1229 – New Robot Friends | Journey Into The World of Friends Ep 12
Number Five will strive to help Mary Bearbot and the rest of our friends get ready to make sure all will be well in the world for friends.
Episode 1229 – New Robot Friends | Journey Into The World of Friends Ep 12
SCOOTER: Friends beyond the binary, ladies and gentlemen, boys and girls, friends everywhere, whether your friends…I’m not…I can be a friend, but I’m not normally super-friendly. If you have anyone super-friendly living within you, that’s great. I’d like to learn more. There’s gotta have been a hero called Super Friendly. Here’s the thing…here’s another chance for time travel…Pointless Time Travel, another edition when I’m supposed to be setting up a sleep podcast. I think I’ve talked about this in other intros; there used to be a restaurant similar to a diner and an ice cream parlor called Friendly’s. There still are a few left in the United States, but here’s the thing; go back in time, Friendly’s…maybe it could have gone a little smoother if you had…I mean, not animatronics, but you could. That’d be fun.
You’d have me thinking about you, at least, more. But you could have at least a mascot; Super Friendly. Come on down to Friendly…it could be an ice cream cone or a sundae, though that might be strange 'cause then you say…I mean, I don't know, they had Shamrock Shakes and stuff at the other place. Super Friendly…this podcast really is…the heart of the show is being super-friendly even though I have trouble with friendliness, 'cause I’m really here to be your friend in the deep, dark night and keep you company. Welcome, if you’re new. This show does take some getting used to, clearly, and I’m sure it’s a bit different than what you expected.
But here’s what I’m here to do; take your mind off of stuff and keep you company while you fall asleep. So, just give this show a few tries. See how it goes. If you already loathe the show, sleepwithmepodcast.com/nothankyou has other sleep podcasts and sleepy stuff on there. But just see how it goes. I’m just here to help. I’m just here to be a mild distraction in the deep, dark night, kinda like watching TV, where you say, what’s the most…what’s a channel that’s super-boring but not too boring? That’s what I’d like to put…I’d like to listen to that in the other…like, have it on in the other room. That’s what Sleep With Me is. So, I’m glad you’re here.
Structurally what we got coming up…the majority of people listen to this show, the ad-supported show, linearly, so that’s what we structure the show around, but you could adjust. I’ll explain that later in the intro. We got support so the show could be free, paying for it’s optional, then there’s a long, meandering intro which is meant to ease you into bedtime or help you get ready for bed, to take your mind off of stuff, to kinda set the mood. Later on will be our bedtime story. It’ll be about…Journey Into the World of Friends. I mean, that’s…what could be more sleepy than that? So, that’s the show. I’m really glad you came by to check it out, and let’s see how it goes. Thanks for making the show possible, my bore-friends.
INTRO: [INTRO MUSIC] Hey, are you up all night tossing, turning, mind racing? Trouble getting to sleep? Trouble staying asleep? Well, welcome. This is Sleep With Me, the podcast that puts you to sleep. We do it with a bedtime story. Alls you need to do is get in bed, turn out the lights, and press Play. I’m gonna do the rest. What I’m going to attempt to do is create a safe place where you could set aside whatever’s keeping you awake, whether it’s thoughts, things you’re thinking about, thoughts about the past, the present, the future, so thinking thoughts, thoughts, they could be feelings, anything emotionally coming up for you, feelings that are there, physical sensations, changes in time, temperature, routine, travel, you could be going somewhere, you could be going through something.
Maybe you work a different shift so your sleep schedule’s different than most people. Maybe you got something coming up, maybe you’re traveling, maybe you have guests, whatever it is. The only reason I list all that stuff or go through it is so you know that you’re not alone in dealing with that. You know this is a place where you say, this is okay. You really are welcome here, and I want you to feel seen and welcomed in. I realize it’s in a strange, digital way. Or maybe not strange, but a digital way that doesn’t totally make any sense. I mean, that’s the whole thing about the show anyway. I wouldn’t say ‘shtick’, but it really is this digital genuineness and based in — I just want to say this, too — imperfection and being lost. So, I’m coming from the same level you are, a little bit in the fog.
That’s only to point out at bedtime, I might not know exactly what’s keeping you up or what you’re struggling with or what you’re dealing with or what you’re going through or what’s in your path, but I may be able to relate to some of the feelings, and even if I can't relate to how it feels, I know there’s someone listening right now at this moment who can, who is leaning in right now, and they know how you feel. They’ve been there. There’s enough people listening that that is true, and that they are saying just like I’m gonna say right now, yeah, you really deserve a good night’s sleep. That really is tough, and I know how it feels. It might not be me saying that; it might be somebody else saying that.
But I have a general idea of how it feels — not great. Or you could be…it could be your birthday tomorrow and you can't sleep 'cause of that or something. That’s cool, too. I’ve been there. Maybe not on my birthday, but other times. So, that’s one of the most important things about the show, is just to let you know this show is here so that you don’t feel as alone in the deep, dark night. You got other people there who are rooting for you, who are saying, hey, that’s tough. That’s the continuation of that point, is that you deserve a good night’s sleep. You deserve a bedtime you don’t have to dread, you could look forward to, or feel neutral about. I really hope I can provide that for you, that I could be here and take your mind off of stuff and keep you company.
Yeah, so you get the rest you need so your life is more manageable, and then maybe eventually you start getting the rest you need on a regular basis, you get a good bedtime routine going, and you’re out there flourishing. That means our world is a better place to be in, and that is important to me, that your world is better, because the world needs you out there in small ways, in medium way…whatever way you want to be out there, the world could use you, your world, 'cause we all are in this together. So, those are the most important things to do. What I’ll do here is I’ll send my voice across the deep, dark night. I’m gonna use lulling, soothing, creaky, dulcet tones, pointless meanders, and superfluous tangents, which means I’ll go off-topic, I’ll get mixed up, I’ll forget what I was talking about, then I’ll kinda go back.
I’ll say, wait a second, what was I talking about? I don't even remember. Then I’ll say, well, that reminds me of this. There’s plenty of pregnant pauses and filler words because I’m not the kind of person that gets straight to the point, and that’s what works about this show, is that I’m here to meander you into bedtime like a Sunday drive. So, this isn’t so much a podcast you listen to but that you kinda barely hear, just like if you’re on a Sunday…Sunday drive used to be a thing. I don't know if it always happened on Sundays. Also, if you were a kid, you didn’t…here’s the thing; I don't know…talk about something that actually is bathed in nostalgia; Sunday drives. Here’s the positive things of drives with my family that I do remember in a positive way; maybe something was on the radio.
It could have been…it would usually have been an NPR station, so it could have been Prairie Home Companion, maybe a rerun of Fresh Air, sometimes it’d be other shows. Later in life it’d be Barbara Budd As It Happens. But so, there was a audio aspect to it for me, and then there was this aspect of not totally being…to being a little bit tuned out. Maybe I’m looking out the window. Maybe I’m barely paying attention to what’s happening and I’m kinda moving…I don't know, but that wasn’t always the case. That’s just kinda…so, that’s my bathed-in-nostalgia Sunday drive. You’re kinda looking out the window…I think another benefit is that there’s no exact destination in mind. I mean, Sunday drives really are full of pointless meanders. I got big into doing those not on Sundays but on vacations with my mom and my daughter.
I say, okay…and my mom’s…just turn here and we’ll see where we go. So, I don't know. What was my point in there? Oh, this is a podcast you just barely listen to. I think that’s kind of a long-winded but apt metaphor. It’s like a TV on in the other room or a friend talking to you, but they don’t expect you to listen 'cause they’re here to just keep you company and take your mind off of stuff. I’m not even here to put you to sleep. There’s a reason the shows are over an hour. There’s no pressure at all to fall asleep with this podcast. I’m here to keep you company first, to take your mind off of stuff first, to be your friend, your bore-friend, your bore-bae, your bore-sib, your bore-bud, your bore-bestie, your neigh-bore, your bores, your Borbie, your bore-bruh, your bore-cuz, your bore-sib, whatever it is.
I’m here to keep you company and just…in case you can't sleep at all or you’re having a stressful day or you’re listening and you’re sound asleep. I’m here to keep you company either way. But I’ll be here to the very end, so you don’t gotta worry about falling asleep. I’ll be here to keep you company to the very end. It’s something I learned very early on in this podcast that’s one of my more important jobs. I’m just here to be here keeping you company. You, that’s right. Yeah, I’m here for you in this way. This is the only way I know how to do it. So, you don’t really listen to the show, it doesn’t put you to sleep…what else? Oh, most people don’t like it when they get here. They may be skeptical or doubtful. It takes two or three tries to get used to the show for most people because it doesn’t meet many expectations.
It’s different, and most of the time…I don't know, there’s something participatory about sleep stuff, or — that’s why I started making Sleep With Me — or that’s expectation-laden, just for me. Talk about…I project things onto sleep audio when I was…for most of my life until I started making this show. But yeah, just see how it goes. That’s what…I’m not exaggerating; probably over a million people have said that. Like, at first I couldn’t stand the show. There is probably at least a hundred people that support the podcast financially that have said to me over the years, I listened to the podcast four years ago and it was the worst thing I ever heard in my life and I did not like you.
Then I realized I only listened once, and four years later I was…I had this thing come up or here’s the journey I’m on in my life, and I checked it out again and I realized, oh…on the second or third try, after the first try years and years ago…oh, okay, this is what I was looking for. It just wasn’t something that you can find most places 'cause it’s…I didn’t realize I was looking for it 'cause it’s…it’s hard to explain. So, alls I say is see how it goes. If it doesn’t work for you, it doesn’t work for you, and that’s why I have sleepwithmepodcast.com/nothankyou up. But don’t leave too early, either. Just see what happens, 'cause the very worst thing is like, I could barely entertain you and you could hear some of my barely-humorous quibbles or whatever. Then you’ll hear part of a story about friends going on a journey into the World of Friends.
Okay, so, what else? The structure of the show really throws people off, and I guess I understand it. One, if you got here new, you have expectations and the idea that Sleep With Me feels like a service, an individual service, and that’s kinda the style and the intent of the show. But we…realistically, that has its limitations. So, we put the show out and we’ve designed the structure with that in mind, that it kind of is used as a personal service and how we’ve learned on feedback over…to benefit over the years…I’ll kinda explain the structure and how you could alter it. But it’s just not infinitely alterable. We gotta keep make…these shows gotta be sustainable.
So, the show starts off with a greeting; friends beyond the binary, ladies and gentlemen, boys and girls, then I say something quippy, maybe, and that’s so you feel seen and welcomed in. You say, oh, I might check this show out. Or if you’re a regular listener, you say, oh, there goes Scoots again with a quip attempt. It’s more like a pique or whatever ‘quip’ is backwards; a qiup. So, that part…just…you say, okay, I’ll take a look over here. Then there’s support because most people enjoy the ad-supported version of the show and they enjoy listening to it linearly, 'cause that way you don’t have to pay for the podcast, right? So, there’s the support, but then there’s the intro after the support which is separate from the support.
The intro is meant to ease you into bedtime, not put you to sleep, and I realize there is a percentage of people that fall asleep during the intro and there’s a percentage of people that say, oh yeah, I’m gonna fall asleep, so I’m gonna skip ahead to start the show at twenty or thirty minutes. But for most people, the intro serves as a wind down, and that’s just what I’ve learned works, not just for me personally but what a lot of the sleep stuff out there says; hey, have a wind-down routine. Why not have a strange little podcast intro as part of your wind-down routine? Whether you’re getting ready for bed, you’re doing some chill activity, you’re foam-rolling, you’re stretching, you’re drawing, you’re doing some sort of yarn or thread-based activity, you’re looking out the window, you’re petting your pets, whatever it is as you wind down.
Or you could be in bed getting comfortable, getting ready to drift off. But the intro is a slow…a buffer period, I’d say. Then there’s support and then it’ll be our bedtime story. Now, if you prefer a ad-free version of the show 'cause you listen all night or you just don’t like the ads, you could get it at sleepwithmepodcast.com/plus. Or if you say, well, I can't afford to support the show directly for ad-free, you can sign up for our referral program; sleepwithmepodcast.com/refer. So, you do have options. But this is just what works for most people, and again, you could listen to story…there’s a lot of ways to alter the podcast. But I’m just here doing the best we…of what we’ve learned over the past ten years of the way…what works for most people and how to adjust it.
So, yeah, you could start the show at twenty minutes, at thirty minutes, you could download the podcast and take out the ads or something if you want, but just see how it goes at first if you’re new. Because I have that same part of me that’s like, wow, I don't like this…whatever, this structure part. Maybe that part of you is just trying to keep you up, you know? That’s been the case in my life. So, just see how it goes. But that’s why we structure the show the way we structure it. It ends with some thank-yous and goodnights. I think that’s it. I’m really glad you’re here.
I really hope this podcast can help and become part of your routine, 'cause again, that’s just what’s worked for me and for a lot of listeners. I just got back into foam-rolling. I’m not kidding; I’m like, is that one of the things that…why I haven’t been sleeping great? I get back into foam-rolling as part of my bedtime routine? We’ll see. So, I’m always trying, too. So, I’m really glad you’re here. I work really hard. So do a team of people 'cause we yearn and strive and we really hope we can help you fall asleep. Thanks again for coming by, and here’s a couple of ways we’re able to do it for you for free twice a week.
Alright everybody, this is Scoots. Welcome to Journey Into the World of Friends, our ongoing episodically modular series. I believe this is Episode 12. We did have also a bonus episode, but that makes it Episode 12, and then we’ll have Episode 14. Very convenient, right? Maybe. I don't know if we’ll have…I don't know about the next episode, but I’m always trying to figure my way around these things, you know? Steer clear of those numbers. But so, if you’re new, don't worry; the reason…when I say episodically modular, it means you can listen to it in any order.
Even if this is your first episode, it’ll be like there’s eleven prequels plus a holiday prequel or jump-back episodes, and then…now I’m distracted 'cause my brain’s thinking of…it’s interrupting me with a metaphor about what I’m saying, so I’ll go on…I’ll get…but so, you could listen to these in any order. You could listen to this one first and then…'cause the characters will catch you up on what’s happening. My brain said, just like the books we’re reading, because I’m reading a book by Stephen King, just to keep it sleepy. His book is called The Obscured Tower With Not A Lot of Light. Some people would consider it a series of books, but when you read from Stephen’s perspective, it’s one story or one book. Book 4, which is maybe my…thus far my favorite, is…is it Book 4? My brain’s like, I think it was Book 3, dude.
No, I think it’s Book 4. 5, 6, 7, right, are next. But Book 4 is mostly…‘prequel’ is not the right thing 'cause I think that’s…but it’s, whatever…previously in the life of Roland…it doesn’t start like that, but it could. That sounds like our…the beginning of a TV show, Lost. Was that Titus Welliver that would say that? Previously in the Life of Roland…but it’s a great story. But my example thinking was like, you could read…I was out to dinner with somebody and I said, have you read those books? They said, I dunno, I think I remember…I said, you could read the fourth one, I think, and then read the other ones. That’s not a suggestion, but just a possibility. But I was also so…I was in the throes of a book love affair, 'cause I was almost done with it when I was out to dinner 'cause this was last week. I actually finished the book last night.
I said, you gotta read this, man. So, anyway, you can listen to these episodes in any order, if you’re new. This is one TM…where you say, that was the most boring TMI I’ve ever heard in my life. You just TMI’d me with…and I’d say, right, it’s a sleep podcast. Finally I got TMI right. TMT; too many tangents. Can't have that with Sleep With Me. I mean, you can because I gotta get back to the story. Also, was I buying time for our Hollywood announcer or was I using the time of our Hollywood announcer? He would shrug and smile because he is so gracious. Those kind of words…time has no meaning 'cause time slows down when he’s here. It’s our Hollywood announcer, Mr. Antonio Banderas.
The friends beyond the binary, the ladies, the gentlemen, the boys and girls, it’s time to journey into the World of Friends, yeah. Yippee-ay. Time with you is time well spent. Wow, thanks, Antonio. Nothing could be truer except for a little addendum, which is if you can be still for the next hour and ten minutes, then it’ll be time well spent. Otherwise it’ll be a hour and forty minutes interspersed by me sighing and using strong language when I hear your steely jaw creak. Not that your jaw is creaking. I think the Earth is…the Earth shifts…when they say the Earth moves under your feet…there may be a planetary…can a planet have a somatic response? I mean, I know a Krakoa could have, but is…am I pronouncing that right?
Or am I mixing up ‘araco’ and ‘Krakoa’? He doesn’t even know what I’m talking about, but…more…a obscure reference within a obscure reference. But if the planet…maybe there’s a planet on Starfield that has the somatic planet. If you landed on that planet…I mean, it wouldn’t be…somatic responses can be positive, right? The Earth is more shifting in pleasure, but it’s not good…the thing is, that’s fine outside of recording a sleep podcast, but I can't have planetary pleasure…pleasurable planetary shifts that are some sort of planetary somatic response to your jaw or your eyes or your presence while I’m recording. So, if you could just keep your graciousness under control, then it will be time well spent.
Otherwise it’ll be…I mean, for you, the planet, everybody else in existence, sure, time well spent. But for me, it’ll get my gravy, as they…I don't like if anybody says it. Do they say ‘get my gravy’? Oh, he just said…can you say that on…you want me to go get you some gravy? No, that was me pretending to be Antonio 'cause he’s already lying down. He has a full…so, we had to get rid of the Tyvek suit because it made too much noise. So, he is in this…I got this extra-large onesie for him to put on over his clothes, which…and don't worry…well, I don't have any open…he doesn’t seem to mind. Then I say, okay, don’t move. Just don’t move.
That’s how much Mr. Antonio Banderas loves you, listeners, and putting you to sleep. He’s even smiling while he’s doing it. It’s cute. I mean, I can’t…because of privacy concerns and our contractual obligations and imagination stuff. It’s very cute, though. He’s lying on a bed with his hands on his belly, clasped. Looks very relaxed. I could not be relaxed in that state, but I…of course my…I expect him to be, 'cause that’s just how I roll. So, anyway, welcome to…talk about Journey Into the World of Friends. We’ve journeyed somewhere else. But he shows friendship, planetary and otherwise. It is time well spent with friends here on Journey Into the World of Friends.
Okay, so, what just happened? I’m kind of…I know we rested. This is Watta speaking. I think we just gotta figure out…can we just go over everything and then figure out what we’re gonna do? Oh, I should go over everything. Okay. So, this is Emwatta, the wizard of our party. Man, I guess I’m feeling weary. Why am I weary? Well, I’m a member of a party of adventurers. I’m here with Zell, a working-class warrior, Emwatta…I’m a wizard. We have our Florencian nurse, Eleanor, we have Lord von Chill, hardy…Your Gracing…he’s the lord that leaps. Not very high, but he could leap if he needed…he’ll leap into action. He leaps with his mouth and he doesn’t look; Lord von Chill. I’m just kidding, Lord von Chill.
Of course, fleet of foot, nimble of finger, dexterity is her thing…locks don’t stand a chance and neither do surprises at the hands of Grenada of Darmok. We’re here in the Holiday Hut or the Holiday Lodge, and we just witnessed…oh, yeah, back up. Thank you, Lord von Chill. That was useful, actually. You’re right. Okay, we started this adventure in another world, our world, but somehow we’ve entered the world of the game we were designing, or the campaign we were designing, in the world of the before the before-time, in our world. So, is that time travel? I don't know if we’re in…anyway, I don't know, so maybe I shouldn’t go talk about stuff I don't understand.
But basically, I was with a group of friends and we had decided to rekindle our friendship over a game that would have had a DM, but we didn’t have a DM because some people don’t like to just be DM and try to play the campaign or always be DM and always be expected to prepare for something. Didn’t realize this was deep inside me, speaking on behalf of DMs or person…game administrator, we’ll say. So, we didn’t have a DM. We just had five party members, which in the past, we only had four party members. Now we have five, which is great. Really, I’m not being…I’m glad you’re here, Grenada. So, we decided in the absence of a DM to design our own campaign into the Land of Leisure, which in the before the before-time was a theme park, right? Oh wait, are we three befores? Then the after-time.
Anyway, once upon a time it was a theme park called the Land of Leisure in the state of Florida, which is the state of the sun. Then after the first before-time, I think, then the theme park closed down because of stuff going on, and was forgotten about. So, after it was forgotten about for a while is when our adventure takes place. We had already gone on an adventure into the World of…Journey Into the Land of Tomorrow, which was a campaign we played but we didn’t design. So, we decided we would create a campaign based on some brainstorming. No bad ideas. We would go into an attraction called Journey Into the World of Friends. We started out like most adventurers do, in a town-esque…where we gathered rumors and motivations and supplies.
Then we stood at the threshold and there was actually guardians of the threshold. I didn’t even think about that…unintentionally. Then we entered the attraction in the adventure, and at some point…things have been fuzzy the whole time, but at some point we awoke within the attraction we were…in the game…in the adventure we were playing. We’ll just have to roll with it at this point that we’re actually really here. We had met Mary Bear who seemed to be the leader…oh, also, this attraction…if you’re not a history major, this attraction had come to life. All of the beings in the attraction had gained sentience or received sentience from a well of a spiritual nature that’s connected to another world or could be a portal into another world, a well of a spiritual nature beyond our grasp.
It was the same issue in our written adventure, but now it’s a real thing. It has both good and not-so-good parts. The well was under the ground and covered in water, and somehow water and good spiritual natures have kept the…most of the non-good spiritual natures caught in the well or kind of submerged or something. This well was maybe a thing of legend, but what we were here for was different than just the well. We were here to stop Vedul, who is the son of the Baron of the Boil. Actually, we didn’t even know that, I think, at the time. Alls we knew is that the free flow of water for Florida had been upset and we were here to establish the free flow of water because the Baron of the Boil, the leader of Florida, had tasked us with this.
Of course, we all had other motivations and stuff like that, but those obviously have gone by the wayside for the most part, unless somebody’s gonna do a last-minute friendship change, but I don't think that would be appropriate for this story…the campaign, by the way. Okay, so, we thought, okay, we’re gonna go into this attraction. We had a couple options; we could start a countdown that would flood the entire Land of Leisure and establish…it would get rid of all the water-control mechanisms, some of which are mechanical and powered by the ocean, so they kinda seem to always work for the most part. But we said we could get rid of all that stuff and then the water would just flow naturally. The downside would be the whole park would be flooded.
But if we could just stop Vedul or whoever was controlling the water, we could do that. Also, the Baron of the Boil’s son was also in the park and was in a party of adventurers before us. So, we said, okay, we’ll help the Baron of the Boil’s son establish the free flow of water either by using these mechanical tools to flood the whole park or stop the leader who is Vedul, a cool-blooded dragon…I don't know, a dragon-based being, but similar to a biped mammal. A magic-user, very powerful, very tricky. That was our goal, and to have fun and adventure in our own friendship. So, we met Mary Bear who seemed to be the leader of the attraction. Oh, because of the well, some…the well gives localized sentience to the beings within the attraction.
Most of this…or almost everything we’ve met, all the sentient beings…friends, we call them…'cause this ride was once a boat ride through Friendship Around the World. So, all the friends, plushies or stuffies, came to life. They’re nice and actually, they only want a peaceful means of existence and dancing and singing and stuff. So, once we met them, it kinda became…not all of us agreed. We said, we can’t just flood the whole park because they can't leave their attraction. If they’re covered in green goop, they could go outside for a few minutes, but then they have to come back inside. If you need me to explain to you in a different way, it’s kind of like if instead of going to the big farm, you ended up in a well which was a temporary zone…sounds like some…this is only our theory, or my theory.
That temporary zone which is the well, maybe it’s clogged or something. I don't like. So, then…and this would answer a lot of questions from our…real theological questions from our world. But so, the well, if it’s clogged or something, then the…instead of going to the big farm, you end up as Mary Bear, a bear plushie within an attraction in the World of Friends. After that, we’re not really sure, but we did find out…was that Vedul was also working or serving a mist dragon from the not-so-nice part of that big farm temporary transfer area who has big plans and is in a hurry.
So, we still don’t know…so, we do know…we don’t know everything but we know…we suspect that they’re trying to get the…free the well and then take over our…this world and probably our world, too, because it seems to have a lot of power 'cause it’s got stored-up spiritual essences. I think that’s everything. It doesn’t…so, right…so, where we are right now at this moment is…one, we came to the friends to say, hey, could you create a distraction and help us stop Vedul? They said, well, we’re friends, so we can't really do any offensive maneuvering. We’ve become friends with a lot of Vedul’s employees, so we’re not so sure about that. We said, oh boy. While we were trying to figure that out, we took a break 'cause we were trying to do only bad ideas.
The dragon and Vedul appeared and Mary Bear had increased efficiency for everyone, but the dragon seemed to be in a…Vedul was…already seemed to be in a hurry. The dragon seems to be more in a hurry. The dragon said, I don't care about efficiency…work…if you’re more efficient, that means more work should be getting done. Then the dragon seemed to relocate or absorb Mary Bear’s essence of spiritual being. We’re not sure what happened after that other than that Mary Bear’s plushie is inoperable. Then the dragon and Vedul disappeared, and recently, Mary Bear’s…Vedul’s…there was a disagreement but it was resolved peacefully between Vedul’s team and the friends. Vedul said, don't worry, I need to take Mary Bear for a little while.
So, I mean, we got…we still gotta stop…so, here’s…now I’m talking it out with everybody and you’re listening. So, here’s the thing; Vedul still thinks we’re stuck in the security room, probably, right? I think there’s a 99.9% chance of that, and maybe…who knows, our spiritual beings and stuff…we know Vedul and the dragon are both in a hurry. We don’t know why, and we know we gotta do something, right? I think that’s everything. So, I think we gotta figure out the…we don’t have to figure out the ‘whys’. We have advantages. So, I’m trying to figure out what the next step is. Does anybody have anything else to add? Okay, Eleanor. I mean, I think…I’ve been focused on sending comforting energy to everybody in here, so I wasn’t listening, really.
But we can't let this…the toys are…friends are wondering if…now they’re concerned. So, actually, they are working at a higher rate because they don’t want to be absorbed by a mist dragon, either. Zell, go ahead. Yeah, Zell…this is Zell; yeah, I think that’s one motivation I share, is we’re here now. We’ve journeyed into the World of Friends, right? We need to be friends for the friends. But also, we don’t have to be…our…we don’t…we’re not plush-based beings, right? So, I don't have a soft…I mean, I have my own softness, but I don't have to be soft about what happened about Mary Bear. I could see Lord von Chill and Grenada and even Eleanor and you, Watta, nodding along. So, I am extra motivated and maybe in a way the friends wouldn’t agree with, but this is personal now because I liked Mary Bear.
She was our friend. I like saying ‘Mary Bear Repair’ and I like the whole metaphor about the power of grease or whatever that was. So, I don't know what we should do. I know if I was leading, I would probably rush in. So, let’s just remove me. Grenada, go ahead. Yeah, so this is Grenada of Darmok, and I said to my…there’s a lot of things I’ve said to myself in past times, you know; Shaka when the walls fell, arm…Timba, arms open wide, and many other things. But I agree. I’m feeling the same way the rest of our party is feeling, but I’m wondering if, yeah, a softer touch at first is…so, I think we need to learn more. What if we…? I’ve been following the construction.
I think we could get from this…since we’re up high, I think if Vedul’s not actively looking for us, that we could probably find…we know where Vedul’s office is. Why don’t you just follow me and we’ll head there now and listen in on Vedul? Like, just…yeah, we’re going this way…it’s not that far and, yeah, I think if we just go over this way…and I’m glad that we’re communicating…wait a second. I think, yeah, if we just get through this vent here…yeah, now…this one’s still constructed. This used to be for airflow. There’s Vedul. Is Vedul singing down there? This is Watta; so, I have a sound-block, so we could talk at a normal indoor voice without Vedul…Vedul is singing and we’re able to kinda talk and listen at the same time as a part of what I cast. What’s going on with the Baron of the Boil’s son down there?
This is Zell; I see…the Baron of the Boil’s son is in a deep sleep. I think it’s a reaction…this is Eleanor; I think it’s a reaction to this…is this song about the geology of Florida? It’s some sort of…is this one of those songs…you’re make…like, Vedul’s singing. This is a made-up song. Oh my gosh. It’s pretty good. It is long, though. It’s one of those ongoing songs about…it is about the geology of Florida and what’s under the ground and all around. So, okay…wait a second, what’s that jar over there full of mist? This is Zell; that looks a little bit like a outline of Mary Bear. Okay, so there’s…it’s glowing green, though. Okay, Vedul’s…okay, wait a second, Vedul’s…Vedul seems to be laughing with confidence. Okay, this is Watta; so, Vedul’s laying out…okay, so, Vedul’s planning on fooling the dragon.
Vedul’s putting something green and glowing into Mary Bear, too. I mean, not the jar Mary Bear; the plushie friend stuffie Mary Bear. Okay, why? I don't know. Okay, so, hold on…okay, I’m listening to the song and breaking it down. Okay, so, Vedul has started the countdown to flood the park, so this was…is that a red herring? So, Vedul is planning on keeping some of the locks. Okay, so Vedul and the dragon had planned on freeing…okay, see that down there? That’s actually a scale model of what Vedul is working on. That’s what Vedul…so, see how that one lock is…? That controls the water flow. But Vedul has relocated the water, so instead of the whole park flooding, just the area around the well’s gonna flood once that lock is down.
But because of the new construction that Vedul and the dragon have been doing…so, then the well will be uncovered but the water will still flow, obviously 'cause then Vedul can control the water flow and the dragon, so they’ll still have power over the rest of Florida. It’s Florida. Okay, thanks. Florida. But what the dragon doesn’t know is that Vedul will still be able to control that other…so, Vedul could also flood the well. So, Vedul’s gonna somehow…okay, okay, this is the other part. That’s the part of the song now. The dragon will be in the bear and the bear will be over there. But Vedul won't really care 'cause the power will be Vedul’s to bear.
So, Vedul will kind of…so, I think…if I’m following this, the dragon…I still don’t understand what the dragon’s time pressure is, but Vedul’s time pressure is that the countdown has begun. So, pretty soon the park would flood unless all this construction’s done. So, I guess that makes sense for the dragon, too, because otherwise then the well would be permanently underwater. But what Vedul’s gonna do is somehow get the dragon…catch the…oh, okay, so this is…okay, so, my memory’s now…I don't know. There’s something about it. But so, somehow Vedul’s gonna get the dragon into Mary Bear over there. So, this is like a double-cross. So, Vedul’s gonna double-cross the dragon. I guess that’s some relief if Vedul’s successful. Should we help Vedul? What’s the bad idea…what’s our bad idea feel?
I don't know if I could help Vedul. This is Lord von Chill. I’ve kept quiet just 'cause I’m thinking about Mary Bear down there. I don't like Vedul’s…well, I do like…I don't like that I like Vedul’s singing, but I think this is good we’re learning this. I mean, I get the sense we’re better than Vedul. I think everybody agrees. I mean, I don't just mean because of…that I’m Lord von Chill, but that…so, I don't think I could work with Vedul, but we may be able to…wait a second, something’s happening, Watta. The dragon’s coming in. Okay, so, the dragon is now not happy with Vedul because of timing again. So, again, this…we must be close on…oh yeah, we don’t have much time at all. The dragon’s pointing to the rune-based clock. So, yeah, we do not have much time left. Vedul is saying, don't worry.
The dragon’s saying…so, the dragon…okay, so now I’m getting a sense…okay, so, it’s very…so, somehow it is…my theory of clogged is not correct. I don't totally understand everything the dragon’s saying. But basically, whatever’s going on with this well or portal, it might be fixed…not only…I think it’s on a different time scale than we’re on. But again, if they get water on top of it, the dragon’s…well, one, I think the dragon’s expending…all of the spiritual beings in there that are not nice are expending all their energy and effort to make the dragon appear in this world, like all their magic or whatever. So, this is their last gasp attempt, at least in this part of the long time that they’re in, and the thought is that whatever the block…if that thing is blocked or something that then it’ll be repaired.
Then they’ll just go to whatever big farm…so, they’re almost in a transitory state. I think I already said this. So, the dragon’s very concerned. Okay, so, it’s kinda like a transit station where there’s no trains coming, but more people keep coming into the station. Somehow there’s also positive and non-positive beings in there. Maybe they’re kinda separated by…like oil and water? Yeah. But not oil and water because in this case…so, two different densities of oil, and the water’s on top. Oh, who would have known positive beings and non-positive…? I guess this is just a theory. Okay, but yeah, that…so, they’re in a transitory state and they’re supposed to catch a train metaphorically to not the big farm in the sky. The positive beings are gonna go to the big farm in the sky, though some of them have been transitioning.
Oh, this is like energy theory, too. No energy can go anywhere; it just can transfer. Okay, so…yeah, so the dragon…okay, let me see if I could sum this up, 'cause it is very confusing. I can see all your faces. So, this makes sense. Okay, so, maybe they caused the clog? I don't know that part. But okay, so basically, this should be just in the past, but this isn’t a human past. This is a history of the existence past. So, it’s on a different time scale. This would have been a place of transition. I don't know if people spend time there or it’s just literally a tube that is clogged, a tube station. I don't know, or two different tube stations that are on top of one another going in two different directions. I guess so, 'cause if you go to London or whatever, you say, okay, that station…and then go down to the next station.
But then right now, the flow has been paused…whatever, train delays, but for an eternity, a train delay can be pretty long if it’s delayed. Somehow they figured out that they could get out. Maybe some of them leaked out, kinda like in our adventure, and maybe they have magical energy. Somehow they got this dragon out or the dragon is a representative of them. Meanwhile, the top station…so, both these stations are underwater, which is kinda keeping it from just popping out. Again, I think this goes back to the geology thing. So, the good…big-farm-bound people are on top, and they’ve been trickling out because maybe the geology…I guess…what is it? Dissolved the limestone, is that what…and something…?
Porous limestone? That was something that Vedul was thinking about. Oh, 'cause Vedul’s gonna also…okay. Alright, so Vedul has longer-term plans to seal up the limestone. But anyway, not important right now. That’s future plans that were in the song. Okay, but so…yeah, this is…they’re trying to get out of their tube station into our…to this world that we’re in and our world, and transfer their energy here and get away, basically, and then…it sounds like they’re pretty powerful, so maybe they’re not even from Earth. I don't know, that’s…'cause I don't…how is Mary Bear one size…? Oh boy, wait a second. Now the dragon seems to be absorbing the…okay. So, I just saw that.
So, the Baron of the Boil’s son, who does…did seem to be best friends with Vedul and siblings or half-siblings or whatever, foundling siblings…the Baron of the Boil’s son has now joined the dragon like Mary Bear did. Oh, but somehow Mary Bear’s in that jar now, but the dragon seems to be planning on leaving. Oh, the dragon doesn’t see the jar. Well, Vedul’s been standing in front of it the whole time. Okay, interesting stuff here. But the dragon’s going off…basically said, hurry up. This is a ultimatum now. Like, I can absorb you next, Vedul. Okay, now Vedul is not happy. Okay, so Vedul’s got another one of those gems, and I just realized that that is a ancient thing called Barum’s Gem. It just clicked for me 'cause it’s green.
Basically…not the same Barum…you guys maybe are remembering a different Barum. You’re not…no one’s following me. Great. No one in our party is following me. Basically they’re spiritual magnets or spiritual-based-being magnets. So, the one in the jar is magnetized to Mary Bear. Now Vedul’s putting one in that…there’s…that’s another…it’s not a plushie or a stuffie, but it’s from the attraction and it doesn’t seem to be operating. But the Baron of the Boil’s putting a gem in that thing with large shoes, face paint, a red nose…holding balloons? Oh yeah, yeah, pulling the Baron of the Boil’s…into the large shoe-based being. It has a squirting flower. Okay, so, I’m pretty sure what’s happened is that…everybody follows me, right? No? Okay, go ahead, Grenada.
Okay, so, I’m following 10% of what you’re saying, but I think the important 10%. So, those gems are important and they pull…so, what Vedul’s planning is pulling the dragon into Mary Bear. That was in the song. Then Vedul will be totally in charge. Mary Bear’s in that jar. I don't know what Vedul has planned, but maybe to keep everybody…that would be good to keep the friends working with Vedul long-term if Vedul has long-term plans. Vedul is a little bit unhappy, but the Baron of the Boil…'cause the Baron of the Boil’s now a smaller animatronic. Vedul has to carry it. It’s somewhat cute seeing a cold-blooded-based being holding a…I mean, it looks like a doll, almost. They’re going off. Maybe Vedul’s gonna go put the Baron of the Boil…? I don't know.
Oh, 'cause…probably wants to be in a hot-air balloon, cause isn’t that where they were in the original attraction when we were looking at those pictures and when we were learning the song? Anyway, here’s what I’m thinking; I’m gonna grab some rope and assume…well, I’m not gonna assume anything. I just rolled twenties. I’m gonna go down there, I’m gonna get the jar of Mary Bear and the gems, 'cause they’re…Vedul put a gem into Mary Bear. So, I’ll get that gem, I’ll get Mary Bear, and then…does anybody have anything…? Wait a second, does anybody have…? Okay, we’ll put this green gem in there. Man, we need a mist-filled jar or something. We’ll just take it and then we’ll figure it out. Maybe we’ll figure it out working with Vedul. Maybe Vedul will get…okay, I’m…I’ll be back. Okay, there she goes.
This is Emwatta. Grenada’s down. Grenada’s got the gem from inside of the Mary Bear stuffie, and almost…oh boy, almost dropped the jar with Mary Bear. Okay, now coming back up…okay, Grenada’s back. So, now what do we do? We have a gem…a magnetic gem, we have a jar with Mary Bear’s spiritual being in there, and a gem. Oh, you grabbed another gem. So you have two…we have three gems? Okay. Huh, I wonder if that’s Vedul’s gem. I think you have to make some sort of connection so it magnetizes to the right spirit. Yeah, remember…? Dustbusters. It’s like Dustbusters but specifically-targeted Dustbustering. That movie. I’m not afraid of any spiritual-based beings, spiritual-based mist at all. That was…remember? Anybody else remember that movie? It was from the before-before time. They had a song about it.
That was the saying; I’m not afraid of any spiritual-based beings, mist-based being of beingness or something like that. Okay, so, now what are we gonna…? Go ahead, Eleanor. Okay, so, I’m concerned because I’m feeling like something’s come up for me. I’ve got that same feeling…we had superior motivations. I still feel like our motivations are superior 'cause we’re gonna…and I feel like it’s…we have a clear path to victory. But one thing is missing, which is that we told that security bot we would let it out…we would come back to the security room. I just can’t stop thinking about it. If we’re really friends, we could do that. We gotta do something with this Mary…so, I think we need to go…I know this is the worst time to go to the security room, but otherwise we’re not really friends.
Does anybody else have an opinion about that? This is Watta; I think it’s…I mean, I think with only bad ideas being…proving to be good that that’s not a bad idea either. You’re right, we’ve gotta be friends to the security bot, but also…let’s go. I’m following. Grenada’s already on the way. Mary Bear can…I wonder if Mary Bear can hear me. The thing I’m thinking is that, yeah, we could use the security bot’s help because the security bot was friends with Mary Bear. Wow, we’re already here. Grenada, you are fast. Oh, time…okay. The security bot’s opening the door. It sees…oh, it repaired one of the other security bots but it’s still not…it’s repairing it. Here’s a wild idea; what if we put Mary Bear’s gem in that other security bot? There’s Number 5. That’s Number 11. So, let’s just see what happens.
Okay, so, Mary Bear, if you could hear us, we’re gonna open your jar and put your gem in this security bot, and then you’ll be Mary Bear bot…bot repaired by…Number 11. That’s Number Five, okay? I’m gonna put the gem in here. Mary Bear? Oh, Mary Bear’s…okay, they can only communicate by humming, I guess. Okay. Hi, Mary Bear. Okay, Mary Bear hummed back. Okay. Oh, is that a thank-you or…? I don't…okay. Mary Bear, why don’t you…? Back and forth for ‘yes’ and spin one direction for ‘no’. What’d you say? One Direction? That was a band. Oh, which direction; clockwise for ‘no’. No, no, not counter…counterclockwise would be ‘I don't understand’. Back and forth; ‘yes’. Do you understand? Oh, yeah, funny. So, that must be Mary Bear.
Okay, so Mary Bear, were you following everything for the most part other than when it was confusing? Yes. Okay. So, Number 5’s also very invested. Number 5 must be alive in that case. Number 5, are you alive? You’re not just a robot anymore. Sorry, I didn’t mean it that way. If you’re just a robot, that’s fine, but you really were helpful to us. Oh, you…okay. It’s really hard to understand humor with humming robots…where it’s easier…where the humming isn’t clear, and then you’re trying to do punchlines…'cause you’re a tread-based being. Then you’re moving on your treads and then you’re trying to make a joke when we can only delineate ‘yes’, ‘no’, or ‘I don't understand’. Okay, I guess that’s probably hilarious in any other situation, but we also have a clicking…click…ticking clock to come up with a plan to double-cross Vedul and the dragon.
Okay. Oh, you guys are bumping against this thing? Oh, okay, 'cause this is where all the blueprints are. Okay, so…okay, thank you, Mary Bear. Okay, so Mary Bear is pointing to stuff. Okay, so if I make some changes here…okay, so yeah, we could…okay, wow, that’s a laser…you can write with a laser. Okay. Could have just written stuff…okay, so that’s Vedul’s plan. Thank you, Mary Bear. Look at these larger canals, 'cause this is where the water’s gonna be…those are the all the areas the water’s being held that would flood the park, right? But Vedul has put these blocks on those so that the park won't flood, but the park also had…those are also extra canals.
See on the other sides of the park and through the middle of the park, in case there was…like, in the past if there was gonna be flooding…so, if we could…I’m just thinking if water is somehow a preventative measure, maybe we do the water around those. Mary Bear, do you think you could…is there anything in this room between the two of you…? Could you…is there…? Okay, yes. So, maybe we could use those canals…I’m just trying to think. We’d need to reestablish the free flow of water, but I’m just thinking if we could surround the park with water, like basically permanently cut it off or make it much harder to get here…because it’ll already be more swamps surrounding the park after this.
But then we could also shift the water flow and it would basically further cut the park off, and hopefully this growth would happen and then cover the well. So, we just have to permanently…as long as we…I think that would alleviate the pressure and then we could just permanently open that thing that Vedul’s planning on controlling. But that’ll be easy because what we could do is do the gem switcheroo, right? We could get…so, we’ll take this jar back. Oh, Grenada, you’re already doing it. Oh, 'cause…okay, that…yeah, that looks like Mary Bear’s still in there. Okay. Fake jar…okay, those are…yeah, it’s nice that they have art supplies here in this office, in the storage. Okay, so, Grenada, you’re gonna do that and come back; okay. So, we’ll just do this gem switcheroo. I don't know what we’ll do.
We’ll have to come up with a plan, but I think we can double…I mean, there’s no way the dragon trusts Vedul, right? So, if we could figure out what the dragon’s gonna do to trick Vedul, then we could do that and then we can…so, let’s go, but I think if we can get the dragon…so, that gem is already ready. I just have to activate it. So, we could just wait and then get the dragon and something other than Mary Bear…Mary Bear, we may not be able to get you in there. Now, Mary Bear, how would you feel if we dealt with Vedul in a way where Vedul was…? ‘Cause this must be Vedul’s gem. Or if not, I could align this gem to resonate with Vedul. We could put Vedul in your body, Mary…no, definitely…that’s a definite ‘no’. Okay. Alright. Oh, Grenada’s back. So, as of now, Vedul thinks everything’s gonna go smooth.
We just have to figure out what the dragon’s gonna do. But I think we can anticipate that the dragon’s gonna try to stop Vedul somehow, too, probably by switching the gem, maybe? I don't know. Maybe we should rest. You’re right. Let’s rest and I think we’ve got this. I think we’re gonna be fine. Yeah, 'cause we have the dragon’s gem and Vedul’s gem now, so we just gotta do this and it’ll be done. We’ll be done soon. This is great. I think we can rest well, and I’m glad we came back to show our friendship to Number 5, and now our new friend Mary Bear. Number 11, Mary Bear. Goodnight, everybody.
(Transcription performed by LeahTranscribes)
Journey Into The World of Friends
The Sunday Drive
Florida Geology
Oil and Water
Body Swap Movies
I’m not normally super friendly
Memories of Friendly’s
Super Friendly, Friendly’s new mascot
A somewhat boring TV channel
Deep Dark Night United
Daryl (SleepPhones)
Hand in Hand; The Midnight Mission; Trevor Project; Sleep With Me Plus; SleepPhones; Emily Tat Artwork; NAPAWF; Anti-Racism Resources; Ukraine Relief; Crisis Textline
Wild Health; Hello Fresh; Polysleep; Odoo; Helix Sleep; Air Doctor Pro; Zocdoc; Progressive
You’re not alone and you’re really welcome here
I wouldn’t say it’s a shtick, but…
Digital Genuineness and Imperfection in Being Lost
Someone also listening really knows how you feel
We’re here rooting for you
We are all in this together
Plenty of pregnant pauses and filler words
I’m here to meander like a Sunday drive
Man, Sunday drives were truly bathed in nostalgia
The audio aspect of Sunday drives
And then I was tuning out, looking out the window
Sunday drives are also full of pointless meanders
I’m just here to keep you company
I found other sleep audio very Expectation-Laden
There goes Scoots again with a Quip Attempt
A Piuq
Perhaps you’re doing a Yarn or Thread Based Activity
I just got back into foam rolling
Welcome back to Journey Into The World of Friends
Not sure if we’ll do an episode 13 of this or jump right to 14
Don’t worry, you can start here and then joy 11 prequels
I’m reading a book by … Stefan King
The Obscured Tower With Not a Lot of Light
Book 4 is great, but you could honestly start there
I was in the throes of a book love affair
That was literally too much information
Here’s Antonio Banderas
Antonio could you please be still as we record
Does a planet have a somatic response?
Is there a somatic planet on Starfield?
I got an extra large onesie for Antonio to cover the noisiness of his regular clothes
The adventuring party comes to
LVC is definitely a lord that leaps with his mouth
We’re here in the Holiday Lodge
Let’s back up more and explain our backstory
Did we time travel to get here? I don’t know
We created our own, DM-less campaign
The magical well that everyone is trying to get to
We’re here to stop Vidul
We were hired by the Baron of the Boil (BB)
Goal: Establish the free flow of water
Dragon-Based Being (DBB)
The well has given sentience to the friends
The stuffies just want to live peacefully
I think the well might be clogged?
Vidul has been serving a mist dragon with larger plans
We think they want to take over our world, too
Mary Bear’s plushy is inoperable
Vidul still thinks we’re stuck in the security room
We’ve gotta figure out the why
Eleanor chimes in
The friends are concerned for us
Zel thinks they need to be friends with the friends
This is personal now – we must avenge Mary Bear
Is Vidul singing down there?
Watta has a sound block spell up so they can talk
They do her Vidul singing?
BB’s son is in a deep sleep
This song is about the geology of Floridahh?
What’s that jar of mist over there?
Vidul seems to be laughing with confidence
Vidul puts something green and glowing into Mary Bear’s plush
Down there is a scale model of Vidul’s plan
Vidul wants to keep some of the locks
Relocating the water
Only the well area will flood, not the whole park
The Dragon will be in the Bear
The park will flood unless this construction finishes
Vidul is going to double cross the dragon
Should we help Vidul??
LVC doesn’t like that he likes Vidul’s singing
The dragon comes in and isn’t happy with Vidul
My theory of the clogged well is not quite correct
A lot of magical effort is being spent to bring this dragon into this world
It’s like a transit station with no departing trains
Two different densities of oil that won’t mix
Oh, so this is like energy theory, too
The energy can only transfer
It’s like 2 Tube stations on top of each other
Both of these stations are under water
Vidul has longer term plans to seal up the limestone
Big Farm Friends are trying to leave their tube station and get back to our world
BB’s son has now joined the dragon against Vidul
Dragon doesn’t see the Mary Bear Jar
The Dragon will absorb Vidul if he doesn’t pick it up
Ancient Baron’s Gem (ABG)
This is a Spiritual Based Being Magnet
Vidul puts this gem into a Large Shoe-Based Being
This is somewhat clear
Vidul plans to pull the dragon into Mary Bear
It is cute – he’s holding BB’s son in a little dolly form
Grenada just rolled 20’s
She’s gonna rope down, grab the gem, and get the Mary Bear jar
We need a mystical jar!
Watta narrates Grenada’s actions
Wait, there’s 3 gems? Is that 3rd one Vidul?
It’s like specifically targeted dustbusting
I’m not afraid of any spiritual based beings’s mist!
If we’re really friends, we have to help out that security bot who helped us
Only bad ideas have proven to be good
Back to the Security Room
What if we put Mary Bear in that defunct security bot?
Mary Bear Bot can only communicate via humming
Back and Forth for Yes
Spin one direction for No
Mary Bear understands
Robot #5 has gained sentience
It’s hard to understand the humor of humming robots
We need a plan to double cross Vidul and the dragon
Oh, here’s some blueprints!
That’s a laser you can write with
Look at these larger canals
What if surround the park with water to further isolate it
Then growth would happen and we could cover the well
Grenada brings a fake gem back in that jar
The Old Gem Switcheroo
What will the Dragon do to double cross Vidul?
This 3rd gem must be Vidul’s
Mary Bear doesn’t want Vidul in her former body
We can anticipate that it’s now the Dragon vs Vidul
Let’s rest for now and finish it later
Lillia, Jamie, Angie, Susie Q, Audrey, Zarin, Isabella, Pixie, Ben, AB, Kim, Anisa, Pete, Laurie, Michael, Heidi, Chris, Laina, Dee, Sarah, Delilah, Dawson
Episode: 1,229
Title: New Robot Friends | Journey Into The World of Friends Ep 12
Deep Dark Night United: Daryl (SleepPhones)
Plugs: Hand in Hand; The Midnight Mission; Trevor Project; Sleep With Me Plus; SleepPhones; Emily Tat Artwork; NAPAWF; Anti-Racism Resources; Ukraine Relief; Crisis Textline
Sponsors: Wild Health; Hello Fresh; Polysleep; Odoo; Helix Sleep; Air Doctor Pro; Zocdoc; Progressive
Patreon Thanks: Lillia, Jamie, Angie, Susie Q, Audrey, Zarin, Isabella, Pixie, Ben, AB, Kim, Anisa, Pete, Laurie, Michael, Heidi, Chris, Laina, Dee, Sarah, Delilah, Dawson
Notable Language:
- Super Friendly
- Digital Genuineness
- Imperfection in Being Lost
- Expectation-Laden
- Quip / Piuq
- Quip Attempt
- Yarn / Thread Based Activity
- Book Love Affair
- TMT (Too Many Tangents)
- Pleasurable Planetary Shifts (PPSs)
- Dragon-Based Being (DBB)
- Plush-Based Beings (PBB)
- Rune-Based Plot (RBP)
- Porous Limestone
- Ancient Baron’s Gem (ABG)
- Large Shoe Based Being (LSBB)
- Tread-Based Being (TBB)
- The Old Gem Switcheroo
Notable Culture:
- Friendly’s
- McDonald’s
- Prairie Home Companion
- Fresh Air
- Sleep With Me +
- The Obscured Tower With Not a Lot of Light – “Stefan” King
- Titus Welliver
- Lost
- Antonio Banderas
- Dungeons and Dragons
- Starfield
- The London Underground
- Ghostbusters
- One Direction
Notable Talking Points:
- You’re not alone and you’re really welcome here
- I wouldn’t say it’s a shtick, but…
- Digital Genuineness and Imperfection in Being Lost
- Someone also listening really knows how you feel
- We’re here rooting for you
- We are all in this together
- Plenty of pregnant pauses and filler words
- I’m here to meander like a Sunday drive
- Man, Sunday drives were truly bathed in nostalgia
- The audio aspect of Sunday drives
- And then I was tuning out, looking out the window
- Sunday drives are also full of pointless meanders
- I’m just here to keep you company
- I found other sleep audio very Expectation-Laden
- There goes Scoots again with a Quip Attempt
- A Piuq
- Perhaps you’re doing a Yarn or Thread Based Activity
- I just got back into foam rolling
- Welcome back to Journey Into The World of Friends
- Not sure if we’ll do an episode 13 of this or jump right to 14
- Don’t worry, you can start here and then joy 11 prequels
- I’m reading a book by … Stefan King
- The Obscured Tower With Not a Lot of Light
- Book 4 is great, but you could honestly start there
- I was in the throes of a book love affair
- That was literally too much information
- Here’s Antonio Banderas
- Antonio could you please be still as we record
- Does a planet have a somatic response?
- Is there a somatic planet on Starfield?
- I got an extra large onesie for Antonio to cover the noisiness of his regular clothes
- The adventuring party comes to
- LVC is definitely a lord that leaps with his mouth
- We’re here in the Holiday Lodge
- Let’s back up more and explain our backstory
- Did we time travel to get here? I don’t know
- We created our own, DM-less campaign
- The magical well that everyone is trying to get to
- We’re here to stop Vidul
- We were hired by the Baron of the Boil (BB)
- Goal: Establish the free flow of water
- Dragon-Based Being (DBB)
- The well has given sentience to the friends
- The stuffies just want to live peacefully
- I think the well might be clogged?
- Vidul has been serving a mist dragon with larger plans
- We think they want to take over our world, too
- Mary Bear’s plushy is inoperable
- Vidul still thinks we’re stuck in the security room
- We’ve gotta figure out the why
- Eleanor chimes in
- The friends are concerned for us
- Zel thinks they need to be friends with the friends
- This is personal now – we must avenge Mary Bear
- Is Vidul singing down there?
- Watta has a sound block spell up so they can talk
- They do her Vidul singing?
- BB’s son is in a deep sleep
- This song is about the geology of Floridahh?
- What’s that jar of mist over there?
- Vidul seems to be laughing with confidence
- Vidul puts something green and glowing into Mary Bear’s plush
- Down there is a scale model of Vidul’s plan
- Vidul wants to keep some of the locks
- Relocating the water
- Only the well area will flood, not the whole park
- The Dragon will be in the Bear
- The park will flood unless this construction finishes
- Vidul is going to double cross the dragon
- Should we help Vidul??
- LVC doesn’t like that he likes Vidul’s singing
- The dragon comes in and isn’t happy with Vidul
- My theory of the clogged well is not quite correct
- A lot of magical effort is being spent to bring this dragon into this world
- It’s like a transit station with no departing trains
- Two different densities of oil that won’t mix
- Oh, so this is like energy theory, too
- The energy can only transfer
- It’s like 2 Tube stations on top of each other
- Both of these stations are under water
- Vidul has longer term plans to seal up the limestone
- Big Farm Friends are trying to leave their tube station and get back to our world
- BB’s son has now joined the dragon against Vidul
- Dragon doesn’t see the Mary Bear Jar
- The Dragon will absorb Vidul if he doesn’t pick it up
- Ancient Baron’s Gem (ABG)
- This is a Spiritual Based Being Magnet
- Vidul puts this gem into a Large Shoe-Based Being
- This is somewhat clear
- Vidul plans to pull the dragon into Mary Bear
- It is cute – he’s holding BB’s son in a little dolly form
- Grenada just rolled 20’s
- She’s gonna rope down, grab the gem, and get the Mary Bear jar
- We need a mystical jar!
- Watta narrates Grenada’s actions
- Wait, there’s 3 gems? Is that 3rd one Vidul?
- It’s like specifically targeted dustbusting
- I’m not afraid of any spiritual based beings’s mist!
- If we’re really friends, we have to help out that security bot who helped us
- Only bad ideas have proven to be good
- Back to the Security Room
- What if we put Mary Bear in that defunct security bot?
- Mary Bear Bot can only communicate via humming
- Back and Forth for Yes
- Spin one direction for No
- Mary Bear understands
- Robot #5 has gained sentience
- It’s hard to understand the humor of humming robots
- We need a plan to double cross Vidul and the dragon
- Oh, here’s some blueprints!
- That’s a laser you can write with
- Look at these larger canals
- What if surround the park with water to further isolate it
- Then growth would happen and we could cover the well
- Grenada brings a fake gem back in that jar
- The Old Gem Switcheroo
- What will the Dragon do to double cross Vidul?
- This 3rd gem must be Vidul’s
- Mary Bear doesn’t want Vidul in her former body
- We can anticipate that it’s now the Dragon vs Vidul
- Let’s rest for now and finish it later