what was this other way? You said you used physics.
I say oh yeah, what we did was we took the inbox and we put it higher than the…so if…so it became impossible to…well, nothing would get in the inbox at that point, unfortunately, unless they had…you had to go get…yeah, so it didn’t work out as intended but basically, just…oh, unless you had a pulley; you used a pulley-based system for messages you thought you wanted, but otherwise it was a greased ramp. Is that in the internet…the architecture of things? Yeah. It’s in the…well, architecture of stuff, yeah. Yeah, we greased up a ramp and then we put the inbox up above it instead of down below it, so you could no longer slide in anywhere. Oh, okay. This was…did you coat it yourself? I say, I coated the ramp with…yeah, different greasy things.
I used Ten-in-One oil and [00:10:00] a bunch of different other stuff. Okay. Oh, so, I gotta get back to the new listener, though. Sorry about that. I was basking in my future dreams of…I don’t like speaking, anyway, so I don’t think that…so, but so, okay, so give it a few tries. That’s what I said. Most listeners say it took two or three tries to get used to the fact that the podcast is pretty weird. So, if you want, give it a few tries ‘cause hopefully it’ll help. But it rarely helps anybody on the first listen, though it does. I mean, maybe like 20% of people say it worked great right away. I said well, that’s because you’re…you got…you share some of these…we have a direct sharing of some of this stuff. You also have…probably have a told-you-so’er in your brain.
So, I would say great, but then I say well, if you got a told-you-so’er anything like mine…so anyway, so that’s another thing to know. So after the intro is business, then there will be a kind of story-like thing. We call it Real Time Recipes around here, these parts. I’ll run through some things I’ve cooked recently and go shopping and stuff like that. So, that’s…right? Okay, and then…oh yeah, and then at the end of the show are some thank-yous and goodnights. So, that’s the structure of the show. The other thing you might want to know is that this podcast doesn’t really put you to sleep. It keeps you company while you fall asleep. There’s more and more sleep audio every single day, it feels like, and a lot of that stuff is like oh, we’ll put you to sleep or this kinda thing. Sleep With Me keeps you company and you fall asleep.
I’m here keeping you company even if you fall asleep for most people, but if you can’t sleep, I want to tell you I’m gonna be here keeping you company as well, so if you’re in a situation where you can’t sleep…maybe it’s just because it’s warm out or maybe it’s something else, or maybe you just need something to listen to late at night or during the day or early in the morning. Whatever it is, I’m here for you and I’ll be here to the very end of this podcast to keep you company. But for most of you, what that means is I’ll be here keeping you company while you’re already falling asleep. That’s what a bore-friend does. It’s part of the bore-friend code which thus far, I haven’t thought of.
Maybe that’ll be a episode I’ll record, but the bore-friend code, greasing ramps that…imaginary ramps in this one situation, and labeling them properly for other situations that say Warning: If you’re not a DM-sliding told-you-so’er, this is a greasy ramp, so…that’s what this…all this tape is for and these bells and these…you know, all that stuff. Go around or use this sled and say wee, whoopety-wee. Or if you’re on your way back up, we got a pulley we designed and also a block and tackle, maybe; probably. A pulley and a block and tackle because I never took…I don’t think I ever took physics. I remember they had it at my high school but I might have been just one…I was not…I got into the old track. At seventh grade they said well, this kid’s got some…his potential is interesting. That’s the track they put me in; potential?
Hm, interest…back then they said hm, hm, so that’s what probably…one of the reasons I didn’t take physics. Maybe it was optional, though. I can’t believe I would have missed out. I remember my friends telling me, and the physics teacher was cool, but whatever. Maybe it was a elective. I don’t know. So, anyway, back…enough about me. So, if you can’t sleep, I’ll be here to the very end. But for most of you, I’m gonna be here keeping you company as you drift off or when you wake up and you need company. So, those are the other things. The reason I make the show is because you deserve a good night’s sleep. You deserve a place where you can get some rest, whether it’s this podcast or one of the other sleep audios or sleep podcasts out there. Whatever it is, I’m here to keep you company.
So, yeah, I think that’s it. What…I just said whatta-whatta-whatta. So, whatever it is, I’m here to keep you company and take your mind off of stuff. I get mixed up. I totally…my mind just blanked. Now I’m trying to picture that greasy ramp or slippery ramp slip-sliding away. Oh, you deserve a good night’s sleep because if you’re rested, the world’s gonna be a better place, even if it’s just your world; you might say oh, it matters to me if your world’s a better place. We know now that it matters to the world. It’ll put a little bit more positivity in there. Part of the reason I care is because I’ve been there. I know how it feels in the deep, dark night, tossing, turning, mind racing, told-you-so’ing. You say, are you…I self-should myself. I say…I don’t know what auto thingamajig that is, but yeah, I self-shoulded.
Oh boy, have I told myself so. Another autobiography, probably; I Told I So instead of you. I told you so. I told you so. I told I so. You told I so…I so…no, I told I so. I’m sorry, what? You say, it doesn’t even…you can’t even make a joke out of it, it makes so little sense. So anyway, that’s the main things you need to know if you’re new. Give it a few tries. I really hope it can help. Those of you that are regular listeners, I have great love for you and I really hope the podcast can keep helping you for as long as you need it, and thank you for being there for me. I’m not perfect. I’m always trying and I think the main thing that connects us here is the deep, dark night. I know it’s not easy out there, so if you’re here on a regular basis or if you’re new, I work very hard. I yearn and I strive ‘cause I really want to help you…this podcast…I really want to help you fall asleep with this podcast. Thanks so much for coming by and here’s a couple of ways we’re able to bring you this podcast twice a week.
Alright everybody, it’s Scoots here and I’m gonna take you on a little journey. It’s time for a Real Time Recipe episode and the recipe we’re gonna be using, or one of them, is made by a noderator of the listener Facebook group, a friend of mine, Staci, and I’m gonna have links to Staci’s Instagram and Staci’s podcast, all the things Staci’s working on because it’s really an honor to share. Also, I got to repurpose this recipe, so we’re gonna do it three different ways. But first I want to take you on a little walk. Hey, hey, it’s good to see you. Yeah, it’s time to make breakfast. I guess technically brunch. Thanks for meeting me here under this lovely tree. You say well, don’t we usually meet at your apartment or at the grocery store? I say yeah, tonight we’re gonna do stuff a little bit different because it’s not night time; it’s day time.
Yeah, it’s nice standing under this tree. There’s no leaves on the tree because it’s winter time but oh boy, is that a nice tree. Do I love this tree. L-O-V-E T-R-E-E. I never heard that before. I don’t have any odes for this tree but it’s a tree near you and me. Let’s start walking here. We’re walking down this street of mine and it’s important for me to take a walk with you, one, because we’re gonna order our food or our ingredients even though they’re already ordered. This is the magic of podcasting and because we…just the time period we’re in, but also you say okay, fair enough. When was the last time I was at TJ’s? I actually have no idea. I’m trying to think, honestly. I know I’ve been there. There was one day…well, here’s what happened; the last time I…I went, but I wanted to go.
I said to myself okay, I’m gonna get up early and go…is that when it happened or was that the second time? Was that two times ago? I definitely haven’t been in ‘21 and it was I think before the holidays in 2020. I went; I tried to get a early start. Maybe. I can see myself in there. Oh, so don’t worry; I can see myself there. Maybe it was between the holidays? I don’t know. I know I went there before Thanksgiving. I think that was the time I actually got there when it opened but it was raining and I waited in line to go in. I guess I’m still taking…my goal was to get something to have…no, this was…no, okay, this was between Thanksgiving and Christmas because I said okay, let me figure out what we’re gonna have for a Christmas meal or a Christmas Eve meal.
They had that…I’ve talked about it before; pancetta-wrapped pork roast and that was pretty good. But they didn’t have that and they actually didn’t have anything that I could prepare, so I think I made pot roast which is…a pot roast in the InstaPot is a easy, tasty dish. I had the roast to put in the pot, the InstaPot roast, though it’s not instant. It takes a while. Or maybe pork shoulder. Those are the two things I make in the [00:20:00] InstaPot that would be considered holiday-style meals. But I went there for that. That was the last time I was there that I remember. I got Cruciferous Crunch for Koa. What else did I get while I was there? Coffee. I didn’t get enough coffee, and that’s one of the things I miss the most, is their two coffees that I drink so much; French roast and the French vanilla. Dormez-vous, right?
Is [MUMBLING]. Sorry, that was a accident. I didn’t mean to put that much…that was a natural stutter. Mrs. Robinson, let me tell you how much of…the coffee that I love from there. I have replaced it. Unfortunately, I’ve had to go to the big box grocery store just ‘cause I don’t have time to be in line. But now, so, I’m virtually taking you there through this magical app we call a podcast app as we walk together on the sidewalk. We’re just passing what would be known as Christmas Tree Lane, but we’re in 2021 now. It’s important; trust me, this walk is important. My oven’s preheating. Someone’s monitoring it, though. I’m not…I did not turn the oven on and leave the house alone. No, Koa’s not the oven-monitor, though that would be good.
Probably not; you say Koa, can you bark if the oven needs to be shut off and you have a oven that shuts off with a certain dog bark. That would…that’s certain to work out so well. So, okay, where were we? Oh, the last time I was at TJ’s, or the last two times. Maybe one memory combined. Oh, I got the…what’s that called? The Kringle, Almond Kringle. They had that one of the last two times I was there, so I got that. Is this a Trader Joe’s review podcast? I guess part of it is, so I definitely got that. Probably whole milk mozzarella because I use that to make pizza on Fridays. What else would I have got while I was there? Maybe pizza crust. They have this…I talked about it too, maybe. They have this pre-baked pizza crust. Not like a traditional round pizza; they’re rectangular…that I enjoy.
Probably got tomatoes, of course, and broccoli for my puppy-poo Koa, onions; I try to always buy onions and garlic. One of the two trips, I got the Trader Joe’s Joe-Joe ice cream because I said well, I should get that. Oh, this is something — I mean, it’s out of season now and you may have heard me say this before but maybe I haven’t said it publicly — my body does not…or, Trader Joe’s eggnog and my body do not agree with one another. Either one, light or regular, and I’m not sure which the ingredient…every year I say let me line up the ingredients with Trader Joe’s, and they’re not the lone offender. There is a…one or two other ones that of course I didn’t remember that say…they say…they give me a little tummy-poo. Other ones don’t. I don’t know if it’s cargegian goop or carnauba wax, it might be.
Essence of xanthum is another one. I say, which one of those are the ones my tummy-poo doesn’t like? So, those are…these are some of my memories of Trader Joe’s. You say, this…that’s an ode to 2020, remembering…remember when I would frolic in these aisles? I mean, now it’s a little bit more efficient and I don’t know if we have the data to back up which takes longer, but I just…waiting outside’s just not for me…to go in. It just…I’m not engaged with grocery purchasing and then I’m like well, I should be working on the podcast, so I can’t do it. I think I shared this with you; this was a long time ago, probably in the summer, but I was in line waiting to go into Trader Joe’s.
I was listening to a podcast and I was wearing a Bright Sessions podcast t-shirt from the famous Lauren Shippen podcast, The Bright Sessions which if you haven’t listened to it, you should listen…have you listened to it? Okay, well, listen to it again? Or, yeah, put it…why don’t you listen to it in a different podcast app just to enjoy it once more? But so, standing there in line and you know, I tend to be pretty cranky, and this gentlemen kept looking at me. I said that gentlemen seems to be looking at me and then I said Scoots, it’s only in your imagination. I said well, I don’t know; he keeps looking at me. Maybe it’s something like my purple bandana. Maybe it’s my hair, but I’m pretty sure he’s looking at me. I said no, no, no, he’s not looking at you. It’s all in your mind.
Then he couldn’t take it anymore and he was looking at me; he came up to me and he held up his phone at a distance and showed me that he was listening to The Bright Sessions while I was standing in line with a Bright Sessions t-shirt. Small world? I don’t know, but pretty cool. Great news for podcasting. That’s the kinda stuff that podcasters…we kick our heels about because you say okay, wow…’cause believe it or not, only one out of five people regularly listen to podcasts. I always say man, I feel bad for all those people that are missing out on all this good stuff. So, those are some thoughts I had. Let’s see, what else? The last time I was at Trader Joe’s, trying to get me to tell you more…I didn’t buy…I’m trying to not buy any treats or anything because I gotta do a culling of my cabinets at some point. What else?
I’m picturing myself there. I don’t think I bought anything new. I’m trying to think if they had anything new. One thing in the last twelve to sixteen months that I’ve bought there a few times…and this is an allergen for some people, but a peanut butter powder, or peanut butter flour which I use in smoothies, and that is…holy moly, good. I just thought of it; I could use it in one of these recipes I’m talking about tonight. But yeah, that’s just another thing that I was thinking about, is peanut butter…I don’t know, whatever I was talking about; peanut butter powder. Peanut butter powder; it does sound nice, but I’ve bought that a couple times in the last year. I know it’s been a while since we’ve cooked together. It just, I don’t know, I needed some time. But that brings up the first two ingredients that we need.
If we were at TJ’s, we…I think we would have a good…I think we’d have a 80% chance of getting these two ingredients. I know one of them would be in the high 90s, and that’s almond flour. So, we need almond flour and we need coconut flour which I say, I don’t know if I’ve…they probably have that. It sounds like something they could have at Trader Joe’s, but I didn’t purchase either one of those there. I purchased them…I don’t know where I got them from. I mean, one of the…it was either delivered or I went to the big box grocery store. Oh, I dream of having Wegmans out here, even though I worked for Wegmans and it didn’t work out. That’s the most popular big grocery store. I don’t think it started in Syracuse. I think it started in Rochester, but that was a big one in Syracuse.
I told you that story, right, how I…be careful what…learn to listen to the people that have your best interests at heart and not for the glamour. But back in the day when I was just a lad, you could get a job I’m pretty sure at fourteen or fifteen. Like, if you got a job when you were fourteen or fifteen, you don’t…you were very limited in how many hours you could work and the time you had to stop working. I’m not sure if it was fourteen or fifteen. It was definitely pre-sixteen. The easiest place to get a job…not the easiest but one of the common places to get a job was Wegmans. Kids there were older than you worked there. I guess I was in seventh grade. I want to say…yeah. So, maybe I was in eighth grade. I don’t know. Maybe I was in ninth grade.
I don’t know, but one of those years I got a job at Wegmans, along with most of my…a large number of my friends. Here’s a fact I haven’t shared and I feel bad about this; so, when I got the job, you have to go for your training, or a couple different kinds of training, some of which is in-person but some of which was at some sort of remote location. I didn’t have a car and I…my family was unable to drive me. No one was there, so I was home by myself the night before and I didn’t do anything. This was before I got wild. This was when I was just eighth grade or ninth grade. I think it was the summer between eighth grade and ninth grade, or no…no, it was definitely…hm, I don’t know. But so, not important.
But so, one of the people that got a job I went to middle school with, so maybe I was a freshman in high school or maybe I was almost gonna be as sophomore, so I would have been fifteen. But she had a car, so she was older than me, I guess, ‘cause she had a car. [00:30:00] Maybe I was fifteen and she was sixteen and there was one other person. We said we’ll meet at the Wegmans we’re work…we got our job at, and she would drive us to, which was about a twenty-minute walk from my house. We were supposed to meet there at 8:00 and I rarely oversleep. For some reason, the alarm I set didn’t go off and she was calling my house. She said where are you? We’re waiting here at Wegmans. I said oh, goodness. I had to run all the way to that Wegmans. I think we were late. I feel bad about that. I’m sorry.
It wasn’t actually…I thought I set…I slept in my parents’ bed. That’s where the the trouble started because they had an alarm clock in a big bed and no one was there. I don’t know, is that strange? I mean, it was a giant bed. I said wow, I’m gonna sleep in this giant bed for…and live the large life. I was probably staying up playing video games. Okay, so, anyway, back to reality. We don’t have a Wegmans. Oh, so I…oh, I gotta finish the story; right, not the story I went off-topic about. So, I got a job there, started working there as a cashier. I don’t think I can overstate how difficult that job is and how much people take it for granted, or I did. What I learned is that it was a very intense…you’re doing customer service and data entry and you’re…and checking people out all at the same time. I’m not suited for any of those things.
I found that out, and you’re standing, which is not easy for, whatever, four to six to eight hour shifts. So, it quickly did not go well because my attention to detail and my ability to smile whenever needed was not happening. But I remember this friend of mine who’s up there somewhere, Alfred, he said you don’t want to be a cashier. You want to work in either the bakery or the dairy or the fruits and vegetables department. Trust me. I said, this…he doesn’t know what he’s talking about. The cashiers are where the action is, man. That’s where the fame…that’s where Hollywood finds celebrities and that’s where…that as a kid, you always dream of being the…at least I did, of being the cashier, because the cashiers I had were good. They were smiling and making you feel good, and efficient.
Also, there’s cool kids like my Pat…friend Pat’s brother Dan. He was a cashier. He was good at it, though. So, it turns out I wasn’t good at it and I should have stayed…I should have worked in the bakery or in produce. That’s where I think Alfred worked, but I didn’t. So, there’s that story. So, okay, but I was gonna tell another story because…so, these…the almond and the coconut flour are gonna be foundations of this dish, right, that Staci gave us. I thought oh, well, this is also about the founding of the…so, the listeners have their own Facebook group and the two women that founded it were Laura and Alexandra, the flours of this listener group. They sent me a Antonio Banderas blanket. Yeah, that’s from them, the whole Facebook group. They sent me this great audio message with all these people saying thank you.
It was…I cried and then I cried and then I cried some more. But so, I was thinking about that as…so, they just reached out to me, I think separately. This was in like, 2014 or something. They said hey, there should be a group for people that listen to the podcast to get together. I don’t know what I said back, like, basically between my job and the podcast, I don’t really have any bandwidth, plus I’m not exactly extroverted. Then I think I said well, let me introduce the two of you to one another because you both want to start something. Then they…I said could…I think it’d be better if you just start it independent of the podcast. I could try to be a member of it. Then I said but I’d appreciate it if we figure out a way to make it a safe place without a lot of the stuff that makes social media too intense, for me, at least.
I think they started out and they moderated it very well but eventually they needed to get some extra moderators in there to help them. People come and go, so there was…oh, and so, these are some of the other things we’re gonna need, is these two sugars. These are sugar substitutes from Swerve. I love saying that; Swerve, man. So, I have Swerve granulated sugar and Swerve brown sugar. Here, I have it with me; see that? It feels like…even though it’s in a bag, it feels like brown sugar in the brown sugar one, huh? So, these sugars will represent the former noderators Lyda and Summer, because the…they were both very sweet people, I guess. I don’t know. No subs…there was no substitute for them, we’ll say.
But you know, people can be a noderator but you…not everybody does…like I said, I can’t even…couldn’t even start a group like that because I said well, I just don’t…I can’t fit it in and it’s not for me. So you say okay, well, I…just like the other kind of commitments. I say I could do that for six months. So, those are four of the ingredients we need. Another one we need is…the create…put some air into it is baking soda. So, the baking soda will represent the other former noderator, Julie. So, that’ll be another thing that creates the chemical reaction that allows to put some…to aerate things. I think that’s what baking…we’re using baking powder in this recipe which I have at home. Then we’ll have salt which I think we’ll just say salt…that’s just an element, so it’s already there. Pre-noderators, there was salt.
We can all agree on that. Yeah, I’m carrying it with us on our walk because I want to…I have a important thing about our walk before we get back. So, what was I…? Oh, I’m going through the ingredients now and I’m starting to forget what else we need, so just pardon me. Well, there’s eggs, so I think that we’ll only use large eggs for this one, and when I think of eggs…well, I know Alexandra has chickens but I also think of a teacher which would be Sara. One of the noderators is a teacher, because they say being a teacher is like kinda managing little chickadees or hens. Things are running around. Saying okay, let’s have our focus here. So, that’s what those eggs will be. We’ll use large eggs. The next ingredient I have in here is cinnamon.
When I think of cinnamon, I think of Julie C because of the ‘c’ but also because Julie’s one of the listeners I’ve met and the noderators I’ve met, like Alexandra and then the people who have come to the live show…live shows. But I think of…when I think of cinnamon, Julie C is the one who came up with…who said hey, what about friends beyond the binary? I think the idea of…Julie C added this ingredient that you could…like I said, this podcast is missing something in the greeting that doesn’t make it feel as welcoming. How do I come up with it? Just like when you eat something; they say, what is this that adds a layer to it, or this is missing something. We won’t be missing anything with cinnamon or the ideas from Julie C. So, that’s the next one.
Then another important thing is having…in this case, it’s vanilla we’re gonna put in there. That makes me think of Jennifer, our noderator, ‘cause again you say well, this is an essential ingredient to add something and…that you might not know, especially being a noderator. It’s not flashy, as flashy as people think, much like being a cashier, like I said. Sometimes you miss out. But if there wasn’t the vanilla in there, vanilla extract in this case, you’d say well, this is missing something. Without the cinnamon and the vanilla extract, you wouldn’t have something as special, so that’s what Jennifer adds. Then — now, luckily I brought this in a special container so we could do it with purpose — is butter. Butter is something that adds flavor.
I don’t know, it does…I don’t know if it emulsifies or bonds or whatever, but you’d say butter is a big part [00:40:00] of it. That reminds me of the noderator Keith. In that group, it seems like Keith adds a lot of songs and fun things that…if you were using butter in another situation, you’d say oh, butter makes it smooth, you know? I say, rub some butter on it and then it’ll get rid of the chafing. So, while butter isn’t associated with being light-hearted and…that’s the connection I make with Keith. But so, yeah, that group of people on and off, and some of them on the whole time have started the group and then maintain this…just group of listeners who just support one another and be kind. So, that’s always been amazing to me.
So, we’re gonna turn here and you can see this piece of…what do you call this piece of dirt here? So, there’s…we’re on the sidewalk, right? On the left are people’s homes and their yards. Then there’s sidewalk, then on the right there’s these other small patches of grass; dog bathrooms would be another way to refer to them as, though some people don’t make…they make them un-dog friendly. Some people say I don’t bother. It’s a dog bathroom; just keep it as dirt. I like those people. Other people say let’s put something that…either grass or some sort of…now I see people using more and more hearty local or drought-tolerant plants or mulch. What is that called between the sidewalk and the road? ‘Cause I could write a book about that.
You say, My Story: My Life Between the Sidewalk and A Road as A Dog…you couldn’t sell a book called As A Dog Bathroom. You could put…maybe you could put that in parentheses after the book title but I don’t know what you’d call it anyway. It’s like, My Life As A Dog Bathroom. That wouldn’t work. But you say, My Life Between the Sidewalk and A Road. Probably just a poem. Oh, yeah, I like that idea. But it was…these…that kind of place, other than dogs going…my dog and other dogs going to the bathroom, a lot of times is a place where I find magical things that people have left outside with an F-R-E-E sign…F-R…our F-R-E-E sign on it. Now, we’re not allowed to do that where I live now, and I haven’t actually…one time my landlord thought that I was the one that broke the rule and sent out a text.
I said no, no, it’s not my thing that’s out there for F-R-E-E. ‘Cause he said well, that’s not allowed. I said okay, I understand, but…before…so, usually I just put my stuff…I did have one thing free recently but I just said text me when you’re here and then I’ll bring it out. I posted it on the CL for free. You gotta do that twice because usually you have like eight people that don’t show up. So, there was that. Oh, so this is right where I found…and it’s…it was a Sunday. I was coming back from my run. That’s when I find the magic stuff because garbage day is Monday night and I guess they think if you put it on on a Saturday or Sunday, probably more people walking…probably your homes…you’re like, I gotta…you gotta get rid of this. I told you 50,000 times. So, this one was a waffle maker.
Now, it wasn’t in the box but it said Free: Only Used Twice. It had the…it even had the instruction manual taped to it. I think it’s implied when you say Only Used Twice that it still works. Sometimes people put Free: Still Works or Free: Doesn’t Work. I did have…I wouldn’t call it a albatross but I think it was two or three Decembers ago, between December…between Christmas and New Year’s, I was coming back from a run. It was just starting to rain and I found…there was a TV box for a brand-new TV and it said Free. I said, what in the hey? I might as well take this. I think it said Works…TV Works, Speakers Don’t. But it was in a brand-new 2018 TV box but it was really a 2007 TV. I used that as a monitor for my…it was too big for my computer monitor but I was stubborn. I said, I’m gonna use it anyway. Took up my whole desk.
Then I stopped using my desk so eventually, because of 2020, I got…I put…that was what I put on Free…Craigslist Free, and somebody picked it up. It was in my place for like, two years. Poor thing. Didn’t get much attention. So, here, I found this waffle maker and I never owned a waffle maker. My mother owns a waffle maker, I think. So, I said Free: Only Used Twice. Part of me sometimes says just keep walking; the old Kondo in me, you know, that little piece of Marie that lives deep inside me. But Marie would be proud of me in this case ‘cause I said keep walking; do not stop and pick up that waffle maker. But the little boy didn’t…he said, but it’s a waffle maker; we don’t have a…what do we have to lose here? Then it got me. I said well, what if we walk by it and then wouldn’t you regret not trying it to see if it actually works?
Said, we could always leave it sitting around our apartment for two or three years and then put it on Craigslist and…Only Used Three Times. I said okay, you’re right, you’re right. So, we…I took it home that day. I haven’t named it but oh boy, has this become a staple of my home, this waffle maker. This little waffle maker of mine, it won’t be long that it’ll shine. I’m not sure if I made something that day or not but I don’t think I ran home and cooked waffles that day that I can think of. I didn’t go on any blogs that day or night but the first thing I waffled which…this is a free recipe; we’re not gonna make it ‘cause we’re making Staci’s recipes. Oh, let’s start…I’ll show you the waffle maker once we’re back, and you could start preparing. Now, we’re gonna make this…Staci’s dish three ways.
Two ways are already in production, so we really only have to make it one way now, with us together. So, the first thing I want you to do is…you brought a sifter, right? No? Okay, well, first thing is Google how to replace a sifter. Then I want you to take the…so, I have everything laid out because I already made it. Oh, what did I use to sift? A sifter substitute. Okay, but you’re gonna take a half-cup of almond flour and four tablespoons of coconut flour, okay? Oh, what are we making? Cinnamon coffee cake three ways, my dear. What do you think we’re…we’re making it in honor of the listener Facebook group and the noderators, noderating coffee cake. Okay, so a half-cup of almond flour and four tablespoons of coconut flour and one teaspoon of baking powder, okay? Sift that up while I talk about this waffle maker.
This is a Presto. I don’t know if I want to…I call it…I’m gonna start calling it Presto 9000. You’d say Scoots, would you recommend me purchasing a Presto 9000? I’d say, I don’t…this is the only waffle maker I’ve ever known so I can’t say for sure that this is the waffle maker for me. So, what did I do? I came home, I wiped it off, and then…I don’t know if it was the first day or the second day but I really lucked out in some sense because I’ve been trying to eat more oatmeal. My friend Lauren who makes Criminal podcast and I have been talking oat…like, different oatmeals. So, I’ve been eating more oatmeal. But then a lot of times, my oatmeal is cold so I said wait a second, I have cold, day-old oatmeal in my refrigerator in a bowl and I have a waffle maker here and I don’t have the wherewithal…I just think it was whatever day, so it was either a Sunday or a Monday.
On a Monday, I can’t have waffles just ‘cause it’s too much of a treat and I’m not…can’t have any treat ‘til my day that…Saturday or Sunday. So, I said okay, well, we can’t have that, so we can’t have a waffle. I’m into all-or-nothing living, yes, but so I said well, I wonder what would happen if I put…and then that same part of me, the Kondo within me, said are you gonna read the instructions? I said…I laughed like that. I said well, if you…the way you say it…now, the only instruction I read other than plug it in…and that…was that don’t spray it. You don’t need to spray it with anything. So, what’s the first thing I did, was I…oh, then you preheat it for four minutes.
So, I preheated it and then I…of course I sprayed it because…and I think I…maybe it said four minutes a side for waffles, so I sprayed it just because I said [00:50:00] oatmeal…I don’t want to ruin the waffle maker on the first try by following the instructions. I mean, who would do that? Okay, great job on sifting. While you’re doing that, can you take the five tablespoons of butter that I’ve been carrying around? You know, this is side-warmed butter. I’ve been carrying it next to me, so it’s human-warmed butter. It’s been melted by my heart. So, first successful…this butter…this butter says I’ve been melted by your heart, Scoots, so that butter is ready. Then what you could do is we got the oven preheated ‘cause there’s stuff in the oven.
Okay…oh, did you put the…can you put salt in there with the…what you’ve sifted? Great job sifting, by the way. If I ever need anybody to sift through anything, you’re at the top of my list. Okay, so in a separate bowl you’re gonna combine the butter, the eggs, and the great thing is we didn’t heat the butter. It’s just warmed, so it’s soft. So, the four eggs, the butter, the vanilla. Why don’t you mix those first and then add the…then we’ll…yeah, just go ahead and do that. You’re right. So, then what I did was I put the…I just put the oatmeal…once the thing was preheated, I just put it in there. I sprayed it first which I think was wrong because it’s really hard to clean the spray out of there, but so then I sprayed it and then I put the oatmeal in, and then I waffled the oatmeal.
I realize that 2018 just called and said yeah, everybody was waffling everything in 2018, Scoots; where were you? I say, trying to listen to Marie Kondo and not buy a waffle maker irresponsibly. But I can tell you that the waffling of the oatmeal…I followed…I think I said let’s do three minutes instead of four minutes because this isn’t a waffle. So, I did three minutes each side. Now, it came out not like a waffle but not like oatmeal. So, it was oatmeal but it had a little bit of crispiness and caramelization to it. This was the oatmeal that I made in the InstaPot with blueberries and a little bit of cinnamon sugar. Since then, I’ve upped my game to add a little bit of some sort of fat. Like, I added…so that when you…then you don’t need to spray it.
It doesn’t hold up as well but the last time I made the…so, I’ll make one cup of oatmeal, two cups of liquid, whatever liquid you want; milk, almond milk, whatever. Then you can put bananas in there or fruits and the great thing about the InstaPot is then the fruits kinda cook with the oatmeal, so they kinda fall apart and really spread the flavor around. So, bananas and blueberries are what I like in there but I also added some coconut. What is that called? Coconut oil that time, maybe a tablespoon of it. That really added something. But this time it was just canola oil spray and old oatmeal. It still came out good. The only thing I added to it was some ready-made whip cream, generic from the big box grocery store, because that’s a low-impact way to make something feel luxurious. Okay, so you’re done with that.
So, now we’re gonna put in two tablespoons of Swerve brown sugar substitute and two tablespoons of Swerve granulated sugar substitute. You have the vanilla in there. One of the ones I made…so, I made two…so, before you got here, I made cupcakes with this recipe and a cake in a square…like a brownie cake pan. In the cake one, I added a…with…I added a ripe banana and some walnuts, so that’ll kinda give us a cinnamon-banana-bread-type version. The cupcakes are just a straight recipe, and Sophia loves the cupcake versions of these because it’s easy to have as a snack. Another…oh, but when I made the cupcakes…sorry, I did change it; I added…instead of vanilla extract for the cupcakes I added almond extract, and then instead of five tablespoons of butter I added three tablespoons of butter and two tablespoons of coconut oil.
But this one, we’re staying true to Staci’s thing even though we’re not following…Scoots can never do anything straightforward. It’s just…it’s not how I operate. Okay, so where was I? I totally am lost. Oh, you’re…oh, so you’ve got the sugar…let me just double-check. So, we have cinnamon, sugar, eggs, vanilla, and butter, and you’re…in that together. Then you can…once you do that, then start…you don’t want to over-mix it, I guess, but you want to stir the liquid ingredient into the dry ingredients and then grab my spatula, too, while you stir it. Yeah, you go ahead and stir at your own pace. The waffle maker has been preheating for three and a half minutes. So, that’s like…so, the oatmeal comes out pretty good in a waffle maker.
Now, the good thing is about having a free waffle maker is you don’t have to worry about well, what if that messes up the waffle maker? If you got it as a gift or paid for it, you’d say…’cause oh yeah, I’ve put everything in here now, like sandwiches…oatmeal is probably the wildest one. I’m trying to think of other stuff. I haven’t done everything yet but I’ve definitely…I say well, if I’m gonna eat something, might as well put it in the waffle…waffle it first. I mean, I have…oh, I…what do you call that? Seitan? Seitan? Not that kind of Satan. S-E-I-T-I-A-N or whatever. It’s like, vital wheat gluten or something. It’s a meat substitute. That did not work in the waffle maker but I did make a quesadilla from it that did work, a waffleadilla. So, that had seitan…not Satan; seitan.
I don’t know how to say it but…so, that had that; meat substitute and cheese and sour cream, I think, and tortillas, and I just waffled that. Came out delicious. That one, I may have sprayed on that one too, which I…maybe I didn’t and I said wow, it still came out fine. But I see why they say don’t spray it, ‘cause it’s just not made for spray. Also, you want to have something heavy around. Again, this is why I don’t pay…this is why I’m glad…this is the Presto 9000; it can take anything ‘cause it’s half-imaginary. But I really do take my…what is that called? What is this thing called that I’m holding in my hand? Oh, a cast-iron frying pan, and then I put that on top, so that smushes down things, like the seitan quesadilla or sandwiches. Oh, what sandwiches have I made?
Pastrami on rye, roast beef on rye, Swiss and sauerkraut on rye, PB&J. I plan on making…well anyway, let’s…we gotta get this in here. So, the great thing is you’re ready to go. I’ve run this recipe before ‘cause I wasn’t about to…I didn’t want to embarrass Staci by first of all changing how to cook a recipe. Just so you know, in the oven, when you make these, the ones I made here that we’re pulling out of the oven, they were in the oven for twenty to twenty-five minutes. You just want to make sure they’re golden brown. See? Oh boy, don’t those look good? Yeah, they smell delicious. So, we’re gonna pour the batter in. The batter will make about two…for the Presto 9000, two full waffles which is technically eight waffles ‘cause this is one big circle that’s in quarters.
According to Waffle Box International, because I’ve checked the different…made other waffles on the weekend, the…that equals four waffles. One of these waffles is the equivalent of four waffles if you’re getting technical. Now, this…Staci’s recipe will make eight waffles then, or for us, two waffles. So yeah, about half the batter? Yeah; just…oh, wow, and that’s it. We close it up. Now, I’m gonna do…I do three minutes a side with this one, so we’re gonna prep everything. I highly suggest…go ahead and have one of the cupcakes by themselves. When they’re warm, they don’t really need anything. I mean, they’re already buttery. Yeah. Oh, wow, isn’t that good? Yeah. Then we’ll cut this cake up. Again, you could add something but the spirit of Staci’s recipe is that this is just great by itself.
You don’t have to add any real sugar. I mean, the only thing I will…we’ll put whip cream on this waffle once it’s done but yeah, so go ahead; have the…yeah, that’s the banana walnut. [01:00:00] Yeah, and just think about…as we eat, we’re eating with gratitude towards the noderators and for Staci for not just being a noderator of the Facebook group. So, she’s nourishing the community of Sleep With Me listeners and us. But really, as you eat it, think about the nourishment of kindness and treating people with dignity and respect. Sometimes it’s a nourishment we don’t even know we’re getting ‘til we’re already full. You say, wow. It’s easy to forget. We’re all human beings. Nobody’s perfect and nobody can…nobody’s…we just want to try to slow down. For me, at least; I gotta speak for myself.
But I’m just amazed at the kindness of all of those people; Alexandra, Laura, Summer, Sara, Staci, Julie, Julie, Jennifer, Keith, Lyda, everybody that put…that they put their time and caring into the community for other people. You know, almost…it’s almost time to flip it. Not quite time. I know; I get like that too. It’s like, kinda steaming out. The good thing is with the waffle, you don’t have to add…you don’t have to use the cast-iron pan because it’s batter, where something else, yeah, we’d have to weigh it down or whatever. But yeah, so what was I saying? I have no idea. Oh, other waffle things. Here’s the thing; if you have a waffle maker, again, Staci’s recipe, you just make it as a coffee cake. You can make it as coffee cupcakes.
If you want to make waffles, another way I’ve done it is…that I have a cast-iron griddle on one side and a grill on the other side, and I’ll make…I call them waffle cakes. That’s what I…before I had a waffle maker, that’s what I would make. It’s kinda like a pancake; it’s kinda like a waffle. You make it on the grill. Again, this is a indoor cast-iron grill, and so you cook it on one side and then you flip it and cook it on the other. It’s kinda like a striped waffle. But I mean, this waffle maker has brought me joy. I can’t believe…not to…I’m sure that…should only buy a waffle maker if…I guess that’s the nice thing about having the Presto 9000; I say okay, I’m using this thing and it’s bringing me joy, but I also didn’t buy it on impulse. I just picked it up on the street.
Oh, yeah, we were supposed to…oh, you flipped it forty seconds ago. Thank you. Thank goodness. Okay, so let’s get our plates together. I’ll be honest that this…we had a little bit of stuff…usually of…25% of one of these waffles to 50% is enough for me for regular breakfast. So, that’s all I’m gonna have, but I’m gonna get my…our plates ready here ‘cause yeah, if you eat it right outta there…and alls we need to do is plug the…unplug the thing. But yeah, while we’re saying, I just wanted to say thanks for being here for me, and I know we had to do this virtually, so I appreciate you virtually joining me. But it’s cool how I have that person running the food right to you because you’re just, like, not that far away, and how much I appreciate everybody’s kindness for the podcast. But these noderators, really, noderators, you put so much work and time into other people in a community.
It’s such an example of the world that I want to live in and I really, really appreciate it. Okay, yeah, you’re getting ready? Well, we’re almost ready. We’ve got about forty more seconds. Yeah, we could count down as everybody drifts off into dreamland, and then we’ll enjoy these wonderful cakes and waffles by way of Staci. Thank you, Staci. Yeah, I could say…I could count down from ten but longer than…nine. What comes after nine? I always wonder. It’s another number; eight is the number that comes after nine. Then you count down; you go ten, nine, eight, and then you say eight-eight-eight, seven. Nine, eight, seven? Really? If nine, eight, seven, then it would be six. Then I’d say oh, five, four, three, two, one, because it’s time to take…yeah. What I do is I just flip it, I drop the waffle on the plate like that, and we’re done. Soft and pillowy like a trip off to dreamland. Goodnight.