Cold War on Christmas (Repeat) | Sleep With Me #176
Christmas comes early this year in the form of this replay that is a prequel to our holiday series. Isn't that a regift? Ideally you won't notice as you slip into deep sleep.
Breaking revelations about the Christmas (starts at 14:30) you thought you knew presented in a boring dull way without shock value. Just soothing revelations, possibly. This is based on a covered up Christmas special originally titled Scientists vs Santa or something like that. It has Russians and Industrialists and Santa and a woman who will be named and then her name will be changed. Really the cold war is just a backdrop, so the title is somewhat misleading.
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00:00 Open
07:49 Thank Yous
15:57 Story
Harrison E @HarrisonTheFan
Tom M @mcccclean
“That Comedy Podcast” and on Facebook
All Links below were provided by our linkmaster Damon D on the backup (just add 3min and 4sec to these for the replay)
- 00:30 Townships of New Jersey
- 02:23 Elf on a Shelf
- 3:03 George Michael – Last Christmas
- 4:06 Grouch
- 4:55 Pennsylvania
- 5:34 Dot Matrix Printers
- 6:01 Morse Code
- 7:09 That Comedy Podcast
- 7:12 OG
- 8:53 FUNder from Down Under
- 9:33 Underwear
- 13:21 Maiden Boo – Mariah Carey (Pretty sure he meant Alicia Keys )
- 14:02 DC Comics Earth 1 and 2
- 14:38 Kibosh
- 16:33 .5 of 1 ear (assuming you have 2) is 25% (not 20% – Because, Math)
- 16:55 Fox News
- 17:03 Physics of Christmas
- 17:26 Scientists Vs. Santa
- 22:25 Happy as a Clam
- 24:30 Start of the Cold War (1947)
- 26:20 Global Villagilization (The internet literally turned up 0 responses for this)
- 28:05 Sleushenslosh ?????????
- 28:50 Kebal (Municipality in Sweden) or Kabal (Mortal Kombat
- character)
- 28:57 Build a burger
- 29:00 Neo Con
- 29:05 Lumens (I think he meant Illuminati ?)
- Ms. Scientist (security procedures for White House must have changed since the '50s)
- Roberta Clause
- Joseph Campbell
- 23:26 Internet Started (1989 by Tim Berners-Lee)
- 23:29 Television
- 23:37 Solid State Devices (technically around since 1930's)
- 24:47 American Industrial Revolution
- 24:59 Railroad from Memphis to Norway (Dearest Scooter may need a geography lesson, or possibly a lesson on how railroads work)
- Afterwards: Following the events of tonights story, our sources revealed the the previous Santa Clause was last spotted in 1954 following a night of far too much egg nog, attempting to fly his sleigh to Tahiti, but was unfortunately shot down by NORAD. He was last spotted in the hills of Saskatchewan (which is oddly nearly 6,000 miles from Tahiti).
On Twitter @dearestscooter
Music by Christopher Postill @ Sounds Like An Earful Podcast “A Podcast about collecting stories, tinkering with noises and fumbling with really big questions”
Sleep With Me Artwork by His Grace Scott
Sleep With Me is narrated by Dearest Scooter and written by Drew Ackerman