1307 – 2012 Macy’s Parade
Mikey and Bernie and Ray and Scooter will float you off to Dreamland like a gray scale balloon powered by synergy.
Episode 1307 – 2012 Macy's Parade
SCOOTER: Friends beyond the binary, ladies and gentlemen, boys and girls, it’s time for a lulling parade that goes on and on and on, and a little bit of time travel — not too much time travel — or a past parade, 'cause tonight we’ll be running through the 2012 Macy's parade, and I’ll explain why 2012. But, yeah, it’s time…you say, what? How is this gonna put me to sleep? I say, well, this podcast is here…welcome to Sleep With Me, by the way. Yeah, we’ll be covering…it’s not a antique parade. I did have aspirations of doing…I don't know if it’d be an antique parade, but I looked at some older broadcasts I could find, and they weren’t comprehensible. We did do the 2013 parade two years ago, and it was really fun. This one…great news; Carly Rae Jepsen’s in it, so…I mean…and…oh, and Bring It On, the musical.
So, how could you not…? I mean, those things you can't sleep to. You could, though, because I’ll just be talking about it in a lulling, soothing way. But Sleep With Me is a podcast to keep you company and take your mind off of stuff so you could fall asleep, which is a little bit different. I guess it kinda lulls you to sleep, it kinda keeps you company, kinda distracts you. It’s a friend in the deep, dark night, basically. If you’re new, just see how it goes. This show is very different. It takes some getting…I mean, how many sleep podcasts cover parades? Then, usually…what we had been doing…what we planned on doing, to be honest with you, is covering a parade a year after. So, 2020…last year was 2023, according to my recall, and we covered the 2022 parade. I don't know if we’re…I’d have to look at…how did we do that…?
Oh, I guess that was the only year. So, we didn’t do one in 2022. We did 2012 and 20…2013 and 2022. I mean, how could this not put you to sleep? This is like calendar math. In 2023 we did the 2022 parade, and then here in 2024, the plan was to do the 2023 parade. But there’s this whole new thing called multiple services, and so, I guess every other parade is on YouTube. But 2023 one, there…'cause we like to use the broadcast…the television broadcast. I don't know why. It’s just my personal preference. It’s structured in a certain way, and it is part of…just was part of the tradition for me, but it’s been a part of the tradition for the show. So, they…I guess they decided to play a little parade hide-and-seek with Scoots. So, I had to improvise 'cause I work…anyway, this is the very beginning of a sleep podcast.
But I think I’ve made a pretty good example of what qualifies me to go off topic and keep you company, which is the spirit of the show. So, what we got coming up is a few minutes of support — that’s why paying for the podcast is optional — then after the support, though, is a long, meandering intro to ease you into bedtime, though this has kinda become a long, meandering welcome. Then after that will be our parade coverage, and it will be like…unlike anything you’ve ever seen. Here’s the great news; at least as I’m recording this, there’s a couple different places you could watch the 2020…the 2012 parade, and I haven't even finished it.
I’m recording this. I’m gonna watch the parade a few…over the next probably week in different segments and then record next week, but this will be seamless for you. So, I’m really glad you’re here. I work really hard on this show. A bunch of people do, and it’s thanks to the people that directly support our sponsors or directly support the show in places like Sleep With Me+ that we are able to be here for you twice a week. So, thank you so much, and here’s a couple ways you could join those people in keeping this show going.
INTRO: [INTRO MUSIC] Hey, are you up all night tossing, turning, mind racing? Trouble getting to sleep? Trouble staying asleep? Well, welcome. This is Sleep With Me, the podcast that puts you to sleep. We do it with a bedtime story. Alls you need to do is get in bed, turn out the lights, and press Play. I’ll do the rest. What I’m going to attempt to do is create a safe place where you could set aside whatever’s keeping you awake. That could be thoughts on your mind, thoughts about the past, the present, the future, thoughts you’re thinking about, it could be feelings, anything coming up for you emotionally or emotions or feelings about…related to those thoughts, feelings that are just there or that are making…they say, ta-da, I’m here now. A parade of feelings; oh boy, do I have that.
Very unpredictable, not in a nice…not laid out like a regular parade, but they do go parading by. A lot of marching…a lot of whatever that person is in the front. Sometimes it’s nice. You say, oh boy, there’s the flag things and the ribbon-twirlers. I like that, but not at bedtime. So, feelings, it could be physical sensations, changes in time, temperature, routine, you could be going through something, you could be anticipating something, traveling. Whatever it is, I’m here to keep you company and take your mind off of stuff so you could fall asleep. The reason I make the show and the reason I go through that stuff is so you know you’re not alone.
This podcast is here to keep you company, and we kinda keep each other company in this weird, digital way, and it’s important to bring up just because I know how it feels for me not being able to sleep; trouble getting to sleep, trouble staying asleep, whatever it is, and I just know how it feels, and I can relate to a lot of other people that struggle with sleep in different ways. So, maybe I could relate to how you feel, but there’s so many other people listening right now that there are people listening that just don’t understand how you feel. They connect to it and they know how important it is, how you feel or how bedtime…whatever’s keeping…you know what I mean? They can connect and they…not only that; they’re regular listeners and they’re rooting for you.
They’re saying, man, I hope this podcast helps you like it helped me, and then one day you could be there kinda chilling in the background, too, smiling when somebody new arrives, and saying, yeah, I had this thing going on and I didn’t think anybody got it, but I know somewhere out there, there’s somebody else listening to this show who does get it, and that helps me. It helps me knowing they’re out there and knowing I can be out there for them. So, that’s the spirit of the show. The other thing is you deserve a good…a bedtime where you could get the sleep you need and you deserve, a bedtime that feels good or at least neutral, a bedtime you don’t have to dread, and the rest you need so your life is more manageable, and so you could be out there living your life and not be tired.
I was tired…I was so tired two days ago, and it really made things difficult. So, yeah, I know how it is. It didn’t even come…at first I thought it was gonna go away, and then by 10:00 it didn’t, you know? But, whatever, I kinda accepted it and adjusted. But what I’ll do here…the way this podcast works…what happens first is I send my voice across the deep, dark night. I’m gonna use lulling, soothing, creaky, dulcet tones, pointless meanders, superfluous tangents. So, I’m gonna go off topic, then I’m gonna get mixed up and forget what I was talking about, then I’ll repeat myself — my voice kinda is not traditionally soothing — all to keep you company and take your mind off of stuff, which is different if you’re new here.
First off, if you know the show is not for you, sleepwithmepodcast.com/nothankyou has other sleep podcasts and sleepy stuff on there. But for the most people, I say give it a few tries, 'cause if you’ve got to this podcast, you’re probably skeptical, doubtful, frustrated, tired, and fed up with all that stuff. You’ve tried other stuff, you were searching for something or somebody told you about the show or you heard about it, and you say, well, I’ll try it. I’ll try anything at this point. Then you’re listening to me and you’re like, this doesn't sound like a sleep podcast to me. A lot of people are like, you’ve been doing this over eleven years? Wow. You put work into this? Okay. But that’s fine, because why would you…?
When you first get here, you probably have some expectation that is legitimate of what a sleep podcast would be or what’s unwinding…and this show is very different than that. Alls I can tell you is to give it a few tries. That’s what most regular listeners said, is I didn’t like the show when I first got here, but then on the second or third try, I realized, oh, it is never…always never started. It’s always going nowhere, like he says, and it does make me feel okay in the deep, dark night. It does take my mind off the stuff. It is…I barely listen to this show, and I never knew I was looking for something like that. ‘Cause in the past, podcasts…you’d listen to them, and then other stuff you try at bedtime. But the things that actually worked for me at bedtime, I never realized it ‘til this show.
It was like something in the other room I was barely listening to or something I was repurposing, maybe a sitcom on, and I didn’t realize there could be something like that that’s there to both put me to sleep and keep me company and make bedtime feel okay, like I have a friend there to keep me company. So, that’s one thing that takes some getting used to; me, that’s one, two, that it’s a podcast you barely listen to, and three, that this is a sleep podcast that’s actually not here to put you to sleep. I’m here to keep you company while you fall asleep. There’s no pressure to fall asleep with this show. I’m here over an hour to keep you company and take your mind off of stuff so that you have some space to drift off.
I’m here to be your bore-friend, your bore-bae, your bore-sib, your bore-bud, your neigh-bore, your bore-bestie, your Borbie, your best bore-friend forever, your bore-bruh, to keep you company and take your mind off of stuff and just distract you when you need it. Some people…there’s a bunch…there’s tons of different ways to listen to the show, so if you need me when you wake up or you need a break during the day or you can't sleep at all, I’m here to the very end whether you’re listening or not. That’s what ends up working about the show. I’m here barely entertaining you, following a barely-cohesive narrative or, in this case, the structure of a parade, but in a barely-cohesive way so that it puts some part of us at ease for those people this show works for.
You say, oh, okay, he is following some sort of structure so I don't have to listen, but I don't…I can't quite see the structure. He’s here for me, to keep me company. So, yeah, what else do you need to know? Most people don’t like me, structure…oh, structure of the show, yeah. The show is structured in a pretty particular way, but you can adjust it. But I just want to meet you where you are and explain where the…why this show’s structured the way it is to kinda put you at ease and then say, oh, okay, if this…I’ll try this a few times and then I’ll adjust, or why is it laid out this way? Yeah, I’ll tell you. That makes sense. Great question. The show starts off with a greeting; friends beyond the binary, ladies and gentlemen, boys and girls, so you feel seen and welcomed in and you say, oh, okay, I’ll check that show out.
Seems a little bit silly. Then there’s support so paying for the show is optional. Most people just prefer this ad-supported, linear version of the podcast, but if you think you’d prefer something ad-free, you could get that on Sleep With Me+. Then after that is a long, meandering intro which is a show within a show separate from the support, and it takes about ten to twenty minutes for me to explain what the podcast is. I follow a similar structure every time but it’s different every time so it has familiarity and variety. I think that’s just one of the things for the people this podcast works for, and from my experience, is something similar doesn't work for me all the time.
I need…my brain just is too good at predicting and then saying…I want to have a parade about stuff I’m thinking about now, because I know this is…these birds are gonna chirp and then the thunder’s gonna go. These birds are just gonna chirp all night? It doesn't make…my brain literally would criticize that kinda…these birds are just gonna chirp like this all night long? It doesn't make any sense. I’d rather work on our spreadsheet…think about spreadsheets. Okay, but I’m trying to go to sleep. I just…these birds are pretty…yeah, you’re gonna listen to them all night long, though? Really. Is it the same birds? Don’t they get tired? I don't know. I just know…okay, well, good luck with that. That’s what my brain would say. So, this show is different every time.
For me, it’s like, oh, I could listen to birds sometime, but then I gotta change it up. You know what I mean? So, this show kinda does that. So, that’s one reason the intro’s new every time. The other reason, the reason it’s ten to tweny minutes long, is to ease you into bedtime. While there is a percentage of people that fall asleep right away listening to this podcast or they listen all night, most people are listening as they’re wind…this part of the show as they’re winding down, getting ready for bed, in bed getting comfortable, or doing some chill activity to start to relax and unwind, to have a buffer between that waking period and sleeping. So, that’s what the intro offers, is an ease into bedtime, and that’s just what’s worked for me most of the time and has kinda shown to work, having a bedtime routine.
So, there’s that, the bedtime…oh, the intro. Then there’s support and then there will be our bedtime story, which tonight will be the Macy's parade from 2012, and…yeah, that’s the structure of the show. Anything else? Oh, if you just look…you say, well, I just prefer the bedtime stories and not the intros, Bedtime Stories from Sleep With Me is another podcast we do, and you could check that out anywhere. So, yeah, I think that’s it. That’s the structure of the show. That’s why I make the show. I’m really glad you’re here. Me and a team of people work really hard on this show. We really yearn and strive to help you fall asleep, to keep you company in the deep, dark night, to make this show sound friendly and free and easy. So, I’m really glad you’re here. I really appreciate you coming by, and here’s a couple ways we’re able to do it for you regularly twice a week.
Alright everybody, this is Scoots here with coverage of the 2012 Macy's Thanksgiving Day Parade, which is available, as of I’m recording this, on YouTube and on Archive, and I’m sure other places, too. We’re covering this one because for some reason, last year’s parade’s not on YouTube. Or, at least a reasonably-good version. Maybe…I found some highlights and stuff, and I’m try…I try to be patient 'cause I do pay for the service that controls the parade and I realize we live in this time and everybody has a job and stuff like that, but it’s like, if you’re gonna charge me for something, please put the parades up there or put them on some other thing, like have…why don’t you have on your F-A-S-T channel 24/7 parades? Maybe they do and I’m like…I’m gonna eat my words, which I’ll be happy to.
But so, that’s why we’re covering the 2012 parade, is we would have done the 2023 parade, and the reason we do that is in the past we would do the parade the same year, but it really drained…the parade’s three hours long, right, and not all of it…it’s not spectacularly entertaining to watch and take tons of notes about. So, what I found is that at some point I was like, oh, if we…but if I do…if I break up the work over a few weeks, then it’s not…it’s enjoyable and the joy can leak through, because the podcast Sleep With Me has to have some joy in it. Oh boy, are we starting with joy. Not Joy the name, but on the opening segment, the introduction…I don't even have my notes open yet, but I froze one of the screens 'cause I like to see sometimes who’s watching the parade in the nice seats, right?
Not to say that they’re celebrities or stuff. Now, this time, I do…there is a couple possible…but the main person that caught my eye is on the left side of the screen, and I would say that there’s…within my imagination, a pretty high likelihood this is James Van Der Beek’s sibling or a close cousin. He’s right up front. He is very, very happy to be there. I just thought it was cool. I said, holy Van Der Beek. That’s also because one time we did a episode about costumes and there was another…don’t know if it was the same person. I don't think the times line up. There was a model for autumnal joy costumes that looked like James Van Der Beek in the eighties, but I’m pretty sure also the owner of the Patriots is there, and then maybe in the top-right corner is…I’d say a pretty…a chance that it’s CT from the MTV’s The Challenge.
Then on the top-left side, probably low-likelihood, but if you really use your imagination — it’s paused and it’s blurry — maybe John McEnroe? So, yeah, let’s…moving forward now. Let’s get my notes open. The parade starts up, and I’m gonna turn things over to our hosts. Got a lot of pages of notes, though, so I gotta get back to the beginning. I’ve also asked our hosts to keep it sleepy. Let me see my notes, though. Let’s close this side bar, please. Thank you. Oh, there it goes, the shots of New York City, the parade teaser…oh, I put ‘guy from Dawson’s Creek’ 'cause I couldn’t remember it was James Van Der Beek’s cousin. Oh yeah, and they named him Jack Van Der Beek. Wait a second, this isn't the right parade. Oh, boy. Holy cow. I just was watching the preview. No, it is the right parade, though.
Okay, whoa boy, we’ve got…oh, I didn’t…huh. Okay, well, a couple things in the preview. Well, okay, whatever. So, it starts off with cheer…it’s Savannah’s first parade. It opens with the Varsity Spirit cheer after the preview, and they do a great number. Now, this isn't to go against the person that currently starts parades, but I love Amy Kule, K-U-L-E, and she’s…she gets to start the parade with Al. She also said, we’ve been…there’s a eighty-six-year…I was never aware of, that I know of, that there’s a eighty-six-year tradition in 2012. So, that’d mean it’d get…ninety-eight years in 2024 of Girl Scouts opening the parade.
Now, they are not all…some of them are dressed as large-shoe, red-nose, small-car characters, you know, those archetypal beings. But that’s cool, a eighty-six-year tradition. It kicks off with Start Spreading the News. Okay, we got one issue with the parade here, our way of watching it, but that’s fine. I am gonna have to switch to a different version, but let’s see what else my notes say. We’ll just go through my notes at first, or we could just go through my notes, maybe, see how good they are. So, what do we got? So, we have…oh, this is the Broadway TV archive. It just has all the Broadway performances. That’s cool. So, if you want that…and a couple of them I missed. Yeah, it’s weird. So…okay. Hm.
Got a little thing, because according to the Broadway…according to the teaser…the version I have, in the beginning, does not have Newsies or Once. But this one does, and…so, I don't know, man. Let’s try this one. I’m just worried this one I’ve up…this other upload has a lot of ads on it. But it says it’s the full version. So, maybe there was usage issues? I don't know. But there goes…that was…Jack Van Der Beek was on there. Okay, it was forty-six degrees. Ray, why don’t you take the first musical number we have on our version, and then I’ll come back and interrupt you if this version’s different?
Alright, thanks, Scooter. This is your friend Ray using a calming voice here. We start with Buddy the Elf, the Elf musical. It’s an…a scene in the office and it’s a bit meta because they’re sing…now, I’ve never seen this musical. It looked delightful, but it’s a meta song about the story of Buddy the Elf called Story of Buddy the Elf. Never too late to grow…great dancing. Scooter, do you think those are the right notes or no? He doesn't know, but yeah, I really enjoyed Buddy the Elf. I’m waiting to see if it comes up here on the screen. You know, there’s 3.5 million people watching the parade, and fifty-eight something. Then we get a interview with Taylor Kinney, who loves Kermit. He said, Kermit’s bigger than I thought. I don't know if someone wrote that for him or if it was his own line, but it was really well done there.
We’ll keep going here, because we get the roaring twenties. Nice Work If You Could Get It, with Kelley O'Hara and Matthew Broderick. It starts with this big dance number, a very good dance number, kinda the twenties-dance-number type thing. Then we saw…I like this; Matthew Broderick’s character was wearing stripes and plaid together, and I don't know if that was…I don't know anything about the musical, but I thought that was…I like…I thought that was cool. Very good…very nice song. Then we get a shout-out to Milton DeLong, who’s worked on the parade broadcast for a long time, and I thought that was very nice. Okay, Scooter, they’re getting ready for this version here. They’re queuing up the first number. Ray, why don’t you take it, okay? Okay, Scooter.
Oh, so, this is the cheers, Varsity Spirit cheerleaders, so, we did see that already, Scooter. Can I speed it up any faster? Scooter, you think I could increase the…? It’s on auto240, but we would like to use better picture quality because you can't even…Scooter, I’m having trouble making anything out here. I know, Ray. Thanks for doing your best. That’s all we could do, right? We’re all here to put people to sleep. Okay, so, the cheering’s going on, and…oh boy, look…those pom-poms look good from high up, Scooter. Oh, that was the other thing. I’ll just talk about it now since we need…so we’re using some time is the…and I don't know this as a fact, but it seem likes…there’s more cameras back in 2012 than…now, I just don’t know that for sure. Oh, there’s Jacky…Jimmy Van Der Beek there again.
Not…no, not Jimmy; Johnny Van Der Beek, maybe. But it just seems like there’s a lot more angles, which I think when you get to the Broadway, the marching bands, the dancers, and the singers, it’s nice to have a bunch of different angles. Also, Butter does appear in this parade. Al’s getting ready to talk to Taylor Kinney, and I’ll just give you what comes after that. Next up is Annie the musical. I wonder if the parade will catch up with me, Scooter. I don't know, Ray. Let’s find out. So, Annie…they sing New Deal for Christmas, Depression’s Depressing, and my favorite part about the Annie thing was the tap-dancing. I think that was really good. Right now, Al’s interviewing Jillian Michaels.
But yeah, the Annie…great number with Annie, and I think…I wonder…Scooter, we didn’t get this question answered, but how many times do you think Annie has appeared in the parade? Well, Ray, I don't know, but I know twice we’ve covered it. We have, Scooter. You’re right about that. Then we have…Scooter, you want me to go to this next? Cinderella is next, and…oh boy, Scooter, I hit the wrong button. Okay, Ray. Oh boy, Ray hit the wrong button, everybody, so…interesting. I wonder if it’ll have our Recently Played there so we can get back to what we were watching. What do you think…what parade do you think you went to, Ray? I don't know, Scoot. I was just trying to get…it’s okay. This is what Sleep With Me’s all about. But yeah, I don't see it here. I guess we could type it in.
2012…2013 is the last time we searched under this account. A-C…Macy's Thanksgiving Day Parade. It should have the one we’ve watched. There’s a lot of versions of it, huh? Scooter, there are. What do you think…where do you think…which one do you think we were watching? Not that one. We did watch that one earlier, though. That must have been the one we took the notes on. Scooter, what do you think we should do here? I think we should just keep lulling people to sleep. I guess…oh, man, let’s try to queue up the one that we already watched. Scooter, sorry, I hit that one by accident, there. No, that’s fine. We’ll just watch this one. This looks like a pretty clear version, at least. Okay, yeah, we’re at two-times speed. This actually might be the right one, Ray.
Okay, there’s Taylor Kinney, there’s Elf…Scooter, you’re very good at this. Well, we work as a team, right? Thanks, though. There’s Annie, Daddy Warbucks, The Kids, president…I think I went a little too far, though. Maybe not, though. Scooter, you think Savannah enjoyed her first parade? I mean, it probably wasn’t easy, you know? I can't imagine…I can imagine there’s a lot of expectations, but it was…oh, there…so, Rodger and Hammerstein’s Cinderella is next, and it’s a two-person number. We don’t have the names of the performers. I’m sorry. Scooter, yeah, but it’s a nice one. The costuming is unbelievable, and the singing and the dancing. Look…so, there’s some dancing going on. It’s Cinderella and the Fairy Godmother, and…but then it becomes a big ballroom-dancing scene.
I really like the choice of colors for the dresses because they really do pop. Oh, thanks, Ray. Yeah, the good thing is we’re not wrong about this parade. I don't know…this is interesting stuff, but…wow, that dancing. Are those called lifts? They really do look effortless. Now Cinderella and Prince Charming? Is that who it is, Ray? Oh, Scooter, you know you’re Prince Charming to me. Maybe if they redefined both those words. But yeah, so, there’s great dancing, as Scooter said. Thanks, Scooter. Cinderella’s now looking around wondering what to do. She’s talking to the Prince Charming again. Oh boy, they kissed on the lips, Scooter. The audience liked it, though, so, a lot of clapping, and they’re showing people watching from balconies and windows. That’s cool.
Then we get…oh boy, don’t call me Gus…Giancarlo…oh, Scooter, that’s fine. Well, I don't know if this series is still on the air, Giancarlo Esposito getting an interview from Al about a series, Revolution. Oh, wow, we just had somebody in the audience throw their hair back and then smile. Thumbs-up from the kid…or is that an adult? Scooter, I don't know, but he shouldn’t be doing that thumbs-up. He just pointed at Al, too. Oh, he’s doing a lot. He’s enjoying himself. So, I don't think we can blame him, Scooter. Then they go to another interview with John O’Hurley, who’s a host of the National Dog Show. You know there’s 70 million dogs in the US, he says. Oh, I like how that girl’s leaning on the balloon. Oh, they go back, the same guy. They let him keep sitting there. Oh, another hair throw-back, too.
But, I mean, whatever; he got his seat. He got lucky. He knew what he was doing. He’s kinda talking, though. That’s not very polite. Scooter, we didn’t notice this the first time, did we? Oh, there’s a bunch of…what’s that called, Scooter? Oh, I…why’d I forget? Not glitter, but confetti, Ray, on Al. It’s in the notes. Then, holy synergy…if Michael Eisner ran a parade and Sleep With Me was involved…Bring It On the musical…you will flip, they say. They sing a song, I’ve Got You, or Hey Girl. I’m not sure of the name of the song. But what I thought about this was that is…this is either…must be at the end of the musical or the musical starts at a different place than the movie, because everyone’s together…because the song is about them having each other.
I’ve Got You…they are…there’s a little bit of dancing-off, but everybody gets a little bit…this is…it’s not like the final number. Maybe it…no, it can't be the final number, right, Scooter? I don't this so, but I don't know. I didn’t see the musical yet. I’d like to. But it…yeah, it’s a good…I really would love to see this musical. Scooter, so would I. Look…oh boy, a nice…again, a nice sky shot, and now the dancing, some hugging, hand-holding. But, yeah, it does seem to be…everybody’s…this is when everybody’s become unified and they’re working together. So, I don't know if it’s like Bring It On after the movie Bring It On. Right. Ray, just to point out, I was wrong about…‘It’s already been broughten’ was not from Bring It On. I thought it was, but it was from a satire of Bring It On. Then they talk about this Zeebox app.
Forty-eight degrees…Scooter, I think you…did you say fifty-one degrees earlier? Let me take a look. I actually said it. Forty-six degrees. Now it’s forty-eight, so, getting warmer. There’s more confetti at that Skycam. We get Charlie Brown in a football, then we have the Rockettes. Oh boy, did we enjoy this music the Rockettes were dancing to. I don't know if this was a thing in 2012, but this is lo-fi music, which has made a different style of comeback. I think…do they call it something else, Scoots? Ray, did you just call me Scoots? I guess I did. That was funny. But they call it…I think they call it…I think they still call it lo-fi, but Scooter loves lo-fi holiday music like this. It’s kinda like…it’s good for relaxing. It’s kinda like they’re doing…they’re dressed in silver, and they just do a great job dancing to it.
But it was…the music was very different. I was happy to hear something the Rockettes were dancing to that wasn’t super traditional but not anti-traditional, like a step aside instead of…and now they’re doing the Rockettes…oh boy, how do they do that in sync, Scooter? Practice, I believe, Ray. Talent, practice…okay, then. Well, that’s it for me, everybody. I’m gonna turn it over to Bernie the Butterfly, Gregor, and Tommen, but he goes by…Tommen goes by…I call him Tommen still. He wanted to change his name again, so, I’ll let him handle that. But Scooter, why don’t you…? Yeah, so, this is the beginning of the parade, the Amy Kule and the Girl Scouts, and then a lot of greens and primary colors. Then the North Carolina Agricultural Band. I don't even think they got to stop, though. Oh no, they do. Okay, good.
They’re the Aggies, North Carolina Aggies. They work five hours a day, five days a week in rehearsals or practice, and they…oh, wow…yeah, so, I really like that the…they have a dance team with winter styling to their clothing. Then we have the Hello Kitty balloon. That’s from…goes all the way back to 1976. Then, Bernie, you want to take this? Yeah, hi, I’m Bernie the Butterfly here. I haven't been on the podcast in a long time, but I’m here with the GMC truck, official truck of the parade. A couple of pilgrimheads…a moveable feast, they say. It’s the Ocean Spray moveable feast float about…no…I don't see any cranberries on there, though. Scooter, can you correct me? Oh, there’s a couple. But yeah, here’s the thing; put some more cranberries on there.
Chris Isaak sings Great Balls of Fire, which is pretty good because…talk about spanning the decades. You had the original Great Balls of Fire…I think there was…Roy Orbison probably covered it. Goose from Top Gun covered it, then Goose’s son covered it, right? Did he sing that in the new Top…Maverick, Scooter? Bernie, this is your segment. Oh, so, you don’t know the answer to that. Then Chris Isaak sang it before Goose’s son sang it. Next up is the Texas State University Strutters in two different…in maroon and white, playing off one another. They’re kinda…they have cowboy hats, and…really good dancing. They’re kind of similar to the Rockettes, but a little bit more speed and power, I’d say. Maroon-and-white cowpokes kicking off the Macy's parade, they said. Then we got Tom the Turkey float.
Somebody from the New Iron…Next Iron Chef is up on there, Geoffrey something. Robin Paul; that was the winner. Then the Kermit the Frog balloon and…found…Scooter, I can't read your handwriting here for this one, but I guess I’ll just keep watching the parade here. You got Kermit; Kermit’s about ninety-eight-percent inflated, but later on we’ll see that not everybody’s inflated. But I’ll…I’m gonna turn the coverage over to Mikey and Gregor. He’s gonna be Mikey again, so, don't worry about that. Oh boy, this was a treat, though, especially now because we watch…we’ve been seeing a lot of Carly Rae Jepsen on the TV. She’s in…we watch a lot of commercials on streaming, right, and she sings this song, I’m A Dog Mom, for a commercial. It’s a great jingle, by the way. Scooter, is that Carly Rae Jepsen?
He’s saying probably not. He said…but he said that doesn't matter. I think it is, though. Meghan Trainor? Okay, so, anyway…anyway, this is…I’m saying this was a treat to watch independent of whatever the…you’re correcting me about. I don't know, what I think…it was…it’s been twelve…this parade was twelve years ago, so…who sang Call Me Maybe? Okay, great. So, I guess I get…I got those two mixed up. I apologize. Scooter, you had one do the Call Me Canada’s Wonderland, right? Okay. So, it was great to see Carly Rae Jepsen. She sings The Kiss. It was great use of the set, even if I don't get Meghan and…again, I’m…guess I’m a little bit flustered on my own mistake there. But best wishes to both. But yeah, so, she’s using the set. This is a hockey-themed set they use at Canadian…I guess…I don't know always.
Great use of the set by Carly Rae. Some kids getting used to waving…there’s kids actually ice skating, and I think there’s people dressed as pucks again. Yeah, there’s dancing pucks. Charlie Brown we could see behind the float here, and fake snow. A little bit of fake snow, not very much, though. A lot of waving. Great blue coat. I like those electric-blue coats. But that’s…oh, and there’s somebody taking pictures there, standing on the float. Who’s that, you think? Niceville High School is up next…marching band. They do a jazzy Jingle Bells. A lot of sky shots, so, I don't know if they tell them ahead of time, you better have some sort of sky…'cause how many people are watching a marching band…? I mean, I guess if your college has a…like, you’re playing a large stadium, forty percent of the people are high up seeing you.
But, I don't know, I just wonder if the parade people…they’re like, well, we play Niceville High School, so…well, you better make a word or a shape so we could see up on the Skycam. There’s Charlie Brown. His tongue is out. He’s chasing the football. It’s been…that was a 1950 special. Then we have a float with Woodstock and Snoopy, Linus, and Lucy. Linus has his blanket. It looks like…oh no, it’s a blankie, too. That was pretty nice there. They’re all waving. Then we have a couple more marching bands, right? Oh, look at that shot of Charlie Brown. That was a good shot. Now, how…can you tell me how to get…Scooter, how to get to Sesame Street? 34th and something, they said. What can I…up to…not try…? I don't know, they’re all singing a song, but Scooter’s writing is very hard to read.
What can I…what I can…up to next try…Coke…Martinson drums…Cookie Monster on drums. Scooter, it took me…oh yeah, he’s playing drums, and they have very…they have their winter outfits. There’s a kid’s chorus. They’re really putting it into it. There’s the adults. I think Big Bird might have something like a tie, almost like a little bit of a Christmas sweater. Wow, the adults are really…everybody…wow, they bring the A-game. So, great job. More angles; that’s what we were talking about. Kenton Ridge High School is up next, their marching band. They had a lot of flutes and fifes, and I thought this was a good observation from Scooter. I don't know if they had more than normal, but we just…it’s something we noticed. I felt like…I was like, holy pied pipers. Scooter said, what’s the difference between a flute and a fife?
I said, why don’t you go do some research and come back in a few years, and I’ll take over the podcast? You could pay me in Kirkland Signature…oh, there’s Poe. So, 2012…Poe’s back in 2024. I don't know, which one was this, two or three? I feel like we’ve seen two…one and two the most in our lives because of the little one. But Poe’s fully inflated, which later on is not what they…they don’t give the same priority. Then we have…oh, Jimmy Fallon and The Roots playing. They got the Macy's cheerleaders with them, or Spirit…America’s Spirit cheer. They’re singing Honey with…In a Big Place…oh, We Will Rock You. I had to use the lyrics there. They’re rocking it. Jimmy’s even got a guitar slung around his back, kinda like…he’s kinda like…not Alex P. Keaton, but whoever the kid is from that movie, Marty McFly.
That’s an enjoyable one. They’re putting their hearts into the performance as well…coordinated outfits and a giant Gibson guitar. Then we have Kenton Ridge Ohio? Is that next? Oh no, that’s the one we already went to. I apologize there. Oh boy, next up is…let’s see, is Banda Musica Delfines from Veracruz, Mexico. Again, beautiful music, beautiful dancing, tons of colors. They even spell out ‘Mexico’, the letters of Mexico. But absolutely…the colors of the dresses and the movement…oh yeah, they have…so, those were flutes, Scooter, I’m pretty sure. Okay, we got somebody waving here. This is like your wooden-duck float with a duck on it and kids dressed like ducks with raincoats, yellow raincoats. The Homewood Suites float.
On the float is someone we didn’t have time to research, Karmin with a K, K-A-R-M-I-N, and she’s singing, kids are waving…I like those ducks. What do we got? Swag pop; that’s what they said, the dynamic duo of swag pop. Don’t Leave Me Brokenhearted…waving-duck kids; that was good. Oh yeah, look at that, how cute that kid is there. Yeah, I’m sorry to compliment human kids, but it’s just me. Then Paul Frank’s Julius with a jet pack…I would…I’m a butterfly. I don't need a jet pack, and I don't also need a sock puppet flying around us. I’m a butterfly. What if I’m just trying to do my…flying…my butterfly business? Okay, then we have…oh boy, this is loco for Scooter when he was a child. So, we get a lot of waving, and it’s sponsored by the Oneida Indian Nation, Scooter, do you know?
We have Thirza Defoe sing on the float, and…with this amazing choir singing along. Oh boy, and the choir’s kinda split between two places on the front of the float, but that’s not that far out of Syracuse, New York, is Oneida. Oh, and then there’s the circus. Next they have…what is that thing called? A carriage or a wagon? A 1903 wagon. Then star-spangled shapo, Miss USA, Olivia Culpo, and there’s also patriot…there’s…you know, the people with the long shoes and the big, red noses, they’re dressed like patriots. The reason we’re familiar with that name, Scooter, is because she’s married to a person on the 49ers. He’s married to her, I guess, technically. They’re married to one another. But it’s a big hat. She’s waving. Oh, next up is…what’s that called? The Mount Rushmore.
You know, if they had Mount Rushmore for butterflies, I’d be…I’d probably be up on there. Don McLean’s in…up on there. He’s got a jean jacket. He’s singing Bye, Bye, Miss American Pie. This is the South Dakota float, and…dancing some…oh, the people didn’t realize they were hanging on one another, but then they get a message to them; hey, you’re supposed to be dancing. They also have rubber…oh, 'cause they’re supposed to be fisherpeople. They have rubber gloves and over…what are those called? Waders, fishing hats…then we actually can see even Spider-Man’s hand at one point. The float starts moving there, then we have Spider-Man coming in, and they have the Spider-Man song. Seventy-eight feet in brass…the Spider-Man song’s playing. I don't know who was…was this when…?
This was…Andrew Garfield probably was Spider-Man at this point, but I think they were talking more about the Spider-Man animated universe. Then we have the US Air Force Band, then the torch of the Statue of Liberty, and the students of PS22 from Long Island. They have beautiful teal and lavender shirts. They’re singing Not Alone. Then I’m gonna turn it back over to Scooter because he…this is his favorite part of the parade. Yeah, so, this is the parade…there’s different times…in different parades there’s highlights, but I think this one…I didn’t put the time it starts. I’ll look on…when it starts on this YouTube video, but there’s a Power Rangers dance crew. It’s Power Rangers Megaforce. It’s an entire crew of Power Rangers dancers, not just four or five; like, twenty-five, thirty.
They do this awesome dance for the twentieth anniversary. Go, go, Megaforce. Then there’s the Hess float, Hesscopter…five blokes from across the pond, they say, The Wanted. There’s kids dressed as street signs. They sing, I Found You. Then Pikachu comes on, Pikachu the balloon. There’s the…okay, so, what time’s that? It’s at an hour and eleven minutes in the parade if you don’t have any commercials. Pikachu’s a little low on there. I put, come on, man, can't you fill Pikachu up? So, I wasn’t happy about that. I wrote something else; I can't even read it. Disappointed? I don't know. Then they have the fire…oh yeah, this one, Father Ryan High School Band. They’re dressed like they’re from the future. Oh, The Wanted’s doing a pretty good job interacting with the kids. So, I didn’t notice that the first time.
But this Father Ryan High School Band, they seemed like they were in a hurry, but they’re dressed for…they’re from the future, either in a future like Tron or…but with more brighter colors, or that musical, Starlight Disk…Starlight Express or whatever? I mean, they’re not on roller skates or trains. They said something weird…this is a minute and fourteen minutes, hour and fourteen minutes in. Each band member carries a picture of the band or is wearing a picture of the band. I watched this twice and I said, wait a second, did they say that? Oh man, it looks even better the second time, or whatever. This time I have it…they have…so, they have…in my mind’s eye, they were more colorful, but they have colorful highlights. But they were like…they also have a lot of silver and black. Sixty-five-years song…what is this, Scooter?
You put ‘this is awesome’, but…well, just that? Then Al is with the Power Rangers? We better wait…I better wait and cover this. Oh no, Al was…oh, they were saying…Al goes to the studio and they say, were you with the Power Rangers? He goes, ah, yeah, yeah, maybe. Then we have Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles with Neon Trees. I don't know, if you have a parade and you don’t have the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, no offense, you prob…so, they had it at…remember…I don't know if it was last year or the year before we covered a Disney holiday parade, and…well, now I’m blanking. But they had the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles and the host from Growing Pains. Alan Thicke sang with the Mutant Ninja Turtles, and that was so cool.
This is cool, too, the Neon Trees, Turtles…Everybody Talks; that was a popular song in 2012. Great colors. Rocking out…and Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles. I mean, you can't go wrong. That rules, I put. Oh, then the…this is an…it keeps going, man. 1:17…Spangles Dance Company, they come on. They have leg-warmers and kinda eighties shirt colors, another awesome one. I don't know, I like these things that are like…oh yeah, that’s cool; the dancing’s…I have it on a higher speed right now, so it’s a totally different experience. Then it drops out. Oh, the audio dropped out on it, so, I don't know what song they were dancing to. Then we have the Zhu Zhu Pets with Kidz Bop, which we used to listen to a lot of, and I forgot that there was actual Kidz Bop live shows and performers.
Now, I’m sure these kids are…they’re ten years, twelve years older now, but the kid performers, they deliver in a different way. They go a little bit too…they’re a little bit too excited. Overacting, I guess. They did a great job, but, I don't know, it’s tough to describe. But I think for Kidz Bop…yeah, they’re even making reaction faces and stuff. Very professional. The Zhu Zhu Pets are dancing. There’s also a kids’ slide. Then we have another balloon that’s not fully inflated, and it’s Spongebob. So…and I guess the Sonic the Hedgehog balloon had deflated on-air or something, according to my brief research. Oh, then 1:20…is this before or after Zhu Zhu Pets? 1:20:04, a kid…oh, there was a kid walking around on the float, lost. But that…he was just waiting…that was when I was rewinding and fast-forwarding and pausing.
He was actually only waiting for…to get on the slide. Then, yeah, Spongebob not…then we have Whoopi on the Macy's pirate float, man, and that’s awesome. Then some balloon they said has always been in the parade, Rex, but a new version of Rex that I didn’t quite understand, that I was like, wait a second, I don't know. Then the Seratoga High School Marching Band; they had great flag dancers. Then Papa Smurf…Smurfs 2 was out at the time, and Gargamel. The Smurf float had an inflatable house. Then it was the Spirit of American Dance Team. They were kind of in Venetian-masquerade style, and half of these kids have never…oh, this was a different one. This is the…no, Spirit of America Dance Team. Half of these kids have never traveled away from their home town, according to the facts on the hosts.
Then they had Kaws; that’s the artist. It was a grayscale balloon called Companion with covered eyes, and it was…I like it. It was grayscale. But I also put, what happens to balloons when they stop using them? I hope they…you know what I’m saying? I don't know. They have the…in Las Vegas they have the Neon Museum. I mean, I don't know how much helium costs or whatever or what it’s like, but it’s like…I think there should be a National Balloon…Inflatable Balloon Museum, or International, you know? Then we had the Proud Mary by the NYPD Band, the Big Apple float with…oh yeah, there’s always the stem at the top. Flo Rida, then the Wimpy Kid, fully-inflated. Oh yeah, fully-inflated. What is this? Oh, then I put another WT…there’s a corporate Briefcase Drill Team, Fred Hill’s corporate Briefcase Drill Team.
Then…oh, Butter…they call it The Breakfast Crew. So, there was Butter here, not bugging Al, but the legendary Butter. I didn’t see a call from the president at all on this one, or a Face…I guess they didn’t have FaceTime back then? So…or, last year was the president or first lady? Can't remember. Last year it was funny 'cause it was like, can you hear me, Mr. President? He’s talking to Jill in the background. Oh no, that was two years ago, though. Okay, then we had Sprout and Chica…squeak, squeak. I like the paper boats of Treehouse. Then…I thought this was strange, but I guess it was twelve years ago; Kool-Aid Man. They had two new flavors out. I mean, I grew up with Kool-Aid Man, but I just didn’t know…I mean, I know you can still buy Kool-Aid.
I’m aware of that, and I have, but I just thought that was something that had gone away, but why assume? Then we had the Great American Marching Band, the best for all…cross-leg stance…oh, I liked how they did this cross-leg stance. The best of all something…sus…oh, the best of all fifty states. That’s what it is. Then cruise sailor Mickey…oh yeah, this one. I’ve probably already said this before, but I said, what do you take…? There was a show, a TV show, called Gilligan’s Island, right? Simpsons has done this, there’s the Monopoly man, and there was a guy on Gilligan’s Island, Thurston Howell III. He was your typical rich guy. That was the character he was playing. He’s dressed the same as cruise Mickey was. So, I just didn’t know. I said, what did you dress…cruise Mickey like Thurston Howell III? Do you see…?
I don't know. I’m not trying…well, I guess I am. Say, yo, Mickey, you’re dressed like Thurston Howell III, man. You’re supposed to be the mouse of the people. I get it. I’ve never been on a cruise and I wouldn't mind going on…I said, well, my understanding of cruises…it may be interesting for me, so, I’d probably have to do it for the podcast so I would enjoy it. But then it’s like, I know the Disney cruises are a different price point than most other ones. There’s the Butter crew. What are they at? Like, 1:31. So, would I do a different cruise line first and then do a Disney cruise or…? I don't know, or just not do it? Then we have more handwriting I can't read. Rose Syracuse, the longest Macy's employee…1939. Oh, this was the…something Miss…something Carole Showboat. Meghan and Liz are on that.
They sing so good. Then another high point was this King Charles Unicycle Group. Unicycle Troupe; sorry. Excuse me. There’s the Kool-Aid Man going by. He’s not in…he’s inflated but he looks like he’s…and there’s Thurston Howell, the mouse. But this unicycle crew’s shooting hoops, and then they also have…it’s celebrating the Final Four, so, it has Kareem Abdul-Jabbar, David Thompson, and Christian Laettner on it. Then we have Sonic. According to this, Sonic was the first video game character in the parade. I think Sonic got deflated at some point during this parade, but I don't…I’m sure it’s on YouTube, maybe. I don't know. Then I’m gonna turn it back over…I’m gonna turn it over to Mikey and the Gregor to finish it out after…the Wyoming Allstate Band, they do Silverado. They looked great, too. Alright, take it away, guys.
Oh, hello, my name is Mikey. I’m using my calming voice. Maybe once you knew me as Your Grace or Tommen when I was a boy from Westeros, but I left that place on…Scooter said that George R. R. Martin is usually distracted by The Jets right now. But Scooter took me from that universe in his fanfiction fantasy machine and took me to this world, along with — formally known as — the Blue Men. Now my best…well, yes, my best human friend…Ser Pounce is my best friend. Say hello, Ser Pounce. Meow. Also, Scooter was on a podcast with Miss Meow. What did you think of Miss Meow, Ser Pounce? Meow. Oh, Mrs. Ser Pounce. Oh, say hello, Gregor. Hello, I’m Gregor. I’m also from…my name’s Gregor. Yeah, thanks, Gregor. I just did your name by accident.
Okay, we’re here with the parade, oh boy, and do we get to start out at a great point in the parade with the Fierce Five gold medal gymnast team. Gregor, do you want to say their names? Ally, McKay…Kyla, Jordyn, Gabby, McKayla. Good job, Gregor. They’re having a pep rally for the Spirit of America float. They also have other people on the float; it looks like a cheer…a thing you use to talk…and then who’s up next, Gregor? Ronald McDonald…big, red shoe. Yeah, the big, red shoe, Ronald McDonald, on ice skates with a green muffler. Thumbs up, hand in the air, flying a bit like…I’d say, are you sure you didn’t just copy Spider-Man and put skates on him? But no one wants to hear my opinion about the balloons. Then they say, oh, peanut power, Nutty Drivers, here’s the Nutmobile.
It’s a very rich, royal-looking nut…peanut, which is something you eat. It runs on biodiesel. Gregor, why don’t you go next? Next…cookies the size of the…cookies, large cookies for the salt. It’s a cookie-making float of two in the parade, and Colbie Caillat singing a Christmas song, which we found funny. Thank you, Tommen. It’s called Dancing Santa…Dancing with Santa in His Bathing Suit, Christmas in the Sand. It was a very good song, only one of few Christmas carols which gets Scooter irritable. But good dancing, good singing, kids dressed as bakers. Take it away, Tommen. Oh yes, they give a North Pole update teasing Santa without saying Santa’s name. Then the giant Pup N'Fresh…no, Pop N’Fresh…Pup N'Fresh…they say an icon of all time, but a very Stay Puff marshmallow man, if you ask me.
Then a band playing Let the Good Times Roll, University of Louisiana. They interview the Bob Hope scholar, Eric, quickly. Sometimes they let them say something, but Eric…they said, Eric, just pause until we tell you to move on. Gregor, we liked the thing next, huh? Oh, yes, elves’ office from Office Max. They work at Office Max, but they’re partying. At first we thought they were tap-dancing, but they are cloggers, the Heartland Hoedowners from Elkhorn, Nebraska, and Scooter put that they were awesome and that they should be in a movie. I think what he refers to is that it’s a movie…there’s Eric on my screen now, but there’s a movie with Wildy Wonga…or any of the holiday films. These kids, look at them moving. They’re dressed, they’re clogging, they do the thing where you touch your shoes.
There’s small kids and tall kids, and they even do moves, which I said, oh boy, I don't know about that. Lifts, they call them. There’s a Office Max float, 'cause…oh, the elves are partying. That’s what we said earlier. Very cute kids, Scooter put, exclamation point, exclamation point. Then at 1:49:28, the pride of Alameda was where Ray lives. Scooter may or may not live…in 2012, Scooter and Ray lived by one another before Scooter had the podcast. But there’s Pam and Ryan and all of…including…we can't really see on here. Scooter does know personally one of the dancing trees now, but the dancing…tap-dancing, by the way, tap-dancing the whole parade, three miles on the concrete. Seventy…fifteen to seventy-four years old, the tap-dancers.
Then Dora and Rachel Crow singing Santa Claus is Coming to Town…Glora…Dora’s got a show about the holidays. Oh, Merry Nickmas was an album with Nickelodeon stars. Scooter put some…oh, the kids are dressed as presents. That was also very good. She was having a lot of fun performing, so it was very good, even…she gave it to ‘til very end. Then, you could take this one, Mikey. Oh yeah, this one was a bit silly, Aflac Duck. Maybe this was at the height of the Aflac Duck, because everybody was doing Aflac, including Al many times, then Al was interrupted. But they were having fun, but they did…they interrupted the Oakridge High School Band, who sang Dancing…or was playing the song Dancing Through the Snow.
Then, while this was a touching song, I don't think…I wish it would have been a holiday song 'cause it’s so late in the parade. But 20…this was 2012. Trace Adkins with a child, I’m assuming his daughter, or someone who said, is that who played the role of Trace Adkin’s daughter in the 2012 Macy's parade? Don’t know if you saw my performance. It was pretty good. It was. There’s also kids waving. I don’t…can't read this one. I’ll have to see when the video plays where…this episode is Scooter’s…Scooter’s always joking. Just 'cause it’s a three-hour parade doesn't mean it should be a three-hour episode. But still talk very slowly and calmly. You know, off the mic he does not…he’s not calm. It’s so funny he makes a sleep podcast. There’s nothing calm about Scooter.
Gingerbread cookie kids; maybe that’s what he was referring to? Oh, but Trace Adkins sings a song…oh, a kid waving…oh, in the background; okay, I finally got Scooter’s notes. Gregor helped me. There’s kids…there’s a kid who goes out of his way to interrupt things in the background. But Trace Adkins is singing a song about having a child called Just Fishing. The kinda chorus goes, if you think we’re just fishing, something…we’re not just fishing. We’re making memories. Then we have a sixty-foot-tall…it looks like goftich tosh. G-O-F-T…capital G, capital O. Sixty-eight feet…I realize that, Scooter. Thank you. Elf on the Shelf in the fetal position, as anyone that’s aware of that tradition would be. So, I guess that’s ironic, don’t you think? Good one. It’s like rain on a parade day.
Next, Scooter put his W, and then a T, then an F, because there’s a brief, brief flash of purple people that normally have big shoes and red noses. Oh, still walkers…so, this is the…I don't think…do they have anything to do with it? I don't know. But there’s those people that get into a car and they all come out of the car, but they’re dressed kind of as purple, lavender fairies with wings. According to this, it’s from the Universal Studios parade. Then they have some bicycles celebrating that, then the Build-A-Bear Workshop with Cody Simpson. He’s very Justin Timberlake. This was good. There was…there’s full plush characters on the float, and they look very cool, full-plush characters, and they do good dancing. The kids are dancing along. Wish You Were is the song.
Not a holiday song, so, I’m sorry, you’re promoting Trace and Cody. I get it, but…and maybe not in the last third of the parade, you know? Come on. Full-size plush Build-A-Bears, then Buzz Lightyear, brass you’ve…oh, a brass version of You’ve Got A Friend in Me. I liked that a lot. Then goldfish…a float from The Goldfish. Jennette McCurd? McCur…I’ll look it up when it comes. Jennette McCurdy, I think, or McCurdy. That’s what Christmas means to me. There was one kid who had to be reminded from another kid to dance, that they…I think the kid was helping. He said, by the way, the camera’s on us. You want to dance. The kid, a young Scooter, was just not interested at all, and was a little bit…I don't know. I’m waiting…I think it’s Jennette McCurdy, though. We’ll see. How do we spell it here?
Goldfish kids…there’s the kid just kinda waving. Oh, that’s a nice, gentle touch from whoever’s telling them to dance, by the way. Jennette McCurdy; I was right. Even Scooter’s handwriting does not steer me wrong always. Very nice version. Then the Central Park Delta float, and there’s ice skating happening on that. Then the next float or this float…Silver Bells…man hon…oh, oh boy, this was interesting. So, this was the Manheim Steamroller, and they say, the best-selling holiday artist of all time on the Delta…and they cut it short. They said, keep it moving. They were playing Silver Bells for about four seconds, and they did not…I don't even know…I think they gave each person a camera shot. They were running late. Then, you want to take it…? You could finish out the…okay, thank you, Mikey.
Then a vintage truck with kinda Newsies on there. So, that’s why when we saw the preview, we said, the Newsies did not perform. But they were just singing, la, la, la. Then there’s the Virginia is their Santa Claus balloon, which I think Macy's has the rights to 'cause it took place at Macy's in Bloomingdales. Then Stage Door Mana is performing a children’s musical apparently being performed around the globe at that time, 2012. Yes, Virginia, there’s the Santa Claus. They sing Santa Claus is Coming. Let’s…Santa’s versions…oh, lots of Santa’s versions. Can you take it here, Mikey? Okay, thanks, Gregor. Yeah, we’ve got the Newsies kids coming along here, so, I’ll double-check the work, because Scooter can be…cause…then we have…oh, Charlie, Kit, and CJ, according to this, are the three balloon elves that appear before Santa Claus.
Scooter, could…? Oh, we don’t have control over the thing. I’d like to jump ahead about a minute. Oh wow, these music…Stage Door Mana’s doing a great job. Many different versions of Santa Claus, and…but then we finally…the parade, it comes to a close after Charlie, Kit, and CJ, and after this part of the musical. Good dancing and a very great finish with one dancer going off-stage last. I really liked that. That was the Santa Claus; he’s waving, then all the kids, then she has a book. Then they bring in Charlie, Kit, and CJ, who have their hands on their hips, saying, oh boy, we’re in a parade. Watch out…better watch it twice or whatever. Then we have Santa Claus, Mrs. Claus…now, this is confusing because…and this has been a bone of contention for Scooter.
I don't…so, we have on the sleigh this year…I don't know if it was last year or ten…nine years ago. But so, Santa Claus is on the sleigh with the presents and one elf and Mrs. Claus. I believe two years ago, Mrs. Claus was relegated to another position, but Scooter could have been confused or it is confusing, because there is…here we go. We got it on film here. It’s very blurry. Oh boy, we lost it, but there’s a chalet type of building that Santa Claus is landing on the roof of, and in that chalet building is a older woman and two children singing. Who are they? That’s what I would ask you if it’s not Mrs. Claus. So, I can see why Scooter would be confused. We also…there’s also a star behind Santa’s sleigh, lots of confetti and snow, and we’re thankful for all of you. I was gonna say something else.
Oh, I think last year maybe Mrs. Claus — or two years ago — had her own thing where she was make…there was…I thought there was steam coming out of an oven or something. But my point is that…I have no point, Scooter. No, I do, I do. My point is that have a happy holidays however you celebrate. Take some time. Be calm and patient with yourself. We’re so thankful we get to come together and make a podcast to help you put to sleep, even though Scooter does not have myself or the Gregor, Bernie, on very much, because so many people said, I don't like Tommen…Tommen’s…now, I know I have superfans. I’ve heard from the superfans. Scooter tells me about you, so, thank you.
I’m sure Mrs…Ser Pounce and…the Gregor, I don't know…Greg…I don't think you have…I think you probably do have some superfans, and Bernie does, but…oh, we also have lots of frenemies that have feelings. But so, we’re thankful to come on here and put you to sleep, and so, on behalf of Scooter and Ray and everybody…I mean, we’ll be here in the holiday season, but in spirit. But however you celebrate, we’re glad to be here keeping you company. Goodnight.
(Transcription performed by LeahTranscribes)
Nighttime Birds
1993 Sonic Balloon Debacle
Lo-Fi Beats
What happens to balloons after they stop using them?
A lulling parade that goes on and on and on
I’ll explain why 2012 soon
It was too hard to do an antique parade
How could calendar math not put you to sleep?
But the 2023 broadcast is not up yet
2012 Macy’s Parade Watch Link; Sleep With Me Plus; SleepPhones; Rusty Biscuit Links; Emily Tat Artwork; NAPAWF; Anti-Racism Resources; Ukraine Relief; Crisis Textline
Helix Sleep; Zocdoc; Progressive; Lumen; Uncommon Goods
A parade of feelings, oh yeah
Who’s the person that leads the parade?
Other people listening can connect to you and are rooting for you
I understand why you’re skeptical
Wow, you put work into this?
A Barely Cohesive Narrative
You can’t quite see the structure but I promise it’s there
Thinking about spreadsheets instead of pre-recorded bird noises
2012 Macy’s Thanksgiving Parade
Available on YouTube
Last year’s parade isn’t’ on YT right now
I do pay for the service – I wish that was enough to see every parade
That’s why we’re not doing the 2023 parade
The Joy Can Leak Through
Starting with joy
Who’s watching the parade this year?
James Vanderbeek’s close sibling or cousin
Holy Vanderbeek
He reminded me of the autumnal costume model from that catalog
The owner of the Patriots
CT from the Challenge is also here
Maybe John McEnroe
Wait a second this isn’t the right parade!
Oh, it is
Savannah’s first parade
Varsity Spirit Cheer
I love Amy Kuhl
She starts the parade with Al
An 86 year tradition in 2012
Girl Scouts starting the parade
Some are dressed as large shoe, red nose, small car beings
Oh weird, this version is just an archive of the Broadway performances
This version doesn’t have Newsies or Once
Ray why don’t you cover that first musical number?
Elf the Musical
Ray discusses a meta song
3.5 million people are watching
Nice Work If You Can Get It, with Kellie O’Hara and Matthew Broderick
Shoutout to Milton Delong
This video is just 240p, that’s tough for Ray
It seems like there were more cameras back in 2012
Annie the Musical is next
I loved the tap dancing in Annie
How many times has Annie appeared in the parade?
Cinderella is next
Oh no, Ray hit the wrong the button
How do we get back to the parade? Oops
Which version were we watching?
Well this version at least looks clean
This might be the same version
Back to Cinderella
Wow, this dancing really does look effortless
Scooter, you’re Prince Charming to Ray
Is that Giancarlo Esposito??
That background kid is really enjoying himself
Cut to the host of the National Dog Show, John O’Hurley
We didn’t notice that background person the first time
A lot of confetti on Al
Holy Synergy
Bring It On, the musical
This is a very supportive song, so I assume it comes near the end
Talking about the ZBox app?
It was 48 degrees, slowly getting warmer
Charlie Brown and the football
We loved this Rockettes music
A different style of Lo-Fi Music
Did Ray just call Scooter Scoots?
Back to Scooter
The beginning of the parade
A lot of greens and colors
North Carolina Aggies Marching Band
They rehearse 5 hours a day??
Hello Kitty balloon, all the way back to 1976
Bernie the Butterfly chimes in
GMC, the official truck of the parade
Ocean Spray cranberries
Texas State University Strutters
Really good dancing from this band
Tom Turkey float
Someone from Iron Chef is up there
Kermit the Frog balloon
He’s about 98% inflated
Cut to Mikey and Gregor
Oh boy, this was a treat
Carly Rae Jepsen. Or Meghan Trainor?
Who sang “Call Me Maybe”?
Ok, I got them mixed up
Hockey-Themed Set
People are dressed as pucks
That’s a lot of sky shots
The Cookie Monster is on the drums??
Great set from Sesame Street
Kenton Ridge High School
A lot of flutes and fifes
Holy Pied Pipers
Po is here. Which Kung Fu Panda was this for?
Jimmy Fallon and the Roots are playing “We Will Rock You”
Banda Musica Delfines, from Veracruz, MX
A wooden duck float
I’m a butterfly, what do I need a jetpack for?
Is this sponsored by the Oneida Nation?
A choir is singing on a float
Miss USA is here
More long shoes and red noses, dressed like Patriots
Miss USA is now married to someone on the 49ers
Don McLean is on this float singing “American Pie”
These people are dressed like fishermen
US Air Force band
Cutting back to Scooter
His favorite part of the parade
Power Rangers Dance Crew
Pikachu Balloon is a little underinflated
Father Ryan High School Band look like they’re dressed from the future
Each member of the band is carrying a picture of the band?
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle – you gotta have these
Spangles Dance Company – real 80s vibe
Zuzu Pets with Kidz Bop
I forgot there were Kidz Bop live performances
They’re trying a little too hard
Spongebob is also underinflated
Sonic deflated on air
Whoopi is on the Macy’s pirate float
The Rex balloon has always been in the parade? I don’t know
Smurfs promotion
Saratoga High School
The Spirit of America Dance Team
I liked this gray scale balloon
There should be a museum to preserve these balloons
Flo Rida rides the NY State float
Corporate Briefcase Drill Team
There is butter, but they’re not bugging Al in this one
Kool-Aid Man is here to promote 2 new flavors
I thought KAM was gone by this point
Great American Marching Band – the best of all 50 states
Cruise Sailor Mickey
He looks like Thurston Howell III from Gilligan’s Island
Mickey is supposed to be a mouse of the people!
A unicycle crew, celebrating the Final Four
Sonic was the first video game character in the parade
Mikey and Gregor will close us out
Mikey introduces himself
Ser Pounce likes Miss Meow from Cozy Critters
The Fierce Five gold medal gymnast team
Ronald McDonald is also here
The Nut-Mobile
A rich looking peanut
A cookie making float
Dancing Santa in his bathing suit
Giant Poppin’ Fresh
A band playing “Let The Good Times Roll”
Elves from OfficeMax, partying
A bunch of tap dancers
The height of Aflac Duck
Trace Adkins singing a song
Goftish Tosh
A giant Elf on the Shelf
A brief flash of large shoe stiltwalkers
Cody Simpson is very Justin Timberlake
Full plush characters on the boat
I wish these pop stars were singing Christmas songs, tbh
One kid tells another to dance while the camera’s on them
Mannheim Steamroller shout out
A vintage truck with newsies
Charlie, Kit, and CJ are the balloon elves that appear before Santa
Stagedoor Manor is doing a great job
Santa is waving
Chalet-Type Building
Who are the people in this building? She’s not Mrs. Claus
My point is that I have no point
Have a happy holidays
Be calm and patient with yourself
Episode: 1307
Title: Macy's Thanksgiving Parade 2012
Notable Language:
- Antique Parade
- Calendar Math
- Parade Hide and Seek
- A Barely Cohesive Narrative
- The Joy Can Leak Through
- Large Shoe Red Nose Small Car Beings
- Holy Synergy
- Hockey-Themed Set
- Holy Pied Pipers
- Power Rangers Dance Crew
- Corporate Briefcase Drill Team
- The Nut-Mobile
- Giant Poppin’ Fresh
- Goftish Tosh
- Chalet-Type Building
Notable Culture:
- Macy’s Thanksgiving Parade
- YouTube
- James Vanderbeek
- New England Patriots
- Robert Kraft
- John McEnroe
- CT / The Challenge
- Broadway
- Newsies!
- Once
- Elf the Musical
- Annie
- Cinderella
- Rogers and Hammerstein
- Giancarlo Esposito
- Bring It On, the musical
- Ocean Spray
- Chris Isaak
- “Great Balls of Fire”
- Roy Orbison
- Top Gun
- Top Gun: Maverick
- Kermit the Frog
- Carly Rae Jepsen
- Meghan Trainor
- Sesame Street
- Kung Fu Panda
- Jimmy Fallon
- The Roots
- “We Will Rock You”
- Michael J. Fox
- Oneida Nation
- Don McLean – “American Pie”
- Power Rangers: Mega Force
- Starlight Express
- Spongebob Squarepants
- Smurfs
- Flo Rida
- Gilligan’s Island
- Mickey Mouse
- George RR Martin
- Game of Thrones
- McDonald’s
- Christmas
- “Let The Good Times Roll”
- OfficeMax
- Aflac
- Trace Adkins
- Cody Simpson
- Justin Timberlake
- Jeannette McCurdy
- Mannheim Steamroller
- Stagedoor Manor
Notable Talking Points:
- A parade of feelings, oh yeah
- Who’s the person that leads the parade?
- Other people listening can connect to you and are rooting for you
- I understand why you’re skeptical
- Wow, you put work into this?
- A Barely Cohesive Narrative
- You can’t quite see the structure but I promise it’s there
- Thinking about spreadsheets instead of pre-recorded bird noises
- 2012 Macy’s Thanksgiving Parade
- Available on YouTube
- Last year’s parade isn’t’ on YT right now
- I do pay for the service – I wish that was enough to see every parade
- That’s why we’re not doing the 2023 parade
- The Joy Can Leak Through
- Starting with joy
- Who’s watching the parade this year?
- James Vanderbeek’s close sibling or cousin
- Holy Vanderbeek
- He reminded me of the autumnal costume model from that catalog
- The owner of the Patriots
- CT from the Challenge is also here
- Maybe John McEnroe
- Wait a second this isn’t the right parade!
- Oh, it is
- Savannah’s first parade
- Varsity Spirit Cheer
- I love Amy Kuhl
- She starts the parade with Al
- An 86 year tradition in 2012
- Girl Scouts starting the parade
- Some are dressed as large shoe, red nose, small car beings
- Oh weird, this version is just an archive of the Broadway performances
- This version doesn’t have Newsies or Once
- Ray why don’t you cover that first musical number?
- Elf the Musical
- Ray discusses a meta song
- 3.5 million people are watching
- Nice Work If You Can Get It, with Kellie O’Hara and Matthew Broderick
- Shoutout to Milton Delong
- This video is just 240p, that’s tough for Ray
- It seems like there were more cameras back in 2012
- Annie the Musical is next
- I loved the tap dancing in Annie
- How many times has Annie appeared in the parade?
- Cinderella is next
- Oh no, Ray hit the wrong the button
- How do we get back to the parade? Oops
- Which version were we watching?
- Well this version at least looks clean
- This might be the same version
- Back to Cinderella
- Wow, this dancing really does look effortless
- Scooter, you’re Prince Charming to Ray
- Is that Giancarlo Esposito??
- That background kid is really enjoying himself
- Cut to the host of the National Dog Show, John O’Hurley
- We didn’t notice that background person the first time
- A lot of confetti on Al
- Holy Synergy
- Bring It On, the musical
- This is a very supportive song, so I assume it comes near the end
- Talking about the ZBox app?
- It was 48 degrees, slowly getting warmer
- Charlie Brown and the football
- We loved this Rockettes music
- A different style of Lo-Fi Music
- Did Ray just call Scooter Scoots?
- Back to Scooter
- The beginning of the parade
- A lot of greens and colors
- North Carolina Aggies Marching Band
- They rehearse 5 hours a day??
- Hello Kitty balloon, all the way back to 1976
- Bernie the Butterfly chimes in
- GMC, the official truck of the parade
- Ocean Spray cranberries
- Texas State University Strutters
- Really good dancing from this band
- Tom Turkey float
- Someone from Iron Chef is up there
- Kermit the Frog balloon
- He’s about 98% inflated
- Cut to Mikey and Gregor
- Oh boy, this was a treat
- Carly Rae Jepsen. Or Meghan Trainor?
- Who sang “Call Me Maybe”?
- Ok, I got them mixed up
- Hockey-Themed Set
- People are dressed as pucks
- That’s a lot of sky shots
- The Cookie Monster is on the drums??
- Great set from Sesame Street
- Kenton Ridge High School
- A lot of flutes and fifes
- Holy Pied Pipers
- Po is here. Which Kung Fu Panda was this for?
- Jimmy Fallon and the Roots are playing “We Will Rock You”
- Banda Musica Delfines, from Veracruz, MX
- A wooden duck float
- I’m a butterfly, what do I need a jetpack for?
- Is this sponsored by the Oneida Nation?
- A choir is singing on a float
- Miss USA is here
- More long shoes and red noses, dressed like Patriots
- Miss USA is now married to someone on the 49ers
- Don McLean is on this float singing “American Pie”
- These people are dressed like fishermen
- US Air Force band
- Cutting back to Scooter
- His favorite part of the parade
- Power Rangers Dance Crew
- Pikachu Balloon is a little underinflated
- Father Ryan High School Band look like they’re dressed from the future
- Each member of the band is carrying a picture of the band?
- Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle – you gotta have these
- Spangles Dance Company – real 80s vibe
- Zuzu Pets with Kidz Bop
- I forgot there were Kidz Bop live performances
- They’re trying a little too hard
- Spongebob is also underinflated
- Sonic deflated on air
- Whoopi is on the Macy’s pirate float
- The Rex balloon has always been in the parade? I don’t know
- Smurfs promotion
- Saratoga High School
- The Spirit of America Dance Team
- I liked this gray scale balloon
- There should be a museum to preserve these balloons
- Flo Rida rides the NY State float
- Corporate Briefcase Drill Team
- There is butter, but they’re not bugging Al in this one
- Kool-Aid Man is here to promote 2 new flavors
- I thought KAM was gone by this point
- Great American Marching Band – the best of all 50 states
- Cruise Sailor Mickey
- He looks like Thurston Howell III from Gilligan’s Island
- Mickey is supposed to be a mouse of the people!
- A unicycle crew, celebrating the Final Four
- Sonic was the first video game character in the parade
- Mikey and Gregor will close us out
- Mikey introduces himself
- Ser Pounce likes Miss Meow from Cozy Critters
- The Fierce Five gold medal gymnast team
- Ronald McDonald is also here
- The Nut-Mobile
- A rich looking peanut
- A cookie making float
- Dancing Santa in his bathing suit
- Giant Poppin’ Fresh
- A band playing “Let The Good Times Roll”
- Elves from OfficeMax, partying
- A bunch of tap dancers
- The height of Aflac Duck
- Trace Adkins singing a song
- Goftish Tosh
- A giant Elf on the Shelf
- A brief flash of large shoe stiltwalkers
- Cody Simpson is very Justin Timberlake
- Full plush characters on the boat
- I wish these pop stars were singing Christmas songs, tbh
- One kid tells another to dance while the camera’s on them
- Mannheim Steamroller shout out
- A vintage truck with newsies
- Charlie, Kit, and CJ are the balloon elves that appear before Santa
- Stagedoor Manor is doing a great job
- Santa is waving
- Chalet-Type Building
- Who are the people in this building? She’s not Mrs. Claus
- My point is that I have no point
- Have a happy holidays
- Be calm and patient with yourself