1136 – Lower Decks | Sleeping With TNG S7E15
Notable Language:
- Elevated Elevator Music
- Parallel Double Bluffs
- Worf’s Positive Glare
Notable Culture:
- Yanni
- Wil Wheaton
- “Love in an Elevator” – Aerosmith
Notable Talking Points:
- Yanni: Live from Elevators
- Lavell is very Scooter-y
- The best way to remember Sito is to excel
Episode 1136 – Lower Decks | Sleeping With TNG S7 E15
SCOOTER: Friends beyond the binary, ladies and gentlemen, boys and girls, it’s time for the podcaster that’s here to keep you company, take your mind off of stuff and meander, go off-topic, get mixed up. It’s time for the podcast that’s never going anywhere all the time, or something. I thought we had a catchphrase. Always going nowhere; I think that’s what…always going nowhere. I think…always going nowhere; I don’t know if you’d put it in parentheses, but I think that might have been our catchphrase, but I’m not totally sure. I can’t remember…and parentheses…the only catchphrase with PSS and more. It’s time for Sleep With Me, the podcast that’s here to take your mind off of stuff and put you sleep because one, you deserve a good night’s sleep. You deserve a place you could rest and get some comfort.
That’s why I make the show. Also, I know how it feels; tossing, mind racing, trouble getting to sleep. So do a lot of other people listening. So, this is a show to keep you company and take your mind off of stuff so that you could fall asleep. I’m so glad you’re here. The show start…is gonna start off with a little bit of support, then there’s gonna be a long, meandering intro to help you wind down, and then we’ll be talking about an episode of Star Trek: The Next Generation that may or may not have become a series, an animated series, but it’ll be more like a meandering bedtime story to keep…like I said, keep you company and take your mind off of stuff so you could fall asleep. It’s a bit different, so give it a few tries, see how it goes. As I’ve already said and as…there will be a lot of repetition in this. Always repeating, never the same. It’s time for Sleep With Me, the podcast that puts you to sleep. Thanks for making it possible, my patron peeps.
INTRO: [INTRO MUSIC] Hey, are you up all night tossing, turning, mind racing? Trouble getting to sleep? Trouble staying asleep? Well, welcome. This is Sleep With Me, the podcast that puts you to sleep. We do it with a bedtime story. Alls you need to do is get in bed, turn out the lights, and press Play. I’m gonna do the rest. What I’m going to attempt to do is create a safe place where you could set aside whatever’s keeping you awake, whether it’s thoughts, like things you’re…you know, thoughts, things you’re thinking about. So thought, I guess, about the past, the present, the future. Thoughts I guess; I don’t even know…my thoughts were like yeah, I guess you could call us thoughts.
Feelings, anything feel…any feelings coming up for you about those thoughts, related to those thoughts, or feelings that are just there. You may have detected I’m a little bit under…I’ve got a little bit of a cold I’m recovering from right now. I got some thoughts and feelings about that, and physical sensations. So, if it’s physical sensations, changes in time, temperature, routine, a little bit of this…a little seasonal something; that’s what I’m dealing with. It could be guests, you could be traveling, you could have something coming up. Whatever it is that you’re dealing with, I’m here to keep you company and take your mind off of stuff so that you could fall asleep. That’s the reason we make the show, is because you deserve a place where you could get some rest.
You deserve a bedtime you could feel neutral about or ideally look forward to. Say well, at least at bedtime I got that podcast guy…goes on and on about nothing. Because if you get the sleep you need, your life’s gonna be more manageable, right? Then you could be out there living your life. If you get the rest you need on a regular basis, you could be out there flourishing. That means not only is your life better, but the world we live in is a better place. So, that’s one half of why I make the show. The other half is…and I’m not just saying this; as you’re listening, there’s a lot of other people listening that can relate to how you feel. If this is your first time here, I mean, I can list a lot of words around bedtime and bedtime solutions. It’s been frustrate…tossing, turning, all that stuff.
There’s a reason we call it the deep, dark night on this show. There’s a lot of feelings. Whatever it is that you’re going through or that’s keeping you awake or the reason you can’t sleep, while there might not be someone listening that’s experienced the exact same thing, a lot of us can relate to how it feels. So, that’s why I make the show. What I’ll do is I’m gonna send my voice across the deep, dark night, I’m gonna use lulling, soothing, creaky, dulcet tones and pointless meanders, which means my voice is not traditionally soothing. It’s more of…mildly not dis…mildly not bad and slightly distracting. Then pointless meanders and superfluous tangents mean I’ll go off topic, I’ll get mixed up, then I’ll repeat…and then I’ll say wait, what was I thinking about? Then I’ll say, what was I talking about?
Oh, yeah; I was talking about this thing and then I thought about this other thing. So, all to keep you company and take your mind off of stuff so you could fall asleep. There’s a couple things to know; this is a podcast that really isn’t here…even though it’s a sleep podcast…it’s a bit strange, but this is the sleep podcast that doesn’t put you to sleep. It’s more here to keep you company and take your mind off of stuff moreso to put you to sleep, and it’s more of a podcast you just kinda barely listen to, like, a little bit more than background noise. Background…not elevated background noise. I don’t know, what would elevated background noise be? Trained crickets…harmonizing crickets, or…? You’d say oh, well, it was recorded in France.
Oh, okay, so it’s elevated background…or you could…I would be…take it literally; oh yeah, we recorded it on a…we recorded…elevator…here…oh, here’s a wild idea…I’m sure it’s happened before; elevator music recorded on elevators. Is that a Brian Eno album? I don’t know if it is, but I’m sure…if that hasn’t been done before, please do it. Instead, live elevator music on elevators. It would be great if it could be on a…what are those called, glass elevator? So we could watch it. Maybe then you could have a larger audience, ‘cause you have the…then you have some sort of amplification. Is this idea just only coming together for me? But you have half…I don’t know, what are the usual pieces of elevator music? Let’s just say it’s a quartet. I mean, how come there’s not more…?
I guess ‘cause people have to use the elevators. Okay, there’s a obvious answer. Okay, point taken. Maybe there’s a place that has a bunch of extra elevators or something, but…you could still take the elevator. That would actually make it even better; like, people get on the elevator and you just say oh yeah, we’re in the middle of playing a set. There’s a concert in the lobby. It’s elevated elevator music, live, though it’s not…sometimes it’s descending elevator music and sometimes it’s ascending. Oh, I thought…oh, this is supposed to be a sleep podcast intro? Okay, but I’m not on an…? Oh, I’m only on a elevator in my imagination? Oh boy. So, this is a podcast…oh, you don’t really listen to and it doesn’t put you to sleep.
I’m here to be your bore-friend, your bore-bae, your bore-sib, your bore-bud, your bore-bestie, your neigh-bore. I don’t think…sorry, I’m jumping…pointless meander, or whatever. I don’t think I could do a live Sleep With Me in a elevator just because…you say well, what is…? But it’d have to be elevator music, you know? I don’t know what else it could be. Maybe some sort of performance. I don’t know, are there any Shakespeare plays that would be suited for a performance on a elevator? I mean, I guess there’s that Aerosmith song. Aerosmith, live from the elevators. But then they say well, Steven did not want to play Love in an Elevator, though. Too on the nose. Then everybody…I think you say well, I want…they didn’t play Love at a…? I want a refund. Okay, well, line…this is an imaginary…oh, okay.
Yanni, live from elevators. I’m just trying to think…the Elevator Tour…The Elevator’s Tour…Yanni, the Elevators Tour. I don’t know, it’d be…we wouldn’t be able to sell a lot of tickets, obviously. Maybe somebody with a big budget, they could have their whole stage setup. I’m sure that a lot of performers with really expensive stage shows have had elevators before, but not a actual glass elevator that goes up ten floors. Like, more of…dramatic elevators or elevators that are kinda like cages or whatever. So anyway, what was my point? Oh, it’s a podcast you really don’t…oh, I’m here to be your bore-friend, your bore-bae, your bore-sib, your bore-bud, your bore-bestie, your neigh-bore, your bore-friend, your friend in the deep, dark night.
I’m here to keep you company and take your mind off of stuff so you could fall asleep. Now, I’ll be here to the very end. If you can’t sleep, don’t worry. I’m here to keep you company whether you’re awake or asleep. Or if you need episode after episode after episode. Whatever it is, I’m here to keep you company and take your mind off of stuff so that you could fall asleep. I’m here to be your friend in the deep, dark night. So, those are two things to know; it’s a podcast you don’t listen to, doesn’t really put you to sleep, only takes your mind off of stuff. A couple other things; it does take a few tries to get used to the show, and I don’t say that for my benefit. I say it for yours. There’s tons and tons of listeners who said it took two or three tries before I came…became a listener of this podcast.
A lot of people, they listen once and then they say I’ll never listen to that again, and then years later they say maybe I’ll listen to that sleep podcast again; someone else recommended it. Then on their second or third try, they say oh, when he says it’s…never gets started and never going anywhere, he means it in a good way. Says, this podcast is going nowhere slow. Oh, that’s the point of the show. Because understandably, if you’ve been having trouble sleeping for a long time and you’ve tried a lot of different stuff, you’re skeptical and maybe you’re…say well, I’d just like to get some sleep. So if you arrive at the show skeptical or doubtful, that’s totally normal, but give it a few tries and just see how it goes ‘cause it does take a while to get to that, of like oh, it is active background noise or something.
It’s background noise I kinda listen to until I fall asleep. But it does take a couple tries to get used to it. If you already know you don’t like the show, you could check out sleepwithmepodcast.com/nothankyou. That has a list of other sleep podcasts and sleepy audio on there, ‘cause you still deserve a good night’s sleep whether this podcast works for you or not. So, let’s see, the podcast you don’t really…the structure…oh, structure of the show; that’s the next thing, is it takes a few tries to get used to…oh, structure of the show also throws new listeners off, totally understandably. The show’s designed in a specific way because it just goes out as a podcast, but you can adjust how you listen as you become a regular listener.
But the show starts off with a greeting; friends beyond the binary, ladies and gentlemen, boys and girls, so you feel seen and welcomed in and you say oh, this podcast maybe is a friendly space I could check out. Usually I try to say something funny or I forget, and then…I just be myself. You say oh, okay, this…it’s a little bit different. So, that’s the greeting, then there’s support for the show ‘cause the goal of the podcast is to be free twice a week. That’s made possible by the sponsors and the people that support the show and the sponsors. That’s cool. You say oh, wow, I don’t gotta subscribe or anything. It’s just free when I want it. Then there’s support for listeners who are having a tough time, support for communities around the show, then there’s the intro.
We’re already ten minutes into the intro or so, but the intro goes on and on and on, and a lot of people say isn’t there a more efficient way, or isn’t this navel-gazing, or is this part of the support? But no, the intro is a ten to twenty-minute or somewhere in-between introduction of the podcast meant to introduce new listeners to the show. But for regular listeners it’s kind of familiar every time, but it also is different every time. So you say oh, okay, I have some familiarity with the structure of the intro, but whatever Scoots is gonna go on a tangent about, he doesn’t even know. He’ll probably even forget halfway through it. But the intro also is meant to ease you into bedtime, to help you wind down. There’s a percentage of listeners that skip the intro, there’s a percentage of listeners that fall asleep during the intro, but for most listeners it’s a matter of getting in bed and getting comfortable or doing some sort of other wind-down activity while they’re listening to the intro or getting ready for bed, to slowly lower the volume, to have a transition from wake time to sleep.
So, that’s what the intro does. Then there’s more support for the show and then there will be our story. Tonight will be a recap of a episode of TNG, Star Trek: The Next Generation…returns after a little while. We return to watching some TNG. So, that’ll be nice. Even if you’re not familiar with the show, it’ll be a nice, meandering discussion of it. Then there will be some thank-yous at the end. So, that’s the structure of the show, that’s why we make the show. I’m really glad you’re here. I really appreciate you coming by and checking this podcast out. I work hard, I yearn and I strive, I really hope I can help you fall asleep. So, thanks again for coming by, and here’s a couple ways we’re able to do it for you for free twice a week.
Alright everybody, we’re talking about Season 7, Episode 15 of Star Trek: The Next Generation, Lower Decks, which I think…and I’m not positive about this, so if you were confused when you saw the title…I know there’s an animated show that’s fairly new called Lower Decks, which I think this is kinda the…maybe the episode concede about it, but I’m not positive ‘cause I have not seen Lower Decks. It is on my list of things to watch, though. But this starts off with Riker and Troi in Ten Forward, and there’s someone cleaning a table in the background. They’re talking about crew evaluations. Riker’s kicked back very casually. They both have pads. The game is on the table, the ball game. On their table it’s red and purplish-blue balls, and you get a couple good shots of that, the way it’s stacked.
Then we go to a crew table and there’s four crew members playing this…the ball game, but with black and white balls. They’re trying to have a good time but they’re talking about their evaluations, too. One guy seems particularly stressed about getting a promotion. There’s a Vulcan named Taurik who was very logical about things. But yeah, this guy’s worried about it. But we hear a little bit about the Bajoran people, which comes in…to be important. Roommate…Taurik and the other guy are roommates. Very good laughs they have, or someone has a very good laugh. No dessert for Troi. We see the bartender whose name I think is Sam is stirring up trouble, but kind of in a friendly way. The first time I watched it, though, I was like, is this for real? Oh, they’re also worried about who’s gonna be promoted to Ops.
That’s the biggest discussion. Oh, then we go to the Bridge after the scene ends. Let’s see…but yeah, at first, Sam, the bartend…the new…what do you call that? The new person running Ten Forward. I don’t know if Sam is a human or not, but says oh, two of you are up for the same job, by the way, for Ops, which stresses the one guy out. Then the opening sequence goes. Yeah, then we’re on the Bridge. Enemy phasers…Worf glares. Target destroyed. Sal…something. Ensign, relay float. Lavelle…so, that’s one of the other ensign’s names. Aye-aye. One ‘aye’ is sufficient, dude. Oh, so Lavelle’s the guy that worries. This is a training sequence, by the way. Alpha shift was 7% slower than gamma shift. I think that’s what I put. New orders; Sito’s on Ops.
Sito and Lavelle…Lavelle gives Sito the silent treatment for a little while ‘cause he’s jealous that Sito’s on Ops. Fly under the table…laughs…you did well. Riker has it out for me, though. Maybe he…Riker…Sito says maybe Riker thinks I need more practice. Then we go down to Engineering and we see Taurik and Geordie. Taurik…very good Vulcan. Says jeez, I’ve been improving this new warp field where it’s out of sync. 7% better…Dr. Nils Diaz…I might just check in the thing…on the…playing…this is where we have Lavelle and Sito side-by-side on the Bridge, talking about…Sito’s trying to be very friendly with Lavelle, but Lavelle’s like…more like, I gotta…I’m too stressed. Very Scootery. I can’t communicate; I’m too stressed. Says jeez, Riker didn’t think so. Swear he’s got it in for me. How come you’re sitting in this chair instead of me?
Well, figured I needed more practice than you do. Okay, now we’re in Engineering. Geordie and Taurik…you got a minute? Show you something…this is a simulation. Improvising again, Ensign? Matter of speaking. This is a computer simulation of a new work…warp field. Geordie thinks it’s a problem. Your plasma flow nalcelles are out of sync. No, that’s deliberate. As you can see, this configuration has increased overall warp field integrity by 7%. Geordie says, wow. Nils Diaz has been experimenting with this at the Tanaline Propulsion Lab. Never heard anything about it. Well, his findings haven’t been released yet, but the preliminary report is good from…I got it when I was at the Academy. Geordie says I look forward to reading it. Taurik says, why don’t we just set this up right now?
Geordie’s like no, no, no, gotta do a simulation. He just wants to do tests, but Geordie says no, no, there’s variables you couldn’t account for. Well, I’m quite thorough; I’m Vulcan. Geordie says you’re gonna need my authorizations. Okay, as you wish. If you have any other ideas, run them by me. Oh, I got other ideas. When can we meet? Geordie says catch you later, dude. Says, I already have one logic-filled friend. Taurik’s confused. He says, hm…hands behind back. Now we’re in Med Bay and Dr. Crusher’s working on something. Says oh, if you’re worried about the evaluations, things are going great. This is Lieutenant Ogawa, or Ensign Ogawa. Says okay, thank you. She said I’m gonna recommend you to be a Lieutenant, though, a promotion. Lieutenant Alyssa Ogawa. Sounds wonderful. Talk to Riker.
It’ll be official as soon as evaluations are over. Ogawa’s very happy. How are things going with you and Lieutenant Powell? Who’s this mystery character in this episode? I don’t know if he ever appears on…if I’m…I’m like, maybe I’ve seen a episode with this Andrew Powell. She says he’s preoccupied lately. Last night he canceled our date. He’s working on some research proposal. Says he’s been busy with it. Beverly goes yeah, sometimes I get busy with research, too, so…and Lieutenant Ogawa says I don’t know, I wonder, though. Do you wa-wa-wonder? Yeah, why? Then Beverly says sit down; let’s talk. Tea time. Ogawa says I’ve never met anybody like Andrew. It seems like we’ve known each other forever. You do seem well-suited. She says I don’t know, something’s going on.
Maybe I’m blind with love and not seeing the warning signs. Should I be worried? What do you think, Dr. Crusher? Am I not seeing everything? Dr. Crusher says I don’t know, I think you’re overreacting. When love’s in the air, it’s in the air. Andrew cares about you as much as…I don’t…I think he’d have to do more than cancel a date. Ogawa says, okay. She nods her head then she says well, he’ll have to deal with Lieutenant Ogawa now. Beverly goes oh, yeah. So, she heads off out of Med Bay, then we see the full stop…the Enterprise come to full stop. Then we’re back at Ten Forward talking…Sito and Worf are talking about degousing dishes and sensors to find a lost puppy. Ops is different than Tactical. Sito says I don’t even know why I’m being considered for Ops, anyway. I’m a security officer.
Worf says well, I recommended you. Says, what? She goes well, I’ll try not to let you down, then. Lavelle’s worried. What are they talking about? Taurik says why don’t you learn to lip read? Maybe he’s giving her pointers to get that Ops position. Then Riker comes in. He says hey, Ben, Will, what’s up? What, are you guys on a first-name basis? He goes yeah, I’m a civilian. I’m not in Starfleet. He’s on off-duty. Lavelle says Riker probably sleeps in his uniform, man. Why don’t you get to know him? Maybe he doesn’t not like you. Lavelle goes no, he doesn’t like me. He doesn’t even know you. Go talk to him. About what? I don’t know, something you have in common. He likes jazz, poker, he’s Canadian; this is what Sam the bartender says. The guy says my grandfather’s from…Canadian. There’s your in.
But he gets up right as Sito comes to sit down. So, I don’t know if she took that as a off thing. Goes up to Riker. He says good evening, sir. Riker goes, Lavelle. He goes, what’s up? What can I do for you? Oh, I was just getting a drink. Riker says your drink’s full, though. What are you drinking? Velar…I don’t know…what is Riker drinking? Let’s find out. Tarkan ale…Trakian ale, I think. Then he’s very Scooter; he goes, my grandfather’s Canadian. Riker goes, uh-huh. Are you one, too? A grandfather? No. So, the guy’s stepping on his own toes. Riker goes, I’m not Canadian; I grew up in Alaska. Okay, well, they both have snow, huh? Riker says, yeah. Been pleasant talking to you, dude.
I was just sitting here by myself…and the guy walks away without either one of his drinks, the one he ordered or the one he had had already. Then we see the Enterprise again sitting still. We’re on the Bridge. At first this was very confusing…me. I didn’t…I thought this was a whole training episode or some sort of…something was happening to the crew, but there’s a secret plan. They got a object five meters in length…escape pod…they’re like okay, it’s inside Cardassian space. What are we gonna do? How do we get it outta there? Well, we’ll have to use, whatever, the transporter beam. So, they’re trying to figure out…they say, we gotta get it off this thing quick. Can’t go into Cardassian territory. So, they say Geordie, we gotta get this…try…Geordie says we’ll try the frequency spread.
Don’t identify the life readings, though, Taurik. Let’s just get them aboard. No IDs. They get up to 107…or 109. They only needed 107% of normal. Get a look back…get a lock…Crusher’s ready. She says Lieutenant Ogawa, you gotta leave. This is top-secret stuff…or Alyssa, she says. Ogawa leaves Med Bay. Sito’s guarding Med Bay. What are you doing here? Not supposed to let anyone in except senior officers. Something’s going on. Yeah, I don’t know what. Then Picard walks by Sito, gives her a long look, then walks by. She looks concerned. Then he goes in, then we have a shift change on the Bridge where Riker is. Alpha shift’s relieved. What’s-his-name says he wants to stay on for another shift. Riker goes, it’s not a good time right now. He totally is…what’s that guy’s name? I forgot his name.
I’ll remember it, but…so, he goes…gets on the thing, then Riker leaves Med Bay and he tells Sito, with me. They head towards the…what is that thing called? The elevator thing. Lavelle comes off there, looks at Sito with Picard. He’s like, oh boy, not happy. Picard says to Bridge…they’re pretty quiet on the…whatever that thing…trans thing. He goes, are you a certified pilot, Ensign? Sito says yes, sir. That’s it. Picard’s very stern-faced. They go into his office or Ready Room or whatever you want to call it. He sits down. This is intense, man. Goes, how long you been on the Enterprise, Ensign? Seven months. He goes, you’re up for Ops. You think you’re up to it? She goes, I do. Picard says, I don’t know. Remember that stuff with Will…like, everything that happened? Wesley Crusher? You guys were racing Hot Rods.
She goes yeah, I didn’t…I made a mistake racing Hot Rods. He goes, daredevil stuff. Can’t do that on the Enterprise, but what was…I didn’t like the way you handled it. Got in the way of us looking into it. She goes yeah, you’re right. I know; I made a mistake. He goes yeah, you did make a mistake and you joined the other people making mistakes. He’s very stern. She goes, what do you think that tells me about your character? She goes, you know what? Don’t you know what it was like for me? She goes, I had to take my flying test with the instructor ‘cause no one wanted to be my partner the rest of the time I was there. It would have been easier to quit, but I didn’t. I stuck with things. Doesn’t that say something about my character? Picard…he basically says boo-hoo-hoo.
I’m sorry you didn’t enjoy your time at the Academy. You should have been expelled. Then he says…he’s very…being Willy Wonka. I don’t even know how you got on this ship. Dismissed. Which ends up…he says that, so it’s interesting, the payoff later. He stares after her as she leaves the office. That’s another ad break. Then we’re in the shuttle bay, Geordie and Taurik, and Taurik’s lasering a shuttle. Says what are we doing, Geordie? Running tests. Why are we damaging the shuttlecraft? We’re evaluating hull resiliency, dude. Doesn’t make any sense. There’s easier ways to do it. Geordie goes, it’s a requirement. No, I don’t think it is, Geordie, or whatever, Lieutenant LaForge…Commander LaForge or whatever. What if I do a low-intensity beam? Geordie goes, just do what I’m telling you to do. It’s fine the way it is.
Very grouchy. Four-second burst right here. Then Taurik says well, let me do it from another angle. Why? Well, if we’re trying to make it look like the shuttle was damaged, this would be a better angle to do it from. Interesting coincidence, huh? Geordie just says yeah, Ensign, whatever. But Geordie goes, why do you think that? He goes, ‘cause it’s…none of that happened. But Taurik’s like, I’m able to put a couple of these puzzle pieces together. There’s Taurik; he’s lining up another laser beam. Then we go to Med Bay. Alyssa, I’m glad you’re here. Beverly says we got somebody and it’s a top-secret thing, so you can’t discuss this patient with anybody. It’s like oh, it’s a Cardassian. Ogawa was like, holy mackerel. Polar gone…? Oh, then poker game time. So, first we have the crew with Sam from the bar.
They say, what is going on with this Cardassian space? Anybody know what’s going on? Sito? I don’t know. I wonder who was in the thing. Sam says it’s Ambassador Spock. Taurik says, unlikely. Ben says…oh, it’s not Sam; it’s Ben. He says, that’s what I heard. Then they go, Alyssa, any…you hear anything? No. They go, where’s Lieutenant Powell? He’s doing a double shift. He’s not playing poker? He’s the worst poker player ever. That’s what Lavelle says. Sam is Lavelle; oh. So, they’re playing Five-Card Stud, I guess, and Lavelle has a big smile when he looks at his cards. Then we go to the officers playing poker. They’re talking about Powell double-dating, maybe. Then they talk about Ensign Sito. Is Ensign Sito prepared for Ops? I don’t know. Worf says, yeah. Everybody’s betting.
We see two different…so, it’s like parallel with bluffs…different bluffs going on. So, right now it’s Lavelle, Taurik. Taurik’s like, you’re not gonna…then they’re talking about Picard and Sito. Say, that doesn’t make any sense. I can’t believe Picard would say that kinda stuff to you. She goes well, maybe he’s right. Even Lavelle says you’re a great officer. You deserve that post as much as anyone else. I won't be getting it unless it’s up…if it’s up to Riker. Worf says Ensign Sito should have a chance to prove herself. Riker says well, I’m not convinced about Lavelle. Too eager to please. Troi says well, maybe he’s just a nice guy. So, then Riker starts betting against somebody, maybe Geordie. Troi says you and Lavelle are alike. We’re not at all alike. Beverly says you’re bluffing. Then we go to Lavelle who’s got called out on a bluff.
Ben calls his bluff, makes a big bet…all in. Ogawa says maybe you shouldn’t try so hard with Riker. It doesn’t matter if he likes you. He should respect you, and he must if he’s…on some level. He says well, maybe it’s easier just to not worry about it. Then we go back to the poker. Are you in? Taurik says 39 to 1 odds. I gotta get out. So, Taurik folds. Geordie’s…gives out…maybe they’re playing Seven-Card…? I don’t know what you call this. One card down, six cards up? But I mean, Geordie…I don’t know if this is good poker because Riker’s showing a flush, I think. Troi’s on…still on Riker’s case. Didn’t this happen to you when you were younger? They didn’t hold it against you. Beverly laughs. Riker says maybe I’ve been a little hard on Lavelle. Maybe you’re right. Worf says he’s not bluffing, but Geordie thinks he is. He has a flush.
I mean, come on, Geordie, that’s…Geordie says he can’t believe it. But it’s like, it was a one-in-four chance, pretty much, depending on how many diamonds Geordie had. Lavelle was bluffing. So now everybody’s like, I gotta go to sleep. One more hand? No. Geordie quits just ‘cause Riker’s unbearable, but he has…I gotta go down and do something in Engineering. Next time, I’ll see you. Troi and Crusher say goodnight. Riker’s very pleased. Sito leaves the game. Then Taurik says I’m surprised that Geordie…LaForge didn’t take me up on my…the thing…he didn’t like it. Then they say well, maybe he doesn’t like the fact you know more than he does. Well, is that good for our relationship or not? He go…well, it depends.
Then that’s when Geordie just shows up out of the blue and says Taurik, we got some work…do you want to get…I gotta go down and do some work. You wanna come with me? Give me a hand. Taurik says I’d be pleased to, sir. Let’s go. Says, oh boy. So, they head out. Then it’s just Lavelle and Ben. Ben goes…or Lavelle says I gotta go to bed. Ben goes come on, let’s play some Blackjack or something. He goes no, I gotta go to bed, man. So, Ben gets up, he goes to the officers’ game, and rings the doorbell there. They say come on in. He says, I just cleaned out the junior officers. How about I get in this game? Riker says you’re welcome to join us. Pull up a chair, Troi says. He gives a good laugh and we go to an ad. It was like a inside joke. Then we go to a martial arts kinda class.
Worf was teaching, and then he tries…he says Sito, hang around. I want you…I got another group you could join, but you have to pass the gik'tal. Gik'tal, she says? Yeah, and he goes oh, it’s a ancient Klingon ritual. Mok’bara. She goes, I should practice. Worf says, no practice. It’s part of the ritual. Test must be unannounced. He puts a blindfold on her and he says okay, now you gotta deal with me with the blindfold on. I don’t have a blindfold on. He says, the gik'tal has begun. Defend yourself. This is very mysterious ‘cause there’s really no chance for her to defend herself against Worf with a blindfold on. But it is like, what’s happening? It’s very…so, he puts her down once, then he says go again. Of course she’s unsuccessful again, and moving around…he says come on, defend yourself. He goes, aren’t you listening?
She tries one more time, and Worf goes in. Yeah, rolls her…she bumps her head and he goes, you did not anticipate. She takes off the blindfold and she goes, how am I supposed to defend myself when I have a blindfold on? He goes, stop making excuses. She goes, no. This is not a fair test. Worf goes whoa boy, very good. You passed the challenge. She goes, by taking off my blindfold? He goes, by saying the test is unfair. That’s very courageous. She goes well, doesn’t gik'tal mean…gik'tal’s…he goes, you speak Klingon? She goes sir, is there such a thing as gik'tal or did you just make that up? He goes, no. He goes, but if you’re judged unfairly next time, maybe you’ll speak up again. She goes huh, I guess he knows what’s going on. Alright, so then we see the Enterprise again.
Sito’s speaking to Picard and saying hey, I can’t change the past. No one can. I can just work hard and earn the respect of the people I serve with now. If you’re not gonna give me the chance, transfer me. Picard goes, you looking for someone more lenient? You’re not gonna find anyone. She goes, permission to speak freely? Picard goes, huh. Please do. She goes, if you didn’t want me on your ship, you should have said so when you…when I got assigned here. It’s not your place to punish me. I worked hard here, I’ve been…good record. If you’re gonna judge me, judge me for what I am now. He goes okay, I will. He stands up and he goes, it took courage to come here and face me after what I said the other day. He goes, I didn’t ask you because I was assessing you for Ops. She goes, I don’t understand.
He goes, I was harsh with you ‘cause we have an important secret mission and it’s not gonna be easy. I wanted to see how you’d react under pressure. He goes, you can…he goes, come to the Observation Lounge, 1900, and we’ll discuss the mission. Okay, yes, sir. Ensign? I do know why you ended up on the Enterprise; I asked for you. He goes, I wanted to make sure you got a chance to redeem yourself. She goes thank you, sir. She heads off. Picard stares after her, takes a deep breath. Go to the Bridge…Ogawa’s there with Crusher. Crusher says you know, I’ve really come to depend on you and I’ve recommended you for a promotion. She says thank you, doctor. She goes also, I think of you as a friend and I really care about you. Ogawa says, that’s nice of you to say. I feel the same way.
Beverly says, how about you and Andrew Powell? She goes, did you hear already? She goes, we were gonna keep it a secret, but we’re engaged. Crusher says I’m so happy, I’m so relieved. Then we have Sito going into the Observation Lounge. The Cardassian’s there along with Worf, Riker, and Picard. She looks at the Cardassian. Joret Dal; this is who was in the escape pod…member of the Cardassian military but also a Federation operative. Risked his life…bring us secret intel. Yeah…can help your people, the Bajoran people, and other planets in the sector, but we gotta get him back because they don’t know he’s a spy. Says okay, that’s not gonna be easy to get across the border again. His ship was destroyed, so we’re gonna make it look like he stole a shuttle. He’ll attempt to talk his way past the patrol.
But he goes yeah, if I have someone with me, then I can look like I went and got you, and that’s why I crossed the border. I can get the patrol to look the other way, taking a Bajoran in. Then we’ll send you in a escape pod back across to the Enterprise. We’ll pick you up. He goes, you know what you’re signing up for, huh? It’s not gonna be easy. Sito says, I volunteer. Worf goes, you sure you were gonna volunteer? You’re Bajoran. She goes yeah, I know the importance of things with Cardassians, so, yeah. I made my choice. She goes, go to Sick Bay and Crusher will explain what’s next. Don’t discuss this mission with anybody. Yes, sir. Sito looks at Worf, like…kinda like a thank-you and thank you for your opportunity and defending me. The Cardassian’s like jeez, I didn’t think it would be someone that’s super young. I don’t know.
Stresses me out. Then we go back to the Enterprise. We see the shuttle getting prepped. Geordie’s prepping it. Worf’s on there. The Cardassian gets on there. Sito’s undercover now. She got some makeup on to make her look like she’s been with the Cardassian, working together. Said jeez, I want you to know I really appreciate your confidence in me. Worf says okay, good luck. I’ll see you soon. Okay. They go to get onboard the…she goes…gets on the shuttle, goes to the cockpit, sits next to the Cardassian. Worf watches, and the door shuts. Worf looks worried. The shuttle takes off. Stunt makeup, yeah, that’s what it said. Good luck. See you soon. Walks off…Worf face. Goes to a break. After a shuttle…oh no, then we go…we see the shuttle cross the screen, and there’s shuttle tension.
Approaching the border…they’re gonna find us soon by the patrols…and what should we…what…should I say anything? He says, no. Make sure I’m in charge. If you’re asked any questions, look to me. She goes, can I ask you something? Why are you doing this for Starfleet? Aren’t you a Cardassian? Says, I’m not a traitor. Goes, just believe that W-A-R…what is it good for? Nothing. He goes, once I thought that was a way, but now I realize it’s just a platform and people love that and it doesn’t do…what is it good for? Nothing. He goes, if this can keep any battles from going on…I’m sick of it, so, good. My people need peace. She says, I never thought I’d hear a Cardassian say something like that. Never thought a Bajoran would help out a Cardassian get home, so…then we get a beeping. Patrol ship’s moving in.
So, they get ready. Don’t got much time. Then we see the Enterprise again, and we’re at Ten Forward. What’s going on? There’s no explanation…towards Cardassian space. Shuttle was…a shuttle was damaged. Can we talk about something else? Sam’s the only one that doesn’t know anything so he’s asking all these questions, but everybody else is sworn to secrecy. [Inaudible] know everything. He goes, we should tell each other what we know. He goes, you two know stuff. They go, yeah, it’s…we’re Federation, man. We gotta keep…he goes, we’re Starfleet officers, so we’re not allowed to talk about it, period. Full stop. He goes, okay. He’s a little frustrated. Then he goes, I better get going. I got duty in a half-hour. Taurik and Alyssa share looks. 47566.7, Captain’s Log. I think that’s the first Captain’s Log.
We were supposed to meet up with Sito. No sign. Thirty hours we’ve been waiting, and no sign. They’re pacing around the Bridge. Report. Long-wave scan…nothing’s out there. Maybe there’s something else, inorganic matter throwing off the scans, Data says. Narrow the field. Sam says well, it would help if we knew who we’re looking for. Bajoran life signs is what we’re looking for, dude. Nothing yet. Thirty-two hours overdue now. Worf says let’s launch a probe. Increase the range of sensor sweeps. Then he said that’s a treaty violation, though. Riker says, that’s Picard. Picard takes a breath. Send a probe, Worf. They send out the probe and probe’s launched, and pretty quickly we get the results. Data says yeah, debris. 200,000 km into Cardassian space. It is a former escape pod that’s gone to another dimension.
Everybody gets a look. Captain’s Log: Supplemental. Yeah, we got a thing about a Cardassian and Bajorans, and we don’t know what happened but it was very brave. We know that. Then when the bosun’s whistle sounds, Picard makes a speech. Starfleet personnel, this is Captain Picard. Ensign Sito Jaxa is no longer working on the ship, has gone to a new dimension. A young woman of remarkable courage and strength of character. I’m gonna miss her. We all will. Picard out. Picard leans back in his chair, takes a breath. Another shot of the Enterprise and Worf sitting alone, looking at something. I don’t know what. A rainbow drink gets brought over. Then Taurik, Ogawa, and…what’s that guy’s last name? I forgot…Lavelle are sitting there. Lavelle’s like, I got promoted. They say, congratulations. He goes yeah, thanks. Great.
Just doesn’t feel right, though. Maybe she was gonna get the promotion. They say come on, man, she would have been happy for you, Sam. The best way to remember her is to excel in your new position. Lieutenant Ogawa puts his pip on him, touches his pip. We’re proud of you, Sam. Ogawa doesn’t have her pip…second pip yet. Then they try to get Worf to move. They say, we gotta move this table. Worf glares at him, Ben. Goes, there’s a empty seat at that table with the people who were friends with Sito. Worf goes, I see what you’re trying to do, man, but I’m a officer. They’re enlisted, or whatever. They were her friends. He goes, you were friends with her. Come on. She considered you a friend. Worf goes, okay, I guess. He doesn’t say anything; he says it all with his face, including a glare, but a positive glare, I guess.
Pulls his shirt down, goes over to the table and looks at all the three friends of hers, and sits. They smile, they welcome him in, and he nods. The Enterprise heads off. Okay, but so, I’m a little…Star Trek, Lower Decks…just so we have some info on it for the new show. So, Star Trek, Lower Decks is an American adult animated television series created by Mike McMahan. This is from Wikipedia — for CBS All Access, which is now Paramount +. It is the ninth Star Trek series. It was launched in 2020 as a part of Alex Kurtzman’s expanded Star Trek universe. Lower Decks is the first animated series since the 1970s Star Trek, The Animated Series, and its first comedic series. It follows the low-ranking support crew of the starship Cerritos in 2380. Let’s see, what do we got here? Work began in 2018. It was ordered for two seasons.
What do we got? What else? Main cast was announced in 2019, and then the first two seasons…production got moved. It features many connections and references to past Star Trek series. It premiered in 2020. Ten-episode run first season, and the second season was released August to October 2021. Third season came out in 2022, and a fourth season is supposed to come out. The premise is that it’s late in the 24th century. Earth is part of a multi-species United Federations of Planets. Starfleet operates starships that travel the galaxies. Lower Decks features one of Starfleet’s least-important ships, the USS Cerritos. This focuses on the missions and adventures of lower-deckers, low-ranking officers with menial jobs, while the captain and senior officers are supporting characters.
Yeah, we got Beckett Mariner, a human ensign, daughter of Captain Freeman, and a reverent rule-breaker but very good at all things Starfleet. Brad Boimler, a human ensign, stickler for the rules but has to learn to improvise. Let’s see…D’ Vana Tendi, an Orion ensign in Med Bay, a big fan of Starfleet, thrilled to be on a ship, and helps introduce the audience to the setting and the characters. Sam Rutherford, human ensign but with some cyborg features, but different than Geordie. He solves things different ‘cause he’s still learning, new to…he’s new to being a cyborg. Carol Freeman, the human captain, but on a not-important ship. Jack Ransom, that’s the first officer kinda similar to Riker but even a bit more extreme. Shaxs, a Bajoran tactical officer. T’ana, a Caitian doctor…oh, that’s head of Medical.
There’s also a after-show called The Ready Room. That’s posted by Will Wheaton. There’s a comic book, video game…free-to-play video game. Let’s see if there’s anything else in here. I think that’s it. So, that’s a little bit about…that’s our first back episode…back with TNG. Good to be back with TNG. Like I said at the beginning, I thought this was a really good episode ‘cause…I mean, I didn’t know what to expect. I had never seen it before before watching it the few times I did, so the first time I watched it, I was like, is…I thought it was one of those ones where either it was a simulation for training or where the lower decks had to take over the ship because the crew was under the influence of some outside force and that’s why they were acting so weird. But I think they were just acting weird because it was just a stressful situation. So, definitely I was a little bit misdirected. But it was enjoyable. Good to be back on the USS Enterprise. Goodnight, everybody.