944 – Journey Into The Land of Tomorrow E1
Dice will roll you off to dreamland as some friends step into their roles and play a game.
Episode 944 – Journey Into The Land of Tomorrow E1
SCOOTER: Ladies and gentlemen, boys and girls, friends beyond the binary, and my patron peeps, it’s time for the podcast you support. This is probably…you’re hearing this in the new year at some point where I’m in the old year. Oh boy, do you look like you’re in a new year. You look so new year-ish. What do you say we get on with the show, patrons?
INTRO: [INTRO MUSIC] Hey, are you up all night tossing, turning, mind racing? Trouble getting to sleep? Trouble staying asleep? Well, welcome. This is Sleep With Me, the podcast that puts you to sleep. We do it with a bedtime story. Alls you need to do is get in bed, turn out the lights, and press play. I’m gonna do the rest. What I’m going to attempt to do is create a safe place where you could set aside whatever’s keeping you awake, whether it’s thoughts, things on your mind that you’re thinking about or that are trying to vie for your attention, thoughts about the past, the present, the future, just thinking stuff…rithmitic or arithmetic or math, or maths. So many words about arithmetic that I’m glad I don’t even know. But you say there’s more than a few. Math; numbers.
There’s actually only ten we need if you count 0 ‘cause 0 needs to be counted, of course. Numbers; we can make a lot of them from just ten numbers. Oh, whoops, so thoughts, feelings, any emotions coming up for you. They could be physical feelings as well. It could be other things. It could be situational; you might be just going through something, you might have something coming up, your schedule may have changed. Maybe you work on that second or third or of course now that I give the love out to the fourth and fifth shifts, holy cow. My inbox is full so if you do work in the fifth or the fourth dimension, the shift of the force…the shifting fourth dimensional shift, I’m giving you the bore love out there ‘cause you say well, I just switched.
I was in this…I was in there, in our dimension and they said well, there’s a opening up in between the fifth shift and the fourth dimensional shift and you want…I say well, I don’t know, how’s that gonna impact my normal routine? Luckily I have Sleep With Me ‘cause I don’t even know…just tell me when to be…they said well, be there at synapse 4ZQP, algorithm Aroba. You say I’m sorry, what? Could you put that on something I could under…I don’t know how you expect me to show…how am I gonna get any work done? I don’t know what any of that means. Oh, I’m sorry. You will later, though. Oh, okay. This sounds like I’m already asleep in some sense. You may be. Hopefully you’re halfway there. I say yeah, well, as soon as you started giving that Hollywood glamour to the fourth and fifth shifts, I started thinking about other things.
Anyway, so whatever’s keeping you awake, I’m here to take your mind off of that and keep you company while you fall asleep. I’m here to distract you and the way I’m gonna do it is I’m gonna send my voice across the deep, dark night. I’m gonna use lulling, soothing, creaky, dulcet tones. Oh, so creaky are my dulcets. You might say, how creaky are they, Scoots? I’d say just creaky enough, hopefully, ‘cause I can’t think of jokes like that. You say oh, tell me how creaky…so creaky that I can’t even think of any jokes about them. So creaky they make floorboards groan. So creaky they record them for events around October; between October 1st and October 31st and then they play them in the background to simulate doors.
They say oh, Universal’s…hey Universal, look me up next year when you get everything going. You say yeah, we got our super-fun October Fun Time going or not. You say not…Fun, Fun, Fun Pumpkin Farm at night. I guess I’m still thinking about that stuff. So, oh, I’m gonna send my voice across the deep, dark night, lulling, soothing, creaky, dulcet tones, pointless meanders. You just got a mini one there. Superfluous tangents, I’m gonna go off-topic, I’m gonna get mixed up, and I’m here to keep you company while you fall asleep. That’s the deal. That can be a little bit different for most people, so let me give you some other information right up front. One, this podcast is not for everybody. I really hope it is for you. Most of the regular listeners…what up, regular listeners? How you doing?
What up…any fishes listening right now? Any, well, regular listeners and listeners that have fishes or fishes. Kitten…any kittens listening? They’re probably not paying attention. I mean, not that kittens are…kittens aren’t…who pays less attention? Puppies, definitely, than kittens? That’s interesting. You probably have less…a puppy’s not gonna give you…huh. My brain is a bit like a puppy running around. But that’s funny ‘cause you say who is…which domesticated…what do they call them? Domesticated pet is gonna…as a child or a new foundling or whatever…I would say a puppy is gonna be more distracted than a kitten, but that’s based on actually no factual information and a whole lot of assuming. But then when they grow up, it’s the opposite, at least for my case.
Now that I’m in…still in 2020, where I go, Koa goes, except I say okay, I’m gonna close the bath…I need…this is my bathroom time, please. Don’t worry, I’ll wash my hands. Oh boy, you could sit there by the door and listen. Okay, you want to…oh, do you mind if I walk over here? Okay, come along. Where a cat, I would imagine…cats got stuff going on. Oh boy, that was a superfluous tangent there. Oh, this podcast isn’t for everybody. That’s what I was trying to say. So, give it a few tries and see how it goes. That’s one thing, so if you’re skeptical or you’re doubtful or you’re not feeling it, that’s normal. That’s the way most people get when they first listen to this podcast feel. So, just give the podcast a few tries and just kinda see how it goes.
This podcast is best consumed loosely so, I mean, maybe even in the back of your head you could watch a puppy bounding around and imagine that I’m a puppy. You say when…it would almost be like that. You’d say okay, here’s the thing…oh wait, can you come back here? Oh, you don’t know what that mean…oh, no, not there, please. Oh, boy. You have to…gotta get my spray to clean that up. Could you come back here? I just want you to introduce the pod…oh, where’d you go? No, no, no. No, don’t go under…oh, okay. Oh, please don’t chew on that. The podcast is a bit like that, so it’s best if you just kinda say okay, let’s just give it some basic limitations. But consume it loosely. I’m not…that’s not an analogy with a puppy, obviously. But you’d say let the puppy run around. Say okay, this is your spot to do that.
No chewing. Other than that, I kinda…I put up these paper…whatever. I’m trying to give you some space to bound around. Best consumed loosely, meaning that I never really…this is a podcast that never really gets started and peters out from there. So, it’s just like sand in your hand. You say okay, it’s just drifting through my hand there. So, best consumed loosely. It’s also a podcast that doesn’t really put you to sleep. I’m more here to keep you company as you fall asleep, of all things. I’m here to take your mind off of stuff while you drift off and that’s the reason the show is about an hour, is to give you plenty of time, so you just drift off at your leisure. If you can’t sleep, I’ll be here for you.
I’ll be here to keep you company to the very end, so I’m here for you whether you’re awake or asleep and that’s really my job, is I’m here to be your bore-bae, your bore-bud, your bore-sib, your bore-bestie, your bore-cuz, whatever…however you…whatever…you reach a stage where you say yeah, I’m comfortable. Oh, somebody said neighbore recently. I’m sorry if I…on Twitter. [00:10:00] It’s a new one. But so, yeah, just kinda…I’m just here to be your friend to take your mind off of stuff, just like I was on-call and you’d say…if you had a puppy and you say…I mean, I never…I don’t…I probably…adults have probably said this but not…I’m so puppied…I’m puppied-out. I’m done pupped out from this puppy. Can you just come over and watch my puppy bound around for a little bit?
You know, it’s in the pre…you can’t really play with it because the puppy’s still getting to know the world. If it needs to get to know the world of restrooms, that’s that spot over there. Otherwise, just keep an eye on it. You’d say sure, that’s kinda what this podcast is. You say okay, I’m just gonna keep my…then maybe you…if the puppy already has a place…a safe place to play in you’d say well, I’m gonna queue up something. I gotta finish up the Queen’s gambit here, you know? So, I gotta get on that. So, just kinda see how it goes and consume it loosely. The other things that can throw new people off — my regular listeners, you know where I’m going with this; thanks for being here — is the structure of the show. This show is structured very differently because it’s here to put you to sleep.
The show starts off with a greeting; friends beyond the binary, ladies and gentlemen, boys and girls, pet-based beings, domesticated friends, anybody listening in. I’ve never heard from any birds that are listening in outside of someone’s window or a squirrel in a tree outside of a child’s room that listens to the podcast, or an adult’s room. You say well, yeah, I was inside that tree. Oh boy, was that good. I was snuggled in my tree and I was hearing this somewhat comforting voice. Kinda sounded a bit like when a tree bends in the wind but all the time. So, the show starts off with a greeting, then there’s business. The business lasts about four-to-six minutes or some stuff about listener support, too. That’s how we’re bringing this show twice a week. Then there’s an intro.
The intro goes from minute six or eight or so to minute twenty to twenty-two to twenty-three to nineteen-ish. That’s the introduction to the podcast. It’s different every time. I try to introduce what the podcast is. Some of the stuff is repetitive and it’s…the whole idea is I introduce new people to the podcast but it’s different every time, so you…I mean, this is really one of the key concepts of Sleep With Me so your brain can’t adapt or your emotions or your body or the combination of things that are keeping you up. That’s why the intro’s new every time because I don’t know, for me, everything I try, my body and brain adapts and it says nah, let’s think about fifth grade. Nah, let’s think about next week. I say well, I was go to sleep. Remember? I was so tired and I did all that…oh boy, nah. Nah, that routine is so routine.
So, that’s why the thing…the intro’s different every time. The reason it lasts about twenty minutes…and for some people, they say you never get started or what is the intro? The intro’s here to ease you into bedtime, to give you some distance from the day or to be a part of your bedtime routine as you’re winding down. You know, for a percentage of listeners, they’re falling asleep and that’s great. You look so great as you’re falling asleep. So peaceful. Some listeners skip it but most people, yeah, it’s part of their decompression. That’s exactly what it is. They’re doing something else or they’re getting ready for bed, or they need a break during the day. So, that’s why the intro goes on for twenty minutes or so. Also, the other thing is I can’t ever get to the point. That’s the thing; if I could get to the point, I wouldn’t have a sleep podcast.
I don’t know, efficiency in a sleep podcast, or this sleep podcast, are not…that’d be like telling a puppy to grow up or get a job. I’m sure somebody’s done that in a movie before. They’ve said hey, get a job. The puppy would just look at you and then maybe start biting the rug or something or lift its leg. You say can you just grow up? It says, I’m a puppy. I don’t know what to tell you. I’m gonna…did you know I have a…did you see this thing behind me? That’s part of my body. I just figured that out, so I can’t…I don’t think I can go out and get a job. I just realized there’s this thing and I can move it but I can’t really control it. Also, it wants me to chase it sometimes. What did you say about getting a job? You said to get a job, right? Or were you saying that I needed to grow up? Oh, boy. What does that…?
Oh, that thing’s…oh, that’s so weird. I just felt it move and I felt it move from the inside but I don’t know if I was moving it. Did you say they call this thing a tail? Oh boy, ‘cause it’s…I think it’s…you know what? I think it’s wagging me. What were you saying? Should I get a job? Oh, what’s a job? Now I feel like a bit like I’m in a movie, a Pixar movie or something. Did Doug say any of that stuff? Maybe that’s where it’s from, my…how it got in my brain. But I mean, that’s exactly…even if it wasn’t from that, that’s exactly what a puppy would say. If you said…and then for me, then I would feel…then I’d go to…try to go to bed at night. I’d say, I can’t believe you told that puppy to get a job. You’re supposed to be…I say yeah, no, I feel…I know. You’re right, brain. Or left brain; whoever’s judging me now.
Oh no, you’re judging yourself because you told a puppy to get a job and grow up. It was just a puppy. Remember, you had that…you furrowed your eyebrow at a puppy. Yeah, I didn’t actually say any of that stuff. I just thought it. Yeah, the puppy knew anyway. You might as well have told it to grow up and get a job the way you furrowed your brow at it. I don’t think any of this happened, though. I was just recording a podcast intro. So anyway, oh, what was…that’s why the intro goes on and on and on, because it can’t get to the…I mean, when you get distracted by stuff like that, you gotta lean in. So, that’s the intro. Then there’s business between the intro and the story. That’s just how a podcast structure works and that’s kinda the sweet spot. You could always find that stuff at our website, who’s sponsoring the show. Then there’s our story.
Tonight, it’ll be the first episode of our new episodically modular series that doesn’t even have an official title yet so I’m excited. That’ll be episodically modular so you can listen to it in any order because at the top of every episode will be something to catch you up, but mostly it’ll be meandering and put you off into dreamland. So, it’ll just be like an individual bedtime story. Then at the end is thank-yous and goodnights, so that’s the structure of the show. The only other thing that’s important to know is the reason I make the show is because you deserve a good night’s sleep and that you deserve a place where you can rest. That means that if you get some rest, your world will be better, our world will be better. You deserve an opportunity to be rested, to live your life. I really believe that.
The other thing is that I’ve been there. The other reason I make the show is because I’ve been there. I mean, what I would say is somebody else in the world’s probably glared at a puppy before and I didn’t intentionally glare at the puppy. I just got moody. Alls I did was glare at it and think to myself, why don’t you get a job, puppy, and grow up? That was only imagining an intro for a pod…my brain would say well, I don’t know, we gotta talk. We better think about this a lot. What does this say about you, that you glared at a puppy today? I need to bring up some witnesses. I say well, I’m…I thought I had that cocoa. I’m gonna fall…oh no, you’re not. You’re not falling asleep, oh boy.
I got a conference call in from the Puppy Feelings International and they want to talk about…this is a big case for them because…wait a second, the puppy didn’t even…I don’t think the puppy was even looking at me when I glared at it and imagined that I was imagining to tell it to get a job. That was more of an analogy for something else. Okay, well, you’ll have to tell it to the puppy…oh, puppy council…Puppy Feelings Council is actually made up of puppies. They all are running around right now, so I’ll have to get back to you. So, those are the reasons I make the show. You deserve a good night’s sleep and I know how it feels in the deep, dark night, and I want to make it better or a little bit more relaxing or tolerable or something that you don’t have to deal with the rigmarole, that you could look forward to bedtime and say well, at least Scoots is gonna be chasing his proverbial tail around.
This time he was actually kind of chasing his own tail around. I mean, I would think when you…if you’re first developing a relation…here’s a book; Developing a Relationship with My Tail: The…A Puppy’s Story. [00:20:00] Or that’d be Chapter One: The Day I Discovered My Tail. It was a day like any other. I don’t remember anything about it because it felt like…I didn’t even know it was…I…yeah. Then there was this thing wiggling. I said, is that some sort of being? Then I chased it. Oh, okay. So, anyway, that’s why I make this show. Give it a few tries. That’s what most people say. I said this podcast doesn’t work for everybody. There’s really nothing to lose on your end. I really hope it can help you fall asleep and if it doesn’t, there’s tons of other sleep podcasts out there.
You could check; just Google sleep podcast, but there’s Sleep Whispers, there’s Get Sleepy, there’s Sleepy, there’s Nothing Much Happens, Sleep Cove, Women’s Sleep Meditations, Meditation Minis, there’s tons of stuff out there; Empty Bowl. There’s probably a bunch I’m not even thinking of, so…give it…but give this show a shot. I hope it works for you. It’s definitely different, so give it a few tries. See how it goes. I really appreciate you coming by. I work really hard, believe it or not, on this show because I yearn and I strive and I want to help you fall asleep, so thanks again for coming by and here’s a couple ways we’re able to bring you this show twice a week.
Alright everybody, it’s Scooter here and this is gonna be our new, ongoing episodically modular series. It’s definitely different than anything we’ve done before, but it exists in a world you may be familiar with if you’ve listened to the podcast for a long time. It’s a genre of podcast that I haven’t gotten to do before, so I’m really excited about it and I won’t be really involved very much. So, it’ll be a little bit like…I want you to get settled in and just imagine and get comfortable. Everything…now, the nice thing about these episodically modular series is you really can listen to them in any order and it’s gonna come at you in a way that will still be sleepy and everything will be explained in a very soothing and meandering way. I just want you to think of any positive memories or maybe a picturesque memory of a game night.
You’re comfortable and you’re with friends you feel really comfortable around. You can really be yourself and you’re at ease. You’re just drifting and you’re getting comfortable. I’m gonna turn things over to the people…yeah. So, oh, sorry. I was buying time. But okay, so this is Mr. Antonio Banderas but we don’t have a title of the series yet. But Antonio is listening, so go ahead; Mr. Antonio Banderas. Ah yes, friends beyond the binary, ladies and gentlemen, boys and girls, get comfortable for a little bit of the Fifth Edition…like, a roll of a twenty-sided die off to dreamland. Dice…I…yes, dice, not die. I said it again, Antonio. Like a twenty-sided dice rolling you off into dreamland comes our new series. You just rolled a twenty. Goodnight. Oh, thanks, Antonio. That’s not the name of the series, though. That was just Antonio’s tagline for this. Thanks, everybody.
Okay, hey, come on in. So, yeah, sit down. Yeah, don’t worry. Get comfortable. I just wanted to get the introductions going while you get settled. Yeah, your character sheet’s right in front of you. I know we kinda talked about it and you…so, you know who you’re playing but I just wanted to introduce you to everybody because this is a bit of a different situation and we want to talk about that because we already started this game, this adventure. We agreed to…we wanted to keep playing it and not…’cause the first part of the adventure’s really not that great anyway. It was just to get us to where we are right now and to get leveled up. So, you’re at Level 2. I think I told you that. This, everybody…I mean, we already know ‘cause we talked about it but this is Raul. Or Eleanor, sorry. Eleanor.
Yeah, hi, I’m Eleanor. Yeah, so Eleanor, this is…I mean…excuse me. Good to meet you, Eleanor. I’m Lord von Chill and as you could see, I am…I prefer…you could call me Lord or Your Grace or My Grace. My Lord is something I prefer and you could probably tell that I’m a royal fighter and you’ll learn more about me as the adventure goes on. I’m looking forward to working with you and being healed and treated by you because I know you’re a Florencian nurse. But yes, I am here clad in armor to keep us going on this journey. This here is my…well, we’ll talk about that in a second but I…we did roll…this is not Lord von Chill; this is…you could call me…just call me Lord von Chill, but we did roll deny 1 to have a sidekick, so I’m the only one with a sidekick because those two dropped out of the game.
But anyway, so this is my sidekick. Oh, I’ll introduce you. Lord von Chill, and this is my hireling, my…a rogue, a knavish rogue, Nimble Finger. I keep a close eye on Grenada of Darmok. No, no, no. My Grace, it’s Grenada of the Order of Darmok. Grenada’s fine. Nice to meet you, Eleanor. Yes, Lord von Chill, the Lord has hired me and I’m not willing to share what agreement we’ve reached or how much…His Grace did not pay me in gold. I’ll be clear about that. We have an understanding. Oh, just so you know, Eleanor, Grenada cannot be trusted. I can trust Grenada because I keep an eye on everything. Yes, but I can be trusted, Eleanor. You could trust that you can’t trust me which creates trust. But I’m looking forward to making an arrangement with you and working.
If the mission is not completed, then I get nothing. Okay, hold on a second, this is Eleanor; so, you’re playing both Lord von Chill and Grenada or…of the Order of Darmok? No, I’m Lord Chill, Lord von Chill, or Your Grace or Your Lordship, and this is my assistant, you know, my hired…my sidekick. I don’t know if that’s what the classification is, but Grenada of the Order of Darmok. Excuse me. Okay, yeah. He’s playing both roles and he has a issue with…it’s…it can be a bit…I’m Pria. I’m…you’re not Pria. You’re Zell. Yeah, I’m Zell. I’m a fighter. I’m a hired sword. I signed up for this mission. In my personal life, I may or may not date someone that plays Lord von Chill and also decides that they have a double personality and they play Grenada of Darmok and it may or may not be tiresome.
But I’m here to have fun, really, so I’m…it’s great to meet you. Thank you so much for being willing to come into a game that already started after two people dropped…we lost two players and we have a new Dungeon Master, so…but that’s not a big deal. Could you tell me a little bit more about yourself, Eleanor? What’s a…I’ve never met a Florencian nurse before. Is that…sounds like you’re a bit of an idealist. Well yes, thank you for…nice to meet you, Zell and Lord von Chill. Is it gonna be efficient calling you Lord and Grenada of the Order of Darmok? Zell, that’s easy. Grenada, that’s easy. Lord von Chill in action…I don’t think I’m gonna be comfortable calling you Your Grace or Your Lordship just because I may not come from a place…[00:30:00] I respect your royalness but I also…just thinking in the heat of action.
Also, to probably…von Chill probably will be very intimidating if I’m yelling von Chill, throw me this, or von Chill on your right. Oh yes, I think we could make an arrangement for that. Thank you for asking, Eleanor. Tell us what a Florencian is. Well, Florencians…thank you both for asking. I’m looking forward to working with all three of you. But yeah, Florencians, we are a order of healers, nurses trained, and we’re trained in various healing arts and we believe…we also…probably heard that we are a bit of…or maybe you haven’t ‘cause you’re looking at me blankly. Some Florencians…or the Florencians are also associated with healing and hedonism, the double Hs, they call us sometimes. In my world, I mean.
We’re from a land a little bit further away than where all you are from, in the central peninsula here, whatever you call it. So, we believe in the three Florences. That’s who we worship. Florence, the healer of the night, of course, she who flies above the night, healing those below. Florence the supreme, the one true…I mean, she is a part of the…she’s the supreme Florence. Then Florence of the machine, that…we…and worshiping all the Florences. We believe in healing and we also believe in letting loose. I won’t be letting loose on this adventure but yeah, when a Florence…Florencian lets their hair down, they let it down ‘cause spending all day healing is…can be…that’s great. Nice to meet you, Florence.
Yeah, we’re looking for…we have…I have a longbow, I have my trusted family sword, I have the nimble fingers of Grenada who also is…well, I don’t know what I’m…I guess I’m trying to fill air and thinking about what you’ve said. It’s stimulated my imagination. I’ll just be honest with you; I’ve never met a Florencian. Okay, okay, Lord von Chill. It is great to meet you. Yeah, I’m ready for action too, and I’m excited to work with you. I see you have a powerful hammer there. Are those hand-axes on your belt for throwing? Yes, yes, they are. Florencians, we don’t have much…we do…I am prepared and I’m fairly…well, maybe we should talk about this. I haven’t met everybody. I mean, I do see Grenada of the Order of Darmok has a shortsword and a short bow.
Zell, it seems like you have a longbow and a very nice greatsword. It looks powerful. Thank you, it is. It is powerful. I’m looking forward to using it at your side. Also, Lord von Chill does not have a great bow. Lord von Chill wants my great bow but carries javelins. Who is this last character here? Okay, so, yeah, Dungeon Master here. So, this is the NPC. Originally…hm, the NPC was assigned as part of this mission as this adventure from the council of…the magical council, and I thought that they weren’t gonna be an NPC but they do have privileged information. So it’s just better that they’re NPC, now that we had two players drop out of the game. So, this is Watta and Watta is…well, hello. I’m Watta. Yes, I’m new to the Council of Wizards.
I believe they think I’m expendable but I do have…I have been raised strong in magic. While I’m only a second-level wizard, I do carry a shortsword as well. I’m here to help guide us on this mission because there’s so much at stake that we should probably get to that part. I’m very quiet; I don’t tend to speak much. I tend to mind my business and soak everything in. My element is water which is…we’re in the right place for that. I know the Dungeon Master was hoping that everyone will give them plenty of…a wide berth since this is their first time playing a NPC that’s supposed to be a big part of the adventure and the first time they’re playing this new adventure they wrote. Because it’s based on this ancient game of DnD Fifth Edition that existed before the after-time, all the way back…that the Dungeon Master…I can’t speak for the Dungeon Master.
I could speak with…as them, that they hope that everyone will be patient. Oh, I’m sure, I’m sure. Florencians are known for our patience. I’m looking forward to it, so go ahead; why don’t you tell us more, Dungeon Master? Then we could really get into the place where we’re not…where we’re in the zone. Yeah, thank you. So, yeah, so this is a new adventure that we’re playing by DnD Fifth Edition rules which I know all of you have played before. I’ve never DM’d. I had thought of this…so, I’ll just give…so please be patient, just like Watta said. Please be patient with me. Also, some of this is gonna be new to me, so…but so, I’ll give you the hook and where we are and everything and who…wizzy wig or whatever they call it.
So, who; you are a team of adventurers hired by a mysterious Council of Wizards that have said that…appealed to your desire to be a part of a greater cause for adventure, for power, and for financial reward. As you know, from outside the game, there’s…before the after-time, in between the before-time and the after-time which we live in, there was a time that was before…that was after the before-time and before the after-time. That was when she rose and…you know, some of the myths of our culture about…that she lived in this theme park that became…this abandoned theme park that became sentient. This adventure takes place right after the before-time but before the…so, after…no, before the after-time but before the…before the after-time.
Before she discovered the park, a lot of legends say Zenia, this is just a myth we live on hundreds of years ago or these before-times. You know, now that we’ve kind of…some stuff we’ve rebuilt anew and sometimes we’ve built into these nostalgic myths. Could this have ever been real? Well, this adventure explains and delves into some of the history and backstory here. So, the…okay, so, I guess that’s the time, who, what, where, when. But, so you were hired by a Council of Wizards. Now, some of you were hired separately. You may have information that only you possess. Really? There’s people that have information only they possess? Lord von Chill is not…okay, Lord von Chill, actually right now is not the time for that. Oh, excuse me.
So, you were hired by the Council of Wizards or a council of wizards to go into this theme park where there is a known…something…wait, or is known that somewhere more than likely in this ancient abandoned theme park from the before-time that there is a power source in there or a portal or something. None of you are wizards [00:40:00] except for Watta…and that somewhere in there is a powerful, powerful source. It was discovered long ago by the Council of Wizards. They’ve been looking and knowing that the source was there, but this has been a long-abandoned park. Because of this portal, it has changed the beings within there who not only…there are already all sorts of beings that had come there and settled there but something about this portal or this well of magic has altered things there.
At the same time, many other people with many other agendas have been trying to find this well. Now, this…we know and it’s been known, according to legend, just over the past six to twelve months that it was in this area. Many forces of not good have worked together to try to discover it. Now the good thing is — and hopefully you won’t come in contact with them — they’re looking in the wrong place. The Council of Wizards has been putting out disinformation and they’ve settled on this one section of one park where they’re pretty sure this well is. They had a team of wizards there that were supposed to…they haven’t heard from them, so something has gone awry but this…there was some sort of thing they were supposed to do if it was discovered, and that has to be done.
This is where we only know partial information. I don’t know, Watta, do you do…yes, so we are tasked with…so, this portal, this well has been described to us as we were hired for this mission. It is open to another realm and this is a magical realm not of our world. As far as we could tell, there’s only a partial opening, like a tear that lets in some breeze like a rip in a tent. You’re on a cold plane and the cold plane is the magical realm. But imagine that the magical plane is…it’s a bit beyond our understanding but there are forces just like in our world of all intents; benevolent and malevolent intents as well as non…less agenda-based intents. What our goal is to do is to close that tear up because the fear would be that if someone was to try to take control of that tear or open it up further or it just rips open…if it just rips open, it’s probably…this world would cease to exist.
It may be sucked or it may be overwhelmed just like if your tent was to rip open on a frozen plane. The fear would be though that someone would control it and just let it…they would take power. They could take…then they could control with magic what comes and goes from the magical plane and they would have access to power that is at least in this world would be considered unlimited power and they could control our entire world. So, we’ve been tasked, as you already know, with one; checking the last-known location…first…our first mission is to track…go to the last-known…that’s where we’re camped which maybe we’ll fill in later. The last-known location of a group of wizards of…more experienced wizards. Not adventurers, though. They were supposed to be in a secure camp area.
Not only trying to find the location but what we would need to either control or close the tear in this magical realm. Even as they were building a device, a staff, a headpiece, and a gem, we believe they finished that and they hid it around the area so that if something were to occur, it would be more difficult for the evil forces to just take it from your hands and then start using it. So, we have to establish where…what happened to the wizards, where is the tear specifically? We don’t know specifically other than it is in this land that I think the Dungeon Master will tell us more about. Then we have to find the staff, the headpiece, and the gem. Then ideally close it up or contact the Wizard’s Council for more assistance. Yeah, so, sorry, Dungeon Master. No, thank you, thank you.
Yeah, so we’re playing, yeah, DnD Fifth Edition and I think I set the time period. Where are you specifically? So, especially Eleanor, you just arrived. Originally this adventure started off with Level 1 adventurers hired by the Wizard’s Council because they were so concerned about the influences and the…of power, unlimited power that they wanted adventurers that they had researched very well but that could also have influence over, that you wouldn’t just go and take the power for yourself. That’s why they wanted beginning adventurers. Also, may or may not…you may or may not be the first adventurers trying this out. The first goal for the Level 1 adventurers was to sneak into this part of the park. It was part of a kingdom of magic.
In the before-times, that was more of a metaphorical term not having to do with magic-users but the feeling…what we would call, I guess, joy. It was just another metaphor for that. This was the time when there wasn’t real magic in the world, the before-time. So, your first goal was to sneak into this part of the park through some canals and a tunnel. Well, a water area, and into this part of the park through where water…you know, sewage went out. The part of the park that you’re in is called the Land of Tomorrow. It was part of this greater kingdom of magic and this was a land based on the ideas of the future. It was a celebration of the ideas of the future, kind of in a retrospective way. I guess when this…I’ve done a lot of research about this.
This was a part of…they were called theme parks and this was one of the biggest in the world. They had this…originally they had…it was supposed to be just a future land. Oh, this is what the world’s gonna be like in the future or tomorrow or something. They constantly tried to reinvent it but then the future would come and then they’d argue over their budgets and then they’d…and so eventually they embraced the idea very close to the time where it stopped being the before-time. They embraced the idea of let’s just make this a celebration of what people…of people celebrating the idea of tomorrow and their visions of it. It became more like a little bit of a world’s fair which I think they tried a few times, but this time they finally got it right and people were…now, it wasn’t open very long, unfortunately for them.
But it was some things that already existed there that kept existing. They said oh, well, this one’s about this vision of tomorrow and there was actors or role players, an amazing way that you could encounter everywhere and they would be giving presentations. Because some people liked these Victorian ideas of the future. Some people liked these steampunk ideas of the future. Some people liked these sleek ideas of the future. Actually, where you’re camped right now was more of this mysterious corporate intrigue idea of the future and of other worlds and technology and the non-positive side of technology sometimes. So, you’re in that…that’s where you are specifically.
You’ve made camp under the awnings outside of a ride called…I don’t know, we don’t have this…the [00:50:00] ride had a couple different names and iterations but it’s actually not even a ride; it’s a…it was a show based on…it was featuring alien technology and it was kinda making fun of corporations and their aloofness and their amorality. So, you’re camped under a building that’s kinda like art deco-y. You could see these giant thirty-foot statues on either side of the entrance you’re kinda camped in. They kinda look like something you’d see in those historical pictures of cities of the gold and silver. But they’re…also have hints of other…what they were imagining at the time was otherworldly beings and humans together. Okay, so why are you all here?
Watta kinda did a good…reason is without your success, soon these other wizards and these evil forces that…it’s actually run by a…I can’t totally tell you the extent of who’s behind this but if they capture this portal, it’ll be…if it tears, you won’t even know it. You’ll just probably see some sort of poof and then our world will be gone. Who knows what our world will become if it falls into the hands of those with other agendas? But you could be the ones to control the tear or to limit it or maybe just barely limit it to regulate it or you put a governor on it so that one day this park becomes a set of sentient beings that can instruct someone who will change things for everyone on our planet for the better. Or at least that’s how part of the legend holds things. So, it’s up to you and how will you do it? We don’t know.
You’ll have to use cunning. You’ll have to use teamwork. You’ll have to use many things. So, for right now where you are is you’re camped outside of the doors which are in front of you to this adventure called The Extra Tech…I think they called it the Extra Technical something, Encountering Extra Technology or something. I don’t know. I didn’t write that part, I guess. So, the doors in front of you are stuck. I guess, should we get started? Yes, Lord von Chill here. Can I try to break the doors open with my strength? Yeah, you can. Okay, go ahead. Okay, so yeah, you break the doors open. They were sealed from the inside with wooden slats and as you open the doors…okay, so what should we…we should have listened before we broke the doors open.
Can we just agree to have consensus decision-making from here on end? We could. Why don’t we ask Eleanor what we should…? Yeah, I would say can we just do that please? Well, that’s…so, two, and Grenada, what do you think? I would have liked to check before…Your Lordship, I would have liked to check first for your protection. Oh, thank you, Grenada. Yes, so okay. So, what do you want to do now? Let’s investigate and kinda…okay, so you don’t detect any…? Four, so, okay, so we don’t know anything. What do we see if we look in…through the doorways? So, you see a room. It’s got…it has a smell of wet rot. There’s old, faded carpets on the ground and there…this is what would be considered a classical pre-queue. You were part of the exterior queue…is where you made camp.
This was another area where you’d queue up and then you could kinda see it’s a bit like a maze through what’s now ramsacked and most of it’s been taken. You see glass display cases that are kinda empty and maybe filled with some stuff that’s worthless. It’s shaped like a Q which is a maze but you could kinda see through the maze and it ends at another set of doors that have been smashed, but it’s darkness beyond the doors. Okay, what is everybody’s thoughts? Zell here; I think that we should send Grenada stealthily and…to the doors to look in and we’ll proceed behind. Maybe check for some traps, too. Okay, which one; check for traps or be stealthy? Well, can I move stealthily…not full…and then see if there’s any traps in this area? You can. Okay, what happened?
Let’s see, my roll is a…so, you don’t detect anything. Okay, well, then I think we’ve won. Chill, you should proceed towards the doors because I didn’t detect or non-detect anything. Okay, I’ll move towards the doors and slowly I’m moving towards the door. Okay, nothing happens. You get towards the door and it’s darkness beyond. Also because it turns, it’s a sharp left turn and then a sharp right turn, so you can’t even see. Okay, can I listen and see if I hear anything? Yeah, you listen and you kinda hear…maybe some sort of mechanical whirring. Oh, interesting, so mechanical whirring. Do I…I don’t recognize it from anywhere. Does anyone else recognize it from anywhere? Can everybody else come and listen with me? Yeah, no one…I mean, I guess you could say…yeah, no one recognizes it. Not with that.
Okay, so we hear whirring. How consistent is the whirring? It’s consistently inconsistent. Okay, shall we proceed going through this kind of s-curve to see what we see beyond it? Yeah, yeah. I’d like to take the lead, though. Okay, Zell, you could take the lead. You’re very ready. Okay, so you go through the s-curve and then you see into a room. In the room is…this would be considered the pre-show room. Because of the doors outside, I don’t know why…the back of the room is this giant mural that is somewhat…I don’t know if what…what paint they used but it just shows…it’s a giant propaganda-type advertisement in an ironic way about the power of alien technology and human technology coming together and making a bright tomorrow but for this corporation, the X1 Corporation.
It still also has art deco features that are in pretty good shape because they’re golden but they’re not made from gold or anything worth anything. You could see a couple places where people chipped it off to test that. There’s a big open space with some dividers just to keep people in line and then there’s a presentation table in front of you. There’s an android or a robot from the before-time. You’ve seen those images before. It’s mostly a exoskeleton. It does have some green and it’s missing one of its arms. You can now detect the whirring is its eyes opening and closing on an occasional basis and its head turning ever so slightly. It’s still receiving power but it doesn’t seem to be operating. Then on either side…it’s like the thing was there to present a pre-show about the technology that would be presented in the show later in the attraction.
There’s two chambers; one is…they’re both damaged. [01:00:00] One was supposed to be…looked like it was damaged but then they were both damaged. So, they’re just kind of pedestals with broken stuff on them. Okay, so what else? Do we see any…oh, any doors or what else do we see? Okay, yeah, if you continue to your left there’s another set of double doors and those doors are closed. Okay, and if I…what if I…what’s on the table in front of the android? You can’t see it from where you are. Do you want to walk up to it? Well, that’s a loaded question. Grenada, can you detect if there’s anything going on that we need to worry about? Yeah, I can try. Okay, you don’t detect any T-R-A-P-Ss but you definitely detect something Grenada…oh, and then the droid…it’s eyes are fully open and now it’s motion…and now it’s saying greetings, do you have a password?
Do we have a password? I don’t have a password. Does anybody else have…? Grenada, do you have a password? Greetings. We’re discussing it. Please don’t take any action. Does anybody…? Ah, yes. I’m Emwatta. Ah, oh, that is a…name is a password. Hello, everyone. I’m Currybot and I’m here as a protector. I’m glad you’re here. A protector of what? A protector…the wizards imbued me with sentience to protect this area from intruders. Okay, can you let us in then? Where are the wizards? I don’t know. I’m only here to protect from a threat and I’ve been left with many names. That is one of the names that…but I can’t just allow you passage, either. Well, wait a second; this is Watta here. Why can’t you offer us passage? Isn’t that your job?
No, my job is to protect this area for camp and…there’s a camp and a laboratory in here for the wizards. Yes, the wizards are no longer here because there’s strange things about. You know, the power that made me sentient, the wizards channeled from this area. I’m able to defend anything that comes through here but I am still secured to this desk, so really, I’m more of an advanced trap. But I have powerful rays that I can use. Anyway, or I could alert the wizards if they were resting. Okay, but why can’t you…if there’s no wizards and you know we represent the wizards, why can’t you just let us in? Well, I need your help. I could let you in but I need your help to keep this area secure because like I said, I’m bolted here. The magic…so there was this place…once had its own natural creatures that lived in this area.
This is a swampy, wet area. In the back areas right here in the hallways, they call them, two of these beings have made homes in the wet rooms, the water closets, they call them. There’s two sets. In this before-time, there’s two different water closet areas and they’re divided up into different water closets themselves. Okay, so there’s some sort of beings that we need to deal with. Well, it’s…they’ve fused with another being, the magic. So, what would have once been a ground-walking L-I-Z-A-R-D…there was also a shop that sold stuffed animals and somehow they’ve merged into one. I’d call it a plush-gator is what I would call it. It’s plush stuffed toys. I don’t know, it’s very…and that’s…some of the wizards were surprised by that. They’re not very…anyway, I need you to clear them out of the restrooms and then I can allow you passage to the lab and to the wizard’s camp.
Or we could do battle and you could just force your way in. But I can’t let you proceed without your help in helping me keep my mission going. Also, I need you to secure those…board up those rooms so more of them can’t come in. Well, I think we should just…this is…you’re stuck. We could just battle you right here and then we could go on with stuff. Wait a second, wait a second. But then…no, we should do this mission because one, we’re gonna have to deal with them anyway if they…the wizards were surprised by them. So, we might as well go deal with these plush-gators and then we don’t have to deal with…also, we don’t know what kind of power this thing has. We’re only second level. Is there anything else we need to know about once we deal with the plush-gators?
Yes, there were two wizards making camp and I’m not sure…they went to the lab. I heard some loud things…because of the power and the leakage, the wizards are supposed to solve more and more non…things are gaining sentience, much like me. I’m becoming self-aware but I’m self-aware enough to just close my eyes most of the time because I’m stuck to this chair. Most of my memories are just giving a presentation about the technology for the show. Oh, welcome to the X1 Exhibition. So, I just kinda shut down and the whirring that you heard is me monitoring the area. So, oh, so in the wizard’s laboratory; not their camp, something…there’s…there were wizards in there but I haven’t heard anything in a long time. Okay, so we got two plush-gators and then in the laboratory is possibly more T-R-O-U-B-L-E.
Correct, correct. Well, here’s what I think; I think we should make camp in here because…and rest. Can we close those doors, reinforce those doors, too? Will you watch over us while we rest? I will watch over you while you rest. Let’s just…we’ll just take a short break here. We’ll rest as…we as characters will do a short rest because we never communicated how we’re gonna do stuff, so we can take a calm rest here and get some naps in. Then we’ll pick up this adventure and kinda figure out…and Watta, what spells you have, and then our order of everything. But you know, now it’ll be time to rest, okay? I can watch over you while you rest. That sounds good. Goodnight.