1292 – Cozy Critters Crossover
Get cozy with this crossover full of friends and based on the new kids sleep podcast Cozy Critters.
Episode 1292 – Cozy Critters Crossover
SCOOTER: Friends beyond the binary, ladies and gentlemen, boys and girls, it’s time for the podcaster who’s here with some cozy friends with a new pod…a new crossover with my friend Doug’s podcast. It’s Cozy C-R-I-T-T-E-R-S, a perfect bedtime tale for kids, and this one, for adults alike. Everyone’s welcome here. Now, this is Sleep With Me, the podcast that’s here to put you to sleep by being your friend in the deep, dark night, keeping you company, and taking your mind off of stuff. So, what I’m gonna do is talk for a while, meander, go off topic, be friendly, try to develop some rapport, but it’s a slow…the slowest…if rapport will be developed, it’ll be developed slowly, and the word will not be spelled…'cause I know it starts with the letter R, and…I wish it was ‘repour’.
Like, could you give me another glass of water? Would you like me…? Like, is that a way to…? Is there a secret…? Secrets to rapport…rapport…yeah, give…repour that drink, and we’re already on our way to rapport. Huh, I never would have thought of that, but honestly, I’m not good at…I’m not really good at it. But then when you think about the ideas of it, it’s pretty…it’s like, hey, if you do something nice for me, I’ll probably be more…so, that’s actually what I’m here to do. Well, I’m a confusing person and I’m confused, and that’s kinda the secret of this podcast…is I’m not exactly here to put you to sleep but to take your mind off of stuff and keep you company.
So, if you’re new, I’m really glad you’re here. Just see how this show goes. It does take some getting used to. Regular listeners, so glad to have you back. What we got coming up are some sponsors so that paying for the show is optional but always appreciated, then a long, meandering intro separate from the support to ease you into bedtime, and then a bedtime story based on a new podcast called Cozy Critters, and that’s gonna be really fun and meandering. So, I’m really glad you’re here. Welcome to Sleep With Me. It’s a podcast that puts you to sleep, and here’s a couple ways we’re able to do it for you for free twice a week.
INTRO: [INTRO MUSIC] Hey, are you up all night tossing, turning, mind racing? Trouble getting to sleep? Trouble staying asleep? Well, welcome. This is Sleep With Me, the podcast that puts you to sleep. We do it with a bedtime story. Alls you need to do is get in bed, turn out the lights, and press Play. I’m gonna do the rest. What I’m going to attempt to do is create a safe place where you could set aside whatever’s keeping you awake.
It could be thoughts on your mind, things you’re thinking about, thoughts about the past, the present, the future, things that…thoughts that just came up at bedtime, it could be feelings, anything you’re experiencing emotionally that’s coming up for you, it could be physical sensations, it could be changes in time, temperature, routine, you could be going through something, getting over something, you could have guests travel, mabe you work a different schedule. The only reason I list a bunch of stuff…other than in 2024 almost experiencing all of those and a lot of them intersecting at the same time around my sleep…another reason I list them is…I share them so that you feel seen and welcomed in.
Some people — especially when they’re new — say, I don't know if I want to be reminded of what’s keeping me awake. I’m not here to do that except for that there’s something powerful and positive in there. If you’re new, it might not feel that way, or even…I mean, for me, the past couple months, it hasn’t felt that way except when I sit down to record the show, because there is something that connects us in…I guess in a strange, indirect, digital way, but in a way that is real, that we share something, and you can kinda hold a positive place for someone new.
Or if you’re new, there’s someone listening right now, even if it’s not me…I mean, I think I can probably relate to some of the stuff you feel like when you can't sleep, but even if I can't, somewhere in the world, right now at this moment, there is someone listening who can relate to how you feel, even if…here’s the thing; I mean, they won't be here at the same moment if you loathe this podcast, but I do have a website set up; sleepwithmepodcast.com/nothankyou, and that’s for those people that say, well, you…not…maybe you understand or can connect what I’m going through, but I just don’t like the style of your show. Great; we got a website set up for that with other sleep podcasts.
But the people that know what you’re going through, that are here, are really glad you’re here. They say, hey, maybe one day you’ll hold a space for somebody new, too, and just send out a little welcoming. You don’t even have to do anything. Maybe put a smile on your face, maybe kiss your shoulders, flex your biceps, whatever’s…maybe shrug your shoulders and say, welcome. I really hope this podcast can help you like it helped me. It’s very strange and different, but you’re welcome here and you deserve a good night's sleep. You deserve a bedtime you don’t have to dread, that you could at least feel neutral about if not look forward to, or at least keep trying.
They say ‘iterating’ a lot of times with text stuff, but I know enough…I’ve been making this podcast for over ten years, and this has been the year for me. Of all the ten years or eleven years I made the show, this has been the year that I’ve had to use every tool in the toolbox and discover new ones. It’s like, I’ve tried everything, but I…I keep trying nowadays even if it means getting up and getting out of bed and changing something, because I know, too…hey, I deserve a good night's sleep even if sometimes it’s not gonna come, and you do, too. If you get the rest you need, your life is gonna be more manageable tomorrow. That’s important. It’s important to me, believe it or not. Even if I don't know you, I’ve been in some place similar.
If your life’s more manageable tomorrow, that means your world’s a better place to be in, and that does mean our entire world is better if you’re more rested. The thing that people…it’s easy to shake off or easy for my internal…our world needs you, and not only do you deserve to be in a nicer world, the world’s nicer with you in it. It’s true. Now, the way this podcast works is I send my voice across the deep, dark night. I’m gonna use lulling, soothing, creaky, dulcet tones, pointless meanders, superfluous tangents, I’m gonna go off topic, my voice is not traditionally soothing, I’ll get mixed up, I’ll repeat myself, and that’s all to distract you from what’s keeping you awake, and it does take some getting used to.
When you get to this show, you’re probably skeptical, you may be doubtful, you may be frustrated, you might be fed up, so just give this show a few tries. It’s kind of a podcast you don’t really listen to. It never really gets…it’s always going and it never gets started. It’s like background noise that you can engage with, or you can kind of pay attention to it. Or if you need to, you could totally pay attention to it. But you don’t need to. You could. I’m here for you. I’m optional. You know what I’m saying? Listening to me is optional, but I’m still talking for you whether you’re listening or not. So, that takes some adjusting when you first get here. It takes most people two or three tries to get used to the show and realize, oh, now I get it. So, just see how it goes. You really have nothing to lose.
Then if it doesn't work out, sleepwithmepodcast.com/nothankyou has other great sleep podcasts and sleepy audio on that website. So, it’s a podcast that you kinda barely listen to…also isn't here to put you to sleep so much as to keep you company while you fall asleep. There’s no pressure to fall asleep with this podcast. I’m here to be a friend in the deep, dark night, your bore-friend, your bore-bae, your bore-sib, your bore-cuz, your bore-bestie, your neigh-bore, your Borbie, your bores, your best bore-friend f’eva to keep you company and take your mind off of stuff so that…the reason the episodes are over an hour is if you can't sleep at all…there’s people listening who can't sleep or need a break during the day; I’m here to keep them company and I’m here to keep you company even if you fall asleep and you’re…you fall asleep right away.
It’s kind of a interesting job, and the thing is, the great thing about doing it virtually like this is you don’t have to worry about me closing the door, turning on any lights, leaving any crumbs. Whatever distance you prefer my voice be at, that’s the distance I’ll be at. So, it’s a pretty sweet deal, and I happen to enjoy doing it. I get something out of it because I know what it’s like on the other side. So, those are two things to know. Structure…is the structure of the show next? I’m a little bit…I’m not at 100%. I mean, obviously. But the structure of the show, I guess, is what I talk about next. The structure of the show is very different. It does take some getting used to. The only reason I go through the structure every time is 'cause…so I can meet you where you are.
If you’re wondering why the show’s structured the way it is or how you could adjust it a little bit better to suit your needs…you listened to it a few times…let me tell you, okay, and then you could make…you’ll go from there. So, the show starts off with a greeting; friends beyond the binary, ladies and gentlemen, boys and girls, so you feel seen and welcomed in and you say, okay, I might check that podcast out. Then there’s support from sponsors. Most people listen to this linear, ad-supported version of the show, and that’s the way it benefits the most people, 'cause a ton of work goes into the podcast. If you’d prefer a ad-free version, you could get it on Sleep With Me+. Then there’s a long, meandering intro which is totally separate from the support, a show within a show, that kinda goes nowhere.
It’s about ten to twenty minutes long where, as I’m doing now, I unsuccessfully try to explain what the podcast is in a bite-sized bite, and it takes me ten or twenty minutes, but it also serves as a buffer between the daytime and falling-asleep time. It’s kind of like a twilight period, a landing strip, and that’s just what works for most people, is having some sort of wind-down routine. It’s what’s worked for me, especially lately, is having a wind-down routine I enjoy. That could be getting in bed getting comfortable, getting ready for bed, doing some sort of chill activity, and I think I’m gonna focus more on that this year, is having a wind-down routine that’s nice…is pretty nice. That’s what kinda the intro is. There is a small percentage of people that skip the intro.
Then if you prefer a show with just the stories, you could go to Bedtime Stories From Sleep With Me — it’s in every podcast app — and just listen to stories. But try it out with the intros, 'cause the intros are kinda the most popular part of the podcast. I don't mean that in ‘liked’ or ‘not liked’; I just mean it’s like the hang…it’s like when we hang as we get ready for bed and drift off, kinda like there’s other friends around at a distance again. It’s the most community part of the show, where we are kind of together. ‘Together alone, alone together’ is something I say, 'cause that’s kinda the sense you get when you’re in a house full of people and you’re the only one that can't sleep. In this case, we’re all in different places, but we say, hey, I see you. I see you struggling; I’ve struggled like that, too.
So, that’s the intro, then after the intro is support, and then there will be our bedtime story. Tonight it’s a crossover with Cozy Critters Podcast, which is a new kids’ sleep podcast from one of my friends, and…yeah, that’s the structure of the show. I think that’s why I make the show. I don't know, this was a short intro, and…but I think it’s good. I think it got to the point. I don't think I missed anything. So, I’m glad you’re here. I work really hard. I yearn and I strive. I really hope I can help you fall asleep. Thanks again for coming by, and here’s a couple ways we’re able to do this for you for free twice a week.
Hey everybody, it’s Scoots here, and tonight’s a crossover episode with a new podcast called Cozy Critters. It’s from my friend Doug who we’ve done crossover episodes with before. I’m gonna read, actually, from the official announcements…official announcement about it. Bedtime just got a whole lot cozier with the launch of Cozy Critters, a new podcast designed to make winding down for the night an enchanting experience of kids ages two to seven, hosted by Dougie Pickles and his adorable kitten co-host, Miss Meow Meow. The ongoing series takes young listeners on soothing bedtime adventures exploring the world’s coziest critters. It’s an experience call…parents are calling ‘little gold for bedtime’. So, perfect for the kid in your life age two to seven. It’s created by podcaster and educator Doug Fraser.
Cozy Critters is brought to listeners in collaboration with PRX, which also distributes other kids’ podcasts, as well as Sleep With Me. It’s available on all major podcast platforms. So, wherever you’re listening…and in September, it’s gonna be on Yoto, which is a screen-free audio player. Doug says, we want to make bedtime a favorite part of every kid’s day. In today’s fast-moving world, Cozy Critters offers a chance to relax, learn, and dream with some of the world’s most endearing animals. Each episode introduces children to a new sleepy creature; Yawning Yaks, Frog Families, Sleepy Sloths, Humpback Whales, Pygmy Hippos, Furry Friends, Sugar Gliders, and more. Along the way, kids will enjoy calming soundscapes, animal insights, and guided breathing exercises to help unwind and drift into a peaceful sleep.
It’s an imaginative, educational, and family-friendly bedtime adventure to the coziest corners of the animal kingdom. Fraser hosts the voice of Dougie Pickles and interprets Miss Meow Meow for the audience. So, with all our crossover episodes, we’re gonna do a little bit from the script and then we’ll go from there. So, we’re going with…a little bit from Episodes 1, 2, and 3. So, I want you to get ready and find your inner two-to-seven-year-old as you drift off. Well, this will be different 'cause it’s aimed towards you and not a two-to-seven-year-old. But if you know a two-to-seven-year-old, you can recommend Cozy Critters. It’ll start with some soothing and good intro music, but that’s just…right now it’s the creaky, dulcet tones of my voice.
Scoots here pretending he’s Dougie Pickles. Hey, howdy, and hippopotamus high-fives, my sleepy friends. It’s your old pal, Dougie Pickles, and I’m here with my sidekick, the sleepiest cat in all the land, Miss Meow Meow. Meow, meow. How now, Meow? Meow, meow. Well, guess what? I want you to meet an amazing, super cool, and furry animal friend of ours. Meow? Yeah, yeah, no, for sure. Really, yeah. Yeah, I say that again; I’m excited too, Miss Meow Meow. Let’s get our magical traveling balloon ready. I need your help blowing it up, okay? Take a deep breath through your nose and then exhale through your mouth. Oh boy, great breathing, everybody out there, as that balloon is blowing up. Great job. Just one more time, my sleepy friend. Take in a deep breath through your nose and exhale through your mouth.
Oh wow, I can hear that balloon blowing up. Wonderful. Now our magic balloon is blown up, are you ready? Hop in the balloon basket and let’s go. Let’s get some more music and sound effects as we move, since it’s slowly-moving motion. First we rise up high above your bedroom, and then we rise higher, and you could see your whole neighborhood. Higher and higher we go, until you could see the whole city beneath you. Our friend the wind takes over mountains and rivers and curious birds who fly alongside us. I wonder if they think we’re a bird, too. Hi, birds. Don’t mind my cat; she’s friendly. Oh, look, that was…that time just flew right by. That wasn’t even supposed to be a pun, Miss Meow Meow. Meow. How come you’re more amused by Dougie Pickles than my imitation of Dougie Pickles?
Meow. Shouldn’t you have said it like a questioning meow? Like, meow? Like, I don't know? Meow. Okay. Is that…what’s the sound of a cat being nonplussed? It’s a cat that’s not in math class. Miss Meow? No? Okay. Alright, well, I wonder if these birds think we’re birds, too. We’re already…we’re here. We’re at a tropical rainforest in South America, and we’re gonna meet a new friend here. Oh boy, this music is putting my…it’s putting my…I’m gonna put my…if I had a cap to put on, I’d put my imagination cap on. But it turns out, my cap’s already full of imagination. Wow, look at the size of this tree in front of us. It’s going, it’s going, and going, and going. That tree is going, going…it’s not gone, though. It’s going, going up skyward.
I say, holy Cambium, there’s…this makes my pith…I don't know if your pith can swoon, but if my pith could swoon, it would be swooning at this tree. But somewhere in that tree, Miss Meow Meow, is our new friend, a sloth. Can you see the sloth? Now, later, I’ll probably refer to the Phish song The Sloth and try to look up its meaning if I…just in…Miss Meow Meow, my show goes on and on and on, so I get…I’m glad you agreed to appear on it, because for kids, I think this is a better method — and for cats, probably — than hanging out with me. Also, I’m allergic to cats, so it’s great you’re here in my imaginary…what do they call that? Not an imaginary concept. You wish I was imaginary, huh? Well, you dream a little dream, kitty cat.
You could imagine me…probably when you’re at your litter box later, you’ll be imagining me, huh? Yeah. Well, where was I? We were talking about the sloth, and they’re such a beautiful animal. It’s a galactic slice of happiness. He has such a kind smile, tiny, black nose…oh boy, look at that nose. He has a nice nose, sloth. A beautiful nose, if you don’t mind me saying. If you don’t…are you…are sloths comfortable with compliments? Okay. Sloths…by the way, I’m gonna keep complimenting you, 'cause your facial structure makes it looks like you’re always smiling. So, that…I mean, that’s amazing. I wish my…I wish I could…my facial structure always looks like I’m furrowing, but they say it’s not my…that’s my internal structure, my internal makeup, which is, I guess, different than my structure.
Not my internal makeup…I mean, that would be…that’s funny, though, sloth; my internal makeup makes me…creates my external makeup, in a sense. You’re right. It’s not makeup, though. It’s just natural furrows. Believe it or not, I got a furrow within a furrow. Always smiling…your fur like a soft hairbrush…long arms, long legs, and long things on your finger-poos that are super handy for hanging down on those tree branches, eh? Such a cute animal, don’t you think, everybody out there? Holy cow. I mean, I know…I probably should apologize on the show 'cause I think I mentioned sloths before…and wondering about the scent of sloths. But we’re gonna move on right now to…wait a second, what is that?
There’s…not only on your fingertips do you have big things, but there’s a smaller, itsy-bitsy, teeny-weeny slothy-poo thing that’s…oh no, 'cause it’s a baby…oh, there’s a baby sloth in there. You’ve been there…are you a baby sloth cub? Are you a baby sloth cub? You’ve been here all along with your mama sloth? A she-sloth. Does she-sloths sell see-saws by the seashore? See-saws…she saws see-saws…she sauce…sauces…do you sauce sea sauces? I guess that would be a good one. She sauce see sauce…see sloths…sauce…see-saws…saw, sauce, sea-sloths by the sea…sawed…sof…okay, I get…Miss Meow, did you have something…? Meow. Thanks, Miss Meow. That’s right, ‘she-sloth’ would be tough to say three times in a row. We could try it. She-sloth, she-sloth, she-sloth.
Wow, that tongue twister wore me out. How about you, sleepy friends? I mean, the new listeners, particularly. But seriously, sea sloths saw sauce see-saws…saw…we just need…'cause ‘saw’ should be…a see-saw…a she-sloth saw sauced see-saws…saw…I’m…almost got it. Oh boy, though, it makes me want to yawn because I…[yawning]. Miss Meow, what do you think of my yawn? That wasn’t even…that was a real one. Meow…oh wow, so you have sympathetic…I can give you a sympathetic yawn? Meow. Miss Meow, didn’t you say we had…still have much more to explore about the sloth? Did you know sloths only weigh about as much as a small dog? That’s what…being lightweight makes it easy to hang upside-down from trees, which you seem to love to do.
As a matter of fact, they spend almost their entire lives upside-down. Now, you and I have a body temperature of about 98.6 degrees unless we’re…wasn’t there a band, 98 Degrees? Or was it 99 Degrees? 98.6 on your…98.6 The Sloth. You knew it was coming. Any time there’s a decimal in Sleep With Me, it becomes a radio station. K Sloth…98.6 The Sloth. Yacht rock at night, easy listening during the day. It should already be invented somewhere. That’s 98.6 The Sloth. I could do this all day long. Miss Meow is telling me to move on, though. Sloths, on the other hand, have a body temperature between 86 and 93 degrees. That’s some variation. Holy gosh. I wonder if you could use a sweater. I’m just kidding.
Sloths…she’s nice and comfy at that temperature, so comfy and cozy. Her eyes close softly and she takes in a deep breath and exhales. She’s done so, so much today. Maybe she’s dreaming of all the things she did today. I wonder if that includes saucing see-saws…saws by the…it wouldn’t be ‘seashore’ because that doesn't sound like…she-sloth saw see-saws…saws…saws…Sichuan sea shells…saws…saw-saw…something like…is there a place called Saw Saw, does anybody know? But she’s dreaming, that sloth. You know what? When she woke up last night, she had a breakfast of fresh, green shoots and leaves and buds. Meow, meow. Thanks, Miss Meow. I guess 'cause I was embodying Dougie Pickles there; is that why you were nice to me? Meow. Well, you’re absolutely right, Miss Meow Meow.
Sloths are nocturnal, which mean they sleep during the day and are awake at night. The nighttime is when they really go about their life and grab some grub to eat. But our mama sloth friend doesn't chew with teeth like you and me, Miss Meow Meow. That’s because sloths don’t have teeth. No, they don’t. Instead, she uses her strong lips to chew. Wow, this is news to me. Miss Meow Meow, I’m learning something new every paragraph. This is really interesting. Body temperature, lips for chewing…her low metabolic rate means she doesn't have to eat very much at all. To get her energy, her body breaks down food just like you and me, but a sloth’s body works differently. What takes other animals only a few hours to digest can take a sloth days to digest.
To wash down her tasty treats, there was some dew on a nearby leaf, so she slowly, carefully…slowly, so slowly, moved her arm, then her foot, then her other arm, then her other foot. The leaf was so close. She put out her tongue and licked up the dewdrop. I bet that was tasty. You know what? I just realized…I don't think I realized this…sorry, Miss Meow Meow, but not to go off…well, I’ll finish up this sentence and then I’ll come back to my tangent. Rainforest dewdrops…yummy, yummy, yums from the tongue to the tum. [Yawning]…that was my sloth yawn, Miss Meow. But what I was gonna say earlier was there was a episode I did last year where Demi Moore was acting in this movie and she was playing as a musician at a inn called the Dewdrop Inn.
I don’t…I didn’t…I don't think…but I could be wrong…oh, by the way, Miss Meow Meow, I’m wrong about ten times an episode. So, this could be just one of many. But I don't know if the time…I realized that that was a pun, the Dewdrop Inn. Like, do you get it? Do drop in. It was a place where you would drop in. It was like a bar with music and food. Dewdrop Inn, but it was ‘dewdrop’, D-E-W. You would say to me, Miss Meow, don’t drop in? Meow. Thanks, Miss Meow. Well, sloths are very sleepy. In fact, they sleep up to twenty hours a day. Humans, we only need about eight hours of sleep. When they’re awake, sloths move so slowly. The fastest sloth moves a day is forty yards. That’s just 120 feet. That’s not even half a football field. If she was at the end of one field, it would take her two days to score a touchdown.
If you ate ice cream as slow as a sloth moves, it would take you the whole afternoon to finish a bowl, because you’d just take one itty-bitty, teeny-weeny bite at a time and chew a little, and a little more, and a little more. What do you think about that, Miss Meow Meow? That’s quite…I mean, what if you…would you eat all…would you prefer to eat…do you eat slowly or…? Mid; okay. Is that like the kids’ term, ‘mid’, or you mean normal cat speed? That’s…oh, this is an interview podcast. I’m sorry, Miss Meow. Did I try…did I go off topic again? Meow. I was just trying to give you a little…I was hoping to win you over, 'cause we gotta do two…we’re in this…but I think I’m slowly…I’ve already won you over in spite of me, huh? Not to…no, you’re not a Alanis Morissette fan, Miss Meow? Meow. Oh, you are.
Oh, you’re a fan of Alanis Morissette, not…okay. Sloths move so slowly that algae grows on their fur, which helps them to blend in with the trees and the leaves and the moss. When predators come around, a sloth is very hard to find. I thought sloths would be a little stinky. What do you think? Sloths don’t actually have body odor. Oh, that…I was wondering…I didn’t want to go off topic about what I thought because I did a episode once pondering the sweet smells of a sloth. But now I’m learning they don’t have body odor. Take a big breath of our mama sloth friend and our baby. What you smell is just the jungle; leaves, trees, and dirt. Wow. So, it’s like…that’s a refreshing scent. Candle O’Sloth. Is that a candle you could get a candle place? ‘Cause it should be.
Smelling like the rainforest is a great way to hide from forest friends that are looking for us who have a keen sense of smell. I don't know, I mean, I wouldn't mind something…if it’s got a little eucalyptus in there or…I mean, I like the smell of…loamy smells. When it comes to water, they like to piddle and paddle about the local ponds and lakes. Sloths are actually faster in water than they are on land, but sloths spend most of their time up high in the trees. They like it there. They come down once a week for a bathroom break. Once a week? Holy moly. What do you think about that, Miss Meow? Meow. Right? I mean, we can agree on something very impressive. Also, can I…on behalf of anybody walking around in the forest, can I say thanks to the sloths for coming down?
I mean, because…yeah, thanks for coming down to the ground. But when they’re done with their business, they crawl back to the tree, then slowly and gently make their way back up. Did you know a sloth is a mammal just like you and me, Miss Meow — meow — that has hair and…? It’s a little bit different than a bird, which is not a mammal, 'cause it has feathers and lays eggs. A squirrel is a mammal. It’s warm-blooded, it has hair, and it…other…it shares other similarities with mammals. A squirrel and a mammal are sloths just like you and me, Miss Meow and everybody. [Yawning]…looks like the mama sloth and her cub are fast asleep. I’m pretty tired, too. Miss Meow Meow, you look like you’re ready to hit the hay as well. Meow. How about you, my sleepy friend?
Are you ready to head home and dream of that furry loaf of love we call a sloth? Let’s get in the balloon basket and head home. Here we go. Don't worry, we’re gonna go on another adventure, too. But first we’ll head back to Cozy Critter base. 98.6…we’ll tune into 98.6 The Sloth, and listen to some chill-down music as we rise high above the trees where the sloth is sleeping with her club…cub. She calls it a club, the clubhouse. That’s where her and her cubs sleep. We rise higher and higher and even higher until you could see the whole tropical rainforest. Our friend the wind helps take us over mountains and rivers and curious birds who fly alongside us. I wonder if they think we’re a bird, too. Oh look, we’re back home already.
Miss Meow Meow and I had such a wonderful time with all of you. We hope to see you again next time when we visit our friend, the humpback whale, which also is…the mighty humpback whale is also in a Phish song. So, I don't know, this is like…we’re two for two. I think it’s the mighty humpback whale. I hope this is…it’s full of…your dreams are full of comfy sloth mamas and yawning sloth cubs, or…maybe you don’t have to do any tongue twisters like I did. Until next…until just a few minutes away, my sleepy friends, toodle-oo, and cozy critter dreams, too.
But, of course, hey, howdy, and hippopotamus high-fives, because it’s your old pal, Dougie Pickles with your sidekick, the sleepiest animal in the world, Miss Meow Meow. Alright everybody, welcome back to 98.6 The Sloth. This is Scooter being your friend Dougie Pickles and Miss Meow Meow. So, howdy and hippopotamus high-fives. Scoots, Dougie Pickles, and the sleepiest cat in all the land, Miss Meow Meow — meow — today I want you to meet a beautiful, super cool, big animal friend of ours, the mighty humpback whale. That’s from the Phish song, though. I think it’s the mighty humpback whale. That’s interesting. What are the odds of that, Miss Meow Meow — meow — that we do two…the first two episodes of Cozy Critters are like two…? They call the first episode The Sloth.
That’s a Phish song, and then…I don't know what the mighty humpback whale…it’s…can almost get…it’s one…but I’ll figure it out. You know what, though? I love the ocean, Miss Meow Meow. Let’s get our magical traveling balloon ready. I need everybody’s help blowing it up, including yours. Take a deep breath in through your nose and then exhale through your mouth. Wow. Great job, everybody, especially you. Take in another breath through your nose and exhale through your mouth. Excellent work. Now our magical balloon is all inflated. Meow. That’s right, Miss Meow Meow, the color of our balloon today is white, just like a polar bear. Did you know polar bears love digging in a snow to make a little area to nap in? Meow. Naps are my favorite, too, Miss Meow Meow.
Well, my sleepy friend, are you ready to meet a humpback whale? Let’s get in the balloon basket, and here we go. As the sounds of 98.6 The Sloth…I guess in the sloth episode, they would have played yacht rock because it was nocturnal. Now the sounds are coming through the…underwater speakers. Holy moly. We rise high above your bedroom, higher and higher ‘til we could see your whole neighborhood, higher and higher ‘til we could see the whole city beneath you. Our friend the wind helps us take us over mountains and rivers and curious birds who fly alongside us. I wonder if they think we’re a bird. Oh, hey birds, it’s us again. Now, guess where we are today. Listen closely. You hear the caw of a seagull. Oh boy, sounds like a seagull to me, and waves crashing.
Can you hear that, Miss Meow Meow, in your…in the theatre of the mind? Meow. Could it be the ocean? It sure is. We’re flying over the Atlantic Ocean just off the coast of Florida. Everywhere you look, you see blue water. Seagulls are cawing. What do you have to say, Miss Meow? Meow. Wow, that’s…that kinda was like a seagull. Oh wow, look what Miss Meow…oh, you wanted my attention. You spotted something. It looks like the seagulls are flying over a dark spot on the water that’s about the size of a school bus, maybe even a Magic School Bus, Miss Meow? Meow. No, you don’t want to get on the Magic…did you ever get on the Magic School Bus or is that…? That was well…you’re too young for that, huh, Miss Meow. Meow.
Do you know that a group of fish is called a school and a group of birds is called a flock and a group of whales is called a pod? Speaking of whales, those dark spots on the water aren't schools of fish, after all. Those are five humpback whales coming to the surface for a breath of air. You can hear it shooting in the air as they take their breaths. The humpback whale is a big animal. Some can grow up to sixty feet long, and they weigh an amazing forty tons. That’s 80,000 pounds. You know what else weighs 80,000 pounds? Eight delivery trucks or 320,000 bananas. Meow. You’re right, Miss Meow Meow; that is a lot of bananas. Do you know that the humpback whale can be found in all five of the world’s oceans?
From the warm waters of the Indian Ocean to the chilly depths of the Arctic Ocean, the humpback whale glides gently through the water. Its tail moves up and down, up and down, up and down, moving forward in the water. The way its massive tail and fins move, it’s like oh, so-calming wings. Why, it almost looks like it’s flying underwater. More of its breath spraying in the sky…did you hear that? It’s taking another breath through its blow hole. Whales aren't like clownfish or other fishy friends who can breathe underwater with their gills. Instead, whales have a blow hole. It’s on the top of their heads that they breathe through. To breathe, they have to go to the surface of the water, poke their head out, and take a deep breath.
Ah, I’m like a whale breathing out…yeah. Then take another one. Yeah. Then go underwater. That’s whale jazz here on 98.6 The Sloth. Maybe it was a purple humpback whale. I guess I’m…did I…? I guess I think I had the Phish lyric wrong, Miss Meow. Meow. But that’s fine. They don’t spend much time above water, only a few minutes here and there. Sometimes they feel playful and breach. This is where they build up speed underwater and move quickly to the surface, and they leap out of the water into the air. That’s a lot of weight to move, and it makes a super…and it takes a super-strong tail. I was gonna say it makes a super-strong tail. I don't know, are you…? Miss Meow, I know this is probably the wrong time, but are you familiar with Merliah…Barbie: A Mermaid’s Tale 1 or 2?
I don't know, I think you would like those movies, Miss Meow. Meow. By the way, it’s Barbie: A Mermaid’s Tale. If you just look up ‘Mermaid’s Tale’, you may not find it. Unfortunately you have to search with a capital A first. I don't know if it’s a…I think it’s Barbie: A Mermaid’s Tale. So, just in case you’re searching for it, Miss Meow…probably have Dougie Pickles search for it, but even if he’s searching for it…but I know that’s fiction. I’m getting off topic again. But oh boy, you know what’s…time it is? It’s time for dinner, and the humpback whales love eating anchovies, small fish, and krill, which kinda look like teeny, tiny shrimp. There’s a super wheezy, wowza way they catch fish. Meow. Miss Meow Meow, did you say nets? No, they don’t use nets, but that’s a fun guess.
It has something to do with bubbles. Bubbling, bubbling, bubbling…it’s called bubble netting. So, you were partially right, Miss Meow. A few humpback whales get together and dive under a school of fish. They blow air out of their blow holes which makes bubbles, hundreds and hundreds of bubbles. The whales move up towards the fishing, spinning as they go. The fish get wrapped up in the bubbles, and then it’s nom-nom time for the whales. If you look at…inside a humpback whale’s mouth, instead of teeth, you’re gonna find long brushes on their upper jaw. That’s called baleen. A humpback whale eats by opening its mouth real wide and taking in a bunch of water and tasty food, then closing its mouth.
Then it pushes out the water, but the baleen keeps the food inside its mouth, which the whale then swallows. Mm, good. It takes a lot of food to keep a humpback whale happy and healthy. One whale can eat up to 3,000 pounds of food per day. Did you know what else weighs 3,000 pounds? 12,000 cheeseburgers, Miss Meow. Meow. How about eating all of those? That’s making me sleepy. How about you, my sleepy friend? Does that make you sleepy? [Yawning]…it’s making me kinda sleepy, huh, Miss Meow? [Yawning]…meow. Wow, that was the best sympathetic yawn we’ve ever had, Miss Meow. Meow.
Oh yeah, Miss Meow is excited for me to tell you about the humpback whale’s heart, my sleepy friend. I have…you and I, we all have hearts that goes thumpity, thumpity, thump, thump, thump. The whale has one, too, except the whale’s is much, much, much bigger. In fact, your heart’s about the size of your fist, and a whale is about the size of a car. Whales talk to each other in their own language. It’s not words like you and I use. They communicate in two different ways. They can slap the surface of the water or they can make vocal sound…vocal calls which sounds like a song. Yeah, can you hear that sound? Made famous…most famous by Dory. Isn't that lovely? What do you think they’re talking about?
Well, it’s time to tune back in and lower the volume on 98.6 The Sloth, 'cause it looks like some of our humpback whales are getting sleepy. I’m pretty tired, too. Miss Meow Meow looks ready to hit the hay. I think we got one more time for an adventure, though. But first, we’ll rise up high above the Atlantic Ocean where our humpback whale friends live, and then we’ll rise higher and higher ‘til you could see the whole Atlantic Ocean. Our friend the wind takes us over mountains and rivers, and curious birds fly alongside us. Soon we’re back home, back at Cozy Critter base, where we land our balloon. We had a wonderful time with you, and soon we’re gonna visit a pygmy hippopotamus. Until next time, my sleepy friends, toodle-oo, and cozy critters, too.
But we’re here still with another…howdy and hippopotamus high-fives. It’s Scoots as Dougie Pickles and Miss Meow Meow, the sleepiest cat in all the land. Today we’re gonna meet a not-so-big animal friend of ours, the pygmy hippopotamus. It’s smaller than a regular-sized hippo, and today we’re gonna visit one in the jungle. Meow. I love the jungle, too, Miss Meow Meow. Let’s get our magical traveling balloon ready. I need your help blowing it up. Take in a deep breath through your nose and breathe in, and then exhale through your mouth. Oh, wow. Then breathe back in through your nose and out through your mouth, Miss Meow Meow. Great job. The balloon is blowing up. Oh, it’s ready to go. Today, the color of our balloon is green, just like the lush jungle.
Did you know pygmy hippos love the jungle and the water, too? Meow. Well, my sleepy friend, are you ready to meet a pygmy hippo? Let’s get in the magical hot-air balloon. Here we go. As we tune in to 98.6 The Sloth, we listen and the music plays as we rise high above your bedroom, higher and higher ‘til we see your whole neighborhood, higher and higher ‘til we see everything below you; cities, towns. Our friend the wind takes us over mountains and rivers. Curious birds fly beside us, wondering if we’re birds, too. Probably even making comments under their breath about me, huh, Miss Meow? Meow. Oh, Miss Meow, that was the first time I sensed a smile in your meowing. Meow. Telling me that’s good; cat and…cats and birds can come together with their bare tolerance of me.
I can hear birds chirping, water flowing…oh, we’re already here. Birds, rustling leaves…where could we be? Well, it’s the jungle. We’re flying over the jungles of West Africa. Everywhere you look, you see green trees and sparkling rivers. Birds are chirping. Meow. Oh wow, look what Miss Meow Meow spotted; it looks like a little creature waddling by the riverbank. It looks like a hippopotamus, but it’s not big like the regular hippo. Pygmy hippos are much smaller. They’re only about the size of a large dog. The pygmy hippo is the shyer, smaller cousin to the common hippo.
They can grow five feet long and weigh about 600 pounds. That’s about the size of three refrigerators or 1,800 apples. Imagine if we just counted 1,800 apples, Miss Meow. Meow. Well, you want me to do that in my spare time when I’m not recording. Meow. Okay. You’re right, that is a lot of apples. It would take me…I mean, Miss Meow Meow, you’d have to keep track, because I’m not very good at…I would lose track of where I was, probably at like, nineteen. I’d say, what is that, nineteen…? Did I get…? Or, at twenty-nine, I’d be like, forty. Oh no, no, did I do thirties? So, it’d probably take us…so, probably…maybe you should be with me, then. Meow. Never mind?
You’re right. Pygmy hippos live in the forests and swamps of West Africa, and they love to spend their time near water where they can cool off or lay low with other forest friends that might be playing hide-and-seek with them. They’re very, very good swimmers and they can even walk along the bottom of rivers and swamps. They stir up dirt on the river bottom and walk by fish. They keep on swimming and swimming and swimming. Just keep swimming; that’s one thing. Now, you want to know one of my favorite facts about pygmy hippos? Their noses and ears can close to keep water out. Isn't that fandabulous…fandabulously fantastic, Miss Meow?
Meow. I mean, that is cool. If they were in the bathtub, they could be…that’d be fun. Oh, to be able…there’s a lot of games we could play with that, or I could use my imagination. Sealing up Scooter…Scooter’s ready to descend…or after…it’d be great if I could seal my nose, ears, and mouth and eyes after…if you were like, heads up, I’m headed to the kitty litter. I’d be like, Scooter sealing, sealing up…Miss Meow…oh, you…did you just imagine a sloth above me, Miss Meow? Meow. But is that water splashing? Do you hear that? It is our pygmy hippo friend splashing in the water. Pygmy hippos aren't just good swimmers; they’re also great at staying hidden. They like to be alone and they’re very shy, which makes them hard to spot. Sometimes I feel shy, too.
Do you ever feel shy, my sleepy friend? Well, at dinnertime, pygmy hippos munch on leaves and grass and fallen fruit, and they use their teethy-poo to chew, chew, chew their food. Does anybody ever tell you to just chew…slow down and chew your food? Me, too. What about you, Miss Meow? Meow. Yeah. They say it’s a good way to practice mindfulness, but then I’m just like, I’m only mindful 'cause my jaw is so tired. I can't keep chewing. I don't know…if there’s a Dory 4, could she do…like, just keep chewing? She could do a song about that. Or maybe for a dental convention, they could hire me to do that and overpay me a bunch of money. Do you think that’s possible, Miss Meow? Meow. No, neither do I. But I thought I’d give it a chance.
I guess at that one, they just say, just keep brushing, right, or just keep flossing. It’s adaptable. I don't have any of the rights to it, though, so…but the great news from Dougie Pickles is that pygmy hippos also have a splendiferous, special way of keeping their skin from getting too dry. They ooze out a thick, pink liquid that keeps…from their skin that acts as sunscreen. It also keeps them moisturized and cool in the hot, hot sun. Holy adaptation. That is cool, Miss Meow, isn't it? Meow. I mean, I think I have a new animal that I might…if I could…whatever. I’d love to be able to seal my…whatever, my nose and my ears and eyes, not just when you’re using the litter box, but also that…I don't know. I guess it would have to be…I’d have to be fully in control of the oozing. You know, Miss Meow? Meow. But it sounds like oozing sunscreen and moisturizer…think of the savings.
It would just be like…what if it was like…if it happened at…if you could prevent it from happening on first dates, second dates, twentieth dates, presentations, anytime I’m handling anything, 'cause I wouldn’t be able to…I can't open this jar; I’m oozing right now. Miss Meow Meow, are you smiling at that idea? Meow. What if I had…what if I need…what if I couldn't use a can-opener? Meow. Right. So…but it’s just my…just an…it’s just using my imagination. So, that’s a cool thing, though, right, Miss Meow Meow? Now, let’s talk about pygmy hippo families. You see, pygmy hippos are usually alone, but sometimes you can find a mother with her baby, which is called a calf. The mother hippo takes very good care of her calf, teaching it how to find food and stay safe in the jungle.
Did you know that pygmy hippos have a super-dupity sense of hearing and smell? Even though they might not have the best eyesight, their other senses help them find their way in the jungle. Yes, Meow Meow, they are quite clever creatures, critters…cozy critters, too. Pygmy hippos are most active at night, which means they’re nocturnal, too. So, they’d be listening to the yacht rock on 98.6 The Sloth. That’s 'cause when the hot, hot sun goes down for the day, they can spend their nights foraging for food and exploring their territories. During the day, they rest, often hiding in dense vegetation to stay cool and comfortable. You could hear those nighttime sounds of them wandering in the jungle.
Now, did you know there’s a scientific name for the pygmy hippo that Scooter will never be successful at…? He’ll try, though. Choerpis…choeropis…choeropis liberiesness…eseness. That’s a hippo-sized mouthful, huh, Miss Meow? You’re not impressed. Meow. Well, yeah. I mean, that’s just my limitations. I’m pretty…I’m good at tangents, but not words. Pygmy hippos may be small compared to full-sized hippos, but they have big personalities and play a crucial role in their ecosystem. By munching on plants and spreading seeds through their dung, they maintain the health and diversity of their jungle home. But it looks like our hippo friend is getting sleepy, and I’m pretty tired, too. Miss Meow Meow looks ready to hit the hay. How about you, my sleepy friend? Miss Meow? Meow.
You ready to head home and dream of that shy, small, wonderful critter they call…we call the pygmy hippo? Let’s get in our balloon basket and head home and listen to some 98.6 The Sloth. First we rise up above the jungle where our pygmy hippo friends live, and then we rise higher and even higher ‘til you could see the whole jungle. Our friend the wind takes us over mountains and rivers, and curious birds fly alongside us, wondering if we’re a bird, too. While we travel home, I’m gonna read you a song that you could listen to on the original Cozy Critters as a song about pygmy hippos. It goes like this; pygmy hippos, they’re thick and short and stout. Pygmy hippos have a cute, little, rounded snout. That’s their nose.
They live on land but take a dip in the water when the sun gets hot so they don’t get hotter. They’re herbivores, which means they snack on tasty greens and fruits and yummy grasses, too. Pygmy hippos; they’re thick and short and stout. Pygmy hippos; they have a little, cute, rounded snout. [Yawning]…well, goodnight, everybody. Me, Scoots as Dougie Pickles and Miss Meow Meow, have had a wonderful time with you. Hope you’ll check out the first three episodes of Cozy Critters as well as Episode 4, which is on the fennec fox. So, until next time, my sleepy friend, toodle-oo, and Cozy Critter dreams, too. From your friend Scoots and your friend Dougie Pickles, Miss Meow, and everybody at Cozy Critters, goodnight.
(Transcription performed by LeahTranscribes)
Cozy Critters Podcast
Humpback Whale
Pygmy Hippopotamus
I’m here with some coziness
Slowly developed rapport
A crossover with Cozy Critters
Deep Dark Night United
Cozy Critters podcast; Sleep With Me Plus; SleepPhones; Rusty Biscuit Links; Emily Tat Artwork; NAPAWF; Anti-Racism Resources; Ukraine Relief; Crisis Textline
Carvana; Helix Sleep; Zocdoc; Progressive; Lumen
I share all these things so you feel welcome
A strange, indirect digital connection
Someone out there is holding a positive place for you
Shrug your shoulders and say welcome
This has been the year that I’ve had to use every tool in the toolbox
I’m here to keep you company
No pressure to fall asleep
Best Bore Friend 4 Eva
It’s an interesting job, I’ll admit it
I will not leave any digital crumbs
A ton of work goes into this podcast
The longe, meandering intro
Hanging while we drift off to sleep
Together Alone, Alone Together
Cozy Critters Podcast Crossover
This was a short intro but that’s ok
Crossover with Cozy Critters
Shoutout to my friend Doug
An enchanting wind down experience for kids aged 2-7
Introducing us to sleepy creatures
Soundscapes and guided breathing exercises
The coziest corners of the Animal Kingdom
Dougie Pickles and Miss Meow Meow
A little from eps 1, 2, and 3
Find your inner 2-7 year old
Starting with soothing, good intro music
The sleepiest cat in all the land
How Now, Meow?
Blow up this balloon with slow, steady breaths
Do these birds think we’re also birds?
Wow, that time flew right by
What’s the sound of a nonplussed cat?
Tropical rainforest in South America
My cap is already full of imagination
This tree just keeps going
If my pith could swoon…
Our new friend, the sloth
A galactic slice of happiness
Oh boy, look at that nose
Are sloths comfortable with compliments?
You look like you’re always smiling
I look like I’m always furrowing
It’s not makeup, it’s just natural furrows
Fur like a soft hairbrush
Oh, hello baby sloth cub!
A She Sloth Tongue Twister
She Saws She Sauces
Anything to say, Miss Meow
Did that tongue twister wear anyone else out?
They spend almost their entire lives upside down
98.6 The Sloth
KSLTH, Yacht Roch at Night, Easy Listening During the Day
Sloths’ body temp is between 86 and 93 degrees
She’s so cozy, just slowly exhaling
Is there a location called Saza?
A breakfast of fresh green chutes, leaves, and buds
Sloths use their lips, not their teeth, to chew
Low metabolic rate means she doesn’t have to eat much at all
It can take her days to digest food
She slowly drinks dew to wash it down
That was my sloth yawn
Memories of Demi Moore playing music at the Dewdrop Inn
They sleep 20 hours a day!
She moves only 50 yards a day
Miss Meow, you’re a fan of Alanis Morissette? Cool
Moss grows on sloths, which helps them blend in
Sloths don’t have body odor
I like loamy smells
They’re faster on water than on land
They take a bathroom break once a week!
Let’s head home in our balloon basket
Back to Cozy Critter Base, listening to 98.6 The Sloth
Next time, we’ll visit the Mighty Humpback Whale
That’s another Phish song, that’s 2 for 2
The sleepiest animal in the world
Welcome back!
Let’s meet the humpback whale
Let’s blow up that balloon again with some deep breaths
Rising up until we can see the whole city beneath us
Hey birds, it’s us again
Flying over the Atlantic Ocean, just off the coast of Florida
What’s that dark spot in the water?
A group of whales is called a pod!
It’s 5 whales getting a breath of air
60 feet long and 40 tons!
It’s taking another breath through its blowhole
Whales can’t breathe underwater
Let’s breathe like the whales
Whale Jazz, here on 98.6 The Sloth
I think I got that Phish lyric wrong
Sometimes they’ll feel playful and breach
Are you familiar with Merliah Sanders, Miss Meow?
They have long brushes on their upper jaw
That’s called baleine
One whale can eat 3,000 pounds of food in a day!
That’s 12,000 cheeseburgers!
The best sympathetic yawn we’ve ever had
The heart of the humpback whale
A whale’s heart is as big as a car!
They can slap the surface of the water or make vocal calls
Let’s head back but do one more adventure soon
Visiting a pygmy hippo next
Visiting one in the jungle
Let’s blow up this balloon
We’re already here
Flying over the jungles of West Africa
A little creature waddling by the riverbank
About the size of a large dog
They can weigh 600 pounds
They can close their nose and ears to keep water out!
They like to be alone and are very shy
Do you ever feel shy, my sleepy friend?
They chew their food a lot
They ooze out a thick pink liquid on their skin that acts like sunscreen and keeps them cool!
Holy Adaptation!
I wish I could be more hippo-like
Fully Controlled Oozing
The mother takes care of the calf
A super dupity sense of self
Quite Clever Critters
They’re nocturnal
Pygmy Hippos play an important role in the ecosystem
I’m getting sleepy, let’s head home
We’re rising so high in our balloon
Back to our home
A sleepy song about pygmy hippos
Goodnight, everybody
Episode: 1292
Title: Cozy Critters Crossover
Deep Dark Night United: n/a
Plugs: Cozy Critters podcast; Sleep With Me Plus; SleepPhones; Rusty Biscuit Links; Emily Tat Artwork; NAPAWF; Anti-Racism Resources; Ukraine Relief; Crisis Textline
Sponsors: Carvana; Helix Sleep; Zocdoc; Progressive; Lumen
SWM+ Thanks: n/a
Notable Language:
- C-O-Z-Y C-R-I-T-T-E-R-S
- Slowly developed rapport
- Rapport / Repour
- Best Bore Friend 4 Eva
- Together Alone, Alone Together
- Dougie Pickles and Miss Meow Meow
- How Now, Meow?
- Nonplussed Cat
- If my pith could swoon…
- She Saws She Sauces
- Sloth Yawn
- Dewdrop Inn
- Loamy Smells
- Baleine
- Holy Adaptation
- Fully Controlled Oozing
Notable Culture:
- Cozy Critters Podcast
- Phish
- 98.6 The Sloth
- KSLTH, Yacht Roch at Night, Easy Listening During the Day
- Demi Moore
- Florida
- Atlantic Ocean
- The Magic School Bus
- Barbie: A Mermaid’s Tale
- Finding Nemo
Notable Talking Points:
- I share all these things so you feel welcome
- A strange, indirect digital connection
- Someone out there is holding a positive place for you
- Shrug your shoulders and say welcome
- This has been the year that I’ve had to use every tool in the toolbox
- I’m here to keep you company
- No pressure to fall asleep
- Best Bore Friend 4 Eva
- It’s an interesting job, I’ll admit it
- I will not leave any digital crumbs
- A ton of work goes into this podcast
- The longe, meandering intro
- Hanging while we drift off to sleep
- Together Alone, Alone Together
- Cozy Critters Podcast Crossover
- This was a short intro but that’s ok
- Crossover with Cozy Critters
- Shoutout to my friend Doug
- An enchanting wind down experience for kids aged 2-7
- Introducing us to sleepy creatures
- Soundscapes and guided breathing exercises
- The coziest corners of the Animal Kingdom
- Dougie Pickles and Miss Meow Meow
- A little from eps 1, 2, and 3
- Find your inner 2-7 year old
- Starting with soothing, good intro music
- The sleepiest cat in all the land
- How Now, Meow?
- Blow up this balloon with slow, steady breaths
- Do these birds think we’re also birds?
- Wow, that time flew right by
- What’s the sound of a nonplussed cat?
- Tropical rainforest in South America
- My cap is already full of imagination
- This tree just keeps going
- If my pith could swoon…
- Our new friend, the sloth
- A galactic slice of happiness
- Oh boy, look at that nose
- Are sloths comfortable with compliments?
- You look like you’re always smiling
- I look like I’m always furrowing
- It’s not makeup, it’s just natural furrows
- Fur like a soft hairbrush
- Oh, hello baby sloth cub!
- A She Sloth Tongue Twister
- She Saws She Sauces
- Anything to say, Miss Meow
- Did that tongue twister wear anyone else out?
- They spend almost their entire lives upside down
- 98.6 The Sloth
- KSLTH, Yacht Roch at Night, Easy Listening During the Day
- Sloths’ body temp is between 86 and 93 degrees
- She’s so cozy, just slowly exhaling
- Is there a location called Saza?
- A breakfast of fresh green chutes, leaves, and buds
- Sloths use their lips, not their teeth, to chew
- Low metabolic rate means she doesn’t have to eat much at all
- It can take her days to digest food
- She slowly drinks dew to wash it down
- That was my sloth yawn
- Memories of Demi Moore playing music at the Dewdrop Inn
- They sleep 20 hours a day!
- She moves only 50 yards a day
- Miss Meow, you’re a fan of Alanis Morissette? Cool
- Moss grows on sloths, which helps them blend in
- Sloths don’t have body odor
- I like loamy smells
- They’re faster on water than on land
- They take a bathroom break once a week!
- Let’s head home in our balloon basket
- Back to Cozy Critter Base, listening to 98.6 The Sloth
- Next time, we’ll visit the Mighty Humpback Whale
- That’s another Phish song, that’s 2 for 2
- The sleepiest animal in the world
- Welcome back!
- Let’s meet the humpback whale
- Let’s blow up that balloon again with some deep breaths
- Rising up until we can see the whole city beneath us
- Hey birds, it’s us again
- Flying over the Atlantic Ocean, just off the coast of Florida
- What’s that dark spot in the water?
- A group of whales is called a pod!
- It’s 5 whales getting a breath of air
- 60 feet long and 40 tons!
- It’s taking another breath through its blowhole
- Whales can’t breathe underwater
- Let’s breathe like the whales
- Whale Jazz, here on 98.6 The Sloth
- I think I got that Phish lyric wrong
- Sometimes they’ll feel playful and breach
- Are you familiar with Merliah Sanders, Miss Meow?
- They have long brushes on their upper jaw
- That’s called baleine
- One whale can eat 3,000 pounds of food in a day!
- That’s 12,000 cheeseburgers!
- The best sympathetic yawn we’ve ever had
- The heart of the humpback whale
- A whale’s heart is as big as a car!
- They can slap the surface of the water or make vocal calls
- Let’s head back but do one more adventure soon
- Visiting a pygmy hippo next
- Visiting one in the jungle
- Let’s blow up this balloon
- We’re already here
- Flying over the jungles of West Africa
- A little creature waddling by the riverbank
- About the size of a large dog
- They can weigh 600 pounds
- They can close their nose and ears to keep water out!
- They like to be alone and are very shy
- Do you ever feel shy, my sleepy friend?
- They chew their food a lot
- They ooze out a thick pink liquid on their skin that acts like sunscreen and keeps them cool!
- Holy Adaptation!
- I wish I could be more hippo-like
- Fully Controlled Oozing
- The mother takes care of the calf
- A super dupity sense of self
- Quite Clever Critters
- They’re nocturnal
- Pygmy Hippos play an important role in the ecosystem
- I’m getting sleepy, let’s head home
- We’re rising so high in our balloon
- Back to our home
- A sleepy song about pygmy hippos
- Goodnight, everybody