951 – Safe Place for Grogu | Mandaborian on Mandalorian Chapter 16
Baby Oso gets held by a new friend while Boba One takes enough calls from Scooter to put every robot in sleep mode.
Episode 951 – Safe Place for Grogu | Mandaborian on Mandalorian Chapter 16
SCOOTER: [INTRO MUSIC] Ladies and gentlemen, patrons, boys and girls, Yodish beings, thanks for supporting the show, patrons. What do you say we get on with the show?
INTRO: Hey, are you up all night tossing, turning, mind racing? Trouble getting to sleep? Trouble staying asleep? Well, welcome. This is Sleep With Me, the podcast that puts you to sleep. We do it with a bedtime story. Alls you need to do is get in bed, turn out the lights, and press play. I’m gonna do the rest. What I’m going to attempt to do is create a safe place where you could set aside whatever’s keeping you awake, whether it’s thoughts, things you’re thinking about on your mind, feelings, so thoughts about the past, present, or future, any emotions or feelings coming up for you. I know we’ve talked about emotions and emoting but have we talked about remotes and emotes? Remote and emote rhyme.
I probably realized that before but if there’s feelings keeping you awake, it could be physical sensations, it could be some sort of change in your life or your routine, could be situational stuff or seasonal stuff or just some noise. I don’t know. The term refurbishment is something like hotels and theme parks use but if you’re nearby a refurbish…I mean, I feel like I’ve been going…I could use a refurbishment. But whatever’s keeping you awake, I’d like to take your mind off that. What I’m gonna do is I got this safe place I’m gonna set aside. I’m gonna rub it, I’m gonna smooth it, I’m gonna pat it down. I’m gonna say safe place. I’m gonna set this…I have this safe place smoothed and patted and set aside. What I’ll do is I’ll send my voice across the deep, dark night.
I’m gonna use lulling, soothing, creaky, dulcet tones, pointless meanders, superfluous tangents. That means I’ll go off-topic, I’ll get mixed up, then I’ll say huh, I never thought of that. Anyway, and then I’ll go off-topic again in a meandering way where you say well, at least if you’re gonna…’cause some people go off topic but they get to the point and then they get back to…but I don’t do that. But all that is to keep you company while you fall asleep, to take your mind off of stuff. That’s really my job. That’s the first thing if you’re new. I’m so glad you’re here. Regular listeners, how about a round of silent applause or finger applause? People don’t really raise the roof anymore but you could do a one-handed raising…I call it the curl-bump, like poofing your hair in a welcome…we gotta come up with something like that. Maybe that’ll be it.
We’ll cup our elbows, we’ll kiss our shoulders in honor of the new listeners. Oh, new listeners, we’re so glad you’re here. Yeah, I’m cupping my elbows, man. That is soothing. Holy moly. Talk about underrated. Here’s another thing; if somebody says are you crossing your arms and glaring…you could…you should only use this when you’re telling the truth but you say no, I’m cupping my elbows and chill…in a thoughtful, soothing way is what I’m doing. Have you ever cupped your elbows? What’s the difference between folding your arms across your chest and cupping your elbows? Intention, man. I’m not aware my arms…my arms are crossed for a purpose, so my hands can cup my elbows, just like Elton John sang cup me softly, tiny elbows. He never sang that song but cup me gently; I’m an elbow.
That’s what he sang. Also, he might have said that other one. Oh, how I cup you, tiny elbow. Anyway, if you’re new, what I wanted you to know is this…a few things you might want to know. One, this podcast is pretty different and it’s not everybody’s cup of tea but the people who eventually like it, and that’s…I mean, I’ll just be honest with you, eventually like it, they say it took two or three times because even people that listen to Elton John podcasts or a body awareness podcast, you probably never heard those…all those things associated at once, or introversion podcasts. You say, I don’t know if that would make sense on any of those anyway, Scoots. I’d say well, yeah, put together, they make sense on a sleep podcast, barely. Part 1 is kind of a two…Part 1’s a two-parter.
I’m not everyone’s cup of tea, so give it a few tries and see how it goes. But this is also not a podcast you really listen to. I think that’s one thing that throws new people off ‘cause you’re listening. That’s why I try to take this time to tell you and tell…again and again, to say that’s okay. It’s okay you’re listening to me right now. Maybe it leads to you cupping your elbows. I’m gonna cup one elbow. Not as good as cupping two elbows. Oh, what do I mean by cupping? Just holding in the palm of my hand or, well, more my fingers, my cupped fingers. My fingers are cupped and my elbow is in it. I’m cupping my elbows. I see you p-ing your elbows. I say wait a second…any kids, feel free to giggle, or adults, kids at heart. I see you p-p-ing your elbows. I say you do? ’Cause that would be hard to pull off.
It probably wouldn’t be good for my back. Oh, so, I’m a podcast you barely listen to. Acquired taste; that’s okay. It’s also…takes a few times to realize you kinda just barely listen to me. I’m here to keep you company but I’m your friend that doesn’t make a lot of sense or that doesn’t talk about…you say well, we’re friends ‘cause I like being around you but we really don’t share a whole lot of interests. You know when you’re around a friend you really feel comfortable about or when you miss…right now, I got that forlorn missing my friend feeling of the friends you could be around and there’s no social pressure at all. You could be in a car and you could not talk for hours. You could be in a car and you could not talk for hours. You say this was…that was great.
I didn’t feel like I had…I say why didn’t you talk to me that whole…? I said oh, I didn’t realize that. I really enjoyed…that’s what I love about you; I don’t gotta talk to you. Well, I was talking the whole time about my miniature collection and the history of Funko. I say oh, oh yeah. No, no, I remember that part. I was talking about me. So, this podcast, there’s no guilt though ‘cause you say that’s what I’m here for. You don’t have to listen. I’m here to talk and say stuff that you just barely have to pay attention to. This podcast also does not put you to sleep, so not only is it a podcast you’re supposed to…normally you’d listen to. This one you don’t, really. It’s also a sleep podcast. We were kind of the original sleep podcast but we don’t put anybody to sleep. It’s irony, I think.
I’m here to keep you company while you fall asleep and not…and then if you can’t sleep…this is the only podcast that puts people to sleep but if you can’t sleep, I’m here to keep you company and that’s really my strongest and highest mission, is to be here whether you need me or not so that you could count on me to be…I’ll be here rambling. So, those are a couple things that throw new people off; podcast is a bit different, takes some getting used to, you don’t really listen to it, it doesn’t really put you to sleep, it just keeps you company. The other thing is the structure of the show and it serves a purpose but it definitely is not like the structure of other shows. Starts off with a greeting; friends beyond the binary, ladies and gentlemen, boys and girls, Yodish beings everywhere.
Whether you’re from Jedha or you’re a Jedi, I want you to feel welcome, so that’s the greeting. Then there’s business. That’s how we keep the show free which is what I like. Anybody can listen whenever they want. The people that support the sponsors enable us to do that. Then there’s an intro. The intro goes from minute, what, like six, eight, to minute twenty-something. During the intro I kinda just…I mean, I’ve been told in not-so-nice terms and lots of nice terms; man, in that intro, you really never get to the point. Most of that’s positive. They say, you never talk about anything of substance. You kinda almost do. I say yeah, I work really hard at it.
Yeah, so the intro…oh, so the intro…the intro, the idea of the intro is that it introduces new people to the podcast but for regular listeners and new people, it gives you a chance to unwind and as you become a regular listener, you could kinda decide how you want to use the intro. There’s 3% of people that skip ahead to twenty minutes. There’s some people that listen to intros most of the time. Sometimes they skip them. Then there’s a variety of listeners that listen to the intro in different ways. Some people are in bed getting [00:10:00] cozy. Oh boy. You look so cozy there. Other people are starting their bedtime routine or getting ready for bed or doing something relaxing or just laying around chilling. So, that’s the other way to use it.
Or some people are waking up or listening all night, so you could kinda see how it goes. You could switch it up. The podcast gets used at different times by different people in different ways. But the whole purpose of the intro is to give you some separation, to let the sun set on the day but to give you some sort of warm light in the night, to keep you company. I guess like a night light, but I don’t use night lights because I need…again, I try to get my room as dark as possible and then these lights keep pop…I say where’d that light come from? What is up with that? Even the ones that have settings, they say oh no, well, only one of our two lights has a setting to turn it off. The other one’s always on. I say to the…I say well, what in the heck? Why’d you put a setting on only one of the two lights? Oh, for convenience.
Customer feedback. I say well, could you get that…can I…well, that way, that you know it’s active. Okay, never mind. So, that’s the intro. Then there’s business between the intro and the show. That’s how the podcast business intro…that’s just podcast structure. Then there will be our discussion of the Mandalorian and that’ll probably go from minute twenty to minute sixty-something, I think. I recorded it yesterday. It was pretty long. We’ll have Windy Marstrap in there and then some thank-yous. So, that’s the structure of the show. The only other thing to know is the reason I make the show is because I…one, I know how it feels in the deep, dark night, tossing, turning, mind racing, trouble getting to sleep, trouble staying asleep. I’ve been through all those things.
If I can help with that, it would be my honor because I don’t want you to have to dread bedtime. My goal is to either make it something that feels neutral or something you say well, at least Scoots will be there; my bore-bud, my bore-bae, my bore-bestie, my bore-friend, my bore-bor or whatever, to keep me company and take my mind off stuff and be a little goofy or a lot goofy. So, that’s one thing. The other thing is you deserve a good night’s sleep. You deserve a place you could rest and if you get that rest, your life will be more manageable. Your life will be fuller and our world will be a better place to live in. Like I said, and then you could be a port in someone’s storm or that calm listener, or you’ll be calm and be able to be, you know, better care for yourself or your family or the people you encounter during the day.
You don’t have to do that but it’s a way I kinda…I romanticize at my job. But it…really what it comes down to is you’re important and you getting the rest you need’s important. Sometimes it can be hard to feel that way, but it’s true. So, I guess that’s it. I’m really glad you’re here. I work really hard on the show. I really yearn and I strive. I appreciate you coming by and I really hope I can help you get some sleep. Thanks.
Alright everybody, it’s Scoots here. This is it, the final episode of the season. The Mandalorian, his allies attempt to something rescue, according to the…oh boy. I’m not super-skilled at…it always starts where I ended the episode and then I gotta re…do…well, here’s what happens; then I have to do the scroll-back with my right…I’m right…I’m left-handed but my notes are in my left hand. I’m holding my notes calmly in my left hand. I didn’t know that I held my notes normally in my left hand but that’s my quieter hand, I think. Then I had to reach up and make sure that the Mandalorian got back. Then I scrolled over to another…actually, to my yoga Beachbody app, and then I just scrolled back here to Mandalorian. I was…oh, I was doing the Beachbody relax from the three-week yoga thing, and…with Faith.
I like that one. Holy cow, I’m…do I sound relaxed? ‘Cause I feel relaxed. This episode ends with…compared to last season, this episode does…I’m gonna try not to spoil one thing and I had…I guess we’ll just go on a little tangent here before we get started. I did manage not to be spoiled. I’m pretty good at that. I did happen to look at a friend’s Twitter the morning…’cause I thought it’d be safe. So, Mandalorian comes out on Fridays I think, as memory serve…memory…whatever. Which never does serve correctly anyway. It was actually the Mystery Bard’s Twitter, ‘cause I wanted…I was looking for a song of his. Then I saw that he posted just something about the emotions. He didn’t actually post a spoiler but he talked about having…crying at the end of the…or during the episode.
That did not spoil me and actually ended up working out as a big misdirect for me in a good way and also reminded me that day to say okay, social media block-down or whatever; let’s stay clear until we watch it. So, I don’t want to…I mean, I guess if you’re…listen to this, you’ll probably be able to figure it out or you probably already got spoiled. If I do spoil it for you, I apologize. Hopefully you’ll be…hopefully it’ll spoil your dreams in a good way and you say…doesn’t somebody…isn’t…who says cutie patootie? Or is that someone in my personal life that says that? I think it’s a character on something. But we’re back on the + here. I’ll run through a couple pages of my notes like we’ve been doing. You have something I want. Din Djarin says dark saber; does he have it? Doctor, Tano…I don’t know what that says.
Tyron…oh, Typhon, I think. Gorge, Grogu…stress, Grogu zone. Maybe that says Grogu stares. Not my Jedi. No one said that. Not my Jedi left…not many Jedi left. Grogu out. Moff and Mando message…Lucasfilm, Star Wars, and then we have an Imperial shuttle or former Imperial shuttle. Boba in the…versus the Boba ship. Boba won. Calling; can you come in? Oh, it’s not the name of your ship? Sorry, Boba. This is Scooter calling Boba 1. Come in, Boba 1. Oh, it’s still not called Boba 1, over? Go ahead, Boba 1. Oh no, it’s not Boba 1? Boba 1, do you have any boba balls? Boba 1, this is Scooter calling. What would happen if you cryogenically froze boba balls? Could you do that for me? Over. Go ahead, Boba 1. Boba 1, are you there? Boba 1, is it Fennec Shand? I never…I’m not good with names.
Boba 1…Boba 1, can you hear me? Are you there, Boba 1? I feel like a little bit…that’s a Judy Bloom…what if I had wrote that? Are you there, Boba 1? It’s me, Scooter. No? No one’s pushing for Judy Bloom Star Wars fanfiction written by Scooter? So, we have that…those two ships. Boba 1 is pursuing it. There’s a doctor on…is there a doctor onboard? There is; Dr. Pershing. Shut your mouth. This isn’t your laboratory. So, we got a person that doesn’t appreciate…say, how do you know…? I guess maybe that person knows more about…for this guy to be such a know-it-all, I said you’re flying an Imperial shuttle, dude. Take it easy. We get a Boba blast ice cannon…ion cannon, actually. All down, prepare for boarding. Pirate’s ship goes up in front. That was cool.
So, the ship…so, we’re in the cockpit of the Imperial shuttle and then Boba 1 goes up in front of us and there’s good music and you just say whoa, if that happened and I was on that, I would be intimidated. I put ‘so cool and intimidating.’ Pilots have soft helmets?? Double question mark. That’s a good point, Scooter. I don’t know if shuttle pilots dress different than they…well, I do know shuttle pilots dress differently than…what do you call those other type of pilots? They had soft helmets on. Oh, they also…I’m not into the deep dives ‘cause I don’t want to get spoiled but they also…I said, what are those badges they’re wearing, or labels or whatever? There’s a good clank…door opens. We get the Mando. Whistling music. Hands are up. Before you make a mistake, this is Dr. Pershing. We’re not…is the kid okay?
Uh-huh. Grass Pershing? Stay back, dropper. Easy, pal. Not with him out. Buddy takes him out. Listen to me. [00:20:00] Top time. Target out. Ear hurts for Pershing. Mando…blue pump music. Title five. Titles!! Explanation point, explanation point. Even more up music than normal after the title. It had a little bit of extra fanfare. Okay, and then we’ll come back, so let’s run it. So, we’re…right now it’s going through the recap. Who would skip the recap? I guess people would. We see the other Mandalorian people. We see the lab, we see the fish-person whose name I already forgot, Dr. Pershing, Ashoka Tano, Grogu. I knew how to pronounce Ashoka Tano but now I can’t do it anymore ‘cause I said there’s no s in it, I don’t think, but I don’t say…I can’t say Ahok…it’s not Ahoka Tano, either.
Then we see…okay, then we got the…what I think was interesting is that there’s…it felt like there was a little bit of a reference to Battlestar Galactica, the 70s series and then of course a wonderful star from Battlestar Galactic…Katee or Kate from this…the more recent Battlestar Galactica. The finale was right around when my daughter was born. Okay, now my screen’s going through the Star Wars thing, that music, which is a nice theme. Then we start with the lasers, I think, and the chase is on. Oh, I gotta turn on the closed captioning. Holy mackerel. The problem is then I have to…then I have trouble turning it off and then my daughter says no, and then I always end up exiting out ‘cause we watch TV on our Xbox, so that’s not as…it works great but it’s more complicated than…well, when your dad’s running it, ‘cause it doesn’t have its own remote so you have a remote…I have a remote that works with it that works well except when I’m working it.
I would like to know also what the symbol on Boba Fett’s chest means on his new painted stuff. Boba 1 comes in. A couple of soft…I mean, talk about soft helmets. Oh, those are First Order things I think on their sides, but those two are soft-helmeted, these two. They look like they were related, the two pilots. One is such…is more cranky than me in the morning. Now we have Boba 1 passing by. They’re looking around. Pershing is not super-nervous, I guess ‘cause he’s just…I don’t understand. I’d like to learn more about this Dr. Pershing. Somehow he must have some other motive…secret motivation we never know about. That’s just what I’m guessing. Boba’s dealing with the pilots. The pilots are dealing with Dr. Pershing. Then they say leave it alone, drop trooper.
The one pilot thinks he’s gonna bargain, then he starts talking trash about Alderaan ‘cause he’s like, I got a top-tier clone engineer here and I want to use him for negotiation purposes. He wished he never left Alderaan, that I toasted. I saw the tear. You know what else I saw? I was working that day. She tries back a little joke. He says, I was on the Death Star. Which one? Sounds like he says millions of people were on those bases, which…said really, millions? But maybe he’s talking about Alderaan. He’s got a wild view of things which she says bye-bye to him. Then we…Mando turns towards the camera and he’s lit up in blue. Beautiful in blue is our Mandalorian. Then we get the title and then we see two moons and a planet. It’s kind of like a desert-style planet.
Boba 1’s going in and it’s a planet with these giant power plants or steam plants or something which was a really cool effect. I love anything…giant stuff. I don’t know what they’re doing. They could be creating atmosphere, they could be making power, they could be doing something else. But they land. We see another ship; I don’t know, somewhat…not a fancy ship but a ship that looks like it could go fast, and a cantina. Mando and Boba walk…Mando and a Boba walk into a bar. This bar had a lot of daylight, though. Everybody looks at them like, oh boy. Got a couple Greedos and then we see that it’s characters whose names I can’t remember, but eventually I may. Mando and Boba walk over. I’ll remember them, maybe. Mando says hey, what’s up? They say, we’re not bounty hunters. I need your help.
We serve a higher purpose. He says, they took the kid. Who took the kid? Moff Gideon. Good luck; you’ll never find Moff Gideon. He’s beyond…well, we found him at a power plant or something. Boba Fett does not appreciate…he’s like, I don’t like this attitude. They say, we don’t like you’re wearing that armor. You’re not a Mandalorian. He goes yeah, no. They call him a sidekick and then he says something like…I didn’t understand, so they kinda have…so, the two sidekicks have a showdown. Neither one will be sidekicks for very long. They’re both obviously leads. Mando says, I got…Moff’s in a light cruiser. I could give that to you. Boba Fett says dude, I could use a light cruiser. You didn’t offer it to me. They say, we could take it back to Mandalore. He’s like, it doesn’t exist. They say you’re a disgrace to the armor.
He says my…this is Boba; my armor belonged to my father. He knows she’s a princess and then they kinda say, we don’t like clones. My own voice might be the last one. Then he…they dance. A little dance-off. We learn that Boba’s not as tough as he acts. He’s pretty evenly matched. Then they do a little flame-out and they say enough, enough. We never should have lost our planet. Let’s cut this out. If we could just…got along. We’re all hot-headed. We’ll help you for…exchange for the light cruiser when we get back Mandalore and if we do, we’d like to have you help, too. I really think you’re great. We gotta get outta exile. Mandalorian says fair enough. Then she says also, Gideon has this thing, a dark saber; ancient weapon that can cut through anything except pure Beskar. I say okay, good exposition.
She goes, I’m gonna take that back from the Moff, so just let me…the dark saber’s restored to me, then Mandalore will be in my reach. I say, I wonder if this is a foreman showdown for next season, you know? Mandalorian says the kid’s my only priority, so…then we go to the planning session. We got Pershing. He’s sitting there, thinking. They check out the light cruiser. Used to have several hundred of a crew. Now it barely has anybody. Pershing says well, not exactly; it’s got a platoon of dark troopers, a garrison. Those are the ones that grabbed the child. How many? He goes, these are third-generation. They’re not suits. He goes, the human was the weakness, so they’re droids. Mandalorian goes…they say, where are they bivouacked?
He says they’re in cold storage ‘cause they use so much power, in the cargo bay. They’re kept at the ready. Fennec says how long to power them up? A few minutes. Where’s the kid? The brig. Easy enough to find. Okay, we’ll split up. Mandalorian says I go alone. They say, fine. I’m sorry, I cannot remember…the former queen of the Mandalore, what…her name, but my brain is just not…but she comes up with a plan. Phase 1; distress call on the ship, Pershing’s ship. Lambuda shuttle. Then we emergency land, block the fighter tube cutting off any interceptors, then we disembark maximum initiative, neutralize the launch bay, then go through the…make…go into the decks. We’ll be misdirection for you. You slip through the shadows, get the kid.
Say oh jeez, well, the dark troopers could be a skank in the old scud pipe. She says, can’t you shut them down? Fennec says yeah, take his key and seal them off. Anything else we can handle. Then we’ll meet you at the bridge. Then we see…we go into hyperspace with Boba 1 and the shuttle. [00:30:00] We see through the bridge. Let me just run through my notes. Oh no, this is…we already went through. What do we got? Mando and Boba walk into a bar. Oh boy, Spotchka…spot a couple other Mandos. No helmets. Need your help. Boba does not like sidekicks. Mando offers the light cruiser. Turn that planet to glass. Father…something. Something like back…something. I don’t know. Well, we will help you in exchange for a ship. Fair enough. Something warp out through anything.
Almost anything, anyone…pure Beskar. Help me rescue the child and you can have anything you want. He is my only priority. 8:23…8:26, three ships at sunset. Pershing in cuffs. Blueprint…third generation suits. No longer. Cold storage. A few minutes, perhaps. Brig…split, I go alone. Phase 1; misdirections. Your ship. You slip through the shadows, real stink in the scud pipe. Not at…something. Hyperspace. Moff Gideon is mine. I need him. So long as he smirks…one; as long as he smirks. Live to talk before those two. 27:43. That’s their number. Emergency docking. Launch TIE fighters. Gets a look…oh, this was 11:45 on the bridge. So, whoever’s playing one of the senior deck officers is someone I recognize but I haven’t been able to figure it out, even on…I think I looked on Wikipedia. She’s from something else.
Really great actress but she’s just playing the head…I don’t know, the admiral or something or the commander of the ship and Moff Gideon says…she’s trying to get something done and he says launch the TIE fighters. She just gives him this look, this WTF look that I love. That’s at 11:45. TIE fighters launch. Music. Request denied. Clear the launch tubes. Stand down. Who-who-woo-woo. Boba breaks, Moff mad, hang on. Boba busts them out. They took…toke the launch bay. Moff stressed. Activate the dark troopers. Aw yeah, 13:45; the industrial trooper music. Their eyes go red. Very old school Battlestar Galactica. Then Mando comes off. All is quiet. Squad…all clear to clear bridge. All spike…oh, there’s a trick while they’re on a bridge, a little trap, but the jet packs solve that. Mando sneaks.
Troopers…umbilical cords go loose. Steamed cargo bay, cover me. Sneak and shoot. Troopers break free. Mando sneaks. Gun jammed, got you, elevator. Troops march. Mando gets there a little late; he has to take on one trooper who gets free. You see that they’re a very tough nut to crack but not tougher than Beskar. Our talk…oh, airlock. Goodbye. Dank farrik. Need help. Birding fare. Weapons system disarmed. Where’s Gideon? Mando takes out guards. So, let’s run through that on the live screen here. Can’t believe my brain can’t remember any of the character’s names. I mean, this is why I make a sleep podcast, I guess. Boba Fett, Mandalorian, Din Djarin, Fennec Shand, and then who’s the…not…I think of their real names but not their characters’ names. I mean, this is of course why I make a sleep podcast, though.
Okay, so we see a shuttle. Boba runs in, trailing it. They head towards the thing. I always wonder; they say didn’t we send the…wasn’t it different pilots when we sent that ship out? They say okay, Lambada Shuttle 27. I gotta get some emergency docking. They say hold on, we’re gonna launch some TIE fighters. Don’t do anything. They say no, no, no, we’re nervous. It’s Boba 1. They say yeah, just wait for us. Stay clear. We’re deploying. They say have you heard Boba 1? They say, there’s a load of boba balls on here, weaponized boba balls. They launch two TIE fighters which is pretty cool. I don’t know if we’ve seen this kind of activity before in such detail. Then some really good piloting to make the TIE fighters go off-course and then they go right into the launch tube which is…was their plan.
They’re the skank in the scud pipe or the, whatever, skink in the scud pipe. They say wait a second, negative, negative. Oh, Bo-Katan. I’m sorry Bo-Katan, but they fly in, clear the launch tube, then everybody’s like oh boy, we got a ship coming in here. Hangar control, stand down. Whoa, whoa, whoa. Oh, that’s what that said. They manage to land in the launch tube very easily. That is good for…oh, I mean, that’s a design flaw. Lot of design flaws in these Empire ships and bases. Oh yeah, only…you only need one place to launch TIE fighters from. What do you think, somebody’s gonna come in there and land? They say well, it turns out somebody did. Boba has no problem making quick work of the TIE fighters and then jumps to hyperspace. Then there’s cool steam. Clear the launch tube. What are you doing?
Taking storm troopers out. That’s what we’re doing. Should never…stormed any troops. This is cool. This is a great…this episode has really, really great action sequences. We get this really extensive sneaking boarding party action sequence and then interspersed with Mando creeping and then the dark troopers getting activated with, again, thematic music that fits it all. Yeah, then Mando comes down in the steam. Must be hard to walk down. You really have to have good…here’s the thing, if you’re on…if you enter the Star Wars universe, make sure you have shoes that have good grips ‘cause if you gotta walk up and down all those ramps, you wanna have good traction. Mando’s looking, then there’s a cool bridge over a space hole which I don’t know…I mean, for dramatic purposes it serves something.
I don’t know what purpose it would serve for the ship to have a space hole…like, a big space hole. I mean, I’m sure it does serve some purpose. They say oh yeah, it’s good for…it’s how we get our Vitamin D and stuff. But there’s a double trap so at first it seems oh no, all is lost, but we realize that the two Mandalorians are out. They take out those storm troopers. There’s smiles and there’s more action. Meanwhile, Mando’s…he has to do some ducking and dodging. He manages to go on stealth mode and avoid any contact which is a reason and the moment that everything happens. As you know, 3, 2, 1 contact. But yeah, so he’s sneaking, looking around. The, whatever you call it, the dark troopers are pretty much ready to go. They hit 80%. There’s a lot of them and they got a lot of cool lights.
Then they get into a hangar or storage…I guess a storage hangar, cargo bay. Cover me. They make their way through…Fennec really shines, action style. There’s…all the characters get good action moves but Fennec has the best moves. Yeah, or at least does the coolest…yeah, dodges out of the way, leans out of the way, and then they go down a hall. Everybody’s covering one another which is always nice. The dark troopers are starting to march, so they’re getting ready to leave cold storage which no one could like. Mando’s looking. [00:40:00] He encounters this one droid which was up in the episode art, like some sort of protocol-style droid. Yeah, then we have the hall…another hallway. They’re getting closer to the bridge. Oh, they’re at the elevator to get to the bridge. Gun jams, uses it as a tool.
We see great teamwork, everybody covering one another. They get to the elevator. Trying to fix the big weapon. Alarms going off as the dark troopers get ready to exit. Mando sneaks around the corner right as the door opens with one dark trooper stepping out. He’s like, oh man. So, he tries to lock the door. One of the troopers grabs the door ‘cause he…and then opens it. Really strong. But the door is still trying to close, so only that one trooper gets out. Him and Mando have to dance for a while. Mando’s helmet gets dented. Mando…he just learned…yeah, these are tough nuts to crack until you have the Beskar. But really cool usage of…I don’t know, of actual mechanics. I don’t know if they went to like…what do you call that?
One of those factories where you…I don’t even know what that technology’s called, but…you know, with arms and motors and stuff like that. Robotics. But then Mando opens the old…he tries to open the airlock once, then that’s when he Beskars the trooper. Oh, first he whistles it or whatever, uses his whistling birds which gives him enough time to get his Beskar tool. Then he opens the airlock and he said that’s…again, I did not say oh, that was too easy. I said…well, I did say it a little bit. I said all the dark troopers go out of the airlock. That’s like, billions of dollars, probably. Meanwhile, they’re trying to fix their gun. Bo-Katan’s saying…oh, Cara Dune and Bo-Katan…are you gonna be ready? Yeah, don’t worry. They go down a hall from the elevator to the bridge and they make quick work of it.
Again, this was the first time I took pause ‘cause it was halfway into the episode and they already took the bridge with authority. No, they get the keys…weapons…Koska Reeves; weapon system disarmed. No Gideon. Then we see two stormtroopers guarding the brig. Mando rolls up on them. He doesn’t have a problem with that. Goes into the room. Moff Gideon and Oso are in there together with the dark blade. Oso looks a little down. He says papa, papa. Mando says do not test my patience. This is my kid. But then Moff Gideon says put your blaster down. He says okay, I will. He says push it over here. Very nice. Mando says just give me the kid. He goes, kid’s fine where he is. He says, this sword used to belong to Bo-Katan. Yeah, I know everything. Know you’ve been traveling with Bo-Katan. Assume I know everything.
Your wrist launcher’s fired its one and only salvo. Mando goes what is…what are you doing? Moff Gideon says yeah, I bet Bo-Katan and her boarding party are here. They arrived at the bridge; they didn’t find me. Ha, ha. He goes, she’s really looking for this but I’m not here. I’m here, not there. Moff Gideon says…you know, he’s saying oh, I represent order and peace in the universe, blah, blah, blah. Now they’re gonna worry. He goes, but she really just wants this dark blade, dark saber, because it brings power. Mando’s like…he goes yeah, whoever wields this sword has the right to the Mandalorian throne. Mando goes listen dude, I just want the kid. I don’t know what you’re making speeches about. Why don’t you just hit the road? Take your fancy sword. He goes yeah, I already got what I needed, some samples.
Wanted to see…get an idea. He’s very gifted, this child…and rare properties, potential to bring order back to the galaxy. Mando looks at Oso. Oso looks at Mando. Big eye city. Then Moff says I see you have a bond with him. Shakes his head. He goes, take him. He goes, we’ll go our separate ways. Goes, you gotta get off the ship, though. Mando goes, sure. Then he goes to pick up Oso. Of course, Moff tries to double-cross him, but Mando’s in a…the suit of Beskar. Moff has initial initiative but this is a big mistake because Mandalorian can dance. So, they have a…what is that called; a flag dance where you dance with your flag pole things? Oh, ribbon dancing. Mandalorian’s like, I got a ribbon dancing spire made of pure Beskar, man. There’s no chance. But Moff Gideon is not…he doesn’t listen.
But Mandalorian doesn’t have any problems out-dancing Moff Gideon and makes quick work of Moff. You say okay, again…you say okay, that was only five or ten more minutes. Okay, let me run through my notes. Okay, opens the door, Oso cuffed. Looking sad. Moff with the blade. Drop the blaster. Kick it over. Give me the kid. Kid is just fine. Long talk. You keep it; I just want the kid. Very well. I’ve already got what I want. Oso and papa share a look. I see your bond. Moff shakes his head. The old double-cross. 23:30; it’s on. Hot as Beskar. Not a match. You’re sparing me? This should be interesting. We see the back of Bo-Katan on the bridge. Turns; Mando and Moff and…something share. Everyone a bit stunned. I yell oh, no. Laughs. Just take it. Oh, I yield. How many fanny? None. Music.
26:25; troopers on board. Oh, platoon. Troopers, much? Oh, troopers march. Moff lays on something. This is what had me stressed. There was always a blaster close to Moff and then it got even closer. Since they knew there was…that the Mystery Bard cried, I said oh no. But don’t worry. All will be well. Scantily clause. Mando sets Oso down. Don’t worry, kid. Dark troopers’ music. Seal the blast doors. They march. They’re here. Helmets on. Door-punch mode. Moff smiles. Blasters up. Moff makes a speech. Moff something…oh, then there’s various shots of all the squads’ reaction. Trooper doors, tension. Alarm rings. X-Wing. One X-Wing? Great. Incoming craft, identify yourself. Oso coos, ears move. Troopers take a break. Why did they stop? Music changes. Moff [inaudible]. Shots of the squad.
Cloak on the security cam. Bo-Katan whispers, a Jedi, who makes quick work. Green lightsaber. Kicks some behind. Oso waddles or some…warbles, I think. 31:25; gloved hand. Moff watches on multiple cams as his squad goes down. Moff makes his move which is a total fail, but that was where it was stressful for me. Moff makes one last attempt, fails three times or two times. Jedi…it’s easy work for the Jedi. Oso puts his hand up on a screen that shows the security cam. Mando sees the last group of troopers [00:50:00] go bye-bye. Mando…then Mando watches. Then there’s more shot…reaction shots of the squad. Total Jedi…crushing the can mode for the last one. Oso blank…blinks or something, looks at Mando. Groans, pick me up, papa. Open the doors. I said open up the doors.
Like Elsa said or Anna said, open up the gates. What are you, a wild man? 34:19; steever gran lightsaber. Oh, green lightsaber, big belt buckle. That was one thing I didn’t recognize. I said wait a second, is this who I think it is? ‘Cause I don’t recognize that gigantic belt buckle. WTF, old theme, so that kind of aligns, then Mando says are you a Jedi? I am. He puts his hand out. Come, little one. Oso hides behind his chair. Mando picks him up, holds him. Facto??? Three question marks. Oso touches helmet. Oh, face to face. Soft keyboard music. Visor off. Oso looks, touches chin. Alright pal, time to go. Don’t be afraid. Sets him down. Oso coos and hugs his leg. Then a D2 of R2s comes in, rolls up. Kids love D2-R2s. It’s not gonna not spoil it but I don’t know.
He goes from three legs to one-leg mode which Oso loves, then R2 bows. Oso and R2 communicate. R2 squeals. Jedi and Mando nod. Oso goes yo Jedi, pick me up. That was my favorite part. There’s big music. Jedi and Oso. May the Force be with you. There’s kind of a zoom out, dolly shot out. Oso over the shoulder. Then there’s big, big Mando music as Mando and the squad look to the elevator. Then we get face shots of Mando and Oso. Tears, crying. The door closes and the episode and the season almost end…there’s a little teaser trailer but there’s no art. They just go through the credits. Then we see two suns, the Hutt palace, Gamarrean guards. Some Hutt on a throne. Not a Hutt that I’m familiar with. He says demooska. Then there’s a blast, a blast. Fennec shows up. She’s in the house. Then Boba rolls up.
The Hutt says oh, Boba, hello. So glad to see you. There’s so many rumors about you going bye-bye. Boba goes, time for you to go bye-bye. There’s really good music. Then it was very piratey. I mean, in a good way. This was a pirate’s life for me style. Boba sits on the phone…I mean, on the throne. On the throne and Fennec goes and grabs some…whatever that drink’s called, the blue drink. She brings it over and sits on the side of the throne. It was so cool. It’s called The Book of Boba Fett. That was the end of the teaser trailer. So let’s hop back. We got…let’s see, we got the back of Bo-Katan. She’s glaring. Then Mando comes and he’s with the Moff. She’s like, what in the hey? Moff’s like, hey, what’s up? Lost the dark saber to this cat. Mando goes yeah, we got him. She goes, what happened?
Cara Dune says we need him. Now the Republic’s gonna get to interview him. Moff goes no, not about that. She needs that dark saber. She’s gotta win it in battle. Mando goes no, I yield. Just take it. I don’t need it. He goes no, no, it belongs to you. It’s like, you gotta win it in battle. It sets up some tension. Mando tries; he says no, no, it’s a mythological weapon. Must be won in battle. Hardy-har-har. So, it kinda creates some unintended consequences, clearly. Mando goes come on, just take the thing. I yield. You won it. This is fair. We worked together. But Moff Gideon’s cracking himself up. He goes, it’s not the dark saber. It’s the power of the story. She’s a pretender to the throne. Hardy-har-har. She goes well, he’s right. I can’t take it. She says, he’s right, I can’t take it.
That’s when the dark troopers come back. That’s when Moff Gideon thinks oh boy, I won again. We’re being boarded. How many life forms? Zero. It’s the dark troopers. They come on board. There’s some cool shots and of course, the great music. You’re about to face-off with a platoon of troopers. You’re toast. You couldn’t even handle one. He’s really pleased with himself. Oh, they actually go up through that space thing so maybe it was for them, where the bridge is. So, they start marching. I think they land on different parts of the ship or maybe not; maybe just that one part. We get to see the security cams and that’s when we have all the tension. Definitely a few cool minutes of tension building. It’s really well done because you say okay, no chance.
Then we see them go into door-pounding mode which is really cool. Everybody gets ready, takes their breaths, like okay, we’ll still get this. We’re gonna get through this somehow. Yeah. When they go into door-pounding mode, it is cool. I don’t know, everything builds up in a really good way. The Moff is so pleased with himself. It’s just this really slow…he goes yeah, well…Moff Gideon said well, you got a lot…you got a nice team here but this is it. It’s over. I don’t know if he’s talking to Mando or to…yeah, I guess he’s talking to…I don’t know, he’s talking to Mando. Child will be mine, and the dark saber. That’s when we get the Jedi which we…I mean, I didn’t realize which Jedi it would be. But I was like oh, okay, a Jedi’s here. Answers the call. But it is a while.
Then we just get some more really fun action sequences with the Jedi taking out all the troopers over about five minutes, ten minutes, maybe? Some really fun stuff, really advanced level Jedi stuff like pulling, pushing. Then Moff tries to take out…yeah, he does take the three-part plan. First he goes after Bo-Katan; fails. Then he goes after Oso. Mando dives in front. Then he tries to de-Moff and Cara Dune says no, you’re coming with me. Then we get more Jedi. A lot of different shots, too, of the Jedi. I don’t know, there’s shots from the cam…the security cams, the…I don’t know. I think moving forward, it kinda sets…I don’t know. It’s just really enjoyable, I guess is what I’m saying. Also, you get really good shine on the dark troopers ‘cause you have the last group of them by the door, waiting for the elevator.
That’s when this Jedi comes up. Even in close quarters, it’s like nothing doing. Mando and Oso are watching. They’re like, holy moly. But I guess everybody watching’s like well, what if it’s not a good Jedi? Which for a second I was like, what if it isn’t a good…? What if it’s like what’s his name, the Jedi that didn’t wear a shirt? I said, what if he’s got no shirt on underneath that robe with a giant belt buckle? But we see that he does. We see it’s a familiar face, young…super-youngster. You say holy mackerel, hello angel eyes. Then yeah, Oso watches. Says come with me. Then Mando says, he doesn’t want to go with you. He goes yeah, he wants your permission to come. So, he’s…yeah, he doesn’t want to go with you. You know, Jedi’s…he goes yeah, he just wants your permission.
He’s strong with the Force but he’s gotta get some training. He goes don’t worry, I’ll protect him. Everything I have. But he was only gonna be safe if he gets his abilities under control. Mandalorian goes over there, picks him up. Oh, boy. Holds him. Must have been tough for all the other actors to just have to stand at attention. I’m looking at Fennec and she’s just standing there. [01:00:00] Mando says don’t worry, I’ll see you again; I promise. Oso’s looking at him, touches his helmet first. That’s where we see this great journey of the Mandalorian character, I…in my opinion, and his helmet and his belief system. Then the introduction of not just Boba Fett…Bo-Katan and Boba Fett as these other branches of armor-wearing Mandalorian-related-type situation. Oso goes oh, papa. Stroke your beard. Papa has to close his eyes.
He says…then he smiles. Has to be hard for the Mandalorian, right? ‘Cause he’s sworn off…and he goes, time to go. Oso goes, oh. Puts his ears down. Says, don’t be afraid. This Jedi…he goes, you know, I’ll be coming to visit at some point, and the Jedi will keep good care of you. We see a great shot of the Mandalorian’s leather boots as Grogu hugs one of them. He looks down. That’s when R2 rolls up. Oso whips around and says what in the heck is that thing? Two legs; switches to three legs. Oso has to walk up to it. Then they talk. R2 does the R2 thing where he vibrates like a trash can. First he bows down but yeah, they must speak…R2 must speak Yodish. The Jedi nods his head. Mandalorian nods his head. Then he…the best part is he also goes yo, Jedi, come pick me up. Change my diaper, man.
I don’t care if you’re the last of the…last Jedi or the first Jedi. They look at one another. May the Force be with you. He walks off and then we get these couple…all the reaction shots. Oh yeah, pretty good one of when they pull out of…the Mandalorian makes one last kinda uncomfortable nod with his strong feelings. Then we get the…naturally, the…well, it’s a slow delivery, slow build to the tears. The tears really do slowly form once…and I guess at the right time, too. Once they’re on the elevator as the elevator door close…that’s when we see Mandalorian has tears in his eyes and I think Oso does, too. I don’t know. Do Yodish beings have tear ducts? I think they do. He does a…the Mandalorian even does a uptick with his chin.
That’s when it closes and then like I said, the Boba stuff, so I’m looking forward to that book of Boba Fett series. So, all in all, really great season. I really enjoyed covering it and watching it. I got to watch the season…someone that never seen…hasn’t seen Season One and really enjoyed the seasons, and especially baby Grogu, the child, Oso. I appreciate it and just got a couple things to check in with Windy Marstrap about. Goodnight.
Hey everybody, this is your friend Windy Marstrap. It’s Windy again, like the wind, though it’s okay to call me Wendy. I don’t mind. Just, some people say how do you spell…well, no one’s sent me any fan mail but I know that one day I’d like some fan…I mean, I don’t have anywhere to send it because Scooter would have to go get me back out of the Star Wars universe, long…Scooter says not only is it a long time ago and a…he goes, it’s really a galaxy far, far away. Then where I live is in the Outer…the Outer Rims. I guess Scooter gets lost ‘cause he says which way is the Outer Banks? He goes on the map. He says Outer Banks. Then he also…he has trouble spelling and so then he ends up…ends up taking him longer and he always says that; far, far away. Add more ‘fars’ in there. Long time to get there.
Won’t be long ago by the time I get back. Harumphety-humph. But anyway, I’m Dewy…I’m Windy Marstrap and I’m here with my best friend Dewy the dewback. It’s funny; Dewy does not read and Dewy’s gotten a lot more fan mail. He even has people showing up…one of the sand crawlers came by when Dewy and I were out for just a walk, just walking and thinking. I was whistling. I like to whistle for Dewy. But this sand crawler full of Jawas came out and I said well, I don’t need anything and this is my dewback, Dewy. They just wanted to meet Dewy. Eventually we found a way to communicate. They wanted to shake Dewy’s hand. I said Dewy’s a dew…a quadruped. Then they actually trained Dewy to shake hands. I was impressed. Then they wanted me…they said they owed him…I said yeah, you get to meet Dewy.
Then I said by the way, that’s not just teaching Dewy…’cause there was a lot of Jawas that all…and they were taking their pictures with Dewy. I guess I’m just buying time because it’s my last time with all of you and I know I’m gonna miss all…yeah, I’m gonna miss you. So, I guess I was just trying to take more time. So, Scooter will probably say can you get to the episode, Chapter 16, the notes I had prepared for you? Just two things we have to cover, but they’re pretty in-depth. We’re going over the Star Wars fandom. There’s actually three Hutt entries, H-U-T-T. The first one is a Hutt clan and this is in canon. Also known as the Hutt Cartel or the Hutts is a powerful C-R…I mean, I’m familiar with them. We’ve talked about it because I’m from the same area as many famous Hutts and now a famous Fett.
But it’s a galaxy…they’re powerful for C-R-I-M-E. Started around the time of the Clone Wars. Governed by the Grand Hutt Council. There’s five Hutt families. The clan was one of the members of the five syndicates and they aligned themselves with the Galactic Republic during the Clone Wars, though they did have dealings with Darth Maul, the Shadow Collective. During the civil war, we dealt with merc…we had to deal with a group of mercenaries on Tatooine. We established…or we; I don’t know, I’m reading…established alliance with the Galactic Empire. Then after Jabba, power did wane. Is that all we need to cover? I mean, yeah, we had power and influence over the Outer Rim, hyperspace lanes. We did have…they did have rivals. Don’t worry; I’m saying ‘we’. I’m just a little confused.
I’m not really that familiar with…they wouldn’t have me. Let’s just be honest. But their organization; they have the Grand Hutt Council, astrography. Hutt Space was the domain of the Hutt clan in the Outer Rim territories. They expanded into the Expansion Region during the Clone Wars to the borders of the Inner Rim, but the separatists wouldn’t have them. So, that’s one entry. There’s a couple other ones but I think we cover…maybe we covered it; the Grand Hutt Council or the Hutt Grand Council or the Hutt Council; ruling body of the Hutts. Nal Hutta and a number…oh, that’s on the Hutt world of Nal Hutta. I don’t know if I’d ever visit that. I don’t know if you’d want to…I mean, not trying to be judgmental but would you want to go to a world of…I mean, I guess some people would.
They did align themselves with Darth Maul and the Shadow Collective after the takeover of Mandalore. I got a feeling this Hutt stuff’s not done. Hutt Cartel…oops, I pressed the wrong button on Scooter’s thingamajig here. He’s gonna say Dewy, did you put your tongue on my tablet? Okay, Hutt Cartel. Oh, I clicked the wrong button again. Guess I’m new to this. It’s only in one dimension or…so, the Hutt Cartel or the New Hutt Empire was a criminal syndicate. Hutts, Jabba held considerable power. Also had its own army and star fleet. Dealt with the Zann Consortium. In the Old Republic during the Great Galactic War, they didn’t like the Sith emperor. During the cold war, they ran the HoloNet and…so, there’s a lot in here.
That’s in the legends, so there’s a difference between canon and legends, I think. If I click that button…but nothing…I don’t think anything you’re missing out on. That’s a little bit about it. Then lightsabers come in different colors. Scooter said he went to vox.com. Phil Edwards wrote an article on May 4th, 2015 about Star Wars colors…Star Wars lightsaber colors explained. Here’s some of them and what they mean. There’s green [01:10:00] and it says the mood; peace through force when necessary. Jedi counsellor members who prefer negotiation and mediation but have strong Force abilities will use a green; Luke Skywalker, Yoda, Qui-Gon Jinn. Red is for evil and power. Sith and dark Jedi…these sabers are powered by synthetic crystals. Darth Vader, Darth Sidious, Darth Maul, Kyron…Kylo Ren.
A light sky blue; that’s justice and protection. Jedi guardians. They’re very good at…they’re very good with it. Obi-Wan Kenobi, Anakin Skywalker. A lavender; that would be for a sleep podcast, or moral ambiguity. Mace Windu, Mara Jade, they use both techniques; light and dark…aggressive side. Purple could be a mix of blue and red. Yellow may be for intrigue and pursuit. Jedi Sentinels, Yarael Poof, Plo Koon. Negotiation; that’s more of a reddish-orange. Yaddle uses that one. Sentinel-Class, stealth and ingenuity. Then a yellow with a little bit of…more of a mustard; that’s strength on the light side. Highly-skilled like Quarren. Then a sunset color; physical strength, powerful Jedi, extreme strength. Lowbacca used that one. A whitish-grey one; calm and clear. Those who were…remain calm and focused on the living Force.
That’s Tera Sinube. The dark saber was even here back in the day; self-obsession, Pre Vizsala. Then one that’s just white is obedience and service. Those with obedience to a larger cause; Imperial knights, but we saw that used this season, too. Now, how they use them; they get their…they come from kyber crystals which are found in frozen caves in the world of Ilum, though they could be replaced by Kunda stones. Sith had red-hued synthetic crystals. There are some inconsistencies in the lore and some categorizations that might be of the colors, you know, they may be…and there’s quirks abound, so there are caveats. Let’s check the fandom, starwarsfandom.com.
For a lightsaber crystal, also known as kyber crystals, they were widely…a variety of crystals, gemstones used as a energy source for a lightsaber, crystals that resonated to produce an efficient, powerful blade. In different places, Jedi and Sith used different ones for different skills, colors, and abilities. They could even enhance the Force skills of a user. During the Great Sith War, they were used…Kunda stones from planet Kadril in place of crystals. What else? After you place it in the lightsaber, you have to imbue it with the Force and meditate on the crystal for many days. Significance of colors; they talk about it. They even show Pre Vizsala. Known lightsaber crystals; there’s a nice long list, and Force crystals, and holy moly, a lot of stuff, even behind-the-scenes stuff. But that’s it for now.
This is your friend Windy Marstrap saying I’ll see you soon, hopefully May the 5th…May the 4th or whatever, around then, but if not, I’ll see you whenever Scooter comes and gets me. Otherwise, if you’re on Tatooine or anywhere else, I’ll be walking. Look for me and Dewy the dewback. Or if you ever need any travel tips, you could reach me. I don’t know how you could reach me ‘cause…don’t reach me through Scooter ‘cause he says I’m not…I’ll be back. ‘Cause I say are you gonna pick me up for May the 4th in your world? He says, yeah, I’ll see you. Don’t worry; I’ll see you soon. Do you have that recording made? That’s what he just said to me now. I said oh, let me go do it. Sorry about that.
I make a tent under Dewy the dewback, so I’m sitting with my back against a dewback in the sand under a big blanket. That’s why I sound so good. Scooter does say that; you sound great. So, thanks and goodnight everybody, from Windy Marstrap, Dewy the dewback, Scooter, and a big salute to everyone involved in the creation of the Mandalorian. Goodnight.