744 – “It Makes a Sound” Pinball
A sleepy story of a tribute of to the “It Makes a Sound” podcast, in pinball form.
(You can find all of our sponsors or become a patron on our website http://www.sleepwithmepodcast.com story starts at about 18:00)
It Makes a Sound – http://www.nightvalepresents.com/itmakesasound/
It Makes a Sound Logo by Dave Watt
On Patreon – https://www.patreon.com/posts/album-liner-24335076
WIM FAROS: The Attic Tape – http://www.nightvalepresents.com/itmakesasound/
Featuring Jacquelyn Landgraf as Deirdre Gardner, and the voices of Annie Golden, Nate Weida, Melissa Mahoney, and Siobhan Fallon
Written and Co-Directed by Jacquelyn Landgraf, Co-Directed by Anya Saffir, Music composed by Nate Weida, Sound Design and Engineering by Vincent Cacchione, Logo by Dave Watt
The first season of It Makes A Sound tells the story of a ragtag group of neighbors who, after a cassette player destroys the only known of recording of local legend Wim Faros, set out to recreate his music from memory. The music in the show – original songs by show creator Jacqueline Landgraf and musical collaborator Nate Weida – were originally just sketches of what the songs could sound like.
Throughout season one, dedicated fans of the show asked for an album. Instead of releasing the songs as they existed in the show, Landgraf and Weida worked with producer Vincent Cacchione to create fully-realized versions of the songs, to be released as a proper album. Their finished work, titled The Attic Tape, will be available via Bandcamp and iTunes later this January.
The album also features the voices of cast members Annie Golden (Hair, Orange Is the New Black) and Melissa Mahoney (
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Transcript of Episode
Ladies and gentlemen, boys and girls, and friends beyond the binary, hey patrons, it's me, the dulcets are extra creaky right now. It's creaky dulcet season and it's why. But, it's time for sleep with me, the podcast you make possible, thanks patrons. All right, hey everybody, so today's episode is a crossover or a tribute episode, more of a tribute episode to the podcast it makes a sound and to new album Wim Faros: The Attic Tape that just came out as I'm recording this. And, if you haven't listened to it makes a sound, just open up your podcast app and search, it makes a sound and subscribe and listen. You can check out everything about the album and the podcast over at nighvalepresents.com, and just click on it makes a sound.
Now, it turns out this podcast is fiction. When I first listened to it, so my mind is gobbling blown, but the first season it makes us sound told the story of Deirdre and her rag tag group of people. You'll find out a lot more about it in this episode, but you'll find out more by listening to the podcast. They had the only known recording of this local legendary musician Wim Faros in a cassette tape of boombox destroyed that recording. And, there's a beautiful journey of them sending out to recreate the music from memory, the music from the show and the music and the album that just came out was written by Jacqueline Landgraf, the creator of it makes a sound and the writer of it. And Nate Weida, the musical collaborator.
And then, they worked to create this fully realized album with Vincent Cacchione, and that's resulting of the attic tape, which we'll talk about on the episode here. And, it's available on Bandcamp and on iTunes, it also features the cast members, Annie Golden who's been in here, Orange is New Black, she played Norma. She was in the '70s, New York Band of the Shirts. Melissa Mahoney, who … Well, I don't want to ruin everything by over describing it, because if you haven't listened to the podcast, you're in for a treat. The album is funded directly through listener support on Patreon and supporters on Patreon got the digital album. And then, the most dedicated supporters are going to get actual physical cassette tape. So, I just want to give you a heads up while I have you here. Subscribe to it makes a sound, you just roll over. You don't even have to stop or you don't even pause the podcast while it's going.
Hey, are you up all night, tossing, turning, mind racing, trouble at getting to sleep, trouble staying asleep, well welcome. And, this is Sleep With Me, the podcast that put's you to sleep. We do it with a bedtime story, all you need to do is get in bed, turn out the lights and press play, and they do the rest. What I'm going to attempt to do is create a safe place where you could set aside whatever is keeping you awake, whether it's thoughts, feelings, physical sensations, stuff you're thinking about, physical sensations, stuff in your body, emotional things coming to the surface or below the surface, whatever's keeping you awake. It could be travel, it could be temperature or thoughts about any of that stuff. It could be anything.
I'm here to keep you company and take your mind off that. So, I guess this is a safe place here, making plenty of room, [inaudible 00:03:57] and I'm rubbing it down, I'm saying safe place and what … Okay, what am I going to do? Oh, I'm going to send my voice across the deep dark night. I'm going to use a lulling, soothing, creaky dulcet tones, spotless meanders, superfluous tangents, extra stuff. I'm going to go off topic. I'm going to bounce around, I'm going to be like a slow motion pinball machine particularly tonight because that's where this crossover happens at the unveiling of a pinball machine. You might even know what a pinball machine, so I'll even fill you in on that, and that's super bored because it's actually sleep podcast. So, if you're new, here's a couple of things. I'm here to keep you company in the deep dark night because I've been there. But, the show is very different than anything normally is. It's outside the norm, because but just to design the show.
So, I wanted to give you a heads up and make sure you feel extra welcome and cozy, because of course you're skeptical if you're new, you say, what is this thing? I don't … Of course you don't get it, of course I can be mildly … You'd say, I'm not sure about this. Okay, that's cool. I'm glad you're here because I'm just here to help and its totally optional thing. So, let me give you a little bit of extra information, so I guess that was my point. So, the show, we were all told this about an hour and here's the structure of the show because it's a slow moving show like when you put … Okay, not everybody's played games, video games in arcades anymore. But, maybe everybody's familiar with vending machines, and it's a start, because this podcast can start out with dealing with the initial exchange if you're dealing with actual currency in a vending machine where it says take that coin or not, is it going to spit that dollar back out?
So, this show, I don't know what those two things that have to do with each other actually, I was hoping to get a metaphor out of there. And now, I'm just waiting, I'm just waiting to see before, that's what I'm trying to get to. We're trying to get that before. Okay. I'll just wait. I think it took my money, so the show starts off structurally here. Here's a couple of things, show starts off with a few minutes of business, and that's how we keep 300 high quality episodes going. It's the business at the top of the show there.
It's in there, it's an intro to the show. Now, normal intros is about two or three minutes. This show has intro that really is in some sense magical in the illusion sense. It's stretched out and long to help ease you in the bed time. And, it's also like a multi use intro. So, it takes me somewhere between 11 and 18 minutes to explain that this is a podcast to keep you company while you fall asleep. And, the reason it takes so long, is long term listeners seem to like it, but because you could also skip it. You could say, well, I'd rather just get to the part with the, it makes a sound, a pinball machine or whatever you're teasing here story. It's okay you could skip it ahead about 18 minutes, it'll start there.
But yeah, the intro is kind of a ease you into bedtime, get you comfortable. It gets you, if you're new to say, well, okay, let me try to explain this podcast and I'm not trying to confuse you even more, but that ends up being the results, and then you could fall asleep. So, some listeners fall asleep during the intro, some listeners, they wind down or it's part of their routine as they're getting ready for bed. Some listeners skip it, and then more and more people here, they also listen during the day for a different kind of wind down, during the day wind down. So, there's really no wrong way to use it. Initially see how it goes, test it out. And, most listeners say, it took two or three tries before I understood that the podcast it's incomprehensible in a positive way. Ideally that would be the ideal.
So, the structure of the show. So, there's the intro that I'm explaining and I've been explaining for four minutes, then there's some business between the intro and the show, and then there's the story part, which tonight will be talking about, it makes a sound in pinball enthusiast I met who made dedicated a pinball machine to it makes a bespoke pinball, we'll get to it, and that'll be about 45, 55 minutes. And, there's some thank you at the end of the show. So, it's the structure of the show.
Here's the other thing. So, this the kind of podcasts where listening is optional. If you choose to listen or you can't fall asleep, that's the main reason why it's optional. I promise it will be mild and meandering, have superfluous tangents and me getting mixed up, and then filler words, corny jokes, goof, being a goof and that kind of stuff. Friendly banter of course. Oh man, shit, I love it when you bring up friendly banter. You got me, I don't know, that was my attempts at friendly banter. You got me there. That wasn't friendly banter, you totally bantered me and I fail banter fail. Oh, if only laid it ahead.
So, what was I saying? Oh, you don't need to listen to me, but you can, so you could turn down the volume to whatever you're comfortable, or just listen in as I tune out. You say, okay, well, scooter isn't making a whole lot of sense here, and so it was a pleasant enough tone in every once in a while. I do like pleasant banter, so you don't need to listen, but there's also no pressure to fall asleep. The reason the shows are structured incomplete, and it has a long intro that's new every time. And then, a new story comes out twice a week is … And, the shows are over an hour, right around an hour, so you don't have any pressure to fall asleep. You got plenty of room, you have plenty of episodes ready to go as back up. I'm here as much to put you to sleep as in to keep you company while you fall asleep. Or, to be here to take your mind off of stuff if you can't sleep.
So, whatever one of those works for you tonight, that's the role I hope the podcast serves. And, I guess, I was trying to make a metaphor about pinball, which in some sense isn't too hard, because for me I like playing pinball, but by no means am I skilled at it. And, there are different ways to say I think there's a pinball rankings, but I play it for fun. I say, well, I like it, I more like it because the games, they're different than arcade games or video games. Usually, the better ones have some sort of story, and then they have a limited amount of things you can do, but the things you can't do, they're hard. Analyzing just attempt to do one thing, it causes another thing to happen. So, a bit like those, whatever those things are called where you say like Pee-wee Herman's kitchen or whatever, where you crack an egg, then it leaks and that makes the donut to go around, so that you get your breakfast on time. I forgot what those are called, but eventually I'll remember. Some kind of machine.
I don't know. So, I'm not good at it. And then, the ball's rolling, I find it soothing, and I find a fun. Sometimes I don't find it, I find it a little bit … It doesn't work for me. And, some days I say, wow. I guess I'm not consistently. Some days, I say, wow, I'm really nailing it here. Really feeling that left flipper. Oh, so pinball machine just in case, so there's arcade games which are like video games that you put quarters in or money, or now you go to these video game restaurants or pubs or museums and play them. And, the pinball machines are the ones that actually are physical machines. So, they usually have a ball in there, and you flick it with flippers and stuff.
So, yeah, very sleepy stuff. I mean, when you say, what are the top 10 sleepy things in the world? Oh, pinball machines for sure. Yeah. If you slow it down, the rolling of a ball, and in this case it's more steeped in this person's interest in Fandom. I always find Fandom very soothing, and the depth of details that absorbed fans and what they fixate on. So, that's really what tonight's story will be about, is a fan of pinball and it makes a sound. But, if your new the podcast is here to keep you company while you fall asleep, it's that simple because I have trouble sleeping and when I do it's tough to break up whatever it is. If that mechanism that starts grinding or churning, and then you say you go from it being a benign thing where you say, well, I just want to get to sleep to being more aggravating I guess. And, not to use an intense word, but that's pretty low in the intensity meter.
So, I mean the main thing is if you're new, give it a few tries. That's what everybody says that listens. I'm working on a version of website. So, if the show doesn't work for you or you're listening right now and you're like, oh no, I don't think I like this podcast. So, you'd go to … But, if you still want some help, sleepwithmepodcast.com/no thanks, or no thank you. Either one should work. Eventually when they get around to making it, and I'll give you some other resources to check out to sleep too, because I've been there even at this podcast because it doesn't work for everybody. So, those are some options.
I mean, the main message is I really appreciate your time in checking the show out, and I really hope I can help you fall asleep and thanks again for coming by. And, here's a couple of ways we keep the show going. All right, so everybody, this is a kind of interesting tribute to it makes a sound, the podcast which you can listen to. And, if you're still with me, just open your podcast app, subscribe. It's a very bingeable podcast if you're into that. Listen to the first three or four episodes and keep listening. Just to recap though, it makes it sound, is a story about a rag tag group of neighbors led by Deirdre, who are in search of a music. They have a cassette of Wim Faros' only concert in known existence of brilliant Wim Faros.
And, they set out after that cassette tape as … Well, I can't say like … So, that's the journey of the show. I was going to tell you more, maybe I did at the beginning, but they took the music from the journey of the podcast. Those are songs by the writer and creator of the podcast, Jacqueline Landgraf and collaborator Nate Weida. And, they sketched out the songs and then made an album. So now, you check out the podcast, you can check out Wim Faros: The Attic Tape, and you could do all of that at nightvalepresents.com, and then click on it makes a sound. And, how to subscribe to the podcast, how to become a patron of the podcast, and how to get the album, which you can also search in Apple music and stuff.
So, I had this interesting experience. So, I'm going to bring on actually such a creative person and they go by two pseudonyms. Bill and wimfan92, and they have a very interesting pasts that are of creation. They are artists, they are actually working artists, but they are a private artist. It's an interesting thing. Bill wimfan92 makes art for themselves and for patrons, individual patrons I believe. Oh no, it's just the patrons that just support Wim making this art, but okay. Different to patron, we're talking about whatever. One patron, but let's not get distracted as they usually do.
So, I just had a pinball museum, and I guess I'll let wimfan Bill talk about, because I don't want to out any other thing, but basically last times I joke about the word bespoke, but it also means hand made, hand crafted things. I guess this is different, but it applies in this case it's like you have pinball machines and those are not mass manufactured, but they're manufactured. They still are made, they're still popular and not as popular as they once were, but so they're made by companies. Now, what Bill does is Bill buys old pinball machines that are still working and strips all of the branding, or whatever the game once was or if it's already partially fade,d and Bill makes these one off games dedicated to other things.
So of course, because of the privacy, we don't even know the other games that Bill has made, but pretty rad. So, we connected over it makes a sound, that's a little short and long of it. And eventually, we talked and Bill said, it makes a sound of a pinball game and it makes it sound pinball. It would just be it makes a sound, but it's a pinball game. And again, I may not be using all because Bill's rolling Bill's eyes. But because of the nature of it, Bill says I will be able to see the game or play it, but Bill's going to go and record and Bill's going to take it over and describe the game to you.
So, I basically am doing the setup, but I think right Bill after you get to know my audience, you're totally going to let me get to play the game a few times because also Bill once the games played, and I think pictures are taken and given to the patrons who supported the creation of it, but it's like the game goes out of existence. So, it's like a temporary thing and Bill wants to know that. Bill did this before the whole bank shredding thing. But, I think there's a genre for artists that do that. I mean, talk about cutting edge arts, you're not gamifying art, your art for gamification or something. Okay. So, I better turn over Bill while I'm still trying to build this rapport. So, this is Bill wimfan92, Bill's going to walk you through, and believe me we did a rehearsal yesterday. It's going to be like a top of the line sleepy stuff, because Bill's like … We're two birds of a feather. So, without further ado, I'm going to turn it over to Bill here.
Hey everybody, my name's Bill and as scooter said, I'm here and thank you for having me. And, I'm going to describe to you, it makes a sound and one of the main things that … Scooter and I met at a pinball museum, and we bonded over the amazing journey of Deirdre and cody and Rod and mom, a journey of discovery that typically takes place on the podcast. This game is a nap super plot base, it's more of a tribute. But, we'll give away some things, but I don't think it'll spoil anything as you listened to Deirdre's journey and the rest of the family in abroad term, their pursuit of assembling the Wim Faros: The Attic Tape.
And so, but basically what scooter says is fairly accurate, I build a pinball machines and I'm not so much a mechanic as I am someone that takes a game and rebrands it or reimagines it. So, this is built on a previous game and that game remains a mystery too. And, one of the most important things for me is the first sound you would hear along with the art associated with it. So, the first sound when you pull the plunger is Deirdre saying it makes a sound. So, anytime you shoot the ball, you hear that. And that's the most powerful … It's a real point for me. It's the way the episode started. It's the way to game starts, because there's this enthusiasm and joy with just a tiny amount of … Because, you're thinking of the tree that falls in the forest so it makes a sound.
So, there's just a tiny amount of humanity, drips of humanity. I mean, there's a lot of humanity in there, but you know what I mean, especially if you listen to the podcasts. And, another thing I have, especially when I'm doing something that I very much care about in a soulful way, is I don't want to capture any images. The interesting thing about creating the pinball game and podcasting is even though pinball, you're physically there, it does involve a level of theater of the mind, even though it is a visual game, this particular game I have invested a lot of energy in. So, it also includes smells along with a lot of sounds from the game.
Some of the art on the sides of the game and the back, which would be the back panel art, usually the most impressive. And, those is art from when the mural and wims room with the octopus like Diane Sawyer, some of the images from Halloween with a blue pumpkin, and like a Biblic scooter. So, the wims mural is going to streaming out of the bedroom in some sense. So, you have the pizza phases of the moon, you can have the political stuff like Ross Perot. If it's scholar, scholar moldy stuff, it's got mulder and scully stuff, the squirrels. So, just a lot of stuff that is a mere tribute in my every imagination.
Then, we have something like, one of the sides of the games can have a tribute to a little bit about Deirdre and what we know, and mom and Rosemary Hill's in the background. The ideal thing is that your other side of the pale is like … Well, I guess I don't know if Rosemary Hills technically had a hay day, but so Rosemary Hills in its current state in the right side. And then, stuff like … Just stuff that came up with the newspaper article, patrol, grotto, the fence, the idea, the attic, the music boxes, the snow globes, a lot of the different candies that came up.
Just like cool stuff and some of that play field has some of that art too, and just stuff from the show, little cookies I try to do, so like glow sticks. Again, like the Koolaid, these are also going to be smells that come up, and I know I didn't like. But also, another thing is important to me is when the game … So, there's the art of the game and these are kind of weenee in a sense you originally to drawing then play the game that some people had a chance to stop and soak in and especially now with the unfocusing effects and the nostalges. I guess a neutral way to put it, people missed out on what they had.
And so, they appreciate it in a new different way. People will always see the past in a different way than it was, but it was a lot of cool art to take in, and it was tactile and stuff like that. So, there's the physical art, then there's when the game is not being played the sound art. So, a lot of that is like different sounds that were important to me. Like there's the hum of the light in the attic, there's wind sounds and I have them all cross faded, so and a long, very long, long randomized. It's not a loop, because it's digital equipment in there. As soon as like, mann shuffling the last stuff with mann, he kayaks, squawking, calling, baby monitor, turning on and off.
Definitely to zap it was the EAP of cody, the tape sound. Some of these are in game sounds. Someone using the clapper, even a little bit of a collaborate for the TV show, a beeper going off and different phrases Mom used, and in every once in a while, an instrumental will come like a piano or a Banjo, a tambourine, flute, sometimes co … Those will be cookies if you were actually just listening to the game. A lot of cody quotes and then calming voices of Deirdre and Mom I will like to have. So, just another thing that originally would have been to draw your interest to the game, becomes a part of the immersiveness of it, just in my opinion, and again, I'm not actually …
I try not to use any pinball jargon because I'm not a pinball mechanic. I'm just someone that says, huh, this was something I've been doing for a long time, I did it a few times and then someone heard about it even though I tried to tell them not tell anybody. And then, I was lucky enough that some individuals that were in a position to do so financially said, we'll just pay you to keep doing this and we're not … We're supporting your art and our appreciation of your art nap public arts. And, I know very few artists who get to achieve, and as scooter does it, we've been in a more spread out in public way. But, a lot of times it comes up like when scooter say, well, how can you afford to do this? And I say, well, I'm lucky, but just because … I don't know. Like he said, make it sleepy, so you had to answer these basic questions.
So, that's everything. So, I will get into the next part the rest of the episode on me kind of being, covering, playing the game. And, I'm just trying to think of anything else that would be helpful, because as scooter said I think this is really sleepy stuff. It doesn't have a lot of jargon in there, but it is more of a theater of the mind experience, in a sleepy way when you're describing pinball as people have told me, they said, okay, maybe I should just come play the game, and they say well, you're not allowed to actually do that.
So, the other games I've made that I have shared with people. A couple other features of this game as I said, there's no vision, there is a bubble machine, those are rare and probably impossible to make. And then, also, now this is because I am a supporter of wimfan92, I do have my own copy of the album, and since I'm the only person that gets to play this game, they did create a mechanism that if you do complete the finale task of making all the sounds, the game will eject the cassette tape, a tribute cassette tape of the real album Wim Faros: The Attic Tape. So, that is a goal of the game. And, all the games I make are paid games like they do cost me a quarter and I leave the quarters in there.
And then, what happens after that is what happens after then? And, I do try to play the game to conclusion. I do try to have a little mystique around it and say I only play at once and then the game goes away. It's not necessarily true, but so yeah, I don't know. And I don't know if scooter could do this with his bedtime story thing where he just charges whatever. I think he said a joke on the show where he said 100 grand and I'll tell you personal bedtime story, 100 grand per story. I don't know if that pricing's great, but here's how I'll describe it, worth it. And then, he also told me that he was going to do for wealthy customers, warm their bathtub, human warmed bath tub. I said, well, I don't know if that's art. I mean, it is art in some sense that someone would think of that had and do it, but once.
Okay. So, let's get down to the rules in the game. So, the object of the game is to follow Deirdre, cody, mom and rod's journey in it makes a sound, and to bring new songs and the sounds and the music of Wim Faros to life and recreate the attic tape. And, if you accomplish that, you have to complete all the different tasks that we will go through. You complete and actually eject and get your own copy of the attic tape. The setting of the game is Rosemarie Hills present day, I think that's it. And then, let me run through the play field, and then I'll run through the different games and levels and stuff, and yet there are blueprints and stuff.
But, okay. So, a pinball machine is … Especially in the last … There's a lot of different things with lots of games rely on multiple ramps, hidden shots, and then a big feature, which in the theme park world boot would be called a Weenie. And, a Weenie in this game which I'll get to is I go round the play field, but the big thing is, is it's not in the center of the play field, it's in the upper left corner. Well, not quite the whole total upper left, but on the upper left part of the playing field is a boombox and it's actually a box just so it can rotate a 360 degrees or 90 degrees or 180 degrees as part of different games, which you'll see. But, that's the biggest feature.
Another bigger feature that pulls your eyes in is a water tower feature that's part of a multi ball, a purple velveteen diary. Okay, but let me run to it. So, on the right hand side is a plunger which if you pull back the ball will travel actually upwards and a silver ramp and the ball will then drop it down on a catwalk, which is similar to what would look like a rollercoaster thing for the ball. And, if you shoot it really hard it will go out all the way to the top right corner of the game. And, there's a couple different shots you can do. There's a skill shot where you just give it enough energy to drop through the hole, then it rolls down in drops right flipper. And, that would be the skill shot, so I say it's a boombox, which we'll talk about.
Otherwise, it goes up to a thing which we'll get to. So, that's the entrance to Rosemary Hills is what I call it. Within there's a right outer loop, like most of the games have a left loop and a right loop that goes around the entire … A loop around the back of the play field, which if you hit the ball in the right way, it'll loop all the way around. And that's part of something. Oh, then we have another secret feature which is a troll grotto, which is on the right side of the upper center of the play field, and that's just that something that pops up in like a secret thing, it pops up it has the USA troll in there to look like it's going to catch the ball and the ball can go in there. And then, it's like a trap door type thing.
Behind that is our right side ramp, which is the stairway to the attic and it's a ramp that goes up from the right side of the playing field to the upper left side. It curls back around and it goes to a catwalk, which actually recross as a playing field. And, it drops again to the right flipper. It also connects with the left ramp, which we'll talk about. Well, it's more of a center … Sometimes there's three ramp games, so this has a center ramp, which is called the left ramp, I don't know why.
Then, there's usually a spinner feature in a lot of games. This one is a pinky rewind or a tape it has animation of a pinky rewinding and it triggers the sound. Even though I guess these are detach, it does trigger the sound of the tape going haywire. And, that's part of a game, then there's the center ramp, which is the entrance to the club house. I think games have bumpers a lot of times there's called jets now. So, these are peacock jets, there's three bumpers. They add some randomness, some scoring, they're part of games. And, one park song and the other two are the original peacocks. Above the bumper gesture there are three lanes which is where if you don't do the skill shot, the ball will come out, it can randomly go down to the lane, one of the lanes would be lit up is a part of a not a skill shot, but a more random thing.
And, those lanes are a piano flute and tambourine. And again, they have sound effects in the little pitchers that mark that. Behind their lights is a mirror, which I call the attic mirror. And because there's a lot of this play field is obscured, you can't really see the lights unless you look in the mirror, but also adds an element of like what Rod or cody talked about in regards to mom. So, you say, well wait, it's a mirror image of behind, underneath into the right. So, to the left of the peacock jets is a lock for the diary, which is actually like there's a ball behind it. It's just made to look like a diary lock even though that wasn't exactly part of the story, I thought it was important to me.
Then there's also this purple velveteen diary that's next to the lock, and that's part of the game. Then, we have another loop that goes in between the two ramps, and then around the back of the boombox. And that's a cody boombox loop and that one's really to encode to plug the boombox in. So, there you see a cord and a cord has an energy effect because scooter said, keep it sleepy. Then, we have the boombox again, which you'll see, it has other faces on it other than the boombox that we'll talk about.
Then, there's the Rosemary Hill's water tower. It's made to look rusty and it's part of a multi ball game. It has actually a magnet in it which sucks up a ball and then sucks up a second ball, it's part of triggering. So, it's a pretty cool effect, so that's also part of the game and also it rocks when the magnet's not turned on. So, that's cool. And then, the other is the ball, it starts with no balls hanging off it, but when it's activated you get two balls there, and then the third one would activate the multi ball. And again, in a real pinball situation, this would be a real maintenance issue I think.
Then, we have the left outer loop, we have the catwalk that I've talked about, they're just to carry the ball from the ramps. Oh, the center ramp for the clubhouse entrance merges as the stairs to the attic head to the left. Okay. There's another level of the play field. So, in the center of the two flippers is the shoot again light, which again turns on if you have extra ball or when you first start out to give you a little wiggle room if something wacky happened, so you don't lose your game right away. Again, in front of that are some lights that are minor, and if you're making all the sounds and going through all the games, then there's the actual sound you'll be making, which again, just terminology. Then, it'll make sense in a little while. I mean, these are bigger squares that are light up and they have images associated with the different games.
Then, we have the attic tape, which is a yellow with purple writing. The debts is the attic tape and we'll talk more about it. But so, that one lights up when you're in the final part of the game to release the actual Wim Faros: The Attic Tape. Above that is Wim Faros, but it's circles with all the letters of Wim Faros' name, and that also looks like a tape label in purple. Above that are epoch, another set of letters as part of another game, so then I thought was important to me. There's another … This thing, it looks like a clock because that's what it once was, but it's a way to keep track of the song list one through nine. This is just a label in the play field that goes lit up when you're trying to trigger the purple velveteen diary multi ball. There's different locks on the different loops if you're lighting multi balls, those will lock.
There's another one when you spell epoch that also lights the lock to trigger a multi ball game. In between the peacock and the jets are lightening bolts because they were already there, and I thought that was cool, like when the power goes out and stuff there, those are there. Then, there's a little other diamonds shaped things that are supposed to be the candy. Those are really small lights there. Ideally, I wanted them to be the different candies. Then, there's a light that says start finale, which would be the start the finale making the tape. There's an extra ball light through in the … You would go up the left loop to get an extra ball. There's another lock, there's another spell Wim Faros. Then, after you spell Wim Faros, if you do that, that's part of that. Then, each gutter where when the ball kicks out, the ball could go down. Sometimes those are lights special, which could give you a special thing. So, to answer, that's a play field.
So, let's get into the … So, the skill shot is when you open the game, Deirdre says it makes a sound when you're really so balls, also when multi balls start and the balls are shooting, where you get a big jackpot just because I found it very cool. So, the opening shot has you entering Rosemary Hills shooting ball randomly or selective bonus. These aren't super important, but 10 million, two x combo, start making a sound, 20 million, add a sewing to the song list or a random bonus like x times you're in score. And, when the ball gets the right plunger, then you have to hit the boombox and you get the skill shot. So, it's like you have to get the skill … You plunge it or hook the right amount of speed, so it drops.
And then, you also have to … Because if you hit it too short, it'll kick out. There's an automatic kick to kick it all the way to the top of the play field, so if you're short on your skill shot, there just … Then, you just have to hit the boombox on the first try. Okay. So, that's theater skill shot. Now, these are all the tasks you have to complete to get to the finale, which is so you can get the attic to April at least. So, there's spelling Wim Faros. Shooting the ball in the left lane when Wim Faros says lit, will add a letter to Wim Faros' name.
Completing all the letters of Wim Faros' will start to Wim Faros hurry up. It starts at 50 million and you could collect the value by shooting it into the boom box which will spun around and be open cassette tape 180 degrees. If you hit a peacock bumper, the value will go up even though it's ticking down, it'll go back up. If you complete this, the hurry up after you've spelled Wim Faros, then Wim Faros will be lit and that task will be complete. Now, these tasks can be included in any order or simultaneously epoch, E-P-O-C-H, you bleed all the letters in epoch to light the cody loop like in the boombox in for a lock. Then, by shooting up either ramp so up to the attic or into the clubhouse, you add a letter to epoch.
After the second ball is locked by doing that cody loop, the trunk will spin to another side, which is a coaster and hitting the coaster which has a magnetic thing on there. So, I'll pull the ball to the center of the coaster, that will lock the ball there and hold it in, and it'll start the multi ball. And, one ball will shoot out of a troll grotto, one ball will come down to your plunger. And then, once those two balls are in play, that third ball will drop off, the magnet will stop and the ball will fall into play, and just triggering that multi ball. Then, you just, you have to do one loop or one lamp to get a jackpot. And then, that will light the epoch lamp and that task will be completed. Okay.
Then, there's the full song list. This is the clock on that side, and you're just looking to advance the song list all nine songs. This happens in the right loop, it can advance the song list towards nine songs. Each two shots advances one song. When it reaches nine songs, it's time to record, and a timer starts to … You have your studio time, you got to get everybody in there, you have to have the music. This is an imaginary thing. And, what you have to do is, again, shoot the ball into the boombox will turn 180 degrees, the cassette tape will be open, and you have to shoot the ball into that open thing nine times.
Now, do give you a randomized like a shoot again thing, it's just to try to give you a chance. It is doable, you can do it nine times because it is one of the few shots you can probably figure out, and it's put at a really friendly angle that even the beginners especially the blues ones spot on the playing field that most people are likely to shoot the ball even by accident into a lot of times, not all the time, but … Okay. So, by doing that then you've lit the song list and that task is completed. Okay.
So now, we have the bulk of the games. This is called making the sounds. So, there's eight games not exactly corresponding with episodes, but there's eight different games or steps to making the sounds. They're all located in the center of the game as individual lights. So, hitting the boombox when it's in its original boombox state, you're solely lighting the three candy gems or pieces of gum or whatever, gushers gum. So, each time you hit it, one gem is lit, then on the fourth time you'll start making the sounds, and it'll randomly choose one of the sounds to be made. And so, these are the ones. The first one is open the purple velveteen diary or shorthand is open the diary, and you have to shoot at the lock for the purple velveteen diary and hit it.
Each successful hit … Now, there's a digital display on the backstop of the game in animations, again, associated with the game. This time it'll go through the diary, looking like you're shuffling through the pages of the diary. You also get 15 million points each time you do that. And, you just have to do that, then you've completed opening the diary. Again, this is also sounds of Deirdre talking from the diary when it's shuffling. So again, very immersive.
The next game it's called into the attic. During this game, you will go up to the right staircase into the attic and it so many trips to the attic. So, the light a little hum, you'll hear wind and it's like you need to make nine trips to the attic to create … Nine is important to create a whole song list. Now, there is a random challenge in this game, and during this game and a couple of other ones, the power will go out at randomized times. It's just a random … Generates pretty fair and it's pretty short, but if you just happen to be at the random time, your plungers won't work, or your flippers won't work. So, just adds a little bit more difficulty, but also I balance that out with adding some shoot again like in a ratio that felt fair to me, because a couple times I was imagining if cody was playing the game and then I was like, well, I could set a setting for cody. Okay.
The next game is a trick or treat in Rosemary Hills. As you go trick or treating in Rosemary Hills, you also might sneak through the fence. Again, some of this is just trying to imagine myself in the world a little bit. Each time you hit the boombox set during trick or treating you get a treat or a trick which is just like … I don't know if I should … So, one would be whims mask and the other one, even though it's not a Halloween, is like a kid saying, K-I-S-S-I-N-G S, then the tricks are candy that Deirdre doesn't like rolos that Deirdre doesn't like. And, treats are like the good candies as well as the candy that were in the tupperware. So basically, you just have to hit this one three times, but if you hit it more, you get more points, because I said, well, I don't know why I picked three.
Okay. This next game is Pinky rewind. So, there's the Pinky rewind spinner. You're trying to rewind and save the tape. So, the digital display will be related to that, and so also you're basically trying to do is spin the tape enough until it makes … So, it's like it just depends on your speed. But again, there's a number set it in the machine that'll trigger the next side effect for the tape to go wrong. Then, you have to spin it again to eject the tape and press stop. And hopefully, ideally one day, Rod can fix the tape or something, I don't know. But yeah, so it's a little bit harder for a shot again. And, I guess it basis also on the shot difficulty. So, it's more of a time based thing, but really if you hit it two or three times, you'll be good.
I mean, it gets to the last one is just performing on pressure, because Deirdre is just saying stop it, stop it, and then it's like this tension music, so that's the one. The next one is dances with trolls. Basically, you've got to dig up the time capsule or Deirdre and cody do. So again, this is something that didn't necessarily take place on scene, and then go through with everybody what was in the vault. This one does include a digital game, so when it first starts you're digging with your left and right flippers, but it's a pretty easy and straightforward. It's just for fun and nothing really happens.
But then, basically what you're trying to do is shoot the ball of cody's loop each time cody will get a little zappy poo, and one item will be taking out of the … You'll hear Rod describing it the opening of the different items. You'll also hear the stuff like when cody maybe borrow something, and basically this one is five shots associated with epoch even though it doesn't have anything to do with direct with epoch, that's why it has five shots. So, it doesn't matter, but if you keep going you'll get everything in even the newspaper along with just everything. So, it's cool.
Yeah, it's 10 million per item, and then 25 million if you get all the way to the newsfeed the believing article. The next one is right on the banjo. You're basically helping Rod help. And, Rod's there to assist everybody, but why don't you assist Rod. Each shot you make, this one you're going up the attic staircase again just symbolically. Each shot up the attic staircase, Rod will say something helpful because you've helped Rod, and this one has a lot of smells. So, there is the cinnamon toast smell, that's the first one, because I thought it was extra special. There's also the cleaning smells, there's also Rod joking with cody.
So, just a little bit of a Rod playing the Banjo also the whole time. There's even a cookie in there, depending on how long you go that you can make Rod stop playing the flute. And so, we're pretty proud of that one. The next one's cody's drum solo. This also includes a digital game, which is Ninja Warrior Master, but with Rod teaching cody life lesson about mom. And so, the game can also be unlocked, anytime you go through codi's loop three times, it'll unlock the game just in case when they are not in the game play mode. But [inaudible 00:55:52] in Ninja Warrior Master is a digital side scrolling game where you're the Ninja Warrior Master. And, there's only two buttons like left and right on your flipper buttons there, and one is to jump and want us to move backwards. And, you're basically like Mario, so then you're trying to jump over it into other literalist squirrels in this game because I thought Wim will think that's funny or acorns.
But, at different random times, which you have a flipper button does, which will change. So, one will make you move back, one will make you jump up, you're always moving slowly. It's endless scroll or whatever, so you're always scrolling a little bit, but it's just a fun little game. Then basically, yeah, you're trying to get cody's drum solo, which you can do in two ways. You can go in cody's loop, which will just do a fast drum solo, or you could go into the peacock jets, and then cody will do different drums like based on the jets. And basically, if you do either one of the tests three times, you'll unlock or you'll lock that level that you've completed it. And. Okay, so that's cody drum solo.
The last game is called the club house. I was going to call it party of the club house, but then I just saw club house because there's two trips to the cub house. But of course, the first one is the original party. So, this one you can trigger the bubble machine. Yeah, just so you know there's a bubble smell, which is different than making bubbles as I've learned. Again, you get a pain saw windex. Oh, peacock poop, that's another smell like if you hit the peacocks, if you hit the back song bumper first, and then the other two peacocks, it'll also release that small randomly during the game. But so, this is where it all started basically at the party at the club house. And so, this is the fourth side of the boombox, which is also like the original coaster. I wish I had a more advanced technology to have it slowly fill in, which would be my dream, but that's basically this is when Wim is.
So, if you hit it once you'll hear Wim crack it goes a Pepsi, a crystal Pepsi, you'll hear mom talking, you'll just hear different things from the party that we know about. Also, there's a randomizer in there. At some point when you hit it, you could stop the other kids from saying K-I-S-S, so Wim and Deirdre in a tree K-I-S-S-I-N-G. And, each time you hit bubbles, which I thought was cool. Oh, it's the blimpie the sourdough bread smells is another one, mix in with that game. So, those are the other games. So, I think those are all the games.
Then, there's a troll grotto game, this is a separate thing. So, the troll grotto will pop up at different times when you've activated it, because there's a center targets that will open the troll grotto also like going into the … This is during the game when you're not playing a game, like an open play going into the clubhouse will open the troll grotto. I know it's unrelated, and then shooting into the troll grotto after that will trigger different things or images about Wim from the podcast like [inaudible 01:00:00] or the bear in, trolls dancing on the digital display. That's my favorite thing, trolls debate, different things. Even some stuff like fan fiction because it's the trolls doing this, but there's a lot of different things.
This way, you could also, during this game, different prizes will be awarded like the extra ball. There's one where you have to make it in the tape, so usually it's like many games almost. Just troll grotto was a cool feature, and also the troll grotto is like for a lot of multi balls where stuff kicks out. Yeah. What else? Okay. So then, there's also the different lock loops when they're lit, the ball will disappear sometimes, it'll go around and it'll be caught in a secret lock. But, there's also locks and the diary lock which ties into locking balls from multi ball in the water tower. But, when you lock a ball, it will add a ball to one of these multi balls that are possible, the epoch, or they'll open the diary multi ball or the water tower multi ball.
Okay. So, when the right lane is lit, it'll open the diary multi ball, a right loop shad will try to open the diary, and then if you hit the ball when it says … You basically, you have to hit the lock, and each time you hit the lock, if you hit it three times, then it will trigger that multi ball. But, the right loop is the one that gets the multi ball awards. Again, you have to do that one, and then the water tower multi ball is very similar. If you hit the water tower over the course of the game, which is almost by accident sometimes, if you hit it nine times then the magnets are … The next time you go to hit it, the ball actually gets sucked up into this water spout that I added.
And then, the next shot after that, the water will go … Again, not during any game play, this is just during open play, but then it'll be another ball will be magnetized, and believe me the magnet can barely hold those two balls together, wasn't original how it's designed. And then, a third hit will start the multi ball where those two balls are released, so all your balls will just instantly be in play. But, anytime you also get a shoot again thing, so if the ball's all go down the thing, then the balls will start shooting out to troll grotto. And, that one, you'll just score a lot of points. So, any rampering and you loop, you could score jackpots on that one.
Okay. So, once all those are done, and we're onto the … So, after you've completed all of those, so the two multi balls, spell the epoch, spell out Wim Faros, completed all of the sounds. Maybe I forgot something because I'm overwhelmed, but then you're ready to release the Wim Faros: The Attic Tape, which you should definitely get, it's so cool man. But, after making all sounds say you're ready to release Wim Faros: The Attic Tape, and Wim Faros: The Attic Tape will light a shot. Now, what you have to do next is specific. You have to shoot into codi's loop to plug in the boombox, which started to … The loss of the tape started the making of the tape, then you have to hit all four combinations of the box. So, you have to hit the boombox, then you have to shoot the ball into the boombox, which we'll call the crystal ball to kick out a troll grotto.
Then, you have to hit the coaster from the party, then you have to hit the magnetic coaster, and each one of these adds a letter to Wim Faros, so by the way. Then, completing the rest of the things is open if the rest of the letters are Wim Faros. I don't know what we're at, but I guess I will see it in my notes. But again, if you do go into the attic or go into the clubhouse to the right loop or the left loop, if you go up into the bumpers … Again, the bumpers are more triggered by numbers, so you have to get a 22 bumper hits, that'll unlock that. And, I think that's everything. I'm trying to think anything else.
Basically, you won the game. I mean, there's other similar stuff. We really just wanted to make a game because I really just adored the podcast so much, and just there's so much, when you listen to it or if you already listened you know, there's so much you connect to. There's this joy in depth of things that exists other than joy in it and it's funny, it's fun, but there's also a lot of other stuff going on, and you think of one of us you connect to like Deirdre and mom. And also, what with cody brings and what Rod brings and say, okay.
Sometimes you're all of those people, and I don't know. They say something about returning home. I don't know whatever they say about it. And then, when you think about Rosemary Hills and returning there and what we know of Deirdre and this is not easy. So, I just saw as a beautiful thing and I want to make a beautiful thing about it and just something I guess, so I could feel closer to the story personally and have some fun, some extra fun. I mean, I wish like I said, I could play the game with Deirdre and cody and Rod and mom, I think they would like that. But unfortunately, part of the deal with the people that support my art have said I can't. So, it's like I'm making it for them, but really making it for me and for everybody in it makes a sound.
And so yeah, just wanted to thank everybody. And, I want to thank Jacqueline and Nate and Vincent and Melissa, Annie, Anya, everyone in Night Vale Presents like Joseph and Jeffery. Yeah. Christie, Adam, Vincent, I want to thank Carla and Jonathan, and Chris Posteel will help scooter out in … And, I guess scooter is going to say some thank you say some good nights. So, thanks for listening to my game, and goodnight. Everybody makes sure it makes a sound, don't forget that. Let it live in your … Remember Wim Faros, already. Good nights.