1319 – Cake Week | Great British Bake You Off to Sleep C8/S11 E1
Welcome back, bakers. It’s time for another drowsy recap where battens are burged and marzipan is molded.
Episode 1319 – Cake Week | Great British Bake Off to Sleep C8/S11 E1
SCOOTER: Alright, friends beyond the binary, ladies and gentlemen, boys and girls, bakers…hello, bakers. It’s time for Sleep With Me podcast, where I’m your friend in the deep, dark night. I kinda try to talk to you and keep you company so that you could fall asleep. Welcome, if you’re new. Later on we’ll be talking about the Great British Bake Off, but it’ll take me a while. I have to be…there’s a time for proofing and there’s a time for warming the oven, and then there’s a time for a bake-off. So, all good things in all good time.
If you’re new to Sleep With Me, I’m so glad you’re here. I really hope I can create a place where you feel welcome and you could see if this podcast can help you out. I really hope it can help you fall asleep or have some comfort when you can't sleep. The show is very different. Someone else…someone put it to me this way today and then I forgot…well, they put it to me…a way today, and then I forgot. They didn’t say the show is strange or weird, but it is, a little bit different. They used such a good term and now I forgot what it was. But if you’ve never listened to the show, it’s kinda like a friend talking to you in the deep, dark night so that you could fall asleep or be distracted from whatever’s keeping you awake.
The way the show works…coming up, we got support so paying for the podcast is optional, then a long, meandering intro meant to ease you into bedtime, and then later on we’ll be talking about the first episode of a season, series, collection, of the Great British Bake Off Baking Show. So, I’m glad you’re here. I really appreciate you checking the show out. Give it a few tries. See how it goes, and what do you say…? Or, no…oh, this show is made possible by people that support the show directly, support our sponsors, and…thanks.
INTRO: [INTRO MUSIC] Hey, are you up all night tossing, turning, mind racing? Trouble getting to sleep? Trouble staying asleep? Well, welcome. This is Sleep With Me, the podcast that puts you to sleep. We do it with a bedtime story. Alls you need to do is get in bed, turn out the lights, and press Play. I’m gonna do the rest. What I’m going to attempt to do is create a safe place where you could set aside whatever’s keeping you awake.
That could be thoughts on your mind, things you’re thinking about about the past, the present, the future, thinking thoughts, it could be feelings related to those thoughts or feelings that are just there, feelings remaining from the day, feelings that are coming up at bedtime…I don't know, you could be feeling stuff or you could be going through not trying to feel stuff, which sometimes is just as tiring but not sleep-inducing, for me. It could also be physical sensations, anything you’re experiencing physically, maybe related to the thoughts or feelings, or maybe other stuff you’re dealing with or going through. Could be changes in time, temperature, routine, you could be traveling, you could have guests, you could be just dealing with something.
Maybe you work a different shift and you need to get to sleep at a time…an inopportune time. I wonder how many thriller or mystery novels have had ‘an inopportune time’ in the title. Not enough, probably. The other thing is if you…they would only be novellas. Well, they’d be more like pamphlets of my interactions with most human beings. They’d say, well, how would you character…? Just my normal life; how would you characterize…? Excuse me, we’re just doing a special study here on human interaction, and we saw you just interacted with that young man there, Drew. Oh, I think he’s…he must be changing it already, because…okay, but that gentlemen, Drew…oh, the one in the robe? Well, no, he…this is a normal interaction. Okay, but he was wearing a robe anyway?
No, that’s his favorite coat. Interesting. Okay, well, how would you characterize that? I’d say…to him I’d say, well, this is…I guess I’d kinda put it to him this way; it’s an inopportune time for us to make talk…conversation or small talk. So, that’s how I’d characterize it for him, an inopportune time. Okay, thank you very much. We were attempting a metaphor that just didn’t work out. But that is the subtext. I don't know, is that subtext if someone says, excuse me, I gotta use…? Whatever they’re saying, they mean ‘this is an inopportune time for you to speak with me’. Even if it’s many things…I go down to the hotel; I say, I think my room’s next to…is it possible my room has an ice machine on both sides? Sir, it’s an inopportune time for us to discuss this. Could you come back at another time?
I mean, well, do you have a clock…? Well, yeah, this clock seems to show all times are inopportune, though there will be someone away from the desk between 11:00 and 11:30, so maybe you could do it then, 'cause right now is an inopportune time to discuss that. So, I don't know if you ever feel that way, if you have feelings about that. I don't even know what I was…was I talking about feelings? I don't know, it’s always…it’s…and then with my thoughts, my feelings, my physical sensations at bedtime, I say, hey, do you think I could get some sleep? No, no, this is…it’s an inopportune time for you to sleep. We need to discuss these…I need you to feel these feelings right now and these things.
Yeah, so, it’s an inopportune time. So, anyway, what does all this have to say? This pod…whatever’s keeping you awake, I’m here to try to help you with it, and there’s two reasons I’m here to help; one is you deserve a good night's sleep. You deserve a bedtime where you could get the rest you need, the sleep you need so your life is more manageable. You deserve that. You deserve a bedtime you don’t have to dread, that you could look forward to or at least feel neutral about. So, that’s one part of it. The other part of it is I know what it’s like in the deep, dark night, and so do a lot of other listeners. We could probably relate to how you feel in the deep, dark night.
Even if we don’t understand it or we haven't been through the exact same thing, I want you to know we get it, I guess, and this really…that’s the underlying thing of what makes this a welcoming place and a strange digital community that is connected. We’re connected 'cause we share something, and it’s something in-between thoughts, feelings, and physical sensations, but it’s there underlying all that, and it’s actually, in this case, a good thing, something when we’re alone…or at least for me, it’s not necessarily a good thing. But for me, it’s not just making this podcast that makes it a good thing.
It’s knowing that you’re out there, too, and not that…knowing you’re out there that you can't sleep, but knowing you’re out there and you know what it feels like for me, too, or have a general sense of like, oh yeah, that’s…it’s tough. Yeah, I can't sleep. This is why I can't sleep. It sounds like you have a different thing, but…yeah, I really…you know. I don't know, there’s something that does connect us, and it takes that thing that isn't so positive on its own and becomes something we share together, like a nod, a knowing nod. Maybe also you have people that say, it’s an inopportune time to talk. Maybe you share that, too. A lot of times we share stuff like that, too. But it’s a sense that we’re not alone in the deep, dark night, and that somebody out there gets you.
Here’s the thing; in the end, if you start listening to this podcast, it may not be the podcast for you, but maybe you take that part with you wherever you go. But if you do stick around and you do realize, hey, this podcast helps me out; I didn’t realize…it’s a little bit confusing. I didn’t realize how it was gonna work. But then you become a person that’s also sending your welcome to these new people that are tuning in when someone else is new. So, that’s what I mean when I say I’m glad you’re here, because maybe you feel it in the way I feel it, or maybe you feel it in a little bit different spin or a little bit different depth or weight, but we got something here, and it is important. That’s the only reason I point it out, is so maybe you could breathe a little bit easier here knowing you’re in good company.
So, I’m glad you’re here. What I’ll do is I’ll send my voice across the deep, dark night. I’m gonna use lulling, soothing, creaky, dulcet tones, pointless meanders, and superfluous tangents, which just means my voice is not traditionally soothing. I don't…I already went on…I get distracted, I go off topic, I get mixed up, forget what I was talking about, my thoughts change in the middle of a sentence. All those things happen, and it’s kinda similar…my brain kinda operates during the day kinda similar to how it does at bedtime, where it becomes slightly disconnected, and that’s okay, I think. Again, it’s another good thing in…it’s in the right place. Now, to know if this show is right for you, if you’re new or if you’re a regular listener, I’m always glad to go through this again. There’s a few things I want you to know.
One is not every…this show rarely works for most people. One, because it’s a little bit different, right, and you do have to give it a few tries, and then you go, oh, okay. You have to be willing to test it out, just like tasting a new food or something, which normally I’m pretty…personally pretty unwilling to do. But here’s the thing; if you try it out and it works, that’s a pretty good thing. If you try it out and it doesn't work, one, you only listened to it a few times. It takes two or three tries to get used to. Two, I have a website set up, sleepwithmepodcast.com/nothankyou, so you could find other sleep podcasts or sleepy stuff on there. What else? Three…I don't know. I mean, I really hope…well, three is that hundreds and hundreds of thousands of people have told me, at first I didn’t like the show or it didn’t work for me at first.
It wasn’t ‘til the second or third try that I realized, oh, he is…this is…this show does…it is just like a friend talking about nothing, more or less, in the deep, dark night to keep me company and take my mind off of stuff so I could fall asleep. I had no idea I was looking for something like that. Because this is a podcast that you just kind of listen to, almost like a TV on in the other room or a out-of-focus picture or something you can't quite make out or looking at clouds and being like, well, that kinda looks like a snail. Or it could just be a cloud. What is that, a lump of coal? Oh yeah, that cloud is definitely a lump of coal. What’s that one? That one’s a rock. What’s that one? A sack of grains. Oh, okay. What about that one? That’s a lump. A lump of what? Not coal, 'cause we already said that, but it’s named Lump.
It’s a being…it’s a lump-based being. Oh, okay. So, it’s kinda like looking at clouds with that guy. You say, okay, what’s that one? It’s a square that…a deflated square. Oh, wow. What about that one? Deflated rectangle. That one? A deflated octagon. Are you gonna use…? I’m gonna use it ‘til it runs outta…yeah. What’s that one? I don't know, is there a septagon? I think that’s a deflated septagon. What about that one? Ooh, that one’s an inflated isosceles triangle. Equilateral triangle? Yeah. What about that one? I don't know, right angle? Is that the other kind of triangle we learned about, a right-angle triangle? I like saying that, right-angle triangle. What about that one? Oval. that’s a oval. Okay. Doesn't look like an oval. Well, it’s actually a cloud. It’s just…I was just…oh, okay. So, this is kinda like that.
It’s a podcast you barely listen to. Now, you could listen to it. I’ll be here to the very end whether you’re awake or asleep, and I’m here to be a little bit silly and lighthearted to kinda ease the mood and barely put a smile on your face, but that does take some getting used to. Most people when they get here, they’re skeptical, they’re doubtful, they’re frustrated, they’re tired, they’ve been looking for something. Maybe you’re like me; you tried everything. You tried buying stuff, you tried subscribing to stuff, you tried listening to stuff, watching stuff, and nothing quite seemed to work for you on a regular basis because of one reason or another, and maybe this show won't work for you, either. But give it a few tries. See how it goes. For the people it worked for, they said, yeah, I tried all this other stuff.
I’ve been look…I didn’t know I was looking for this my whole life. But if you’re the kind of person that likes listening to goofy stuff or sitcoms or repurposing other audio or calling somebody and being like, tell me a goofy story so I could fall asleep, this may be the show for you. So, it’s a podcast you don’t really listen to, most people don’t like it, most people, even if they do like it, it takes them a while to get used to. What other good news do you have? Well, despite the fact that this is a sleep podcast for adults that I started eleven years ago when there wasn’t really an idea of boring bedtime stories for grown-ups, and despite it being kinda the first sleep podcast, it’s not…it’s actually not meant to put you to sleep. I’m here to keep you company while you fall asleep.
There’s no pressure to fall asleep with this show. I’m gonna be here over an hour so you don’t have to think about if you gotta fall asleep or not. I’m here to keep you company to the very end just in case you need me or because…if you can't sleep at all, I’m here to keep you company. If you need a break during the day, I’m here to keep you company…if you wake up in the middle of the night. But if you’re not listening to me, I’m here to keep you company, too. If you’re asleep, I’m here to keep you company or distract you or whatever, walk at your side or be here in your general vicinity. So, this is a little bit different.
I’m here to be your bore-friend, your bore-bae, your bore-sib, your neigh-bore, your bore-bestie, your Boris Borlaf, your borers, your Borbie, your bore-bruh, your bore-sib, your bore-cuz, your best bore-friend f’eva…your bore-bae, did I say that? I’m here to keep you company while you fall asleep, and that’s a little bit different. So, I’m real…when I say I’m glad you’re here, it’s because I mean it. What other things do you need to know? Structure of the show…the reason I run through the structure of the show is 'cause when you’re new, it can be confusing, and the show’s already confusing, right? I mean, I went on a five-minute tangent earlier. I don't even remember what it was about. Was I interviewing somebody from another world or something like that?
It felt like interstellar travel, but now I don't even…I really don’t even know now that I’m actually trying to remember what it was I was distracted about. I felt like I was…there was some kind of interview going on between a expert…was it word-based? I don't know. It’s gone now. But so, structurally, I want to meet you where you are. Just in case you’re new or you’re coming back after a while, we haven't really changed anything about the show, major, in a long time. A couple minor things, but there’s a reason the show’s structured the way it is, and most people prefer to listen to this version of the podcast, like a linear, ad-supported version of the show. But if you prefer a different version, I’ll walk you through that.
So, the show starts off with a greeting; friends beyond the binary, ladies and gentlemen, boys and girls…hello, bakers, in this case, so you feel seen and welcomed in and you say, oh, okay, I might check that show out. Seems like kinda barely interesting, and I feel welcome. It kinda feels a little bit silly. I like that. I’ll check it out. I like that I was…I’m greeted with a welcome here. So, that’s important. Then there’s support so that the people that would prefer a free, ad-supported version get that. If you prefer something without sponsors, you can get that on Sleep With Me+. Then there’s a long, meandering intro totally separate from the support. It’s a show within a show that we’re already like, fifteen minutes into.
It’s usually fifteen to twenty minutes long, and it’s where I try to describe what the podcast is ineffectively. So, I follow a familiar structure every time, but the tangents I go on are totally unexpected and, I guess, barely memorable, 'cause I don't remember. But it kinda helps people get an idea of what the podcast is. For regular listeners, it’s like a time we get to hang out. It’s the part of the show most listeners listen to or hear, but it also helps people ease them into bedtime. So, most people don’t fall asleep during the intro. I mean, maybe two percent of people do, but most people are winding down, getting ready for bed, in bed getting comfortable, or doing a chill activity.
Because having a wind-down routine is what really works for me and just what I’ve read about sleep, is having a ease-into-bedtime period is what we…what can help. So, that’s what the intro serves, an easing you into bedtime. If you prefer something without intros, Sleep With Me+ has hundreds and hundreds and hundreds of bed…story-only episodes, and then we also have a podcast, Bedtime Stories from Sleep With Me, that just has stories. But for most people, the intro eases them into bedtime or getting ready for bed or whatever. Then after the intro is support, and then it’ll be our episode or bedtime story. Tonight it’ll be based on a episode of the Great British Bake Off.
We’ll be just kinda running through it and looking at what they baked. I don't know, it’s the beginning of a new season for me, so it’ll be hard for me to remember anybody, but I’ll do my best. I think that’s it. Give the show a few tries. See how it goes. I’m really glad you’re here. I work really hard. I yearn and I strive. I really hope I can help you fall asleep. I appreciate you coming by, and here’s a couple ways we’re able to do this for you twice a week for free. Thanks.
Hey everybody, this is Scoots here, and welcome, bakers. Hello, bakers. I always forget what it is. We’re covering the Great British Bake Off Baking Show…off-to-sleep Cake Week, Collection 8, Episode 1. I can't remember what season it is. I think Series…Season 11, maybe? It’s the first one with Matt Lucas, so that’s what I could tell you, spoiler. But the cold open…is that what they call it? Comedy open is Matt Lucas…those of us in the US would be extremely confused by this, especially watching now. It’s an important message…protect cake, save loaves. You say, this is somebody. I should know who they are. Boris…not Boris Yeltsin. Boris…but then you see the youthfulness in the face of the person and you say, I don't know. It’s live from Downing Street. Please don’t bake in a tent. Use common sense.
Hundreds, thousands…that’s sprinkles distribution. They get a Noel in a funky dress, and Noel asks, is it a scone or a scone? First he asks Prue, who says scone. Paul says scone. Then they say, welcome to the Great British Baking Show. We get some gorgeous sky shots, holy moly. Then talking heads…should I apply? People seem really nice. This is a special show. 2020, man…so, it’s a call-back. They all stay together in the tent and in the countryside in a wee bake-off village in a wee bake-off town. They volunteered to stay, which is, I think…I didn’t know any of this ‘til now. Seven weeks…I don't know if you…I don't know the specifics, but Paul’s talking. Glad to get back to something familiar. Comforting, lovely, Prue says. Then we get some previews of the season. What else do we got? Noel…oh, Noel, Noel.
Talking heads…2020…live at bake-off…weeks…seven weeks. Twelve new bakers, thirty challenges, and we start this one off with Cake Week. Downing Hill is where we may be? I don't know. Let me see, right now on my video…or my show, it’s showing still previews of the season, including one from…that I thought was later in the season. It’s from later in this episode. We get the opening theme song, a little detour…pitched our tents at Down Hall…Downing…I think Downing Hall. Cake-based challenge…who’s gonna be the Star Baker of 2020? They’re on their way, the first Star Baker. This is the first ever signature challenge of the Battenburg. Rectangular, wrapped in marzipan…any sponge you want, but it has to reveal pattern and design. Two hours.
Then we get them working together, Matt and Noel, and…'cause Matt’s kinda new to it, so there’s a lot of jokes based on that and humor and playfulness with pauses and uncertainty. Okay, and then everybody’s going. We start…it’s hard in the first couple episodes. Mak is the first person getting organized. Laura…Mark with the beard…and Prue talks about how much she loves Battambang or whatever, Battaburg. Stark colors, punching with flavors, Paul says. It better be punching with flavors and colors. Prue’s like, I’m look forward to the marzipan, myself. Battenburg…Loriea is up. She’s making bubblegum from a bottle…cream soda syrup, cream-soda flavoring…Loriea is a radiographer in Durham. We see her send some baked goods over her fence to a neighbor. It’s gonna match Prue’s outfit, though, which is interesting.
Prue’s got a nice, blue jacket on. Loriea’s not the only one doing their childhood; Laura is…a raspberry ripple with coconut. There’s some people using coconut sponge. I was like, man, I gotta get myself some coconut sponge. She’s a samaritans volunteer in Kent. She’s got a beautiful garden and pond. Celebration of summer…so, we get them making it…ready, set, bake; that was earlier. Prue in blue, and let’s see who else…these are my overall notes. Laura, childhood, Kent, coy, eating age of a nine-year-old…then we have Lottie? I’m already missing…star-shaped, funky pattern…Lottie in Little Hampton? Pantomime producers? Did it just say that? I mean, I guess the other thing is that it’s not always accurate. Viking…she’s into doing yoga listening to Viking metal. I said, I gotta get into Viking metal.
I don't even know where to start. Rhubarb and custard Battenburg, custard sponge…and then, is my butter curdling, or my sponge? Any lumps of butter? Too cold…redo my batter…everybody’s starting to run behind already. Next up is Dave, who’s got a baby on the way, and…from Hampshire. Him and Stacey working on their thing; a chocolate espresso martini Battenburg. Noel’s joking with him, but it’s stuff I don't understand 'cause I’m not…don’t quite get it. Baby on the way, though…something colors…then we get Mark…shower cherry. He’s from Cornwall. This is Mark…non-beard Mark. There’s bearded Mark and non-beard Mark, though this Mark also has a beard; just not as big. Bittersweet Battenburg…and Matt says, hey, Mark, there’s a couple Marks on the show. Can we change your name?
He says, yeah, we could name me after my dog, Hamish. He says, really? Josh, Hamish…I don't know who Josh is. Maybe his son? I’m not sure. Cakes are going in the oven. Don’t forget, you still gotta shape this cake and stuff. Chocolate, walnut, rose water…is that that Mark? I guess so. Then they do another time call. The snores…the spores…? What does that have to do with it? Paul Hollywood’s coming. Okay, everybody’s trying to check their cakes, make sure they’re good. Trimming warm sponge…or it’ll fall apart. Don’t do that. Two more minutes, Peter says. Peter’s timing multiple sponges. His is gluten-free. Twenty-year-old…he’s playing bat…what do you call that? Badminton with his twin brother, who’s gluten-intolerant. Chocolate, orange Battenburg…a trick he learned when he was ten.
His mom used to listen to the…oh, listen to the cake, he says. So, if you listen to the cake, you can hear if it’s done or not, apparently. Sura…her cake overflows. She lives with her husband, Chad, and their cat, Casper. Lemon and orange Battenburg…and Sura’s a bit like me as far as leaving a messy kitchen. That’s my style, too. She’s not a fan of it, so she’s not gonna even eat her own cake. West London…battle for Battenburg; there’s the first alliteration I noted. Afternoon tea classic, they say. So, this is when you have it. It’s a flawless marzipan wrapping. Sura’s never had marzipan. I probably have, but I don't know. I like almond, though. Okay, then we have Mark with the beard from Liverpool. He’s making something Turkish in flavor. He gets pulled by his dog comedically in his little thingamajig.
Almond, orange, marzipan…and he’s trying to make his green, or at least part of it. Okay, don’t forget your anniversary, Noel’s telling him, whatever you do. Everybody’s trying to elevate them. Night sky marzipan…Mozart’s magic flute. We get a long…this is Rowan? Long…temple of enlightenment, and a lot of different things, a lot of different layers. Rowan’s a music teacher…Worcestershire. That’s where he’s from. Vanilla sponge, rose sponge, lemon sponge…have you done this before, Prue says? Oh, yeah. I mean, it’s really complex. Then Linda…Brexal on the sea…she’s doing a Battenburg trolley kinda thing, a helpful trolley, as a tribute to her cousin. Egg, sugar, ground almonds or grand almonds…yeah, egg, sugar, and ground almonds. That’s what marzipan is. Mak, he’s using pistachios instead of almonds.
He keeps bees with…at his allotment in Bolton. I’d like to know more about these allotments, too. Spiced something…let’s do pistachios, he says. Why not? Orange liqueur…Hermine is skateboarding with her son. Chocolate and orange…marmalade in the marzipan, they say? Interesting. Practiced, did you? Yeah, I made…got eggs in there? I don't know. French…I prefer making French patisserie. Okay, there’s a half-hour left. What else do we got here? Lots of calling, lots of cake-cutting. Rowan uses a design CD box to cut his cake. Lottie’s not ready. Lock it down, they say. You gotta use precision, which I would not be…I mean, I can barely cut…I’m not good at these kind of things. Rowan has to microwave his cake 'cause the insides aren't cooked. Then it’s time to roll out the marzipan.
You know that song, roll out the marzipan, man. Make it quick if you can, but the right thickness; not too thin because it’ll fall apart off the thing, but not too thick, which I can see on the show from watching it before. When it’s thick, it’ll just be too dominant. So, yeah, we get…Rowan’s cake’s a little soft in the middle. Not enough baking time? Maybe not enough heat? I don't know. Maybe not enough preheat? It’s tough. But don’t overwhelm it, man, with the marzipan. I don't know if…yeah, that seems like a lot of work to roll it out. The marzipan’s like a frosting coating, right? Marzipan…you can't catch me, I’m the Marzipan Man. Remember those ones? That was…those were stories never told. I said, I prefer the stories about the gingerbread.
Oh, okay, well…it was harder to catch the Marzipan Man because he wasn’t a cookie. He was made of…he was much more bendable. That’s where they got the idea for that…Stretch Armstrong from. Really? No, I just made that up, but…everybody’s wrapping their cakes, their Battenburgs. Some look blocky. Rowan’s trying to adjust. Some things are not going well, but this is…you’re just trying to do a basic square with a checkerboard pattern with colors and flavors. Who is this? Lottie’s kinda doing more of a diamond shape. Then everybody’s starting to decorate. We got one minute remaining. Tough to tell where we’re at, though, with the editing. But everybody’s trying to bring…Stardust…time is up. Rowan’s not displeased. Everybody’s high-fiving. At least we don’t gotta clean up.
Imagine…I was an intern on Great British Bake Off; I washed and cleaned. Okay, first up…I forgot this young man’s name, but he gets a really good review. Moist and crumbly, nice marzipan…same with the orange. Gluten-free for the sponges works. Everybody laughs. Then we have Mak. That was Peter, then Mak…neat, but too complicated, the flavors. Almond would have been better than pistachio. Hermine…striking. Marmalade and the bitterness go together. A pleasure to eat. Then we have Laura. No distant plane? No distinction. Too plain, like it needs more flavor. Dave…nice square, but the coffee overpowers it. Good vanilla. You explained it wrong. If you had explained it in a different way…Linda…it looks unfinished and dry, bone dry. So, they said, wish we could give you marks for the thought.
Loriea…prove very striking. Could smell the bubblegum. Is that a good thing? Let’s try blowing bubbles. Bone dry as well. I like bubblegum and cream soda, but maybe…the marzipan’s a little thick. Then Matt says, can you make it for my ninth birthday party? Then Mark with the beard…nice, light. The marzipan’s a little thick. Lovely texture. Then Mark with less of a beard…they say it’s too busy. They say somebody’s name…sour cherry’s lovely. Too much rose water. Lottie’s up. She takes hers out of a bag. Wrapped up…nice stripes. Starburst is a little bit messy. It was warm, huh? Colors are wonderful. I like the cake, but custard…okay, well, the jam’s strong. Good acidity. Good effort. I’m gonna maybe eat some more of it. Rowan next. Okay, yeah, changed the design, eh? Too complicated? It’s deconstructed.
The night sky is nice. Pretty neat. It’s a heavy sponge, though. Hard work for cake. There’s moisture that has to get out. Sura…pretty, looks good. I like the decorations. Glazed…flavors are there. Neat marzipan. Elements good…buttercream…lovely piece of cake. So, that’s Sura. Then we go to the talking heads after. Everybody’s kinda like, oh, man. Sura’s like, I recovered from having that cake being not that great initially. Peter’s feeling good. Pretty amped, he says. A couple other people…we still gotta learn their names. But then we get a sky shot. Now the second challenge; a gingham-covered mystery. Blue gingham. This one’s from Paul Hollywood. Classic…a classic from the Jetsons TV show as well…six mini pineapple upside-down cakes, which I guess is a classic bake. I’ve never…I don't know if I’ve ever had it.
These mini ones look pretty good, though. You get ninety minutes. So, lightly buttered, caramel…getting it all out in time is a challenge. You do the syrup first, according to Paul. Make a sponge…butter…oh, this was when they were working. Classic bake…we used to have it at school dinners. I mean, man, if I go back in time, I want to go to the schools Paul went to and just eat there. Rippling…dessert…every man…like, nice desserts, too. But yeah, it looks really tasty. I’ll have to look up a recipe and do it one day. Okay, so, first you make the caramel; low heat, not too caramelized, though. It’s gotta be a light caramel, in this case. It’s a little secret if you ever go…time travel and get on this cast. That will briefly help you with almost barely anything. It’s gotta be a light caramel.
Don’t over-caramel it. Don’t under-caramel it. Also don’t forget to butter your molds or whatever. Syrup, pineapple, cherry, batter…how long should we put it in for? Don’t burn your caramel, man. Making the sponge, which is just butter, sugar…make it light. Ten minutes? Okay, we keep…we checking on it? I think Mark with less of a beard forgot to butter his mold. Somebody did. Then some start to sink in the oven. You see different levels of precision as people do these things. Some people are measuring and some people are just guestimating, and some people are reading carefully, some people are not. Alright, let’s just get…let’s get it all in there. They’re kinda getting put in…cooked in cups that I’m not familiar with, something like a tin, bigger than a muffin. But they go in. Don’t look at me, Matt says.
I got no clue. Okay, fifteen minutes, ten minutes, everybody’s saying. What are you gonna do? We get an outside shot. Fifteen minutes left. Linda’s are the ones that collapse. Nice height, some people’s. Cram method…good flavor. I think that’s once we get them up on the board. But yeah, then we…everybody starts to get theirs ready, right? Take them out of the tins. You…oh, you gotta cool them first, I guess. Everybody’s trying to hand-cool them. Some people get the freezer, so, I don't know if that’s…whoever gets there first thing. But you gotta turn these upside-down cakes out, just like the song once said. Some people think they’re good. Some people…maybe also put cream…like a whipped cream on top, and then another cherry, I think.
So, you get cake with…then caramel into the cake, then the cherry and the pineapple with…they’re caramelized a little bit, too, then whipped cream and another cherry. Linda’s are not good. There’s one minute left. Let’s see how many people are putting another cherry on. Okay, nobody yet. Oh no, now people are. But they still have the thing in. Some people’s are too warm, so their cream is melting. Alright, bring them up. But then when we bring them up, Sura and…I don't know the guy’s name. They bump into each other. His drop, which is upsetting, but he does have one-and-a-half cakes that are still good, so he…it doesn't…it ends up being a false drama. What is his name? Dan, maybe? I don't know. But yeah, they say, don't worry. The judges said they’ll just eat the two you had.
You had six done, so…Sura feels guilty, but it was a accident. Noel tries to make up for it by blaming Matt. Matt says, oh yeah, it was my fault. So hypnotic. But you are supposed to have six identical pineapple upside-down cakes. They kinda go through, and it’s tough with a new cast. Let me go through the…Lottie…it’s not Hermione. Hermine, Laura, Mark, Mak, Dave, Loriea, Mark, and Linda. Linda had last 'cause hers fell apart. Some are doughy. Some are neat. Some are uniform. Rowan’s get a good review. His are noted for good flavor, but not consistent. So, he ends up getting third place. Second place is Peter. Uniform and taste good…tiny bit of…then first place is Sura. Perfect piping. Nice balance of flavors. What else we got here? Four…oh, these are just the order. But yeah, overall, they all kinda do good.
Piping’s good, excellent. Yours cooled; that’s Sura, who comes in first. Toffee-like…balanced beautifully. Yeah, then last place…yeah, it didn’t really work out for you, huh? So, then they use a template for the ones that fell, but they’re a little over-caramelized. Nice height, delicious. Right now they’re ranking from first to…worst to best. But as we said, we got it down. A little too pale…too pale, some people’s, too caramelized. Third spot, Lottie, fourth, Rowan…we have…who’s first, Peter or Sura? Just…Peter’s a smidgeon below the winner, Sura. Very, very good. Okay, then we have talk, talk, talking about being together. Sura, Pete…Sura, actually, Drew. Yeah, you’re right. Crackerjack of a day. Then we have, yeah, the top and the bottom people, which are kinda Linda and Mark with less of a beard.
Okay, so, then they go out to the tent and get dressed. We got…oh, they talk about being together, the four hosts, and that nobody’s mature, Prue says. I gotta share a tent with all of you. So, I don't know if the hosts actually followed this, too, where seven weeks they were on site. I mean, I can imagine for…just to perform would be hard, but for people that do other…writing and creating, then it would be good because you’d be…it’d be difficult, but you’d be able to do a lot. I don't know, they’re just joking about it since it’s the first episode. Oh, Matt’s shirt…I don't know if it’s a polka dot 'cause it has big dots on it. But I said, is that a polka dot…is there…when you have polka dots, does it have to be a certain size to be considered a polka dot? Okay, so, this is the showstopper. It’s a 3D cake bust.
So, that’s shoulders and heads of a celebrity hero in four hours. So, you’re gonna have to sculpt, be creative, capture likeness in cake form. So, that is a challenge if I ever heard one. So, don’t…too much…you don’t want to make it too heavy or too sweet, Prue says. It better look fantastic. Paul is like, you better make a proper structure, 'cause if you don’t bake it correctly, the sponge won't hold it. First up is Mark without a…less of a beard. He’s doing Ziggy Stardust. Fondant lightning, vanilla buttercream chocolate sponge, shape of his face…David Bowie…slender. Then…wait, so, let’s go…idols…David Bowie…they call him the White Duke, I think. Then Linda’s doing a kinda tie-dye Bob Marley in pastels, blues, and greens. It looks cool, the drawing of it. Lemon and orange curds…how much booze is going in there?
A bottle and a half, she says. So…and she says, yeah, Bob Marley’s meant a lot to me. Freddy Mercury is who Laura’s doing. Lemon and elderflower…then Loriea is…Louise Bennett-Coverley, a Jamaican poet about identity, and she’s gonna do a spicy one. She has Durham and Jamaican roots. Chili chocolate sponge…and they already lost the pieces. She said, last time it didn’t work out so great. Hopefully I do better this time. Okay, Sura is doing Sir David Attenborough, and they’re talking about…have you ever met him? Noel’s like, oh, I text with him, yeah. He’s gonna be coconut, Italian meringue, raspberry Italian meringue, buttercream…don’t let down the animals, Noel says, even if David’s not happy. Sir David…then Mark with a beard is doing Charles Darwin. It’s a bit of a metaphor.
Spiced ginger, coconut buttercream…yeah, that’s what got my attention, coconut butter…I love coconut, man. Lottie is doing…she’s gonna do a structural mold. Then she’s doing Louis Theroux, and it’ll be coconutty. Sounds delicious. People are singing as they make the thing. All the cakes are going in the oven. They’re talking about time management. You know, better be good with the time management now. Rowan is doing Queen Marie Antoinette. Chocolate cake, cursoaked cherries, choux bun hairdo…let them eat cake…a caramel ship on her head. He’s using some sort of mold which will help, some kind of something mask mold. I don't know how to say that. People are having tea. Noel’s…or Matt’s got a cup of tea on his head.
Everybody’s working on…holy cow, how are we gonna get all these elements done, right? Mixing things, making the buttercream…and showstopping flavors. Fillings and toppings…ginger-mango jam, lots of ginger…Peter…subtle approach. Strawberry jam, whipped double cream…in honor of Saint Chris, Chris Hoy, the cyclist. He’s gonna do it with a helmet and goggles so it makes it a little bit easier to do the look, but something that presents well. No hair…he doesn't have to do. So, keeping it simple. Sponge cakes…cake sponges…cakes are coming out, the sponge. Everybody’s trying to cool them down, spread them out. What am I gonna do here? Mark with a beard drops one of his sponges, but he says, I think I’ll be okay. I’ll use it on the top.
Then it’s time to roll out the fondant, as they say, and start to do some sculpting, some designs. Beads for necklaces…Tom Delonge from blink-182 is who — who’s this guy? — Dave is doing. Roger Whittaker…you listen to Roger Whittaker, Noel says to Matt? Chocolate buttercream, mint sponge…I have to look up Roger Whittaker. Matt says, yeah, I do. Then Noel gives him a hard time. More into Sabbath, man. Hermine’s doing ode to Lupita…she’s gonna use real — gonna lose my spot here — isomalt eyes and fondant…fondant something. Mak…a tribute to Bill Bryson, lemon…and something. He’s even making hair out of something. I don't even know. I don't know if that’s cake or fondant or what. The choux buns are not working for Rowan.
They’re not going…rising, so…and then Matt balances a rolling pin on his head. People are trying to start assembling their cakes and their sponges after they’ve cooled. Are they ready to start carving and assembling? They’re using different things to build around so that it all comes together. Choux buns are not gonna work for Marie Antoinette’s hair, so he’ll figure something else out. Heads are drooping depending on the sponge. People are trying to carve their sponges and not have them constantly fall over, which is difficult. Freddy Mercury’s head rolls. Mark without a beard…his thing’s falling apart, too. Time is flying, so everybody’s in different stages of the decoration part. Laura’s stressed. Some people are way ahead. There’s even a couple people that end up helping other people at the end.
Noel’s giving her a hard time about Louis Theroux…Louis Theroux…I always say Louis, but…and then Hermine’s building her…she’s gonna dress her thing, so…Lupita’s not clothed, but it ends up…she makes this beautiful dress for her. Okay, so, everybody’s trying to decorate, get the eyes right, get the look right, get the details, and get the silhouettes, put it together…stacking layers. Time flies. Peter even says, Rowan, you need some help? I’ll help you. Sura’s helping Linda put hers together so that Freddy’s head stays on. People are trying…they’re trying to find the right, I don't know, holders or things. Time’s up. Step away from your cakes. Then they go outside to catch a breath.
Sura’s cake rolls off the thing, so she’s allowed to go back in and stand it back up, but she has to put something behind it so it’ll stand up, piping bags, like a travel cushion, 'cause you could use inedible supports. Alright, it’s time. Rowan goes first. He’s got a nice stand. He said, yeah, I couldn't do the hair, so I improvised. They go, you gotta scale back, Paul says. Say less, do more. ‘Cause if you didn’t tell us, it would look brilliant. So, then he goes in, cuts a piece of Marie Antoinette’s cake. Flavor’s lovely; cherry. It’s a tasty cake. Well done, Rowan. Lottie’s next. You got the look down. Coconut lime…get all the flavors, but it’s overbaked, bone dry. Mak…good detail. Lemon Madeira, red currant…flavor but dry. Too bad, 'cause it could have been good. Bob Marley doesn't get totally done shape-wise, but cake-wise, it’s delicious.
All the elements of a good sponge. Citrus flavors, lemon curd…can't go wrong. Chris…very dramatic, the Sir Chris one. Looks like he’s puffing. Clever. You know who it is from all his medals. It’s like, okay, this…I was wondering what it’d be like inside. It looks great, though. Buttercream’s delicious. Cream, cherry, sponge spot on. Paul’s even smiling. Fresh, light…concept is great, witty. Well done. Then we got the Tom Delonge. Strawberry, coco buttercream, mint…toothpastey. Too strong on the mint. Chemical taste. You let yourself down, Paul says. Mark, this does not look like David Bowie at all, so…he goes, yeah, it looks more like Jabba. It’s…kinda fell apart. They take…they taste the cake. Dense, overbaked…good flavor, good effort. Then Hermine…and she put ‘guess who’ on it, but the dress came out really nice.
It looks like a real dress even though it’s made from fondant or whatever the other thing is. Lovely cake. Rich chocolate. Delicious. Mark with the beard…ginger spice, coconut buttercream…good flavor, hasn’t overdone it. Spices, ginger…well baked. Well done. Loriea…okay, look kind of…it doesn't resemble her, but in style it does. They taste it and it’s a little bit…the chili’s overwhelming. It kinda comes in waves. Ginger is really strong. They kinda give her a hard time about being consistent and being over-strong. Sura’s up. He’s reclining, having a nap. They laugh. Neat shirt. Let’s have a look here. Okay, it’s tender on the inside. Coconut, Italian raspberry…they taste it. I like the flavor; not dry, moist, and it looks like him. Smart, neat…well done.
Okay, they laugh when they look at Laura’s, 'cause it just doesn't look good, except for the jacket. They say, okay, the jacket’s lovely. Let’s try it. They taste it. Delicious. It’s so moist. That’s probably why it couldn't hold up. Paul says, I love the cake…elderflower flavor. Really nice. We know who it is, at least. So, everybody laughs. It zooms on the people that aren't doing so great. Then we get the talking heads. I thought this was a sure thing of who was going home, but I always end up being wrong. Linda’s relieved that she did good on the last one. Mark with the less of a beard is positive he’s going home. I thought so, too. But again, we must not have seen all of the clear things. So, then they say Paul and Prue have decided. Alright, bakers. So, Mak gets to say the Star Baker, and the Star Baker is Peter.
Everybody claps. Peter’s super…man, he’s really young. A lot of times the Star Bakers are. They say, okay, the baker who didn’t…isn't gonna make it is…and they go…they show three people’s…they say, Loriea. I said, really? Okay. Did not expect that, but Mark must have done something in one of the other two ones that was just a little bit better. So, she’s in the rain kinda contemplating. Proud…I did well to get here, stayed true to myself. A lot of hugs. Paul wanted…said, I wanted to get involved and kinda steer her in a different direction, but I couldn't. I’m a judge. Mark is relieved, so is Linda, that they didn’t go home. A lot of bat-packing, a lot of hugging, some crossed arms. Peter calls home; says, just wanted to give you a quick call. Week one, Star Baker. Everybody’s cheering. He goes, yeah, it was pretty wild. He laughs.
No, it was Down Hall they say in the thank-yous. So, let’s see the thank-yous…Down Hall Estates. So, not Downing Hall, Scoots. Then, who were we gonna…? Oh, we can't…can we use the internet? Who’s the author or the musician we were gonna look up? I just didn’t get that. Roger Whittaker…let’s look that up. It’s probably somebody I should know, huh? Oh, a lot of times with you, it is. You’re right about that. Okay, let’s see…then I’ll say goodnight to everybody. What do you think…it’s like, R-O-G-E-R…Roger Whittaker. Whit…Roger Whittaker…R-O-G-E-R W-H-I-T-T-A-K-E-R. He’s a Kenyan-born, British singer, songwriter, musician…folk music, crooning, and trademark whistling skills. Some pop…Times observed, some pop singers define the Zeitgeist and many more follow it.
Some defy it, Roger Whittaker among them. Never had chart success, but he gain…he’s been on TV in twelve countries. 1971, his best-known song, The Last Farewell. Let’s see, ‘71…’74, he was in the Finnish Eurovision qualifier, and…yeah. I’ll have to look more up about it. So, I don't get it. It must be some joke. I mean, there’s a lot of jokes I don't get, I guess. Alright, well, thanks for listening, everybody. I hope you enjoyed this episode and having the bakers back. It’s nice to have everybody back. Well, let’s see if I type in ‘Down Hall’. Oh yeah, here is it. Down Hall Spa and Estates…let’s see if we can book a room here.
Wait a second, 146? That’s just on the thing. Let’s take a look…it’s in Hertfordshire. Eat, stay, love…up to 290…292 pounds per couple. It was…it’s only $171 per room. Festive tea escape…that’s $250, some sort of…what’s that called, paddle…tennis paddle? What’s that called? Paddle ball? They got a brathwork weekend, a sound bath weekend…they should have Snoozy Sunday. You guys should get me out there working on it. Spa package…eat and spa escape…they have a lot of things. Yeah, it doesn't…it’s also somewhat affordable. Activities, that’s what I always want to see here, and I don't know where…I have no clue where it is.
Oh, they got a trim trail, kitchen garden, local attractions…let’s check out the local attractions. Audley End House, Bishop’s Stortford, Cambridge…oh, so, it’s close to Cambridge. Fifty-two minutes in the car. Countryside walks…Mountfitchet Castle, Hatfield Forest, Hatfield House, House on the Hill Toy Museum, Paradise Wildlife Park, Rye House, Carting…so, yeah. Location, let’s look that up. It’s…okay, Down Hall is on the Hertsfordshire Essex border, and that’s it. If you got any questions, give them a call. I was just trying to see where…okay, it’s north…it’s not that far out of London.
I mean, let’s see. Watford…where…? Slough…we know…the only time I stayed outside of London was in Reading. Reading…Reading. I think that was in another direction. Swindon…oh yeah, Reading, Slough, and Swindon…yeah, they’re all in the same…that’s like, from The Office, right? So, it’s the opposite of that. So, West London. But I stayed in Reading and took the train into London every day 'cause it was more…I could stay with somebody and afford it. But yeah, so, it’s north, but it’s on the way to Cambridge. Okay, well, maybe one day check it out. Alright, goodnight, everybody. Thanks for listening, and I hope you sleep well. Goodnight.
(Transcription performed by LeahTranscribes)
Bake Off
Bake Off C8/S11 E1
Matt Lucas Review
Polka Dots
Hello Bakers
There’s a time for proofing, for oven warming, and for baking
Someone perfectly described the show to me, but I forgot what they said
Sleep With Me Plus; SleepPhones; Calm History podcast; Rusty Biscuit Links; Emily Tat Artwork; Crisis Textline; Referral Program
Helix Sleep; Zocdoc; Progressive; Anker Soundcore; Dave’s Killer Bread; Acorns; Turbotax
Feelings remaining from the day
Or maybe you’re trying not to feel stuff
An Inopportune Time
Most people would characterize interacting me as an inopportune time
All times are inopportune for hotel clerks to help me
We get it
We’re here and we know how you feel
I’m glad you’re here
My brain can get slightly disconnected while doing this intro
Normally I’m pretty unwilling to try out new things
I get it if you don’t get this show
A cloud that kind of looks like a snail
That cloud is definitely a rock
Lump-Based Being (LBB)
That cloud is a deflated square
Cloud Watching with Lump
Right Angle Triangle is fun to say
I’m meant to just keep you company, no matter what
Your borefriend, however you spin it
Explaining the structure of the show
Easing into bedtime
Hello bakers
Collection 8, Series 11
The first one with Matt Lucas
An important message from Boris Johnson?
Not Boris Yeltsin
This one is way over my head
Don’t bake in a tent
How to pronounce scone
Some gorgeous sky shots, holy moly
2020, man
They all stay together in the tent in the countryside
They volunteered to stay for 7 whole weeks
12 new bakers, 30 challenges
The opening theme song
Downey Hall, I think is the name
Signature Challenge – The Battenburg
A lot of humor about Matt learning the ropes
Prue loves the Battenburg
Loray – Bubblegum from a bottle with cream soda
Prue’s got a nice little jacket on
Laura – raspberry ripple with coconut
Man, I gotta get some coconut sponge
Lottie – doing yoga while listening to viking metal
Rhubarb and Custard Battenburg
Dave has a baby on the way
Chocolate Espresso Martini Battenburg
I don’t understand Noel’s jokes
Mark – sour cherry, from Cornwall
Bearded Mark and Non-Bearded Mark
Non-bearded Mark also has a beard
Who’s Josh? Hamish?
Chocolate Walnut Rosewater – that’s one of the Marks’
Checking their cakes
Trimming sponge at the perfect temp
Peter’s Battenburg is gluten free, for his brother
Chocolate Orange Battenburg
You have to listen to the cake
Sura – her cake overflows
I leave a messy kitchen like Sura
Battle for Battenburg
Have I had marzipan? I don’t know
Mark with a beard from Liverpool
Turkish flavors – almond, orange, marzipan
Mozart’s Magic Flute, from Rowan
Rowan is a music teacher
Linda – making a helpful Battenburg trolley
Ground Almonds? Grand Almonds?
Mac – using pistachios instead of almonds
He has an allotment in Bolton
I’d like to know more about these allotments
Hermine – chocolate, orange, marmalade in the marzipan
She’s skateboarding with her son
Lottie’s not ready
Rowan is using a box to cut his cake
Roll Out The Marzipan, Man
Rowan’s cakes are soft in the middle
Don’t overwhelm it with the marzipan
Can’t catch me, I’m the marzipan man
The Marzipan Man is definitely a Story Never Told
A basic checkerboard pattern
Lottie is doing more of a diamond shape
Time to clean
I was an intern on GBBO – I washed and cleaned
Peter – moist and crumbly, nice marzipan
Mac – neat, too complicated
Hermine – striking, a pleasure to eat
Laura – no distinction, too plain
Dave – nice square, coffee is too strong
Linda – unfinished, bone dry
Lorey – striking, strong bubblegum flavor, bone dry, thick marzipan
Mark (beard) – nice light, thick marzipan
Mark (other) – too busy with flavors
Lottie – messy starburst, great colors, good cake, good effort
Rowan – too complicated, heavy sponge, hard work for cake
Sura – Pretty, looks good, good decorations, lovely piece of cake
Talking Heads – initial reactions
Technical Challenge from Paul
Six Mini Pineapple Upside Down Cakes
They look yummy, man
I want to eat at the schools Paul went to
Caramel that’s not too caramelized
Don’t Over Caramel It
Make the sponge light
Unbearded Mark forgot to butter his molds
Different levels of precision
Take them out of the tins and hand cool them
Freezers are first come, first serve
Cake, caramel, cherry, pineapple, whipped cream, another cherry
Linda’s are not good
Sura and some guy bump into each other
He still has a few cakes that didn’t drop
It’s just false drama
Sura feels guilty but it’s all good
Noel blames Matt
Hermine? Hermione?
Rowan’s are good but not consistent
Rowan 3rd
Peter 2nd
Sura 1st in Technical!
Overall, they were pretty good
Lottie is 4th
Linda and Unbearded Mark are near the bottom
Were the hosts also there for the full seven weeks?
How big can a polka dot be?
3D Cake Busts
Unbearded Mark – Ziggy Stardust
Linda – Tie Dye Bob Marley
Laura – Freddie Mercury
Lorea – Louise Bennet Coverly
Sura is doing David Attenborough
Bearded Mark – Charles Darwin
I love coconut, man
Lottie – Louis Theroux
Rowan – Marie Antoinette
Peter – Chris Hoy, the cyclist
Bearded Mark drops one of his sponges
Time to roll out the fondant
David – Tome DeLonge
Hermine – ode to Lupita
Real Isomalt Eyes
Mac – Bill Bryson
Rowan’s choux buns aren’t rising
Things are falling apart
Different stages of decoration
They’re helping each other at the end
Stacking layers, putting it together
Peter helps Rowan
Sura helps Linda
Judgment Time
Rowan – scale back, say less, do more, lovely flavor
Lottie – great look, overbaked, good flavor
Mac – good detail, flavorful, dry
Linda – great flavors
Peter – very dramatic, clever, delicious, Paul smiles, witty
David – toothpaste flavor, too strong mint, chemically
Mark – not David Bowie at all, dense, overbaked, good flavor
Hermine – a beautiful dress, lovely, delicious
Bearded Mark – good flavors, well baked
Lorea – resembles her in style, kind of, overwhelming flavor, inconsistent
Sura – tender inside, moist, neat, well-done
Laura – this doesn’t look good, delicious, moist
Talking Heads
I was surprised by who went home
Unbearded Mark is sure he’s going home, and I thought so too
Star Baker is Peter!
Peter is so young
Lorea is going home, surprisingly
Linda and Mark are relieved
Peter calls home, and he’s happy
Down Hall Estate is the place
Who is Roger Whittaker?
Roger Whittaker facts
Trademark Whistling Skills
Thanks for listening
Down Hall Spa and Estates
Oh, you can book a room here?
Facts about the estate
On the Hertfordshire/Essex border
Not that far out of London
I’ve only stayed outside of London in Reading
Okay, maybe one day we’ll check it out for real
Episode: 1319
Title: Cake Week | Great British Bake You Off to Sleep C8/S11 E1
Plugs: Sleep With Me Plus; SleepPhones; Calm History podcast; Rusty Biscuit Links; Emily Tat Artwork; Crisis Textline; Referral Program
Sponsors: Helix Sleep; Zocdoc; Progressive; Anker Soundcore; Dave’s Killer Bread; Acorns; Turbotax
Notable Language:
- An Inopportune Time
- Lump-Based Being (LBB)
- Right Angle Triangle
- Scone
- Celebration of Summer
- Battle for Battenburg
- Roll Out The Marzipan, Man
- Blue Gingham
- Don’t Over Caramel It
- Tie Dye Bob Marley
- Real Isomalt Eyes
- Trademark Whistling Skills
- The Office
Notable Culture:
- Great British Bake Off
- Matt Lucas
- Boris Yeltsin
- Boris Johnson
- Mozart
- The Magic Flute
- Roll Out The Marzipan, Man
- Stretch Armstrong
- The Gingerbread Man
- Harry Potter
- David Bowie
- Bob Marley
- Freddie Mercury
- Louise Bennett Coverly
- David Attenborough
- Charles Darwin
- Louis Theroux
- Marie Antoinette
- Chris Hoy
- Tome DeLonge
- Lupita Nyong’o
- Bill Bryson
- Roger Whittaker
Notable Talking Points:
- Feelings remaining from the day
- Or maybe you’re trying not to feel stuff
- An Inopportune Time
- Most people would characterize interacting me as an inopportune time
- All times are inopportune for hotel clerks to help me
- We get it
- We’re here and we know how you feel
- I’m glad you’re here
- My brain can get slightly disconnected while doing this intro
- Normally I’m pretty unwilling to try out new things
- I get it if you don’t get this show
- A cloud that kind of looks like a snail
- That cloud is definitely a rock
- Lump-Based Being (LBB)
- That cloud is a deflated square
- Cloud Watching with Lump
- Right Angle Triangle is fun to say
- I’m meant to just keep you company, no matter what
- Your borefriend, however you spin it
- Explaining the structure of the show
- Easing into bedtime
- Hello bakers
- Collection 8, Series 11
- The first one with Matt Lucas
- An important message from Boris Johnson?
- Not Boris Yeltsin
- This one is way over my head
- Don’t bake in a tent
- How to pronounce scone
- Some gorgeous sky shots, holy moly
- 2020, man
- They all stay together in the tent in the countryside
- They volunteered to stay for 7 whole weeks
- 12 new bakers, 30 challenges
- The opening theme song
- Downey Hall, I think is the name
- Signature Challenge – The Battenburg
- A lot of humor about Matt learning the ropes
- Prue loves the Battenburg
- Loray – Bubblegum from a bottle with cream soda
- Prue’s got a nice little jacket on
- Laura – raspberry ripple with coconut
- Man, I gotta get some coconuts ponge
- Lottie – doing yoga while listening to viking metal
- Rhubarb and Custard Battenburg
- Dave has a baby on the way
- Chocolate Espresso Martini Battenburg
- I don’t understand Noel’s jokes
- Mark – sour cherry, from Cornwall
- Bearded Mark and Non-Bearded Mark
- Non-bearded Mark also has a beard
- Who’s Josh? Hamish?
- Chocolate Walnut Rosewater – that’s one of the Marks’
- Checking their cakes
- Trimming sponge at the perfect temp
- Peter’s Battenburg is gluten free, for his brother
- Chocolate Orange Battenburg
- You have to listen to the cake
- Sura – her cake overflows
- I leave a messy kitchen like Sura
- Battle for Battenburg
- Have I had marzipan? I don’t know
- Mark with a beard from Liverpool
- Turkish flavors – almond, orange, marzipan
- Mozart’s Magic Flute, from Rowan
- Rowan is a music teacher
- Linda – making a helpful Battenburg trolley
- Ground Almonds? Grand Almonds?
- Mac – using pistachios instead of almonds
- He has an allotment in Bolton
- I’d like to know more about these allotments
- Hermine – chocolate, orange, marmalade in the marzipan
- She’s skateboarding with her son
- Lottie’s not ready
- Rowan is using a box to cut his cake
- Roll Out The Marzipan, Man
- Rowan’s cakes are soft in the middle
- Don’t overwhelm it with the marzipan
- Can’t catch me, I’m the marzipan man
- The Marzipan Man is definitely a Story Never Told
- A basic checkerboard pattern
- Lottie is doing more of a diamond shape
- Time to clean
- I was an intern on GBBO – I washed and cleaned
- Peter – moist and crumbly, nice marzipan
- Mac – neat, too complicated
- Hermine – striking, a pleasure to eat
- Laura – no distinction, too plain
- Dave – nice square, coffee is too strong
- Linda – unfinished, bone dry
- Lorey – striking, strong bubblegum flavor, bone dry, thick marzipan
- Mark (beard) – nice light, thick marzipan
- Mark (other) – too busy with flavors
- Lottie – messy starburst, great colors, good cake, good effort
- Rowan – too complicated, heavy sponge, hard work for cake
- Sura – Pretty, looks good, good decorations, lovely piece of cake
- Talking Heads – initial reactions
- Technical Challenge from Paul
- Six Mini Pineapple Upside Down Cakes
- They look yummy, man
- I want to eat at the schools Paul went to
- Caramel that’s not too caramelized
- Don’t Over Caramel It
- Make the sponge light
- Unbearded Mark forgot to butter his molds
- Different levels of precision
- Take them out of the tins and hand cool them
- Freezers are first come, first serve
- Cake, caramel, cherry, pineapple, whipped cream, another cherry
- Linda’s are not good
- Sura and some guy bump into each other
- He still has a few cakes that didn’t drop
- It’s just false drama
- Sura feels guilty but it’s all good
- Noel blames Matt
- Hermine? Hermione?
- Rowan’s are good but not consistent
- Rowan 3rd
- Peter 2nd
- Sura 1st in Technical!
- Overall, they were pretty good
- Lottie is 4th
- Linda and Unbearded Mark are near the bottom
- Were the hosts also there for the full seven weeks?
- How big can a polka dot be?
- 3D Cake Busts
- Unbearded Mark – Ziggy Stardust
- Linda – Tie Dye Bob Marley
- Laura – Freddie Mercury
- Lorea – Louise Bennet Coverly
- Sura is doing David Attenborough
- Bearded Mark – Charles Darwin
- I love coconut, man
- Lottie – Louis Theroux
- Rowan – Marie Antoinette
- Peter – Chris Hoy, the cyclist
- Bearded Mark drops one of his sponges
- Time to roll out the fondant
- David – Tome DeLonge
- Hermine – ode to Lupita
- Real Isomalt Eyes
- Mac – Bill Bryson
- Rowan’s choux buns aren’t rising
- Things are falling apart
- Different stages of decoration
- They’re helping each other at the end
- Stacking layers, putting it together
- Peter helps Rowan
- Sura helps Linda
- Judgment Time
- Rowan – scale back, say less, do more, lovely flavor
- Lottie – great look, overbaked, good flavor
- Mac – good detail, flavorful, dry
- Linda – great flavors
- Peter – very dramatic, clever, delicious, Paul smiles, witty
- David – toothpaste flavor, too strong mint, chemically
- Mark – not David Bowie at all, dense, overbaked, good flavor
- Hermine – a beautiful dress, lovely, delicious
- Bearded Mark – good flavors, well baked
- Lorea – resembles her in style, kind of, overwhelming flavor, inconsistent
- Sura – tender inside, moist, neat, well-done
- Laura – this doesn’t look good, delicious, moist
- Talking Heads
- I was surprised by who went home
- Unbearded Mark is sure he’s going home, and I thought so too
- Star Baker is Peter!
- Peter is so young
- Lorea is going home, surprisingly
- Linda and Mark are relieved
- Peter calls home, and he’s happy
- Down Hall Estate is the place
- Who is Roger Whittaker?
- Roger Whittaker facts
- Trademark Whistling Skills
- Thanks for listening
- Down Hall Spa and Estates
- Oh, you can book a room here?
- Facts about the estate
- On the Hertfordshire/Essex border
- Not that far out of London
- I’ve only stayed outside of London in Reading
- Okay, maybe one day we’ll check it out for real