1299 – Immersive Autumnal Joy Trip 2023
A double sized celebration of all things autumn where gourds get the love they deserve.
The power of merch / identity
2023 Autumnal Joy Experiences
Cub Scout Jamboree
Mildly distracting service
Wearing a pair of understatements
Underoos for classy people
Make a statement with Understatements
Well, that’s never happened before
I suppose an Understatement could be nothing
Somehow me making fake invisible underwear just works, you know?
Deep Dark Night United
Sleep With Me Plus; SleepPhones; Rusty Biscuit Links; Emily Tat Artwork; NAPAWF; Anti-Racism Resources; Ukraine Relief; Crisis Textline
Helix Sleep; Zocdoc; Progressive; Lumen
Thoughts are thinking about stuff
Oh boy, we gotta think about this stuff now
Have you ever thought about Adult Underoos?
Mighty Mouse was popular
It’s not like I spent a lot of time thinking about Mighty Mouse or anything
My brain just said, “Thematic Sentence”
Insert Thematic Sentence Here
Have you tried closing your eyes to sleep? Huh?
Talking about belief systems in hot tubs
That presence lives eternally and internally within me
I forgot my personal policy to never get into hot tubs
Time to finalize this archetype
There are people out there who do care about how you feel
I’m so hydrated, I gotta get in the hot tub!
This show is gonna take some getting used to
I’m just here to be your friend and talk to you about nothing
I promise I won’t dial it in
Be Barely Funny? Check
Explaining the structure of the show
The same but different every time
Newness, freshness, and a lot of strangeness
My daughter and I’s yearly annual trek
Ray would sometimes join us
Immersive Autumnal Experiences at theme parks
Our first was in 2021 at Knott’s
Last year, we drove down to Universal Hollywood
We also got to tour UCLA last year
Universal Hollywood was so great
Forlorn City, because my daughter is going to be a senior in high school
We started at Knott’s
We did the buffet
We didn’t time the buffet that well
I got a soda and met some characters
Long Term Logistics into Immediate Logistics is always a hard transition fo rme
We went on the wooden rollercoaster twice, I think
Casper Carries You, the Roller Coaster
4 houses of autumnal joy near the casper coaster
Working with Wax
Different denizens feel differently about the wax
The wizard of wax
Other W’s of Wax
This one’s kind of a weird add-on
Watch Me Wax, where you can make stuff out of wax
I was a cub scout once
This was held at the NY State Fairgrounds
Shoutout to Superdull
We did a craft with a lot of brightly colored sands
You’d make a wax version of your hand – I did not get to do that activity
Other soothing Wax activities
Wax and Relax would be a good store
I’m too clumsy to be around wax
The Waxsmith
Another house – Under the Sea
It had a steampunk idea
Imagining a past, utopia of undersea steampunk
We live in an idealized steampunk society
Steampunks bring joy to ___________
5 Tenets of Steapunkopia
Learning from the merfolk
Are there seasons underwater?
Each gourd is unique
Is a zucchini a gourd? IDK
I’m not a big gourd consumer
Fruits like gourds
These merpeople were playing with pumpkins
A cornucopia of gourds
A laser that was about abdomen high
The laser and fog made it look like a shimmering surface
Moving gourds were also there on translucent lines
Aerial performers would come down from above
Another House
A subtle take on Grimoire
Big Otter Things vibes
You enter each tent of these camping kids
You enter the dreams of these sleeping kids
Dreaming of papel picado
Breaking through papel picado performers
Other kids were dreaming of trick or treating
Hollow candy ballpit
Candy salutes you
Jumping to Universal now
We went to the Otter Things house first
Based on the most recent season of Things That Are Strange
The characters will surprise you while playing hide and seek
We love Craig Mazin
A house of autumnal joy mostly based on the game Just the Two of Us
A game about searching for truffles
I had to stop playing it because I couldn’t regulate my gameplay
You were supposed to be looking for truffles
What’s the word for mushrooms?
For the love of foraging
No more mass market spores
I think Nicolas Cage was in a movie about this, too
The sporehunter game
It’s just a game about mushroom cultivation
An oyster mushroom is peak autumnal joy
You can’t help but leaf peep
That was a very popular house
I do enjoy going out of my comfort zone
Was there a middle ages themed one?
How your favorite holidays celebrate their favorite holiday?
How do holiday mascots celebrate the autumnal season?
We did the Chuckster multiple times
Favorite Classic Autumnal Friends
Chuckster and the Good Guys
The Parisian Courtyard? What?
3 Autumnal Legends from Latin America
This was similar to one last year
Hey I’m a Believer
A movie about a woman trying to get the Monkees popular again
This one didn’t translate super well to autumnal joy housings
Everyone Rises
Waking up the morning after Halloween
Groundhog’s Day-type movies
A loop life
Everything happening on planet Earth is affected by their morning routine
What will they do with this superpower?
Don’t leave your candy lying around on the street
Circus Style Acts and Mesmerism Shows
What was 1842?
Oh, the Calico Museum
Celebrating Autumn in the Wild West
An Among Us repeat
Episode: 1299
Title: Immersive Autumnal Joy Trip
Deep Dark Night United: n/a
Plugs: Sleep With Me Plus; SleepPhones; Rusty Biscuit Links; Emily Tat Artwork; NAPAWF; Anti-Racism Resources; Ukraine Relief; Crisis Textline
Sponsors: Helix Sleep; Zocdoc; Progressive; Lumen
SWM+ Thanks: n/a
Notable Language:
- Understatements
- D-R-E-A-D
- Insert Thematic Sentence Here
- Forlorn City
- Boo-fay
- Houses of Autumnal Joy
- Wax is whack
- Watch Me Wax
- The Waxsmith
- We live in an idealized steampunk society
- Steampunkopia
- Grimoire
- Papel Picado
- Spore-Based Beings
- You can’t help but leaf peep
- Chuckster and the Good Guys
- Groundhog’s Day
- Among Us
Notable Culture:
- Underoos
- The Emperor’s New Clothes
- Mighty Mouse
- Andy Kaufman
- Knott’s Berry Farm
- Universal Hollywood
- Cub Scouts
- Superdull
- Wax & Relax (store)
- The Little Mermaid
- Jules Verne
- Grimoire
- Stranger Things
- Craig Mazin / Scriptnotes
- The Last of Us
- Pig
- Chucky
- The Monkees
Notable Talking Points:
- Thoughts are thinking about stuff
- Oh boy, we gotta think about this stuff now
- Have you ever thought about Adult Underoos?
- Mighty Mouse was popular
- It’s not like I spent a lot of time thinking about Mighty Mouse or anything
- D-R-E-A-D
- My brain just said, “Thematic Sentence”
- Insert Thematic Sentence Here
- Have you tried closing your eyes to sleep? Huh?
- Talking about belief systems in hot tubs
- That presence lives eternally and internally within me
- I forgot my personal policy to never get into hot tubs
- Time to finalize this archetype
- There are people out there who do care about how you feel
- I’m so hydrated, I gotta get in the hot tub!
- This show is gonna take some getting used to
- I’m just here to be your friend and talk to you about nothing
- I promise I won’t dial it in
- Be Barely Funny? Check
- Explaining the structure of the show
- The same but different every time
- Newness, freshness, and a lot of strangeness
- My daughter and I’s yearly annual trek
- Ray would sometimes join us
- Immersive Autumnal Experiences at theme parks
- Our first was in 2021 at Knott’s
- Last year, we drove down to Universal Hollywood
- We also got to tour UCLA last year
- Universal Hollywood was so great
- Forlorn City, because my daughter is going to be a senior in high school
- We started at Knott’s
- We did the buffet
- We didn’t time the buffet that well
- I got a soda and met some characters
- Long Term Logistics into Immediate Logistics is always a hard transition fo rme
- We went on the wooden rollercoaster twice, I think
- Casper Carries You, the Roller Coaster
- 4 houses of autumnal joy near the casper coaster
- Working with Wax
- Different denizens feel differently about the wax
- The wizard of wax
- Other W’s of Wax
- This one’s kind of a weird add-on
- Watch Me Wax, where you can make stuff out of wax
- I was a cub scout once
- This was held at the NY State Fairgrounds
- Shoutout to Superdull
- We did a craft with a lot of brightly colored sands
- You’d make a wax version of your hand – I did not get to do that activity
- Other soothing Wax activities
- Wax and Relax would be a good store
- I’m too clumsy to be around wax
- The Waxsmith
- Another house – Under the Sea
- It had a steampunk idea
- Imagining a past, utopia of undersea steampunk
- We live in an idealized steampunk society
- Steampunks bring joy to ___________
- 5 Tenets of Steapunkopia
- Learning from the merfolk
- Are there seasons underwater?
- Each gourd is unique
- Is a zucchini a gourd? IDK
- I’m not a big gourd consumer
- Fruits like gourds
- These merpeople were playing with pumpkins
- A cornucopia of gourds
- A laser that was about abdomen high
- The laser and fog made it look like a shimmering surface
- Moving gourds were also there on translucent lines
- Aerial performers would come down from above
- Another House
- A subtle take on Grimoire
- Big Otter Things vibes
- You enter each tent of these camping kids
- You enter the dreams of these sleeping kids
- Dreaming of papel picado
- Breaking through papel picado performers
- Other kids were dreaming of trick or treating
- Hollow candy ballpit
- Candy salutes you
- Jumping to Universal now
- We went to the Otter Things house first
- Based on the most recent season of Things That Are Strange
- The characters will surprise you while playing hide and seek
- We love Craig Mazin
- A house of autumnal joy mostly based on the game Just the Two of Us
- A game about searching for truffles
- I had to stop playing it because I couldn’t regulate my gameplay
- You were supposed to be looking for truffles
- What’s the word for mushrooms?
- For the love of foraging
- No more mass market spores
- I think Nicolas Cage was in a movie about this, too
- The sporehunter game
- It’s just a game about mushroom cultivation
- An oyster mushroom is peak autumnal joy
- You can’t help but leaf peep
- That was a very popular house
- I do enjoy going out of my comfort zone
- Was there a middle ages themed one?
- Holidayz
- How your favorite holidays celebrate their favorite holiday?
- How do holiday mascots celebrate the autumnal season?
- We did the Chuckster multiple times
- Favorite Classic Autumnal Friends
- Chuckster and the Good Guys
- The Parisian Courtyard? What?
- 3 Autumnal Legends from Latin America
- This was similar to one last year
- Hey I’m a Believer
- A movie about a woman trying to get the Monkees popular again
- This one didn’t translate super well to autumnal joy housings
- Everyone Rises
- Waking up the morning after Halloween
- Groundhog’s Day-type movies
- A loop life
- Everything happening on planet Earth is affected by their morning routine
- What will they do with this superpower?
- Don’t leave your candy lying around on the street
- Circus Style Acts and Mesmerism Shows
- What was 1842?
- Oh, the Calico Museum
- Celebrating Autumn in the Wild West
- An Among Us repeat
Episode 1299 – Immersive Autumnal Joy Trip 2023
SCOOTER: Friends beyond the binary, ladies and gentlemen, boys and girls, it’s time for the podcaster who’s here to take your mind off of stuff, keep you company, to be barely entertaining, and barely listened to. It’s a strange thing; I’m here to be your friend in the deep, dark night, to be of service to you in a mildly distracting way. It’s a different show. I’m glad you’re here if this is your first time here. It’s still a different…if you’re a regular listener, you’re like, oh boy, is it. Every show’s a little bit different, and that’s not an…that is an…that’s not an under…? Understatements…I’ve talked about Meanderwear and Underoos before, but I’ve never used the word ‘understatement’ and thought of Underoos or underwear before, but now I am. I don't know why. Just wearing a pair of understatements.
It does sound like that, though. It sounds like a classy kind of…like Underoos for classy people. Underneath my suit, I wear something understated. Understatement…that could be a thing. Really, that’s the ad right there. Some people say, how do you look so comfortable and elegant at the same time? I’d say, Understatement. They’d say, what do you…? I’d say, that’s an understatement, but I would be pointing my thumbs at me if this was…if it was an audio-only. That’s why I wear Understatement, the undergarments that are just right. Make a statement with Understatement. Understatement is something that charges you for something that doesn't exist. Understatement is nothing, but we charge $29.99, but we only sell it in packages of thirty, one for every day of the month. Understatement.
Well, it’s only licensed for business in Scooter’s imagination. All statements could be considered imaginary. Understatement; get yours today from not the finest retailer in the world, the finest imaginary…well, I imagine that I could have…so anyway, if you’re here…I mean, that’s never happened before. I mean, I thought of…it was only…I’m not trying to brag, but it wasn’t ‘til halfway through the advertisement I realized, wait, we…if it’s a understatement, we don’t have…it’s like the emperor’s clothes. We could just sell you something that doesn't even exist. But you’d say, this feels great when I’m wearing nothing. Under…when I’m wearing something but I’m also wearing nothing. That’s an understatement. So, hopefully this is mildly amusing.
If it’s not, there’s…I have a website set up, sleepwithmepodcast.com/nothankyou, that you could check out. But the show does take some getting used to. What we got coming up is support so paying for the podcast is optional. There’s a lot of people that benefit from this ad-supported, listener-supported version of the show…and are so thankful for everybody that supports the sponsors or supports the show directly, 'cause I hear from them. That’s the honest truth, and it really…it’s one of the reasons I’m so dedicated to this podcast, is the people I hear from that it has a positive impact on their lives, so thank you for that. It’s a strange thing to have…I can say that in all seriousness but also say, somehow me making up fake, invisible underwear is…I mean, who would have thought? But…apparently.
So anyway, I’m glad you’re here. Yeah, what we got coming up is support, then a long, meandering intro that eases you into bedtime, and then a bedtime story…yeah, is all coming up. So, I’m glad you’re here, and here’s a couple of ways we’re able to do this for you. If you prefer a ad-supported or ad-free version of the show, support the show directly. Join all the people there, and you won't hear me say, thanks for supporting the show directly, but I’m thanking you. But you’ll hear it ahead of time, I guess. So, yeah, here’s a couple ways we’re able to do this for you for free twice a week.
INTRO: [INTRO MUSIC] Hey, are you up all night tossing, turning, mind racing? Trouble getting to sleep? Trouble staying asleep? Well, welcome. This is Sleep With Me, the podcast that puts you to sleep. We do it with a bedtime story. Alls you need to do is get in bed, turn out the lights, and press Play, and…yeah, turn out the lights, press…I got mixed up. Alls you need to do is get in bed, turn out the lights, and press Play…I’ll do the rest. What I’m going to attempt to do is create a safe place where you could set aside whatever’s keeping you awake.
It could be thoughts, things on your mind, thoughts about the past, the present, the future…so, thinking thoughts, thoughts on your mind that are…where you’re thinking about stuff or your thoughts are thinking about stuff but not gently reminding you…oh boy, we gotta think about this. Have you ever thought…? Sometimes it’s innocent like that; have you ever thought about adult Underoos? What’s adult Underoos? Well, base…well, now they have it, kind of. It’s just licensed products on…but when I was…Scooter was a kid, that was an aspirational thing, to have those. Well, can you give me an example? Yeah; like, Mighty Mouse was popular. It was kinda like your…you had…that’s how you made a statement.
I guess those ones are just a statement to yourself, like, I love Mighty Mouse or I want to be Mighty Mouse or I want to be close to Mighty Mouse. Then you had your lunchbox which was…so, you had under your clothes…or more of like pajamas I always imagined them to be. Then you had a lunchbox. I never…just as…inside…I did not…I don't know, I probably had some Mighty Mouse stuff. I did not spend a lot of time thinking about Mighty Mouse other than Andy Kaufman doing that and seeing it on the show. So, I don't know why that popped in my head, but whatever.
So, thoughts, it could be thoughts, it could be feelings, anything coming up for you emotionally related to those thoughts or from earlier in the day, feelings of anticipation or D-R-E-A-D, it could be that you could be going through something, getting over something, physical sensations, changes in time, temperature, routine, travel, work schedule. Whatever it is that keeps you awake, the only reason I list some of that stuff is so that you know you’re not alone, that we share something here and it’s not the same thing. It’s kinda like we share…I don't know. I asked my brain to come up with something while I was talking, and it said, thematic sentence. I said, what exactly do we share? While I’m talking, could you come up with that? My brain goes, thematic sentence.
I said, well, no, no, that’s where you…it almost was like, insert thematic sentence here, like it was some sort of essay. ‘Cause I said, well, what exactly do we share? ‘Cause it’s a little bit beyond words. It is something like…I guess in some sense, my brain was right; it is like a thematic sentence that could be inserted here if it existed, but it’s…all of us struggle in different ways to get sleep. I list some of them. But underlying that for a lot of us is a feeling, and it may not…it probably isn't just one feeling; it’s probably a lot of different feelings, but it’s the kind of feelings that other people in our life can't exactly relate to. Maybe some of them can or they can validate them, but a lot of people don’t.
It’s unintentional, but they just say, why don’t you try harder to…? Why don’t you stop thinking? Why don’t you…well, why are you paying attention? Why don’t you…? Have you tried doing this? I say, yeah, I’ve tried that a thousand times. Have you…? I always use this one, but I swear people have said, have you tried…are your eyes closed when you’re trying to go to…? Oh, then you’re doing it…and then you say…whatever you answer, by the way…if someone asked you if your eyes are closed while you’re getting to sleep, no matter how charismatic they are or they’re your idol, it’s probably time to just change the subject and move on, 'cause there’s not a right answer to that.
That’s like…this is not about any particular belief system; every time I get into a hot tub at a hotel, someone decide…that’s…seems like for most of the…in the US; not most of the world, honestly…with adults where you’re in the hot tub and your kid is playing in the pool and you’re in the hot tub where you can see them, that is…I’m not even kidding, 90% of the time…or even when my daughter hasn’t been there, like I’ve been visiting my parents…like, you’re sitting there…it’s mostly dudes, I will say. They say, this is a great time to talk about our belief systems here. I say, what…? I guess 'cause you’re relaxed, you think I’m open to your…?
Anyway, that was a little bit of a tangent, but it just reminds me of that style of thing, of like, if you were in a hot tub, instead of talking about belief systems…and you said…it’s the same person you would encounter, or personality type. You say, I can't sleep. They say, well, are your eyes closed when you’re trying to sleep? If they say that, I’m just telling you…'cause any reasonable person would either laugh or say, yes, probably. Maybe you wouldn't. But no matter what you say to that person, they’re gonna correct…they’re gonna say, well, then you’re doing it wrong, if you say your eyes are open or closed. Just trust me on that one, probably 'cause that presence lives eternally and internally within me. They say, well, are your eyes closed when you go to bed? It’s just better off leaving…do you hear that blank…?
Usually I try not to leave too much dead air in the podcast, but that’s the best thing. You say, oh, you know what? I gotta get outta the hot tub. I just realized I have a personal policy never to get into hot tubs, but I always forget about it. They say, oh, why? Well…come on, there’s never…there’s not enough chlorine on earth for this, but I always forget that. Also, it just seems like a opportune time for…I’m already socially awkward. I don't need…but yeah, no, my eyes are…oh, well, you’re doing it wrong. So, I don't know if you’ve had something like that experience, but if you have, this podcast…a lot of us have that listen to the show. Sorry about that. I don't know where…that tangent was quite interesting.
But once I got that person in my mind who really is out there…they say, oh, are you in bed when you’re trying to go to sleep? That’s another one. You just say, anyway, I gotta get outta here. ‘Cause if you say…if they ask a question like that, they…it’s always so reasonable; oh, so, are you in bed when you’re trying to sleep? You say, huh…like, another one just to finalize this archetype…'cause this is the number-one question they like to ask. If you’re a student or if you’re anything, they either say, what are you studying or what do you do for a living or what do you want to do?
Don’t answer those questions either, 'cause it’ll be the same thing. Oh, life? You’re doing it wrong. I think that exists in all of us, and that’s what we’re trying to get away from at bedtime. For some reason I’m feeling a gravitational pull from that because it’s so internalized for me, I guess, and it really has free rein at bedtime. Even if it’s not that voice, it’s the essence of that voice. That’s kinda the thesis statement or whatever, is…and that’s not the only one at bedtime. Those aren't the only feelings at bedtime for me because of whatever the flavor of me not being able to get the sleep I need is, and whatever it is for you…this is a place where people know how you feel.
I guess that’s really what it is, and instead of being that person that has no interest in how you feel, there are people listening right now around the world who do care how you feel, who do understand how you feel, who do want to validate how you feel, who do want to have compassion and empathy for how you feel at bedtime or how you feel about sleep or whatever it is that you’ve been dealing with for a short time or a long time or a mid time with sleep. The listeners of Sleep With Me, they think about you because there’s enough people listening…so, there is somebody that says, you know? I know what that’s like, for sure. I’m sure people outside the US…maybe it’s like, no, no, no, what’s that…one, what’s a hot tub?
Two, why does it have so much chlorine? You say, never mind. Just people staying hydrated during the day. That’s the only reason I was thinking of. I’m so hydrated I gotta get in the hot tub. You say, please don’t. Please just…but so, I don't know, that’s just important for me to point out, is the people here are holding a space for you and they hope this podcast can help you out like it helps them out, because you deserve a good night's sleep. You deserve a place you could get some rest, the rest you need so your life is more manageable. The way it works is I send my voice across the deep, dark night. I use lulling, soothing, creaky, dulcet tones, pointless meanders, and superfluous tangents.
So, I go off topic, I get mixed up, I forget what I was talking about, then I repeat myself, I use filler words, I get…multiple things I’ve gone off topic about already, and it kinda feels like the show is never going anywhere or never getting started, and that’s intentional. Or, it’s part of the show, and it’s…so, this is a podcast you just kinda listen to, almost like noise on in the other room. It’s a podcast you’re gonna be skeptical about or doubtful about or it’ll take you some getting used to. For some people it doesn't, but for most people it’s like, what is this show? I just got a few more e-mails from people that listened once, said, whoa boy, I don't like this podcast, then years later listened again and said, oh, wait a second, now I get that…what…that the show never…the show did never make any sense.
I just didn’t realize that 'cause I was waiting for it to make sense. So, just give it a few tries. You got nothing to lose, really, and I have a website set up so whether…if you already loathe me or if you…this is your third time listening and you’re like, never again, sleepwithmepodcast.com/nothankyou…alls it is is referrals to other podcasts and sleepy stuff. So, this is a podcast you kinda just barely listen to. It takes some getting used to. Also, I’ve been making the show about eleven years, but the idea of adult bedtime stories wasn’t a thing back then. I don't know if this is the first sleep podcast or whatever, but this show doesn't even…isn't even here to put you to sleep. It’s here to keep you company while you fall asleep, to be your friend in the deep, dark night. There’s no pressure to fall asleep with this show.
There’s a reason the shows are over an hour, so you don’t have to worry about falling asleep. There’s people who are listening who need a break during the day or who can't sleep at all or who just woke up in the middle of the night or whatever and they need a friendly voice to listen to or they’re having a real rough night and they need a friendly voice. So, I’m here to the very end whether you’re awake or asleep, 'cause my job is not to put you to sleep. It’s to be your friend, your bore-friend, your bore-bae, your bore-sib, your bore-bud, your neigh-bore, your Borbie, your bore-bor, your bores, your bore-bestie f’eva, your bore-bruh, whatever you’re comfortable with. I’m here to be your friend in the deep, dark night and distract you, just like if you were gonna call somebody and you’re like, just talk to me about nothing for a while.
I’m not gonna…I’m gonna kinda listen to you, so don’t dial…I need you to actually be barely engaging. Don’t dial it in, don’t be cloying, don’t talk down to me, but just barely entertain me. That’s what I love, the puzzle I love creating with this show. How do I do that? Some of the stuff comes naturally; be barely funny. That one I got down. Filler words, those…some of the things come natural to me, but the other things are puzzles that I love figuring out, and I love it because I know how it feels. I’ve been there and I want to help you because I know what it’s like and I know what it’s like to deal with that dude who says you’re doing it wrong, whether it’s the dude inside me…not The Dude from the movie. Like, not Lebowski. I don't think…Lebowski would say, yeah, man, that stinks.
But some other dude, you know, who would say you’re doing it wrong. So, that’s some of the stuff about the show. The only other thing I gotta explain — because I get some people really upset and I explain it so I can try to help you ahead of time — is the structure of the show. The structure of the show…in a specific way and it is adjustible, but if you’re new or you like this version of the show, this is the particular version of the show most people listen to. But if you decide that…you say, I kinda like the show but I prefer something different, I’ll explain it, okay? So, the show starts off with a greeting; friends beyond the binary, ladies and gentlemen, boys and girls, and I kinda introduce the general style of the show, but it’s also so you feel seen and welcomed in and you say, hey, I might check that podcast out.
I wanted to feel seen, and…okay. So, that’s the greeting, then there’s support whether…whatever version of the show is, it’s support. So, either you support the show directly or there’s sponsors and the listeners who support the sponsors, and that’s so most people will prefer this version of the show that they don’t have to pay for, and they’re more than willing to listen to the sponsors in exchange for that, and they like to listen linearly. After the support which we’re into now, is a show within a show. It’s an intro and it’s about fifteen or twenty minutes long. It has nothing to do with the support, and that’s meant to ease you into bedtime. It’s where I unsuccessfully explain what the podcast is.
I follow a similar structure but every intro is different because for me, what keeps me awake, it can easily detect anything that’s repetitive, right? It can pick it…oh, that bird just tweeted five…that thunder and rain is…it was the same five minutes ago, or whatever it is. It just gets focused on that stuff. So, the idea of Sleep With Me and the intro of Sleep With Me is that, oh, it’s familiar but it also has some newness and freshness and a lot of strangeness. That’s why the intro goes on and on and on, because for most people, they’re not falling asleep during the intro. They’re getting ready for bed or unwinding or getting comfortable or doing a chill activity. Now, if you decide you’d prefer a show without the intros, we got that; Bedtime Stories from Sleep With Me. It’s in your podcast app of choice.
But most people and most studies show having a way to ease into bedtime works for most people. Then there will be support, then it’ll be a bedtime story about forty, fifty minutes long. That’s the structure of the show. That’s why I make the show. I really appreciate you checking the podcast out. I’m really glad you’re here. I work really hard, so do a team of people, to make this show consistently here for you, to help you fall asleep or to make it more comfortable in the deep, dark night. We love making the show and we appreciate everybody that makes it possible, and here’s a couple ways we’re able to do it for you for free twice a week.
Alright everybody, this is Scoots. This is my daughter and I…yearly, annual trek. I don't know if Ray has done these episodes in the past. I guess I’m gonna do this one, though. I know I’ve done this I think as a live show maybe in 20…what is it? 2023, 2022, 2021, and this kinda became a thing, a shared experience my daughter and I and, of course, Ray, like to have, where we go to immersive autumnal experiences at theme parks. The first year we did it, we just went to the immersive experience at Knott's Autumnal Experience Farm. I don't know what they called it the first year we went. So, that would have been 2021, then in 2022 we actually went to Orlando, to Universal Orlando, to do their experience. Then last year we did it…we did…again, not locally.
We drove down to the Greater Los Angeles Region — as I like to say about Antonio — for our first time experience in the one at Universal Hollywood, and then returning to Knott's as well. So, I’d like to run through things. We also got to tour UCLA. Don’t know…and, I don't know, that just sticks out to me as…we drove down after school, got in pretty late, and then the next day we slept in, went to UCLA, then we went to Universal Hollywood. I gotta tell you, not…you wouldn't think this, but the one at Universal Hollywood is…was a better…as far as what I paid for, was a better experience, and there was a lot of positives.
This year we’re gonna flip flop again, ideally, and try to go to Orlando, but this’ll be…it’ll be forlorn city 'cause my daughter will be a senior in high school, so I don't know if…what’ll happen, if this tradition will continue or not. So, I’m going through those stages of parenthood, but it’s still off. We’re still planning this year. But yeah, so, last year we went to both, and we went on consecutive nights, and it took some planning. Yeah, because I think we went on a Saturday night and a Sunday night. Yeah, we drove down after school on Friday. That makes sense. So, I’ll run through some of the autumnal experiences. I think I’m gonna do it out of order only because I’m trying to do the immersive way where I picture ourselves there, and Knott's is coming to mind easier.
So, here’s the things I remember about Knott's; we did the buffet again — the Boofet, they call it — and this year we timed it a little bit better, 'cause the year…the other time we did it, I picked the earliest time, but that left us with an hour after we finished the Boofet before the festivities started. So, that did not work, though I think there’s some sort of entry. But, whatever. So, yeah. So, then…I wonder how accurate my memory even is. But we did the Boofet again. It was not quite the same as the year before or two years before, but we still enjoyed it. You get a cup of unlimited soda, so Ray would love to give me a hard time about that, and there’s good desserts. So, those are the things I remember. We ate, we met some of the characters, it was busy.
But usually this is when I’m not at my best because I’m anticipating, I’m wanting to maximize time, and I’ve gone from the logistics…long-term logistics-planning to implementation of logistics. Even though the way we do it, there’s not really…it’s…none of this is necessary. But I think what we did was after that…we didn’t go on any…we really didn’t go on any rides. Or, no, we did. I think we tried to go on the wooden roller coaster. We did. I think we went on it twice, I’m pretty sure, now that I’m remembering. Or…yeah, I think we did. It was a really good one, and it’s called Riding Casper, or Casper Carries You, and that’s the name of it all year long, not just during this time. Also, we…I remember parking. That’s not a big highlight, but we parked. A different parking lot this year; a little bit closer.
I don't know if that was just the timing or the night of the week, but those parking lots after the event’s over are…there’s a lot of people having a wild time. You know what I’m saying. So, okay, so I remember…so, there’s a couple logistical things about the layout there. There’s a four…three or four…is it…four Houses of Autumnal Joy near the Casper Carry coaster. So, this is only the second year we did it, but it was, again, the thing…it was like, maybe those get opened first or if you go to the Boofet you get to go there early or what, but usually our goal is to go do all of those twice and then not return to that area. So, I think we did that, and there was some repeats. There was Working with Wax, which is all about creating wax things for…it was really cool. It’s a cool one.
It’s all about, hey, what are the different wax creations you could create for autumnal joy? There’s also…of course they try to create something…so, some people, when you’re doing it, they have kids that aren’t wax-positive or saying wax is wack, wiggity wax is wack. But then there’s the Wizard of Wax who says, oh boy, look at all the magic of wax. Then there’s the other Ws of wax who are…they’re actually helping melt the wax. They’re saying, toil, toil, boil, and bubble. Watch this wax. You’ll have fun on the double with autumnal joy. So, you go through that and you just get immersed, and people…I guess it’s kind of a weird, passive thing. Now, this one, they do have an add-on. I think it’s called Watch Me Wax, which is kinda weird, but it’s where you can make stuff out of wax.
I’m pretty sure when I was a Cub Scout…I never made it to Boy Scouts, but I was a Cub Scout. Now, we did not do this, but I remember…so, there was…they…I don't know how…it’s a organized group, and there’s your local Cub Scout…I don't know what they call that. Your patch? Your cubs? Your cub group? Then there’s your larger group, then your area, your zones, all that stuff. I remember there was a Cub Scout…it wasn’t a convention. Maybe they call it a Jubilee? It was some sort of celebration, and it was at the New York State Fairgrounds, not the New York State Fair. The New York State Fair is an event held at the New York State Fairgrounds.
But this Cub Scout thing was held at the New York State Fairgrounds, which…now one of my strongest memories of the New York State Fairgrounds is an episode of Superdoll, Season 2, that takes place there, but I barely remember that, too. But so, you were supposed to…it was interesting. It only comes up 'cause it was an…it was supposed to be a experience. I also think it was probably competitive, but you were supposed to allow people to do some sort of activity. In ours, whoever came up with it was pretty decent. It wasn’t…I think all in all it was a cool idea, which was sand art, which is taking some sort of glass thing, receptacle, ideally with…that can be corked for…just for classiness purposes. Then you take different pieces…different bags of sand…I don't know how they…or maybe you have scoops and a funnel?
You fill your glass thing with different brightly-colored sands. Now, this was one of those things, at least with ours…was very enabling…I think we did a little bit of the work, but most of it was adults doing it. But so, there was this other group, and it was such a line I didn’t even get to do it. Some of the other kids did, but you would make a wax version of your hand. I don't even know how they did it 'cause I couldn't even get a view of it. But people came back with a hollow…I don't…I guess…like, how did they do that? Maybe it was only one half? I still don’t understand it because how would you get your hand back out, right? Obviously that’s what I’m thinking, and I don't know the answer to that. I’m sure it’s on…I’m sure somebody shows you how to do it on YouTube now.
But yeah, people came back with wax…a hollow version of their hand made of wax, and that was cool. I was like, that is…I assume they won, but I’m not positive. But if I was giving out the blue ribbon or whatever, the bad…the cubbie-cub-cub-cub…you make this cub happy…that’s what I would have given it to. So, maybe that person was the one who made this House of Autumnal Joy, 'cause it was just…it wasn’t just hollow wax, right? It was shaping wax, filling molds with wax, kids that didn’t like wax, other soothing activities with wax that really fit into Sleep With Me’s thing, which now is a popular style of video. It has probably been for ten years, but, you know, pinching wax, shaving wax, using wax on a cheesegrater, different wax-based…wax and relax.
If I had a store, that could be…maybe that could be a video I do, Wax and Relax. I guess I’m probably not the person that should be around wax, mostly 'cause it’ll get everywhere. I’m just…it’ll be on my clothes, it’ll be on…I rent an apartment, so it’ll be on stuff in the apartment, and then I’ll also forget about it and I’ll say, oh, that was my wax phase. I thought I was gonna be…I thought there was something called a waxsmith, because I went on…why would you think…? Well, there was a character in the Working with Wax exhibit at Knott's Autumnal Joy Farm where they were doing that. Yeah. So…yeah. So, that was one house.
Another house there is called Under the Sea. I’m pretty sure that was there this year. Maybe it was so good…no, I’m pretty sure 'cause I think one or two of these, it was their last year, maybe Under the Sea. Now, Under the Sea had two different things. It had a steampunk flavor, so it was like a steampunk idea kind of influenced, obviously, by the big movie, Under the Sea, with…who was that? I don't know, that bird that talked about sporks. Of course, Ariel I know, and Ursula and all them, but they couldn't do that because they don't have the rights to it. The rights to that are right down the street. But I guess I could still call it Under the Sea in my imagination.
But in this case, it was imagining a future or maybe a past utopia where Victorian steampunk people travel under the sea, meet people under the sea, merpeople, and…oh yeah, this is definitely there 'cause one of the best scenes I’ll talk about, and I probably talked about it two years ago. But so, that’s where…so, these steampunk humans who love things with brass, things powered by steam, things run by…they’ve sworn off the digital era or they never needed it if it was a alternative timeline. I never paused long enough…I mean, I guess it was definitely a alternative timeline or a imaginary one. But yeah, so, basically, yeah, a idealized…we live in an idealized steampunk society, and they live by mottos. Bring…steampunks bring joy to blank. Like, that’s their mission statement of their society.
Not their lone mission statement, 'cause I know we can't have joy all the time…but one of the five tenants of Steampunkopia which is an imaginary steampunk society somewhere deep in my mind that I’m not familiar with. But yeah, so, these Steampunkopians, they go under the sea. Some of them; not all of them. There’s land-based ones, ones in those balloons, and…obviously. They probably get all the glory, 'cause obviously you’re bringing joy to the stars and the clouds. People are gonna see that. But somewhere, some fans of Steve Zissou and Jules Verne and everybody else, they had to say, what about our planet and whatever they say? Our bodies and our planet are like, 88% water. All these hotshots are steaming around the earth and the sky.
Yeah, obviously there’s joy in being in the surface of the water, but I didn’t join a steampunk utopia just to be on the surface of the water. I want to be under the sea. So, that group…and again, this is played out very subtly. I guess even the queue, you really gotta pay attention or maybe even create your own narrative. But so, they decide to go under the sea. I think there was also something where they…it was…there was areas that were dry under the sea, 'cause I can remember it’s not all supposed to be wet. I’m just remembering going through this house of autumnal joy. But yeah, so, they basically are like, let’s get under the sea. Let’s bring joy under the sea, general joy, right? But this particular house is focused on a particular moment in the time of the steampunk…undersea steampunk utopians, the autumnal time.
Brilliant way of storytelling because it’s…I guess in some sense they get to show this general story of steampunk utopians going under the sea to bring joy. So, they get to tell that story through autumnal joy, because…and I don't know if it was…their first meeting just happened to be in the autumn. But I mean, even the idea of like, do you have seasons under here? We need to learn more from you merfolk, you know? Then they said, do you have something like…do you have any gourds under the sea? That was even comedic 'cause in early parts of the house, there was a gourd, and then somebody knocking on a gourd, then a merperson knocking on it, then realizing, oh, it sounds different when you knock on a gourd under the sea than when you do in…and then they say, can a merperson come in a submersible?
Or, oh yeah, we could use these under-the-sea dry areas. Can you go there? I’ll show you what it’s like to knock on a gourd when you’re not underwater. But I can tell you that gourds do great, even…I don't know if…factually if there’s gourds under the sea or not, but…and there’s multiple displays of merpeople encountering gourds for the first time, because the gourds are…each gourd’s unique, right? We were taught that as children. That was one of the most important life lessons. Each gourd is unique. I didn’t pay attention when they said, this is the…whatever. Is a zucchini a gourd? No idea. I don't know. It reminds me of a gourd. Obviously if you listen to this podcast, you know I appreciate gourds for their beauty, but I’m not a consumer…I’m not a big gourd consumer. Also, what about fruits that are like gourds? Are they gourds?
Like a watermelon, a cantaloupe, and a honeydew. But not to get too far afield, because…so, these merpeople were playing with gourds, pumpkins…we’ll just use pumpkins because that’s the main autumnal gourd. But it’s not, really, when you get into the full autumn season. Cornucopia’s got a cornucopia of gourds. But yeah, just picture the joy of merpeople playing with gourds. Now, the way they did this was really brilliant and a brilliant piece of special effects, one of my favorite ones. I mean, maybe my number-one favorite effect of any autumnal joy houses, because I love lasers and I love fog effects, and I know those aren't for everybody. But the way they did this, man, it was cool.
So, they had a room and they had a laser at about…I don't know, about abdomen high, and they had fog effects coming from the floor so that they hit the laser, and the laser was green. It made it seem like…that it was a shimmering surface, and it also created a reflection. So, you couldn't see…so, it was like you were in smoky water. I don't know how they did it with the combination of lighting, lasers, and fog effects, but it was cool. Then obviously there was atmospheric sounds and set pieces and everything like that. But then because of the fog effects and the lasers, there was also moving gourds. Now, I would assume they were on some sort of fishing…what do they call that? Translucent lines. Or, I don't know, but it looked like the gourds were going up and down.
Then out of the depths of the foggy smoke, you’d see joyous jumps of merpeople going after the gourds. The joy on their faces but also the surprise…because you’d say, holy cow, there’s another happy merperson chasing a gourd. Then they even had a couple people…sometimes at Knott's and at Universal, they have…what do you call it? Aerial performers. So, then the aerial performers would come down. You don’t even realize it, but you say, wait a second, are they doing the same…a similar fog effect from the top? So, that was just a big takeaway from there. Now, the next two houses I’m pretty sure…I don't know if one of them was the same. The year before or two years before, one of them was a reality TV show one.
That one was gone, which was a little bit disappointing because the setup, the premise, was so good, and it had different paths initially. So, I’m not sure of the other two right off the top of my head, but so, I’m gonna try to go through the other ones we saw there and then I’ll try to look up what else was there. But so, I think one of the houses back there was a subtle take on a famous…which is a house at Universal, based on Otter Things at Universal. But in this one, it was called…it was based on a book. I think I can say the name of the book 'cause I didn’t know it, but it’s called Grimoire. Grimoire. It’s a famous book. So, in this one, they cast a very similar…it was made to kinda seem like that, and it was…so, it was kids that you could say, are those kids from Otter Things or are they just somewhat similar?
They read this book which is all about autumn and all about really cool stuff about autumn, autumnal history, and these kids go camping and they read it about…around the campfire to each other. A really cool way to, again, storytell, is that then you slowly go…that the…you enter each kid’s tent even though you’re going into different rooms. So, again, the casting…that you could see the performers, but then they would loop back or they’d have someone similar. Then you’d see them later on and then they’d be dreaming of whatever it was, papel picado. Like, one kid dreamed of papel picado. So, then you enter a stage of this house of autumnal joy that’s all papel picado. So, performers…so, if you were dreaming of papel picado, which is cut paper…like kinda…what is that called? Similar to tissue paper.
You’ve probably seen it before. Or now it’s even used in advertisements and stuff. But you’re talking giant papel picado, then papel picado performers, which…beautifully dancing and flowing papel picado gowns and even…so…and then you get to cross through papel picado, and there’s even a part…and again, this was a add-on, but you could break through papel…I mean, that’s not actually a thing. You were just breaking through paper. Then the other kids dreamed of stuff like obviously trick-or-treating, and that was cool. It was a tough effect but there was even a room…instead of a ball pit, they did it where you entered and then you slow…it wasn’t real candy but it was candy…pieces of plastic that looked like candy but was made hollow like balls.
You enter through a room where it gets…where you’re going through a ball room, a room full of balls, but it’s fake candy, and they had Smellation and stuff like that. Then it got kind of…those scenes I talk about in those early Disney movies like Dumbo or Pinocchio or something, where then the kid’s like, too much candy, too much candy. So, then the candy starts talking to you. ‘Cause I think at some point you’re buried in the candy. I don't know, and then it’s too…and then there’s candy marching, candy saluting you, that whole thing. I guess we could jump to Universal just here, because that contrast with the actual Otter Things house they had…which was the first one we went to, because it was supposed to be one of the busiest ones. It was really cool. Now, it was based on the most recent version of Otter Things.
Or, well, Otter Things is obviously a parody, a satire, of Things That Are Strange. So, it was based on Things That Are Strange, the most recent season. Now, the thing about that is that…and you enter through…was it the most recent season? Because…huh. Because you go to the RV park first. So, I don't know if it was. Maybe it was the season before that. I’m not positive anymore. But the thing was that they had all the characters from there, and then the characters would surprise you and they’d say, hey, hi, hello. They were like, I’m playing hide-and-seek. So, most of the autumnal joy surprise came from the characters of that film.
So, it was really good, though, really well done, amazing sets as Universal has, and effects and stuff like that. Then also, the great Craig Mazin…we love…Craig Mazin, who’s been in our hearts since Scriptnotes and hang…before…even before when he was with the Zookers, you know, when he was…oh, Craig Mazin, how we love him. Man, such…Craig and John have had a huge, positive impact on Sleep With Me. So, we got to go to a house of autumnal joy in…now, it was mostly influenced by the game because the show had just…I’m pretty sure it was based on the IP from the game, Just the Two of Us, that game, you know?
It’s called Just the Two of Us, and it’s a game about searching for truffles in a world without…you know, if…I don't think that guy does the trailers anymore, but in a world where…without truffles, where we thought truffles were gone forever, and all spore-based beings, two heroes, just the two of us, must go and find them. So, it’s a story of a mentor and a mentee. This is the show, Just the Two of Us, but it’s based on a video game that unfortunately I haven't had a chance to play because my…when it was popular, I was like, nope, I don't have the ability to regulate my gameplay. So, I can't play that game, 'cause I just wouldn't…I wouldn't stop.
But so, this one is real…now, so, I guess going into it, you have to know…you had to know…I mean, it’s not there anymore, but you had to know that you were pretending to be…you were supposed to be in the game, one of the main characters of the game, looking for truffles. Or, what are those called? Mushrooms? Not spore-based…I mean, there are spore-based beings. I don't know, my…mushrooms. I don't know what they’re called any…my brain’s just not…mycelium or something? Now, obviously when you get into spores and mushrooms and truffles, there’s a lot of openness for that storytelling.
That’s why Craig’s show was so great, Just the Two of Us, 'cause there’s so much you can do with that. In this version, I don't know how much they took from the show or how much they knew about the show, but…and probably in the video game, there’s just a lot of different pathways you could take. Because obviously in a world with…you’re saying that in the trailer even though it’s not 100% accurate. In a world without mushrooms, in a world without truffles, a mentor and a mentee will have to find their way to save the spore-based beings? I don't know. But there are…it doesn't mean that there’s none. It’s just a trailer. So, there are mushrooms, we’ll just say, and if there’s a limit of mush…if mushrooms are hard to find, if they’re rare, that makes them a commodity at a high price, right?
So, there’s gonna be competitive…to seller’s market. So, not everybody’s gonna have the spores’ best interest at heart, especially a mentor and a mentee that are looking to forage and…for the love of foraging and…not for…you know what I’m saying. This is…maybe the spores in this world were saying, keep us bespoke. No more mass-market spores. If you want to take the time to forage or grow them on your own, go for it. Otherwise we’re gonna withdraw from the world, and we don’t need you reaching out unless you’re reaching out with great effort by foraging. But when you’re foraging…and Nicholas Cage was in a movie about this, too. So, there’s people that are gonna say, oh, you’ve got some spores? I’m gonna borrow them from you without compensation. So, I guess that’s kinda the video game.
I mean, talk about an exciting game; foraging for spores, spoiler; meeting spore-based beings of high intelligence, going against other…maybe it was called…maybe there was a version of the game called Spore Hunter. Or maybe that was a different game. But so, it’s exciting. ‘Cause, again, these open-world games…if you just want to forage or you want to cultivate, you could do that, right? Or if you wanted to open up a spore market…a fair…or if you don’t want to be fair. So, a house with a lot of direction, and what does that have to do with autumnal joy? Well, I’ll tell you, because if you’ve never had a oyster mushroom at…in the autumnal season or an oyster cracker…I guess they kinda put it in there. Basically, the mentor and the mentee, it’s…oh, it all takes place in the fall.
That’s it, and then they love the fall. Created a great opportunity for sets to have a lot of leafs. Even if you’re just into foraging, you can't help but leaf-peep, right? That’s a famous line from the show Craig made. I think that was Episode 5. You can't help but leaf-peep. Everybody said that was the greatest imaginary title. So…and the way he paid it off was so unexpected. So yeah, if you’re foraging…it almost feels like a musical, but you can't help but leaf-peep, you can't help but enjoy the sounds of the forest. Even if you’re trying to compete with other people that…unfair foragers, I guess that’s what I would call them. Forage fiends, frustration while you’re foraging…a lot of different Fs, you could say. So, just a fun house to be in, and of course, anything close to Scriptnotes is close to our heart here.
A very popular game and a very popular show, so it was a very popular house. I’m trying to think of the other houses. There was a lot of good ones. So, the main thing…I don't know…we didn’t do Just the Two of Us right away. What we did…or maybe we did do that second. But we…I think when you leave Things That Are Strange, there was…it was like a back door which left us in a area where there was one or two houses we could do. I’m pretty sure one of them was carnival themed, and so, it was like, oh boy, this is not gonna be…I mean, I thought it was cool, but also, I said, I don't need to see how people with big shoes and red noses with face paint celebrate the autumnal season. It’s just not my thing.
But it is my thing, kind…I mean, I go to these events of immersive autumnal joy to be surprised and go outside my comfort zone. So, I did enjoy it, but I can't remember exactly…was there a Middle…like a Middle Ages-themed one? Okay, I had to pull up the one…oh, that was the holidays. It wasn’t…huh, I don't know why I associate it with carnivals. Frozen holidays…so, it was…oh, okay, now I remember Baby New Years. From New Years to Thanksgiving, this is your favorite…how your favorite holidays with a Z celebrate the autumnal season. Bring your…have your holiday joy with a side of holiday joy. So, okay, now…I don't know why I thought that was carnival-related, but it isn't. So, this one, it was how to…I guess it’s pretty straightforward; how does Santa Claus celebrate the autumnal season?
How does Baby New Year celebrate? How does Tom the Turkey or imaginary Thanksgiving-based things celebrate it? Okay, so there was a bunch of other ones based on movies as well. So, there was the movie Good Guys, your friend the Chuckster, who’s a good guy. That one was super popular, super fun. I think we did it two or three times in a row when we were there. Or, I don't know how we timed that, but it was really cool. That one was in a area with…oh, the famous, classic, autumnal friends. Oh, so, that one was…how does toy…Chuckster is a…kinda like Cabbage Patch Kids type thing. So, in a world where they’re…I guess, again, it’s a little bit of a set up, but it’s from a movie, Chuckster and the Good Guys. So, in the movie, they’re not quite Cabbage Patch Kids; they’re more like toddlers.
They’re the good guys. They become sentient and then they have to live in our world. Like, if suddenly we had a population…not a huge percentage, but it takes place in New York City where suddenly 0.5% of New York City or New York City’s population increased by 0.5%, but it was all sentient toddler-like toys, but they have adult…they’re adults. It doesn't…again, this is a movie…introduces this concept, so you go into it expecting this. Maybe some of them live on their own, some of them live with other regular humans…how did they celebrate the autumnal season? What do they…right? Some of them trick-or-treat. Some of them have trick-or-treaters. Some of them decorate…what would…would some of them go as humans?
That kinda thing. There’s a party, there’s a dance, all that kinda stuff. So, there was that one…oh yeah, and then there was the classic autumnal figures from classic films. It takes place in Paris, and that one was cool. Even…kinda like we’re seeing in Multiplex, similar characters like the person who couldn't be seen, buddy from Notre Dame, the person at the opera, Doctor J and Mr. H. I definitely remember enjoying that one, but I don't remember any details about it. Is there any other ones? Oh yeah, so then there was…oh yeah, this one’s…must have been there too, 'cause it’s in the Parisian Courtyard. Parisian Courtyard…this one was three autumnal legends from Latin America, and it shows three…not…like, ones that were only kinda popular.
Yeah, it’s…it was cool and it was similar to the one we had seen the year before in…'cause some of it had papel picado. I remember courtyards, I remember people…Fourth of July type stuff. Then the other ones were movies that were about to come out, and one was Hey, I’m A Believer, which…what is that? Was that a Monkees song? But that’s…was a comedy. I don't know how well it did, but it was called Hey, I’m A Believer, and it was one of those…it wasn’t a mocumentary because it was recast. But it was basically…by the way, just in case this ever gets made, I’m the one talking about…I’m the one promoting it, right? But it was that someone…a young person in our era…well, my daughter’s age, becomes a fan of the imaginary band The Monkeys and The Monkeys TV show.
It was kind of a coming-of-age story where she…but she is a believer in The Monkeys so much that she tries to get The Monkeys popular again. I don't know, I don't want to spoil how the story turns out. They kinda, again, shoehorned it in to make it set in the autumnal season, because there is a part of the movie that takes place…'cause…well, that’s…the opening is when…they flash back before that, but during the opening, she’s Micky Dolenz, and she couldn't get any of her friends to dress up. So, she’s…kinda forces the adults in her life to go. Even the people that would know who The Monkeys were…it’s just a little montage where they’re trying to get ready. No one knows that she’s Micky Dolenz or The Monkeys, even though I think she has a shirt and drums or whatever.
They would say, oh, look, it’s a band. Oh, look, it’s…what, are you preps or something? Oh, are you The Beatles? That kinda stuff. Then the kids are like…she has to go to a dance, of course. So, it was mostly those scenes, but she does…in the end it’s like those movies where she overcomes it all and creates…I guess I can spoil it; creates her own version, like The New Monkeys. I guess it didn’t work 'cause it’s just…tried to make itself about being viral and viral platforms, and that’s always tough to translate unless you have…unless you’re doing it like, twenty years ago. So, it’d probably work better…I guess if I’m gonna make it…which won't happen, but if I make it in my imagination, yeah, maybe it takes place in 20…2002, right? 2003. It’s set…yeah, and then it could be more marketed. Then it would work, I think.
Then the other one is called Everyone Rises. That was the last one, and that one’s about waking up the morning after Halloween. It actually had some practical things you could do, but most of it’s just…I don't know, it was based on…there was a movie called Everybody Rises that was about people’s morning routines. I think, again, it was another movie where…I didn’t see it, but…like Groundhogs Day but with a morning routine, trying to glorify morning routines, that if you were…just had…everything else is different but your morning routine, and at some point the main character becomes aware that their morning routine affects the outcome of everything. But I think the cool thing was…or the way they did it was like, not just…at first it’s like a global story hidden in a interpersonal story.
So it’s like, kinda funny, I guess. I don't know why I was pooh-poohing it. It’s a decent idea. So, they’re…Groundhogs Day type movies are like, oh, I have to repeat the same day over and over again, but if I change how I behave, it changes the outcome of my day. But I also can't quite get out of this loop, and how would I live my life if I’m stuck in a loop? Would I live a good life or a selfish life? This one, what happens is at first they don’t even realize it. It has some small impact, but they slowly realize that the…everything happening on planet Earth is affected by their morning routine. I guess, yeah…I mean, I don't know, it’s not that bad of a story. So, they have to decide…what are they gonna do, you know? It’s like a superpower.
Obviously there’s sometimes…some versions they use it for selfishness and some versions they use it for whatever. But the day they keep repeating the morning routine on is the day after Halloween. So, that’s why I was there. Then the last one…I guess I’ll try to run through the Knott's one. The only other one there was…they have a Hollywood tram tour. That one was a little bit funny 'cause it was leftover…the theme was leftover candy and don’t leave your candy out and learning why you don’t leave…'cause when I walk my dog after…on November 1, sometimes there’s candy on the ground. Which, I understand; it’s dark out and stuff like that, but this shows just…I don't know, kind of a PSA-type thing. Hey, don’t leave your candy lying around.
Alright, let me see…the other things I remember about Knott's is that we went to the show, which was really good. Let’s see what we got here. No, that doesn't have anything. Why is that? I’ll try this. Okay, let’s see here. So, yeah, no, that website didn’t work. Okay, I’ll try one more. It was really busy at Knott's. They had these lanterns that I wanted to get, but they were sold out. There was one…there was another one themed to flappers, which I remember. There’s Under the Sea…there was one that was all the highlights of all the…all the highlights of the previous ones. That was cool. Yeah, we went to the show; that was really good. Or, we went to two shows. Man, we went to one dance show…let’s see. I don't see it listed on here. Mesmero; that was a show about…that was a house about how Mesmero’s…how magicians celebrate trick-or-treating.
1842…I don't remember that one. Oh, that one’s about day buddies. Oh, so that was an adventurer-type one. Working with Wax…oh, Calico…the Calico Museum. That was like, how do they celebrate autumn in the wild, wild West? Then, yeah, there was one Among Us that was a repeat. So, that’s why I didn’t remember. That one, it’s like, how do you celebrate autumn on a space station? So, yeah, I think that’s pretty much some of the stuff about last year’s autumnal joy that we got. It really was joyful, and I appreciate the ability to do it for fun. It’s just one of the things my daughter and I share. Keep your fingers crossed for me that in this year we’ll share it unless our plans change. But yeah, as she becomes an adult, will we share it or will…? Yeah, I don't know, but…yeah, I guess that will impact my autumnal joy. Alright, goodnight, everybody.
(Transcription performed by LeahTranscribes)