945 – Oso Sleepy | Mandoborian on Mandalorian Chapter 14 S2 E6
Baby Grogu gets oh so sleepy when he take a trip to meet a Moff, while Scooter bumbles about baking balanced boba balls.
Episode 945 – Oso Sleepy | Mandoborian on Mandalorian Chapter 14 S2 E6
SCOOTER: Ladies and gentlemen, boys and girls, friends beyond the binary, and my patron peeps; goodnight, patron peeps. Sleep well, and what do you say we get on with the show?
INTRO: [INTRO MUSIC] Hey, are you up all night tossing, turning, mind racing? Trouble getting to sleep? Trouble staying asleep? Well, welcome. This is Sleep With Me, the podcast that puts you to sleep. We do it with a bedtime story. Alls you need to do is get in bed, turn out the lights, and press play. I’ll do the rest. What I’m going to attempt to do is create a safe place where you could set aside whatever’s keeping you awake, whether it’s thoughts, things on your mind, feelings, anything emotionally coming up for you. So, thoughts, feelings, physical sensations, changes in time or temperature or routine. I just got distracted. Sorry about that. My mind just petered out, just kinda like this podcast peters out. Whatever’s keeping you awake, I’d like to take your mind off of that stuff. Stuff…could be nothing on your mind. Last night was…I had a baffling one where I said what is going on, here? I played by all the sleep rules. Luckily, there’s no rules. That’s just what people say, all the…what are they called? All the sleep hygiene things. Whatever’s keeping you awake, I’d like to take your mind off of that and I’d like to keep you company if I could. The way I’m gonna do that is I’m gonna send my voice across the deep, dark night. I’m gonna use lulling, soothing, creaky, dulcet tones. Oh-so creaky are my dulcet tones, more creaky than dulcet…pointless meanders, superfluous tangents. I have a tendency to use filler words, muttering, stammering, and then peter out. I mean, that’s a sound effect of an old-fashioned car on a cartoon. I’ve never been compared to that but I’m sure people have thought…they say, I can’t put my finger on it but Scooter reminds me of something; not someone. I’d say, one of those cars with…in a comedy where they’re trying to…you gotta wind it up on the front of it and then it makes a noise a bit like a train? It putters. Then it stalls out, but it doesn’t stall…oh yeah, wasn’t there a car on one of those cartoons that…it even made that sound and it had a face? Yeah, I guess you’re right, I guess I am a bit like that imaginary cartoon car. But if you’re new, a couple things to know; I’m here to keep you company as you fall asleep which, this…that’s very different than most podcasts, even most sleep audio. You might find this podcast…it’s just not for everybody but I hope it works for you. The only thing is, it does take a few tries to get used to, and that’s what most regular listeners say which is…hundreds of thousands of people have said, and I guess I’m proud of this, that they gave it a few tries. I’m proud of them. They said yeah, it took two or three tries before I realized you just kinda barely listen to Scooter. It’s kinda like a passive listening. It’s different than passive listening or background noise but it’s just out-of-focus listening. Then I became a regular listener because it helped take my mind off of stuff and put me to sleep. This is a podcast you don’t really listen to. You may not like it. Totally normal. You may be skeptical or doubtful. Makes a lot of sense to me. Those things are true. What else is…? Oh, the other thing is this doesn’t really put you to sleep. I’m here to keep you company while you drift off. The reason the podcast’s over an hour, so you have reassurance. You say oh, I got plenty of time to fall asleep. Scoots is gonna be here to keep me company. Here’s the thing; I’m gonna be here to keep you company whether you’re awake or asleep. I’m here for you, so if you can’t sleep, I’m gonna be here for over an hour, to the very end. You could queue up episode after episode after episode if you need it, but if you’re asleep, I’m still here. I’m still here keeping you company. I’m on…I’m kinda like on-call. Those are a couple other things. Another thing that can throw new listeners off is the structure of the show. Show starts off with a greeting so you know…hopefully you feel seen and welcomed. Then there’s business, listener support, and then the sponsors that support the podcast to be free. Then there’s the intro which we’re in right now. The intro goes from around…I don’t know, minute six or minute eight to about minute twenty or twenty-two. The intro is essentially a show within a show. But it also…it’s a show within a show within a show because…what I mean by that is, okay, so the intro is in the show, so that’s the first within the show. Then the next dolled-down, those nesting dolls; the intro also…it has as couple purposes. It introduces you, the new listener, to the show, or for the regular listener, what up, regular listeners? Or what about semi-new listeners, or coming back; listeners on a comeback. That’s a setup…set back’s a setup for a comeback. I’m glad to have you back here. Okay, but either way, so the intro does two things; it introduces people to the show but it also gives you some distance, some wind-down time because this podcast, even when it puts you to sleep, it keeps you company as you drift off to sleep. You could kinda use the intro in different ways once you get used to the show. 3% of people now skip the intro and start the story…start the show at twenty minutes. Then another few thousand people listen to story-only episodes on Patreon but for the majority of listeners, they listen to the intro as they’re either in bed getting comfortable or they’re out of bed getting…either getting ready for bed or doing some sort of wind-down bedtime routine. The podcast kinda serves as a supplement to ease you into bedtime and give you a smooth landing pad so that, yeah…just don’t…’cause I just haven’t had any luck falling asleep instantly. That’s what I mean. That’s the intro. Then there’s business between the intro and the show. That’s just how podcast business structure works. Then there’s a story. Tonight will be our recap of an episodically modular series…I guess it’s a serialized series…Mandaborian on Mandalorian. Now, if you don’t watch that show or you do watch the show, don’t worry. These will be…you don’t have to have watched the show. There may be spoilers ‘cause I am gonna talk about the episode, but in a pretty indirect way. That’ll be my…talking about Mandalorian, then there will be thank-yous and goodnights. That’s the structure of the show. The reason I make the show is because you deserve a good night’s sleep. That’s what I truly believe, and that our world will be a better place if you get the rest you need and deserve. That’d be a good thing for everybody. I mean, it’d be nice. The other reason is because I’ve been there. I know how it feels there in the deep, dark night tossing, turning, mind racing, trouble getting to sleep, trouble staying asleep. That’s a couple things. The other things, it’s just my mind tends to go off on tangents. That’s another reason I just…I guess I’m…make this show. I do later in the episode talk about Boba Fett and Boba balls, but I didn’t think about it as a tongue twister with Bo Bridges. You have Bo Bridges, Bo Bridges, a sibling of Jeff Bridges. Not related to Jeff Daniels, though I get that mixed up all the time. Common mistake for me. I mean, I’m sure it’s not okay with the Bridges brothers. Now, what was the other one? I was thinking whenever I talk about the Bridges, then I gotta talk about somebody else, but now my brain just went…oh, the Bacon brothers, and Bo…my…so, I do write Bacon brothers and Bo Bridges/Bacon brothers fanfiction, a figure named Bo Bacon. He’s the forgotten Bacon brother. He says, I’m one degree separation from Kevin Bacon but I’m not in the Bacon brothers band. So, but then I was thinking about…okay, Bo Bacon and Bo Bridges, a balance of Boba balls on Boba Fett; is that…that’s not really a tongue-twister. That’s something I’d like to see, or they could bake…I don’t think you bake Boba balls anyway, but they could bake Boba balls. Bo Bridges bakes Boba balls. You’re right, we do need some sort of mod…what is that called? Is that an adjective or an adverb? Adjectives end in -ly, right? Beautifully balanced Boba balls. Beautifully balanced…now I’m trying to find another b word…before blossom. What’s a b word that start…banana blossom Boba balls. They say Scoots, I’m from the Institute of Tongue Twisters; Tongue Twisters International. Oh, okay. Go ahead. I got you on the line, here. Scoots, normally that’s too many words to be in a tongue twister. We don’t have a hard and fast rule but that’s way too many words. Oh, really? Huh. Where’s your headquarters? Is it in my imagination? The International Institute of…what’d you say? Tongue Twisters. Tongue Twisters International? It is in your imagination. Okay, so let’s run through this, then. Bo Bridges bakes banana…there you go, I…there, my tongue was twisted there. Scooter, your tongue’s twisted a lot of the time, though. Okay, you got me on a technicality. Bo Bridges bakes Boba balls. Oh, whoops; banana Bacon blossom…balanced banana Bacon blossom Boba balls. Beautifully balanced banana Bacon Boba balls before…could Boba balls be betrothed to…does betroth just particularly mean engaged or could it mean…like, I’ve promised these…you say, sorry…okay, so we say…let’s say Bo Bridges is sitting around his house baking Boba balls and the Bo Bacon comes over, and Jeff Daniels. They say Bo, what’s that smell? Oh, I’m baking Boba balls. Wow, it smells like banana. Oh yeah, beautifully balanced banana Bacon Boba balls. It’s banana blossom, actually. What’s a banana blossom, Bo? By the way, how many…this is getting ridiculous. This is why I love making this show. Then you say can I have some? No; they’ve been betrothed to Boba Fett. Okay, that…but could you just say Boba? No, because then people might think I’m giving Boba balls to just Boba. These particular Boba balls are betrothed to Boba Fett. There’s the invoice right here. You sold them to Boba Fett? No, ‘cause Boba Fett does not work with money. Boba Fett works with the more ancient system of…they’re betrothed to Boba Fett in a long time away…galaxy far, far away, a long time ago. Bo, are you mixed up with Doc Brown again? I am. He showed up with Obi Wan Kenobi and he said robes? Where we’re going, we don’t need any robes. We just need Boba balls. I said, you’re in the right place. That’s my…Bo Bridges’ hobby? Making Boba balls. I’m the first person to bake Boba balls, as a matter of fact. Oh, really? This is so interesting. How’d you get into baking Boba balls, Bo? Oh, where are…? Oh, let me set it up. Welcome to the Bacon Brothers Podcast. I’m Bo Bacon. I’m here talking about things I encounter during my day and I’m here recapping the time I showed up at Bo Bridges’ house and found him baking Boba balls for Boba Fett. I’m sorry. Is your brother Brad Bacon around? Why are you asking about Brad Bacon, Bo? Well, I just remember…you remember when he was called Bad Brad Bacon? I do, Bo. Yeah, I just think that’s cool. Is he the cool…I know Kevin’s the main Bacon brother. Oh, thanks a lot, Bo. I thought we were friends. Well, no, no. I mean, no, you’re the one at my house. You’re the one that gets to taste my…test…my test-bakes. I just like saying Bad Brad Bacon and I know Scooter does, too. Okay, Bo. Anyway, back to…I’m here with Bo Bridges. He’s making beautifully balanced bacon banana blossom Boba balls betrothed to Boba Fett. Before we get off, I just thought…wondered if you could think of any other b words we could gratuitously slip into here. Also, we’ve learned we’re in violation of the tongue-twister…the Tongue Twister International, they’ve gotta be like wait a second, no one’s spun any tongue…is there tongue-twisting tails? That should be…that could be my next podcast. I think it’s called Sleep With Me, Scoots. Oh, yeah. I just…but I don’t always use the same letters. My tongue twists on its own. Funniest thing; I’m always tongue-twisted but I can’t fold my tongue into a taco like whatever…I don’t know what percentage of the population can do that. Bo Bacon can. What about Bad Brad Bacon? What about…could we get a word…could we fit a bard in there? No. Buttery Boba balls and…okay, you’re right, it petered out just like I said at the beginning of the podcast; eventually, it peters out. Thank you so much, Bad Brad Bacon, Bo Bacon, Bo Bridges, Boba Fett, Boba balls, everybody everywhere. I appreciate your time. This podcast can get silly, I mean…but I’m here to barely put a smile on your face. That was an example. It was…if you were barely laughing, that was an accident. I was just really intrigued ‘cause I was picturing…not in a ostentatious Hollywood Hills house. You know, just halfway up the hill with a good view, windows open, Boba ball steam’s going out the window. Bo Bridges is in an apron and then Bo Bacon shows up. Then somewhere in a galaxy far, far away, Boba’s waiting, saying when am I…I gotta get those Boba balls. Fenneck, go out…has the delivery come? What time did Doc Brown and Obi Wan say they were gonna be here? Well, they had to stop at the No Robes shop. Oh. So anyway, I’m glad you’re here. This podcast obviously is very different, not for everybody, but I really hope it can barely make you laugh or at least take your mind off of stuff and keep you company while you drift off. I appreciate your time. I work very hard. I yearn and I strive. Thanks again for coming by and here’s a couple of ways I’m able to be here for you twice a week for free.
Alright everybody, it’s Scoots here back on the +. That’s where I paused it, right at the beginning. Chapter 13, Season Two, Episode 6. Are we here so soon? I can’t believe it, but we are. What an exciting episode. Of course, for personal reasons as you’ll see later on as well as just a great episode…I think this is one of those episodes that people are gonna look back on and say wow. ‘Cause kind of in the…towards the middle of the season but a little bit closer to the back end, a lot in this episode, clocking into this super-tight thirty-three-and-a-half minutes, and that’s with…33:50 with all the credits on the…in the beginning and the end. You know, beginning to Acts 2. But really, I mean holy moly, I gotta make sure…let me turn on everything. Subtitles on. It’s muted. We get the recap; snow…oh, I thought it was snow but no, it’s the desert and it’s Fenneck sleeping after parting ways with the Mandalorian being discovered. Then we see Ashoka Tano and Mando have their little duely-poo. We see the power of the Beskar. We see Oso, we see Oso and Ashoka and the moon. Wow, look at that moon way up high, watching everything go by, including interactions between a Jedi and a Yodish being. Oh, we also know…we learned his name is Grogu, or their name, excuse me, is Grogu. We learn the mission for this episode; bring him to some rock where he could…a seeing stone where he could sit there and…the ruins of Typhon, or on Typhon; ruins of a temple, a seeing stone at the top of a mountain. Then we get our glimpse of the dark troopers and Moff Gideon, and Moff’s…Moff Gideon’s ship flying by. Tracking beacons on the Razor Crest, according to the asset, and we get a really good Moff Gideon smile which is…it’s always…oh, not always good to see Moff Gideon smile, but Giancarlo Esposito, it’s nice to see him smile because he can put so much into just his facial…I mean, the…he doesn’t have to speak sometimes. Then we have the Star Wars opening. Lucasfilm first, of course. I’m sorry, then Star Wars. Then the Razor Crest…not the Razar Crest. We see a green planet, Oso in the ball. We get some early comedy that I’m gonna have to roll through here that is again so…the writing…and so true to character, and just shows a little bit of a character growth, that the Mando’s kinda having fun. Oso’s playing with the ball. Mando says Grogu, yo, Grogu. Grogu looks at him and says, correct. He laughs. Then he’s so happy about it, the next time Grogu looks away, he says Grogu? He can’t believe it. Then he says, give me the ball. The ship…believe it or not, the ship is not functional without the ball. Also kinda shows their relationship. He doesn’t have to give consequences or he actually gets it back. But he says actually, I just wanted to see you do some Force again. He tries to get Grogu to do it, or Oso. It’s okay if Oso is his nickname, right? Or the child? Oso’s not able…Ogu…no, that doesn’t work. But Oso has some trouble, then he gets it. Mando says dang…dank farrik. First, Oso’s a little confused but he thinks, is papa mad? But he says no, no, no, I’m like…this is how my…this is how fathers are portrayed, and some fathers even buy into it and decide…they get buzzcuts and they expect their children to be trained for the…he goes but no, I’m just celebrating you. I’m not gonna be a football coach father. He said, the nice lady said you had training but…nice lady. I just…that’s just gold. That’s such a good…he says, you’re very special. If your head wasn’t green, I would kiss…and I didn’t have a helmet on, I would kiss your head. Then he heads in to this planet. He gets some beeping going. Here we go. It’s hard…I guess this is…let me pause it. Let me run through a couple pages of my notes and then go through the dialogue ‘cause I don’t want to miss anything. Dank farrik, not mad, you did good. Nice lady; I underlined that. Sights…you’re very special, kid. Find that place; I underlined. You belong. Take care of you and try to grow you into a Jedi. I can’t teach you. Learn of that…more of that Jedi stuff. Oh, and then also I put a note; Mando’s talking kind of seems like to both Oso and himself. I think that…I don’t know if there’s been a study of…’cause there’s not been…of science fiction or theorizing what life would be like in the cockpit of a space ship. Maybe — and I’m not kidding; this is…none of this is a joke — I’ll have to re-listen to On the Road, the trucking podcast, ‘cause it’s like, when you spend a lot of time in the cabin of something with yourself or just one other sentient being, the…you start to do your internal dialogue. I mean, I projected. I’m sure if people were…I talk to Koa pretty much twelve hours a day, my dog. I’m sure 90% of it is thinly-veiled subtext messages to myself. Then we have the title, The Tragedy, which you say, oh boy. Razor Crest jets by. Love the sound effects in the air. Green canyons. Love the dialogue…magic rock, can’t land on top, windows down. Flying Mando lands, music, stairs, round stone. This is it. Some echo music, big rocks. Does this look Jedi to you? I guess you sit right here. Okay, here we go. Seeing stones. This is the best written dialogue. It’s just been getting better and better. I mean, because I guess more and more…there’s just so much more growth, like a fine wine. You say Scoots, what’s your favorite part, I mean, for you, about the Mandalorian? I say well, the…because…I mean, this is true, though; empathy with characters. I say well, the Mandalorian just…in only a few aspects, a bit like me. His internal life and not my internal life may be similar. Okay, let’s just see. We got the Chapter 14 here on the live play. Green planet…very Earth-like, even the clouds and everything. Goes in, mountainous region. Oso’s holding the ball. Mando’s checking the scopes and stuff and looking…looks like that’s the magic rock. Not the magic bus or the magic school bus, but the magic rock. It makes me want to sing magic rock. They do a sharp turn. I didn’t even notice in any of my watches how they both lean into the turn; I guess meaning the planet has gravity. Sorry buddy, can’t land on top. Too small. We’ll travel down the last stretch with windows down. Straight cut to Mando flying with Grogu loving it like a kid on a roller…if they allowed infant-sized beings on roller coasters, Grogu would love it. Got a Mando looking strapping. Goes into this collection of henge, which we’ll hear the term later, so I don’t…I guess I prematurely henged. Almost reminds me a little bit of Breaking Bad…shots from above Albuquerque. Sees some…wow, even in the foreground, we see some nice bushes and some great shrubs. You say, who was in charge of the shrubs on that episode of Mandalorian? ‘Cause they did a good job. Again, once again, I’m not being facetious. Say, top five…I say, I don’t know if it could be in the top five, but something…I don’t…top…I don’t make a list except for the one I just made. I say, I enjoyed the shrubs. Puts Grogu on the seeing stone. Do you see anything? Grogu see? Grogu call Oso, the child. Then Mandalorian touches his helmet, does some thermal imaging, looking for a control. Walks around the seeing stone and there’s a rune…runes on the seeing stone. Then a butterfly comes in. Is it just one? Maybe multiple. A blue moth or a butterfly. Grogu reaches out to it but he can’t reach it. I think there’s multiple ones. Ashoka said, you do the rest, buddy. Then…and he’s sitting in Lotus position. At least, you can’t see under his shirt. Then another ship comes in, a familiar one. The reason it’s familiar to me is ‘cause I seen other kids…I never had that toy but I think my cousin John did. Pretty sure that’s who had it, so I know I played with it. Yeah, now I’m like 99% sure it was my cousin John. He had that because he came with…it came out after Return…around the time Return of the Jedi was in the theaters. It came with a package for transport, a Han Solo. It was really cool and it had a little place you keep him and everything. So, let’s run through my notes. You see anything? Mando looks for a control. Butterfly…Oso reaches out. Come on, kid, you’ll do the rest. Oh, I even put the note here; what? The toy from my childhood? Question mark. Oso touches the stone. Mando looks. That ship lands. Oso gets into the zone. All of a sudden the runes turn blue. Energy starts to flow. Grogu…Oso goes into a Zen-like mode. Cannot penetrate. Something…snap out of it, kid. Oso’s in the zone, though, watches grove…oh, someone…he looks down to the ship. Someone exits. I’ll buy you some time. Can you please hurry up? Then we get to see Mando go down a hill like he’s dancing. He’s so spry. Some laser blasts…he hides. Been tracking you, Mandalorian. Cloaked figure…Jedi. After the child. No answer. Cloak off. Around my armor…nope, not yours; mine. Cob with Tatooine…belong of me. Mando something. Sample me making his way in the world today. Takes everything you got. Says, did you take a break from all your worries? Sure would help a lot…glazy, like his father before me. Sometimes I like reading this stuff and then going back ‘cause it’s like bad poetry. The creed, back and forth, sharp shooter on the ridge. Beskar…the henge. That’s like a nickname of somebody, The Henge. Didn’t we have a nickname last episode, too? The something? Hey, are you The Henge, man? Yeah, why do you call him The Henge? ‘Cause he’s always…you know, 420…The Henge…for The Henge it’s 420 twenty-four hours a day. He’s made of…’cause he’s always stoned. Doesn’t quite make sense. Surrounded by…maybe he would be the roommate of…that lived in a suite and they were the only person that didn’t smoke, surrounded by stones but it’s actually the arrangement of the stones. So maybe the…maybe it’d be The Henge…who knows? I don’t know. Miss Fenneck? Not kid…here, chat. No need. Put down the jet pack. Sometime…sit down, have a chat. Fenneck, Casper, helmet at side. Fate steps in to record the wretched cyber-termite. Salty of child for armor. Bare deal? So, let’s run through this and see how inaccurate my writing was. Oso touches the stone, some great…not just a shrub behind Oso but it looks like a stack of wheat. Great jet trails as the ship comes in, lands. Then Mando goes hey kid, we gotta move. That’s when the power comes on. Oso goes…eyes closed. Gotta go. There’s a magnetic repulsion or a Beskarian repulsor. Snap out of it. Mando tries once to get in. Says we gotta get outta here. He’s covered in energy, a bit like a blueish version of what Neo sees in the Matrix. Mando checks the heat signature, sees someone leave that ship, then now he’s like, I’m gonna buy you some time. He goes down. We see a nice shot of the stones. Of course, the whole time I was waiting, I said is that a Jedi? What Jedi is gonna show up? Another good case of misdirection by the storytellers and subverting expectation in a good way. Mando sees some laser blasts, hides out behind a rock. But he says I’m the Mandalorian, so…but we see someone…I’ve been tracking you, a man in a cloak. He’s got some equipment on his back. He looks real tough, especially since he doesn’t have armor. He’s not hiding out. Mandalorian says, you a Jedi? He just stands there. You looking for the child? He just stands there and stares, takes his cloak off. We see he’s a famous clone original or whatever, son of a clone. He says, I want my armor, the armor you got on your ship; not your armor. The ones you got from Cobb Vanth on Tatooine. It belongs to me. You Mandalorian? Guy goes no, I’m a simple man making his way through the galaxy just like my father. Did you take the creed? He goes, I give my allegiance to no one. He goes, well, the Beskar belongs to Mandalorians, taken during the purge. He says, that armor’s my father’s. It’s mine. Mando says you know, I don’t like your attitude. He goes, well, I got a sharp shooter with me. Mando goes okay, well, I’ve got Beskar on and I’m really tough. He goes well, she’s not aiming at you, buddy. Your companion on the henge. That’s when Fenneck says yeah, you got a keen ear, Mando? It’s me. The other character almost grins. Mando goes okay, please, just leave the kid alone. That’s when the other character who turns out to be Boba Fett; we’ll just get to it. He goes, no need for battling. We could just talk it out. He’s serious. He does not like…it’s not a strategy. Fenneck comes down, Boba Fett lays down his arms, everybody does. Mando takes off his jet pack. Fenneck takes off her helmet and she’s still glaring. He goes, what happened to you? He goes well, Boba says yeah, someone left her in the desert but sometimes fate steps in to rescue the wretched. Great…what…I mean, seriously line…maybe the line of the season; but sometimes fate steps in to rescue the wretched. She says, Boba Fett was my fate. I think that’s the first name. Now I’m in his service. The first time he’s named. By the way, I want my armor back. Then they go back and forth; belonged to my father, belongs to Mandalorians. If you give me the armor, I can guarantee the safety of the child and your own. Fenneck says there’s a bounty worth ten suits of armor. Boba says, that’s a fair deal. Then a ship comes in, so let’s go back to my notes. A transport. Let’s see, transport ship comes in. Mando runs up the hill. Oso’s still in the zone. Time to go, kid. More magnetic resistance repulses Mando. It makes him even go to sleep for a second. Boba and Fenneck watch the door go down on the…what do you call it? The door goes down on the transport, then there’s a lot of ordering by whoever the commander is of these storm troopers. Even calls somebody…he uses the I word, the idiot word. Boba waits with staff. Something people. Great…one of the great action sequences of the Star Wars history. There’s a couple this season. This isn’t a criticism or anything else, but it’s just a pace…it happens at a small-scale consumable pace which just makes it really enjoyable. Maybe there’s something that happens that day…daytime on a planet with sunlight cars. But I don’t know if that…it doesn’t seem important but you know, so much of the Star Wars films take place either on…in the darkness of space or in darkness. I just realized that. I said, why did I enjoy this dance-off so much? Also, the storm trooper armor does not stand a chance. Then they have mortars, cannons, music. Fenneck runs. That was the one part of the episode that you say well…gets low. Pinned down. Boulder time. Awesome. Boba finishes the rest. He looks on Razor Crest or something. Fenneck still dealing with about ten. Another ship comes in. Oh dear. Mando wakes up. Oso’s in the zone. Sees the troops; he makes a third try which is not a charm to get Oso. He says okay, I’m gonna protect you. Stay there. Goes downhill. Oso stops, rolls over as soon as Mando leaves for a nap. Then Fenneck’s pinned down again. Mando shows up. I owe you. She says, we have a deal. She hides behind Mando. Oh, this was another cool little sequence. Then they’re pinned down, then Boba Fett shows up. He has…this one I didn’t notice it ‘til the second or third time when I had to ask my daughter. I said, did he just launch knee missiles? I had five exclamation…one, two, three, four, five…I said, wait a second, and I had to…I said did that just happen or was that my imagination? She knew. She said yeah, it’s knee missiles, dad. Don’t you read Tiger Beat? Or whatever, Boba Beat Magazine? I said, no. I had no idea. It does make sense because having little…of course…yeah, you gotta…as long as you know when you activate…as long as it has some sort of protocol, it totally makes sense. Oh, and then the troopers retreat and take off. Both ships…Boba gets down his scope, locks on and does the old…he launches…he aimed at one but he actually hits the one below it or above it. Does the old ship-on-ship takeout. Somebody says, nice shot. He says, I was aiming for the other one. Let’s go back to what we have in front of us. Mando’s running up the hill. Beautiful sunlight. Say, depending on what time of year it is; it’s probably like somewhere between 2:00 and 5:00 PM. Maybe around 2:00 or 3:00. Mando tries to get Oso. He looks on. Tries to…he’s like, going through just like there’s some sort of magnetic repulsion. Almost gets there but is thrown back. I don’t know if that’s the stone or Oso or whatever. Then Fenneck and Boba are running downhill. They watch as troopers get…come off their ship. They go right into action. Go, go, go. But they land behind cover, so they eventually get to some. But yeah, there’s as commander; I guess they wear a orange shoulder pad which means they’re the boss. I don’t know if they have Bluetooth speakers on their back, like a lumbar support or what it is. I would assume it’s like ammo or something, but they always have that. Boba, he hides behind a rock and he does some hand-to-hand dancing with…I don’t know if that’s something that I saw on Tatooine before. I think so, but he is…so outclasses the stormtroopers. I mean, to see him versus Mando would be quite the thing, but he’s got a little bit more…I think he’s probably a little bit more muscular. Wow, yeah, and no nonsense. Then the second round of troopers go after Fenneck. There’s even a cool distance shot of them going uphill. That’s when the mortars start. If you’re yellow, I guess is a mortar launcher. Then they’re setting up a heavy cannon. Fenneck kinda takes…she’s…they’re throwing everything they can at her and she knows she’s gotta do something before…because once they get…they do start…she somehow outruns the cannon which I guess is possible. She’s pretty fast. I mean, she was known as the most effective…I can’t remember how…Mando said yeah, you don’t want to mess with Fenneck last season, and the gum-chewer. Then she does this boulder thing. Now, that’s just cool. I mean, in a…just like the kinda…this is why you…families watch things together, is anything with rolling boulders and action. She’s actually running behind the boulder, using it as cover to advance. The commander meets with Boba Fett. He actually stands him up, then flips him over. Then he looks at the Razor Crest. Oh, okay, so he looks at the Razor Crest. Huh, maybe I’ll go see what’s on board there. He looks like he could be a grouch before 10:00 AM. Then we have Fenneck. She’s outnumbered. I don’t know if this is in Angela’s National Forest. It does remind me a little bit of it but like I said, it could be anywhere. Then we see a second ship coming in. Hasn’t landed yet but it’s fast. She takes her helmet off which I say, what are you doing taking your helmet off? Oh, she throws it, so that’s why. Mando wakes up. Oso’s still in the zone. Mando says okay, well, another whole transport just unloaded. That’s it. Tries to go a third time. Come on, Mando. Third time is not a charm. Gets thrown back but doesn’t go quite as deep, so he’s able to stand. He says, I’m gonna protect you. Stay here. I’ll be back soon. Someone watch over me, what Oso’s thinking in the back of Oso’s mind which I think was a movie and a Bond song. Did Carly Simon sing that in the…for the Bond movie? Now I’m thinking of Baby, You’re the Best. Maybe that’s why…sorry, Carly. Okay, so Oso rolls up with Fenneck, uses the tweeting bird…tweety birds or whatever they’re called. Uses his Beskar. They team up. She says, this isn’t looking good. He goes yeah, I’ve seen worse. Then he goes, why don’t you take off and I’ll just deal with these troopers? She goes no, we gotta deal. ‘Cause they’re surrounded, or they’re in crossfire. They are in a bit of trouble but then from the sky comes not a bird, not a plane, but a Boba. Not a Boba ball, either but a tough…a Boba Fett. He makes quick work…uses some other things, but quick work. He uses his wrist stuff, his hand stuff, and a hand…does some dancing, serious dancing. Uses some sort of jet blaster. This is when he uses the knee stuff. He’s got four…one, two…he uses only two of the knee things and then every…the rest of them run. Back to the ship, back to the ship. Wouldn’t you get…wouldn’t that be it? I guess it ends up being it, but…so, they get back on the transport. Probably he’s lost 70% of two transports worth of troopers. Get a slow-mo Boba. He puts on his scope. Think about that; before, when Boba Fett predated the Boba balls being popular in the US by twenty-five, thirty years, what would Boba Fett think of Boba balls? Also, doesn’t Disney…does Disney serve Boba tea in…many could call it something else, but Boba ball…Boba’s Boba ball tea. No, brain, you can’t call it Boba’s Boba…you can’t call it that because it wouldn’t make any sense. Okay, so then there’s a flash in the sky. Razor Crest is out. Oh, CRAP. Then Fenneck tells him…Boba, go to your ship. Boba goes up. Mind scope…oh, Mando’s scope; sees kid. Direct hit. Dark troopers everywhere. They fly out, then the industrial music plays. This was very…pretty…like Nine Inch Nails circa 1991. Pretty Nine Inch Nails Machine. I think of that one. I said, are they robots or are they droids? They have rocket feet. They surround Oso in a very mechanical-like precision as far as their formations go. They march in. Oso wakes up. His eyes go wide. Looks to his dad who arrives just as they take off. You could see Oso looking down even on the scope. That’s a tragedy right there. Fenneck calls in…calls Boba. They got the baby. Don’t let them get away. Infinite…haplock, stop. Do not hurt the baby. Loose follow. Big ship…they’re back. Back who? The Empire. This isn’t a spice dream. Can see with my own eyes. Crater where the Razor Crest was. Smoke, old mantel…old mantelpiece, finds the kid’s ball, crushes it almost in his hands. Oh, then pockets it. Finds Beskar staff. Boba impressed. All this…all Beskar. Take a look. Oh, this is just kind of like cleaning up. He says, look at my chain code. Boba goes, Jengo Boba. You’re a foundling, then. Something…the armor belongs to you. Our something is completed. Nod; well, you…ship heads into?? Question mark, question mark. Naveer marshal bridge. Give legit feed up. Don’t worry, I’ll get back to it, but that’s just what I wrote. Locker scene. Sharp shooter Mayfeld. Oh, ship heads into…oh, Nevarro. Marshal badge. Gone, legit. Feed up. Look someone up for me; sharpshooter Mayfeld Miggs. Fifty years. Piece of work. Spring him. You know how I feel. These stripes mean rules I have to follow. They have the kid. Hyperspace, then a long shot. Moff Gideon looks in. Bridge, marches off, the halls. Oso plays with some stormtroopers. Stop him; wait. Oso falls off and then 27:53; we’ll get to it. Pretty much the highlight of my entire life. I don’t even know if it was accidental. It was just synchronicity but still made…was pretty much the high…I mean, it can’t get any better than that but it makes Oso sleepy. Shows him the bard star, the dark sabre. Looks like I wrote bard sitar. Remember Bard Sitar? That was a made-up name. It was a stage name for a sitar player; Bard Sitar on…and he also played Kitar. Don’t get him mixed up with Bart Star from years past. Not ready to play. You’ll put an eye out. You’ll have a nice, long sleep podcast to listen to. They say, play the sleep podcast. Oso will go to sleep. Hyperspace, message to Pershing. Yes, exit. Oso sleeps. They pull out music. Was directed by Robert Rodriguez. Then we have…I guess this is the…I didn’t number these. Boba…so, number one is Boba, the ship, and the henge. Number two; dark troopers. Number three; Oso on the rock. Number four; Boso…Boba’s bridge cockpit. Number five; stormtroopers and transport. Number six; henge from above. Number seven; henge, lights, dark troopers. Number eight; I don’t know, I lost…I already lost count. Razor Crest doubts. Nine; Oso cries with the dark troopers or flies with the dark troopers. Ten; Oso plays with the stormtroopers, and eleven, Boba’s ship, Nevarro. That was everything in my notes, so here we go; there’s…the Razor Crest goes bye-bye. Really goes bye-bye. I don’t know if that was digital ‘cause it looked practical. Then Fenneck says Boba, get to your ship. Oso…I mean, Mando sighs, looks up, does his scope, sees the…whatever, the space ship. We see Oso sleeping, then we see…yeah, direct hit. Have the dark troopers been engaged? This is Moff Gideon. Momentarily. We see them fly out in tight, tight formation, almost like they’re one ship flying. Four of them; four or five. One, two…it’s tough to tell. I think there’s five or four. This is getting into that Lord of the Rings territory. Even the…I mean, the setting. It looks like there’s four of them. I don’t know how many of the ring-bearers there were, but they land. They got Oso surrounded. Mando and Fenneck are running really fast. They do a slow walk in from all four directions. Oso wakes up; says mama, papa? He looks right at his dad when they pick him up and take off. Mando can’t believe it. He does a zoom-in, makes eye contact with Oso. That’s the tragedy moment for sure. There was groans at my house. They got the baby. Don’t let them get away. Boba says, affirmative. He’s got some red…cool red scope’s got a lock. Stop them but don’t hurt the child. They say well, that’s not possible so just forget it. Okay, I’ll follow them. He follows, watches…I mean, those troopers are fast, too, like little rockets. I think Boba’s ship is well-known for being unviewable even though we’re viewing it, so I think that probably fills in any questions about…I say, they’re back. He leans forward in his cockpit. He can’t believe it. Outer Rim’s protected by the New Republic. Not a spice dream. It’s an Imperial Cruiser heading down. He heads down. They jump to hyperspace, then Mando’s looking through the wreckage of his ship. That’s when he finds…I don’t know what he finds. It’s something from…something I remember it was doing…I can’t remember, though. Looks like something you put on your mantelpiece, though. They’re watching him go through the garbage. Or not garbage; I’m sorry, Mando. Wreckage. A couple fly wheels. He finds the ball, though, sighs. Oh, man, and holds it in the palm of his hand, puts it in his pocket or his holder. You could kinda see that Boba and Fenneck are really feeling for him. They know he loves his baby. He picks up the staff and then…this guy’s got honor. That’s why the…I mean, so Mando starts walking towards them. This is when Boba shows him the chain code. All that survived; Beskar. 100%, yo. Take a look at my chain code. So, it’s been in this armor for twenty-five years and that’s me. That’s my dad. I’m Boba Fett. My dad was Jengo Fett. Mando goes okay, your father was a foundling. Yeah. Fought in the Mando civil wars. Mandalorian says yeah, your armor belongs to you. Appreciate its return. Our deal is complete. Not quite; we promised to protect the child, so…or the armor. We’re not stopping ‘til it’s done. Until the child’s back in your safety, we’re in your debt. Fenneck nods. They take off. They go…and then we see them going into Nevarro, I guess, and landing. You say wow, I never thought I’d knew…know some of these towns so well, but…then he’s looking; marshal of the New Republic. Got your badge; throws it at her. Heard you’d gone legit. Too legit to quit, she says. Or to bend the rules, except in this case, locate someone…whatever, Mads Mayfeld. Mads Mayfeld or Migs Mayfell. Apprehended near the Dilestry System. Migs Mayfeld. Carthon Chopfields, fifty years. Real piece of work. What do you want? I need them to help me get Moff Gideon’s cruiser. You know how I feel about the Empire. But these stripes…I gotta follow the rules now. Mando thinks they have the kid and then she just tilts here head. That’s it, you know. Then we see the cruise…the Imperial Cruiser or whatever, New Order Cruiser, and they’re not listening to the New Order, but it’s one of the few times I think I’ve seen from the bridge of a ship, them flying in hyperspace. Then Moff Gideon goes downstairs. I don’t know it’s necessarily downstairs; I just felt like it was. He’s marching down the halls. Ends when we see Oso playing with the stormtroopers, rough-housing for sure. They say, should we stop him? He doesn’t…he just…Moff Gideon just has a curious look on his face. He almost grins. We also kinda see that maybe some of the hesitancy of Ashoka Tano was correct, ‘cause Oso’s really rough-housing. I mean, he’s under extreme circumstances. I’m not taking sides, but he’s tired. This is it, the moment that changed my life. 27:51; got very good with that but it makes you oh-so sleepy. He says, but it makes you oh-so sleepy, then he shows Oso the dark sabre which does look pretty cool. It’s different than a light sabre. It’s pointy. It looks more like you could also use it for some dicing and chopping, but Oso kinda reaches out. He says oh, no. Can’t use that. Then he stands over Oso; you’re not ready to play with such things. You’ll put an eye out. Oso tries to use his power but he goes no, you could use a sleep. Then they play a sleep podcast delivered…it’s one of those ways you deliver it without a speaker, though. He calls Oso ‘it’ and then he says when we get out of hyperspace, get a message to Dr. Pershing. We’re ready for business. He marches off. He’s glaring a little bit. He also seems like he’s limping, Moff Gideon. Then Oso’s sleeping and we do a slow pull out, and that’s the end of the episode. Here comes Windy Marstrap.
Hey everybody, Dewy the dewback here. Oh, no, I’m…oh, boy. Hi, my name is Windy Marstrap. I’m here with Dewy the dewback. I’m on the back of Dewy the dewback. Also, Scooter wanted me to tell people do dewbacks have dewy backs? I’d say well, they do sometimes. Now, sometimes it’s hard to tell if it’s dew or…you know, okay, so there’s dew depending on where Dewy is. Now, if I…okay, another question that came up in many of the thousands of e-mails I get, and it becomes very confusing for me to answer to these e-mails. I say Scooter, who’s sending these e-mails? He says it’s all fiction, Dewy. Just keep it…just stay in character. Don’t ask these questions. I say okay, but in my heart I feel so many questions. E-mail; never heard of it. I say, is it like sending a gram? Scooter said exactly, same thing. It’s just our fictional term. I say, is…ever since this cloaked figure came in, riding this vehicle that he said was a fanfiction fantasy…then he said no, I’m sorry, this is the fun time performance machine for festers of fun time fun show. That’s what I really work for. Oh, I’m not supposed to talk about that? Sorry, Scooter. Okay, so what was I…? Oh, did Dewy…? Okay, so have I drank dew off of Dewy’s back? Yes, because it’s part of my dewback training. I said well, if sometime I’m really thirsty, I could drink dew off of Dewy’s back if it’s the morning. If there’s dew on Dewy’s back and it’s not the morning, don’t drink it. I learned that, too. That is dewback sweat which you could say is dew on the back of a dewback. It’s not dew. It’s ew, gross; it’s dewback sweat. Also, if you’re riding on a dewback, apparently you can sweat on a dewback or your sweat could…if you’re just riding in a blanket, eventually you and the dewback could sweat. So, wash your blankets if you’re…because then you have double the…not the dew. So, we were talking about some stuff. One thing I noticed; Scooter, it’s Greef Karga. He doesn’t know. That’s GREEF Karga, KARGA. Now, Greef’s been in the world. According to this level, it was an idea that John Favro had, portrayed by Carl Weathers who they knew one another through Directors Guild of…Scooter, what’s the America again? Weather’s directed the episode The Siege which is…this is what we’re talking about here tonight, one of the things. You originally operated on a bar on planet Nevarro, running the Guild and then in the second season he’s a magistrate of Nevarro. Nevarro, though is spelled NEVARRO. Mythrol; that’s the other one Scooter had…Mythrol; MYTH, myth, rol, like when you roll with a myth without two Ls. Mythrol is…was in Chapter 1, the first episode the Mandalorian got…he’s blue-skinned and amphibious. Fins on his face and he works…he’s a bookkeeper for Greef Kargus. Greef Karga. It’s not Kargus. I get mixed up because even…spending so much time with Scooter, and I think that’s all. Now, he’s played by a big fan of Star Wars though, Horatio Sanz which Scooter said did a great job. Do we need anything else about…? I don’t know if we need any more to tell you about Greef Karga, Scooter. Keep practicing. Macroon; macaron. MACARON is a cookie. It’s a meringue-based confection with egg, icing sugar, granulated sugar, almond meal, and food coloring. Goes all the way back in your world to Catherine Dometiche in the Renaissance, probably. Ganache, buttercream, or jam filling between two cookies akin to a sandwich cookie. So, yeah, and it gets mixed up with a macaroon. Macroon, macaroon, maybe. Also had speeder bikes in this episode. What do we need to know about speeder bikes? Jump speeders or hover bikes or swoop bikes or just swoops. Fast…they use a repulsor lift engine, and let’s see what else you need to know. There’s a couple different ones. There’s the 74-Z. That’s Imperial scout troopers’ bike. We’ve probably seen it in this episode. There’s the sith speeder. We’ve seen Darth Maul riding that one. There’s a bark speeder. Bark is…barks…it’s worse than its bite, though. Those are during the clone…the…I don’t know. Revenge of the Sith; clone troopers. That was by Aerotech Repulsor Company. Oh, ‘cause it was named after the specialist clone troopers biker advance recon commandos. Blaster cannons, fifteen feet long. Can go up to 320 miles an hour. The sith speeder; 400 miles an hour. The 74-Z; 310 miles an hour. So, that’s a little bit about speeder bikes. How about that? Oh, Alderaan. Alderaan comes up a few times, so let’s cover Alderaan. According to this, it’s a fictional planet but it’s just a planet involved in myth. Terrestrial humanoid habinates…famously Princess Leia Organa has lived there as well as other characters we’re well aware of. Is Coruscant on there? Capital planet of the galaxy prefiguring the planet Coruscant. No, Coruscant’s a planet, Scooter. Come on. It’s been in a lot of episodes. Small, green gem of a world according to one of the novels. Grasslands, plains, mountain ranges, forests, no ocean but it has a semi-frozen polar sea. Sounds beautiful; lakes and rivers to visit, rich bio…oh, you can’t visit it, though. Sometimes I forget when I’m doing this, I get so involved. Was a Democratic society, hereditary constitutional monarchy. Senate…promotion of peace through demilitarization. I don’t understand how it can be both those things, but that’s beyond me. So, that’s a little bit about Alderaan. What about Moff Gideon? Now, Moff Gideon is a primary antagonist, leader of a remnant of a fallen galactic Empire. Giancarlo Esposito plays the Mandalorian recruited to do so…very ambitious but he’s not all-or-nothing, neither good nor bad. He’s trying to restore order to a lawless galaxy. Similar to…he’s got a similar outfit to Darth Vader. The back story; a few details have been revealed. Apparently he was…played a role in the Great Purge, an oppressive combat dealing with the Mandalorians, so that’s why they…he’s strongly disliked by them. Term Moff is a title for a high-ranking Imperial officer who served as a governor for a specific sector of space for the Empire. Obviously, after the fall of the Empire, Gideon’s life changed drastically and he became…he leads his own remnant of the Empire. As the character Cara Dune states, I thought he was already dealt with by the rebels who became the…then they became the…you know what I mean, when the power changes hands. That’s a little bit about it. I just want to have a little bit of the behind-the-scenes, you know, of Moff Gideon. That’s one Scooter can say. I say okay, well, can you work on some of the other ones? Finally, let’s talk…let’s see what came up in this Episode 12, The Siege. I thought that’s what we were covering, but I was thinking The Jedi. Yeah, I think we covered The Siege. So, let’s go on to The Jedi. That’s what Scooter meant for me to do. So, we have Ashoka Tano; AS…asoka…not asho…ashoka, Scooter. It’s Asoka Tano. This one we’ll probably cover ‘cause Scooter had a lot of questions about this they forgot to note, but Rosario Dawson plays the character, Jedi padawan of Anakin Skywalker, protagonist of the animated film, The Clone Wars and the subsequent television series, and was in Star Wars Rebels, as a voice-over cameo on Rise of Star Wars. Ashley Exstein plays…voices Atano…Ashoka…Asoka. It took a while for the character to become well-rounded…and voice acting…appearance; design appearances evolved over the years. Let’s see, but Scooter said pseudo-samurai look. I just don’t know if she’s wearing a hat or that’s part…where is all that kind of information? I’m kinda on my own with this one. Working with Scooter’s great sometimes, but…it says…I said what? Nickname…oh, Tag Ruta. Tag Ruta are a species from the planet Shili; SHILI, a humanoid race distinguished by their three and rarely four lekku, LEKKU, also sometimes known as headtails which are striped to help them blend in with their natural surroundings. So, it is part of her natural head, Scooter. They also are involved in MATINGing, or not…I guess you probably would kiss a…kiss one. Colors of Tag Rutas range from red, most common, orange, yellow, blue, even white. They also have a form pass…possess a form of passive acoustic echolocation by means of their hollow montrols. So, that’s the information that we now know, is yeah, that’s part of her head, Scooter, not a headpiece. What else did we need to know from that episode before we say goodnight to everybody? Well, Scooter said Michael Bean was the actor that played Lang, and he was in a couple classic films, really good movies from more than just a couple, Scooter. But yes, very classic movies. Kyle Reece, Dwain Hicks, so…a beloved performer, so that was…you say well, that’s an interesting role for him here, as not a good…I mean, I guess more of a…well, he tried to double-cross though, so yeah. We won’t get into Grand Admiral Thron because that one will have to wait for later development because that’s probably important in the next season and we don’t want to have to mess that up at all. So, that’s it. That’s the…I’m here, I’m your friend Windy Marstrap, and my Dewy, dewback, bringing you facts from this fictional…from your…from my real world to your fictional world, performing. I feel just like one of my favorite hollow stars, Frolnon Lafonda. Goodnight.