855 – Redemption | Mandoborian on Mandolorian S1 E8
So shall we all, follow the path of Mando, Oso and friends as they head off into the sunset of our hearts and dreams.
EPISODE 855 – Mandalorian 8
SCOOTER: Ladies and gentlemen, boys and girls, and friends beyond the binary, it’s time for the podcaster who’s wearing a sweatshirt…I’m not sweating. Oh boy, because I’m comfortable. I’m wearing a sweatshirt…should be called a comfortshirt but that would be confusing ‘cause you’d say comfortshirt, what exactly does that mean? Well, it’s like a sweatshirt when you’re not sweating. Thanks patrons, it’s time for Sleep With Me, the podcast that puts you to sleep.
INTRO: [INTRO MUSIC] Hey, are you up all night tossing, turning, mind racing, trouble getting to sleep? Trouble staying asleep? Well, welcome. This is Sleep With Me, the podcast that puts you to sleep. We do it with a bedtime story. Alls you need to do is get in bed, turn out the lights, and press play. I’m gonna do the rest. What I’m going to attempt to do is create a safe place where you can set aside whatever’s keeping you awake, whether it’s thoughts you’re thinking about, things on your mind, anything from the past, present, or future, feelings, emotions, physical sensations. It could be changes in time or temperature, travel, someone else could be traveling. It could be anything. Whatever it is, it is important, right? I’m trying to use positive words but it might be getting on your nerves. Whatever’s keeping you awake, I’m here though, to take your mind off of it. I’m going to try to create a safe place where you can set aside whatever’s keeping you awake. I think I said that. What did I say? Thoughts, feelings, physical sensations, whatever it is, I’ll try to take your mind off of that. Oh, the way I’m gonna do it…sorry, forgetfulness; that could keep you up. It does for me. I say how did I forget that? The way I’m gonna do it is I’m gonna create a safe place where it’s okay, it’s okay to make a M-I-S…not K…M-I-S-T-A-K-E-Ss. It’s okay to be forgetful. It’s a place where an accepting…a safe place should be very accepting and comforting. The assumption of acceptance, I think that it should be assimilated into the construction products of a safe place. You’d say did you just say assimilation of construction products? I’d say no, no, we may use construction materials…we use construction materials that have assimilated the assumption of acceptance, or acceptance is assumed. Well, it’s not assumed though because I also like to remind you. I guess, but you know what I’m saying. I’m trying to create a safe place where you could set aside whatever’s keeping you awake. I’m gonna send my voice across the deep, dark night. I’m gonna use lulling, soothing, creaky dulcet tones. Oh-so creaky, oh so imperfect, and my meanders will be oh-so pointless, just like our cute friend baby Oh-so and these Mandalorian episodes. My pointless meanders will be oh-so meandering. Pointless meanders, superfluous tangents. I think you got a little bit of that early on, there. Metaphors, incomplete metaphors, side-tracks. I haven’t met a sidetrack that I haven’t put in front of me. I say let me put you right in front of me, I’m gonna walk right…sidetrack. I’d say holy…you’re a maintrack to me except for the main road I was supposed to be on where I set up the podcast intro. I’ll brb. What does Scoots say to a sidetrack? Well, depends actually, ‘cause if I’m in the middle of a tangent it might be hey, how you doing? Pleased to meet you. I already said it five seconds ago but I haven’t met a sidetrack I didn’t want to sit down and talk to for about fifteen or twenty minutes but this particular sidetrack, I say hey, be right back because I say well…that’s what I’m gonna do. Welcome to Sleep With Me. It’s a podcast to keep you company and take your mind off stuff as you drift off to sleep. If you’re new, I’m glad you’re here. Now, a couple things to know right away. The podcast does not work for everybody. See how it goes. I will tell you, and I don’t gain anything by telling you this but a lot of listeners, maybe in the millions…hundreds of thousands of people at least have said took two or three tries before I got used to this show and then eventually I realized Scooter never will make any…you know, that it is…he wasn’t kidding when he said pointless meanders, superfluous tangents, and creaky dulcet tones. Kinda see how it goes. Don’t try to figure this podcast out because I haven’t done it. I mean, I’m someone that has full conversations with sidetracks and I say…oh boy, I compliment…I’m working on a book, compliments…sidetrack compliments. Not what you think but you could sidetrack a conversation with compliments. I guess that would be a sign you could say well isn’t that lovely? They’d say what, did I drop my sandwich? What do you mean, isn’t that lovely? I say Scoots, you’re getting into…okay, so if you’re new, it doesn’t work for everybody. Give it a few tries, see how it goes. Maybe the podcast will work for you, maybe it won’t, but I hope it does ‘cause you deserve a good night’s sleep. A couple other things to know is this is a podcast you…kinda goes along with what I just said; you don’t really need to listen to it. You can kind of barely listen, you can listen, or you can partially listen. You could slowly see how it works for you. This podcast, you don’t need to listen to, but you can. I’m gonna be here…if you can’t fall asleep, I’m gonna be here ‘til the end. That’s another part of the show; no pressure to fall asleep. This is a podcast to keep you company and be your friend as you drift off. The reason the shows are about an hour is so you have plenty of time. You’re gonna drift off at your leisure. Also, structurally if you’re new, that can throw new listeners off a lot, so much so some of them may not even be listening anymore. But if you’re still with me, a couple of things to know if you’re new; structurally the show is very different than almost every show because it’s here to put you to sleep eventually, or kind of put you to sleep almost…you know what I’m saying? Oh, you don’t? Okay. Show starts off with a few minutes of business. That’s how we keep the podcast free for everybody, kind of essential. I’d prefer the podcast to be free for everybody than behind a paywall. Thanks everybody for supporting the show and enabling us to do that. That’s the business part. Then, there’s an intro which some listeners also think is an extension to the business or like a drawn-out part of the business. No, it’s more silliness business. My business is…you know when people are standing around and they’re doing something but they’re not really doing something? I think people say…the analogy would be oh, are you just kicking the tires on that thing? I don’t know if you can picture that; someone’s standing there, maybe the ground’s a little bit dusty. They’re kicking at the dust or maybe they’re swinging one of their legs. They’re a little bit…they’re standing there but they’re somewhere else at the same time. I don’t know why I brought that up, even. That’s funny. I guess I just drift…what did I have to…oh, that’s what the intros are like. Oh, yeah. I brought it up for a reason. That’s kind of what the intro of the show is like a little bit. It is not quite like that. The whole idea of the intro of the show is just twelve to eighteen minutes of me trying to explain what the podcast is but I guess like that person standing there, you say…here’s what a critical part of us…like in my brain, I have a lot of critical parts, right? Some of which…most of which get in the way of me falling asleep. That’s what I’m…one of the things that I’m trying to distract you from. I call them brain bots, or my nana. If I was just sitting around…let’s just say I’m standing there somewhere and one, I say what are you doing, standing around aimlessly? I say maybe the first time I don’t even hear it; I’m just kicking up some dust…what are you doing, drawing in the dirt with your foot? Not exactly. Oh, well, are you thinking or are you standing? Kind of neither…both and neither, I guess. I don’t know. I guess I’m…if I had to tell you what I was doing, I’d say I’m doodling with my foot but I’m not actually even doodling. What are you doing, just scraping the ground? I guess so; I’m kinda standing here, I guess kinda scraping the ground and kinda thinking but not…I’m thinking about something but I don’t know what it is, and I’m also thinking about nothing when I’m not thinking about something. What was your question? What, are you just standing around? I guess not…I guess my first answer stands; not exactly. I’m standing and [00:10:00] I guess I’m around where I am and I’m kinda moving around. What are you waiting for? I guess…what, are you procrastinating? No, actually, believe it or not, I guess I wasn’t quite enjoying myself but I was in one of those rare states of not and not enjoying myself. Then you came along to set me right. Are you part of my efficiency system? Is that related to my limbic system? Oh boy, you’re right. I gotta get going, huh. Thank goodness you’re here ‘cause I was on the…I wasn’t quite having idle time. I was having time that wasn’t half-bad. Well, I’m glad to see you get going. Holy cow. Thanks. That can be what goes through my head at bedtime. I don’t know if anybody else can relate to that, or what I’m just stand…I mean, here’s what I’d say and let’s take a breath together here; we don’t always have the peace of mind or the quality of internal space, or at least I don’t, to say I guess I’m just barely standing around. It’s pretty nice. You want to join me? I was just gonna ask you questions to try to get you moving. What do you mean I’m just stand…you’re just barely standing around? Did you listen to that other eight-minute monologue I just made? I was kinda kicking at the dirt here, but absent…I guess you’d say absentmindedly in a good way. Then, I was looking at that grass, I was feeling the warmth of the air and the coolness of the breeze. I don’t know, my brain kinda seemed empty for a little while. You want to try it? Well, I don’t know, is it okay? Yeah, it’s okay to try it. It’s okay to just stand around doing…barely doing anything. Really, it is? Yeah, what I like to do is listen to this podcast. It’s very similar to this but different. Actually, I make it so I don’t…I listen to it when I’m editing it but if I was trying to…like Jeff, if he…how do you say that? T-t-t…Like, they call it with wine but I’m reading those books by Jeff Vey, Terror or whatever. I think we had that of like, stillness or almost…we’re just kind of just soaking that in. You can do it too, it’s fine. Actually, how about if I put my arm around you? You’re gonna put your arm around me and we’re just gonna stand around? Yeah, look at that. Oh wow, that feels not bad. It’s like I’m doodling with my foot but I’m not doodling anything even specific or non-specific. Yeah, it's kind of like you’re scraping at the ground, huh? Feels good, huh? It doesn’t feel half-bad. Right, okay; you stay there doing that. I’m gonna get back to the other listeners. Alright, I’ll see you in a bit. Okay, this is a little bit meta if you’re new but this is actually what I try do to with every intro, is take that part of you or maybe for you it’s something different and say hey, what if we do this for a little while? I’m gonna talk; I’m not gonna get to the point for twelve to eighteen minutes of trying to introduce the podcast and tell you don’t really need to listen or feel pressure to fall asleep. I’m your bud; your bore-bud, your bore-bae, your bore-sib, your bore-cuz. But you’re standing around, barely doing nothing, buddy, and I’m here to take your mind off of stuff and stand at your side when you need it or say hey, it’s okay. Just go ahead and…you could slack your jaw or you could purse your lips and you say huh, I don’t know, I’m not doing nothing. I guess I’m doing something, but yeah. That’s the je ne sais quoi I guess, ‘cause I can’t say that Terror word, or I don’t know how to say it, with wine. I don’t know, ambiance might be another quite…not-quite-there version of it. I’m here to do that for you, to take your mind off stuff and then ideally, you just slip away. Just like that other part of my brain that I just tried to comfort and say hey, why don’t you do some barely standing around and see how it goes? They say okay, maybe I will. That’s the podcast. That’s the intro which we’re right at the end of now. Then I’m gonna talk about the Mandalorian in a boring way. Not a boring show but my coverage of it you say huh, I don’t remember that from the episode. You’d say yeah, that’s interesting. What did Scoots talk about, about Episode 8? I don’t know; I thought he was talking about Episode 5. That happens. People say are you sure you were talking about season two of Mandalorian? I’d say this was made before that existed, so could have been. I’m here to keep you company as you drift off. That’s the main thing. The reason I make this show is ‘cause I’ve been there, clearly. You heard that. There’s a part of me that says well, you just enjoy…you’re not enjoying yourself? Oh boy, better get doing something. I want to create space for you to relax, to unwind, and to sink into bed because I truly believe you deserve a good night’s sleep and I’m here to help you if I can. Like I said, I can’t help everybody but I hope I can help to dial it down for you so you can drift away. I want you to know I work very, very hard on this show because I yearn and I strive to help you fall asleep. I appreciate you coming by and here’s a couple ways we’re able to keep this podcast free for everybody.
Alright everybody, Scoots here and we’re talking about the last episode of season one, Chapter 8. Not Episode 8; it’s Chapter 8 because I was gonna say Episode 8. I was also gonna say buddy but then I realized I was talking to myself and that’s probably not appropriate to call myself buddy. We’re talking about Chapter 8. We’ll get to the title of it. It starts with the…previously on the Mandalorian…we got a little Greef, we got a little Werner. We got some Cara Dune. I thought it was the sand dune at first ‘cause I just put dune. We got the covert; we got the grouchy Mandalorians and then the grouchy one. A little showdown, relocation. This is the way, which either someone said it or reminded me of so shall we all but it’s really say we all after I Googled it. The whole series, they weren’t saying so shall we all. They probably knew it at the time but we’ll talk about that maybe later. Crew sequence, gathering the crew. That droid…client Werner out and the cliffhanger. Old…whoever, Moff Gideon saying it will be mine which reminded me of be mine which reminded me of those candy hearts. Speeder bike chase, post-comedy chat. That doesn’t make any sense. Oh, except it does. Really, this dialogue is really good. The Moff Gideon…what is that thing, anyway? I don’t even know who’s doing the voices but it’s some amazing writing. Slow it down. I don’t know, it's really funny, well-written dialogue, I guess. I don’t know what else I’m trying to say; and body language and acting. Can I see it? Do you get the point? Not good. Also, neither one of them has good…neither one of these are top…would be top in their class at Speeder Bike Academy because they can’t aim. They’re doing spitballs. Also, there’s a spray paint ball sound effect I liked. Love the body language, how much they’re moving around. They say oh, could take a while. Don’t worry; I just want to see it. Serves you right. Then, we have the sound of the IG unit, old nurse droid…new nurse droid, I guess, IG unit making two steps. Step one, step two, I’m on-screen. The IG unit says some stuff. I guess I have closed-captioning turned off here. Let’s fix that. Let’s remedy that, holy. Closed-captioning, Trooper One and Trooper Two; they’re not in the Koopa Troopers. They’re no Koopa Troopers, I’ll tell you that much even though they are in shells. They say well actually, Scoots, we’re in shells. We’re not really much like Koopa Troopers. We’re not incredibly effective. I say okay, well, things I didn’t realize; how much the two of you are like Koopa Troopers. Also Scoots, I don’t think they’re called Koopa Troopers. I’d say so shall we all make mistakes just like a human does. Just buying time as we wait for the IG unit to…oh, there’s also Fish quotes. Just stuff it in my [00:20:00] sack, they say. I think they say something a little bit different but they said oh, that’s like a Fish song. Get outta here. Then the IG unit takes over. They say get outta here and the IG unit says are you refusing my request to take over the baby? I’m gonna take the baby with me. It’s my charge. Then the IG unit says…’cause the IG unit has to send the troopers back to school so it says to baby Oh-so, sorry you had to see that. One speeder bike remains. Then IG unit gets on the speeder bike and Oh-so and the IG unit are out. That was unpleasant, sorry you had to see that. Then we have the title called Chapter 8: The Redemption. Then there’s a showdown, a slow-rising camera behind Gideon. There’s lots of shots; a series of shots, as I like to say, of faces and zooms on Gideon. We get everybody’s face so we know okay wait, we’ve still got Mando, Cara Dune, Greef Karga, Reef Karga, whatever Scoots is gonna call him. I don’t know about a lot about how the sun works on this planet but the sun…feels like it must be winter because of the way the sunlight is. Talk about the sewers, yeah, sewers are good. Who wouldn’t agree? What are they waiting for? I think that was my note. Then I guess we realized what it is within a minute. There was some confusing things but we don’t know Moff Gideon’s full…we don’t know everything about motivations. Okay, let’s get outta here. They try to get into the sewer; that doesn’t work. They’re setting up an EKE web which is an e-cam. They say let’s get this sewer vent; they’re trying to boot up this e-cam. That’s a call recorder; e-cam call recorder. Some podcasters use that for interviews and they say we’re gonna record all your calls. You gotta put on a podcast or you could come join the Moff Gideon; give up. They say neither. We’re gonna try to get outta here but they can’t get the sewer grate open. Then we’ve got some good dialogue; your astute panic. I love that term. Astute panic suggests you understand your situation. I’d rather not do this so I encourage a moment of consideration. He says we got this e-cam call recorder. Carasynthia. Carasynthia’s. The Cara is with a C; the Synthia is with an S. Carasynthia Dune of Alderaan who knows our old model and Din Djarin; D-I-N D-J-A-R-I-N, a Mandalorian who’s familiar with A Thousand Tears, and disgraced magistrate. Really good vocabulary words. Greef Karga’s unceremonious…search the wisdom of your years…something about unceremonious. Let’s see. Come outside and you know, work for me or you’ll have to make a podcast, or we’ll figure something outside. Oh yeah, unceremonious end. We get some great action from Greef. He says what do you propose? They say negotiation. Parents went away on a week’s vacation. What assurance do you offer? He says you can’t trust me; I’m motivated by my own self interests. I’ll act in my self-interest. I’ll give you ‘til nightfall. They said why are they waiting? He says for your entertainment, Scoots, believe it or not. That’s polite of them. They also don’t get…there’s a lot…I don’t know if these are all tucked in here as like, nods and inside jokes but I think they are. One, they use a term mind-player. I said isn’t that what it was called at the Odder Things podcast about Emmett Odder that took place in the 80s from the Duffer Brothers? They used that term but maybe that’s an old Star Wars term. I don’t know. Mandalorian says I know who he is; Moff Gideon. Knew him as a lad or something. He says he’s no good. Everybody says that he knew my name. Then Greef doesn’t know that Mandalorian’s a way of life…not a…it’s a creed. I wasn’t born on Mandalore. It’s a creed. Then we get a flashback, droids or bots. That was something that I didn’t look at but I said okay, there’s droids and there’s bots but it reminded me of that TV show BattleBots. Then built a hideout, lot of maroon-to-wine colored robes, Mandalorian rescue. That Mandalorian has an antenna. Uses the take-my-hand motion to Din Djarin. Almost everybody had a jetpack. The Mandalorian comes back and that’s how I know him. He goes but this is the thing; the child must have got away because why…if he answers my question from earlier, why are they waiting around? The child got away. Greef does a shot of Spatzka ‘cause you can tell it’s Spatzka when it has glow cubes, blue glow cubes. Then the phone rings; it’s Oh-so. They’re not recording the call. Then IG-88 says Kuiil’s out. Mando’s not happy about that. He says I’ve gotta follow my base function. Mando goes, what? He goes, to nurse and protect which reminded me of Robo Cop whose primary function was to serve and protect. Then we get some action going. Also, Greef has more Spatzka, there’s building music as the IG heads into town, really doing some work. Jumps off his bike at some point. It’s on. The IG unit says it’s on to the break of dawn, or to dusk in this case. He says let’s dance; we’re not making any podcasts here with e-cam call recorder. They say are you sure it’s not the e-cam? I said I don’t know. The e-web, according to…officially, Cara hides out. Mando’s outside with the IG unit. He gets the e-web, the e-cam. Moff Gideon takes out the e-web call recorder. Also, Mandalorian, he takes out. Mandalorian gets a time-out. They go back in, they go jeez, this is our only way out. Cara’s cradling Mando. Try to remove the grate. Greef says I love IG units ‘cause the IG unit has…what is that thing called? What is that called where you cut metal? Thingamajig with heat? He gets on that. Let’s see, move the grate, I love IG units, but Mando’s bell is rung. He says go bye-bye without me. Cara says let’s take your helmet off, get you some air. He goes no, no, no. Then they’re trying to figure it out; this is when everything goes wild. A special trooper comes in, former storm trooper with stripes and it’s a skunk trooper which we’ve never seen. In all my days of Star Wars, I never associated…would have never thought but the brilliance of whoever ran the empire, or Moff Gideon, it’s a skunk trooper. Just like you think, I said holy Pepé Le Pew, that is not a cat; it’s a skunk trooper, a trooper with a skunk-based distributor. They say well, this is it. Mando says just get outta here. This is the way. Leave me behind, I’ll deal with the stinky trooper. What happens is, the skunk trooper tries to do some skunking, like lay down the old skunk spray, and baby Oh-so says you think you…we’ve never seen that baby Oh-so wears a diaper, also fifty years old. I’m not sure. Baby Oh-so looks like a…we don’t know. We don’t know. Baby Oh-so says in this case, I don’t know if it was baby Oh-so’s diaper, but baby Oh-so says I have a stinky diaper and throws the diaper at the skunk trooper, into the skunk spray which rebounds with the diaper on the skunk trooper. Much like when Koa got skunked, it made it like…that’s when [00:30:00] dogs run away. They don’t like it. Know who else doesn’t like it? Their owners. Then Oh-so has to lie down to rest, of course, ‘cause that’s overwhelming. Then the great…the IG unit gets his great…gets the grate open, the sewer grate. Mando says go without me; leave me behind. They say no, no, no. He says take the baby. I’ll stay. Take Oh-so. Do it. Do what? Oh, that’s not yet. He finally convinces Cara Dune and Greef Karga to go without him. The IG unit says don’t worry about it; I’ll take care of the Mandalorian. But the Mandalorian actually doesn’t like skunk smell so he’s kind of beside himself. This is a couple of heartfelt moments…again, this level of writing is just…the dialogue writing here, I mean, everything came together, in my opinion. He says do it and the IG unit says do what? He says just full skunk me, man. Leave me behind and I’ll be a stinkeroonie. The IG unit says no, no, no, I’m a nurse droid. I’m not a hunter or a stinker. I’m not a leave-time smoker, you know? Not a lover on the run; I’m a nurse droid. He says I’ve gotta take off your helmet though, ‘cause you can’t have…I gotta put this mix on you. It’s whatever I did when Koa got sprayed. Maybe…I can’t remember. I looked it up on the internet but maybe some sort of soap and hydrogen peroxide mixed together. But don’t take my word for it. This is an IG unit. He says this’ll get the skunk smell right off you. It’s Bacta spray, kind of like triple-A ointment in this thing. But he says I’ve gotta take your helmet off. The Mandalorian says you can’t do it; it’s not the way. He says…the IG unit says I’m not a living thing. Then he says hello handsome; he takes off that helmet. Whoa. Then he does the thing, the triple-A spray for the skunk smell. Then he talks about a central processing unit. He’s like, I made a joke. They go down the halls below in the sewer and the IG unit…everybody’s like, is Mando coming? He comes, he’s got his head-lamp on. Then they’re lost. They say where are we going? Mando goes no, no, no, I usually come in through the bazaar. I have no idea where we are. Greef says let’s follow the river. Mando says we need the Mandalorians. They’ll escort us outta here. I’ll just try to find their tracks. He does the old thermal imaging thing. Oh, they’re close. But then we find that they left all their armor behind. He says oh dear; Mando goes down to his knees. Oh, no. Then they say let’s go. He goes, I can’t leave. Then he gets mad. These are very typical reactions; he gets mad at Greef. Did you do this? He goes no. Mando goes are you sure about this? You made Mandalorians take off their helmets? Then the armorer; she appears. She’s says it’s not his fault. She goes actually, no offense, but she goes we revealed ourselves and then the Imperials had to deal with it. Mandalorian says oh no. She goes, I have to salvage what remains. It’s a really nice term; salvage what remains. Then he’ll come with us. Oh no, they say come with us; she says no, I have to salvage what remains. They go into the armored temple. She’s melting down armor. Then we have another great and small moment. She says show me the one that caused all this hasslepoo. You actually got to read this dialogue ‘cause it’s so good, too. Mercenaries, covert, this is what resulted…I’m just getting caught up here. Show me the one who deemed this…to whose safety had this fallout. Then she sees Oh-so cute; she says oh boy. She goes, this is the one that you saved? He goes, yeah, the one that saved me as well. The mudhorn, eh? Yep, yep, yep-siree. She goes yeah, doesn’t look…he goes yeah, it’s not helpless, I’ll tell you that much. It can move objects with its mind. Armorer says I know such things. Mandalore the Great dealt with these wizards named Jedi, or sorcerers named Jedi. He goes, it’s an enemy? She goes no, no, no, this one isn’t an enemy. It’s a foundling. It’s in your care. She says basically, you’ve got to reunite it with its own kind. This Mandalorian goes, no. She goes this is the way, buddy. That’s your job. He goes huh, really. Interesting. But she’s working on something the whole time so it’s not…he goes, what if it’s a bunch of wizards that don’t like me? She goes, this is the way. Deal with it. That gymnast would say deal with it, dude. They say what about a plan to get outta here? She goes underground descending tunnel, underground river, downstream to the lava flats. She goes, you must go. Foundling’s in your care by creed. This is a few different times and the links get even deeper. She goes, by creed until it’s united with its own kind or it becomes of age, it’s in your care. You’re its father. Cara Dune makes a face at that; so does Oh-so. Papa? That’s when she says this is the way. She goes by the way, congrats, you got your signet. Let me put it on you here because I just made it and that’s what kind of craftsperson I am. I can do three things at once. She goes, you’re a clan of two. Congrats. Mandalorian says thank you, I will wear this with honor. Then we hear people coming. I think she sends the IG unit to deal with it. Storm troopers. They say we gotta get outta here. Oh, scouting party. Then the IG unit says Cara, watch the baby. I’ll go deal with them. Then she says one more gift for you, Mandalorian, Rising Phoenix. You know it? He goes yeah, I tried it as a kid. She goes, this will make you complete. It’s a jetpack. He says thank you. She goes when you’re healed, start your drills but don’t go flying right away. He goes okay, I understand. This will make you complete the drills. Then they go why don’t you come with us? She goes, my place is here but more are coming. Then she says Din Djarin, restock your munitions. Or maybe she says IG unit, carry this backpack, then hit the road. They say thank you. Then there’s great music, holy moly. Then the armorer…we get a great scene with the armorer dealing with some storm troopers. Really great moves. Then we have a lava river and a skiff with a ferry droid who’s not functioning currently, but some cool lava. The thing is kind of stuck and Cara Dune has to do it…but I put thirty-three minutes here so let’s see what this is. Must be something else of significance; maybe another Creed joke. Oh, probably, ‘cause there’s more than one link to Creed from the…Apollo Creed and then the movie’s Creed. Okay, they’re trying to get the boat moving. Push it, come on. The Mandalorian kicks it. Cara Dune uses her brain first to get it loose and then she says common sense, guys, what the heck? She goes, it’s lava. You just gotta re-melt it or knock it loose. Good job. Watch your feet; it’s molten lava, by the way. She goes, no kidding. I think that’s what it was, that joke. Droid wakes up; it’s a R2 unit. Molten lava, no kidding. Get to work, droid, moving us. First, they have trouble…anyone here speak droid? A little more comedy. Then oh, Greef Karga raises his voice. Instead of saying oh, I speak droid, he just talks louder and he says take us downriver. Then they go down. We also see these lava otters. They’re otters with red eyes, [00:40:00] like a river otter but a lava otter. Then they say oh boy, we’re free. They say come on, Greef, give me a break, man, don’t you know anything about the structure of stories? You’re not free yet. We got two more challenges in the next eight minutes. Mandalorian goes no, there’s a bunch of them waiting for us down there, a platoon. Then they say stop the boat. They just said it would float down there. They say droid…Cara loses her temper; she says droid, stop the boat, I’m talking to you. Greef says you’ve gotta raise your voice and talk really loud. Still moving, unacceptable. Looks like we’ll have to deal with them. Too many. The IG unit says this an unacceptable outcome. I’ll deal with it and you can get away. Mandalorian says not possible. IG unit says not my objective. Security protocols from my manufacturer, remember? It can’t be compromised. Mandalorian kinda says no and then IG unit says yeah, this is the only choice. I can no longer carry this for you, your jetpack, or watch over the child. Mandalorian says isn’t that your job? Your base command supersedes your protocols. IG unit says yeah but you just have to give me permission that you’re gonna watch the kid that’s now your child, baby Oh-so, and then I can save the day. The child, he says we need you. The IG unit says victory through combat is impossible. Wisdom of droids is telling me you’re gonna watch over the child and I can do it. Tell me the child will be safe in your care. Again, in a pinnacle moment, just enough comedy, he says there’s nothing to be sad about; I’ve never been alive. I mean, really touching. This is not the comedy part. That was the touching part. That’s at 35:55 and the Mandalorian says I’m not sad. The IG unit says yes, you are. I’m a nurse droid. Just to write him out. I don’t know how they…then he walks through lava, heads out, tells the storm troopers hey, by the way, my manufacturer’s protocol makes you all go bye-bye. They’re all out. Then the skiff comes out of the thing and Greef Karga is once again too-soon Greef. That was his nickname. That’s why they call him Greef Karga, ‘cause they said every time you think things are going good, then they’re not ‘cause he says we’re good, hooray, and then a TIE fighter comes with Gideon. Then we see Gideon misses on his first pass and at 37:50, again, he says hey, let’s make the baby do the magic hand…this I cracked up, too, but he says make the baby do the magic hand thing. Hey baby, do the magic hand thing. Then Cara has a look and then the baby does something funny. Then they say jeez, I’m out of ideas. The Mandalorian says I’m not; he says I got a jetpack. Then he tags along with the Mandalorian, he holds onto the ship. He uses his restocked munitions to say bye-bye Gideon and your TIE fighter. Then the Mandalorian lands with his jetpack. He’s pretty good; he’s like, a natural jetpacker. Must have had good drills as a kid. Then we get some more good dialogue that I wanted to mention. Impressive, Mando. Very impressive; that’s what Greef says. Your guild rates are up. Sun’s going down now. Cara says I think we cleaned this place up. I’m gonna stay around, though. Oh-so’s not so sure. They say why are we gonna stay here? Greef says Navarro’s a great planet; no more scum and villainy, very respectable. Just some typical Star Wars humor in good way ‘cause some of my favorite people are bounty hunters. Maybe Cara will join my ranks. She goes, I gotta get my chain code cleaned up. He goes, if you work with me, no doubt about it, I’ll clean that up. Clerical concerns are the least of your worries. Mando, you’re welcome back with open arms. Oh-so’s watching this; he said go off, have a good time. Then you’ll have your pick of quarries. Mando goes, he picks up his baby Oh-so, the child. He says yeah, I got more pressing matters at hand. Everybody wants to touch Oh-so’s ears, which she does. Take care of the little one. Then Greef touches Mando’s ear…I mean, not Mando’s ears. They say take care, man. Mando walks off, not into the sunset. Then he flies off with Oh-so who looks after Greef and Cara, who look after him. More pressing matters. Music on you. Mando jets out, Oh-so eyes. Then we say goodbye to Kuiil. Goodbye. Sun’s getting even lower. Then we’re back on the ship. Mando puts Oh-so in his basket. By the way, there’s another…if you’re looking for another second floating pram, it’s in Werner Herzog’s office, another one even better made. Then he notices Oh-so sucking on his Mandalorian necklace. It’s in his mouth and around his neck. He says hang onto that, kid. The music is just so good. We will walk about that. They take off. Then we see Cara and Greef walking. We see the ship in the sky. Old whatever ship it was called that I forgot, forgot the name of the ship. I was hoping I would jog it out of my brain but yeah, not coming. Then we get a wait-a-second thing, because as the camera pans to the left, we see the TIE fighter. There’s Jawas on it but it’s still somewhat intact. That’s Moff Gideon’s. Then we see this laser knife, not a lightsaber but something similar, and it glows. He gets out of his ship holding this sword, laser-saber, I’d call it. He climbs up high, looks around, like pride. Also, he does a lot of glaring. The episode ends; I believe it ended with thirteen, to twelve to fourteen paintings but you know, somewhere between twelve and fourteen but I could be wrong. That was the episode. Now, let’s do some quick coverage here of some stuff from the episode, am I right or am I right? Okay, so the most important thing is…I don’t read anything about the critical response because…or critical opinions of the show just because I don’t want to mix myself up but I can imagine that the music has been getting accolades. Ludwig Göransson is the…and I may be pronouncing that incorrectly, is the Swedish composer, conductor, and record producer. You may have heard of him before because he’s got quite a body of work but really, I mean, I don’t even know what to say about…I’d love to watch some extras about the music on this series because I don’t think I can say enough about the use of music and sound effects. If you’ve seen any Ryan Coogler movies…so, Fruitvale Station, Black Panther, Creed, and Creed 2. Just talk about a small world; it’s just funny. Donald Glover, Childish Gambino, Kendrick Lamar, Chance the Rapper. Community, Happy Endings, New Girl. Collaborated with Childish Gambino, produced This Is America. Originally from Sweden, film and TV composer, worked with a fellow USC graduate Ryan Coogler who’s from Oaktown on Fruitvale Station, then signed a deal with Jay-Z’s Rock Nation as a composer. [00:50:00] Worked on the movie We’re the Millers, then worked on Creed, then worked on Black Panther. I’m sure in between tons and tons of stuff. I’m just running through what I have here in front of me. Also, Trolls World Tour, so maybe he’s even worked with, in some sense, the Goof Boys. Who knows? Which would then circle back to Lynn. He worked on Community with Donald Glover, the likes of Dan Harmon, just like, talk about cool. Wow. But all that aside, holy moly, the music on this show. Yeah, you should have just…like I said, well, I mean…it’s a huge part of Star Wars and most things but this was not John William’s music, even stylistically. I guess you can’t say oh, better or…you don’t compare it that way. It was just brilliant. I can’t say enough about it. Okay, let’s get some SAT words; covert. C-O-V-E-R-T. Not openly practiced, devout, or engaged and accumulated or shown, cover over, sheltered. That was the case in this episode, or a covered place, a hideout, a thick underbrush. That’s covert. Also concealed. That’s one word may come up. About so shall we all; it’s actually so say we all and that was a phrase in the TV show Battlestar Galactica. But it’s also the name of the unofficial…complete uncensored oral history of Battlestar Galactica. I found this review of the book on tor.com by Ryan Britt from August 21, 2018. A lot of this is paraphrasing, that a lot of behind-the-scenes books show the flashy sides or about the stuff behind-the-scenes. But Ed Gross and Mark A. Altman turned their journalistic sensibilities into the real story behind Battlestar Galactica and guess what? Turns out most of the people who worked with one another liked each other a lot. It’s easy to take one huge takeaway from So Say We All, that the struggles of both versions of Battlestar Galactica mirrored the premises of both series. The actors and writers face more adversity from without than within because of other things, outside forces trying to shut it down. That’s a book if you’re a Battlestar Galactica fan, sci-fi TV show fan, check out that book, So Say We All. Okay, aerosol paint, AKA spray paint. I looked that up because I said what about that thing in the spray paint can? It’s a type of paint, according to Wikipedia, a sealed, pressurized container, aerosol spray by depressing a valve. Leaves a smooth, evenly coated surface unless Scoots is doing it. Sometimes you can use primer. History-wise, 1949, Edward Seymour of Sycamore, Illinois added paint to an existing spray can technology at his wife Bonnie’s suggestion. It should be Bonnie who gets the credit, by the way. Got a patent for that in 1951. Many aerosol paints have a marble, metal, glass, or plastic ball called a pea, P-E-A, inside the can, used to mix the paint. This is very good for the paint to be transferred from one thing to another. I don’t understand that. It’s got a valve. It gets used everywhere but also unmistakable sound, the sound of that pea metal thing in the can. Okay, here’s another word for you students out there; astute. A-S-T-U-T-E, astute. As an adjective, it means quickly or critically discerning or shrewd, or crafty. This, according to Wiktionary. I guess that’s it. Anagrams…I can’t find…oh, statues. There’s another one. Statue astute. Here’s another one; magistrate. M-A-G-I-S-T-R-A-T-E, magistrate. These aren’t gonna win you the Strips Spelling Bee or get you a whatever, 2,000 on the SAT so it’ll help, you know. That’s all I’m looking to do. Magistrate is a judicial officer with limited authority to administer and enforce the laws. A high official, a comparable official or someone with a Master’s degree. Nothing great…anagram is sterigmata. Let’s just look up that word; S-T-E-R-I-G-M-A-T-A, sterigmata. Sterigmata, which is a plural of sterigmatum, which is…that might have gone down. It’s a thin projection of the basidium in those fungi that bear a basidiospore. Any of that is for the kids. Any of that you could look up. That one you’ll have to look up on your own if you want to win the spelling bee and have a perfect score on the SAT ‘cause that is beyond me. But you could just use the links and do some link filing. You could figure that out. Now, I know that there’s a TV show BattleBots but I was like…I watched BattleBots but I was a Robot Wars fan before BattleBots. It would be on late Sunday nights, the Craig Charles version. I guess Jeremy Clarkson was on one season, then Craig Charles was on six seasons. I didn’t watch it after…oh, there was a long break. Then I guess it got rebooted. It was a robot competition, British television from 1990 to 2004. That’s when I was watching it, at the end of the 90s, the beginning of late-night TV. Amateur and professional roboteers operating their own remote-controlled robots in an arena but there’s also obstacle courses and stuff. It was on BBC 2, then BBC Choice, then Channel 5. Then there was a revival. Jeremy Clarkson was in the first series and then Craig Charles, red dwarf Craig Charles, master man. He was so good. That’s what made the show for me. Then I had trouble transitioning to BattleBots. Not that I didn’t like it or everybody involved with that; it was just that Craig was so good. Then they did a US version, a Netherlands version. Yeah, so that was Robot Wars. BattleBots, now that did have Sklar Brothers at some point. Oh, Bill Nye was on it, Tim Green, Molly McGrath, Samantha Ponder, Carmen Electra. Oh, there’s the Sklars…that’s when I watched it, it was when the Sklars were on it. That was similar but that one was more just battles and robots having dance competitions. It was an offshoot of Robot Wars. Let’s see, oh, I guess there’s some partners…it was in, oh…I think I almost tried to go to it. There was one time 40,000 people watched the live stream in Long Beach. But yeah, it was pretty good. I just remember watching that one series with the Sklars but it looks like there was a lot of other ones. I probably saw some of the other ones as well. But yeah, that’s another thing I’ll link to. Let’s see, we got one last thing I’d like to…at some point, someone…Hold On came up, which is a Wilson Phillips song from 1990 and the debut album Wilson Phillips. It got Song of the Year. Oh no, lost to From a Distance by Julie Gold and performed by Bette Midler. What are you gonna do? It became their first Number One single in 1990. Hold On peaked in the UK. Just a song, everybody. I don’t want to go too deep into it. Then finally, before we say goodnight, here’s Wendy Marshtrap. [01:00:00] Hey everybody, it’s me, Wendy Marshtrap, your favorite traveler from Star Wars, letting you know places you can go other than when you go on star tours of those theme parks. If you really want to go to Star Wars here’s a fun place for you to visit. I’m here with my dewback Dewy telling you to check out Alderaan which is a planet in Star Wars. It’s blue-green and it’s a terrestrial planet. Carasynthia Dune is from there. Mostly humanoid inhabitants. Also, the home planet of Princess Leia, by the way. Now, you do need a time machine if you want to go…either way, it was a long time ago. Don’t worry about if you’re a real Star Wars fan; you might say what, what, what. But you could still visit it because the only way to visit it is through fan fiction fantasy machine. Its population peaked to around two billion and a lot of stuff going into it. But I just want you to know that it’s beautiful, it has beautiful lakes. A bit like people say…you know George Clooney goes to Lake Como. Well, there’s Lake Dune in Alderaan which is beautiful. You should think about visiting there. There’s also mountains and snow so if you like snow stuff, you could go there. That’s just a few ways that you could visit Alderaan. Check it out. Go visit it, enjoy it. Alderaan. This is Dewy dewback. No, this is Wendy Marshtrap and Dewy the dewback saying visit some stuff in Star Wars. Goodnight.