1079 – Blink | Sleeping With Doctor Who S3E10
While these angels weep, and drive cars beep, beep, you'll lay like a stone deep in sleep.
Notable Language:
- Questions about Marshalls
- Trust No Statues
- Big Ball of Wibbly Wobbly Timey Wimey Stuff
Notable Culture:
- Marshall McLuhan
- Electric Light Orchestra
- Newsies! Musical
Notable Talking Points:
- Did Marshall McLuhan ever appear with the Marshall Tucker Band?
- Lawrence can do shorthand, and that’s hot
- A fundamentalist, anti-statue montage
Episode 1079 – Blink | Sleeping With Doctor Who S3 E10
SCOOTER: Friends beyond the binary, ladies and gentlemen, boys and girls, it’s time for the podcaster who…some days I’m not sure if I’m a butter…some days I’m not sure if I’m stuck in a…I’m not even sure of my metaphors. I was trying to think of one for butterflies, but it was also sleepy. Then the word ‘pupae’ popped in my head. Then I said, I don’t know if listeners want to hear…chrysalis is also a meta…so I’m like, I don’t know, my…I’m…it’s time for a podcaster who’s tangled up in meta…so tangled up in metaphors, he can’t extract a metaphor from [inaudible] at all. If you’re confused, that means you’re in the right place, ‘cause it’s time for Sleep With Me, the podcast that puts you to sleep.
INTRO: [INTRO MUSIC] Hey, are you up all night tossing, turning, mind racing? Trouble getting to sleep? Trouble staying asleep? Well, welcome. This is Sleep With Me, the podcast that puts you to sleep. We do it with a bedtime story. Alls you need to do is get in bed, turn out the lights, and press play. I’m gonna do the rest. What I’m going to attempt to do is create a safe place where you could set aside whatever’s keeping you awake. It could be thoughts on your mind, like things you’re thinking about from the past, the present, or the future. So thoughts, thinking thoughts. I’ve always been thinking thoughts; holy cow. Thinking thoughts is something…to stop, I aught. But you…all through the aughts and every other decade.
So thoughts, it could be feelings, anything coming up for you emotionally related to that thinking or related to something else. It could be physical sensations, changes in time or temperature or routine, you’re anticipating something or you’re not sleeping where you are, or somebody’s away or you got something coming up. That is one of the biggest…I don’t know how often I talk about it. Man, anticipation…me and anticipation just don’t go well together. Maybe we’ll talk about that in a minute. But whatever it is that’s keeping you awake, I’d like to take your mind off of it and keep you company so you could fall asleep. What I propose to do…I got this safe place set aside here that I could also bundle up and send over to you. Oh boy, could I, send it across the deep, dark night with lulling, soothing, creaky, dulcet tones.
I send my voice across the deep, dark night, but the safe place…my voice is the…I don’t know what McLuhan would say; is it the medium or the message? McLuhan would say you’re medium for sure, not the medium. There’s my Marshall McLuhan…my one Marshall McLuhan…it’s not a joke ‘cause that’s what he’d say. He’d say medium is your message; medium-warm, medium-sensible. Say thanks, Marshall. You really got…you really accurately portrayed me. Say well, medium is your message. I never knew how…I don’t think we’ve stumbled upon that one. I mean, we’ve stumbled upon Marshall McLuhan before, I think, in times I’ve been flummoxed by all those things. But I never thought of that.
That’s what Marshall…you say, I’ll take Things Marshall McLuhan Would Say About Sleep With Me Podcast for $500. But it doesn’t fit on the board. They’d say medium is the message. Medium’s how I’d rate it. I’d say, that’s what we’re going for. Here’s a question, just another one; there was a band called the Marshall Tucker Band. I wonder if Marshall McLuhan was…another question that came out of that one; was…Marshall McLuhan ever listened to Marshall Tucker Band or appeared together? That’s one question, and my answer…my thought is probably not. I would think they ran in different circles. But the…here’s another question unrelated to that, but…have they been marshals in parades? Have they been marshals in parades together? How many parades have they marshaled?
Today’s marshal; Marshall McLuhan. I mean, it could be anybody. Today’s marshal; Marshall Tucker Band marshaling the parade. But there’d be…but technically they’re not marsh…’cause they’re on a flatbed, so the front of the flatbed truck is technically the marshal. Also, I just realized my brain just sent me a hot text that said the marshal’s not necessarily the first person in the parade, from our parade experience. Usually the marshal is somewhere in the middle, or they’re sitting in the grand stand, nodding. I’d say well, that probably makes it more likely that Marshall or the Marshall Tucker…is there a Marshall Tucker? That’s a whole ‘nother question. Questions About Marshals; that could be another category, ‘cause that first category was too long anyway.
Thought I was gonna talk about how anticipation keeps me up, but I’m trying to introduce a sleep podcast. So if you’re new, I’m gonna send my voice across the deep, dark night. I’m gonna use lulling, soothing, creaky, dulcet tones called by one Marshall McLuhan med…a message that comes by…comes in medium…yeah, I couldn’t get it out ‘cause I couldn’t think of a sentence that had any sensibility there. Once imagined an imaginary version of Marshall McLuhan who was marshaling a…once upon a time, Marshall McLuhan and the Marshall Tucker Band were marshaling a parade of marshmallows. Why? I don’t…because…I don’t know. Just popping…that’s what’s happening in my brain right now.
Okay, but I’m gonna send…I have creaky, dulcet tones; that’s why my message is medium, ‘cause you say well, you’re…yeah, it’s not exactly sleepy but it’s not exactly soothing, either. But it’s medium; it’s not bad. Like my nana says, I’m not a bad boy. I’m a not…I’m the not-bad boy. So, I’m gonna send my voice…oh, I covered that. Creaky, dulcet tones and pointless meanders…I just did those. I went off-topic. So, this podcast just isn’t for everybody. It’s very different. You’ve already determined that on your own. You’ve borne witness to stuff I never even thought was in my brain.
I mean, there must have been a clog in there somewhere in the Ms that I finally…the MA words from back when I took phonics, ‘cause those were when any of those pop culture references may have been applicable, though someone taking phonics, which was what they called your letters or whatever when I was a kid…I don’t think Marshall McLuhan or Marshall Tucker Band was even…they were…I don’t know. So, okay, so yeah, this podcast doesn’t work for everybody, but it does take two or three tries to get used to. I’ll try to explain all that, but I just want to tell you that upfront ‘cause if you’re doubtful or ambivalent or skeptical or holy…great marshal in the sky, if you’re a parade fan or a fan of any of these Marshalls or many other Marshalls whose names I can’t think of right now…I think someone that may have listened to the podcast played a famous…a character, a fictional Marshall.
But so, oh, if you’re skeptical or doubtful, that makes sense. Why wouldn’t you be? If you tried a bunch of stuff to get to…to help you get to sleep and then somebody said try this bedtime story podcast, and you say…tomorrow, you could do this; just come back again. You say, I tried to listen to it and the guy was talking about…I don’t even know what he was talking about. It never quite made any sense. That’s a very normal…probably the majority of people…reaction to the show when they first listen, ‘cause if it isn’t this level of gobbity…Gobbledygook…if I’m not stuck in Marshalls, next time I’ll be stuck in either ends or I might just skip…and just say suddenly he’s talking about Phineases two episodes later. Now, don’t get me started, please, brain; we gotta get through this intro.
Let’s just stick to marsh…let’s just get…hopefully the marshmallow slows us down. But so, give the episodes a few try…give the show a few tries just to see if it works for you, ‘cause it is very different. Now, some of the stuff that’s different I’ll cover, but first I want to talk about what’s important, is you. The reason I make this show is twofold. One, I know how it feels in the deep, dark night, particularly lately. It’s been a few weeks before…where I’ve had back-to-back solid nights of sleep. I’ve been getting one night of…it’s just, I know how it feels in the deep, dark night, is what I’m saying. I know that it feels…that it doesn’t feel good, and dreading bedtime or not knowing if you’re gonna sleep good, it can be stressful and it can come with a lot of other feelings.
If I can help with that, it would be my honor, ‘cause I know how it feels and I know what it’s like to dread bedtime. I don’t want that for you, but I also believe you deserve a good night’s sleep and you deserve a place you can rest and get comfortable and drift off. You deserve that, and I hope I can provide that for you. Even if I can’t, I have a website; sleepwithmepodcast.com/nothankyou. You could check out these other sleep podcasts on there. But the thing is, if you get the sleep you need, you have a nice bedtime routine, you can start to look forward to bedtime, your life’s more manageable, it makes the world we live in a better place, ‘cause your life is better; that means you’re better. That means we get more…our world’s more fuller ‘cause your world’s more fuller. So, that is important. You are important.
Despite the feelings we get that build up day after day after day, you’re important and your sleep’s important. I believe that, and even if you don’t, I do. So, it’s important to me. So, that’s why I make the show, but it is very…but catch is it’s different. What’s different about it? So, this is a podcast you don’t really listen to. You just kinda barely listen. As we said with that other example, you say life…I don’t know, he was talking about Marshalls and then I woke up. He didn’t even get through the Marshalls that meant the most to me, but I thought maybe he would…when he said An Ode to the Marshalls That Meant the Most to Me, but then he changed subjects again. But yeah, so, I didn’t…I wasn’t…I was kinda listening to him, but I wasn’t…I didn’t need to listen.
It was like he was talking; he didn’t care if I listened or not. But I could have listened, but I didn’t feel the need to, so I listened until I didn’t know I was not listening anymore. So, just kind of a little bit out of focus. So, that’s part of it. This is also…it doesn’t put you to sleep. This is a podcast to keep you company in the deep, dark night while you fall asleep. I’m here to distract you and take your mind off stuff, to be your friend telling you a story in the deep, dark night, your bore-bae, your bore-cuz, your bore-sib, your bore-bruh, your bore-bestie. What did I say, your bore-bae, your neigh-bore, your bore-bor. Whatever it is, I’m here to be your friend and just keep you company, but a kinda friendship where you don’t have to reciprocate. You just listen and fall asleep. Structure of the show’s very different.
Show starts off with a greeting; friends beyond the binary, ladies and gentlemen, boys and girls, then I say something smarmy or silly or goofy or weird, so you say okay, I feel seen and welcomed, and I get the tone of the show is a little bit different, so that’s the opening. Then there’s support for the show because I want it to be free and come out twice a week. The sponsors and the people that support the sponsors and the people that support the podcast are how we do that. Then there’s support for listeners who are having a tough time, then there’s support for communities around the show. Or, communities that are important to me that impact us all. So, that’s like six, eight minutes of the show. Then there’s the intro which we’re already, I don’t know, three-quarters of the way through.
The intro’s about twelve to twenty minutes long of me trying to explain what the podcast is and then getting distracted and going off-topic and getting mixed up. A lot of people say well, isn’t that part of the advertising or something? I say no, this…the intro is a show within a show. For new listeners, it presents what the podcast is in a new way every single time and it gives you an idea of what to expect. But for regular listeners, it’s part of the routine. It’s familiar but different every time, so it’s like okay, this is what I look forward to, a variety of Scoots being mixed up about words and stuff. I know it’s gonna follow somewhat of a structure, so I can count on it being there and I know for most listeners, it’s when they’re winding down or getting ready for bed or getting in bed and getting comfortable.
While you could skip the intro or you could fall asleep during the intro, for most people it’s where the volume slowly gets turned down metaphorically and you’re getting ready, you’re flying in, and you’re landing at bedtime. So, that’s the intro. That’s what it’s there for, is to kinda slowly ease you into bed, because for me, even though I’ve been having trouble sleeping and my bedtime routine is what kinda sets me up most of the time for success to get a good night’s sleep. So that’s…oh, the intro. Then there’s gonna be business, like sponsors or support stuff between the intro and the story, and then it’ll be our story. Tonight it’ll be a Doctor Who episode where I’ll be talking about a Doctor Who episode. Not a lot of Doctor Who in…not a lot of the Doctor in this episode, but a really good episode nonetheless.
Even some hand-holding without the Doctor involved, which I liked. They had a little love story in there. So, I enjoyed it. But you’ll enjoy it too; whether you know Doctor Who or not, it’ll be just a…just be like me trying to read off my notes and say okay, then they went there, then they looked at this, then there was a poster on the wall. The poster had aquamarine undertones and the sky…I liked the…you know, I liked the cut of…I don’t know. Yeah, so…so, that would be my coverage for forty minutes or forty-five minutes, and then there’s thank-yous at the end. I guess that’s really it. That’s why I make the show, is to help, and just give it a few tries, see how it goes. Hundreds and hundreds of thousands of people have said it took two or three tries to get used to the show. Now I listen every single night. I’ve been seeing people, they’ve been posting that they’ve been listening eight years to this podcast, eight years on a nightly basis.
But that’s not the case for everybody. Some people listen during different seasons in their lives. Like, maybe they’re a student and they’re listening because they’re anticipating a test. Then they stop listening for a while, then they listen during their first job. Then they might come back again and listen during their first child. There might be other intense life events. Then other people just listen on a regular basis, or some people just take breaks. You just gotta see how it goes. But I’m more here to be your friend and to keep you company so that you could fall asleep to me than to just put you to sleep in a straightforward way. I’m here to be a silly goofball. I’m glad you’re here. I really appreciate you checking the show out, and I really yearn and I strive. I work really hard. I really hope I can help you fall asleep, and here’s a couple ways we’re able to do it for you for free twice a week.
Alright everybody, Scoots here and this is our kinda mid-season…what do you call it? Where…a episode of Doctor Who…I mean, it’s late-season, I guess, but it’s where…I gotta turn down the volume on my device here. But it’s one of the ones where there’s…one…some of my favorite episodes…I guess you’d…I mean, well, fame…favorite might be…remember the ELO episode where the story does not necessarily turn around the Doctor or Martha. This one has a little Hitchcockian style to it, too. It’s the episode…it’s Season 3, Episode 10, Blink. It really has some great performances. Not one to miss out on, especially…and if…oh, also it feels a little bit like X-Files. What year did this come out? 2007; I think that was…so, maybe it was ten years after X-Files? But really good episode.
It opens…well, now it’s on the end of the episode here. So, I’m heading back to the beginning. Let’s get those closed captions going please, Scoots. No problem, Scoots; I got you. Night, garden, rain, leaves. Oh, should we do it that way? Okay. Wet leaves, tense music. Keep out. Moonlight mansion, young woman…pictures of lights? No, those are called chandeliers. Wallpaper, some word I can’t read, fife…flight love…wallpaper something. Beware; I changed that word for you. She’s wearing a nice scarf. The weeping angel and duck…beware, weeping angel and duck. Really duck…Sally, sparrow, duck now. There’s a projectile here, which I had to note. Is this the only projectile? Where did the projectile come from? Maybe a slight continuity thing, but you know. Only I could quibble.
But it was like, couldn’t set this whole thing up without it. It was a really good open for the episode. Really created a lot of layers of information that would come to light later, and intrigue…and let us know the Doctor would be involved somewhat. So, for people that were like, where’s the Doctor? Where’s Martha? That was my first question, but…angel with every corned…every with covered eyes. I spelled eyes E-V-E-Y. The Doctor…1969? Is that what it says? Open? 1947? Got some dialogue coming up here I want to read, but…someone upstairs versus Kathy? Doctor on TV. Don’t blink. Good luck…on lots of TVs. Kathy answers her flip phone. Come down. It’s 1:00 AM; I’m not going out. No, come down. I’m in your kitchen. Screens, front room. My brother Larry, who was…no pants?
No, there’s a little comedy sequence with a little bit…this has a slight ron…rom-com to it. I really started…at first I wasn’t…you really start to root for Larry. Really shows a subtley…how do you say that word? I don’t know. There’s really good…I really liked…even though maybe you’re right; there wasn’t quite the roman…like, they had more of a shared experience. But I liked a couple of the notes at the beginning and the end about romance. Maybe that’s just me. Back to the house. Like a good download? Like a green on DL? I don’t know what that is. Bit I TV…oh, like G and DK; they’re working together. Flickas…that doesn’t make any sense, either. The cheddar…the something. The chocolate? The something. Angel out back, weeping angel. It moved. What? Doorbell. Friend is nervous, covers…is it a peephole?
She’s covering something that I’m not familiar with ‘cause I don’t live in England, and especially an old manor. Work dude…work dude? Serious at door and suit. Holds a letter out. Exact date, exact time. Find watches…he wants confusion? No, he wants confirmation. He needs an ID. Friends goes…friend goes off. Angel has moved? Checks her ID. Angel getting closer. Here you go. Long story. Katherine Wainwright, Night…formally Nightingale. What? Kathy, is this a jest? Is this a joke? Very funny, Kathy. Then Kathy…oh, there’s a bump or a banging noise and then we see Kathy’s in a field with cows. Then the…we’re back with Sally and the suited dude. He was even good. Really good casting. He says please take this letter. Kathy meets a farm boy. She’s in Hull. The farm boy…well, okay, no, no; I’m projecting.
He’s sitting on a stone wall in the middle of fields, so I called him a farm boy. So, I apologize. He’s eating an apple. Promise to my grandmother. The Hull Times. 1920. But Kathy’s able to roll with it. Talk about…when you look up the dictionary, Kathy Nightingale…Wain…Kathy Night…Wainwright Nightingale should be in there, ‘cause she rolls with it. Sally…then Sally opens the letter, purchases the slow but quick burn. Okay, so then there’s pictures. There’s a kinda slow reveal, but it’s not really slow. It’s like a quick…that…you could figure it out, right? She’s getting…Kathy’s traveled into the past somehow via angel touch. We can…angel bump. She’s sent a letter from the past to Sally, which was already our first clue with the wallpaper. Needy after you sick? Throws it down. Looking for Kathy. Angel at the top of the stairs.
Room full of stone angels. Mystery music and a key, and one angel’s stone hand on a twine. A key we recognize. Eyes covered…dude in a suit plods…what is…could not? Eyes covered and not? And not something. Dude in a suit plods…exits? I think he runs off. Chase music. Wind in hair, in Sally’s hair. Angels in windows. Then she’s at Cappuccino! with an exclamation point, a cafe. Tears as she reads the letter again. Ben, first person I’m…Ben; that’s the farm boy, or he could be a shepherd, or he could have just been a guy eating a apple on a stone wall in Hull. First person I met ends up…there’s a flashback. 2007 and 1920; a new life. Then Sally goes to visit her resting place in London, I guess, not in Hull. Or no, where did…they’re not in London, either. They’re in…I don’t know. But so, she goes there. Maybe…I don’t know.
Yeah, ‘cause she said is this London? 1902 to 1980 something. Angel watch…tell Laurence. Okay, and then we’ll…let’s roll it and then we’ll come back. Okay, so we got the wet leaves and Sally’s on an adventure. She’s wearing that scarf. Looks like it’s a handmade scarf. She’s checking moonlight. Moonlight, rain, leaves, wind. She approaches this manor. So, she’s an adventurer. That’s all we need to know. That’s all you need to know. Sally; courageous and on an adventure. Not the first person on this adventure, but she goes into this. She likes taking pictures of chandeliers, possibly. I mean, she could have started the Chandelier Cast. But I mean, her life ended up being a lot more interesting than that. Now she’s taking more pictures and looking around.
There’s a fireplace with things in it, then there’s a letter B behind a piece of peeled wallpaper. She peels the wallpaper off. Beware. Then she says, what? So she peels more. It comes right off. The weeping angel. I really…this episode I watched a couple times. Oh, watch out, for real, or really…duck. Then it says her name, so we get the thing. Sally Sparrow. Now she’s looking more and more kinda breathless. Like, what the heck? Duck now. Then a projectile comes; water balloon. Don’t worry, just a water balloon. I don’t know where the water balloon came from. I guess we could assume it…oh, there’s some sort of…there was a bunny…glass bunny rabbit. Now Sally goes back, looks around. Who threw a water balloon at me? She’s got a…the only thing she sees is a weeping angel with wings.
A statue; not a real weeping angel. Except…and then it says The Doctor, 1969. Sally’s breath really gets…goes away. But I guess she would already be like, there’s something up with this, right? No dialogue in that scene. Now she goes up the stairs. She’s in her friend’s house, Kathy’s house. Then she can hear the Doctor’s videos running. Don’t blink is the thing, don’t blink. Fast, faster than you can believe. Don’t turn your back. Don’t blink. This also was on the preview. Doctor’s very serious. Good luck. Video stops there, but there’s a bunch of videos, I guess seventeen. One has Martha and the Doctor in a two shot. All of them are paused on different things with the Doctor, but Sally doesn’t know anything. Then she calls Kathy. Kathy’s cell phone rings. Kathy’s in her PJs. She’s like, what in the heck?
She answers the phone. She’s like, I’m making coffee. Come downstairs. Sally, it’s 1:00 in the morning. We’re not going out. Sally’s like, I realize that. I need somebody to talk to. I don’t know if it’s the same night they go back to the other place. But she says by the way, my brother…have you ran into my brother Larry? He tends to walk around without pants on, to be honest. She sees Larry and he’s like…he’s got a bit of Scoots in him. Says hey. He’s blurry-eyed. Pants? She goes, no. Now Kathy’s mad at her brother. Says, put on some pants. Come on. I mean, seriously, you live with your sister. You should wear pants all the time. I mean, come on, bro. One thing if you live on your own, but…she goes, sorry about that. She goes, what’s going on, Sally? Something seems to be up with you.
Sally’s like…so then they go back during the day, it should be noted. Girl investigators, you and I. Sparrow and Nightingale; another call…like, I’ll be…call back in a different way. It works, but it’s more ITV than BBC. But they’re having fun. They go into the manor house again, but…oh, Sally kinda does…well, I like looking at old stuff. That’s why. It makes me sad. But sad is happy for deep people; is that what that says? Sally’s looking again at the note left by the Doctor for her. There’s wind, she looks back at the angel. Is it in the same spot? Weeping angel, what up with that? Kathy says I don’t like that thing. Oh, then Sally does note that it’s moved from where it was, I’m sure of it, last time I was closer. It got closer to the house somehow. Kathy’s like, get over it, girl. Sally’s like oh boy, what is going on with me?
How can my name be written on the wall underneath wallpaper, right? Then the doorbell rings. So, really good…why would somebody be here? It’s a bell; it works. Kathy doesn’t like it. I don’t know what she’s holding. Is it over the bell? Or maybe…oh, I guess it’s the thing you would use to call to the front door. Like, that you would talk through. Maybe not. No, it’s some sort of light switch? I don’t know what it is. If you’ve seen this episode and you know what Kathy’s holding her hand over, let me know. It’s this kinda reddish-haired young man in a suit. Sally Sparrow…how’d you know I was here? I was told to be here at this time, this date, exact moment. Good thing Kathy’s got good memory. I would have sent somebody at the wrong time. Wrong…think it was like…no, I’m pretty good at time, actually.
I’m not good at relaying time, though, so I would know the right time and date, but…so, she pulls out her driving license. Kathy’s watching, but then there’s some noises that get her attention. She’s looking around. Has the angel moved yet again? The angel’s in some sort of greenhouse that’s…or back garden. Oh, now we see the angel definitely has removed its hands from its eyes. Go back to the letter; yeah, I had to make sure you were who you said you were. Hard to tell with the…are you really Kathy? Then we see the angels getting…or Sally…angels getting closer to Kathy. So, now it’s like okay, something’s definitely up. We see Sally Sparrow is written. Kathy’s watching still. Long story. Give me a name. You got my letter; what are you doing here? Katherine Wainwright.
Now we see the angels in the same room as Kathy. She was Kathy Nightingale once upon a time. Then we hear the bump. Sally looks; Kathy? Kathy, yeah, that’s my grandmother’s name. She’s the one who told me to bring this. Katherine Costello Nightingale. This a joke? Not a joke. I’m in a suit. Like, a pinstripe…a nice suit. She goes looking for Kathy. There’s still an angel out back. Kathy gets up in a field. The only thing I realized is she time-traveled in clothes from the future, and I don’t know if she has her cell phone on her. But those are questions not for this. Come on, Scoots. I say well, it’s just stuff I think about. We see the farm boy or the boy eating an apple. He does look…he’s…trusts…I don’t know. He could be a Newsie. I mean, that’s what he looks like dressed-wise, a Newsie. He has a newspaper.
He’s not delivering them, though. So, she’s…that’s where…you’re in Hull. This kid says I made a promise to my grandmother. Oh, that’s when it’s revealed…to give you this letter. That’s when we realized that they’re doing it in parallel. Hull Times, 19…December 5th, 1920. Kathy says what in the hey, hey, hey? Grandmother? Yeah, twenty years ago she passed. What? Then she opens the letter, sees the pictures. It looks just like her friend except different ages, right? They could be identical twins, your grandmother and Kathy. Still hasn’t made the connection. Kathy has, though. She’s storming off from the Newsie. My dear Sally Sparrow, the letter says. My grandson did as he promised. As you read these words, in mere minutes since we spoke, for me…for you. For me, it’s sixty years. Wild, huh?
Third of the photographs is of my children. Youngest is Sally. I named her after you, of course. There’s even a picture of her as a grandmother. Kathy’s like…or Sally’s like, this is not cool, dude. She throws it down, goes looking for Kathy. Nice joke; it’s not funny. Also, it’s December 5th. She goes upstairs. No sign of Kathy, but there’s an angel at the top of a stairs, a stone angel at the top of the stairs in a house. There’s two of them. Oh, that’s when she finds…maybe there’s three. Yeah, there’s three. That’s when she finds the key, which I don’t know; the angels may be up to something more. I don’t know if…yeah, I guess…how did they get the key? Oh, I guess when…what happened…that might be in another episode or something.
But they probably need someone as smart as Sally Sparrow…I don’t know if they’re up to that or if they’re…Sally just gets lucky. But they’re giving her the clues she needs, but they also need it too, in some sense, or they want it. They don’t need it. Maybe. I mean, they could…well, we’ll see. So, Sally’s got it. Wait, hang on. The guy run…in the suit runs off. Sally runs downstairs, takes the letter. He’s put it back together. He’s gone. She’s like, what in the…? She looks. The wind is in her hair. Oh, yeah. Heroine-level hair. The angels are watching. I wonder how they…in transport though, you’d say why is that angel in the field? So, then she’s at Cappuccino! with an exclamation point, with two Cs, too; a big C and then Cappuccino!, then a exclamation point. Along as you read this…don’t feel sorry.
I had a good, full life. This is the letter. Loved a good man, loved well in return. You would have liked Ben. He’s a nice guy. He was like a Newsie. That’s when I…you know I loved Newsie, the…Newsie the…West End, you know? Then we get a flashback of him following her, just a brief one. Big sky. He’s still eating the apple, so you know he’s good. Sally goes to visit her resting place. 1902. New life is exactly what I wanted. She goes oh, you told me you were eighteen. I don’t know how old they’re supposed to be. Like, in their twenties or thirties? I don’t think so. Maybe? I don’t know. Another angel is watching. There’s also a underlying thing with this episode; I’ll just tell you. Oh wait, now we’re at the DVD store, so I gotta pause it.
But there is this underlying thing with the episode, and I don’t know if it’s controversial. Trust no statues. If you watch this whole episode to the very end, it establishes that possibly no statues are trustworthy. So, just…I wouldn’t hold that…it’s fiction, right? So it’s just a fictional proposition that no statues…not just the angel statues that are connected…the four that are connected in this episode, but the Hitchcockian thing. Just like with Hitchcock and birds; you say, could you trust any of these beings? Maybe you shouldn’t. But again, it’s just fiction, so don’t worry about it. It’s getting on those archetypal things. Okay, so, Corn…oh, people of Hull…okay, so we’re here. Where are we here? Kathy, angel…okay, Banto's…Banto's DVD Store. A lot of Easter eggs in this episode.
Probably way more than I can even imagine, but some small ones that I did catch. Banto's DVD Store; there’s a guy working there, very similar. He’s watching something and he’s not paying attention. She’s a customer. He says hold on, hold on, I’m watching this scene for the 500th time. This is something we’ve lost as a culture, DVD stores, for the most part. There’s still a few left that are like this one where you could get people that are really into it. Then we meet Lawrence Nightingale again. He’s got a rubber ducky in his office. Doctor’s there. Oh, hello. Doctor’s on a DVD. Larry comes in, or Lawrence. He’s eating chips or candy. We’ve met before. Well, hold on. You’ll figure it out. There it is; I’m the one that saw you naked. Message from your sister. She’s gone on a work trip, but she loves you.
Then there’s good comedy there. Who is this guy on the TV? A bit absurd or something. But you know what Easter eggs are? Doctor’s talking about don’t blink again. Oh, like a DVD Easter egg; it’s like a extra. Kinda complicated. It’s weird; it’s on only seventeen DVDs, hidden, in only these seventeen movies. Random or rewards…half a convo…he’s like, this…so, it’s the Doctor and the Doctor and Martha having half a conversation. You…and inherit…called up front? Sam, this is on listener platay…oh, so we see this…oh, so I saw this timey-wimey stuff. So, yesterday…was it yesterday or Saturday? Good question. I think it was…where was I going yesterday then if I was going where I think I was going? Maybe it was Saturday.
But at some point this weekend, I saw someone had a license plate and it had this…their license plate holder said this; timey-wimey stuff and something else. So, that was weird for me. Year after year, me yelling at Doctor, lots…list of DVDs. Go to…why don’t you go to the authority figures for help? No one ever does that. The guy is saying that to the movie, but Sally takes that as advice. She heads out to the authority figure’s office to find a detective, right? Go in there. Big old…oh, big old house? Oh, Wester Drumlins. The guy goes, Wester Drumlins, what? Prove angels watch…so, this is the Hitchcockian…’cause she’s…they say wait a second, we got a detective looking into that. She goes…then she looks out; she sees these angels watching her. Then they zoom on her eyes and the angels aren’t even there.
She blinks and they’re gone. Hitchcock govel…gravel…out first. Detective letter…but this guy, he’s like, I got someplace to go. Then he meets Sally. He’s a bit of a romancer. I don’t know if romance is the right word. He goes, I’m late for that thing. But then he says well, hello, Sally Sparrow. I’d like to give you my attention. But also, it’s kinda weird because he has this gigantic mystery. He’s more interested in Sally Sparrow than the mystery. He goes, we got two years worth of cars that were left at the…at Wester Drumlins, and this big, blue box, this old-fashioned police box, but it’s not right ‘cause the windows are the wrong size. It’s a simple Yale lock, but we can’t get it open. Then he has…he goes, I got…she says yeah, what do you think it is? He goes, you’re missing the big question; would you go out with me?
She goes now, detective inspector…sparrow patch? Oh, I think he has a sparrow patch on his thing. Then she goes well, I want to figure out this invest…he goes…she goes, I’ll just give you my phone number only. But then she leaves and she goes, you could call me, maybe. I think something like that. Sarah Lee Sparrow…stitches or something? I forgot his last name. Then outside the box, he walks…he looks up close, his eyes blink. Sally’s in the rain. She looks at the key and that was the clue, the lock. She goes back to the garage and the box is gone. So, let’s see. So, let’s run through a little bit here. Okay, so we got the DVD store. Sally…just tell him I love him. I think this is the dialogue…oh no, that’s his sister. New, Secondhand, and Rare: Banto's DVD Store. Sally goes in. Angels smile. There’s a lot of…a lot to look at here.
The guy’s like sorry, I’m watch…she goes, I’m looking for Lawrence Nightingale. In back. I’m watching a movie. Okay. Norton…interesting lights. Water jug, posters, painted plaints…plates. Hello? A lot of set prep. Then the Doctor and Martha froze and they’re talking. Martha, sorry. Quite possibly, the Doctor says. ‘Fraid so. Lawrence comes out. Oh, hello. Can I help you? Doctor says thirty-eight. He tries to pause the DVD. Sally’s like, what is this? Palm Beach something, inflatable…hang on, we’ve met, haven’t we? She goes, it’ll come to you. He thinks about it and he goes oh, boy. He covers himself up. She laughs. Sorry. Message from your sister. She went away for work, which isn’t the actual message, but Sally tries to soften it the best she can. She had to go away.
I mean, I guess it all makes sense to Lawrence later, so it’s like, okay. She loves you. That’s weird; why would she say that? So, then there’s some comedy based on that. Good writing. I liked it. She sort of mentioned it, and she’ll…oh, no, no, no. Am I ill? No. Is it a trick? No; she loves you. Please…then the Doctor says time is not what you think it is. Who is this guy? Sorry, pause keeps on…keeps coming off pause. Yeah, but you were watching it at Kathy’s house last night. Same guy on multiple screens. Some of them are blinking. Yeah, the blinking bit’s great. Checking to see if they’re the same, these Easter eggs. It’s something hidden on a DVD. Like a DVD extra? Kind of. Sometimes they put these hidden things on there. Gotta go looking for them. Bunch of clues on the menu screen. Complicated, Doctor says.
Sorry; pauses it again. Seventeen different DVDs this is on. Totally unrelated, but all…he’s on all of them. Only those ones. The publishers don’t even know about it. It’s a secret. Tried to contact them. Worked on the internet, even, to get it…get to the bottom of it. Just those seventeen; what’s up with that? Random remarks. Like hearing half a conversation. Me and the guys are always trying to work it out. She goes oh, you mean the internet; your internet friends. He goes, yeah. What do you mean? She’s still very lighthearted about it even though…and then they call him up front for a customer. This is when…time is…people assume time is pro…linear, but it’s not. From a non…it’s just a big ball of wibbly-wobbly, timey-wimey stuff.
That’s what the thing said; big ball of wibbly-wobbly time…and she goes yeah, it started out well. Got away from me. Seems like the Doctor responds to her the first time. Can you hear me? Yeah, I can hear you. Okay, that’s enough. I’ve had enough; I’ve had a long day. Now Lawrence comes back with the list of DVDs, also this thing; Kinard, White Star Vacations or something to London, which we’ll see again later…sticker on his green envelope. Yeah, great. She takes it, she runs off. That’s when they say go to the authorities; check in with them. That’s what you’re supposed to do in this situation. So she says huh, maybe that’s good advice. She goes out in the rain to look…talk…meet the detective, and goes into the office here. She says yeah, I realize this is wild, but let’s try this.
There’s a big old house, been empty for years. Wester Drumlins; I had it right, out by the estate. Then the guy goes, I got a detective. Hold on. We’re looking into that. Not really though, ‘cause the guy who got in charge of it’s just a bit of a player, playing around. Then she looks at the angels, and so we get a sense of something else is at play here, not…you know, not…these aren’t the angels you’re looking for, or something Luke might say. We zoom way in on her eyes. She’s got hazel eyes, I think. I don’t know. Does she have hazel eyes? Then she looks out again in the rain and they’re gone after blinking, which is true, ‘cause they’re there. So, I guess that’s how they go undercover. Oh, now they’re outside of the…oh, so those are the same angels, okay. So, they moved closer to where she is. They’ve been following her.
Now, this detective is smooth, man, handsome. He says hello. Never mind, I could give you my time. He does have a sparrow patch on, it looks like. She smiles. They go; he says look at all these cars and this police box, you know? All of them left here. So strange. Even coffee, motor running. Two and a half years this has been going on, all at the Wester Drumlin house. This police box, windows are in the wrong place, a little bit…the phone’s in the wrong place or something and we can’t get it open. Thought it was a joke, really. She’s like, what is this? He goes oh, I used to use it to…it used to be a way to check in. Used to have them all over, but this isn’t real. Phone doesn’t work, windows the wrong size, can’t open it. So, but that’s not the big question, he says. He goes yeah, why don’t we go on a date, right now?
She’s like, ridiculous, right? Ridiculous. He’s got a really nice jacket on, and a sweater. The sweater actually is nice, but it’s not as nice as the jacket. He’s charming. I mean, I said…he’s very direct and inappropriately direct at work, but…and he says well, I’m not working. I took the day off. Shipton…so, that’s when she’s like…accidentally says Sally Shipton. She goes, just my phone number; not a guarantee, not an IOU. Just a phone number. It’s Sally, Sally Ship…I mean Sally Sparrow. He goes oh, wait a second. Then she goes off. He goes, I’m gonna call you, phone you tomorrow. I guess she does say…I’m definitely…okay, you better call me. He goes, yeah. Then he goes and the angels are around the box now. One, two, three, four. He goes huh, what the heck?
They’re touching the door ‘cause now they have the box, but Sally has the key. So, they actually missed…they were just a few seconds too late, I guess. So, let’s see…or maybe not. I don’t know. Maybe they don’t realize that they had the key they needed? I don’t know, but they…he’s with the angels. He ends up walking up to one of them. Too close…covered eyes…are the eyes covered? Yeah. He’s staring at it. Like, how did these angels get here in the last five minutes? Then we zoom on his eyes; he blinks. Obviously he gets the angel touch. Right as he gets the angel touch, we go back to Sally who realizes…Yale lock that they can’t open. I have a key to a Yale lock. I think they do that through memory voice…redoing the dialogue? Let’s see, she’s running in the rain.
She gets across the street, she pauses, pulls the key out. Ordinary…yeah, and then ordinary Yale lock. Nothing fits. Let’s see, where were we? Oh, Sally and the police box, coming into the…in from the rain. Good rain. She comes into the basement, she looks around. No police box, though. No angels, no nothing, but she…oh, there’s a wind in a broken door. Then we see the detective. He’s against a slimy wall, or algaeic wall. Doctor’s there. Welcome…and Martha. 1969. Moon landing’s brilliant. We’ve seen it four times, Martha says. Doctor’s got this thingamajig back when we had transport. Working on it. Touch of an angel. Get some backstory in here. Don’t get up. Time travel without a capsule…maybe…no, don’t go swimming, either. Weeping angels, the Doctor talks about.
They send you into the past, and then they take away your energy somehow. You’re gone from the present, so they get the rest of your days. All your stolen moments. Oh, boy. Fear’s got mine. Creatures of the abstract. They love potential energy. I might have one living in me. Trust me, Martha says. Here’s the timey-wimey detector. It has a wish-you-were-here postcard. It’s different; I thought it was a different…thought it was the same as the sticker. Whether or not you want actually…oh, it can cook an egg. This dude’s like…he’s like, where…wait. 1969, Martha said. Somebody nicked our motor, so we can’t give you a ride. We need you to take a message to Sally Sparrow. Good news. Bad news, Billy; you’re here. There’s not…it’s gonna take you a while. Sally’s phone rings.
Really, again…so many…emotional depth to this. Billy…they combined…see me, she says. This is only the midpoint. Let’s see what we got in here. Box…blue, Sally in rain. Box is gone. Billy wall…green…1969. Four times moon landing, touch of an angel, potential energy. Troy worried…wrecked her…boil egg…thirty paces. Nicked my motor. Sally Sparrow…will take a while. Billy calls Sally to the room bed. He’s in his PJs, sleeping. He wakes up. Raining when we met, too. Same rain, Sally says. Huh, writing, man. There’s rain going down the window. He says yeah, wow. He’s staring. Then there’s a wedding picture. She’s looking at it. Her name was Sally, too. Sally Shipton, a little jokey-poo, or callback. They shake their heads.
I thought about looking for you before tonight, but apparently it would have ripped a hole in space and time and two-thirds of the universe would have not been great for it. Also, I lost my hair. She smiles at that joke. Two-thirds of the universe? What’d you get for…? Well, 1969; I got a message for you from somebody. Who? The Doctor. Oh, boy. What’s the message? Just this; look at the list. Turn hole…time hole…seventeen…you’d have seventeen DVDs. Publishing videos, DVDs, that was my job. She pulls out the list. Yeah, I didn’t stay as a detective when I moved. I went to publishing, then video publishing, then DVD publishing. Have in common…he said you would. Put the Easter egg on. He laughs. Understand…now only tonight, one last night. Really look forward to it. Suppose it’s hard for you in a way.
How could the Doctor have known I’d have a list? I’ll stay with you ‘til the rain stops. That could be a song. I mean, it probably is. He said you’d understand it, but that I never would. Sally, list, window, oboe…oh yeah, so after he takes his trip to another dimension, she looks out the window, listens to…there’s oboe music playing, but it becomes action investigation music. Calls banks, they’re a mirror…Easter eggs for me. Meet me Wester Drumlins. Scooby-Doo’s house. I don’t live here. Doctor sits, glasses on…the Doctor, yep, that’s me. Same sticker as the timey-wimey? No, it’s actually not. Martha has a job in a shop. Thirty-eight years. How is that possible? I’m clever. Don’t patronize me, Sally says, Doctor. My auto-cue for the future…Lawrence does shorthand. So, angels have the phone box.
Statues from another world, old as the universe. Quantum locked when seen. That’s why they cover their eyes. They can never be seen. Oh, I know that feeling. Up to now…send it back to me. That’s the last they are. Crying…don’t blink fast, don’t blink. Good luck each…something. No, don’t rewind or remind. What good? Strobe action. Just on three more…don’t split up. Front door…stay…lorn…door locked. I gotta dry. She’s calling him right now in the live episode. DVDs; they’re the ones…one thing they have in common is me. They’re all the DVDs I own. I’d like to see that list of what Sally Sparrow was into in 2007. I want you to meet me at Wester Drumlins. One light bulb…downstairs…Larry…close…sweet basement. Scooby-Doo house. He goes, what, do you live in Scooby-Doo’s house?
She goes, I don’t live here. You’re ridiculous, buddy. Sets up…this is the DVD that has the best sound, slightly better picture quality. Doesn’t matter. Okay. So, he just got…he gets ready. Doctor sits down, puts his glasses on. This is it. This is the live one. There he is; he’s got his glasses. Sally sits down. The Doctor…who’s a doctor? He’s the Doctor. Yep, that’s me. Okay, that was weird. Sounds like he’s replying. He always says that. Yes, I do. And that. Yep. And this. He can hear us. Oh my gosh, he can’t hear us. Of course he can’t hear us. Look; I have the transcript. Everything he says. Wait, maybe that is…the other sticker might be the one. Are you gonna read that whole thing? Sorry. Who are you? Time traveler; 19…I’m stuck in 1969. We’re stuck, Martha says. All space and time. He promised me.
Now I gotta get a job in a shop to support him. Sorry. Quite possibly seen it before. 1969; that’s where…yep, ‘fraid so. But you’re replying to me. How do you know forty years from now what I’m gonna say? Thirty-eight years, actually. Now, that’s when Lawrence starts writing it down, Larry. Not so fast. People don’t understand time. Not what you think it is. Well, what is it? Complicated. Tell me; I’m clever and I’m listening. Don’t patronize me. Get to the point. I’m not happy about this situation. Okay, time’s strict progression…cause, effect? Nope. Actually, a non-linear, non-subjective viewpoint; a big ball of wibbly-wobbly, timey-wimey stuff. Yeah. You said that sentence got away from you. It did get away from me, yeah. Okay, now you’re gonna say well, I can hear you. Well, I can hear you.
This is impossible. Then Lawrence is like holy moly. Well, not hear you, but I know everything you’re gonna say. Why? Look to your left. Lawrence is taking it down. He’s on the left. Lawrence is like, I think it was a political statement. He means you; what are you doing? Writing shorthand. She’s like, oh boy. The oracle said I’d fall in love with a man who can write shorthand. He goes, wait ‘til this…the Easter egg forms. He goes yeah, I got the transcript here with me somehow. It’s still being written. I’m a time-traveler, though. Oh, wait; let me get my head around this. So you’re reading a lot from a transcript…wibbly-wobbly, timey-wimey stuff. This is when she says wait a second, you can do shorthand? Oh boy, didn’t think that would make my back sweat, but it does. He goes, they got the blue box.
The angels have the phone box, right? The angels have the phone box; that’s…Lawrence is like, I got that t-shirt that says that. Statue things? No, they’re beings from another world. They’re statues. No, just when you see them, ‘cause they’re quantum locked. We covered that all. Let’s see what else I got in my notes. Strobe action, hurry up, downstairs, one light bulb, three more angels…can’t move. She has a sticker on her sweater. Probably just a tag. Pointing…lights out…what is that, magic? How does it get the lights out? Oh, I guess maybe moving? I don’t know. Inside TARDIS…yeah, they turn to stone when you look at them, so you can’t deal with stone. But as soon as you look away, it can un-become stone, even when you blink. So don’t take your eyes off of it.
That’s when they…don’t…that’s why they cover their eyes, in case they look at each other. They’re one. Their greatest asset is their greatest curse. The loneliest creatures in the universe. Now we know. Sorry, it’s up to you now. It’s the end of the transcript, so…blue box; it’s my time machine. There’s a vast energy in there. They could use it and turn off the sun or something. So, you gotta send it back to me. How? It would more block the sun, I think. ‘Fraid that’s all I got. Doctor, hologram, disc, gold…journey DVD player slot…angels…rock the TARDIS. It pumps…don’t blink; don’t even blink, the Doctor’s saying. Leaving us behind…something bank…transport. Look at that, the look of it. He’s tracked the…and tricked them into looking at each other. Will never move again? Question mark. One year later.
So, we get to that part. So now they’re like, are you looking at the statue? No, you’re talking to me. Oh boy. Statue’s there. It made a move, but now it’s frozen. Larry, you keep looking at it, and don’t blink. I mean, I would hold my eye open, I guess, or one eye open, and then switch eyes, maybe? I don’t know what’s…the strategy is. Not splitting up. Moving where…I would definitely push them over, too. Just my personal thing. Remember what he said; don’t blink. Don’t worry, I’m…I got nerves. I’m going to the front door. He holds onto the light chain. Okay…what? I’ll just be around the corner. You stay here. Tries to open the door; locked. Locked in. Key…they want the key that have…that goes to the box. Give them the key, then. Nah. I like Larry’s combination; he’s got a jacket and a hoodie.
He’s got maroon hoodie on. Good layering. What about the other angels, Sally? Good point, but he’s…they’ve…well, we’ll find out, I guess. Good acting. He’s starting to get nervous. He’s got hair like mine a little bit. His is a little more layered. He turns…the angel’s closer to him. Sally. Back door’s locked. So, it turns out the angels must have opposable thumbs when they’re not frozen, because they can…I would assume nail nails and drive cars if no one’s looking. He’s sweating now, backing up. Smart move, backing up. Sally, hurry up. They can’t go through doors, so I wonder if…how strong they are. She’s like, let’s go in the cellar. Let’s split up and then we’ll go in the cellar because there’s probably a way out down there, like a delivery hatch, and probably not dark at all. He says, great idea; coming.
So, they go down the stairs. One light bulb. It leads us down. Three of the angels are around the police box, but she has a…they’re separated, so she can see all three of them. So, she’s comfortable. Okay, I know how this works, angely-poos. As long as I can see you, you can’t do nothing. Lawrence comes down the stairs. Sally grabs the key out of her jeans. She’s got a two-sweater layer, like a sweater vest and then a long shirt, maybe a…no, it’s not a…she’s like, who’s watching the stairs? Lawrence, you watch the stairs, come on. We could figure out how to do this, but it would be difficult. Why is it pointing at the light? Oh boy, it’s using some sort of power to shut the light off. Angel stone power or something. Quickly unlock the door. This just like a movie. Lights are getting low.
You get some good strobing as the angels get closer as it blinks. They’re just there to get…let them…help them practice their spiritual journeys to another…I guess to the past. They get in the TARDIS, they lock the door. The angels are outside. I guess you…yeah, once you close the TARDIS door, it’s locked. Then the Doctor says, you got one trip. You got a special disc…detected. The disc is glowing. Seven twelve security protocol. It’s a lot of protocols. There’s a Doctor hologram. Put it in and it’ll depart. So, it’s coded actually to do exactly what they need to do, I guess, the DVD, which is cool too. So, maybe she writes that in her future notes. But the angels are rocking the box while they’re in it, trying to get the DVD. It goes in and then they realize that the…they’re not…the TARDIS is traveling back in time without them.
A lot of work for the Doctor. He’s patient, man. I guess if you’re in timey-wimey stuff, why wouldn’t you be? She goes, I can’t believe you’re leaving us behind without the TARDIS. So, the TARDIS de-materializes and the angels start to materialize ‘cause they’re right outside. But they’re looking at the angels, so they’re frozen, but then we realize the angels are looking at one another. Lawrence realizes it, I think. They’re frozen forever, I put, but it is really? Then one year later…books and DVD store, I think? We’ll see when it comes up. She has all of the letters and all of the old…her whole case file for this thing. Golfing in the way of…oh, then Lawrence says I gotta go get some milk. Oh, you’re still holding onto that stuff with the Doctor. Don’t you think it’s getting in the way of other things?
This really burned me in a good way, ‘cause he…they’re…he’s in love with her, apparently, and they run a shop together. But it’s like…and he says don’t you think it’s getting in the way of other things? She goes, we just run a shop together. I said man, the amount of times I’ve heard that in my head or in person…that’s about it; just a…that’s all it is, just a shop, huh? Heartbroken; that’s what I put. Yeah, so they sell journals and other stuff. The store’s cleaner and nicer. She stares as he goes out for milk, and then we see the Doctor and Rose with a bow, an arrow. Martha’s got a quiver. The Doctor’s got a bow; Martha’s got a quiver of arrows, a large one. You got it all from me in 1969. You’ll need it. Well, well, Sally Sparrow. Lawrence and the Doctor…look for look. Takes his hand…milk and love and music.
Sparrow and Nightingale. Then we have a anti-angel…or anti-statue sequence close. Other things, huh? She looks down. She goes, we just run a shop together. That’s all it is, just a shop. Oof. One year…one year’s…that’s a long time to run a shop with someone you’re in love with. She’s got beautiful dimples. But I mean, I’m not one to talk. Yeah, I could have a crush on somebody for longer than a year. We see there’s records and books. Oh, Doctor and Martha get out of a cab and they’re going after something that’s getting ready to multiply. We’ll read some of the dialogue here. Sorry, I’m in a bit of a rush. She runs up to the Doctor. Something’s happening important. Martha’s like Doctor, we gotta get moving. She goes, it’s really you in person, IRL. You don’t remember me, though. Oh, ‘cause you’re a time-traveler.
Migration, Martha says. Yeah, and he goes, it’s complex. Things don’t happen to me in the same order. Confusing even at weddings, especially at my own. But yeah, you’re a time-traveler. Hasn’t happened; you’re still in your future. Martha’s like yo, we gotta go. Twenty minutes. She goes oh, it was me all along that gave you all the info to get you out of it, not your own wit. It was my help. One day you’ll get stuck in 1969. You’re gonna need this stuff, for reals. Okay, gotta dash. Poor thing’s in a…something else. Gotta deal with it. Okay, go on. See you around someday. What’s your name? Sparrow, Sally Sparrow. Soon to be maybe Sally Nightingale Sparrow or Sparrow Nightingale. The Doctor sees Lawrence. Lawrence has got a thing of milk. She stares at Lawrence, takes his hand. I said, there’s hope even for me. Goodbye, Doctor. She takes his hand.
They return to the shop. Doctor gives a look of…he’s happy for them. They hold arms. Antiquarian Books and Rare DVDs, Sparrow Nightingale. Then we have this interesting sequence. It starts…it just…it’s about forty-five seconds of should you trust any statue…not…of any kind? Children, symbols, anything anthropomorphized. So, that’s the thing. If you were taking…if you were a fundamentalist watching Doctor Who and you took everything as canon for how you would live your life, you would be some…that’s how I was…that’s how I let TV raise me as a child. Luckily I didn’t see Doctor Who. Then it ends with a closeup on his eyes, and the Doctor says don’t worry, it’s just fiction. You don’t have to worry. Statues are only there…like this song, someone to watch over you and blow you kisses. An angel, a real angel that cares and wants you to rest so well, to snuggle into your bed and get comfortable. Goodnight.
(Transcribed by Leah Hervoly)