1207 – Pander the Green Panda | Journey Into the World of Friends Ep8
A sleepy swamp allows the sun to shine in a sense while you fall asleep to new friends.
Episode 1207 – Pander the Green Panda | Journey Into the World of Friends Ep. 8
SCOOTER: Friends beyond the binary, ladies and gentlemen, boys and girls, welcome to Sleep With Me whether you’re…whatever…you know, whatever dice you’re rolling. Even if you know…I don't even know what a twenty-sided dice would be called, because it’s in three dimensions. ‘Cause I say, what’s a three-dimensional octagon? No idea. An octoball? An octodice? Cube is…I know a square is a cube. Tetra…what’s a tetra…? If you don’t know the difference between a tetrahedron and a Tetra pack, you’re in the right place. Well, I…because, I mean…well, I do. Is a Tetra pack a tetrahedron? There’s a question I need answered. Is that why they call it a Tetra pack? A Tetra pack is what they put your oat milk and your coconut water in. I think it’s some sort of…I’m gonna be hearing from them.
They’d say, the generic name…I say, thanks. Thanks so much. I’d say, get in line, please. Oh, but welcome to Sleep With Me. You might be confused. Sleep With Me is a podcast that’s here to keep you company while you fall asleep. We don’t really put you to sleep. We take your mind off of stuff because for me and a lot of other people that listen to the show, it can be lonely in the deep, dark night. Even if it’s not lonely for you, it might be nice to have a voice to take your mind off of stuff and keep you company. I make the show because I know how it feels. Like I said, I know how it feels for me and I know how it feels for a lot of other listeners. But you also deserve a good night’s sleep. You deserve a place you could get some rest, the rest you need right now, rest so your life is more manageable.
So, I’m here to try to provide that if I can. Now, this podcast does not work for everybody, so give it a few tries. See how it goes. That’s just what most listeners recommend. It’s a podcast you kinda don’t really listen to and it just…kinda like a out-of-focus picture. What else do you need to know? I’ll explain some more. Oh yeah, so, what we got coming up; I just ramble on and on and on, but there’s a specific method to the show. This is the greeting. Glad you’re here. I hope it makes you feel seen and welcomed in. You know, whether you like this show or not, you deserve a good night’s sleep.
Then we got support from our sponsors; that’s how we’re able to put it out for free twice a week so paying for the show is actually optional, then a long, meandering intro that’s meant to ease you into bedtime. Then eventually we’ll get to our bedtime story, a little roleplaying-esque adventure in friendship. So, that’s the structure of the show. That’s kinda why I make the show. I’m so glad you’re here. Trying to think what else I could give you right off the top of the bat. I think that’s it. Oh, if you don’t like the show already, sleepwithmepodcast.com/nothankyou has other sleepy stuff on there you could check out. So, give it a try. Yeah, I’m so glad you’re here, and thanks for making it possible, my patron peeps.
INTRO: [INTRO MUSIC] Hey, are you up all night tossing, turning, mind racing? Trouble getting to sleep? Trouble staying asleep? Well, welcome. This is Sleep With Me, the podcast that puts you to sleep. We do it with a bedtime story. Alls you need to do is get in bed, turn out the lights, and press Play. I’m gonna do the rest. What I’m going to attempt to do is create a safe place where you could set aside whatever’s keeping you awake. It could be thoughts, things on your mind, thoughts that you’re thinking about, thoughts about the past, the present, the future, thinking thoughts, mystery thoughts, thoughts about what to…you know, thoughts.
I do a lot of think…I prefer not to do…I’d prefer to do much less thinking, but my brain has other plans, and they’re…by the way, they’re…no offense, brain; your plans are extremely convoluted. Your plans are convoluted, they’re both concave and convex, somehow. They vex me and probably a lot more. ‘Cause ‘con’ means with, right? Convex. Concave. With a cave; with a vex. Yeah, I’m convexted, also, to use convex in a different way. I’d say if…sometimes when I’m thinking, I say, well, now I’m convexed. Totally con…oh, now I’m concaved. You know, when I slump my shoulders…huh, when I slump my shoulders am I going concave or convex? I guess it depends on which way you’re looking at me, eh? There’s another accidental joke, or a joke I just barely came up with. It just depends on which side you’re on.
That would…there’s another complicated t-shirt we don’t need to make. The fact…I don't even know where we’d start. But ‘I’m Convexed’; I think that would be the shortest version, and then the other side would say, ‘I’m Concaved’. Then people would be like, I don't get it. You say, hold on. Let me do it. Then you could say, hold on, let me switch the t-shirt around and do it again. That’s how that shirt would work. The most interactive…here’s a claim to fame; I just invented the most interactive shirt ever invented in my imagination. Or if you’re in a relationship, it could have different ones with the arrows; ‘I’m with Concave’, and then on the other side it would say, ‘I’m with Convex’. Of course, whatever the right side is…I don't know.
It’s reverse…it’s not a reversible t-shirt — we could do that as well — but it’s a…what do you call that? Is that a 180 shirt? That’s never been a thing, either. In the eighties they had stuff like that, kinda pointless add-ons to clothing. The 180 shirt, man. You could…instead…it’s not reversible; it’s 180-able. Or is that…? No, it’s 180. Or the people would even sell…they’d say, 180? We’ve got a 360 shirt. What, like, you can wear it 360 days a year? No, no; it’s 360, man. Says the same thing. Then you spin it around 360; it says the same thing again. Mindblowing, man. I’d prefer the shirt that says, ‘I’m with Concave’ and ‘I’m with Convex’. Then if you had…you put ‘vexed’ in…oh, these are my pets, Vex and Cave. I’m also with them.
So, that’s a different term…but the shirt can only have an arrow pointing at someone whose torso’s in the general…in my vicinity. So, if you’re vexed or concave…dude, your brain’s in a concave. I’d say, you’re right about that. So, thoughts, feelings, it could be anything coming up for you…emotional, physical sensations, changes in time, temperature, routine, something coming up, something you’re going through. Whatever it is, the reason I go through that — I mentioned it earlier — is there’s somebody listening right now that can relate to how you feel. You’re not alone. I mean, I realize this is a podcast and it’s digital and whatever, but this is just the truth. Someone’s listening right now who can relate to what you’re going through, who knows how it feels and is saying right now, yeah, man, that’s tough, 'cause I’ve been through it or I’m going through it, too.
That’s important for me to point out, that you’re not alone in the deep, dark night. It’s not proverbially. I don't know how…it’s just a matter of fact. We’re connected by what we’re dealing with and this podcast or other sleep podcasts or podcasting in general. Whatever you’re comfortable with terminology-wise…or love of t-shirts that’ll never be made. Even if it’s a good idea, I’d say, no, that’s too…I don't know, that’s…I’m not emotionally…I don't have the emotional wherewithal to…so, that’s why I kinda go through all that stuff, is whatever’s keeping you awake, I want you to know someone else understands or at least has been there, 'cause there’s a lot of people listening right now and we all believe you deserve a good night’s sleep so your life is more manageable and then eventually you could be out there flourishing.
That’s important to me and all the other listeners. So, I send my voice across the deep, dark night. I use lulling, soothing, creaky, dulcet tones, pointless meanders, and superfluous tangents, which we’ve just caught a few of, all to take your mind off of stuff and keep you company so you could fall asleep. Like I said, I’m not here so much to put you to sleep or for you to listen to me but just to kinda be here as elevated background noise, a friendly voice. But there’s no pressure to fall asleep. There’s a reason there’s about 600 shows in our archives and the episodes are over an hour; so there’s no pressure to fall asleep. You got plenty of time. You don’t have to worry about falling asleep. I don't know, I’m here to be…to keep you company while you drift off.
Or there’s people who are listening who just can’t sleep, and I’m here to keep them company…or if you need a break during the day. I’m here to be your bore-friend, your bore-bae, your bore-sib, your bore-bud, your bore-bor, your neigh-bore, your bore-bruh, your bore-bestie, your bores, your bore, your bore in charge, your bore in convoluted things, your bore-bud. So, I’m here to be your friend and just to keep you company. Those are a couple things to know. Other things that throw people off…like I said, it takes a couple times to get used to this show. That’s just what I’m pretty sure a million people have said over the years. I’ve been doing this ten years now and people say, hey, it took me a while to get used to the show. At first I didn’t like it. Why would you, right? It’s very different. It’s probably not what you expected.
You probably expected something reasonable or someone with a grasp of general vocabulary instead of someone dance…I’m dancing around with the words. We’re having fun for your…to take your mind off of stuff. I’m the only person willing to take convex and concave out of the laboratories…I mean, great, and the science-based facilities of the world and do a little…and don't worry; I realize some concave beings and convex beings can be fragile. I’ll be careful. I mean, I’ll try…well, I’ll try to be careful. But, you know, I’ll try not…I’ll try to get them home on time. We’re just out here dancing. Don't worry; we’re in a…whatever. Yeah, I followed all the procedures, so we’re covered in whatever that stuff is called, super-soft stuff.
So, yeah, when you get here, you might be skeptical or doubtful or confused, so just kinda give it a few tries. ‘Cause the idea of someone just talking to you as your friend and telling you a story eventually but not for a little while, it could be confusing. So, those throw people off. The structure of the show I mentioned earlier — that also throws people off, but here’s why we do the show…the structure the way we do. Show starts off with a greeting; friends beyond the binary, ladies and gentlemen, boys and girls, then I explain a little bit about what the podcast is so you feel seen and welcomed in, you get a general idea. Then there’s sponsor support so the show can be free…and there’s tons of people that benefit from that, and there’s people that say, hey, I’d rather pay for a ad-free experience.
So, that enables us to do both those things and come out twice a week, over an hour, for free. Then there’s a long, meandering intro which is separate from the support, but this still always happens that people say the intro is part of the sponsor stuff or…I don't get it. But, I mean, I do get it 'cause I’ve been tired, too. But I don’t want you to miss out. I point it out in every intro; the intro goes on and on and on. It’s a show within a show separate from the support, and it’s meant to ease you into bedtime, to kinda set the table, to set the mood, to be a buffer between being awake and asleep. So, most listeners don’t fall asleep during the intro. They’re winding down or getting ready for bed or getting comfortable or doing some chill activity. That’s just been my experience and what studies say works.
Having a wind-down routine works. So, kinda see how it goes. There’s 2% of people that skip the intro and I’m sure there’s 2% of people that fall asleep during it, but for most listeners, the intro is what eases them into bedtime. Then there’s support, again, sponsor support, for the show, and then there will be our bedtime story. It’s not a matter of making you wait for the bedtime story; it’s a matter of easing you into it. That’ll be our bedtime story. It’ll be about friends playing a roleplaying game and the adventure of friendship. Then there’s thank-yous at the end. So, that’s the structure of the show. That’s why I make the show. I’m really glad you’re here. I work really hard. I yearn and I strive. I really hope I can help you fall asleep. Thanks again for coming by, and here’s ways…here’s a couple ways I’m able to do it for you for free twice a week.
Alright everybody, it’s time for our episodically modular series, Journey Into the World of Friends, and if you wonder what’s…episodically modular means, it means you could listen to these in any order. We’ll kinda catch you up on everything, or the characters will. I’ll make sure they do, actually. I’ll tell them, 'cause I didn’t have it prepared. So, I’ll let them know; hey, let’s get caught up first. What’s Journey Into the World of Friends? It’s a tale of friends playing…or designing or exploring what it means to be friends within the context of a roleplaying game. Originally they were designing the roleplaying game, then they were playing it and designing it, and now they seem to be fully immersed and they’re really roleplaying. But there’s no playing at the role of friendship, you know.
Well, it’s play…if it’s play…if your role is friendship, be playful, but don’t…but also put in a little effort, so I’ve been told by many…and not…in much shorter four-letter words, but…about my…so anyway…especially…there’s one person who uses love…H-E…H-E-L-L-O; that’s five letters. A friend…my friend, he calls me. Bud; that’s only three letters. Fun…I always use Q-U-I-E-T. Noise; N-O-I-S-E. Oh, I thought that was four letters. He’s laughing now. Charm also…he doesn’t even need four letters to…or five letters to have charm, because it’s time for our Hollywood announcer. He drives all the way from Los Angeles on solar…stored solar energy, then tries to store his internal energy…'cause I say, hold on, I’m not ready for you to come in. He says, what part isn’t ready? Emotionally I’m not ready for you to come in.
Maybe it’s organization. Maybe…I don't know. Also, I gotta record a podcast. It’s gotta be quiet. But he comes all the way from Los Angeles 'cause of love of the listeners and putting people to sleep, making you feel less alone in the deep, dark night, being a part of this thing. It’s Mr. Antonio Banderas. Yes, friends beyond the binary, the ladies and gentlemen, the boys, the girls, it’s time to journey into the World of Friends. Yippee-ay-yay. Yeah. Thanks. We’re gonna play a game later, but it’s not the game I said, because I couldn’t get it…'cause it’s exclusive to one store and they don’t have it at stock at the store I have. But it’s less than it would be for them to send it to me for free, so I’ll get it eventually. But that’s Mr. Antonio Banderas, and this is Journey Into the World of Friends.
Okay, Zell, it’s me. I’m just waking up. I’m confused where we are. Zell…? Okay, hey, Zell. It’s me, Eleanor, Florencian healer. You seem to still be waking up. So, let me see if I could put things together. I know we’re in…we’re below the Handy Halls. Oh, back up, you’re saying. You’re still groggy and confused; okay. So, I know we had played a roleplaying game years ago as a group of friends, and then we kept saying we wanted to play another game again but nobody wanted to be DM, and some of our relationships changed and we kinda…it just kept being something we would do one day. Then our world kinda changed and the structure of our world changed, and then…I don't know your relationship status with Emwatta, and I won't ask by the way your brow is furrowing, but I know that status…okay, I’ll keep moving on.
But Emwatta was the person who…ooh, this is complicated. But so, our DM never reappeared, but Emwatta proposed…invited us all over and said, hey, what if we play a game? Is it that I don't remember your relationship status or I’ve never wanted to talk to you about it? Because you did…we did…we’ve been living…anyway, okay. I was just trying to clarify that for myself, because something strange did happen. So, Emwatta invited us over and we said, hey…Emwatta said, instead of someone having to be DM and feeling that was less fun for them even though a lot of people enjoy being DM…we didn’t have that DM person that loved just doing DM work all the time, maybe because of all our individual personalities, of managing our expectations.
But Emwatta said…Emwatta, magic-user, member of our party, said, what if we design an adventure together, and as we’re designing it as a venturing party, we kind of test out different adventures? Emwatta said, what if I propose that that adventure is into the attraction called Journey Into the World of Friends — or the World of Friends; we’re journeying into it — which was a old…it’s still in this former theme park in the Land of Leisure where our other adventure took place, in the time after…the before-time I think is the easiest way to put it. But the time is after the before-time but before the time…you know what I mean. It was after…I don't know. Can we call it the first…? How come they don’t just call it the First Age? I guess 'cause there was ages before that.
But this is just my wording, so please don’t hold me to it, Watta. Oh, sorry, Zell. Sorry, I got you two mixed up. Just in case…'cause you two used to date. Not as characters, but…okay, so, I’ll just move on. The First Age, this…I’m just using that term generally even though it’s a specific term. This Land of Leisure was a gigantic vacation kingdom, and it was themed parks. In one section of this themed park was a attraction called World of Friends, which had…well, it changed over the years as they remodeled it, but it was animatronic plushes, and it followed different trends. They were representing the friends of the world and singing a song, Welcome to the World of Friends, I think, or Come Be A Friend. They’d be dressed in different outfits or different…doing different things. A lot of playing music and dancing.
The song was very catchy even though they had recorded it with different pop stars or…I think so. I think that’s what we’re…some of the history we discovered. But that was the before-time. Afterwards, this park fell into disarray, but it never became…it was always shrouded in mystery because…and people would adventure into the park, but they never…adventuring parties. We had a separate adventure into the World of Tomorrow, which was their futuristic land or their land based on visions of the future, of that time’s future. If only they could have saw…we’re in their future now. So, what was my point? Okay, so then…'cause this adventure’s become real. So, then we met…all of us separately…okay, what’s…? This is a lot of explaining, huh?
But it is important, especially 'cause I don't know where we are, so it’s helping me try to process where we are right this moment. Okay, so, the adventure was to take place into…journeying to this World of Friends. Why would we go there other than glory and adventure? Apparently we all have relationships separately with the leader of this Florida, the Baron of the Boil, formally leader of a large guild of thieves, and a character…the Baron of the Boil was the one that was able to kind of bring peace and prosperity, because the Baron of the Boil had worked out some water disagreements, the flow of the water through the state of Florida, fresh water. It just so happens, outside of the Land of Leisure is this giant station which we have not gotten to yet, where water could be…where water was moved.
It’s not based on perpetual motion, but the power of the sea powers machinery…well, I guess that could be control…that could control the water flow, and whoever controlled that obviously controlled the water flow to the southern areas of Florida. But the Baron of the Boil reestablished the free flow of water even though this facility could have been used, because messing up the facility would have…it’s integral in the flow of water, 'cause most of the water is flowing north to south…is my understanding. But what happened was the Baron of the Boil had some…there was someone named Vedul who is actually a foundling of the Baron of the Boil and a magic-user. Also, though, cool-blooded and maybe descended from dragons.
Something happened where Vedul…I don't know if it was a double-cross or a triple-cross or whatever. Vedul took over this power…this water flow station. Why? Not to just control the water but to divert the water, because the reason this park is so interesting to adventure in is because below this park is some sort of well or connection to another world or a well of spiritual energy or something like that. We suspect that some sort of being that is an antagonist and pretending to be a dragon or is a dragon from another world is in contact with Vedul, convincing and powering Vedul’s efforts to remove the water from the park so that Vedul can unearth this portal or well. But most of the energy from this other world, as we’ve discovered, is positive energy, and that leaks out.
So, the positive energy has leaked out into the park over the years, like bubbles coming through the water, and it caused the park to come alive. So, all of the plush characters or friends in this ride or attraction are alive, are sentient beings. It’s a long idea of the Three…as I talk to the Three Florences and other Florencian nurses is that, yeah, these are…whatever, that they’re sentient beings but they’re also still animatronics. But they can’t…I think we also established that they’re very localized. They can’t leave their attraction. I mean, or go very far, from what we’ve seen. But Vedul, by…it wouldn’t be good for anybody…also, there’s natural beings and organic beings that live in this park as it’s become overgrown and wild. Other adventurers have come before us, including an adventuring party with the Baron of the Boil’s son.
Yeah, her son, and that party is apparently…fallen into the hands of Vedul. Some of those party members, too, which we’ve met…we’ve encountered have proceeded into another status as spiritual beings in another realm. So, we’ve gone into the attraction. Now, at some point, we thought we were designing a roleplaying adventure, but now we’re in the adventure and we don’t understand…I guess it’s been a few days, but we don’t…so, we don’t quite understand how that happened. Is this a dream? Was there some sort of other thing? Was it the brownies we had? We don’t know. Oh, candied buttons; I forgot about that. But I don't think it is. I think this is real, because…or it’s a very in-depth dream, because multiple days have passed.
We went in…we met some polliwogs, we tried to get some information, then we met Mary Bear and some other beings in the attraction. We helped them get speaker wire so they could play music. Then we found out, well, if we could get access to the security room which is below the attraction connected it to the Handy Halls…that’s how they would repair the ride and get…the workers would get in and out of the ride. If we could get the key to the security room and then find a door to the security room, then we could probably get the means…there may be stuff there to help us in our quest to get the son of the Baron of the Boil and defeat Vedul.
But what complicated things was one of the members of the previous party, they said that they had already started this process, this magical, mechanical process to flood the entire park, which is this back…this system…because again, the Baron of the Boil said…I don't know if it was…pre-dates the Baron of the Boil or not, but a great idea; said, Florida needs a free flow of water for all organic beings. Some of the flow of the water now has kind of become…even though it was by human means and stuff that these ponds and gigantic swamps…getting rid of this pumping station would ensure the water wouldn’t be controlled but it would flow somewhat in a controlled sense, but mostly not a controlled sense.
Also, it would prevent Vedul from getting this well, 'cause apparently water plays some part in the well, or the portal. Obviously if it’s under sixty feet of water, it’s not gonna be easy to get it open and stuff. So, that process is a few…that process will apparently happen in, I don't know, four or five days from now. So, now we’re torn with…we still gotta find the Baron of the Boil’s son, but we’re also kind of secretly wondering, could we even defeat Vedul? Also the fact that now we’re in our adventure as real people…what would happen if things didn’t go well? Because we’re not just…we’re still rolling dice from time to time, but we don’t have…what would happen to us, right? Zell, have you fallen back asleep?
But so, then we went into the…so, we went into another room to get the key to the security thing, which we…you and I did not get, but the other members of our party did, and they got out through the roof of the building, I think, through a skylight or a hole in the wall or something. Now, in the room we discovered, we discovered a few different things we maybe had suspected. One, this is a big operation and Vedul is moving rocks and sand and small rocks to divert the water flow, because probably Vedul wants to run all of Florida, so Vedul does not want to stop the flow of water to southern Florida, but Vedul also wants to drain the entire area around the park to get access to this spiritual well or whatever you want to call it, portal to another world.
When we went into this next part of the attraction, we saw that Vedul had also created versions of the friends where more than one friend was magically…they were…became larger friends. Like, the arm would be a seal and the torso might be a lion and a tiger, and then…so, giant beings so they could move giant rocks. Also, we did contact Mary Bear, who said, yeah, you gotta…you can’t let this…I don't think Mary Bear knew that the self-destruct had been set for the whole area, or the flooding thing. But Mary Bear definitely wants us to save and free everybody, right, 'cause this is their home. So, we got the key as a party, but we had to split up and create distractions. You and I went into the sewers below the Handy Halls and got out of there. I don't believe anyone followed us or saw us. We went a little bit aways and we kinda created…I actually used magic to hide us, so…while we rested. I woke up before I started talking. I was listening; I didn’t hear anything.
So, the current plan, Zell, unless you want to let me know differently but I know you’re resting and listening, is we did see on the…we’ve seen on the walls some maps that are old and are kinda…things, but…and we know some of these sewers are blocked, but we were in…we did…well, we were at an opening of the sewer, so I think we can proceed using these maps to the sewers in the room we’re expecting our party to go to, which is a room where Mary Bear thought we could access…if we go into that room and then go into the Handy Halls in that room and unblocked…un…'cause the room we were in…this is getting confusing, but we were…we did…could have got to the security room through a Handy Hall where we met Mary Bear, but Vedul had kinda put a surprise there that was very powerful, and Mary Bear thinks that there’s not a reason for Vedul to put a surprise at this one.
But there could be a surprise there, but then we’ll have to figure that out. But so, we think we could get to the security room from there, and there’d be ways…cameras…cameras, they call…Mary Bear called them. Cameras that may still work, where we could see Vedul or find the…and then bots or something. I don't know. So, our plan now, Zell, unless you want to change it, is we should just get walking. Oh, you’re getting up; great. And we’ll just see if we could find the rest of…find our way to the rest of our party. I wonder, though, Zell, what do you think our party is doing right now? Lord von Chill, Emwatta…oh, I’m a Florencian healer. You’re a working-class fighter, Zell. We have Lord von…yes, Lord von Chill. That’s weird; I just woke up. I felt like I heard my name and my ears twitched.
Grenada of Darmok, snuggling with me, are fleet of foot, quick in…full of dexterity, hubba-hubba, now that we’re…the two of us are together in a relationship. Emwatta, our wizard…I’m from…I’m a gentry, they call me, and I wear plated armor. You know what I’m saying. So, we’re looking down through this skylight. Even though the skylight is masked, we’ve cracked a hole in it and we can see down into this part of the attraction, the World of Friends. It’s very green in there. One of the walls has…what is that? North, south, east, west…so, its eastern wall has a giant hole in it with sun shining in. I guess it’s not a structure. It’s structurally still sound, it seems like it, where we’re standing. So, the room is very green and the canal is full but blocked, so it’s very algaeic, as is most of the room.
So, the attraction is very hard to identify 'cause there’s so much green in there. There doesn’t seem to be any other activity, but we can see, as Grenada works the rope, that there’s…not far below this skylight is a square, and that’s called the Square of Red on this map we have. It actually looks like a good place to go because there’s…well, one of the walls has some holes in it, but otherwise it’s…we could lower ourselves down, then assess our situation. Then we have to get across the canal, and I believe there’s a couple options where we could find a way down to the Handy Halls. So, let’s…Grenada, do you want to go…what order should we go in? I feel like maybe Grenada, Watta, and…okay, go ahead. Alright, we’re climbing down this rope, and here we are in the Square of Red.
Well, it’s very humid and moist in here, and very…it seems like…though the greenery’s…oh, it’s moving because we’re surrounded. Oh…are those…? Those kinda look like…hello, are you…? You’re a friend, aren’t you? Are you riding Dewy…a dewback from…are you familiar with Dewy the dewback? Those are giant, cool-blooded beings. Didn’t even know they existed or they were…oh, they’re not natural. What’s your name? I’m Lord von Chill. I know you seem to be trying to let us…we’re not gonna do anything. We’re just standing here. We’re friends of Mary Bear, and I’m Lord von Chill. This is Grenada of Darmok, and this is Emwatta. Hi, I’m Panda. I’m Pander the panda; sorry. I’m a panda. I’m Pander the panda, and you’ve come into our area, and we…go ahead, send the other person in. Yep.
Their name’s Troy, and…so, we were gonna keep you here. We have some work for you to do. Bring in the…everybody…oh, what’s happening? What do you mean work for us? Oh, well, I’ll be instructing you. You’re gonna be building yo-yos. Well, no; we’re on a mission, actually, with Mary Bear. We’ve got…oh, this is Pander the panda; I don't need to hear…please don’t…we have three of these dewbacks, as you call them, and they are from the below, and they’re…we’ve trained them slowly, but we need yo-yos for everyone. I’m sorry…this is Lord von Chill; can I just clarify? A yo-yo…oh, okay, you’re handing me one. Oh, this thing you put on your finger. Okay, you need us to craft…? Okay, in exchange for what? Oh, then I’ll…then we have more work for you to do.
We have a lot that we need here, and we’ve been having people here. That’s great. That’s great. Wait a second, Grenada, what are you…? Oh, this is Grenada of Darmok; Troy…the party member with the…hi, Troy. It’s me, Grenada of Darmok. Oh boy, this is awkward. This is Lord von Chill; what do you mean it’s…? Well, Troy and I, we used to adventure together. Wait a second, do you mean the adventure of friendship, the adventure of adventuring, or the adventure of…adventure…romantic adventuring? All three. Troy, were you with the Baron of the Boil’s son? Troy seems to be…Troy, it’s me, Grenada of Darmok. Troy’s very focused on the dewbacks and the yo-yos, so I don't think Troy is totally with us, Lord von Chill. Well…so, wait, so you did…you adventured with one another. Can we just move on?
This is not important right this second. Pander the panda’s talking to you. I could just take over. So, yeah, I’m Grenada of Darmok. So, you say you have other work for us to do. The thing is, we’re kind of in a hurry. I’ll be honest with you, we’re a party of adventurers. Troy was a member of a party, and you could fill me in, Pander, once I’m finished speaking. Troy may have been in another party that was on a mission similarly, and you probably…you all seem to be…you’re all so green. That’s, I guess…Lord von Chill didn’t mention it, but you’re all very green and covered in vines and stuff. Is that just camouflage to surprise us? This is Pander the panda; this is so we can work outside.
We come in and we get…we go outside and we work, and the camouflage, as you call it, keeps us…gives us an ability to be outside the ride for some time and work for Vedul, and…His Grace, as we call him sometimes. Then we have to come back in and then regrow…so, we take turns. That’s why we need the yo-yos, is to give us something to do. We’re bored and we don’t have our normal ability to do what we would normally do. We’re also a bit confused. But Vedul lets us have yo-yos and a couple other things we were looking for. Okay, so, why don’t you tell us what you’re looking for and we could tell you what we’re looking for? Well, this is Pander the panda; I don't know…I think we’re…you’re not in a position to negotiate. Okay, this is Grenada; so, I’m Grenada of Darmok. This is Emwatta, a magic-user like Vedul.
This is Lord von Chill. Now, Lord von Chill, don’t let this go to your head, but there is a difference between Troy and Lord von Chill on the field of negotiating dewbacks. While I’m sure there’s a lot more of our friends…we’re friends with Mary Bear. We’re not here to mess with friendship. We’re here to be your friends…or even trained dewbacks or whatever these creatures are…but we could. So, I think…and yeah, it might not go anybody’s way, so we don’t really want to do that. I don't want to get into my personal mythology, but Timba…we don’t need to go…we want to be in a win-win situation, not a lose-lose situation. Do you understand? This is Pander the panda; I do…Vedul’s made us aware of what losing…a winning situation is.
So, that’s why we work with Vedul, so…and we appreciate what Vedul has provided us with and that we’re still allowed to come back here and play with yo-yos. Okay, we’re not looking to really rock the boat with what you have here; we’re just looking to enhance it. So, you could tell us what you need done. We could work something out, and then we just have…we’re trying to meet up with two of our friends and then we’re gonna head across…maybe we could ask you a couple questions, 'cause we’re looking to go somewhere, and then we’ll move on. Here’s the great news; our goals are aligned with yours. What if there was a world where Vedul wasn’t around and you could just do your yo-yos or whatever? Why don’t you tell me what you want first and then we’ll go from there?
But think about that, 'cause we could be a part of that. Well, this is Pander the panda; I know that you’re really just looking to…we’ve learned from Troy that you’re looking to fill this park with water to the top. No, no, no, that was Troy’s party, not our party. We’re gonna stop Vedul and get a member…another member of Troy’s party, maybe help Troy…Troy, are you with us? No; okay. That’s a good job on that yo-yo, Troy. Okay, so, Pander, what do you need? Okay, okay, I’ll tell you what we want. See the…there’s a giant sun up there, right? The sun used to shine and it used to circle and it makes us all happy. When we asked Vedul about it, Vedul just scoffed. So, we’d like the sun…we also used to have kites. We figure…and then we thought, well, with the…sometimes the wind comes in through that big hole in the wall.
What if we had real kites? So, those are the things we’re thinking about right now, 'cause I know when we were friends and we would sing, some of us had kites, and all of us loved looking at the sun. The sun wasn’t a being; it’s just a decoration, though some people got confused about that. Then we want yo-yos to play with, 'cause some of us had yo-yos, and then some of us watched for years and years the people with the kites and the yo-yos. So, we had yo-yo…FOYOYO, yo-yo…FOYO; FOMO for yo-yo. Okay, so, Troy’s doing a great job on the yo-yos, and we could…I’m particularly good with…I could probably help make some better yo-yos because I’m pretty good with a rope. What we could do is…some ropes are made up of a bunch of tiny ropes together. I’m sure between…and I’m somewhat mechanical.
Lord von Chill…Emwatta’s magical. What if we fixed your sun and maybe make some kites, and then you…once we do that, maybe then you say, oh, okay, I could trust you to kind of…how does that sound, Pander? We’re already working on these yo-yos with Troy, here. Then we’ll come up with a plan of what we need to make kites, and we’ll figure out fixing the sun. You could just go about your day and we’ll just be here working. This is Pander the panda; so, you really think you could get us kites and you could get the sun working? Yeah. So, you want the sun to move again, and we’ll start…I think we could clean it and then Watta and I could look at it with Lord von Chill, 'cause maybe there’s something we could do. I can’t be honest that we can…but we’ll…I think we could try to fix it. Okay, but…okay, I’ll move on, then.
Okay, so, we’ll…thank you. I’ll leave you. There’s no…we’ll obviously have friends and dewbacks watching you, so proceed with the yo-yos. This is Lord von Chill; I’m having trouble with the rope with the…okay, Lord von Chill, you just put together the wood parts, and Watta, you look at that sun…I don't know about making kites. Troy, can you hear my voice? Yes, this is Troy. Okay, Troy…hi, how you doing? Not great. Yeah, you don’t look great, Troy. What’s going on? Don’t trust the toys. Oh, they’re…they like to be called friends, not toys, believe it or not. But they’re not telling the truth. Okay, Troy, what do you mean they’re not telling the truth? I don't know. Okay, Troy…Troy, do you need to lie down? Yes. Okay, go ahead and lie down, Troy.
Okay, so, Troy doesn’t trust the toys, but the toys probably know that Troy’s party started the countdown, so maybe they were a little sterner with Troy or something. Okay, let’s work on the yo-yos, the three of us, while Troy rests, and then we’ll figure out the kites. I wonder what…and then we’ll figure out the sun and try to figure out an idea in-between, 'cause if the…I guess the problem is Pander the panda, right? If we…I just wonder if they’re gonna keep coming up. It’s almost busy work. Like, they’ll want to…then they’re gonna want a kite for everybody. Then after we fix the sun, they’re gonna say, hey, can you fix this?
So, we are gonna have to establish some limits, or…I mean, I don't mind doing stuff for them, but we also are on a time crunch because Troy’s party did set that thing in motion and we gotta figure out what’s going on with the rest of our party. Eleanor, this is Zell; I’m starting to wonder if…oh wait, I hear something. Zell, do you hear that? I think we’re getting…we’re make…yeah, Zell, it’s…oh boy, it’s a large…it seems to be a large number of small, pesky beings with long tails that are…that have become oversized by some sort of thing. Okay, I guess we’re gonna have to…is there anything we can…? No, we’re gonna…they’re coming to…so, let’s get into…okay, so, are you rolling…? This is real and we’re rolling dice? Yeah, so, it goes…it’ll go me, you, and then the four of them will get to go. Okay, we’re doing good.
So, this is gonna be a bit of a skirmish. Yeah, no, we’re not having too much trouble here. Oh, that was quite the move there. They’re not very effective 'cause we’ve got all this extra stuff we’re wearing. Okay, we’re done, Zell. Okay, we should keep moving, but the thing is that…remember that other thing that came out of the sewers? I think now we’re getting into…okay, Eleanor, this is Zell; what do you think is causing this? Do you think it’s the magical powers below the park? Because these aren’t…but these aren’t sentient. Those beings we just encountered, the other beings we encountered, they aren’t sentient, right? You’re right about that, and they seem to be down here. I’m sensing something. Yeah, there’s this…that’s…off smell. Yeah, well, let’s take these potions of protection.
These will keep us…'cause it’s probably a little bit noxious. Okay, thank you. I knew as our healer you’d have stuff for this. This is before…yeah, this is a protective measure. We’ll put these kerchiefs over…but yeah, I see there’s a leak there. Huh, this is interesting; I think in the map…this is below the security room. See that crack that’s going up? I think this must have to do with the security room somehow. Huh. Well, that is…that makes sense because one of the ways…if they’re not using wave power, there’s other ways they could be using other forms of energy, and they have unintended consequences. So, that crack, you think, is…? We’re protected, though. Yeah, we’re protected. We do have to move on eventually, but…well, what do you think we should do?
I could use some sort of sealing spell to seal it up, but it’s gonna take a lot of my energy. But I could do it. Okay, well…okay, go ahead, and I’ll keep…okay, just don’t talk for…okay, I’m casting the spell and it’s working, and it’s sealing it up. So, there shouldn’t be anymore leakage now, and our…we should move on, though, now. At least it won't create any new trouble. Okay, yeah, let’s…oh, now I’m sensing something, though. Okay, so it’s…okay, it’s larger than…okay, what are we gonna do? You’re not at 100%, and the last time we encountered one of these crockies was not great. It’s coming our way. I can hear it down the hall. I wonder if they could…how good their sense of smell is. I know they have nostrils. Oh, wait a second; okay, wait, if I could find…okay, this little area here…we could climb up in here and hide.
Okay, so, I’m gonna go up in there. Okay, it’s walking by. It’s weird; it has some sort of harness on it like it’s been trained or something. It’s just walking around down here. Okay, let’s…now let’s get out. It was going the opposite way. Okay, you don’t worry about…just worry about…Zell, you just worry about…Eleanor, you just worry about getting…keep sipping some water, too. So, we should be close to the other room. So, this…now we’re below where we met Mary Bear, but as we cross over this next gateway, this should be the room…this should be the part of the attraction…like, the room where there’s no…it’s a lot drier here. There’s no leakage from above. That tells me that it’s sealed off. So, I think we should go back and go up…yeah, go up here. This is…so, we’re going up this ladder. You can come up the ladder, right?
Okay, good, good. Yeah, this is the hole where we met Mary Bear, then to the Handy Halls. Let’s go back up into the room where we met Mary Bear. We’ll sneak in here. The rope’s still there, but the room is empty. Okay, this is…so, no friends are in this room at all. That’s not great. But we could get up…I think we should just do what our party did. We could get up into the rafters here, we can go out one of these skylights, and then just go over. I’m sure they went back in a skylight. Oh yeah, this one even…we can go on these girders. You’re alright? Okay. Then we’ll just open this one up. It even has a latch. Okay, I got the latch open. I did roll dice; don't worry. Then we’re gonna…oh yeah, there’s the hole and there’s the rope.
Okay, I see some party member there on the ground, sleeping, but that’s not a member of our party…but it’s not a friend. Maybe I could lean in a little bit more. I wonder where they…they must be down there…okay, they must be down there somewhere. I think I see some motion. Okay, this is Lord von Chill; so, we got the kites done, so we just got…so, I’m looking at this sun, but Grenada, I see something in your eyes that you’re thinking. Yeah, I think we should use the sun as a distraction, but I’m just not sure how we should do that. Watta, do you have any spells that we could use as a distraction? Yeah, I can, but then I’m just trying to figure out…we gotta find the rest of our party. They were supposed to come up through the sewers, but this water’s filled. So, I don't know.
But I think what we could do…Lord von Chill, you can get it to mechanically spin. Once you get it loose, I think the magical power should restore its motion, but as a…if it was a distraction, we would…once we were ready, we could get all the toys…or the friends focused on this, right? Then maybe I could use some sort of sunlight spell to make it sunny and that would make them all not be able to see, or at least the dewbacks? Oh, wait a second, what’s that…? Oh wait, there’s Eleanor and…oh, and Zell. Thank goodness. They’re up there. Okay, Lord von Chill, you’re pointing at the sun and your watch. Okay, so, we should just do a build-up here. Then, Grenada, while we’ve been working on this, you were sneaking off gathering parts for the…what are those things called, anyway? The kites?
Those kites are pretty sweet, by the way. So, I’m gonna work on a spell. Maybe I’ll make it with a noise, too, because they seem…the kind of noise the sun makes. Like, aah, you know, with that…actually, we’d have to do it ourselves. So, I could do the light and channel our voices, so everyone would have to do a different sound of the three of us like a sun. So, I’d do the ‘aah’, then we need that tinkling sound. Lord von Chill; I’ll do that tinkling sound. Then Grenada, you could do a ‘ooh’ sound, okay? Okay, not yet. So, they know they’re gonna come down and then…so, Grenada, you think you found in that temple, that is the way down back to the Handy Halls, right? Okay, so, I think that’s what we do. Oh, hey, Pander. We’re almost ready. Why don’t you gather everybody and gather everybody…what should we do about Troy, though?
Grenada, you just shrugged. I guess we’ll come back for Troy. It’ll be…work out fine. Sorry, we were just thinking, would Troy want to see this, too? We’re ready to reveal the sun if all the friends get ready. Why don’t you all stay on that side of the canal? I know you gotta swim between that mucky canal. I didn’t like that, either. So, first we’re gonna get the motion going. Lord von Chill, go ahead and let it motion. Yeah, okay, they’re getting ready to nod. So, they could come down behind them. Sorry, Pander, I’m just thinking where you’re gonna have the best angle. Maybe move a little bit more…there you go. Okay, so, all…'cause we can’t see everybody 'cause everybody’s in camouflage. You look like plants. Okay, so we’re gonna…so, there’s the motion of the sun. See? It’s moving.
Oh, I know, Pander; I’m sure you’ll want us to repair other stuff. I know. I was thinking that same thing. Okay, but get ready, because this is slowly explaining that not only did we…'cause I think it was tradition at this thing when you refurbed something to also plus it. So, we have plussed your sun and we’re gonna count down; ten, nine, eight, seven, six, five, four, three, two…okay, and now we’re moving. Okay, the sound…I’m talking and narrating while we’re making the sound, because we just had to make it for that split second. Sorry, you don’t have…Lord von Chill and Grenada, you can stop. Yeah, no…Lord von Chill, I don't need to hear about how Troy wouldn’t have made a better sound. The sound is repeating itself. Oh, there…so, they’re swimming across the canal, and we’re heading up.
Okay, Grenada, you get the rope ready. Oh, hey, Zell, so good to see you. I was wondering…thank you for the hug. Eleanor, sorry, I’m just…believe it or not, we met one of Grenada’s exes down there, Troy, in the red…the Square of the Red right down there. Okay, so, we’re gonna go down here. No, they can’t see or hear anything. They’re staring at the sun, or they’re staring at a shining version of a sun. Yeah. Okay, so, we’re gonna go down this rope and then maybe when we get to the bottom we should all rest as a party and catch up, and then figure out our next move, which I guess would just be using the security key to get into this next room, but…so good we’re back together as a party and that we’re moving forward as a group. So, I’m glad about this. Let’s get some rest. Yeah.
(Transcription performed by LeahTranscribes)
Journey Into the World of Friends
Novelty T-Shirt
Yo Yo’s
How Tidal Power works
I don’t even know what you’d call a 20-sided dice? Not a cube, right?
Is a tetrapack a tetrahedron?
Deep Dark Night United
We need more sponsor supporters
SAG-AFTRA Strike Support; The Midnight Mission; Trevor Project; Patreon; SleepPhones; Emily Tat Artwork; NAPAWF; Anti-Racism Resources; Ukraine Relief; Crisis Textline
Hello Fresh; Odoo; Helix Sleep; Air Doctor Pro; Zocdoc; Progressive
Mystery Thoughts
I’d prefer to do much less thinking
No offense, brain, your plans are convoluted
I’m convexed and concaved
A very convoluted, interactive TV shirt idea
Pointless Add-Ons to Clothing
A 360 shirt
These are pets, Vex and Cave
I don’t have the emotional wherewithal to make a t-shirt
I’m dancing around with words for you
I’ll be very careful dancing with these fragile words
What does Episodically Modular mean?
Explaining the backstory of JIWOF
There’s no playing at the role of friendship
Antonio doesn’t even need 5 letters to have charm
Storing solar energy and internal energy on his way up
Antonio’s intro
Yippee Yay Yaa
Zel is waking up
Eleanor is also there
Below the Handy Halls
What is Zel’s relationship status with Em Watta? Don’t ask
Our DM never reappeared
Em Watta proposed a joint DM-ing situation
An adventure into the World of Friends
A former theme park in the Land of Leisure
The time after the before time
Why can’t we call it the first age? Too confusing
The First Age is a general term
A Themed Park
Animatronic Plushes that followed different trends
Why would we come here, other than glory and adventure?
We all have relationships with the Baron of the Boil
The power of the sea powers machinery that controls the water flow in Southern Floridahhh
Vidul is being powered by a mystical, Dragon like being
Everyone wants to get to this portal
Positive Energy has leaked out into the park over the years
BB’s son’s adventuring party has fallen into the hands of Vidul
We were designing an adventure, but now we’re in the adventure
Still not sure how that happened…
We need to access the security room below the attraction
We have the key to that door
Quest: Get BB’s son and defeat Vidul
But the flooding process has already been begun
Floridahhh needs a Free Flow of Water
Flooding would prevent Vidul from accessing the magical well
That’ll happen in 4 or 5 days
The other half of our team got out through a skylight
Vidul is trying to divert water flow in this area
Mary Bear didn’t know that the self-destruct process had begun
Eleanor and Zel are in the sewers below the Handy Halls
Some old sewer maps on the walls
Let’s walk in these sewers to reunite with our party
What do you think the rest of our party is doing at this moment?
Cut to LVC and Grenada and Watta and Mary Bear
Looking down into the World of Friends through this skylight hole
A very green room; a full, blocked canal
Descending down to the Handy Halls
Oh, the greenery was moving because we’re surrounded
Is that a Dewey the Dewback?
Are you friends?
I’m Pander the Panda
You have to build yo-yo’s for these stuffies
Some light forced labor
Grenada recognizes Troy, a former adventurer
Grenada and Troy used to adventure together?
LVC is unsettled that Grenada and Troy used to date
They don’t want to do labor for Pander
Why is everyone green and covered in vines?
Camouflage, so they can go outside and work for Vidul
Uh oh, they work for Vidul
They need Yo Yo’s to not be bored
We want this to be a Win-Win Situation
Vidul is more for a Win-Lose Situation, and Pander likes it
We don’t want to flood the park, like Troy did
What Pander Wants
There’s an animatronic sun that’s broken down
They want real kites to have fun with
YoYo Fomo
What if we fix your sun and make some kites? Would you trust us then?
They’ve already started building yo yo’s
LVC, you assemble the wood of the yo yo
Grenada and Troy catch up
Troy tells them not to trust the toys
Let’s all 3 work on yoyos, then kites, then the sun
Will Pander just keep giving them busywork?
Back to Eleanor and Zel
They see a large number of pesky beings with long tails that have become oversized
This is real and we’re rolling dice
Rolling for Initiative
A bit of a skirmish
The skirmish has ended
What do you think is causing this?
Sensing a Soft Smell
Let’s take these precautionary potions
Below the security room
A crack in the ceiling
Maybe they’re not using wave power?
Unintended Consequences
Eleanor will use a sealing spell to seal up the crack
Encountering another crocky
How good is their sense of smell?
Hiding in a little crawlspace
Huh, the crocky has been trained and wears a harness
There’s a lot drier in this new room
Let’s go up this ladder
Back into the room where we met Mary Bear
Let’s get up into the rafters from here
In through another skylight
They must be down there somewhere
Back to LVC
The kites are done
Let’s use the sun as a distraction, but how??
Let’s get it moving through magic
We’ll make it extra sunny to temporarily blind them
Oh, I see Eleanor and Zel!
Those kites are pretty sweet
A distraction spell
Or we’ll make the sun noise ourselves
LVC will cover the tinkling sound
Grenada will do an “Oooh”
Hey, Pander why don’t you stand on the other side of that canal to see the sun
See, the sun is moving!
We’ve refurbished the sun and also plussed it
A countdown to plussing
OK, now we’re making the sound and moving during the distraction
Reuniting with Eleanor and Zel
They’re distracted by the sun
Down this rope and then let’s rest
On to the security room
Carol Leigh, Christopher S, Christopher C, OV, Ariel, Sub, Stephanie, Spencer, EJ, Gregory, Tammy, Hanna, Catherine, Amelia, Brian, Charlie, Mary, Bryson, Stephen, Alanna, Mister, Amy, Em, Hannah, Gina, Katrina, Violet, Weldon, Hayden, Gertie
Episode: 1,207
Title: Pander the Green Panda | Journey Into the World of Friends Ep 8
Deep Dark Night United: We need more sponsor supporters
Plugs: SAG-AFTRA Strike Support; The Midnight Mission; Trevor Project; Patreon; SleepPhones; Emily Tat Artwork; NAPAWF; Anti-Racism Resources; Ukraine Relief; Crisis Textline
Sponsors: Hello Fresh; Odoo; Helix Sleep; Air Doctor Pro; Zocdoc; Progressive
Patreon Thanks: Carol Leigh, Christopher S, Christopher C, OV, Ariel, Sub, Stephanie, Spencer, EJ, Gregory, Tammy, Hanna, Catherine, Amelia, Brian, Charlie, Mary, Bryson, Stephen, Alanna, Mister, Amy, Em, Hannah, Gina, Katrina, Violet, Weldon, Hayden, Gertie
Notable Language:
- Tetrahedron
- Tetrapack
- I’m convexed and concaved
- Pointless Add-Ons to Clothing
- Science-Based Facilities (SBFs)
- H-E-L-L-O
- Q-U-I-E-T
- Yippee Yay Yaa
- A Themed Park
- Animatronic Plushes
- Floridahhhh
- Floridahhh needs a Free Flow of Water
- Handy Halls
- Caymeras
- Romantic Adventuring
- YoYo Fomo
- Sensing a Soft Smell
Notable Culture:
- Dungeons & Dragons
- Custom T-Shirts
- Antonio Banderas
- Disney World
- “It’s a Small World”
Notable Talking Points:
- Mystery Thoughts
- I’d prefer to do much less thinking
- No offense, brain, your plans are convoluted
- I’m convexed and concaved
- A very convoluted, interactive TV shirt idea
- Pointless Add-Ons to Clothing
- A 360 shirt
- These are pets, Vex and Cave
- I don’t have the emotional wherewithal to make a t-shirt
- I’m dancing around with words for you
- I’ll be very careful dancing with these fragile words
- What does Episodically Modular mean?
- Explaining the backstory of JIWOF
- There’s no playing at the role of friendship
- Antonio doesn’t even need 5 letters to have charm
- Storing solar energy and internal energy on his way up
- Antonio’s intro
- Yippee Yay Yaa
- Zel is waking up
- Eleanor is also there
- Below the Handy Halls
- What is Zel’s relationship status with Em Watta? Don’t ask
- Our DM never reappeared
- Em Watta proposed a joint DM-ing situation
- An adventure into the World of Friends
- A former theme park in the Land of Leisure
- The time after the before time
- Why can’t we call it the first age? Too confusing
- The First Age is a general term
- A Themed Park
- Animatronic Plushes that followed different trends
- Why would we come here, other than glory and adventure?
- We all have relationships with the Baron of the Boil
- The power of the sea powers machinery that controls the water flow in Southern Floridahhh
- Vidul is being powered by a mystical, Dragon like being
- Everyone wants to get to this portal
- Positive Energy has leaked out into the park over the years
- BB’s son’s adventuring party has fallen into the hands of Vidul
- We were designing an adventure, but now we’re in the adventure
- Still not sure how that happened…
- We need to access the security room below the attraction
- We have the key to that door
- Quest: Get BB’s son and defeat Vidul
- But the flooding process has already been begun
- Floridahhh needs a Free Flow of Water
- Flooding would prevent Vidul from accessing the magical well
- That’ll happen in 4 or 5 days
- The other half of our team got out through a skylight
- Vidul is trying to divert water flow in this area
- Mary Bear didn’t know that the self-destruct process had begun
- Eleanor and Zel are in the sewers below the Handy Halls
- Some old sewer maps on the walls
- Caymeras
- Let’s walk in these sewers to reunite with our party
- What do you think the rest of our party is doing at this moment?
- Cut to LVC and Grenada and Watta and Mary Bear
- Looking down into the World of Friends through this skylight hole
- A very green room; a full, blocked canal
- Descending down to the Handy Halls
- Oh, the greenery was moving because we’re surrounded
- Is that a Dewey the Dewback?
- Are you friends?
- I’m Pander the Panda
- You have to build yo-yo’s for these stuffies
- Some light forced labor
- Grenada recognizes Troy, a former adventurer
- Grenada and Troy used to adventure together?
- LVC is unsettled that Grenada and Troy used to date
- They don’t want to do labor for Pander
- Why is everyone green and covered in vines?
- Camouflage, so they can go outside and work for Vidul
- Uh oh, they work for Vidul
- They need Yo Yo’s to not be bored
- We want this to be a Win-Win Situation
- Vidul is more for a Win-Lose Situation, and Pander likes it
- We don’t want to flood the park, like Troy did
- What Pander Wants
- There’s an animatronic sun that’s broken down
- They want real kites to have fun with
- YoYo Fomo
- What if we fix your sun and make some kites? Would you trust us then?
- They’ve already started building yo yo’s
- LVC, you assemble the wood of the yo yo
- Grenada and Troy catch up
- Troy tells them not to trust the toys
- Let’s all 3 work on yoyos, then kites, then the sun
- Will Pander just keep giving them busywork?
- Back to Eleanor and Zel
- They see a large number of pesky beings with long tails that have become oversized
- This is real and we’re rolling dice
- Rolling for Initiative
- A bit of a skirmish
- The skirmish has ended
- What do you think is causing this?
- Sensing a Soft Smell
- Let’s take these precautionary potions
- Below the security room
- A crack in the ceiling
- Maybe they’re not using wave power?
- Unintended Consequences
- Eleanor will use a sealing spell to seal up the crack
- Encountering another crocky
- How good is their sense of smell?
- Hiding in a little crawlspace
- Huh, the crocky has been trained and wears a harness
- There’s a lot drier in this new room
- Let’s go up this ladder
- Back into the room where we met Mary Bear
- Let’s get up into the rafters from here
- In through another skylight
- They must be down there somewhere
- Back to LVC
- The kites are done
- Let’s use the sun as a distraction, but how??
- Let’s get it moving through magic
- We’ll make it extra sunny to temporarily blind them
- Oh, I see Eleanor and Zel!
- Those kites are pretty sweet
- A distraction spell
- Or we’ll make the sun noise ourselves
- LVC will cover the tinkling sound
- Grenada will do an “Oooh”
- Hey, Pander why don’t you stand on the other side of that canal to see the sun
- See, the sun is moving!
- We’ve refurbished the sun and also plussed it
- A countdown to plussing
- OK, now we’re making the sound and moving during the distraction
- Reuniting with Eleanor and Zel
- They’re distracted by the sun
- Down this rope and then let’s rest
- On to the security room