1320 – Real-Time Breakfast with Bob
Scoots is one yeasty boy as he manifests groceries and takes you on a choose your own adventure to a bevy of sleepy breakfasts.
Episode 1320 – Real-Time Breakfast with Bob
SCOOTER: Friends beyond the binary, ladies and gentlemen, boys and girls, welcome to the…if you’re new, welcome to the podcast that’s not easy for me to explain what it is, and regular listeners, you already know that. But if you’re new, welcome to Sleep With Me. It’s a podcast that’s here to fill in for you at bedtime. If you’ve ever been looking for a friend to talk to you about nothing, if you’ve ever started a YouTube video or a show on your phone, put it under your pillow or a little bit outside your bed, if you’ve ever listened to anything as background noise, but something…that you’re looking for something just…I’m looking for something to keep me company, kind of, something I could barely listen to — but sometimes I might want to listen to it — something that feels comforting and familiar but isn't here to intentionally put me to sleep, that’s here to talk to me while I fall asleep, or talk away…I don't know.
I don't even know what I mean. Alls I know is this podcast is here to be of service to you so that you could fall asleep, so that bedtime is a little bit more pleasant. Usually it’s…I’m a little bit more silly. But I was like, man, I’d really like to explain who this podcast is for, and it’s for you. If you’ve ever been looking for something…deep, dark night at bedtime…and you say, well, I’ve tried this, I’ve tried this show about people working in an office, or I’ve tried listening to these…this person on YouTube who talks about different types of stuff, but it doesn't quite…I don't know, I’m looking for something like that. This might be the show for you, and that’s what most people…it takes two or three tries to get used to this podcast, and then they say, I had no idea I was looking for this my whole life.
You are here to make bedtime slightly more pleasant. You are barely humorous. So, I don't know, if you think you may want to be kind of friends, a friend that’s in service to you but you don’t have to clean up to…after me, you don’t have to wonder if I left everything…it’s all virtual. I’m here serving up the lulls. Don't worry, I’ll get sleepy later. I just get excited about this because your bedtime is important. Your ability to get the sleep you need is important, and your ability to have something comforting in the deep, dark night at bedtime or when you wake up later or all night long is important, and I hope I could provide that. Give it a few tries. See how it goes.
What we got coming up next is support, and then a long, meandering intro separate from the support that eases you into bedtime, and then it’ll be our first…our first Real Time Recipe episode in a while. Of all things, we’ll be prepping some breakfasts. So, that should be cool. We’ll go…it’ll be the most…it’ll be like I’m actually going to the grocery store and making oats. So, you’ll be like, what…? This does not sound good to me at all. Yeah, right; to sleep to it does, though, maybe. Maybe not. I don't know. So, I’m glad you’re here. I work really hard, and this show is made possible by people that support these sponsors were gonna talk about, support the show directly, spread the word about the podcast…that’s another great way just to let somebody know about the show.
If you love it, if you kinda like it, if you fall asleep to it, you have no idea what it’s about, let people know about that. Huge help to the show, and those of you that send your kindness to me and to the other listeners. That’s why I’m here week after week, 'cause it means something to me, but your support really is the wind in my sails. Let them lull and let me barely…be comfortable being able to barely speak sometimes. So, thank you so much whether you’re new or you’ve listened to the show thousands of times. I’m glad you’re here, and here’s a couple ways we’re able to do it for you.
INTRO: [INTRO MUSIC] Hey, are you up all night tossing, turning, mind racing? Trouble getting to sleep? Trouble staying asleep? Well, welcome. This is Sleep With Me, the podcast that puts you to sleep. We do it with a bedtime story. Alls you need to do is get in bed, turn out the lights, and press Play. I’m gonna do the rest.
What I’m going to attempt to do is create a safe place where you could set aside whatever’s keeping you awake, whether that’s thoughts, like things you’re thinking about, thoughts on your mind, thoughts about the past, the present, the future, thinking thoughts, feelings, anything coming up for you emotionally maybe related to those thoughts, maybe feelings that are just there, feelings, physical sensations, any changes in time, temperature, routine, you could be…you could work a different schedule. Maybe you work the third shift, the fourth shift, the D shift, the…the sixteenth shift; who’s out there on their sixteenth shift? I’m always trying to…they say, no, there’s only three shifts, Scoots. I say, according to you, there’s only three shifts, but we got four…actually, we got four shifts.
There’s only…oh, really? So, there’s not…there can't be twenty-four shifts? I mean, I’ll give you…you say, Scoots, you gotta stop at some point. Okay, do we stop on the half-hour or the quarter hour? ‘Cause while Dolly Parton might have worked 9:00 to 5:00, some people might work 8:15 to, whatever, 4:15, or 5:40…4:45 if they gotta work a extra half-hour. Most of my jobs, for…you get on paid lunch…you get a thirty-minute…two fifteen-minute breaks paid, but not a paid lunch. You say, well, that’s on the fifteens. Can you do that math, Scoots? Okay, twenty-four shifts would be if it was one shift per hour. Forty-eight would be if there was two shifts per hour. So, that’s fifty minus…or a hundred minus four, right, is forty-eight? Plus forty-eight is like, ninety-six. So, I’d say ninety-six. That’s not over a hundred.
That’s not too many, I don't think. Think about those people on the ninety-sixth…ninety-seventh shift. I guess it would be the people in the seventies. They say, no one gets what it’s like being…I work on the seventy-first shift. You know, one day I want Dolly Parton to say, I work…I don't know when the seventy-first shift would be. I guess if it was twenty-four hours, it would be somewhere…you’d start work at like, 11:00 p.m., maybe? No, it’s probably somewhere between…somewhere between 7:00 and 11:00 p.m. Yeah, even Scoots doesn't get it, man, and he wants to. I worked…by the way, I worked 10:45 to…eight hours plus thirty minutes later is…that’s the seventy-first shift.
Spiritually…the spiritual essence of the seventy-first shift…so, it could…whatever’s keeping you awake; it could be guests, travel, work…you know, math. Holy cow. The number of times…this is not…this was not meant as in a pun, but it’s incalculable the number of times math has kept me awake as a child and adult, or math-related things. It’s not punny at all, or funny. It’s just true. It’s funny now, 'cause they say, now I take math…I use it to show how…you know, I’m empowered by those things. That’s really the truth. So, whatever is keeping you awake, I’m here to keep you company and take your mind off of it so you could fall asleep. I send my voice across the deep, dark night. I use lulling, soothing, creaky, dulcet tones, pointless meanders, and superfluous tangents, and there’s two hearts of the show, really.
Or, I guess it’s one heart. Two sides of the heart of the show? There’s not seventy-one shifts of the show, but one is that a lot of us have…we’re not all exactly the same that listen to this podcast or…that I make it, but we all share something. It’s hard to put into words, but it’s something related to sleep and bedtime. You could even say…just using a vocabulary word for it, D-R-E-A-D, but it’s different for everybody, right? But a lot of us can relate to the feelings that lie underneath that when you want to go to sleep and you can't. But on top of that, there’s so many people that have listened to the show over the years that have let me know what’s going on with them, and they just say, hey, thanks. Like, this is what I’ve been dealing with with sleep, and I’m glad that there’s somebody else out there that gets it.
I know that somewhere in the world there’s someone who can closely identify with whatever it is you’re going through, and they do care. I realize in a world like this, it doesn't feel like that. Or you say, it’s just a podcast. It’s not. You and your feelings matter, and we’re here…in whatever way you can through a podcast and a community of listeners behind the podcast…to see you and let you feel seen with whatever is going on with you and sleep, to kinda release that knot a little bit and say, okay, some…I don't believe that somebody else out there gets it, but they…somebody else out there does get it, anyway.
That person that gets it for you, really gets it, they really hope this podcast can help you out and that one day you’re the one just perking up a little bit in bed and thinking of that person with nice thoughts and saying, wow, if you’re going through what keeps me up, too, I get it. People want to say, oh, that’s nothing. Just stop…but it’s not. It’s hard. The other side of the show, the other part, is that you deserve a bedtime where you could get some rest. You deserve a bedtime where you could get the rest you need so your life is more manageable and that eventually you could be out there flourishing, a bedtime you don’t have to dread, where you say — if this was the podcast for you — oh, I got my bore-friend coming in. He’s gonna keep me company and take my mind off of stuff, and that’ll be pretty nice.
I’m looking forward to that. I’m barely looking forward to…I’m looking…barely looking forward to barely listening to him, and that’s what this show is. This is a podcast that you kinda just barely listen to. You kinda…like I said, you might listen to something else. You say, well, I kinda listen to that YouTube video or that…whatever it is, that streamer, but not totally paying attention 'cause it’s not exactly interesting. It’s kinda like a friendly voice to…I don't know, it just makes me feel better knowing somebody else is there and feeling that presence, a kind, warm presence. So, that’s what this show is, and…yeah, you say, you can listen, but you don’t need to listen. The thing is, for most people, this show does take some getting used to. It’s an acquired taste.
You say…when you first get here, you probably are skeptical, doubtful, maybe you’re tired and frustrated. You’ve been looking for something to help you sleep. If you’re anything like me, you’ve tried tons of stuff, spent tons of money on stuff, and you say, yeah, I’m looking for something to help me to sleep. Is this it? I don't know. But yeah, this is…yeah, you’re right about that. I don't know, either. Well, I do know, 'cause I’m here to try to help you fall asleep. So, just see how it goes. That’s what most regular listeners said; hey, at first I didn’t like it or I didn’t know…and then I realized, oh, he’s seriously…serious about me barely listening. He is just here to barely be paid attention to, but he is barely…kinda funny, funny-like. It’s a nice friend, and there’s something about it that’s familiar, but each episode’s different.
I like it, and I don't even know what I like about it, 'cause I just wake up. So, yeah, that’s…it takes some getting used to. It’s also a podcast…even though when I first started the idea of bedtime stories for adults and sleep podcasts wasn’t really a thing, this is still a sleep podcast that doesn't put you to sleep. I’m here to keep you company and distract you while you fall asleep, so you could fall asleep, whenever you fall asleep, or if you need a break during the day or you can't sleep at all. I’m here to keep you company either way. I’m here to the very end, because every night I know there’s a couple people out there…they’re the most important listeners. I mean, besides you, obviously. But they’re the most important listeners 'cause I know they can't sleep at all.
Whatever it is is going on with them…some of them are regular listeners. Some are new listeners. So, I’m here to keep you company to the very end whether you’re awake or asleep or if you need a break during the day. There’s a lot of people that listen to this 'cause they do some sort of work where they just need something in the background or they’re having a stressful day and they need a friend during the deep, dark day. So, I’m here for you whether you listen to me or not. It’s a little bit different thing, but the thing is, there’s no pressure to fall asleep. That’s why the episodes are over an hour. That’s why there’s, whatever, three something…I don't even know how many episodes we got in the archives ready to go. Maybe it’s 600 episodes? I have no idea.
But so, you could pick episode after episode or make your own playlists, so there is no pressure to fall asleep. ‘Cause I’m here to be your bore-friend, your bore-sib, your bore-bud, your neigh-bore, your Borbie, your bore-bor, your bore-friend, your bores, your bore…oh, I think I said…your best bore-friend f’eva and keep you company, but you don’t gotta pay…you just say, uh-huh, oh yeah, I’m totally listen…oh yeah, tell me more about that. Okay, great. So, those are a couple things to know. Just see how the show goes. Oh, if you loathe me — sorry I didn’t say this earlier — you’re not alone, either. Say…yeah, seventy percent of people listen to this podcast once or twice, and probably ninety percent of those people loathe me.
But here’s the thing; if you gave it a few tries and you say, oh no, this isn't gonna work, sleepwithmepodcast.com/nothankyou…so, that’s sleepwithmepodcast.com/nothankyou. It has other sleep podcasts…it just has a list of other sleep podcasts and sleepy stuff that you could try out to help you sleep, 'cause whether you like me or not, you deserve a good night's sleep. All the stuff I said is true even if you never listen to this podcast again. So, there’s that. What else do you…? Oh, the structure of the show…so, this podcast is very…you can adapt or adjust how you listen, but I like to meet you where you are whether you’re new…or sometimes for regular listeners, they get a new idea of how to listen to the podcast.
But we make this show in a very specific way, and if you ever have any feedback…unless it’s the kind…you just…if it’s the kind that’s like, high-temperature feedback, just go to sleepwithmepodcast.com/nothankyou. But if you say, hey, this is how I listen to the podcast; I’m just wondering…let me know. The contact form on our website’s there. But most people like this ad-supported, free version of the podcast and they listen linearly, a lot of people with a sleep timer set for an hour or forty-five minutes, a couple people with a thirty-minute sleep timer. So, the show starts off with a greeting; friends beyond the binary, boys and girls, ladies and gentlemen, or whatever I say, so you feel seen and welcomed in.
That is very important. That’s on all our shows — or at least most of the shows made in the last eight years — so you feel…okay, I might check this out. Then there’s support so paying for the show is optional, and it’s the people that choose to pay for the podcast or choose to support the sponsors that allow us to make the show and put it out for everybody. So, that’s cool, man. If you prefer a show without sponsors, you could get that at Sleep With Me+, and that keeps the show sustainable. But that’s just there. Then after that is…and after the support is the intro. Now, the intro is separate from the support. It’s about fifteen to twenty minutes long. It’s a show within a show meant to explain what the podcast is, but I always get distracted. It never fails. It never…I have never not gotten distracted.
So, it’s different every single time…something new distracts me while I go through a familiar structure of explaining what the podcast is. So, there’s something familiar, but there’s variety to it. That’s just what I’ve seen work with people that this show works for and personally, is that if I have something that’s the same every time, part of me adapts and it stops working. So, that’s what the intro is, but it also…the reason it’s fifteen to twenty minutes long is to ease you into bedtime. While there is a small percentage of listeners we’re so happy about fall…that they’re asleep or partners that are in bed with people that are asleep, we’re so happy for you. We’re imaginarily finger-clapping. But for most people, this podcast eases you into bedtime.
So, the intro is a buffer, right, whether you’re getting ready for bed, you’re get…you’re doing a wind-down activity, you’re chilling out, you’re in bed getting comfortable, you’re petting your pets, you’re blowing kisses to your fishes, whatever it is. The intro eases you into bedtime. That’s just what’s been shown to work, what works for me, is having a bedtime routine. If you decide you want a show without intros, we have a story-only version of this podcast. It’s called Bedtime Stories from Sleep With Me. Then there’s…after the intro is support, and then there will be our bedtime story. Tonight it’ll be making breakfast with Bob. So, we haven't done that…and this is a lot of stuff I have for breakfast on a regular basis, so, it’ll be cool. I’m really excited 'cause there’s some gems in there.
Yeah, that’s it. I’m really glad you’re here. I really appreciate you checking this podcast out. I know maybe you’re quizzical or whatever, but just see how it goes. I’m really glad you’re here. I work…believe it or not, myself and a team of people work really hard on this show, because it’s important. So, once again, thank you for coming by. We yearn and strive to help you fall asleep and to keep you company, and here’s a couple ways we’re able to do it for you.
Hey, thanks for meeting up with me here. We’re gonna do some cooking. Breakfast at bedtime, I guess? We’re gonna go into this store, and it’s gonna be the same store as we’ve gone into before, but it’s had some mystical changes that’ll have everything we need so we don’t have to go to more than one store. Isn't that nice of them? Yeah, it’s good to see you, too, by the way. It seems like you’re doing pretty great. Yeah, well, it doesn't always feel that way. But so good to see you. Alright, I got a shopping list here. We’re gonna take a right as we come in here, and the handy thing is this is like, whatever…I don't know, they call it…is this the refrigerated section, produce? I don't know if these aisle…produce on…this isn't an aisle, though. This is like a section. We’re gonna start here. We’re gonna get kale, a bag of kale.
They don’t sell loose kale here — I mean, this kale’s loose in the bag — or stemmed…I don't know, just kale and then the baby spinach, yeah. Then we’re gonna check here, the berries. Which berries…? If berries are out of season, we can always get frozen berries. But look, here’s the thing I do; I freeze my berries in season, too. So, get some berries. Oh, two kinds of berries. Great. Are those blackberries and blueberries? Okay, good, good. We’re gonna get bananas, though those are…oh, no, no, yeah, I forgot, yeah, we need bananas. Get those ones that are already…they don’t normally do this, but they did it for us. We’re gonna grab those ripe bananas. Yeah, those are already…normally most…this is only because it’s a fantastical grocery store; grounded in reality, but fantastical.
I guess we can manifest what we need, but we still gotta pay for it. That’s the funny thing. It says that outside on the sign; manifest what you need, but you still gotta pay for it. Also, there’s a star and then it says a bunch of small stuff. I don't even know what that means. But yeah, we need bananas, and then…I always have to ask for help here, because we need some dates. Which, you say, Scoots, you and this store and dates…but no, we need dates as in pitted dates. Yeah, we’re looking for…how you doing? I hope you’re having a good day. Oh, thanks for being so helpful. We need dates. Looks like it. Yeah. You must listen to my podcast, huh? No. Oh, sorry. But we do need some pitted dates. Pitted against…okay, you’re still working my material. I like it. But, yeah…okay, thank you. That’s perfect.
Pitted dates we have. Alright, then we’re gonna head over here to the dairy area. I think we’re done, but I’m not sure. I’m sure we’ll be back. What we’re gonna get here is…now, you could always get alternatives if you need them, but we are gonna get butter, eggs…here’s the thing, though; if you need flax eggs, you could get them…yeah, grab that…it just happened…see how I said that? There’s a bag of flax egg or egg alternative. I think it’s flax egg. I don't know what…actually, I just…I like saying that. It makes me sound knowledgeable. As a matter of fact, we gotta go back, 'cause I forgot…back in the cereal area, which is adjacent to the citrus area. Oh, we could get coffee, too. But first let’s grab these things. We need…I prefer the ground flaxseed here as opposed to the one you grind yourself.
Chia seeds…yeah, those ones. Yeah, ch-ch-chia. Yeah, chia seeds. Okay, and a couple other keys that I forgot. Now, we’re gonna get…see that oat bran? That’s Bob’s oat bran. I don't want to say it’ll change your life, but it may change your life if you so choose to enter into a long-term relationship with it. I try to buy it wherever I go if…I leave it behind with family. Then we’re gonna get those protein oats and…let’s just buy a variety of the oats. Oh, you want me to tell you about the variety of oats? Sure. Okay, so, yeah, we’ve got the oat bran and, yeah, we could get the organic or the non-organic. Okay, then there’s rolled oats. Oh, we don’t want…for this particular breakfast, we’re not getting any other non…sorry, we want rolled oats. We want oat bran and rolled oats.
Just for today, we’re not gonna delve into these other oats, 'cause they do have…yeah, steel-cut oats, Scottish oats…not sure what those are. Maybe that’ll be on my list to try one day. We don’t need any of the quick-cooking ones 'cause, again, once you work with this oat bran, it may change your perspective. Yeah, no, not the instant, either. Just the…old-fashioned? Yeah, I never tried the extra-thick ones, either. But yeah, let’s try those and, yeah, the protein oats or the organic. Okay, organic protein oats. Great. Okay, let me check my list now, 'cause we…now we gotta go…it’s weird; at this store the oats are in one aisle, the flour is in another. So, we’ll go in the baking aisle next. We want to get back to…we got eggs and butter. Now we want to get milk and milk alternatives.
We could get milk, oat milk and almond milk. If you have any other milk…oh, okay. Never had…I don't know if I’ve had hemp milk before, but I’ll try it. That’s great. Okay, so, let me check…I’m looking at my list. I’m checking it twice. How many breakfasts are we making? Quite a few. We’ve got a lot of options from basic…all these are gonna be breakfasts I regularly have. Oh, you’re just making time to see if I’ve gone on any actual dates based on this grocery store? No. Let’s see, the last time I shared a moment with someone…well, there’s twice. One was…I didn’t share a moment with someone but I did notice them, and then maybe subconsciously — though I don't think so — I lost track of my cart, and I realized I put my turkey and something else in her cart.
But I just kept it to myself, 'cause I said, that’s…I said, my subconscious has no moves, because it’s like, excuse me, I think I left my turkey in your cart. So, I just said…and then I said, maybe I should warn them that my turkey’s in their cart, but I said, no. Just…talking it out now, I can see how silly it is. But there was another time I shared a moment with someone, but I wasn’t sure about it. So, we just shared a moment. I said, well, it’s a pretty good moment we shared there. It wasn’t actually at this store, either. No offense to this particular location, but I found another…I guess I’m expanding my horizons. That other location, there was no manifestation going on there, obviously, 'cause otherwise I’d be manifesting dates right outta there. Okay, so, now we’re in the baking aisle, and we need flours.
Oh boy, do we, and I’m not talking about the kind you bring on a date. I’m talking about the kind…we’re not gonna be using any date and flours together, but…we have quite the list. We’re gonna get 00 flour because we don’t need it for breakfast. But down…you gotta trust me; you want this flour on-hand for when you make pizza dough, and then maybe one day you make breakfast pizza. I don't know. So, grab that 00 flour. Then we need the all-purpose flour. Yeah, okay. You can choose among them. I don't mind. Whichever one you think works. Oh, you’d like me to go through all the flours. Okay, let’s talk about the ones they have, or…? Okay, so, the 00 one is for pizza. Okay, so, we’re gonna get that. Then we have all-purpose, non-bleached. Okay, we need that, yes. Okay, then we have whole wheat, organic.
We’re gonna get that, yeah. Okay, check. Then we’re gonna get artisan bread flour. Check. Okay, then if you want to do gluten-free, they have a lot of options. So, they have the 1-to-1 baking, and then they have the all-purpose baking, but…I don't know, I haven't used those ones, right? Then there’s a lot more options, but we’re just gonna stick to what I…what I actually eat on a regular basis, okay? Then there’s, yeah, organic. We could get organic. Yeah, these are a variety of ones I’ve never tried before. It doesn't mean I have anything against them, but we do need to find vital wheat gluten, yeah, and then…yeah, sometimes you’ll find the flaxseed over here, too. Okay, so, I think that…let’s see if that covers us for flours. Let me check my list. Artisan, whole wheat…okay.
Okay, then we need baking soda and baking powder. I’m not actually sure which one we need, so we need both. But you’re always gonna need both, 'cause one time you might want to make cookies or something, and then you say, oh, I needed the other one. Okay, so, we got those, then walnuts…oh, I know what we need the walnuts for. Okay. Okay, so, grab those. You can just crunch them up right in the bag, too. I like to do that ahead of time. Formally-whole walnuts or halved walnuts…okay, then we…and then, yeah, again, these are all changes you could make when you’re doing this on your own, when you fly like a bird. Okay, so, then we need sugars.
Again…well, I don't have any experience with non…I make a great non…sugar-alternative lemonade, but I don't have any experience making breakfast with different sugars. So, I can't comment on it 'cause we’re only making…but I know our friend Stacy does. So, maybe at some point we could go back to Stacy’s…yeah. Okay, but so, we’re gonna get brown sugar, regular sugar…okay, then we need yeast. Now, personally — all the stores we’re manifesting aside — I bought my yeast at the old Koing of…the land of Kirkland. Now, they didn’t sell…they don’t have their own yeast, but they had a big thing of yeast. I should be…I should…I mean, I…so, what I do is I keep it in the freezer, and then I fill a jar that…I have my yeast in my fridge. But I’m yeasted, man. Like Beastie Boys; I’m more like a yeasty boy.
‘Cause I figure, okay, I got the yeast. I got it covered. Never…I mean, until the bag runs out, which then I’ll forget. But I think the bagel…I think I’ll be good. My daughter will…there will be yeast aplenty in her life. But I mean, I don't know what the life…it’s in the freezer, so…okay, then we need vanilla. Now, hopping back to non-manifestation at this store, they have a lot of vanilla options. Now, personally, I like their vanilla…they have a vanilla paste that comes in…there, yeah. So, that’s one. They don’t have a vanilla powder, but at home I do have powdered vanilla. But you know what’s getting rave reviews right now that I haven't got, is…they have one without alcohol and one with alcohol, double-fold vanilla, which I think means the beans are inside the jar.
Yeah, so, let’s get…yeah, let’s get…we don’t need a lot of vanilla, but again, these are things that…it just…and I just double…so, what I’ll do is I’ll put…I’ll either use powdered vanilla…oh, we forgot coffee. Oh, I got an idea, 'cause we still…they have pumpkin pie spice, so let’s pretend…oh, we just…I just manifested it; powdered vanilla, pumpkin pie spice. Then we’re gonna go back and we’re gonna get the ground French-roast coffee here. I don't buy the vanilla coffee here because…I used to, but it would leave a residue, and I found another grocery store that has vanilla coffee. But I’ll talk about…I guess we could talk coffee. Let me just make sure we have everything we need. I think vanilla was the last thing on the list other than salt, so let’s just make sure we have salt.
Okay, so, coffee-wise, as we check out…oh, how you doing? Yeah, no, I found dates. Thank you. I guess that’s worked its way around the store, huh? No, I was not able to manifest the dates. Someone had to help me find the dates. No, I’ll be just using them…well, I could tell you. It’s a spoiler; I’m making an episode about making breakfast. I use the dates in overnight oats in smoothies, which I actually don’t…I personally don’t delineate between the two. What do I mean? Well, what do I mean by that? I don't delineate between the two…oh yeah, okay, so let’s…so, we got the coffee? Thank you. Oh, you grabbed instant oats. That’s good, because we can use them, too. Oh, quick-cooking; thank you for correcting me. Well, I was just telling my friend here that…so, we’re gonna…I make cold-brewed coffee, right?
Well, how do I make it? Okay, so, I have a jar. I have no idea the size of the jar…like some sort of mason-type jar or bell jar. I don't know, and it…I don't know what size it is. A quart? I don't know. A pint? Not a pint, definitely not a pint, I don't think. It’s big enough to hold…so, what I do is I put five tablespoons of coffee in there, heaping, but what I used to do was…so, I’d fill a container with your…this particular store’s French-roast coffee, and another store’s vanilla nut coffee, which I just think means you love vanilla. But it wasn’t super-strong vanilla. Why not your store’s vanilla? Yours leaves a residue. What do I mean? So…well, I’d have to explain how I make the coffee, but it leaves a residue on the filter and on the receptacle. So, whatever…it doesn't actually do anything, but it’s…it complicates things for me.
Could you just trust me on that? Oh yeah, that’s why I can't manifest the dates? Yeah, you’re right about that. Okay, so, what I used to do is mix a bag of vanilla and a bag of French-roast coffee together and then shake it up and then take five tablespoons, put it in the jar, and use…then fill it with water and then put it in the fridge. I’m about…I do twenty-four hours in the fridge just for…not…that’s not philosophical or taste. It’s just, that’s when I remember. I couldn't do sixteen hours, 'cause I would have no idea…that just never would work for me. I do find if I miss…I can go over twenty-four hours, but anywhere after about thirty-six, it becomes a little bit off-putting. Off-putting…thank you for checking us out. Do you want me to finish about the coffee? Okay.
It’s almost like we’re already making…we’re already…this is a Real Time Recipe episode, so…yeah. I scoop one, scoop two, scoop three, scoop four, scoop five. Now what we’re gonna do…oh, the whole store’s gathered around me. Great. So, now what we’re gonna do is we’re gonna open up the powdered vanilla and the pumpkin pie spice. So, we’re gonna need two of my jars and five more…go ahead, put five tablespoons of coffee in there, just the French roast. We don’t have any vanilla right now. Then we’re gonna flavor our own coffee. I would have never thought to do this, and I don't know if I necessarily recommend it, but we’re gonna put a half-tablespoon of pumpkin pie spice in that one, and a full…not tablespoon; teaspoon. I’m sorry. Whoa, boy. I mean, I guess if it has…okay, it’ll just be extra pumpkiny.
That was my mistake. You could keep that one at the store. How about it? Who knows? It might be…it’d probably be to some person’s liking. I have pushed it to a table…a teaspoon before, and I can handle a teaspoon of pumpkin pie spice, but I don't know if…my daughter drinks a cup…one cup of coffee now, but please don’t judge me. Okay, and then for this one, we’re gonna put a teaspoon of vanilla powder in there. I guess you could use other forms of vanilla. I just don’t know pricewise…I bought the powdered vanilla so long ago, I don't know how much it cost. So, I guess I’m more comfortable when I pay a certain amount of money for vanilla here, at this store, and I know there’s like, five table…or teaspoons in there. I’d just rather have my coffee not flavored, then, you know. It’s cost…if it’s not cost-effective.
This is only an experiment because the vanilla…I’ve been unable to actually manifest the vanilla coffee at the other store, 'cause I really only go to the mainstream grocery store for that kind of coffee and the soft…the zero version of the soft drink. I have two zeroes; I have a certain flavor of root beer, and then a certain flavor of cola, and then…oh yeah, I guess I get some sparkling water here. Do you still have any starfruit in…? No, you don’t. I love that star…do you think you’ll put Winter Sangria in cans? Not sure. You just work here; I know, I know. But so, I haven't been able to get that coffee just 'cause I haven't been to the store, and then the price has gone up, so, sometimes it’s on sale. I think they’ve adjust their prices. The stuff’s always on sale. So, then if it’s not on special, you just don’t buy it.
Okay, so, we’ve got our coffees here with water. Thanks, everybody, for working together. What we’re gonna do now is leave those for twenty-four hours. Now, just like on TV, I just happened to have two cold things of…yeah, this is how it works, even in Real Time Recipe, 'cause we can't wait…I couldn't sit here for twenty-four hours, you know? As lovely as that would be. Wow, you’re clearing out the…so, we’re gonna cook right here in the store. This is great. This is like a dream come true. I got customers, I got…I’m manifesting a cooking show right here. Okay, so, then my receptacles…now, it’s rare that I have two receptacles 'cause I only have one at home, though the funny this is I’ve broken two of them, 'cause I don't use the main one that may be more expensive.
The one I buy…yeah, it’s like a little glass bubble thing with a filter on top. Then, I do use a coffee filter. So, yeah, I use the metal filter and a coffee filter. Why? Cleaning convenience. Yeah, it just makes it easier, and then it makes it easier to compost the…whatever those are called, grounds. Yeah, so…okay, so, we’re gonna put one in each…yeah, put a filter in there. It’s a good thing you sell filters here, too. Yeah, I do like the non-bleached filter. Then, yeah, we’ll pour the coffee in there, and you kinda…what I like to do is shake the glass. Make sure the top’s on. Oh, sorry. Whoops. Well, that happens to me, too. Okay, now make sure the top’s on. Now shake it up, and then…like, halfway through, you’re gonna…'cause it’s gonna take three or four pours.
You’re gonna swirl it and then pour, and you may even need a little drop of water on the bottom to just get the last bit of grounds out of there. Okay, good, good. Alright, so, let’s get started here on our first…the overnight. Let’s start with the overnight thing, because we’re doing…now, the good thing is…right, by manifestation of the magic, someone has frozen my…put the bag of kale and baby spinach in the freezer, which is what I do at home. So, thank you for that. Okay…oh, and, yeah, thanks for having all this measuring stuff and blenders and everything. Okay, so let’s get…we’re gonna get a couple things ready. We got the kale and the spinach frozen, ready. We’re not gonna actually need that for twenty…not actually twenty-four hours. This is only a twelve-hour situation. Okay, we’re gonna make a couple different ones.
So, each one…okay, so, that one we’ll use regular milk, and that one we’ll use almond milk. So, we’ll make four, I guess. Okay, so, for each one, you’re gonna put one cup of liquid in there. Okay, great. Then you’re gonna put one tablespoon of chia in there, chia seeds. Okay, great work. That was very good. Then…now here’s the thing; we’re gonna use the oats, and I think these are…we’re gonna look on the bags, and I’ll say which…what the serving of oats is; a third of a cup, a half a cup. Now, here’s the thing; this oat bran is a excellent stand-in if you’re not gonna do this overnight. You say, I still…I really liked that you would cut out…you could still use the chia or you could cut out the chia, too. But I found the oats and the chia, they’re what need the overnighting, right? Overnight oats.
We’re having a overnight-oat smoothie. But what’s the difference? I guess just how you consume…well, I guess it is a difference. I guess this could be…well, you got me. I guess if we were doing a smoothie…okay, on the fourth…on that hemp milk, we’ll do a smoothie, okay? So, don’t put any oats in there. So, just the chia. Okay. Okay, the other ones…we have oats. Again, if…now, the oat bran is not for this, but it could be. If you have to do this the morning of, you just use…well, I’ll just talk about that in a minute, yeah. This is why I make a sleep podcast. Okay, next we’re gonna take…yeah, that’s good. We got a chopping board and everything. So, we’re gonna take four dates separately, 'cause they’re each for four containers, and we’re just gonna chop the date up…a rough-chopped date.
Then we’re gonna put each…yeah, great…and put one date in each thing. Now…so, this one currently…the hemp-milk one only has chia, hemp milk, and the dates, right? I forgot why we were…oh, 'cause this is gonna be overnight oats. Okay, so…great. So, blend that one, and yeah, we use this blender…yeah, that has the cups already built in. Great. Yeah, you will want to pulse it. Let the date settle to the bottom. Pulse it again. Okay, good work. So, for that one…so, that one…so, here’s the thing with the overnight oats…why I prefer the smoothie. I can't really get any vegetables…and I can feel everybody in the world rolling their eyes, but it’s hard to get the vegetables into the overnight oats. But they are enjoyable. So, the only thing the overnight oats is missing are two…a couple things.
If you want a…flavoring, and in my opinion, flavored protein powder. So, you could put about a quarter to a half a teaspoon of vanilla in there, and you could do that now. Then I recommend protein powder. Not just…again, you can figure out what your consumption is, but it is about what you’re getting out of it, but also flavor-wise. If you’re using a good-quality one that you’ve already tested out, it can really add some mouthfeel and taste if it’s a good one. So, yeah, these are the ones I have, but I really don’t want to be in a position of saying what they are. You could buy a unflavored one. But yeah, this one, salted caramel…and it’s good. You say, yeah, salted caramel, huh? So, put a scoop of that in there, and you could put…yeah, put a quarter-teaspoon of vanilla in there, too. Why not?
So, that one we’ll put right in the fridge, and I think we may have too much liquid in there, but…nah, I think it’ll be alright. Oh, pull it back out…oh, which oats did we put in there? The protein oats. So, yeah, look at it. It is kind of…it’s ready to go. Now, you could add flax or nuts or whatever. You could put a banana in it. You could have put a banana in there last…or, I would go a half banana. But that would be your overnight oats, traditional style. I think any of these other three you could also probably do, but we’re gonna go through. So, I have a couple other flavors here. So, we’re gonna do a berry one here — with the protein powder is what I mean by the flavor — the vanilla, and the salted caramel. Yeah, you could choose which ones.
Okay, then we’re gonna…so, we got the oats in here, the chia, the dates, and the protein powder, and then we’re gonna leave the…oh no, no, we’re not gonna leave those. I’m sorry. We’re gonna blend those and leave those. The difference between the overnight oats is you may not want to blend the oats for the overnight oats that you’re eating, where this is a smoothie. It’s just my personal preference to blend the oats with the chia and the date. I can't…I don't know, with the bananas, personally I would put the banana in the night before for the ones that are gonna be bananaed. Banana’s not a must because the date already adds some sweetness, but if you want a little bit more or you like banana flavor…I wouldn't withhold the date. I would have the date and the banana. So, yeah, okay, we’ll go with it all.
Oh, no, not on that one. Okay, okay, cool. Alright, so, that’s normally what I would leave overnight, and then…okay, wow. So, now we have these left over from the night before, and yeah, they’re looking a little thick. Now here’s the good news; you got a few options. You could add more of the same liquid, whether it be…so, this one would be milk, oat milk, or almond milk. You could add an alternative milk to…a different alternative milk like the almond milk, 'cause almond milk is kind of not that different than water, or you could just add water, probably just a little bit at first. Maybe we want to have a half-cup ready of whatever liquid. We don’t want to add too much now, but we do want everything to be able to blend, but we don’t want to over-liquefy it. Not…just not to dilute the flavor.
Okay, then…now, this is where I get really untechnical after this. So, we’re gonna add another table…we’re gonna add a tablespoon of ground flaxseed to each one of those. Great, then a handful of berries or a half-handful of each kind of berry? Oh yeah, okay. So, yeah, one handful of berries. Yeah. Then a handful of kale and spinach, frozen. Now, the nice thing is you can crunch it up in the bag. The only reason I freeze it is 'cause it’s just way easier to use, and then you can keep…it’s always ready to go, and it also…I find it blends a lot easier. So, I have no idea…I don't know anything about anything, so…this is just how I consume stuff. But I do find that this particular method…you don’t want a heaping handful, though. Yeah, more like…more than a pinch, yeah.
Okay, so, let me just review if we’ve forgotten anything. I don't think so. So, then we’re gonna blend all those, and I do like to…I like it to be not too…I like it to be drinkable, so, not like a thick smoothie but not paper thin, either. Yeah, so, those are pretty good, huh? Now, the bonus one…now you got your day-of I said I’d talk about. Now I’m gonna even give you another bonus. Now, this one is for…if you’re looking for something really light and you drink a lot of coffee like I do, but I don’t advise this. But so, this one…we’re gonna take one of these cups…thank you. We’re gonna put about a cup of coffee in there. Yeah, then we’re gonna put a thing of oat bran in there, and you could also put…instead, you might be able to put the quick-cooking oats in there, or instant oats.
Okay, I personally don’t put a date in here, obviously. So, I guess you would have to decide that for yourself, but I am gonna offer…and if we skip the date…this is a little bit of…this is just how I make it. I guess I’m just sharing what I make, right? I’m not telling you what to do. Okay, so, we have a cup of coffee. The serving, I believe, is a third a cup of that. Yeah, or maybe…yeah. Yeah, we’re just gonna put it right in the coffee; I know. Then we’re gonna use the protein powder, and again…yeah, I like the…I wouldn't do the straw…or the berry. I would either do the vanilla or the salted caramel. Or if you’re a chocolate…I don't know what a chocolate one would be like. It’d probably be chocolatey. Okay, so, we have those. Then I think…then I’ll maybe put flaxseed in there, but you don’t have to.
If it’s not gonna…this is not gonna sit. We’re gonna have this now. Then we’re gonna…do is go…yeah, go down that aisle there. They have two different kinds of creamer. Oh, they have three kinds, yeah. They have one zero creamer, one milk alternative, and one creamer creamer. Yeah, we want the flavored ones. Okay, so, we have those. So, you’ll put the creamer in there, right, just a table…like, it’s a tablespoon, maybe two tablespoons. So, that’s it, and then you’re gonna blend that and, yeah, you’re gonna drink it. I mean, I would drink it. I mean, that’s probably one of my top quick breakfasts. Yeah, so, it’s just coffee, creamer, protein powder, and oat bran, or…I have used instant oats. Here’s a thing; lets just say you have a kid in your life that…you bought instant packets of oats for them of whatever flavor.
You can use those, like the ones you would just open…you tear open the top and you put it in the bowl with boiling water. You could put it in one of these with coffee or with milk or a milk alternative the day of, then you don’t have to add any flavorings or anything. You might want to add your mix-ins. Particularly, it’s just a easy way for me to have…and sometimes I’ll just have kale…oh yeah, so, you’re right, 'cause that one did look a little full. So, if I’m putting the kale in and then it seems like it has…it’s too full, I won't put spinach in there. I don't know if it’s a art or a science. It’s more of how a confused bedtime-story teller makes their breakfast, huh? Okay, so, that’s the main thing. Now, the next thing we’re gonna do is we’re gonna make two servings of this oat bran, 'cause this is my easy breakfast number two.
Now, alls you’re gonna do is…yeah, you get…I don't know why, but you make two servings of it. So, it’s like, yeah…whatever…I think two-thirds of a cup of water. Okay, so, we’re gonna boil that, and then we’re gonna get two-thirds a cup of it ready, or one…whatever it says on there. I’m not…I can't see it because you’re there. Good work, though. Now, personally, when I have this, I don't flavor it at all. Now…and here’s the thing…this is, again, just my personal preference and it’s strange, but I don't put…I find that the protein powder works in these liquids, but it doesn't work in the solids alone, even if…I think I’ve even tried making it with the milk alternative and then putting…I find that it’s…something happens. Maybe I just gotta keep my protein powders cool. I don’t know what it is.
So, I just have the oat bran 100% by itself. I put a little salt in there, yeah, just a pinch…a little bit more than a pinch, and then, yeah, as it cools, I find it…I do find it tastes good. I like it. Now, I’ll eat half of it…yeah, 'cause…and believe it or not, a half…the full serving…so, that’s two servings in there. I do find it’s very…makes me feel very…like I had a big breakfast. When you look…you say, holy cow, this stuff is amazing. But you could add anything you want to it to flavor it, bananas and stuff like that, but this is the simplest of simple, easiest of ease, you know? Okay, so now we have…we got a couple more tasks. One is very easy. Okay, so, we’re gonna take…now, again, we can change this around. I just want to teach you the basics right now.
But the reason we have all the…the whole-wheat flours and stuff like that…we’re gonna take the artisan bread flour, and I think it has, right on the bag, a way to make no-knead bread. So, basically, yeah, you’re gonna…okay, so, measure out the flour, and we got the warm water on the side with the yeast. Okay, great. Then yeah, flour and salt, and the yeast…I think they call the…this is like proofing the yeast, which we already kinda did. We’ve been working together, huh? So, you could kinda see the yeast is active, or activated. I don't know what it means, like active yeast versus non-active yeast. Yeah, I don't know. I guess it means one’s active and one’s not. But this is activated. If you ask those yeasts, they’d say, we’re activated, man. We’re ready. Then we’re gonna make…yeah, we’re just gonna mix it all together.
Yeah, clean your hands. Okay. Great. Yeah, you’re gonna want some all-purpose flour, and then for this particular stage, yeah, we’re gonna…yeah, I like that you have that cleaning tub there. Okay. So, yeah, just make it a kind of a dough. You do have to do…is just squeeze it, and it makes…we’re not…actually, we don’t even need to knead it. It’s no-knead bread. Yeah. Yeah, so that one…so, you just make it into a kind of shaggy ball, and then cover it. Now, this one here is sixteen hours ago, and that one over there is one that’s…we used whole wheat and vital wheat gluten as well, like not a hundred…it’s not 100% whole wheat bread, but it has whole wheat. That one we let go a little bit longer. So, that one is twenty-four hours. I think this one, this artisan bread flour, is a sixteener.
Okay, and then those ones…now, so, those, what they look like when they’re ready…then yeah, just follow the instructions. You prep it a little bit more, preheat the oven. You preheat…I use cast iron to make mine. Yeah, I use those two different cast-iron ones. One’s a kind of skillet and one’s…whatever that thing’s called, a deeper skillet. I don't know. But you can use a Dutch oven as well. Okay, so, then we put it in the oven and we just follow the cooking times. Yeah, look at how crusty that is. Isn't that beautiful? You do a little bit…you do about…it’s different for each one, but…yeah, about a half-hour, and then about ten to twelve minutes with the top off. Yeah, those are very crusty baguettes. I don't…they’re actually not baguettes; you’re right. Well, I don't know what they call them, but…and those are good.
Again…now, personally, I’m not…I mean, I love…would love to have this whole artisan bread flour bread loaf, and it’s delicious. This store has that cultured butter. I would highly recommend just having…toast a piece with that cultured butter. I mean, after we let it rest, but these ones are rested. Now, the whole-wheat one is great with just butter. You could have it as a peanut-butter-and-jelly or later on for a later meal, or you could make some avocado toast with either one. Guaca-salsa toast, egg sandwich…kind of unlimited. Again, it kinda comes down to…I don't know, when you have kids, there’s pretty…if I make this artisan bread loaf, there’s 100% chance my daughter will eat most of it for breakfast and lunch in different forms. The whole-wheat one will be a little bit slower to consume, but then I can also help with it.
Yeah, so…and then the last thing we’re gonna make…now, there’s a lot of other recipes, right? There’s the olive version, you could make…we could make a rye version. I love making rye bread. Now, the rye bread, for breakfast, I guess, it’s good for a egg sandwich or just with butter. The only issue with the rye is then you have to have something else to have it for lunch, 'cause I don't think I could have a rye peanut-butter-and-jelly, right? But yeah, the next thing we’re gonna make is banana bread. So, yeah, with banana bread, we also have a lot of options. I’m doing this one…this one we’re gonna do right now, though. We need three bananas, the walnuts…we’re gonna do a whole-wheat flour one. But again, you could do it however you want to do it.
But yeah, for that one, we’re gonna do…that’s one…yeah, follow the recipe. So, wheat…whole-wheat flour, baking soda for that one, salt, yeah, brown sugar, eggs, vanilla. Now, usually these recipes call for one teaspoon. We’re gonna use one teaspoon of the paste and one teaspoon of the liquid. We could use that double…we’re gonna vanilla this thing, man. Then a neutral oil. Yeah, okay. Yeah, okay. Yeah, so, we got everything ready. So, yeah, this one’s kinda simple. First you mash up the banana, right, then we’re gonna get our dry bowl. Yeah, so, that’s the flour, baking soda, and salt, and just stir that together.
Okay, then in this one, we’re gonna sugar…take the sugar and eggs…now, sometimes I’ll switch this recipe up and use…instead of a neutral oil, I’ll use butter, or you could just look up a recipe with butter, or you could use neutral oil, however you wish to do it, right? I wonder what…I mean, I wonder if it’ll be…if I used a neutral oil if it would have been more fluffy, huh? Next time I’ll find out, maybe. Okay, so, let’s get this fluffy, and we want to get it really whipped up, like really whisk it up so the eggs are almost…yeah. Then we’re gonna add vanilla, 'cause…this will be what adds the height to it because it’s a whole-wheat one. Yeah, you want to get it nice and big. Okay, then put the bananas in there.
Okay, and then we’re gonna get the…all the dry stuff, and then the walnuts, yeah, and then we’re gonna put it in the bread…and you could use, whatever, parchment paper or don’t use parchment paper. That’s your call. Yeah, great work. Then we’re gonna…oh yeah, and it’s already done and cooled. So, this is another…you can slice that up, and this is another…I’m glad everybody in the store is feasting with us 'cause, yeah, it’s a lot of different ways. I’m glad the oat bran, though…'cause it really is…it’s just so simple. Again, if you want to flavor it, you can. I’d say…yeah, if you’re asking me my favorites, my favorite is the protein oats and the smoothie with everything that I leave…the overnight smoothie. Overnight oat smoothie I guess is what it is.
Then the oat bran on its own. The breads and stuff are nice, but I’m…when you make bread, it is kinda something you’re making for…I think you’re making it for yourself when you need a little self-care, but you also make bread for other people, right? So, for the love of bread and for our fellow persons, for the love of sleep, I’m glad we got…and this is all stuff you get, Bob’s Red Mill. This isn't sponsored or anything, but this is…made my big influence on my breakfast. So, check it all out, and thanks so much for joining me, and sleep well. Let’s all take a nap here after that nice breakfast, 'cause none of us drank any of the coffee. We forgot. Goodnight, everybody.
(Transcription performed by LeahTranscribes)
Real Time Recipes
History of the Night Shift
Chia Pets
The rise of milk alternatives
What is yeast?
It’s not easy for me to explain what this is
Looking for a companion
Like I’m actually making oats
Sleep With Me Plus; SleepPhones; Calm History Podcast; Story Only Feed; Rusty Biscuit Links; Emily Tat Artwork; Crisis Textline
Helix Sleep; Zocdoc; Progressive; Anker Soundcore; Dave’s Killer Bread; Acorns; Intuit Turbotax
Thoughts on your mind
Shout out to the 16th Shift
I’ll admit there can’t be infinite shifts
Shift Math
I’ll settle that there are 96 shifts, how about that?
Nobody cares about the 71st shift
It’s incalculable how often math has kept me awake
Relating to the D-R-E-A-D of bedtime
You deserve a peaceful bedtime
Barely looking forward to barely listening to me
A Kind, Warm Presence
Kinda Funny Like
You’re the most important listener obviously
Let me know your feedback, unless it’s high temperature
I’ve never not gotten distracted explaining the structure of the show
Making Breakfast with Bob
We’re gonna go into this store that has had some changes
You look great
Consult the shopping list
The refrigerated produce section
A bag of kale
I freeze my berries in season, too
Bananas and Berries
Fantastical Grocery Store, grounded in reality
Manifest what you need, but we gotta pay for it still
I need dates (not that kind)
To the dairy area
Butter, eggs
Flax Egg, Egg Alternative
Back to the cereal area
I prefer the ground flaxseed here
And chia seeds
Get that Bob’s Oat Bran
It just might change your life
A variety of oats
We want oat bran and rolled oats
There’s so many oats I’ve never tried
Milk and milk alternatives
I’ll try hemp milk, sure
We’re gonna make a bunch of different breakfasts
The last time I shared a moment with someone here
We won’t be using any dates or flour together
You want this 00 flour on hand
And all purpose flour
Let’s Talk Flour
We do need to find vital wheat gluten
I have nothing against these organic varieties, I’ve just never tried them
Baking Soda and Baking Powder
I do make a great non-sugar lemonade
Maybe we should refer back to Chef Stacy
I bought my yeast at the old Land of Kirland
More like a Yeastie Boy
They don’t have vanilla paste, but they have vanilla powder
Double Fold Vanilla
Oh, we forgot coffee!
I just manifested powdered vanilla and pumpkin pie spice
I think vanilla was the last thing on the list
Someone did have to help me find the dates
I don’t delineate between overnight oats and smoothies
I have a mason jar
How I make cold brew
5 heaping of tablespoons in a big mason jar
Mixing french roast and vanilla coffee
TJ’s vanilla coffee leaves a residue
No wonder I can’t manifest a date, you’re right
I do a 24 hour steep
5 scoops
Open up the powdered vanilla and pumpkin spice
Flavor Your Own Coffee
My daughter drinks one cup of coffee now, please don’t judge me
Manifesting Vanilla Coffee
I only go to the mainstream store for vanilla coffee and Zero brands of soda
Manifesting a Cooking Show in front of our eyes
I have 2 receptacles
I use a metal filter and a coffee filter
Let’s start with the overnight thing
Fortunately, someone has frozen my greens already
A 12 hour situation
We’ll make 4 (also dividing by milk type
Liquid, chia seeds, oats
It’s the oats and chia that need the overnight of it all
An overnight oat smoothie
Ok, blend that up
Pulse those dates!
It’s hard to get veggies into the overnight oats
This needs a little flavored protein powder
And then we’ll do a berry one with salted caramel
You don’t blend the overnight oats
It’s your call when to add the banana
Almond milk is not that different from water, tbh
Add another tablespoon of flaxseed
A handful of berries
A handful of frozen kale and spinach
Threading the needle on texture
A surprise bonus
Put a cup of coffee in there and a thing of oat bran
I personally don’t put a date in there
You do you
Then put creamer in there
Blend it up and drink it
Probably one of my top quick breakfasts
How a confused bedtime storyteller makes their breakfast
It’s neither art nor science
Easy Breakfast #2
Personally I don’t flavor this
Protein Powder works in liquids but not solids
Making a no knead bread
Measure out the flour and salt
Proofing the Yeast
Active Yeast vs Non Active Yeast
We’re activated, man
No need to knead
Look at how crusty that is
Artisan Bread Loaf
Have this with a piece of cultured butter
100% chance my daughter will eat most of this bread loaf
Another thing to make
A lot of options for banana bread
3 bananas, walnuts, and whole wheat flour
Baking soda for this one
This one’s pretty simple
Would it have been fluffier with a more neutral oil
Let’s get this fluffy
Parchment paper is your call
And wow, it’s already done and cool
That oat bran is so great
My favorite is the overnight oats smoothie
The bread is pretty great, too
For the Love of Bread and Sleep
This isn’t sponsored, I just love Bob’s Red Mill
We forgot to drink the coffee!
Episode: 1320
Title: Real-Time Breakfast with Bob
Plugs: Sleep With Me Plus; SleepPhones; Calm History Podcast; Story Only Feed; Rusty Biscuit Links; Emily Tat Artwork; Crisis Textline
Sponsors: Helix Sleep; Zocdoc; Progressive; Anker Soundcore; Dave’s Killer Bread; Acorns; Intuit Turbotax
Notable Language:
- D-R-E-A-D
- A Kind, Warm Presence
- Kinda Funny Like
- High Temperature Feedback
- Fantastical Grocery Store
- Land of Kirkland
- Yeastie Boy
- Double Fold Vanilla
- Flavor Your Own Coffee
- No need to knead
- Let’s get this fluffy
- For the Love of Bread and Sleep
Notable Culture:
- Dolly Parton
- Costco
- Trader Joe’s
- Beastie Boys
- Bob’s Red Mill
- Coke Zero
Notable Talking Points:
- Thoughts on your mind
- Shout out to the 16th Shift
- I’ll admit there can’t be infinite shifts
- Shift Math
- I’ll settle that there are 96 shifts, how about that?
- Nobody cares about the 71st shift
- It’s incalculable how often math has kept me awake
- Relating to the D-R-E-A-D of bedtime
- You deserve a peaceful bedtime
- Barely looking forward to barely listening to me
- A Kind, Warm Presence
- Kinda Funny Like
- You’re the most important listener obviously
- Let me know your feedback, unless it’s high temperature
- I’ve never not gotten distracted explaining the structure of the show
- Making Breakfast with Bob
- We’re gonna go into this store that has had some changes
- You look great
- Consult the shopping list
- The refrigerated produce section
- A bag of kale
- I freeze my berries in season, too
- Bananas and Berries
- Fantastical Grocery Store, grounded in reality
- Manifest what you need, but we gotta pay for it still
- I need dates (not that kind)
- To the dairy area
- Butter, eggs
- Flax Egg, Egg Alternative
- Back to the cereal area
- I prefer the ground flaxseed here
- And chia seeds
- Get that Bob’s Oat Bran
- It just might change your life
- A variety of oats
- We want oat bran and rolled oats
- There’s so many oats I’ve never tried
- Milk and milk alternatives
- I’ll try hemp milk, sure
- We’re gonna make a bunch of different breakfasts
- The last time I shared a moment with someone here
- We won’t be using any dates or flour together
- You want this 00 flour on hand
- And all purpose flour
- Let’s Talk Flour
- We do need to find vital wheat gluten
- I have nothing against these organic varieties, I’ve just never tried them
- Baking Soda and Baking Powder
- Walnuts
- I do make a great non-sugar lemonade
- Maybe we should refer back to Chef Stacy
- I bought my yeast at the old Land of Kirland
- More like a Yeastie Boy
- They don’t have vanilla paste, but they have vanilla powder
- Double Fold Vanilla
- Oh, we forgot coffee!
- I just manifested powdered vanilla and pumpkin pie spice
- I think vanilla was the last thing on the list
- Someone did have to help me find the dates
- I don’t delineate between overnight oats and smoothies
- I have a mason jar
- How I make cold brew
- 5 heaping of tablespoons in a big mason jar
- Mixing french roast and vanilla coffee
- TJ’s vanilla coffee leaves a residue
- No wonder I can’t manifest a date, you’re right
- I do a 24 hour steep
- 5 scoops
- Open up the powdered vanilla and pumpkin spice
- Flavor Your Own Coffee
- My daughter drinks one cup of coffee now, please don’t judge me
- Manifesting Vanilla Coffee
- I only go to the mainstream store for vanilla coffee and Zero brands of soda
- Manifesting a Cooking Show in front of our eyes
- I have 2 receptacles
- I use a metal filter and a coffee filter
- Let’s start with the overnight thing
- Fortunately, someone has frozen my greens already
- A 12 hour situation
- We’ll make 4 (also dividing by milk type
- Liquid, chia seeds, oats
- It’s the oats and chia that need the overnight of it all
- An overnight oat smoothie
- Ok, blend that up
- Pulse those dates!
- It’s hard to get veggies into the overnight oats
- This needs a little flavored protein powder
- And then we’ll do a berry one with salted caramel
- You don’t blend the overnight oats
- It’s your call when to add the banana
- Almond milk is not that different from water, tbh
- Add another tablespoon of flaxseed
- A handful of berries
- A handful of frozen kale and spinach
- Threading the needle on texture
- A surprise bonus
- Put a cup of coffee in there and a thing of oat bran
- I personally don’t put a date in there
- You do you
- Then put creamer in there
- Blend it up and drink it
- Probably one of my top quick breakfasts
- How a confused bedtime storyteller makes their breakfast
- It’s neither art nor science
- Easy Breakfast #2
- Personally I don’t flavor this
- Protein Powder works in liquids but not solids
- Making a no knead bread
- Measure out the flour and salt
- Proofing the Yeast
- Active Yeast vs Non Active Yeast
- We’re activated, man
- No need to knead
- Look at how crusty that is
- Artisan Bread Loaf
- Have this with a piece of cultured butter
- 100% chance my daughter will eat most of this bread loaf
- Another thing to make
- A lot of options for banana bread
- 3 bananas, walnuts, and whole wheat flour
- Baking soda for this one
- This one’s pretty simple
- Would it have been fluffier with a more neutral oil
- Let’s get this fluffy
- Parchment paper is your call
- And wow, it’s already done and cool
- That oat bran is so great
- My favorite is the overnight oats smoothie
- The bread is pretty great, too
- For the Love of Bread and Sleep
- This isn’t sponsored, I just love Bob’s Red Mill
- We forgot to drink the coffee!