948 – The Believer | Mandoborian on Mandalorian Chapter 15
A series of reunion stalls out while old brown eyes stands in front of an ATM waiting while a scan buffers, the penultimate of sleepy stuff.
948 – The Believer | Mandoborian on Mandalorian Chapter 15 S2 E7
SCOOTER: Friends beyond the binary, ladies and gentlemen, boys and girls, it’s time for your buddy Scooter who’s here…I’m here because of you, patrons. Let’s just…that’s why I’m here so what do you say we get on with the show?
INTRO: [INTRO MUSIC] Hey, are you up all night tossing, turning, mind racing? Trouble getting to sleep? Trouble staying asleep? Well, welcome. This is Sleep With Me, the podcast that puts you to sleep. We do it with a bedtime story. Alls you need to do is get in bed, turn out the lights, and press play. I’m gonna do the rest. What I’m going to attempt to do is create a safe place where you could set aside whatever’s keeping you awake. It could be things…whatever it is, if it’s things on your mind that you’re thinking about. So, whatever’s keeping you awake; thoughts, things on your mind from the past, present, or future, or just there. Calculations; holy cow. Calculations, stay…calculations and calculators, stay out of my bed, please.
There’s…somewhere out there, there’s a heartbroken…hopefully a scientific calculator that said Scoots, I thought we had something. I say yeah, in proper context, but not in my bed. Well, I’m…I don’t know Scoots, I thought I was a solar calculator. Are you one of those solar calculators that works…here’s another technology I’ll have to explain to my daughter and she’ll laugh hysterically but actually, let’s come back to that ‘cause one…holy cow, talk about…how come there’s…are there any…how come there are not tons of journals…long-form articles glorifying solar calculators? You’ll understand why. I’m beginning to…there was that movie about the electric car before this current generation of electric cars. I’m beginning to wonder if they weren’t looking in the wrong place.
You say, who forgot to glorify the solar calculator? Well, it won’t be me. When people…one day when they look back at underrated things we never appreciated…you say Scoots, didn’t you just say that you don’t want any calculators in your bed? It sounds like you turned down some sort of relationship with a calculator. Was it a sentient calculator or just one you’re projecting meaning onto? Well, of course I was…I was projecting it onto there because…anyway, there’s new…so, if thoughts are keeping you awake — hopefully we get back to the solar calculators — thoughts keeping you awake, it could be feelings, anything emotionally coming up for you, could be physical sensations, it could be your schedule, your family.
Whatever it is that’s keeping you awake, I’d like to take your mind off of that and keep you company while you fall asleep. I have a certain method we kinda use for Sleep With Me. I guess kind of use is the best way to…so, here’s what I’m thinking I’m gonna do or here’s what I normally do every episode, but I guess when I say here’s what I’m thinking…see if this will work for you, if you’re new. What I’m gonna do is I’m gonna send my voice across the deep, dark night. I’m gonna use lulling, soothing, creaky, dulcet tones, so a voice that you’re hearing; not traditionally a soothing voice but a voice that may soothe. It’s more to distract you. So, I’m gonna send my voice across the deep, dark night, I’m gonna use lulling, soothing, creaky, dulcet tones, pointless meanders.
I mean, we just got one with a superfluous tangent in there. Those are kinda things I use…oh, filler words, unformed sentences, a lot of different tangents. All that stuff to keep you company while you fall asleep. Now if you’re new, a couple things I want to run by you here or to make you aware of. This is, one, a podcast you don’t really listen to. It’s a podcast you barely pay attention to. It’s just kinda there in the background and you’re kinda listening. You’re saying solar calculators; I think I saw one of those, or some of you are saying I remember those. Yeah, they would work as soon as you opened them up in almost any light. They also had a battery. That was like, 1984 or 1991 or 1978. I don’t know what year it was but it could have been one of those years and suddenly you’re saying to yourself wait a second, Scoots might have a point there.
Those calculators worked. That’s undisputed. Some of…okay, but if we’re getting into SAT questions…some of those calculators worked, that I remember. That’s the kind of logic that you say huh, well, it’s not faulty logic; it’s…I wouldn’t call it traditional logic, either. I would call it logic…is there something called logic-like or logic-esque? No. Okay, well, that’s the kinda logic I have to propose that. It’s a podcast that is just out of focus, so you kinda barely listen to it. I think I said that. Then the other thing is this podcast doesn’t really put you to sleep. It’s just here to keep you company. It’s this weird kind of keeping you company; it’s…just like these calculators I’ll hopefully talk about. Talk about a tree falling in the woods.
Those calculators were always ready to go when you…I mean, and again, very much like Sleep With Me, you just kinda barely needed them. At least for me. I know there’s people out there and holy cow, I’m thankful for you, that are good at calculations. I have dyslexia so…never been my forte. But like I always say, my forte, Will Forte. But not calculators. Will Forte using a calculator? I’d like to see that. I think that would be pretty entertaining, or Will Forte walking around…Will Forte…Calculations of Will Forte. That could be a…when he does a speaking tour one day. That also rhymed unintentionally. Oh, I’m not really here to put you to sleep. I’m here to keep you company while you drift off. That’s why the shows are over an hour, so you have plenty of time.
You say oh, no rush to fall asleep and no pressure to listen, so that’s different than most podcasts so I’m not sure how to feel. I say, totally understandable. This podcast is very different and with most sleep stuff, if you come here skeptical or doubtful or not even sure, that’s a normal way to arrive at Sleep With Me. For your first listen or two it can be a little bit…not jarring but if there was a softer version of that; a little bit…you say well, I’m kinda confused. I say well, that sounds like you’re in the right place. But most regular listeners say give the show two or three tries before you give up on it just because that’s how long it takes to say oh wait, I don’t listen? Oh wait, the show never…it’s always started and it never starts at the same time. Okay, just like that solar calculator.
Also, Scoots has…makes associations that probably aren’t associated like that. You say yeah, it’s like force…not a forced metaphor but I’m putting…for metaphor…not even metaphorically. I take meta…square metaphors and put them in round holes all the time. That’s how I organize my metaphors. Then I can never get them out. I say, that metaphor’s stuck in there. I say, ‘cause that’s a square metaphor in a round hole. I say well, it’s a cubby. That’s my metaphor cubby. It’s a metaphorical cubby? No, it’s real. It’s made from…I mean, it’s real in my imagination…it’s image…it’s real in my imagination so it’s not a metaphor, I don’t think. But yeah, it…yeah, it’s…yeah, I just…yeah, you’re right, I did shove…and there are round metaphors in square holes. Those are little bit easier to get out.
Don’t even get into my octagonal metaphors and my triangular ones ‘cause they’re jammed up. Oh boy, I’ll be here all day. Luckily I just invented something new; metaphor lubricant. It lubricates your metaphors. Also, metaphors can drink it which is…after…Metaphor After Hours, my new book. Holy cow, I just thought of five ideas in one. Or Metaphors After Dark. I guess it would go Metaphors After Hours…would be the 10:00 PM time slot and then the 12:00 AM one would be Metaphors After Dark, or maybe not. Maybe it goes the other way. Anyway, where was I? Oh, don’t really listen to me. Give it a few tries. Structurally, this can really throw people off. I try to talk about it a lot because I feel like…well, I guess if you have a strong reaction to this podcast, it’s just not gonna work for you but we really haven’t changed anything in the structure of the show in many, many years.
So, here’s how the show goes; it starts off with a greeting so you feel welcome, seen, and invited in. Then there’s business. There’s business of supporting the listeners, there’s our sponsors and our show support, and the support…when we support community or causes. All that’s at the be…that’s at the beginning. Then there’s the intro. [00:10:00] You get a minute of tease…the greeting, then a few minutes of business and sponsor stuff, then about sixteen to twenty minutes of intro. I’ll come back to the intro. Then there’s business, another four or five minutes of business, and then tonight we’ll talk about the Mandalorian, and then there’s thank-yous at the end of the show. That’s the structure of the show.
The intro…I don’t know, I guess some people probably listen, then they try to fast-forward through the intro and they kinda realize that…then they get frustrated ‘cause the intro goes on and on and on. Then they get to the business and then…so, some people are like oh, the show is just like, twenty minutes of business. It’s like, no. Or, why is there a twenty minute intro in a seventy-minute podcast? I say well, that’s what I’m here to explain right now. So, the intro is a way for me to introduce new people to the show and get you comfortable but for regular listeners, it gives…and new listeners, but sometimes you have to pay…you listen the first few times but for regular listeners, it helps them wind down. It helps them leave the day behind, give them some distance.
It gives them something familiar to hear but it’s different every time so that your brain bots or whatever’s keeping you awake can’t quite adjust. So, the intro’s different every time but it kinda has the same general feel. You say well, I can kinda barely listen ‘cause I know it’s gonna be kinda familiar but kinda different. Some listeners start getting ready for bed during the intro. Some listeners are in bed getting comfortable or drifting off. Some listeners are doing some other relaxing activity. Some people start listening in the middle of the night when they wake up. Some people listen all night long. About 3% of people start the show at twenty or twenty-two minutes and listen there, and that gets you closer at the beginning of the Mandalorian talk tonight.
Then some people support the show on Patreon; they get story-only episodes. It’s kinda like, as you become a regular listener, you say oh, okay. Well, I like to pet my pets and, whatever, play a game of Solitaire with real cards and then I go to sleep while I’m listening to the intro. So, that’s kinda the intro and then…yeah. So, it does…for new people…when’s this podcast start? I say well, it’s a sleep podcast so it kinda is always starting and never starting, like I said earlier, at the same time. So, that’s that. The other things I want you to know if you’re new or if you’re a regular listener or if you’re…your sleep is important to me because you deserve a good night’s sleep. You really do. You deserve a place you can rest. You deserve some relief from the day.
You deserve a bedtime where you actually feel neutral about it or you look forward to it versus dreading it like I have in the past. If you get some sleep and some rest, you could…your life’s more manageable and maybe you could be out there in the world flourishing. Any of those things makes the world a better place to be in. That’s important. It’s important for your world to be more habitable, you know what I mean? That’s important to me. The other reason…the reason…one of the reasons it’s important to me other than that’s just a fact is that I’ve been there, dreading bedtime or waking up, all those things, so I know how it feels, those desperate feelings that can come up or other feelings or the feelings during the day. That’s another reason why it’s important to me.
That’s why I make the show and then I guess I was gonna talk about…so, here’s the thing ‘cause we have a pretty giant diversity of listeners. I just want to talk about these calculators and just try to parse this out. So, once upon a time, when…at some point when I was in…probably in high…no, I guess grammar…I don’t know, sometime in the 80s, so the grammar school or whatever they call it, elementary, grade school, they came out with these calculators that were solar powered, just like they have now. They say hey, you got…your house is solar powered. But these things actually worked. I don’t know what the first or second generation was but by the…here’s the thing; they were…as far as I remember, they were unbelievably low-cost, the same cost as a regular calculator.
These calculators worked even with just fluorescent lights in your classroom. They would work right away ‘cause a lot of times they had…you’d open it up and it had a leatherette thing or it had a button. Some had a battery and the solar power thing and other ones only had the solar power thing. I realized at first this could be ridiculous but…I mean, this is the kinda thing that…why I make Sleep With Me. But pause for a second. The whole thing with solar…the promise of solar energy, right? I know we’re getting there but it’s been this dream. Like, a solar powered house and then you…your house is kinda self-sufficient with the sun and you got a battery to store it or whatever. Then, yeah, it’s solar powered other stuff. But we don’t have a lot of other stuff that’s solar powered. But you say well why…how the heck did they have…it’s always this one thing.
It’s like, why was only the calculator…? I think they probably had solar powered watches. I don’t know why those didn’t take off. I mean, I guess it would have needed a battery and maybe the battery technology wasn’t there. But it just seemed like this perfect product. It actually worked all…almost all the time, even in dim light. I mean, am I just out here on my own or is anybody else like…? That was so impressive. Even as a kid, I felt like I was using…like I said, okay, we don’t have lasers, really, or flying cars or whatever, hover bikes or hover shoes. But you say wow, I got this solar thing. Maybe that’s why…then everybody was like why the heck aren’t all our houses solar powered? I don’t know. It just makes me wa-wa-wonder why. Also, like I said, as great as calculators are, even the one that was flirting with me earlier or whatever, keep them out of bed. Keep your calculators out of bed.
I mean, unless you…if that’s a thing. I mean, if that’s a thing for you, awesome. Holy moly. I guess I’m starting to wonder. Now my back’s sweating. You say well, one plus one equals two. The two of us here; see, it’s right here on this calculator, my dear. Then I think you can put words in there. Like, maybe you could put ‘love’. If you had a roman numeric…roman numeral calculator you definitely could, or one of those scientific ones but I never got that far in math to get to the scientific calculator. Or if I did, I said well, I don’t know if I’m gonna…anyway, so whatever your calculation is, give this show a few tries. I really hope it can help you. I really hope I can take your mind off of stuff and help you fall asleep. I’m glad you’re here. I really appreciate you coming by. I work really hard. I yearn and I strive, so thanks again for coming by and here’s a couple ways I’m able to bring you the show twice a week. Thanks.
Alright everybody, it’s Scoots here and we’re talking about…now, I guess this is…I’m always comfortable revealing my imperfections and lack of knowledge and my inability to grasp when pentultimate means because then I say well, isn’t…penta is five, right? So, does…why…is…one — questions that I could have easily answered before I started recording but they didn’t come up ‘til I sat down and hit Record — one; does pentultimate mean second to last? Two; if…I guess it would be pentaultimate if it was the fifth…ultimately, the fifth episode of the season. That doesn’t make any sense. You say, pentultimate…is ultimate last? So, penta…penta would be before last, before the last, I guess is technically what…ultimate; oh, I’m not joking. We’re doing this for effect.
That’s the first time I’ve processed the word in this way, so that would explain why I was having such trouble. Like, oh, ultimate means last episode and when it’s used in this context, of the season. Pentultimate; oh, ‘cause you say pentultimate is the episode of the second season so it could mean the episode before the…before last. I mean, maybe that’s what it means ‘cause I always said what in the heck, when they say that. I say, pentultimate? Fifth…I’m trying to do basic math in my head and it’s…I say, how does that mean…does that mean it’s the ninth episode? That’s really what I said…and I said no, this episode didn’t have ten seasons. So, this could be considered the pentultimate if that’s…but I don’t know. Pentalobe…isn’t that…that’s the screwdriver you use if you gotta fix your iPhone, right?
I think that’s penta, though. Pentultimate is just pent, like P-E-N-T, I’m pent up, before up. There you go; pent up means before I…steam comes out my ears. Wow. We’re learning here tonight, whoa boy. Not only that; we’re talking about Season Two, Episode 7, maybe the pentultimate episode, Chapter 15, though. If you’re going just by chapters, it’s just Chapter [00:20:00] 15. Okay, I hear you asking Scoots, could you give us that in roman numerals? You’d go XV, right? Chapter XV; 10, 5 ‘cause IV is four. Oh no, so that’d be ten minus five. Oh no, if it was XVX…I don’t think there is VX. I think XV is right, maybe. I don’t know. But let’s do our run-through here. We see the Moff, Razor Crest goes bye-bye. First you get the + symbol, then you have the Moff; you’ve got something I want.
Oh, this was really good though; if you’re really into the show like I am, you get this callback that I didn’t even realize ‘til I did the…watched the recap when I was doing my notes. You have something I want…means to me more than you will ever know, Moff Gideon at the start…whatever, earlier this season or last season. Oh, penultimate episode last season, I think. Then we see Oso going flying with the dark troopers. Oso out. Previously…I already lost my spot, here. Child in care…oh, the child’s gone. ‘Til he is returned safely, we’re in your debt. Takeoff. Previously on Mandalorian, child’s gone…oh, okay. I hit Rewind, I guess. Nod from…then Cara Dune, marshal of the Republic. Let me throw you your badge. Rocate…can you rocate or locate Migs Mayfeld? Fifty years in the Karthon Chop Fields.
Then we flashback to that episode with Migs Mayfeld and Mando getting the best of him. That’s an episode I gotta rewatch. I really liked that episode. I mean, talk about a standalone episode. That’s…gets as standalone as…it could stand alone, like the Cheese Stands Alone; that episode could stand alone. Okay, now…oh, then you get the Lucasfilm and the Star Wars. It goes to black. It went to black for a while. Fifty years, Mando, Migs. Sound effects…oh, it was so black for so long, I…I forgot that it starts with the Lucasfilm Star Wars thing. So, I was like, listening for sound…I said, is something coming? Is a ship gonna fly by? But it was the Lucasfilm thing. Then we see…we do see a ship, a big prison ship. Then we see junk, we see walkers, we see droids. Prisoner 34667. What?
Oh, should we do it this way like we did last time? Let’s do that. I’ll read a couple pages from my notes, then we’ll go through some sequences. Descend and receive. I’m busy, salute marshal Dune, rewind or something. Let’s go follow marshal Dune. Three seconds to summer, or three seconds to comply. Three seconds to comply with summer. If I was…that’s when…back when I rode that horse, that’s what I would say. When I rode a horse named Summer. This has nothing to do with this episode…or 5 Seconds of Summer. Where are you taking me? Letter, camera, curtsy. That definitely doesn’t say that but that’s what it looks like. Where are you taking me, Letter? Camera curtsy. Stops when he sees Boba. All painted; Boba’s all painted up, refurb. Boba went through a refurb, or Boba’s armor did, or Fett’s.
Thought you were somebody else. Music. Oh, boy. Mayfeld? Hey, Mando. Lar time. Why am I so lucky? Imperial sleeves? Protocols. Imperial clearances and protocols. I knew that’s what that said. Action music. Mayfeld looking back, sight, title. Chapter 15: The Believer. This is a really good title too, because it goes deep. You say hm, which believer does this refer to? This is embarrassing; I said is that a song by The Monkees or The Beatles or someone else? ‘Cause I feel like I’m left…how many lyrics could I get wrong in that song? Left out of my mind? Is that it? Wouldn’t believe her…something. I don’t know. ‘Cause speaking of which, in this episode, then we saw Mando’s face and then I was a believer. Oh boy, take off the music, take off and rotate, Moff Gideon has his kid. Oh, the little green guy? Morak.
Lots of looks exchanged in the cabin. Felt or Fett? Oh no, Fett. Last name basis??? Question mark, question mark, question mark. Copy that, Morak. Felt internal scan. Rhydonium; volatile and explosive, like this one. Fett does not…Fett no like it. That was referring to Mayfeld’s comments. Platform, go in quiet, clear look, green valleys. Closer look? Green valleys. Get to the roof. Ex-ISB. Nope, wanted by the ISB. Mando scouts ship, fast talking, no going alone. Say goodbye to your little green friend. Won’t be showing my face. Juggernaut 5, Dune drops in, and out. Alright, so let’s see what we actually see. So, we see the prison ship going in. Or, I think it’s the prison ship from the last season. X-Wing getting lifted by a walker crane. Sparky sparks and people working, a scrapyard. Karthon Chop Fields.
They’re chopping up scrap. Then we have a guard droid. Walks slowly, very gentle walking. Mayfeld…they must…he’s up on a box. He’s standing on a box. 346, whatever, 667. What, what, what? 34667, descend and receive new instructions. He’s got goggles. I don’t know if he was using them. Mayfeld’s in a work outfit. At least they have nice, comfortable work outfits. He has some sort of light-up monitor on him. Cara Dune shows up. She says yeah, I’m remanding 34667. Affirmative. The droid also has the…what is it called? The Alliance thing. What is she, a marshal from what? Oh, the Republic. Then they say get moving with her. Mayfeld’s being rebellious. Then he gets reminded hey, get moving, please. He’s like, where are you gonna…where are you taking me, yo?
Common courtesy to tell me where we’re going. Oh, common curtsy. I thought I…that’s what I thought. Common courtesy. Then we have Fennec and Boba. Boba’s all…not shiny. He’s very matte. Thought you were the other guy. Mando comes down. Mayfeld’s smile wiped right off his face. He says…great weather too, or factory smoke in this background. Hey, Mando. Can’t even look him in the eye. Long time. What are you here for? They said, we’ve bent a lot of rules to come get you. Why am I so lucky? Because you’re Imperial. Yeah, that was a long time ago. You know the clearances and protocols, right? Hm. The stare-down between everybody. Get on board, punk. He’s thoughtful. Looks back; hm, what should I do here? Sighs and climbs onboard. Then the intro starts. Then they take off slowly.
We get into the ship. It’s rotating in this cool way. I don’t know if the toy did that but it’s hypnotic. We need the coordinates for Moff Gideon’s cruiser. No chance of that, buddy. Just leave me here. They say, he’s got the kid. Oh, the green guy? Little green guy? Yeah, little green guy. So, we need you to figure out where it is. He goes okay, you gonna let me go? No, no, no. We’ll give you a better view. What’s in it for me? He says as he rubs his thighs. Huh. I can’t just get those coordinates. I gotta get a terminal. There’s one on Morak. They say, Morak? There’s nothing there. He goes yeah, it’s a mining hub, secret mining hub. Get me in there, I’ll get the coordinates. So, Fett…he calls up Mando. Fett, get onto the Imperial Morak. Weren’t you listening in? No, I was listening to a podcast. Let’s go.
Fett’s done his scan of the planet. He goes yeah, this is the base refinery, eh? Yeah. Wonder what they’re refining in there. Rhydonium; volatile and explosive. That’s where Mayfeld makes a joke. Fett does not appreciate it at all. He just stares right at him. They got anti-aircraft, cannons, security forces, [00:30:00] so we’re gonna have to go in quiet, Mando says, get a closer look. Then they head in. Another nice looking planet; very green, got some fog. Then we see what turns out to be a dreadnought or something. They’re kinda looking at it through their scopes. It’s going into a tunnel. Mayfeld says I just gotta get in there quick and get it out. Then Boba Fett says alright, I’ll pick you up at the roof. We’ll swap…then they say okay, we’ll swap out the drivers.
But it’s ISB-watched, so we can’t bring Cara Dune ‘cause she’s on the New Republic register. You’re gonna be detected. Then you see some tension between the two of them, kind of…then Shand says no, I’m wanted by the ISB. Fett, I’m a clone, so no dice. Mayfeld solo; they say that’s not gonna work. You’re not trustworthy. Mando looks at the cabin. He says oh, well, they’re wearing helmets. I’ll go. They go yeah, how am I gonna explain you in your suit? He goes…he doesn’t answer, actually. He goes, are you gonna take your helmet off? Otherwise I’ll go in alone. Mando says, you’re not going alone. Coming with you. Everybody exchanges looks again. But I ain’t showing my face, either. Then we see the big rig; five wheels on each side, so ten wheels on this big rig. You see the drivers.
Juggernaut 5, they’re going into tunnel T12. You’re clear. Juggernaut 4 already went through it. They jump down on the roof, three of them. Yeah, they go in. They hop down. Mando…or somebody…oh, Cara Dune gets on there, takes them out with authority. Stops the driving. A lot of muddy things. They change into the things. Mayfeld doesn’t like…the guy whose clothes he’s taken were sweaty. Mando comes out of the darkness dressed as a Imperial driver. Not quite a stormtrooper but close. Dune gets a laugh; says yeah…he goes, just take out the rooftop gunners. We’ll get outta here. We got your back. He gives her his armor. Keep an eye on this stuff. Keep it safe. I will. Then Mayfeld says alright, we gotta get moving here. What would they say on Mandalore, Mando? Mayfeld’s still kinda goofy-talking.
Yeah, you got such a sunny disposition, he says to Dune. Then he…Mayfeld’s driving. He tries to figure out all the controls. Okay, here we go. Starts it up. Start it up, as they say. The ten wheels on the big rig get going. Very muddy. Kinda see another thing which is common from video games of like, don’t rock the boat video games. Mayfeld tries to make talk. What’s it like? I mean, being in a different helmet? He’s like, I’m taking my helmet off. I don’t like helmets. I don’t know how people wear them. He goes, yeah, you Mandalorians, I don’t know how you do it. Mando’s quiet. He’s not taking the bait yet. They keep rolling, then we see Shand keeping an eye on things. She’s…you get the sense…okay, she’s one of our security blankets. She says phase one, complete. Get ready. Fett’s standing by. Big rig keeps rolling.
Mayfeld’s thoughtful and driving. He does keep his eyes mostly on the road. Goes oh yes, it feels better with the helmet off. Why don’t you try it? He’s very smarmy. But you can see underneath. He’s saying huh, well, he makes this argument…this argument, especially in 2020 with different people about different subjects. They go through, they see the remnants of another big rig. Juggernaut 4; somebody’s running hot. Slow it down. 3 hit a couple bumps. Mandalorian says don’t even think about it. Just keep driving steady. Get us to the refinery. They keep riding. A little bumpy. They go through this town or village and you see oh, wait a second, this is…the Empire’s still colonizing. Mayfeld honks the horn and slows down. You see the townspeople. They say man, really not doing a lot of good for us here.
Mando even makes eye contact with a young person. I mean, he has his helmet on. The kid really glares at him. Mayfeld says yeah, no different. Colonists are colonists. They keep driving. We see the townspeople still walking. Then he says oh, I’m just saying; some are ruling, some are rulers. He goes, look at the Mandalorians. You gonna be a tool or a rule? He goes yeah, one thing if you’re on Mandalore, one thing if you’re on Alderaan. He goes yeah, but none of that it matters anymore, man. Shrugs his shoulders. I’m a realist, a survivor. Fan of the show and of doing it. Mandalorian…he goes, we’re alike. Mandalorian goes, no we’re not. He goes well, you change the rules when you want. You could put…you can’t take your helmet off; you put a different helmet on which is a rule. No helmet or no face? Which one?
‘Cause there was a big difference. I say, are you my uncle? I think I…or an…I’ve had this conversation with…or my…’cause everybody’s got their lines ‘til they have to change them. As far as I’m concerned, if you can sleep better at night you’re doing better than most. Then they say okay, we’re getting some route interference but let’s hop back to my notes again. Let’s see, Juggernaut 5, Dune drops in, takes them out. Mud wheels, Mando undercover. We got you. Take care of this, keep it safe. Muddy wheels. What would they say on Mandalore? Ten wheels on a big rig. Mando ices Mayfeld. Long tunnel. Out of tunnel. Fennec eyes on. Music!! Double exclamation point. Phase one complete. Copy. Feels better when it’s off. Imperial damage. Running hot. Don’t worry; drive steady. Horn on. Town of people.
Mayfeld talks rules. I’m just a realist, a survivor, just like you. Rule change? Route interference. Study by of rerate. J4…oh, stand by for reroute. J4…Juggernaut 4 out. Proceed with caution. Juggernaut 3 out. Pirates; one down. Goes on roof; two down. Then I moved to how to defeat freedom fighters, unfortunately that you call pirates in…let me see how many steps. In twenty-four steps. That was Step One; take one…have Mando take one down from the roof. Take two down…or no, one down. I don’t even think he went on the roof. I think he leaned out the window. Then two down. Three…Step Three; drive slow. Step Four; yell at somebody. Step Five; more trouble. Four more on the roof. Hit one with a Nerf dart. Step Six; your Nerf darts…this is a game called Freedom Fighter or Not, or Taking My Freedom.
So, Step Six, your Nerf gun jams. Your Nerf toy jams. Send somebody overboard anyway with your…with a staff. Seven; fly over…fly over…fly? Oh, flip over. So, flip somebody else over. Step Eight; javelin time, and someone goes overboard. That’s six down. Nine; drive fast. Ten; skiff number three. Eleven; find out that faster is not good. Twelve; duck. Twelve; duck so somebody gets knocked off. So, it’s kinda like a balance game they’re playing now. Thirteen; baseball. Use a baseball method to get somebody off. Alarms, takedown. Fourteen; flip. Fell…oh boy. Fifteen; stuck. Oh, trouble by…head back. Oh, head back…head…headbutt backwards then flip them, then do a kind of like a round spin kick. Then detractor throw? Oh, detonator [00:40:00] throw. Step Seventeen; you gotta stop for a second.
Step Eighteen; more skiffs. Also, my side hurts. Action music. Step Nineteen; take a deep breath. Get up. Five more skiffs are coming. Step Twenty; get ready. Oh, TIE fighters came. Step Twenty-One; Mayfeld cheers. Step Twenty-Two; roll into the den of the Empire. Groan. Not from the Empire but from…Mando groans from all the work he did. Twenty-Three; lots of salutes. Fennec and Dune are impressed. Twenty-Four; get a hero’s welcome. Cheers, glory of the Empire. Find a tunnel act cook. Officer’s mess…my handwriting. Street fan…number two. Oh, then we do…we have another go-through. That was our first twenty-four-step plan but not our last plan of the episode. Okay, so this is Mayfeld, then they’re looking for the reroute. Some poofy-poofs in the sky, fireworks even.
Juggernaut 4, stop to look at the fireworks. You’re supposed to get the Rhydonium there without going over into the red zone. Rerouting course. It’s challenging. Juggernaut 3 also looking at fireworks. So, now you gotta get there. Go around. Oh boy, that’s when the skiffs are coming. This is a video game, I think; a simulation. One jumps on. What in the hey? Mando looks in the rear-view camera. Pirates. You ever see the movie Ice Pirates? No. Scooter saw it when he was a kid but he hasn’t seen it since then. One person jumps. Mando stops them with a Nerf dart, then he goes on the roof. I think it looks like he leaves the window…oh no, the window’s a auto window. It closes on its own. Mando hops up there. Person’s looking; Mando takes him out with a Nerf dart. That’s two.
Oh, and a whole skiff goes out because of the detonator. But the Juggernaut goes into the red zone. Mayfeld has to slow down. Gets it in the green zone. He says I wish you left me behind. Mando is about to go back to the cab when he sees two more skiffs. They say yeah, let’s mess this…mess with this. One, two, three, four people…so, four dancers, one right off by Mando. That’s when his Nerf gun jams. Throws it, does a dance with one person and manages to remove him off the front. Then he gets hit from behind and on the side but then catches it and does a little flippy-poo. That guy goes bye…gets off the ship willingly. Then Mando does a javelin. All those gone. So is 6. He says, pick it up. Drive faster, Mayfeld. Holy moly. Mayfeld tries to pick it up. They’re still coming; four more in a skiff. They hit the gas.
Alarm’s going off ‘cause the Rhydonium’s…faster’s not gonna work, Mando, so figure out a new plan. Next four hop on. Mando…I guess they don’t realize they’re dealing with the Mandalorian ‘cause…so, he goes two-on-one. Takes a little bit of effort. Then it’s three on one but he does some ducks. A couple butts, a couple flips, a couple turns. Serious action. Another person comes. Does a shoulder thing then does that…doesn’t quite fall off, so that’s when Mando does the reverse headbutt. They’re kind of in a bit of trouble because they’re pretty close with the thermal thingamajig. You gotta set it to less…dude goes, everybody off the skiff. They’re like, we’re tangling with this Mandalorian. One person looks like they have some sort of rebel yarn thing. But Mando deals with that, deals with the…skiff one and skiff two.
So, that’s it for them. Then you could see the rebel…or oh, I guess it’s a Imperial base. I gotta slow down. Can’t cross at this speed. Then you see a bunch more…how many skiffs more? They all have one, two…they all have detonators; three, four. Mando’s side hurts. He’s dealt with a lot already. You see a old rickety bridge they have to cross. Mayfeld’s gonna have to slow down. Oh, five skiffs. Mando gets up though; he’s not afraid. I’m not scared. That’s when the TIE fighters come. They start clearing the way. But then a bunch of other Empire people or whatever, Remnants come. We see Dune and…yeah. They’re in a couple different kinds of gear. They’re definitely…they’re doing it colony style…whatever, Imperialists. Mando gets back in the cab.
The base looks pretty rickety, like it was built into an old factory or whatever it is; a refinery, but this side of the refinery…it’s built into a dam. Then they’re getting all the salutes from everybody even though Mayfeld doesn’t have his helmet on. Most everybody else does. Luckily, I guess to drive one of these Juggernauts, you gotta be an officer. They all get saluted. They roll into the parking area. Everybody’s cheering, even the refinery workers with the…everybody. Yeah, it’s like a big party. They get out of the ship. Glory to the Empire. Whoopie-woo-woo. Way to go that you got this unstable material in here. Nice job. People are clapping them on their backs. You see that a lot of the stormtroopers have worn down equipment. Some are shiny but most of them are like the ones from the previous…the previous season you say well, these are, yeah, remnants for sure.
You see some more officers saluting them, maybe some water storage. Then Mayfeld says okay, I see a ATM. That’s what we gotta really use. That’s how we exchange secret messages, is an ATM. It’s like Find My Friends but in an ATM. Find My Frenemies. Okay, so this is the next step plan. How many steps is it? Good question. This is a thirty-eight…? Thirty-eight-step-plan to get the address for Find My Frenemies and get out. Access…so, One is go into the officers’ Mess. Mayfeld…Two; see my old jerk boss. Can’t do it. Valin…Father Hess or something. Valin…or Falin, I said. Valin or Falin Hess? Oh yeah, like the truck. Yeah, let’s just forget the whole thing. No, we’re too close. Can’t lose the kid. Three; give me the data stick. Four; it’s gotta scan your face. Let’s go. Give me the data stick.
Step Five; walk in slow-like. Do a nod and salute to tense music. Step Six; something error. You gotta take your holy helmet off. Complete. Downloading. Step Seven; if you’re Mayfeld, pace around. Also get interrupted by some officer in the Officers’ Mess that says trooper, and you try to say yo, I’m at the ATM, man. Don’t talk to people when they’re at the ATM. That’s like a…no matter if you’re in a galaxy now or far, far away. I could be sending a message to my bae or something or getting out…I could be trying to remember my pin number. Don’t…it’s kinda like when you’re…yeah, there’s other things that you start and then someone interrupts you in a public space and you say well, now I can’t go pee-pee or remember my ATM thing. Or yeah, think…say sorry sweetcakes, this is old Brown Eyes calling.
Step Ten; oh boy, hey you, pay attention. We’ll get more of the details here. But then TK number…TK-111. This is my buddy. I’m…Mayfeld covers it. He’s hard of hearing. Step Twelve; make something up. He’s hard of hearing. We call him Brown Eyes. Step Thirteen; let’s…oh, you’re not dismissed. Step Fourteen; table troopers delivered shipment only. [00:50:00] Success; come with me. Let’s get a drink, Brown Eyes. Fifteen; branching scouts. Take out…oh, this is our team members scouting it out. Gotta take out those cannons later. No problem. By the way, what’s taking so long? Well, it’s Step Sixteen; let’s have a toast. Let’s toast something less rote. How about…Mayfeld passive aggressively to aggressively; Operation Cinder and Burnin Konn. Step Eighteen; keep it going, the whole city and everybody.
Five to ten thousand. Well, they’re all heroes. Are you trying to get at something? Step Nineteen; what about the mud-scuffers that wanted freedom? Was it good for them? Well, we’ve outlasted them. I guess you don’t like it when someone else is trying to bring relativity to what you dislike, eh? We can create chaos. They think they want freedom but they want order. Step Twenty-One; lots of looks exchanged. Step Twenty-Two; open your arms and officer out. Step Twenty-Three; oh boy, oshkosh b’gosh. By the way, I never saw your face. Put your helmet on. Step Four; let’s get out of this…clear out this Mess Hall. Step Twenty-Five; go out the windows. Step Twenty-Six; this is where I wrote dam? Dam, ‘cause they were on a dam. Step Twenty-Seven; our backup is sniping. That’s good. Step Twenty-Eight; we’re out.
Step Twenty-Nine; climbing music. Step Thirty; support and effect! Exclamation point. Step Thirty-One; let’s move. Step Thirty-Two; let’s catch a ride. Jump on board, everybody. Step Thirty-Three; the base is out. Step Thirty-Five; surprise…to sleep at night. Step Thirty-Five; company, hang on. Step Thirty-Six; let’s drop one of those sonic depth charges. Step Thirty-Seven; yeah, that was good work. Step Thirty-Eight; thanks and good luck. Nice job and too bad we lost track of you. Hit the road, Jack. Can I go? I will. Okay, this would be Step Forty. Then Step Forty-One; what’s our next move? Step Forty-Two; takeoff music and then the secret message to Moff. So, let’s see. They go…this is…so, hopping back to the episode. Mayfeld goes in, sees Valin Hess or whatever talking at the table who looks up.
He bounces back out. Can’t go in there; old boss. He’s a jerk. V-A-L-I-N. Don’t know if he’ll recognize me but can’t take the chance. It’s all over. No, no, we can do it, Mando says. No, we can’t. He says, I need those coordinates. Give me the stick. No, it’s not gonna work, Mando. The boss is looking at them. He says, you gotta have your face scanned to get online. He says, let’s just leave. Mandalorian says give it to me. Forget it. I’ll go in there. So, he walks in real slow, unsure. Looks around, sees the ATM access terminal. Valin Hess, he gives a general salute. But that Valin Hess is still watching him. I wonder if he’s calling somebody. Maybe I should give him a hassle. Mando tries one shot without…with his helmet on. The machine says gotta scan your face. So, he does it. He takes it off and we say holy cow.
Say, what was that, Bravos or somewhere else? He gets…the facial scan’s complete. Pops the data stick in, gets the info he needs. Mayfeld’s pacing outside. Mando’s waiting…of course it’s buffering. That’s when the guy says yo, you at the ATM are sending a message. He even stands up. Says, I’m talking to you. Mandalorian says yo, I’m trying to send my girlfriend a message or something, my green kid. Pay attention. He says, what kind of supervisor would interrupt somebody while they’re at a machine, really? Talk about…then he says what’s your TK number, son? I don’t like you. He says, TK number, man, why are you getting all technical? Says, I don’t even know if you have…he says TK-593. That’s when Mayfeld…I’m TK-111. Says, how’d you get TK-111? Goes, this guy lost pressure in Taanab so he can’t hear.
That’s why I call him Brown Eyes. Says, what’s your name? He raises his voice. Goes yeah, we just call him Brown Eyes. I’m better at thinking up stuff on the spot. We gotta go fill out our TPS reports. That’s when the dude says not dismissed, of course. Boss walks around, says come on, get a drink with me, Brown Eyes. He goes, you’re the only two successful delivery drivers in the whole outfit today. Wouldn’t you just send them back out for another delivery? I don’t know but he says come on, let’s have a seat. Mayfeld’s like, you gotta be kidding me, man. Same with Mandalorian…is, then we see the backup, looking over the ledge, checking everything. There’s even nice flowers. They talk about their plan. Gotta take this out. Say don’t worry; shouldn’t be a problem. Wonder what’s taking so long.
That’s when Hess says what are we gonna toast to? He’s got some sort of liquid that is a cloudy-clear liquid. You say okay, something a little less rote. This guy thinks of himself as a real know-it-all. Where are you from, Brown Eyes? He goes…then Mayfeld interrupts. How about Cinder, Operation Cinder? The dude goes yeah, I know…your history. Mayfeld goes I know about history; I was there. Burnin Konn. Oh, really? That was a tough day. Many unpleasant decisions I made. Probably how you ended up commanding the…an outpost in the middle of nowhere, by the way. The whole division…and you’re drinking during the day. No offence, buddy, but what kind of officer are you? We find out. Oh, heroes of the Empire. This guy’s a real believer in the Empire.
We kinda see that Mayfeld is trying to figure out his belief system in some sense, whatever, more…whatever you call that, relative…yeah. He says yeah, what about all those people that were there? He goes oh, well, it’s what the Empire and the order’s for. Mud-scuffers defending their houses for freedom. That’s when the guy says it’s not about freedom. It’s about…we cause chaos. People think they want freedom. We give them order. He goes yeah, that’s why we’re getting stronger, buddy. This Rhydonium you delivered, that’s what we’re gonna use. So, nice work at getting it delivered here. Then Mayfeld’s like, oh boy, what did I do? He’s got a tummyache. You could see him. Actually, it’s really…I didn’t realize how much facial…’cause when the volume’s off, you really can see how much action’s in their faces.
Mayfeld gets a double tummyache as he processes this guy, Valin Hess, who’s…he’s…he should be in the Karthon Chop Fields. He goes, to the Empire. Mayfeld goes, bye-bye. Then Mando goes, I can’t believe you just did that. Mayfeld goes, I can’t believe you just did that. Somebody just got a drink. He goes bye-bye. Everybody goes bye-bye. Mando goes, let’s go out the windows. Everybody starts coming…going here. I never saw your face. Let’s do this. Everybody says oh, security to Main Commons. Then they say okay, we gotta go. Let’s go out this window, Mando. They kick out the…one of the doors right at the top of the dam. That’s when you say that’s a dam. Water’s flowing. But they have backup, so once they get outside, they’re in good shape.
Then they try to find a way to climb up which they’re looking at. This is a nice little action sequence and it’s [01:00:00] great with the setting and the different layers of action. Boba takes off, Boba gets ready, heads over there. Mayfeld’s climbing. Mando says go faster. You got Fennec and Dune; I mean, Fennec’s like, really effective. But they have their squad covered. He says climb faster, man. Mando says climb faster. Then we see Boba’s ship coming in. There’s a little bit of a race to get on the ship but you know that they’re covered so it’s more of just pulse-pounding but not heart-pounding. Get a couple good shots of Mando’s fresh armor. His ship definitely needs a paint job. They hop on. They get away, or as they’re about to get away, Mayfeld says hey, give me that cycler thing and he takes the base out with this old-fashioned Boba thing.
I guess on their truck; I didn’t see him back in but that’s it for the base. As the good old base goes bye…we all need to sleep at night. Bye-bye, base. Then a couple…oh, I guess the same two X…or what are those things called? TIE fighters come. Boba says strap…or hold on; we got company but something I can deal with no problem. He’s getting chased but he’s got that sonic thingamajig which works great. He sends that back there and no more TIE fighters. Really cool fireworks. Dune and Shand are like okay, impressive. They go hike back to the rendezvous point. We got a rendezvous. That’s when they say well, Mayfeld got away. I guess he didn’t make it through with the base. That was good work. Him and Dune have…they come to good terms. He says good luck on getting your kid back, Mando.
Also did you see that I got an infinity scarf now? Looks pretty sharp on me. Don’t know if he had it…I don’t think he had it earlier. New clothes, too. He says sorry I was a jerk. I was just trying to get some stuff off my chest. That’s when they let him go. I said well, that’d be an interesting spot. I guess Mayfeld’s…must be very…he’s made it in so many different worlds that yeah, he’ll be able to be fine on his own but it wouldn’t be an ideal spot. He said can you give me…can you slip me like a hundred bucks or something and a fake ID, please? Or drop me off somewhere? But he’s just happy to be free. Then she says what’s our next move? Then we have the takeoff music, then we see the Moff in the…Moff’s ship. Officers call him; they go boss, you gotta see this thing. This is a really good reveal.
The first time I said that’s familiar, but this is really cool. I mean, just such a cool move by Mando but then to use his words against him. Moff sighs at the end I think, but let’s see. They say sir, you gotta see this message. This hologram came in. It’s Mando. He says Moff Gideon, you have something I want. You may think you have some idea of what you’re in possession of but you do not. Soon he will be back with me and he means more to me than you will ever know. Moff, yeah, he takes a deep breath through his nose. That is just so cool. Then we get the end plates. Scrap heap is number one. Number two is the dreadnought. Ten…eight…ten wheels on the big rig; heading out in this one. Then Mando and Mayfeld climbing on board or falling off the dreadnought.
Then Shand and Dune in action, then Moff Gideon listening to Mando’s message, then the base from above; that’s six. Then seven; Mando versus one, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, tell, eleven, twelve, thirteen, fourteen, fifteen, sixteen, seventeen pirates, then a shot from behind the dreadnought with another dreadnought going bye-bye. Big boom truck, then a parade skiff…a pair of skiffs and then a dreadnought’s on a convoy. Convoy!! Double exclamation point. That’s ten. Then eleven; them jumping onto Boba Fett’s ship. That’s the end of the episode for me but I’m gonna turn things over here to Windy Marstrap. Windy?
Thanks, Scoot. Hey everybody, my name’s Windy Marstrap. It’s Windy like the wind and Marstrap. I wonder how I got my last name. Marstrap; M-A-R-strap. One word; Marstrap. M-A-R-S-T-R-A-P. Windy. Windy Marstrap. Mr. Marstrap if I was in your world and I was applying for something. I’d say I’m Mr. Marstrap, yeah. Or if Dewy started…if there was a funny story where I came to your world and Dewy my dew…pet dewback went to school like baby Oso did in this season, I’d say this is Mr. Marstrap. This is my child Dewy, the dewback. Do you have…can you fit a dewback? But I mean, Dewy’s a smart dewback but not…school isn’t…wouldn’t be good for dewbacks or Dewy. Okay, so a couple things that…one thing Scooter said; Dewy, do you mind doing something that’s not from the Star Wars universe for first?
I said, sure. So, Hess trucks. Each year they put out a new Hess truck. A couple people in Scooter’s family but not Scooter played with Hess trucks and got them. They’ve been selling them since 1964, small replicas of their trucks as a thank you for a customer…to customers. The first one sold for $1.39. 2014 was the final one to be sold at Hess gas stations before they transitioned to Speedway gas stations. 2015, they’re…they’ve been for sale online and Speedway sells them. There have been several non-truck ones. There’s been a tanker ship, a patrol car, a helicopter, a SUV with motorcycles, a race car with a racer, a helicopter truck. But yeah, they’ve been going every year, apparently. Holy moly. Miniature trucks as well, plush toys and limited editions, and sometimes they’re donated.
They were even a toy truck float in…from 2003 to 2014. In 2018 and 2019, Hess Corporation donated Hess toy trucks and STEM education kits to every elementary school in North Dakota. That’s a little bit about Hess trucks. Then Morak, Scooter said. Could you tell them about Morak? I said sure; let me look this up on the Wookieepedia. It’s a jungle planet inhabited by humans. It’s a secret mining hub that we saw. Year 9 ABY. That was the year where we were there and the refinery went bye-bye. That’s a little bit about Morak. I know Scooter wanted me to cover a couple other things. Yeah, but I’m glad you’re here with me. It’s very nice to be here. Oh, let’s see. So, Migs Mayfeld, Fennec Shand…oh, Boba Fett’s ship. That was the last thing I think I’m supposed to cover. It’s Boba Fett’s ship.
It was used in the Empire and the Mandalorian and also by his father Jango in Attack of the Clones. It resembles the shape of a street lamp but its inspiration was a radar dish. It’s a modified Firespray-class patrol craft, according to Wikipedia. Produced by Kuat Systems Engineering. It’s unique in design. It has a distinct engine cluster on which the ship rests when landed but in flight the ship rotates ninety degrees so that the top-mounted cockpit faces forward. It has artificial gravity which reorients depending on what flight mode you’re on, stabilizer fins, repulse…side repulsorlifts to assist with landing. It’s only limited production ‘cause it was too heavily armored for civilian use but too underpowered for Kuat’s home fleet, and too reliable for post-sale maintenance business.
Jango Fett chose the vessel because of its anonymous [01:10:00] appearance but it was heavily modified. Boba Fett made additional modifications; a secret sensor jamming and masking device that enables the ship to disappear from most sensor systems, and twin blasters, concussion missiles, ion cannons, tractor beam, torpedo launchers. So, that’s a little bit about that ship. Let me just see if there’s anything else you should know about here. But yeah, other than that dewbacks are great, Moff Gideon, Grogu…I think that’s it. So, I’m Dewy the dewback. Whether you’re driving a Hess truck or a Firespray ship, I hope you’re driving it and getting the rest you need. Goodnight.