1049 – Pudding Week – Great British Bake You Off to Sleep C5/S8 E5
This bobbling and babbling will be like a discombobulated yet fun toy you could play with a side of pudding.
Notable Language:
- The Discombobulated Bobbler
- My little porpees
- Ornamental Trifle Tureen
Notable Culture:
- Bring Your Kid to Work Day
- Pride & Prejudice
- Pacman
Notable Talking Points:
- Hot Twisty Teak Wood
- “Zantos” = Yan + ?
- I gotta get Liam’s recipe for Brown Butter Brownies
Episode 1049 – Pudding Week – Great British Bake You Off to Sleep C5/S8 E5
SCOOTER: Friends beyond the binary, ladies and gentlemen, boys and girls, good evening, bakers. It’s time for Sleep With Me, the podcast that puts you to sleep.
INTRO: [INTRO MUSIC] Hey, are you up all night tossing, turning, mind racing? Trouble getting to sleep? Trouble staying asleep? Well, welcome. This is Sleep With Me, the podcast that puts you to sleep. We do it with a bedtime story. Alls you need to do is get in bed, turn out the lights, and press play. I’m gonna do the rest. What I’m going to attempt to do is create a safe place where you could set aside whatever’s keeping you awake, whether it’s thoughts that you’re thinking about, like thoughts on your mind…so thoughts, feelings, so feelings, anything coming up for you emotionally, anything you’re experiencing physically. So, physical sensations, feelings, situational changes, weather, time, temperature, routine, maybe you’re expecting something, you got something coming up, you’re traveling.
Could be a lot of different things. Whatever it is that’s keeping you awake, I don’t necessarily know exactly what you’re going through, but either I or one of the many, many, many other people listening knows how it feels. So, that’s kinda the most important part about this show, or one of them, is that it can feel a little bit lonely in the deep, dark night. That’s why I call it that. We know how it feels. One of us does, and that’s important. I went off…I was a little bit off-topic there. I mean, on topic but not…but yeah, what I’m gonna do is try to create a safe place where you could set aside whatever is keeping you awake, and the way I propose to do that is I’m gonna create a safe place.
I’m gonna smooth it, I’m gonna pat it, I’m gonna rub it down, then I’m gonna pat it again in an invitational way, but in a way that gives you plenty of space to say…like, I’m…I don’t know, did people pat something and then walk away? I could do that if that makes you more comfortable. A pre-patting; I’m not patting like hey, come sit next to me so I can…click when you’re…go into an office as a child and they say here, sit here and we’re gonna have a conversation. That’s not like this; it’s more like I’m patting it…I’m smoothing it, I’m patting, I’m rubbing it down, saying hey, there’s a nice spot to sit, but I’ll be…I’m…I pre-patted it, so I won’t be there, but you’ll be able to hear me on the…at a safe distance. Then what I’ll do is I’ll send my voice across the deep, dark night.
I’ll use lulling, soothing, creaky, dulcet tones, pointless meanders, superfluous tangents, or…what almost did I say? Suplerfler…supler…superfluous; it’s very surprising…surprising I can say superfluous most of the time successfully. I guess after you say something a few thousand times, you learn to pronounce it, or you get…well, not correct; you pronounce it repeatedly the same way. It may not be correct. But so, superfluous tangents all to keep you company as you fall asleep. So if you’re new, there’s a few things to know, and the first thing to know is if you feel off when you get to this show, you feel skeptical, you feel doubtful, you’re not sure if you like this show, it’s not what you expected, that is so normal, very, very normal, and very understandable.
If you’ve tried a lot of other sleep stuff, maybe it hasn’t worked for you. Maybe that’s why you’re here. Maybe you’re just struggling to get to sleep, and that’s frustrating, too. Then to have creaky, dulcet tones and pointless meanders could be more frustrating, or having something outside of your expectations a lot of times can feel…it can discombobulate you, to use a more mild term, or a term I don’t quite know totally. I know how it feels to be discombobulated. I’ve been…I know how to…I bobble…if you’re bobbling things, I’m a…I’m the…you could call me the Discombobulated Bobbler. The babble…and the Babbler. I’m babbling…I’m the Babbling, Discombobulated Bobbler. If that was a toy that was popular for the holiday season…I don’t think it would be.
I mean, it would be, but it wouldn’t want to be…I could be that toy, but I wouldn’t want to be, ‘cause I don’t know how much…I’d like to be a toy not so much that’s popular but that has re…that’s like this podcast, where it does have reusability, or I could imagine the Babbling, Discombobulated Babbler or Bobbler would be something that would be interesting, ‘cause you say, I can’t believe it can do all that bobbling and babbling at the same time. But it can’t…it doesn’t really invite you into the realm of pure imagination, ‘cause it seems like it would be more of an animatronic-type of performance. Maybe not; maybe there’s a toymaker out there. Toymaker, toymaker, make me as a toy…don’t make me into a toy when some sort of strange…whatever, genie-in-a-bottle type thing.
I’m just saying that’s a toy you could make if you made it in a cool way and gave me all the credit and profits. But where was I? I was babbling in a discombobulated, bobbling way. Oh, if you’re new though, and you’re skeptical, that’s normal. Regular listeners…the majority of regular listeners say it takes two or three tries to get used to this show because it is so different, and getting to sleep can be so…it doesn’t line up with normal sleep audio or what your expectations are. So, I just want to say if you’re feeling off, totally normal, and if you really feel strongly off already, like your ears are steaming, sleepwithmepodcast.com/nothankyou has other sleep podcasts on there and stuff that isn’t quite as off-the-wall as me, like a dis…that’s less of a discombobulated bobbling babbling. So, that’s the first thing.
The second thing that’s really important is that you’re important. Your sleep is important and if you’ve been through it like we’ve been talking about and you’re at that point or you’ve been at that point like me for my whole life where bedtime is something at best you might feel ambivalent about but a lot of times you dread it, I want to be here to help you with that, because your sleep is important and if I can help you establish a bedtime routine and be there to make bedtime feel more neutral or like something you could feel good about, like oh boy, I’m reading The Remains of the Day right now and I look forward to getting in bed and doing my bedtime routine, ‘cause I can read that book.
So, if I could be even something that makes you feel neutral about bedtime, that would…really gives me purpose, because I know how it feels. I’ve been there, and I truly believe you do deserve a good night’s sleep. You do deserve a safe place where you can unwind, a place of respite where you can get some rest and your life could be more manageable, because that really is important, important to everyone; the people around you, to you, and to our entire world. It really is. I hear people pish-posh that and brush it off, and that gives me strong feelings because it’s true, and my internal critic brushes stuff off all the time, too. So, I know how that feels. So, that’s why I make the show, because I know how it feels in the deep, dark night, and it’s important to me to help if I can.
Now, like I said, the show doesn’t work for everybody. It’s very different. Even for the people it works for it takes a few times, because it is different. So, give it a few tries and see if it works for you. I hope it does. Other things that can throw you off if you’re new is the structure of the show, so I’ll go through that for you ‘cause it’s…the show’s designed in a very specific way, but then regular listeners repurpose the show in their own ways. So, the show starts off with a greeting; friends beyond the binary, ladies and gentlemen, boys and girls, and then I try to say something goofy related to the topic of the episode. Later on, tonight, Great British Bake Off. So, I tried to say…welcome bakers; that’s what I meant to say. I mean, I didn’t meant to…that’s what I was thinking. I was hearing Sandi’s voice say that.
Is there a Sandi on the show? Did I just…? Have I…? Anyway. Be like, wait a second, Scoots, there’s no such thing as…say, are you sure? But this is how my brain works. It’s discombobulated. Anyway, I say something silly, I get mixed up, that hopefully makes you feel seen. You say oh, okay, this is a imperf….very imperfect person doing their best job, but also they’re very silly and they’re gonna try to help me fall asleep. So, that’s the start of the show. Then there’s support for the show because I want this show to come out twice a week for free, and that’s how we do it, patrons and sponsors. After that is the intro. The intro is around…somewhere between ten and twenty minutes long, and people that get really frustrated think it’s part of the business or the support, and it’s really…no, it’s a show within a show and it serves a very specific few purposes.
Is it purposes or purposes? Porpoise; is is a pod of porpoises or just a pod of porpi? I’ll never know. But there’s a pointless meander that my brain is…now I’m watching porpoises making noise and stuff. They’re saying, you don’t know what the…a group of us is called? I say well, it’s a pod of dolphins. I like saying porpoises. Porpoises. Esorum es. O os os amoson. So I…there you go; I just broke it in Spanish and Latin and…porpo…that’s the act of pretending you’re a porpoise. Okay, so…oh, you’re saying it’s somos porpoise. Okay, well, no, but you’re saying that. I’m not a porpoise, so I can’t say that. Sorry, I got interrupted by possibly…a possible pod of porpi because of my poor…whatever you call that when you break down the ends of words. Conjugation?
Okay, so…oh, the intro goes on and on and on, but it does serve a purpose. That’s how we got talking about porpoises. So, for a small percentage of listeners, they skip the intro, and then some people listen to story-only episodes on Patreon. But for most listeners, the idea of the intro is to give you a transition from your evening and your bedtime, to give you a wind-down. So, you could start listening as you’re getting ready for bed in the bathroom or in…as you’re in your bedroom, or maybe you’re sitting quietly somewhere else, or…lately, I think I talked about it in another intro, I’ve been doing my routine on the floor next to Koa’s bed. Wherever you are that’s it’s part of your wind-down routine, and maybe it’s just a passive wind-down routine.
Some people are in bed, some people are falling asleep or they’re already asleep, looking so lovely. So, we’re so happy for those listeners. Deep down we’re happy for them. On the surface we might not feel happy for them. We might feel a little FOMO, but deep down we’re so happy you’re looking so good and you’re sleeping. But for a lot of listeners, it takes some time to transition from the wake to the sleep. So, the podcast is like your dusk, your wind-down, your landing strip, the intro. You could do some more…sort of other activity or you could just listen and chill and get comfortable. Then the intro also ideally introduces new people to the show or introduces you to the show over and over again in a new way. Maybe we’ll have some porpy…porpy. Say, could…is that the casual term of…to a group of porpoises?
Oh, you’re my porpies, my little porpies. If I was friends with porpoises, that’s what I’d call them. Oh, my porpies, come on over. If I fed…if I had a group of porpy that I hung out with and fed them in a sustainable way, then that reminds me of a song; who are the people…who are the porpy in your neighborhood? Anyway, way off-topic. So, the intro just goes on and on and on as a show within a show to ease you into bedtime. Then there’s support for the show again. Again, so we can be free twice a week for anybody that wants it. That’s because of people that supported the sponsors. Then there’s the show, the bedtime story. Tonight it’ll be Great British Bake Off and it’ll be really snoozy, comforting, already comforting relaxing show, and I’ll be talking about it in a comforting, relaxing manner.
You might even say, I don’t remember those parts of the show. I say well, yeah, well, I was recapping it in my own little way, with my own handwriting that may or may not be illegible or legible, or illegible. I mean, I’m bobble…I’m bobbling and babbling and whatever that’s…and some people might say bollocks about that. So, that…we’ll be talking about that for like, forty-five, fifty minutes, then there’s some thank-yous at the end of the show. So, that’s the structure of the show, that’s why I make the show, and I’m really glad you’re here. I really appreciate your time. Give this show a few tries. It’s free, and see what…see if I can help, ‘cause I really do; I work hard, I yearn and I strive. I really hope I can help you fall asleep. Thanks again for coming by, and here’s a couple of ways I’m able to do this for you for free twice a week. When your hand hits the fridge tomorrow, just say huh, oh yeah, what does Scoots talk about? Thanks.
Alright everybody, this is Collection 5, Episode 5, Pudding Week for Great British Bake Off or Great British Baking Show, depending on where you’re watching it. I think it’s Season 8, maybe, if you’re going by seasons or series. It’s ITV Season 1, maybe? Or, yeah, you’re asking the wrong person. But it’s Episode 5, Pudding Week. We’ll have a answer to it soon. I’m gonna read through my notebook for a little bit here without the episode playing. It says no cold open. Tease first?? Question mark, question mark. Hot mess and happy stay. Stacy; happy Stacy. Hot, twisty teamwork. Hot, twisty teakwood. It’s alliteration, so hopefully I’ll see it. Terrines; hot, twisty terrine? Terrine twist? Sandi and Noel…so, we have that coming up. Paul…Paul and kids.
Yeah, so I don’t know if those were Paul’s children that went by that were part of the cold open. Has something? But Pudding Week…lurch it, lunch it, launch it. Talking heads, chuffed, smiles, rubbish week, pressure. Anybody could go. Morning, bakers. I gotta pause to…when we watch the episode…who put on their clothes. Aerotex was…Aerotex. That must be a kind of old-school clothing. There’s a joke about that. Steamed school pudding. Get steamy. Lost loves…pudding, custards, and cream. Takes me back to when I was a school custodian? School something. Over…not on top of creation. No sog, no…no sog, no stodge. No sog line. Fig…no, that’s Sophie. Sophie; fig, ginger, honey, tonka bean that she got…they say, where did you get that tonka bean? At the supermarket. Honey from Yemen. She’s gonna give it a spice.
I think she was describing the tonka bean as a spicy vanilla. James; not too stodgy. Hard to make or stodge will leave slowly. Scan to…something. Oh, scientist Yan. Scientist Yan; she has a stodge-avoid strategy. Use breadcrumbs. Again, this isn’t a steamed school pudding. Mango foil hat. Mango fruit hat. Alphonso…two mangoes; she has Alphonso mangoes, the good ones, and normal mangoes. Kate; quintessentially English. Mr. Darcy’s steamy lake scene. She’s gotta get the balance right. Somebody…pudding lane. Liam loves a cherry Bakewell tart. So does…Stacy loves Bakewell tarts. They’re both doing them. Bakewell…ahood…and Lenin infomercial. No, something and lemon in something. It’s got to be the barb. Battle of the Bakewells. Stacy has made this seventeen times or seventeen minutes.
Good luck. Rolls eyes at Paul. She rolls her eyes at Paul who’s always on her case. James; orange slices, ginger syrup, pudding of boyhood. Julia never had steamed pudding. Apple, cot…apples and cottage cheese something. The closest thing I had was made from those. She’s making a treacle pudding. Steven is zesting lemons and black currant. He’s gonna inject streaks of compote made from that said black currant. Classic, simple. Not too clever, James. Vanilla custard…Driveshaft; that’s from the movie…the TV show Lost. Drove shot…two hours left. Pudding basin with figs. Right amount in Bundt. Two and a half…one and a half. This is how long they’re gonna put it in for. 139; you gotta put it in and leave it in the steamer. So, they put the pot…the pudding basin in a pot to steam. No touching it.
Kate drops her pudding into the water, I think. Sauces to stretch…sauces to start…oh, sauces to stir, custards to concoct; a double alliteration from Sandi. No gloopy custard. Sauces to stir? Sauces to something. Noel leaps towards Liam. They have a historical talk ‘cause Liam never had school pudding at his school, ‘cause he’s so young. Stacy or…Stacy with something. Pudding Cambridge. Oh, this…so, this is…Sandi goes to Cambridge to find out about the pudding. Meat and veg…mass pudding…prep…ornerous creation. Then they used cloth, sweet and…suet and flour and sugar in 1615, the Cambridge pudding. They also used new milk, which I don’t know what that is. Dr. Sue Bailey. Graded suet…something…butter…you put butter in there. No meat needed. It’s highly…oh, something grated…yeah, calorific.
Put butter in the middle. Nice, innit? Innit? Sweet, steamed pudding. Thirty minutes left. Take it out. No way of knowing. Stress…pace…quoto…queedo…a moment hot. Oh, fire; that’s what Stacy says. Yeah, James says. Sink…no, no, James says sinkage in the middle, right? Julia dances, looks good. Or rustic…James; nothing to see here. Liam happy. Sophie…cafe…no thinking. Manages…gets a handshake. Is that what that says? One…no, no. This is no thinking. Manages…gets a…oh, mangoes get a shave. Yan shaves her mangoes just on the outside. One minute school bell. Discolor…chlora…pencils down. End of the…end of your desks. Eight steamed and served and ready for examination. James; pretty, not light. Orange, nice, dense, very good. Julia; nice custard. Task…words…not light.
Sophia; stodgy. Tonka…take elves…really were too stodgy. Steven; so light, really good. Gets a handshake. Well done. Kate; mistake. Too powerful. Custard mistake. No Earl Grey taste. Yan; looks good, dramatic. Good enough. Light, delicious, handshake. Liam; very pretty. Lovely, light. Too stodgy, though. Finding fiddle…fredding…flethel. Stacy; looks good. Neo in light. Delicious, special thing, handshake. So, Liam’s a little stressed, or he’s…oh no, he’s not stressed. He said so close, so close to a handshake. Stacy; well chaffed or well chaffed. Yan does a dance. Kate is stressed. Then we see the river, the birds, the tent. Total unknown, a technical with a twist right now. Alright, so we got the run through of the video now. Fire, yeah, steamy signature. Hot stuff.
Twisted technical; I think that was the other one. Multilayered showstopper…dribbling loads to jelly. People not happy and stressed. Disappointing…rubber. Then we get the open, so we didn’t have the cold open or whatever you call it, but we get a drone shot. I can’t believe the high standards. Julia and Liam are so young. Getting younger and younger. It’s Paul, then he has two…Alfie and Frankie. Anyway, dig in. They’re having a chife…trifle for pudding week. Then we see the bakers walk in. Stacy’s talking about getting to the next thing. Kate’s happy with Star Baker. James seems like…he said I had a bad week last week. So did Sophie. So, feeling the pressure. Yan’s scared. Morning, bakers. Welcome to Pudding Week.
Now that I’m actually hosting a baking show, it makes sense. Assemblies, uniforms. Oh, back to the day. Aerotex blouse…so, they’re talking about school puddings and pudding life. I don’t know, were these boarding schools or were…all schools have school pudding I guess would be a question for the audience. Custard ice cream…everybody’s…everybody goes straight to work. Steamed pudding brings people back to school. Sweetness, gorgeous texture, light sponge custard. Paul loves custard. Prue; we’re asking them to cook something on top of the cooker, which is difficult. Can’t be soggy or stodgy; that’s a big no. Get a drone shot. Morning. Sophie, tell us about your steamed school pudding. Fig, ginger, and honey steamed tonka mascarpone. Sandi smells the tonka. We shop in different shops.
Extra twist…stem ginger in there. I ordered some golden syrup, by the way, just so everybody know…just make it about me. I will be making a simple steamed pudding or cake with golden syrup. Get the stodge…oh, Noel anthropomorphizes stodge, says he’ll keep stodge out of the tent, or stodge. Stodge, stodge. Breadcrumbs in Yan’s pudding. Fruit hat, stem ginger, coconut custard, Alphonso mango. Kate’s doing quintessential English Earl Grey in the sponge. Mr. Darcy’s steamy lake scene. Oh, boy. Mr. Darcy is not…they say I wish I had a Mr. Darcy. Lemon might override the flavor. Gotta keep it in balance. Good luck. Stacy and Liam, they’re going down the same pudding lane. Okay, cherry Bakewell for Liam. They would go to the corner shop and get the tin version.
I gotta see what…that’s another thing; I guess I gotta get to England to be able to go to the corner store and buy a Bakewell tart. Innit? Cherries and lemons that are baked well. Vanilla custard. Want them to think the flavor’s good, the bake’s good. I want to nail both. Pudding’s gotta be good. Stacy’s cherry…oh, so Stacy’s doing one also. Ground almonds, cherries. Practiced seventeen times. I want to be perfect. Paul says, let’s see how your eighteenth is. James lining oranges to cook with his sponge. Bit marmaladey. Orange and ginger steamed pudding. They always had…they had a choice of pudding at his school. Julia never had pudding, so…baked apple with cottage cheese inside. Having missed out on a lifetime of pudding, Julia went to her mother-in-law or Matt’s grandparents.
Steven’s working on…I don’t want to be too clever. Black currant drizzle and steamed school pudding. Lemon…he’s gonna put streaks in his compote, marbled effect. Looking forward to it, dude. Alright, one hour gone. Two hours left. Sophie’s lining the inside of her pudding basin. Right amount of mixture in the bowl. Not too much, not too little. That’ll take under two hours. Bubbling away. Everybody’s goes in, as we said. Sitting around, watching the pot. Watched pot that’s already boiled. Apparently you can make these in the InstaPot, but the…so, that’s why I’m gonna…how I’m gonna…when I do make mine, my golden one. Gather steam…time to make the compote. Custards to concoct. A couple of eggs, instant chocolate, thick, chocolatey custard. You gotta have it thick, Liam says.
You can’t get runny, gloopy custard. Nice creme…something. Creme…Liam…or, Noel just jumped up on Liam. 70’s school pudding was extinct. So, this is a historical challenge. A bit odd for Liam. Then we get these…the scenes…the factual scenes that I really like. Cambridge…17th…before the 17th century, it was not a sweet affair. Meat and veg…and it was a lot of work because…and it did not…they didn’t…they were smell…not smellarific. Someone said well, let’s use a cloth; replace the meat with suet, put flour and sugar in there. Sugar was expensive, but not for the scholars at Cambridge. Cake-like texture resulting in the Cambridge pudding. Suet, sugar, eggs, pudding. Then we see the punters…are those punters on the Cambridge River or whatever? I went to Cambridge to visit once and saw that.
I don’t think we went on a boat, though. I think I was a bit of a frowny face while I was there, to be honest with you. Now they’re making the pudding. It’s calorific which is good for students, which Sandi points out. I don’t know if it’s…I guess I’d have to look at the price point or whatever, and probably not good, as Sandi points out for…but clever cooks at Cambridge. The sweet steamed pudding was born, to the relief of pupils and dinner/lunch people from the…now we go back thirty minutes. Don’t want it to sink in the middle. No going back. Three minutes. Alarm rings. People are pacing. Puddings are coming out. Nobody wants to open theirs. It’s a moment of reveal. Hot stuff. Just want it to be good. Stacy’s happy with hers. Steven’s happy with his. Noel looks at Julia’s. She’s happy.
James has got a sinkage in the middle, so he’s down. Liam’s…so far, so good. Everybody flips theirs. Stacy’s looks good. That’s…I think without the…oh, Julia’s looks good, too, treacle. Mangoes look good on Yan’s. Figs look good on Sophie’s. James…he has some trouble with the exit. Liam’s happy with his. How long we got? Five minutes, bakers. Sophie’s custard’s not thickening, or Kate’s isn’t. Juice going inside of Steven’s. I guess if you have what Steven has, you could do that to any of them, inject a compote right in. People are doing decorating. Yan shaves her mangoes. Everybody gets everything ready. Pencils down. Exam over. Steamed school puddings at the end of your desk. Kate’s down. Birds are chirping. We see the grass. School…eight school steamed puddings served, ready for examination.
James; looks pretty. Mouth’s watering. But not the lightest sponge I’ve ever had. Marmaladey, though. Paddington Bear would be pleased. Very good school pudding. Well done. Julia; they take hers out. Nice custard, looks good. Taste the orange and treacle; work together. Not the lightest, but delicious. Looks a little stodgy. Mascarpone key…tonka taste is extraordinary. Pudding’s delicious. Ginger, fig, and honey work together. Not sure about tonka bean. Just too stodgy. Sorry. Steven; fruit falling down, hitting the lemon sponge. I think it works. Looks good; sponge looks light. Black currant’s a nice burst. Should be sharp against the mellow. Really good, beautiful sponge. Handshake city. Everyone applauds. Well done. Steven shakes Yan’s hand. Custard’s embarrassing; this is Kate.
Big mistake putting it on a plate, I guess they say. Quite powerful, but don’t get the Earl Grey against the lemons. Yan; dramatic, beautifully designed. Held together, nice consistency. Good mango. Beautiful, light, lovely. Another handshake. Paul loves school puddings, man. She’s happy. Liam; baked well. Pretty, love the cherries on top. Lovely, light. Almondy, proper bake, well flavor, but too stodgy. Couldn’t give you a handshake. Close. What about Fielding 55? Stacy’s tart; attractive. Sponge looks good. Nice and light. Absolutely delicious. Proper Bakewell tart. You have the texture, clever, sharpness, overall a special thing. Absolutely delicious. Handshake. Everyone’s clapping. Liam’s glaring ‘cause he was so close. He says yeah, so close, so close. Stacy’s happy.
Got a handshake, because that was the third one. Yan dances in a circle, does a…then Kate’s down. I’m not looking forward to the technical. Is anybody? Then we see a stream, birds chirping. Not only is it total unknown, this is a technical with a twist. Pudding challenge set by Paul Hollywood. It’s all about the timing. Well, that’s totally clear. Paul, Prue; off you go. Today’s technical challenge is staggering. We’re gonna be staggering the start times, and then we’ll tell you what you’re doing at your start time. So, Julia has to go first. I don’t know why they pick her. It’s a big disadvantage though, I think, because other people can look at what other people are doing. Six molten chocolate puddings with peanut butter in the middle. Sounds delicious. I will be making this soon.
Okay, so, melt everything together; egg yolks, sugar. Combine the mixtures. Julia’s done it once, but it was a while ago. Okay, melt the chocolate and stuff together. Paul shows Prue a chocolate molten cake filled with peanut butter. Oozes out when you cut it. Gotta eat it hot out of the oven. We’ll judge them live. You bake them for ten minutes. Don’t over-bake or you won’t get the goo. If you under-bake, you’ll be toast. This is quite a challenge, Prue says. Julia goes first. She’s petrified. Then Sophie goes. Six molten chocolate puddings, hot peanut butter. You have one hour. On your mark, get set, bake. Okay, never made one. Gotta really think about it because, you know, still runny in the middle. Potentially…carry on cooking. It’s a mine field. At least I’m not on my own. Does it make it better? No.
I’m gonna melt the chocolate. Baker number three. Six molten chocolate puddings. You’ve got one hour; bake. Julia says ba-ba-ba-ba-bum. They’re mixing them up, whisking up the eggs and sugar. Julia’s doing it by hand and then she realizes oh, that’s because Sophie says no raising agent; whisk eggs with a raising agent. Liam’s like yeah, you gotta put a lot of air in there. This actually helps Julia because she sees them doing that with the hand mixer, or whatever you call that, the mixer that you put your thumb on, an electric hand mixer. Sophie’s gonna go to the ribbon stage. Thickness…everybody else is looking around, trepidatious. Yan comes in, number five. Ready, set, bake, or on your mark, get set, bake. We get a few times. She’s made it before, but not with peanut butter.
Whisking the eggs…chocolate’s gotta cool. Gotta mix…I think this is what…you got…you temper your eggs, or maybe you’re cooking the eggs. I don’t…oh, ‘cause you’re gonna bake it, so I guess you’re not…but you gotta temper it so it doesn’t cook into scrambled eggs, right? Gotta crack on. Don’t know what I’m doing. Sandi’s like, am I in your way, Liam? She loves Liam, just hanging with him. One hour. I mean, I love Liam too, but I don’t get to hang out with him ‘cause I’m not on the show. Gotta knock out the air bubbles gently. James is the last person? Oh no, he’s baker number seven. Stacy must be last. He’s never made them before but in a revision last night, he proved…briefly went through a molten volcano cake, so he’s a little more confident. Divide between molds. Gotta get them identical.
Yan weighs them out 100 grams each, three-quarters of the way. You don’t want them billowing over the top. Stacy comes on. On your mark, get set, bake. Not a clue. Putting peanut butter inside…Julia. It says a teaspoon; she puts in a extra. That was deceiving, ‘cause it wasn’t…you’re supposed to put even more than what Julia put in. She’s putting in more than a teaspoon. Stacy’s doing light folding. Cook it molten in the middle. You gotta get the temperature right. Ten minutes in the freezer to chill them down. How long to bake them? No idea. How long is too long? Everybody’s got a different inkling. Not very long. Sandi says it’s supposed to be ten minutes. Julia’s gonna do twelve. She whispers Liam’s gonna do twenty, maybe fifteen. I don’t know. James is gonna do eight minutes.
Kate’s doing thirty-five ‘cause she doesn’t want them raw. Sophie’s oven’s not on, so she has to put them in while her oven heats up. Eight more minutes for Julia. Liam goes in his…puts his in. Steven’s doing twenty-five minutes. Sophie’s gonna heat up with the oven. James; you want it crispy outside, gooey center. 180 for ten minutes with Yan. Getting the right balance could be tricky, could be tricky to make chocolate molten lava peanut butter cookies on time. Thunder rumbles; it’s raining outside. Everybody’s watching their ovens up close and personal. One minute left for baker number one. It’s serving time. She gets hers out. Paul and Prue have their backs to everybody, which I don’t think…I think…come on, they’re gonna know, unless there’s a noise machine. Baker number one…these look neat.
Let’s have a look. Texture’s good; it’s oozing out. A little bit under-stuffed, they say, but not bad. So, those go. Baker number two. Thank you, waiter, they say to Noel. Good wobble. So, they get into it. They say holy cow, look at that. Now we’re talking. Very stuffed. Worked out on the baking time. Chocolate’s good. Excellent. Liam’s number three. He hands his to Sandi. He lies down. He doesn’t think he did good, but spoiler; he did. It’s got goo, excellent sponge. Pretty good as well texture, just a little more peanut butter, but that’s…Paul’s recipe said for a teaspoon. Steven; be gentle. He brings his…Noel brings his up. These look excellent on the outside, but a little solid on the inside. Slightly over. What a pity. Could have been good. Okay, Yan goes; she laughs. Gotta be careful.
Oh, one of them…oh no, she…’cause she just made a design. But hers is not cooked. Under-baked chocolate sponge cake mixture…then Kate goes next. Hers are way over-baked. They look like the ghost from Pac-Man. Wish me luck. Oh dear. Cracked; solid. Massively over-baked. She knows it. She says I can barely…I can’t even peel my eyes away because it’s not going so well. She covers her face. James is up. One of his collapsed ‘cause he put it down too hard. A few issues getting it out of the mold, they say. Broken. Air holes…absolutely raw. Failure. He touches his face. Stacy’s look a little burnt, she says. Gosh almighty. They say there’s not a lot in the middle. Over-baked. She’s worried about what they’re saying, but she just doesn’t want to be the last.
Too much folding or something, because of the air pockets. Not enough middle, not enough peanut butter. Good, but not perfect. So, then Paul and Prue rank them. Last; Kate. Seventh; James. Not good. Yan; six. Steven; fourth. Stacy…or fifth; fourth, then Julia. Wish there was a bit more peanut butter; it would have flowed out. Liam is in second and Sophie’s in first. Everybody’s applauding and happy. Well done. Yay. She’s like, I needed this. I look forward to tomorrow. Liam laughs; that was sick, yeah. Oh, yeah. James is gutted. New day tomorrow. Kate says it’s not the end of the world. It’s just a pudding. Okay, so we’ll go through the notes. Total unknown technical with a twist, all about the timing. Off you go. Staggering start time. Julia first; why? Six molten chocolate peanut butter…anchor bake, bake.
Done once. Chocolate only. Prue and Paul; ooze out, eat hot. Julia; solo. Petrified timing. Sophie; baker number two. Never make one. Where is oven? Melt chocolate in butter. Liam; number three. One hour. Never made before. Whisk eggs in sugar. No rainy? No raising agent. Lots of air. Number four; Steven. No idea. Mixer…rubbing…ribbon stage. Trap doors? That’s…can’t be right. Trepidatious. Zantos…make before. No peanut butter flavor. That’s Yan. I don’t know what the TOS is, though. But in that case, it looked like…my…it looked like an ex stress…combine. How? What? Kate; never made before. Yan; folding gently. James; number seven. Never before. Molten volcano revisited…revision. Yan was gonna do 100 grams dead on. Stacy; not a clue.
Peanut butter teaspoon…Stacy; go forward or don’t. Yan; freeze. Fifteen minutes. James; ten minutes, freeze. Sophie; baking time…inkling…should be ten minutes. Julia whispers twelve minutes. Liam; twenty, maybe fifteen. James; eight. Kate; thirty-five minutes!! Explanation point, explanation point. Sophie; over…oven not on. Bake and watch. Steven; twenty-five. Yan; 180 for ten. Right balance tricky. Thunder, flowers, rain. One minute. Paul and Prue backs to bakers. Julia…looks good. Can’t her…move flagrant book. Sophie; neat wobble. Good look in that. Peanut butter good…excellent. Liam; he hides stress. A little goo. Sponge excellent. Needs more peanut butter. Steven; look perfect, too solid, overdone. Yan; not cooked. Under. Kate; oh, dear. Solid, over-baked, dreadful.
James; one collapsed, one hole. Raw; failure. Stacy; not a lot of middle. Over-baked. Taste okay. Holding in the mix, not enough peanut butter. It goes Kate…elve…Kate elves. No, James, Yan, Steven, Stacy, Julia, Liam, Sophie. Yay, Sophie, says…Liam says, sick. Oh, cool, oh. James; gutted. Kate; not…and of word. Next day. Umbrellas…they have clear umbrellas, jackets, and ducks as they come in from the rain. Who will be Star Baker? Dream to sky. Three handshakes. Personal best for Paul. Table talk…James is in trouble. Kate and…Kate is, too. Noel and Sandi…mouth school…sweet pudding dreams. Ornamental terrine. Something; ornamental something terrine. The slice has got to be as good as the whole. This will go rapid. It’s all about the textures. Jelly must be firm.
Off you don’t set jelly whole thing will collapse. Topsy turvy world of terrines. I didn’t even alliterate that. I mean, mark it as alliteration, but…leafer pot…oh, leafer pot…powder gelatin. That’s the choice people are making. Lemon liquid, steam hidden…Steven’s doing an American flag terrine. Piping stars…something custard. James is doing a Union Jack fruit plan…mixed silo and jelly, since he had…oh no, he missed the Silver Jubilee ‘cause he had the chickenpox. So, that’s what he’s calling it after. Sweet stripe, no Union Jack. Prue not…she doesn’t like the fact that when you slice it, it won’t be a Union Jack. Yan’s doing a Heart of the Hero based on a risk her parents took. Set gel at…something inject. She’s gonna do this gel injection design. Start chilling, chilling out. Raspberry mousse.
Edeners, 200 grams of strawberry and sieve. Sophie’s using yuzu, a buche, B-U-C-H-E, not bouche, but they have a joke about that; buche mold terrine or buche…buche something. Spouche. Sponge, that says, not spouche. Keeping tables straight…Stacy loves pink. Flamboyant. She’s doing a triple-terrine coconut burst, five layers. Sounds like Stacy. Fuchsia parfait. Time in oven; 170 degrees for thirty. Julia; ten to twelve. Space [inaudible]. Everybody’s…not everybody’s cup of tea. Brownies and chai latte. Brown butter brownies from art school. This is Liam. Trifle’s trendy. Then Kate’s also do…actually doing my great, great nan’s classic, keeping it simple. Out of the oven shots as the jelly set. Stress is sponge. Talking agents and sponge in fruit juice.
Soaked summer fruit sponge; there’s another alliteration. Liam’s having jelly issues. Not setting; don’t panic. Eatin’ mess. ETO mess. Still sad about the day of the Silver Jubilee, he says to Sandy, James. Coconut cider? No. Coconut cinder? Coconut custard Kate’s making, with custard powder, which I guess is an old-school move. She also talks…Kate and Sandi talk about…she goes, you can cook and you’re a blacksmith? ‘Cause Kate says I’ll never find love or whatever. Sandi says, I don’t think that would be a problem. Halfway up flag…mondant mousse…make or break…James’ Swiss roll yet in freezer…get in freezer. Waiting game. Half-hour…get…put your welly in the jelly, Sandi says. Chocolate skyline of Hong Kong and London. Topping issues. No super goop. Oh, no sugar in Stacy’s first biscuit.
Pipe the…piping the poppy is what Yan’s doing. Silver crowns, the heart of the heart that…this is the heart; it’s my dad’s heart and my dad’s the hero. Heart of the Hero though, not a heart, Scoots. Never racing out of molds. Happy, not quido…more make or break. Julia calming Liam…Stacy’s stressed. Liam’s drippy. Final assembly. Big music. End of showstopper. Liam’s sad. Sandi helps him. She’s almost…it’s almost like they got caught privately. She’s like, are you okay? Sophie; like look. That worked good. Yuzu really good; very high class. Delicious. Good slice. Yan; lovely mousse. Strop top…much…too much gelatin, though. Looks incredible. Stacy; contentedly jolly. Proper pink, pretty, spot on. Lime, mint, chili, oh, works. Unique look. Tastes better. Kate; neat, clean, nice and tart. Delicious.
Takes me back, Paul says, ‘cause she used that custard powder. James; a bit firm. Too firm, very sweet, not much flavor. Sickly. If someone says sickly, then that’s not good. Julia; don’t think the jelly works. The texture’s okay. Soggy sponge. Steven; wow. They all clap at the look. Clear, fantastic, but very tough. Way too much gelatin. Not good. So, they say style over substance. Liam; looks watery. Pinnacle…delivers…jelly discard. Liam’s sad. James; danger zone. Julia’s stressed, too. Julia calming Liam. Stacy’s stressed. Final assembly…oh wait, did we already read that? I don’t think so. Oh yeah, we did. Liam; hope it’s a blip. Stacy; good…did good. Kate saved herself. I weep for Liam, though. He has to do better. James and Julia have been disappointing. We see the sun set. We see stress.
Sandi gets to announce Star Baker and Noel has to announce the person going. We’ll do that part as I run through here. So, we start it up here. Got everybody going in. It’s windy, it’s rainy. Jackets, umbrellas, smiles though. Free handshakes, personal best. Stacy, Steven, and Yan, per your magic perfection. Gotta give them a handshake. James; we adore him, but…and then Kate’s in trouble. She was Star Baker last week. Now she’s at the bottom. She has to pull all the stops. You really know your math, huh? That’s what Sandi says to Noel. Everybody is ready. Showstopper…sweet pudding dreams for your showstopper. Ornamental trifle terrine. They tell them it’s that custard of mousse and jelly. So, without those, it’s not a thing. So, it needs those elements. Slice has to go…look as good as the whole.
On your mark, get set, bake. Four and a half hours is gonna go fast. All about the textures, Paul says. Definitive layers, beautiful something. Jelly’s gonna be difficult to be…it has to be sliced, but not too rubbery. Master class in gelatin, ‘cause if you don’t set the jelly, the whole thing will collapse. So, people are making the jelly so they can get it in the freezer, squeezing real fruit in there. Topsy turvy world of terrines. Bottom layer becomes the top. So, setting it’s a priority. Soaking gelatin, powdered gelatin…oh, so Liam uses powdered gelatin. That might have been the issue, ‘cause he’s the one that has the biggest thing. I gotta get some of these gelatin sheets. Could make things rubbery. Flag trifle, coconut custard stripes, layering blue jelly, piping the stars.
He’s showing it, how’s he gonna do it, and they’re like, nine stars, maybe? James is doing the Union Jack. Oh, I see, ‘cause you could work from the top to the bottom. Now I’m seeing it in action. Now that I’ve seen this whole thing a few times…missed Silver Jubilee trifle terrine. Eating mess mousse, raspberry panna cotta, something else, but you’re gonna see the stripes when you slice it. Prue says…and he goes, no. She goes huh, well…Yan’s the Heart of the Hero. Dad was in the Royal Navy in Hong Kong, so he’s allowed to bring his family back to the UK. He risked everything. White chocolate mousse, strawberry mousse, elderflower jelly. She’s gonna inject the…inject…to make the heart effect. Everybody starts chilling in the freezer. Last layer of blue. Talking layers…mousse…eating mess…strawberry mousse.
Sea of strawberries, yuzu…yuzu; gotta do it right. Popular citrus fruit. Patissiere…Sophie likes Japanese patissiere. Okay, we’ve already…we’re doing it. Buche mold…not a Mighty Boosh; buche, B-U-C-H-E. Fenner [inaudible] buche. Yeah, so that makes sense. Raspberry almond sponge, pink, Savoiardi sponge, finger biscuits…strada…James is talking about strada. Stacy’s got some really cool pink, really bright. Tropical trifle, pineapple jelly, rum, passion fruit, lime…eating mess. They’re trying to get their head around the layers. This is very ambitious, Prue says, very Stacy. Twenty different things to do. Sponges are going in the oven to get it baked. Everybody’s trying to breathe. Liam’s brown butter…I gotta get that recipe; brown butter brownies. ‘Cause I like a…kind of like a…I don’t know.
I can’t even say it; brown butter brownies. Cheers, lads. Trifle terrine…chai panna cotta, chocolate mousse, orange jelly. Artsy, you know. They all talk about art school, drinking chai lattes back in the day. Traditional trifle is what Kate’s going for. My great, great nan’s raspberry trifle trifle. Raspberry trifle terrine, sorry. Classic, keeping it simple. They laugh at that in a good way. We see the sky. Out of the oven. Hopefully it’s perfect. Steven says, beautiful. Everybody smells it. Jelly…okay, orange jelly’s not setting as fast. Don’t know what’s going on. It’s set. Taking ages. Steven’s is looking good. Liam’s stressed. Julia’s soaking sponges; there’s another alliteration. But now…look worse. Summer soaked sponges. They have trifles in Siberia? No. What’s trifle in…terrine in Russian?
I don’t know, ‘cause we don’t have them. Everybody’s doing some more assembly; panna cotta…Liam’s stressed ‘cause his bottom…top layer is not a thing. Eating mess has been a mess; that’s what…and then he says, but I couldn’t go to the Silver Jubilee. Coconut custard; quite unconventional. Custard powder…can’t have a trifle without it, according to my nan. Then they talk about relationships. Sandi’s…she’s so cool, man. Sandi should be…she could definitely help people with just…she’s just one of those helpful people people. Some people are ahead of time, some people are on time. Stacy has trouble with her biscuits. Bavarois layer, lady finger layer, chili mango mousse, cream. James is doing Swiss rolls. Red sponge, pink sponge. Getting it in the freezer like Uncle Ebeneezer. It’s a waiting game now.
James is done. Half-hour. Put the welly in the jelly. Terrines in the freezer. Meringues hitting the 80s. Skylines…chocolate skyline of London and Hong Kong to the future. Making toppings…Liam’s first topping’s burnt. That’s when Stacy realized there’s no sugar in her biscuit. Okay, piping the…then gelatin, coloring…Yan the scientist. James putting silver leaf on his stuff. Yan had done one as a test, I think, so that she could even be better on her next one. Biscuits are in the oven. Heart of the Hero. It’s my dad’s heart; he’s the hero. Waiting for the terrine to set. Fingers crossed. Nice firm, nice wash. Can’t tell ‘til everything’s molded. Nerve-wracking as people take theirs out of their molds. Everybody’s begging their things; come on, come on, come on, you can do this.
Julia’s stays together, Steven’s stays together. Make or break. Some are coming out smooth, but Liam’s is dribbling. He’s stressed. Absolute mess. That’s not set. Someone tell me it should be fine. Dripping…things…everybody’s doing their final assemblies. It’s fine, it’s fine, it’s fine, Stacy says. Then things come out. Stacy’s smiling. Liam’s nervous. Final touches. End of your showstopper. Done. Hands getting wiped, food getting snacked on. Liam’s down. Sandy’s helping him. People are…Julia’s pacing. Sun’s shining…sun’s setting. Sophie goes first. Hers looks very good. Pink sausage in the middle. Love the flavors and the colors. Looks lovely. That worked; beautiful. Good slice. Yuzu comes through. Delicious, brilliant. Bavarois sponge mousse jelly. Very high-class, very pretty. Terribly delicious.
Yan’s Heart of the Hero. They’re like, amazing. Poppy; clever. I think even the…well, I can’t…but strawberry mousse is a triumph of custard, but too much gelatin. It’s too firm. Stacy’s tropical trifle terrine. Certainly jolly. Proper pink. Slice is pretty. They take a bite. Spot on. Mint, lime, chili…who would have thought chili would work? It does. Fascinating. This gets delicious. Meringue’s on the outside. Unique and beautiful. Kate’s; they slice it. Neat, clean, stark lines, different colors; phenomenal. Nice and tart, delicious. Takes me back. Just like my nan. Very good. James…James’ looks good, but it does look a bit firm, they say. Too firm. White chocolate’s sweet, but everything else…the jelly on the top’s good, but nothing…no flavor. A bit sickly. Opulent Ornament Trifle Terrine; that’s Julia’s name. Fascinated to see the inside.
I don’t think the jelly works. Soggy sponge. I don’t get it. It’s a shame. Steven’s Across Jelly Pond. Trifle terrine…they clap at the look of it. Wow. Isn’t that fantastic? Clever. Stars are amazing. Coconut’s good, but too much gelatin. Looks amazing. Too bad. I don’t like rubber. Style over substance, Sophie says. Everybody’s done at Liam’s, up next. Cheers, lads. He’s holding his face. A bit clumsy. Jelly’s not set. Jelly like water. I think his biscuit’s a little bit overdone. I don’t…I do get the chai. Panna cotta’s delicious. Chocolate brownie’s tough. Jelly’s a disaster. He exhales, rubs his head. I’d like to stay. James is like, I’m in the danger zone; quite worried. Other ones of us are worried. Julia’s crying. She’s worried in the rain. Liam’s holding his head. Just hope it’s a blip. Hope they see past it.
I mean, he’s been really…him and Julia have been doing really good, so…it’s raining. Who’s vying for top place? Well, Sophie’s was delicious. That could be in a Michelin restaurant. Stacy’s was…a very good contender. Kate saved herself with that. Not the first time, not the last…I don’t know. Quite elegant. We all love Liam. It was clumsy. He can do better. So, that’s probably good. James is in trouble. Every other element was wrong other than the jelly. Julia’s was disappointing. She’s in a bit of trouble, too. Alright, well, let’s see…they all go right after Sophie’s thing, then they even come back and they say Star Baker, we ate her whole thing backstage. Yeah, they say it was…so, Stacy’s Star Baker. Then Noel has to announce the person who has to leave, who is James. Horrible job of revealing it, though. We have to say goodbye. Julia starts crying with relief. Liam’s obviously relieved, too.
He’s kinda in disbelief and holding his head. James gets a lot of hugs. I’m all for you, buddy, Paul says. My time has come. It’s gutting, but I wanted to put myself against these good bakers to see how good I was. It was humbling. I mean, he did really good, though. They’re gonna miss James. He’s comforting Julia. Prue says, that’s the kind of guy he is, a nice guy. Thank you very much. Sophie stepped up to the plate, produced one of those bakes you want to go back for. Best again…yes, Star Baker, I’m chuffed, Sophie says. Sandi’s comforting Liam. Remember, it’s really important; I gotta pick myself back up and keep going upwards, and that’s the plan. That’s the plan. That’s how I’m gonna do it. So, that’s it. That’s the end of the episode, and that’s the plan, is for me to do some thank-yous and carry you off into dreamland or have another episode. We can spend some more time together if we need to. Thanks, everybody.