1316 – Winterfest Memories
Episode 1316 – Winterfest Memories
SCOOTER: Friends beyond the binary, ladies and gentlemen, boys and girls, it’s time for the podcaster who’s searching for ways to take your mind off of stuff, to keep you company, to be your friend in the deep, dark night, a friend you don’t really need to listen to, a friend who’s here to keep you company and take your mind off of stuff so you could fall asleep. Welcome to Sleep With Me. If you’re new, this podcast is a bit different. I’m here to just be your friend, just like if you were listening to a show in the other room or with your screen turned down or you had a friend on the phone…you say, hey, tell me all about Winterfest in Syracuse, New York.
Oh boy, do I have some…no, no, not the interesting parts, though. Can you give me some out-of-date information and then go on tangents instead of talking about it? So, maybe barely talk about your memories and then go off topic? And I’m not gonna really listen to you. Oh boy, that’s what this podcast is. Believe it or not, that’s what this podcast is. So, I’m happy to do that because I’ve had trouble sleeping. So, I’m happy to help out those I can with my pointless meanders and superfluous tangents. But if you’re new, it does take some getting used to, because you may have tuned into the slow 'cause it’s a sleep podcast and you’re expecting something more sleepy, where this podcast is more company, company you don’t…I mean, what’s the best kind of company?
Company you don’t have to interact with or entertain, company that’s here to keep you company. Company; at a service. Anyway, if you’re new, welcome to Sleep With Me. I’m really glad you’re here. Most people say give this show a few tries 'cause it is a bit different, but honestly, I really hope this podcast can help you out so that you can feel comforted in the deep, dark night, feel distracted while you kinda wind down, or kinda feel seen and welcomed as you wind down and get comfortable, and then feel, yeah, barely distracted, like something pleasant is going on that you don’t need to pay attention to, some pleasant rambling, later on in the show. So, yeah, that’s how the show works.
What we got coming up…we got support so paying for the show is optional, then a long, meandering intro meant to ease you into bedtime, and then later on will be our episode about Winterfest in Syracuse, New York, circa whatever year we’re covering, but I don't really remember right now. But oh, boy, am I happy to talk about it. So, welcome to Sleep With Me. I’m really glad you’re here. We’re able to bring you the show by the people that support the show directly, support our sponsors, support one another with kindness, or people in the world just putting kindness out in the world. That helps…I mean, it really does help everybody sleep…spread the word about the show. We do it as a community, so, I really appreciate it, and here’s a couple ways we are able to do it for you twice a week for free.
INTRO: [INTRO MUSIC] Hey, are you up all night tossing, turning, mind racing? Trouble getting to sleep? Trouble staying asleep? Well, welcome. This is Sleep With Me, the podcast that puts you to sleep. We do it with a bedtime story. Alls you need to do is get in bed, turn out the lights, and press Play. I’m gonna do the rest. What I’m going to attempt to do is create a safe place where you could set aside whatever’s keeping you awake. It could be thoughts you’re thinking about, things on your mind about the past, the present, the future…I always say ‘thinking thoughts’. Or, sometimes I say that 'cause, I don't know, it kinda diffuses them.
Not quite; it aptly describes them, but kinda…I don't like to…I always find it’s nicer to pet my thoughts or my feelings or physical sensations, whatever’s keeping me awake, to take a indirect approach, and that’s kinda the way this podcast works, really, is I’m here to be a distraction but also a calming distraction to whatever’s keeping you awake, to say, hey, that’s okay. I’m not here to point any fingers or do any finger…definitely no finger-wagging. I mean, sometimes there’s tail-wagging at the beginning of the podcast, especially when I pander to pets and I say, hey, don’t forget to pet your pets as you wind down.
But let me say…so, if it’s thoughts you’re…things you’re thinking about about the past, the present, the future that might…may be keeping you up, it could be feelings, anything emotionally coming up related to those thoughts or feelings that are just there, it could be changes in time, temperature, routine, travel, work schedule, maybe you work a different shift, you could have guests, you could be going through something, whatever it is that’s keeping you awake. The reason I run through some of that stuff is so you feel like somebody gets it, right, that somebody sees you and doesn't disregard you or try to help you in a way that’s not helpful.
I don't know, that’s been one of the things for me my whole life, since I was a kid and I couldn't sleep 'cause of school, that when people that didn’t quite get it tried to help or fix it, I’d say, well, I don't think this is the kind of thing that that approach works for. I’m trying to think of the most…what do you call that? Not…you know, a graceful way to talk about it. Say, thank you for your advice…'cause it’s really tough, 'cause they’re just trying to be helpful. They just don’t get it. Even within this genre of sleep stuff, everybody has different tastes and different needs, and…I don't know, I think for me, it’s important for me to point out…even though not everybody likes to point out the fact that…even though this is a podcast and it’s getting sent out, that you’re not alone. This is actually true.
There’s enough people listening right now that…while I think I can probably relate to how it feels for you…even if you say, no, no, no, you can't; you don’t know what it’s like, I say, okay, the good news is there really is someone listening right now somewhere in the world who has been through something very similar, and they are not exactly sitting up in bed, but they’re aware of how you feel and they do see you, and they do know what it’s like. I don't know, even though we’re kind of connected but detached at the same time, the way this podcast works, it’s important. It’s important to me. It’s why I make the show, and I don't know if I could…I’m not good at describing stuff, either, so…just trying to get the sense out.
Here’s the thing; that person right now that’s thinking of you — and they’re thinking of you warmly — they’re looking forward to the day…they say, I hope this podcast helps you out like it helped me out. It is very different. It did take me a few tries to get used to the fact that the show’s always going nowhere, but once I found it worked for me, I said, wait a second, I never knew something like this could or would exist, but I didn’t realize to go look for it. I just found it in a indirect way, too. They hope that one day you’re that warmth, you’re that warmth welcome…warmth welcome? I mean, it makes sense in this context for other people. So, I hope you feel less alone. Or if you’re like me, you say, no, no, I don't want to feel less alone, actually.
I say, okay, if you feel respected and seen in the part of you that doesn't want to feel less alone…but you get what I’m talking about…'cause I got a bit of a curmudgeon in me, and other parts, too. So, that’s one part of it. The other thing is you deserve a good night's sleep. You deserve a bedtime where you can get the rest you need so your life is more manageable, where you could get the rest you need so you could be out there doing the things you want to do and it not…not being tired when you’re doing it, right? You deserve a bedtime you don’t have to dread, that you could feel neutral about or at least look…maybe…at least feel neutral about, if not look forward to. You say, yeah, well, I got that guy that just rambles on and on and on about nothing, so, at least I got that.
Gonna listen to him later talk about…what does he talk about? Well, not nothing. He’s barely entertaining or almost…whatever’s less than barely entertaining. He’s barely entertaining, barely humorous, just a little bit less than that, but not zero. But also, it doesn't…that doesn't quite sum it up. But he’s…yeah. Okay, can you tell me more? Okay, well, what he does is he sends his voice across the deep, dark night. He uses lulling, soothing, creaky, dulcet tones, pointless meanders, and superfluous tangents. He goes off topic and gets mixed up, and it’s a show that does take some getting used to. Most people…especially creaky…you say, creaky, dulcet tones? What is that? Well, his voice is not traditionally soothing. He doesn't have one of those voices like in the trailers or with audiobooks or anything.
He’s just got…his voice is not half-bad. I mean, it’s not…I don't know. His voice is forgettable. It’s a voice I can barely listen to, but not in the way you’re thinking. Oh, okay. Sounds…I mean, sounds confusing. It is kinda confusing. Okay, so, it does…so, most people don’t like the show when they first listen to it? No, most people don’t, 'cause it’s just very different. But so, it takes two or three tries, and then at some point you’re like, oh, now I get…now I get that I don't need to get it. It’s also a podcast that you just barely listen to. It’s also a sleep podcast that’s been around eleven years. It doesn't put you to sleep. There’s no pressure to fall asleep with this show. He’s here over an hour so you don’t have to think about falling asleep.
There’s like, 600 shows or something that you could listen to, and…so you don’t have to think about falling asleep. He’s there not to put you to sleep but to take your mind off of stuff until you fall asleep, to keep you company until you fall asleep. Or if you can't sleep or you need a break during the day or you wake up in the middle of the night, he’s there to keep you company, too. Oh yeah? It sounds like he should have multiple terms for it. Oh yeah, he does. He says he’s your bore-friend, your bore-bae, your bore-sib, your bore-bud, your Borbie, your bores, your chairman of the bores, your neigh-bore, your Borbie…oh, what was it? Neigh-bore…yeah, Borbie, I already said that one. Your bore-sib, your bore-cuz, your bore-bruh, your best bore-friend f’eva. Oh. What does that mean?
Well, it means he’s just here to keep you company and talk while you either listen or don’t listen or barely listen. Wow. Anything else I would need to know about this show before I barely listen to it? Well, yeah; most people show up skeptical or doubtful, so, he really explains what it is. But he really does that so he can meet you where you are, because of course if you’re looking for a sleep podcast, you’re probably feeling a little bit vulnerable and doubtful and maybe you even have a frowny face, 'cause he’s been there. Does he ever talk about himself in the third person in a strange way? Sometimes. He finds it…he likes to have some variety, but he’s also…he has so many things going on in there that sometimes it seems reasonable to him, even when…yeah, it does.
It just does. I don't know what to say about it, either. See, he can even comment on us talking about him. Yeah, keep going. It’s like we’re doing the work for him, but we don’t get any of the credit, though. Yeah, it’s like we’re just having a conversation in his mind and he’s listening to it? Yeah. It’s great, isn't it? Yeah, it really is. Can you tell me…? So, tell me more about the structure of the show, 'cause I know some people…that throws them off. Yeah, that’s what I mean; he likes to meet you where you are. So, the show’s structured in a very specific way just to get it out to the most people possible.
So, it starts off with a greeting; friends beyond the binary, ladies and gentlemen, boys and girls, then he tries to think of something silly to say, and that’s the goal with the greeting, is so you feel seen and welcomed in and you say, oh, okay, I could check that podcast out. Then after that is support, so then you don’t…the podcast is just out there in the world. Most people like listening to the ad-supported version of the show linearly. Well, that makes sense. Yeah, it does. Then after the support is a long, meandering intro. Oh, wait a second, so, what is…why is there a long, meandering intro? Is it the same every time? It’s not the same every time.
It follows a similar structure every time but each intro is different, because the purpose of the intro isn't to put you to sleep. It’s to ease you into bedtime. Oh, what does…? I’ve never been eased into bedtime. Really, you never have? Well, maybe. Well, it’s kinda like…different for each listener. That’s why he says give it a few tries. Some people start listening while they’re getting ready for bed, some people start listening while they’re in bed getting comfortable, some people are doing some sort of chill wind-down activity, some people…a small percentage of people are asleep, and we’re happy for them. We’re even more happy for their partners that are so sound asleep. Oh boy, are we happy for them. So, yeah.
But the intro, it kinda goes fifteen or twenty minutes to have a buffer from…the difference between being awake and asleep. Instead of just turning out the lights, it lowers them gently. Oh, okay. Yeah, I’ve heard that’s what works, having a wind-down routine and having…yeah, some time to chill out. Yeah. I mean, you could just listen to story-only versions. He has a podcast called Bedtime Stories From Sleep With Me that’s just story-only versions, but yeah, you could kinda see what you like. Then there’s some support, and then there will be the story. Tonight it’ll be about Winterfest in Syracuse, New York, and I think the medallion search. Oh, wow. That sounds interesting. Oh, it could be. In the hands of another person, it might be.
But don't worry, he’s…he knows what he’s doing. He’s always barely known what he’s barely known what he’s doing. Oh, that sounds like a good description of what I’ve learned so far. Anything else I need to know? He’s really glad you’re here. He really hopes…he’s really hoping he can get outta this and talk directly to you, 'cause he’s really glad you’re here. Him and a bunch of other people work on the show really hard because they yearn and they strive to help you fall asleep, 'cause they know what it’s like and they respect and see you. So, he’s really glad you’re here, works really hard…I yearn and I strive. I’m gonna take over from here. Okay, you go ahead and take over…of your own podcast.
So, I’m really glad you’re here. I really do work hard because I just want to help, and I know this show helps the people it helps. It doesn't help everybody. I do…this is a little late, but they forgot…if you loathe the show, there’s a website set up, sleepwithmepodcast.com/nothankyou, that has other sleep podcasts on there, but I’m really glad you’re here with this show, Sleep With Me. I really hope it can help you fall asleep. I appreciate you coming by and giving me your time, and these are a couple ways I’m able to do it for you twice a week. Thanks.
Alright everybody, it’s Scoots here, and this is our coverage of the 1989 Syracuse Winterfest. I gotta figure out…I’m not exactly sure when the first time I went to Winterfest was, but maybe we’ll do this as a annual thing. But I do have a very positive memory. It could have been in 1989, or…I guess last year, when I was looking up some of this info, I did try to find out…maybe it was even earlier. I think it probably was. Now, you gotta remember, I come from a family of six kids. I was the oldest and I was about as helpful as…I was not helpful. I did not put a fest…I put a ‘winter’ in everything, but not the ‘fest’ part.
So, I know at some point…also…let’s see…and I don't know if you can relate to this, but as a kid, as a child, I thought Syracuse, New York, where I grew up, was the center of the world, 'cause it was the center of my world. Before I fantasized about my big break, which I don't know when I started doing that, I fantasized that Syracuse would become…or I even indulged in the fact that it was one of the great epicenters of the world. Sure, you had the great cities that you saw…and particularly New York, 'cause it was on Sesame Street and Electric Company and a lot of other shows, and then Los Angeles, San Francisco, Syracuse. I said, okay, well, Chicago is pretty good, too. So, anytime things were news…I wondered if this was a big deal globally.
So, Syracuse was having a Winterfest, which in my mind was the only Winterfest that was being held, and they had snow sculptures. As a person that indulges in fantasy, whether playing or imagining or stuff…and watched a lot of television and movies, you would see…and who went to the beach as a child, you would see the Hollywoodization of snow sculptures. Even though I did work briefly with someone who…one of their jobs was a professional sand-sculpture person. But you would see these things in movies or on TV, and you’d say, okay, I can't…I’ve tried to recreate those sand castles or friends or whatever people make, and I haven't even come close. So, there was a piece of something…I don't know. You’re like, somewhere out there people are really doing this with sand?
So, then…and you would see this with snow forts in movies and stuff like that, but…and sand, it’s a little bit more glamorous. Let me just tell you, we had the great New York State Fair, so, we did have butter sculptures, but those were behind glass because they were refrigerated, and those were a little bit more…have an impossibility to them, 'cause you need like, 8,000 pounds of butter, where sand and snow are plentiful. So, the idea…I don't know when I’d heard about Winterfest, but I was like, man, they’re actually in Syracuse, New York making giant snow sculptures and maybe even ice sculptures. This is a big deal. I mean, I don't know, I’m expecting to see people from the main news, you know, to come down. This is gonna be…this is pretty big.
Now, I never look at things from my parents’ perspective…of the idea of getting six kids in the car…even though Winterfest, I’m presuming, was free, but I don't want to presume anything, and if you live in a winter place, I think it’s pretty…unfortunately for young Scoots, it’s like, oh yeah, we have Winterfest, too. I say, okay…do you have a Jazzfest? You say, yep, we do, actually. Yeah, we do. Okay, well…I mean, fair enough. I guess more Winter…now I’m like, the more Winterfest, the merrier. But yeah, the idea of my parents taking us…'cause it would have been a Saturday or a Sunday that they would have taken us. They would get us all in…get ready for cold weather, 'cause I mean, even though I may have been a pre-teen or whatever, I was not exactly an independent…I was independently grouchy.
Thinking about it, we definitely — I don't think — went in 1989, but maybe. But that’s what I’m looking at, I think, the info I have. But so, we did go. I think we went in a year where it was snowing and cold, and there were snow sculptures, and it was impressive. I don't have a whole lot of memories about it, so that makes sense that it wasn’t in 1989. But for me, this just sounded cool. What we’re gonna cover is one specific feature of Winterfest, which was…which I’ll introduce in a few minutes, which…well, I guess in my research, I think I did find another Winterfest that had this, but maybe not every Winterfest did.
But this is something…if you talk to a Gen Xer or a Millennial that grew up in Syracuse New York and you tell them about the medallion hunt, they’re gonna…you’ve got yourself…you got yourself a few minutes of conversation if you need to make small talk. I don't want to guarantee where the conversation will go, but pretty…invariably, it only goes…it’s a archetypal conversation you could have. So, I did some news research last year, which I have in front of me. So, I just want to look at the schedule first. There’s a pancake breakfast, there was a carnival…oh, some of this…okay, so, it was all around. ‘Cause this was at one of the ski centers…their model train exhibit…that was at the Erie Canal Museum. ‘A real wedding’, that’s what it says. 10:00 a.m. That’s the only…at the snow castle.
Wow, a real wedding. There was a planetarium program at the Discovery Center at 10:30 a.m. What else do we have? Hay rides, pony rides, you could…oh, so, this is Winterfest…this is even better than I thought. So, this is maybe…there was…you could go…Beaver Lake Nature Center; that’s where I…that’s where I think my K-Mart earrings…I didn’t get them at Beaver Lake Nature Center, but…there was a show at the state fair, like some sort of convention, planetarium and star-watching, something at the art…the Modern Art Museum, the Everson…Everson…Winter Wonderland at Clinton Square. This was the big thing, though. Entertainment from 1:00 to 3:00 p.m., noon to 8:00 p.m…Renaissance players, choral groups, magicians, and storytellers.
Another art gallery, a winter…another museum-type thing, guided tours of the restoration of something, birds, more stuff at Beaver Lake. Black History Planetarium Show; 2:00 p.m…because Syracuse was part of the underground railroad, I think, probably. Let’s see, downhill skiing, Biloxi Blues, a play at the Salt City Center for Performing Arts. Okay, so, that was…so, this was a Sunday paper. I don't have the front of the paper, but…let’s see, they talk about…wow, it may have been a bit too warm for what they were planning on doing. One place from Syracuse, Oswego County Boasties, was turning 900 pounds of ice into a eighty-inch statue. Yeah, they had to get that done. They used melting stuff and cutting stuff.
There was somebody else that did a night…a swan sculpture…oh, they talk about a wedding carriage, cats…then they had a chowder cook-off. Ramada Inn won first place. Yeah, not much snow, they say, 'cause the streets were blocked off and piled high with dirty, icy remnants. This is from the Syracuse Herald Journal. Let’s see, they got bands…oh, wait, this is another thing. Group skiing…four adults on two long, slender slats. Then…yeah, a team won that. Next…if it’s not snowy next week, then they’re trying to come up with new events to put on so people will keep coming back. So, yeah, they just…the winter this year didn’t work it out. Most of this year, they say in the paper, the storms went across the St. Lawrence, and not doing their usual track.
Snowflakes…oh, there was also more lake-effect snow, which has less water content than Midwestern snow. They have thinner crystals than ones from other clouds. Because they have more openings, they melt faster. Interesting. You learn something new every day. Oh, there was pulling of rope, ice breaking…I wouldn't be good at that. You say, Scoots, can you be in the ice-breaker? Does it involve actual ice? Okay, here’s a history article, though…also from A1, though, so, I only have half of it. It started back in ‘85. So, I may have gone in like, ‘85, ‘86, ‘87. So, I guess…let’s see what it says here. Okay, people were…whatever, and they came up with the idea…people were like, I don't know. It was in 1984. A couple people came up with it, I think a couple people whose children I know.
It was Parks and Rec and the UpDownTowners, which is like…I think a bit like a chamber of commerce. TV station…yeah, they were like, okay, well, let’s come up with different wacky ideas. People were…everybody was skeptical. But the first one was four…more than 4,000 people attended the first indoor party in the plaza. That was 2,000 more than expected. 7,000 people came out when they had a winter…a winter sky show with things in the sky. Then there was swishing; that’s four people on skis. The chili cook-off was on the NBC national news. So, it was national news. But in ‘86 it didn’t go well because of lack of snow. The biggest flop was a plan to set a record by building the largest snow person in Hanover Square, but the snow couldn't stay together over eighteen feet.
It had to get to twenty-two feet. It looked like a buoy, he says, Frank Bosco. Also, he didn’t have a permit. So, I guess that was just an idea, 'cause it says he didn’t have a permit to build a snow person. They had to build credibility even through ‘87. ‘86 was tough, they said, and we didn’t…but we knew it was gonna be successful. But it was bigger and better in ‘87. They had a budget of $150k. It drew more than 200,000 people — so, maybe that was the first year I went — and a lot of it…the centerpiece — I think I remember this — was a polar bear, but it got covered in snoot…not snoot; soot from the road. It cost $12,500.
So, that was probably the year I went, 'cause I think I remember seeing that thing covered in soot. But last year it got…it became the official state home of the I Love New York Winter Festival, and it brought in a lot of business, positive impact…they’re trying to get 100,000 people down there over…this year. So, exciting. Hanover Square…the opening ceremonies are, whatever, today, which was January 27, 1989, Friday, and it began at noon. They should have taken a half-day. Alright, so, this was a big thing that was a big deal everywhere. So, it was a treasure hunt, and each…so, Syracuse, once upon a time, as I’ve covered before, had three newspapers; two dailies and then a Sunday paper. They had a morning paper…I may be wrong on all these, though.
Post Standard was the morning paper, and the Herald Journal was the evening paper, and the Sunday paper was called the Herald American, I think. I delivered the afternoon paper. A couple of my friends delivered the morning paper. But so, all the newspapers…so, the morning paper, the evening paper, and the Sunday paper would print clues to a treasure hunt, and here’s how it works, right from the paper. They’ve hidden a two-and-a-half-inch plastic medallion. If you find it, you win $1,000 or $2,000 if you’re a newspaper subscriber. Double your money. They print different clues every day in the Herald Journal, the Herald American, and the Post Standard. Scoots, you did it. The clues will lead you to…lead you there. Now, there’s also rules. You have to stay within the county.
It’ll be…you don’t have to dig below the ground surface, but you may have to move snow. The medallion is hidden, so you don’t have to climb on anything or go on any water, so stay away from water and ice. It’s on public property, and like I said, $1,000, $2,000…you’ll have to…you have to name the clue that led you to find it, sign a photo release and…publicity, and if you work for the committee…Winterfest committee or the newspapers, you can't win. Two-and-a-half inches…it says ‘Winterfest treasure hunt in Syracuse newspapers’ on it. It’s made of plexiglass. I never knew that ‘til just now. There’s a drawing on it. I mean…yeah.
So, this was very exciting, even though…I think every once in a while we would go look for it, but invariably…I know they were hidden in other places, but if you asked someone in Syracuse, it would be three places or two…Long Branch Park, Beaver Lake, or…but I don't even know if Beaver Lake…I guess you can go in for free. I guess it’s public land. I went there like, three years ago, but I went to the visitor’s center first. I thought I paid to get in, but maybe not. But these are just where you would assume they would be, Beaver Lake, Long Branch Park, or…I guess those are the only two I could think of. Oh, Green Lakes Park? But that might not be in Onondaga County. But obviously they did this more than three years, so they put it in other places.
But those would be all…and it was almost always — and I’m not trying to spoil it — under a bench at Long Branch Park or Beaver Lake. That’s just how people’s…my memory is, but I think other people’s, too. But so, what we’re gonna do is go through the clues, but also the clues are…there’s, I think…I can't remember how many clues. I managed to get them all through using my library card, which does take a bit of work to get the print version of newspapers nowadays, but I think it’s very important, especially to a sleep podcast. But so, we’ll look through the clues, and as we get further along, if we have time, we’ll look through the paper, as well. Okay, the first clue is actually not useful. Well, I guess maybe it is. So, clue one…usually it’s a poem, but I’m just gonna paraphrase, right?
It says, yeah, we’ve hidden something for you to find. Check the papers every day, and it’s…stay within Onondaga County. So, that is a clue. Okay, that’s clue one. Clue two…okay, clue two is public lands…it’s on public land, particularly those with lots of space where folks each summer fest. So, I think that’s a giveaway right there, where there’s Summerfest. But what does that mean, right? But it’s like, okay, it’s some place people go for the summer, so I guess that would take us…that would probably get rid of Beaver Lake, 'cause Beaver Lake is like, nature trails. Long Branch Park is…could be it because it did have festivals, but when I grew up, Long Branch Park was on Onondaga Lake, which was not known…you couldn't go in the water, and so…and I think you can now.
I’m not positive, though. I think my brother said you can, but…and then Green Lakes, but I’m…I think Green Lakes is in Onondaga County. Okay, two clues down. Clue three…oh boy, here’s another clue, maybe. Some places are very green with birdies, woods, and trees. The resting spot is found near all of these. So, again, that’s another Green Lakes likelihood, but again, spoiler alert, I grew up there. So, I probably heard…you know, so, whatever. Also, Green Lakes, I did go hiking there two or three years ago, so…it’s very good hiking. So, it has nature trails and stuff, but it also has a couple public beaches on this beautiful lake with limestone…these limestone lakes. Very picturesque, if you look it up. Okay, clue four…got a hunch?
You may be right. There’s water nearby, and over the adjacent hills, weird things do sometimes fly. Huh. I don't know what that means. So, Green Lakes is out…it’s not near the airport, though. Huh. Okay, this is the first confusing one. But there is…it is out there in the suburbs. I’m just trying to think if there was any sort of…weird things do sometimes fly. So, I don't know, it could be…the airport is not near Green Lakes. It is near Long Branch Park, though, and Beaver Lake. But it says ‘weird things’, so maybe there’s a private airfield or some sort of company out there…or maybe you say, this is a mystery, Scoots. Okay, that’s clear. How’d I get back to one? Two, is that two? Yeah. Okay, well, we worked our way backwards again. Clue three we got. Clue four was what we were on.
That was the one…weird things sometimes fly. Five; if your looking is lacking, try some old-fashioned tracking. Hm. I don't know what that means. I mean, I guess…yeah, I have no idea what that means. Oh, here’s a clue, okay. So, this, I think…now I’m pretty confident where we’re looking. I didn’t look this up ahead of time. I swear, if you ask anyone…I mean, it depends on where they grew up, though, in Syracuse, but I think those would be…they’d say, Green Lakes, Beaver Lake, or Long Branch Park, or something Onondaga Lake. But this really narrows it down, though. So, do not be teed, T-E-E-D, if you’re not on track. You may be getting warm, but choose a favorite summer spot where people tend to swarm.
Okay, this leans into Beaver Lake or Green Lakes because they have a golf course, and I think it’s a public golf course, and people…tons of people go there in the summer, including me and my family. Okay, clue seven; now we’re halfway through. Lucky number seven…this fact will help you if you glince up…glimp…glimpse up towards the heaven. Okay, so, I would…the first place I would look at this point is Hole 7 at the golf course, and then I would look around there. So, I guess this is good, 'cause I didn’t know where it was hidden, but this is where I would go look. I’ve never been…I’ve driven by the Green Lakes Golf Course, but I’ve never been there. But yeah, I would…I mean, immediately I’d go to Hole 7 and see if there’s anything to look up at.
Lucky number seven…glimpse up towards the heaven…okay, other than that, I’d see if there was any trails or anything. Okay, another clue…so, this one I think we’re good on. We just…there is a link from clue to clue. We’d not lead you astray. In fact, they’re barefoot in this park, even on this day. Interesting. So, definitely ‘link’ makes me think of golf course, but who’s barefoot in a park? I don't know. I mean, that one…maybe there’s some statue of some forest friend? Okay, look for several bridges and think of curves and flowers. All these clues can save you several hours. Okay, well, that’d be easy to check a map. Huh. Okay, we’re getting more and more interesting. A certain Disney character may state where you can park. Think carefully of this clue. It’s not here as a lark.
So, maybe there’s a duck parking lot or a quack? I mean, ‘lark’ makes me think of birds. The only Disney bird I can think of is Donald Duck. I don't know, it makes me want to start searching, but not yet. That’s clue ten. Alright, clue eleven; take some time and look around for fairly-new open igloos. They’re poor shelter in their present state, but where they stand, you’d take a date. Fairly-new open igloos…where you’d take a date. Hm. I don't know. That one’s confusing. Okay, progress may be limited, but it’s no time to quit. Cut down on the size of the venue just a little bit. Not helpful for me. No, wait, are we missing…? Okay, this is a big clue, though, if…I mean, if we had more information, which I don't. But we’re fairly certain on a straight and narrow. Not far from where the treasure lies, there may also be arrows.
So, that would say to me there’s a archery park. I don't know where you would take a date, though, and the ‘looking up’ part…but…oh, I guess I was…never been more wrong in my life. Okay. This is…talk about embarrassing. Clue fourteen; Scoots, so wrong. By now, you’ve probably figured out it’s hidden at the fair. If that’s not where you’ve been looking, you’d best get over there. So, I mean, that doesn't help me at all. So, let’s go back. Okay, I’m actually blushing, 'cause I was like, man, we’re really close to finding this thing. So, let me see if I can get anything…okay, Summerfest; I guess that’s New York State Fair. That’s at the end of the summer. Okay, green with birds and trees…so, I don't know how many places that the…they’ve revamped the fair a couple times since then, but it must be a nature area.
Adjacent hills where weird things sometimes do fly…I don't know what that is. That’s hard. Tracking…I don't know what that means, either. People swarm…glimpse up towards the heaven…so, I don't know. I guess I’m not good at this. They’re barefoot in this park even on this day. Who’s…? So, there must be a park inside the fair. What is barefoot? I like…I mean, I like this. I think they’re doing a good job, even though I thought…several bridges, curves, and flowers. Okay, so, I don't really know, but somewhere at the fair there’s probably…I think there was one or two parks. Then the parking, I guess…maybe they had Disney…? I don't know, but I’m humbled. This is good, though. Okay, I don't know what these fairly-new open igloos are, but…where you would take a date. Cut down the size of the venue just a bit.
Alright, well…fairly certain…arrows…so, I think the arrows…there’s gotta be some kind of archery, or maybe it’s arrows pointing to something. Clue fourteen…and then clue fifteen was the only one I couldn't get, for some reason. Okay, clue sixteen, though…something else that looks like snow will lead you to the place. Thoughts of Noah and his ark should bring a smile to your face. I don't know, man. I think we’re almost at the last clue, too. If you haven't found it yet, it’s time to look around. The prize is plain as day, flat upon the ground. Look by where the sheep lay, then it’s your turn to play. Keep the fifteenth clue, which we don’t have, in mind, and our treasure you will find. I guess…was that the last clue? Yeah. So, that should have got…it should have got us there, but it didn’t.
I guess I could Google and see, though these are the kind of things that the internet’s always…not always good at. Nah, let’s just go through the paper. It’s okay not…I mean, someone found it. Okay, so on…let’s see. So, this one has the movies that were out. Was that the last page? Yeah. Is that the last clue? Let’s see what else they have. Winners of the academic decathalon…so, these people have gotta be super successful now. Let’s see, there was some sort of quiz that had the answers to…here’s the movie section and the art section. So, movies that were out at the time; Twins with Arnold Schwarzenegger and Danny DeVito, Her Alibi with Tom Selleck and Paulina Porizkova. What else do we have here? Swizzle Singers…still have that old magic.
If you need one more reminder you’re not as young as you used to…Swizzle Singers made their debut twenty-five years ago. I’m trying to figure out what they sang. There’s 1,200 people at their show. Sigourney Weaver, Melanie Griffith, and Harrison Ford; Working Girl. I didn’t realize that was R. Another Antigone was playing at Syracuse Stage, and in the second-run theatres, the one I would have gone to was Tequila Sunrise. All seats $2.50. Then Land Before Time was playing at another one on the north side. What else do we got here in the thing? Musicians were performing Sunday at the library for the Arts Alive series.
A Love Song review, After Hours, Among the Two, Unscheduled Baby Face, Tootsie, She’s Sweet, Happy Days are Here Again, a new play at Le Moyne College…sitting quietly, doing nothing, spring comes, and the grass grows. It’s a new work by Onondaga Community College instructor, David Feldman? I can't…yeah, David Feldman. It has characters falling in love. Another musical program getting going at Le Moyne, A Valentine Bouquet, a pianist in concert at the Everson Museum. That’s a civic morning musical lunch-hour recital series; 12:30 p.m. Wednesday. What else do we got? The next page…oh, that was that same one. I accidently repeated it. Let’s see, we’ve got wall heaters…50% off one of the…it’s a ski sale, 'cause it’s, I guess, in the thing.
Two Cousins Fish Market…anywhere from $1.50 up to $7 a pound. Okay, here we got sports, more ski stuff…I just want to see if…we got…what do you call those things? Windshield wipers are $5.88. I feel like that price hasn’t gone up that much. I’m not sure, though. Okay, we got another ski shop. Oh no, it’s a resort in Vermont. Seventy miles of skiing at Killington Six Mountain Ski Resort. Wow, that sounds cool. Okay, we got basketball…I’m trying to think of anything…NHL…what do we got here? Basketball…let’s see who’s playing in basketball, or what other sports…what do we have here? NBA…New York was 28 and 16. Cleaveland, 32 and 9. Utah, 26 and 17. Lakers, 30 and 14. Phoenix, 27 and 15. So, I wonder if this was the year…I was just trying to see who’s playing.
Kevin McHale, Louis…that was on Boston…Parish…wow, Ainge, Paxton…who do we got on Philadelphia? Coleman…Dominique Wilkins was on Atlanta at the time. Phoenix…Hornacek, Chambers, Johnson, Corbin, West, Kerr…Steve Kerr is on there. Wow. Lakers at Greenworthy…Abdul-Jabbar, Cooper, Johnson, Woolridge, Rivers…so, interesting to see some of the people playing. Okay. There’s another clue…I can't believe I was so wrong on that clue, though. There’s a ad for the L-O-T-T-O. What else do we have? Other things…I’m just trying…I love looking at the old ads. Fishing…kinda saying, hey, let’s do less fishing. Some stuff about hockey…I don’t really follow…again, somebody’s talking about baseball, thinking about baseball. We got…what else do we have here?
There’s a ad for bread. 15% off Millbrook light bread. So, I’ve never heard of that before, but…yeah, that’s back in the day. Around the house…so, they have some different tips here from around the house. There’s a 36-page book by GE on lighting that you could get for free if you call the 1-800 number, a do-it-yourself glasses holder that…you put your glasses…you slide them out…what are those called? Like wine glasses, where they’re held upside-down. It tells you how to do that step by step. Tips on buying a comforter…talk about Sleep With Me listeners. You could spend on a comforter, according to this, $89 to $900. You want to make sure you get your fill right…if you’re getting it for the cool winter.
Depending on the size of your bed, the higher the fill per…and the ounces or whatever, and then you want…the higher the thread count of the shell, the less it’ll…stuff…air will get inside. You don’t want to think anything less than a 220 baffle, and you want a interior fabric wall, which could cost money. Okay, here’s a architecture thing? I didn’t even know they had these kind of things in the newspaper. This one says, the great room gives the house an airy feel. So, this must have been new back in 1989, great rooms. Oh boy, are you great. A great room occupies most of the main floor. This, I guess, is maybe from a housing thing 'cause it’s called the Stratton, and it’s designed by somebody from Knoxville, Tennessee.
The airiness of this huge room combines cooking, eating, and living areas. It’s pretty cool. I’d love to have a great room. Alright, onto the next page. Oh, job listings. On the air…this is what I like. Oh, this is the radio. Is this business radio? Wow, they have all the business radio shows listed here. So, we got…daily; there’s NPR, a business report, 6:06, 7:06, and 8:06 a.m. Stock market; 5:00 and 6:00. Then the other business report on another channel, and stocks at 4:00 and 5:00 p.m. Your Business, 12:42 p.m. So, if you want to mind your business, you tune into that. Let’s see…I see another report, ABC Radio, another one at 7:10 a.m., more of the NPR…so, there’s more than one NPR channel. National Business Report, 6:00 a.m. Midday stock report, 12:15.
Business Barometer, 4:40 p.m. Agro Business Farm Show, 6:05 a.m. Money Talk, 7:05 a.m. The American Farmer, 5:40 a.m., then on cable…oh, TV. Okay, so, now we’re into TV. ESPN had Nation’s Business Today. Let’s see what else we had. Oh, Robert Reich was on a show. I don't know if that was every day. 6:30 p.m., Biznet News…Money Matters. They used to have a channel, FNN. Biznet News, Market Line, Market…okay. It’s a lot. Today’s Business…really creative stuff. FNN…oh, that was just like daily. I’m just trying to think of anything interesting. Computer Chronicles, 3:00 p.m. Alright, let’s see if there’s any jobs that Scoots could qualify for. Consulting with GE sounds like…I don't have a thing. That’s like…you need a degree in that.
So, these are caring for others that you need degrees in. Sales receptionist…you can call collect, if necessary. International photography company seeking sales, consult, and trainees to work in retail. This could be at…what do you call that thing with the business…those signs that say ‘Achieve’, you know? Oh, wow, product manager at Waste Water Treatment Systems. Working experience credentials needed, though. Apprentice photographer, a broker, sales rep at…helping process payroll, job campaigning…perform image seminar. I don't know what that is. Manager trainee…hydrogeologist…wow, man. Pretty specific ones in there. Okay, they have a article…Syracuse women’s basketball had a big win. 59-56 over St. John’s. So, that’s a great victory there. Let’s see what we have here.
Oh, House of the Week…oh boy, House of the Week. House of the Week. You have won House of the Week. You could mail in and get your something for Houses of the Week. Holy cow. This is interesting. This house looks interesting. I don't know if this is national news or not. Daylight floods the one-story home. Okay, this is Design…this is not AI, but it’s Design D19. Tell me more about you, D19. I’m a one-story home full of daylight, exceptionally functional. Okay, tell me more, D19. Designed by Charles Cody. Okay, tell me about the…how many bedrooms you got? Three bedrooms, single story. I got a facade with a stone, circular glass bay, and…nice contrast with the square form of the house, stained vertical siding with accent, stone veneer, low-maintenance finish. I got a low-maintenance finish.
I was thinking that. I also have an inviting entryway into a sunny gallery, which is bright, and two side lights that flank the main entrance door. Central gallery is the effective hub of the house, by the way; directs household traffic right to the activity area and to the right, and then the sleeping wing is on the left. It’s a combination living room and dining room. It’s an exciting, large space, bold fireplace, dramatic domed ceiling, circular dining room, tall, narrow chimney, window…tall, narrow windows, stone chimney, and we’ve got…I’ve got a little informal area, too. Oh, wow. Tell me more. Yeah, it’s informal at the rear of the house…spacious family room, semi-circular dinet.
Modern and efficient. U-shaped kitchen…we got the main bedroom with maximum seclusion, view of the landscape, and sliding glass doors to a private terrace. Walk-in closet, perfect for…maybe you could get a walk-in closet one day, Scoots. Maybe. I don't know. Whirpool tub…the other two bedrooms have ample closet space and share a full bath. There’s a mudroom. I know you like those, Scoots. That’s next to the gallery. It also has laundry facilities. Easy access to the double garage. Wow, so, I could walk in…if I came in the garage, you could go…I don't know where you’d go. I’m not sure. Oh, okay. Well, that’s fine. You’d come in the mudroom, actually, and then you go into the gallery, just like…the front door…the mudroom runs parallel with the front door, which is also in the driveway.
Okay, and then I go left. I could go to the bedrooms or I could go right to the living room and then the…is that a great room? Well, technically it’s a one-story, so…but no, it’s a nice room. Oh yeah, sounds great. Alright, that’s, I think, all of our stuff. Oh, there’s a half-price sale at some place…JCPenney, of all places. But it’s half-price on everything. It doesn't have any pictures, so, it doesn't really help us. Alright, so, I’m trying to look up the medallion hunt from ‘89. Huh, there’s someone selling a pin on eBay, but…these are just articles about it. Oh yeah, St. Paul has a good Winterfest. That’s the one thing I found when I was trying to look stuff up, that St. Paul’s…see if I just look up by location. Hm, this one…this doesn't seem to be correct. Was I looking up ‘89? I’m gonna make sure.
Yeah, according to the internet, it’s not at the state fair, but…that’s kinda weird. Interesting, 'cause this does sound like…this is a Syracuse…huh, let’s see here. Yeah, see, once you get into this stuff, it’s really hard to find 'cause…if you don’t have…if you’re not at a library, like really digging deep, everything…it’s just hard 'cause it has vintage photos, but…so, I don't know. 1989…not found. Well, to be continued, but this is fun. We looked up…I mean, it’s always fun when I’m on tape being totally wrong. But this one does say Mill Run Park and Manlius, which…let me just look that up. Mill Run…I’m having trouble typing.
Okay, Mill Run Park, Manlius, New York. Okay…oh, this is in Indiana, though, so…there’s a lot of Mill Run Parks in different places. Let’s just see if there’s…they do have swans and stuff. I’m just wondering if it has…playground, pavillion, two trails. I don't see a golf course or anything. I was just wondering if it was…anyway, Scoots didn’t…that’s why I didn’t find any medallions, but I…that’s why I’m taking you off into dreamland. So, thanks so much for listening, everybody, and goodnight. I hope you dream of warm, cool, puffy comfort. Goodnight.
(Transcription performed by LeahTranscribes)
Personal Essay
Syracuse Winterfest
How microfiche is made
Newspaper Classifieds
The Great Room Trend
I’m searching for ways to keep you company
Tell me all about the boring parts of Syracuse Winterfest
Company that’s hear you to keep you company
Some pleasant rambling
Sleep With Me Plus; SleepPhones; Rusty Biscuit Links; Emily Tat Artwork; NAPAWF; Anti-Racism Resources; Ukraine Relief; Crisis Textline
Helix Sleep; Zocdoc; Progressive; Lumen; Uncommon Goods; Acorns
I always say Thinking Thoughts
Petting whatever might be keeping me awake
Definitely no finger wagging
Pandering to Pets
Everyone has different tastes and needs
You can be that Warmth Welcome
Hopefully you feel respected and seen
The Curmudgeon In Me
I don’t have a voice for trailers or audiobooks
A Forgettable Voice
Multiple terms for Bore Companion
Chairman of the Bores
My inner characters talking about me in the third person
The goal is to make you feel welcome and comfortable
Explaining the structure of the show
Easing into bedtime
The medallion search at Syracuse Winterfest
It might be interesting in the hands of someone else
He’s really glad you’re here
Scoots is taking over again
It might be a little late, but there’s also sleepwithmepodcast.com/nothankyou
1989 Syracuse Winterfest
I can’t remember when my first Winterfest was
It could’ve been 1989
I was the oldest of 6 kids
I put the Winter in everything but not the Fest part
I grew up thinking Syracuse was the center of the world
The Great Epicenters of the World
I assumed Winterfest was a global event
Sand sculptures are a little more glamorous than snow sculptures
There were also butter sculptures at the State Fair, but those always seemed impractical
I was expecting the world to be at Winterfest
Young Scoots would not be happy to hear there were other Winterfests
My parents would’ve taken us on the weekend
Independently Grouchy
If you ever need to make small talk with someone from Syracuse, mention the Medallion hunt
Let’s look at this program
A Real Wedding at the Snow Castle, wow
Beaver Lake Nature Center
A show at the State Fair
An art show
Winter Wonderland at Clinton Square
Wow, this place had everything
Biloxi Blues at the local theatre
It might’ve been a little too warm for all the planned activities
Giant sculptures
Ramada Inn won the Chowder Cookoff
Group skiing
Hopefully it’s snowy next week
Lake Effect Snow
Pulling of a rope
I would not be good at ice breaking, hehe
Okay, the first one was in 1985
I know the kids of the people who started this
Parks and Rec and the Up and Downtowners
Looking for Whacky Ideas
4,000 people attended the first indoor party
A Winter Sky Show
Wow, the chili cookoff was on the NBC National News
The biggest flop was an unsuccessful giant snow person
1986 was tough
Building credibility through 1987
Last year (1988) it became the official state home of the I Love NY Winter Festival
A treasure hunt!
Syracuse had 3 newspapers
I delivered the afternoon paper
All 3 papers would print clues to a treasure hunt
A 2.5” plastic disk
If you find it, you win money
And you’ll win more money if you’re subscribed to the papers
It’s made of Plexiglass
Invariably, it was hidden in one of 3 public places
Long Branch Park
Beaver Lake
Green Lakes Park
Normally it would be hidden under a bench
I used my library card and got all these clues
Clue 1 isn’t that useful
It’s in Onondoga County
Clue 2 – it’s on public land where people fest in the summer
Could be Long Branch Park, maybe
Clue 3 – some places are very green with birdies, woods, and trees
It’s gotta be Green Lakes
Great hiking there
Clue 4 – it’s near water and weird things do sometimes fly over the hills
Huh, I don’t know that one
Maybe there’s a private airfield I don’t know about
Clue 5 – Try some old fashioned tracking
I promise I didn’t look this up ahead of time
I feel confident now
Clue 6 – Do not be teed
It’s gotta be somewhere with a public golf course – Green Lake!
Clue 7 – Glimpse up towards the heaven for Lucky Number 7
Hole 7 of the golf course!
Clue 8 – They’re barefoot on this park, even on this day
What? Some sort of forest friend
Clue 9 – look for bridges, curves and flowers
Clue 10 – A Disney character can state where you can park
Is this about Donald Duck?
Clue 11 – Look for fairly new open igloos where you’d take a date
Clue 12 – Cut down on the size of the venue just a little bit
Clue 13 – Arrows are nearby – an archery park?
Man, I was really wrong
That’s embarrassing
Clue 14 – It’s hidden at the fair, apparently
I’m actually blushing, I was so far off
Ok, let me look back on these clues and see if I can better understand them now
I still don’t get that flying clue
I guess I’m not good at this
Who’s barefoot in this park??
I mean, they’re doing a good job with these clues, honestly
I’m humbled
I couldn’t find Clue 15
Clue 16 – something looking like snow will lead you to the place
Clue 17 – it’s flat upon the ground, near where the sheep play
I don’t know where to go from here
I guess I could Google this?
Ah whatever, someone found it
Let’s go through the paper now
Winners of the Academic Decathlon
The movie section
Her Alibi
Swizzle Singers
Working Girl – I didn’t realize that was R
Another Antigone at Syracuse Stage
Tequila Sunrise
Land Before Time
A concert at the library of old love songs
A new play at Le Moyne College
Valentine Bouquet concert at the museum
Wall Gears – 50% off ski sale
A fish market
The price of Windshield Wipers hasn’t changed mucus since 1989
A Vermont ski resort
The Sports Page
Some NBA sports records
Who’s playing for these teams right now?
Wow, there’s Steve Kerr
An ad for the L-O-T-T-O
I love looking at the old ads
Some stuff about hockey
An ad for 15% off Millbrook Light Bread
Tips from around the house
A 36 page book from GE about lighting
A DIY wine glasses holder
Tips on buying a comforter
Tips for comforter durability
An architecture feature
Celebrating the Great Room
I’d love to have a great room
All the business radio shows listed
Business Barometer
Now we’re in TV listings
Oh, there’s Robert Reich
These business shows have such … creative titles
Could I qualify for any of these jobs listed?
Consulting for GE? No
Sales Receptionist? Maybe
Photography Trainee? Maybe
Product Manager at Waste Water Treatment System? No
Sales Rep processing Payroll? No
Hydrogeologist? No
Very specific jobs lsited here
Syracuse Women’s Basketball had a big win
House of the Week
Does this count as National News?
Interviewing Design D 19
D 19 describes itself
A Low Maintenance Finish
A central gallery is the hub of the house
An informal area at the rear of the house
Main bedroom with Maximum Seclusion
Maybe someday Scoots can get a walk-in closet
Scoots loves mud rooms
A Half Price Sale at JC Penney!
Ok, I’m gonna look up the Medallion hunt again
St. Paul also has a good Winterfest
It’s hard to google this
Was 1989 the right year?
I’m even more confused now
It’s always fun when I’m totally wrong on type
Was it at Mill Run Park in Manlius, NY?
Well, I didn’t find it then or now
Thanks for listening
Dream of warm, cool, puffy comfort
Episode: 1316
Title: Winterfest Memories
Notable Language:
- Thinking Thoughts
- Warmth Welcome
- A Forgettable Voice
- Chairman of the Bores
- The Great Epicenters of the World
- Independently Grouchy
- Archetypal Conversations
- Lake Effect Snow
- Limestone Lakes
- Business Barometer
- A Low Maintenance Finish
Notable Culture:
- Syracuse Winterfest
- sleepwithmepodcast.com/nothankyou
- Sesame Street
- The Electric Company
- Biloxi Blues
- Ramada Inn
- Plexiglass
- Donald Duck
- Twins
- Her Alibi
- Swizzle Singers
- Working Girl
- Another Antigone
- Syracuse Stage
- Tequila Sunrise
- Land Before Time
- Le Moyne College
- Steve Kerr
- General Electric
- Robert Reich
Notable Talking Points:
- I always say Thinking Thoughts
- Petting whatever might be keeping me awake
- Definitely no finger wagging
- Pandering to Pets
- Everyone has different tastes and needs
- You can be that Warmth Welcome
- Hopefully you feel respected and seen
- The Curmudgeon In Me
- I don’t have a voice for trailers or audiobooks
- A Forgettable Voice
- Multiple terms for Bore Companion
- Chairman of the Bores
- My inner characters talking about me in the third person
- The goal is to make you feel welcome and comfortable
- Explaining the structure of the show
- Easing into bedtime
- The medallion search at Syracuse Winterfest
- It might be interesting in the hands of someone else
- He’s really glad you’re here
- Scoots is taking over again
- It might be a little late, but there’s also sleepwithmepodcast.com/nothankyou
- 1989 Syracuse Winterfest
- I can’t remember when my first Winterfest was
- It could’ve been 1989
- I was the oldest of 6 kids
- I put the Winter in everything but not the Fest part
- I grew up thinking Syracuse was the center of the world
- The Great Epicenters of the World
- I assumed Winterfest was a global event
- Sand sculptures are a little more glamorous than snow sculptures
- There were also butter sculptures at the State Fair, but those always seemed impractical
- I was expecting the world to be at Winterfest
- Young Scoots would not be happy to hear there were other Winterfests
- My parents would’ve taken us on the weekend
- Independently Grouchy
- If you ever need to make small talk with someone from Syracuse, mention the Medallion hunt
- Let’s look at this program
- A Real Wedding at the Snow Castle, wow
- Beaver Lake Nature Center
- A show at the State Fair
- An art show
- Winter Wonderland at Clinton Square
- Wow, this place had everything
- Biloxi Blues at the local theatre
- It might’ve been a little too warm for all the planned activities
- Giant sculptures
- Ramada Inn won the Chowder Cookoff
- Group skiing
- Hopefully it’s snowy next week
- Lake Effect Snow
- Pulling of a rope
- I would not be good at ice breaking, hehe
- Okay, the first one was in 1985
- I know the kids of the people who started this
- Parks and Rec and the Up and Downtowners
- Looking for Whacky Ideas
- 4,000 people attended the first indoor party
- A Winter Sky Show
- Wow, the chili cookoff was on the NBC National News
- The biggest flop was an unsuccessful giant snow person
- 1986 was tough
- Building credibility through 1987
- Last year (1988) it became the official state home of the I Love NY Winter Festival
- A treasure hunt!
- Syracuse had 3 newspapers
- I delivered the afternoon paper
- All 3 papers would print clues to a treasure hunt
- A 2.5” plastic disk
- If you find it, you win money
- And you’ll win more money if you’re subscribed to the papers
- It’s made of Plexiglass
- Invariably, it was hidden in one of 3 public places
- Long Branch Park
- Beaver Lake
- Green Lakes Park
- Normally it would be hidden under a bench
- I used my library card and got all these clues
- Clue 1 isn’t that useful
- It’s in Onondoga County
- Clue 2 – it’s on public land where people fest in the summer
- Could be Long Branch Park, maybe
- Clue 3 – some places are very green with birdies, woods, and trees
- It’s gotta be Green Lakes
- Great hiking there
- Clue 4 – it’s near water and weird things do sometimes fly over the hills
- Huh, I don’t know that one
- Maybe there’s a private airfield I don’t know about
- Clue 5 – Try some old fashioned tracking
- What?
- I promise I didn’t look this up ahead of time
- I feel confident now
- Clue 6 – Do not be teed
- It’s gotta be somewhere with a public golf course – Green Lake!
- Clue 7 – Glimpse up towards the heaven for Lucky Number 7
- Hole 7 of the golf course!
- Clue 8 – They’re barefoot on this park, even on this day
- What? Some sort of forest friend
- Clue 9 – look for bridges, curves and flowers
- Clue 10 – A Disney character can state where you can park
- Is this about Donald Duck?
- Clue 11 – Look for fairly new open igloos where you’d take a date
- Clue 12 – Cut down on the size of the venue just a little bit
- Clue 13 – Arrows are nearby – an archery park?
- Man, I was really wrong
- That’s embarrassing
- Clue 14 – It’s hidden at the fair, apparently
- I’m actually blushing, I was so far off
- Ok, let me look back on these clues and see if I can better understand them now
- I still don’t get that flying clue
- I guess I’m not good at this
- Who’s barefoot in this park??
- I mean, they’re doing a good job with these clues, honestly
- I’m humbled
- I couldn’t find Clue 15
- Clue 16 – something looking like snow will lead you to the place
- Clue 17 – it’s flat upon the ground, near where the sheep play
- I don’t know where to go from here
- I guess I could Google this?
- Ah whatever, someone found it
- Let’s go through the paper now
- Winners of the Academic Decathlon
- The movie section
- Twins
- Her Alibi
- Swizzle Singers
- Working Girl – I didn’t realize that was R
- Another Antigone at Syracuse Stage
- Tequila Sunrise
- Land Before Time
- A concert at the library of old love songs
- A new play at Le Moyne College
- Valentine Bouquet concert at the museum
- Wall Gears – 50% off ski sale
- A fish market
- The price of Windshield Wipers hasn’t changed mucus since 1989
- A Vermont ski resort
- The Sports Page
- Some NBA sports records
- Who’s playing for these teams right now?
- Wow, there’s Steve Kerr
- An ad for the L-O-T-T-O
- I love looking at the old ads
- Some stuff about hockey
- An ad for 15% off Millbrook Light Bread
- Tips from around the house
- A 36 page book from GE about lighting
- A DIY wine glasses holder
- Tips on buying a comforter
- Tips for comforter durability
- An architecture feature
- Celebrating the Great Room
- I’d love to have a great room
- All the business radio shows listed
- Business Barometer
- Now we’re in TV listings
- Oh, there’s Robert Reich
- These business shows have such … creative titles
- Could I qualify for any of these jobs listed?
- Consulting for GE? No
- Sales Receptionist? Maybe
- Photography Trainee? Maybe
- Product Manager at Waste Water Treatment System? No
- Sales Rep processing Payroll? No
- Hydrogeologist? No
- Very specific jobs lsited here
- Syracuse Women’s Basketball had a big win
- House of the Week
- Does this count as National News?
- Interviewing Design D 19
- D 19 describes itself
- A Low Maintenance Finish
- A central gallery is the hub of the house
- An informal area at the rear of the house
- Main bedroom with Maximum Seclusion
- Maybe someday Scoots can get a walk-in closet
- Scoots loves mud rooms
- A Half Price Sale at JC Penney!
- Ok, I’m gonna look up the Medallion hunt again
- St. Paul also has a good Winterfest
- It’s hard to google this
- Was 1989 the right year?
- I’m even more confused now
- It’s always fun when I’m totally wrong on type
- Was it at Mill Run Park in Manlius, NY?
- Well, I didn’t find it then or now
- Thanks for listening
- Dream of warm, cool, puffy comfort