1280 – The Guild Webseries Watch | S2 E6-12
The time for sleepy games and celebrations has arrived in a new age of a guild of good sleep.
Episode 1280 – The Guild Webseries Watch | S2 E6-12
SCOOTER: Friends beyond the binary, ladies and gentlemen, boys and girls, and members of…any guild members, any kind of guild…or if you’re listening in a…I don't know what ‘Gilded Age’ means. I just…if you…if you’re like me and you like to use terms like ‘Gilded Age’…and hopefully the person doesn't ask you to elaborate. You’re just trying to impress them initially before they say, excuse me, I gotta use the restroom. Excuse me, I’m needed over there. I gotta…like, before they break off conversation with you. You say, well, I don't know, that Gilded Age…that probably is a good word to throw…oh yeah, like the Gilded Age. You know? It reminds me of…so, if you’ve ever used vocabulary words that you don’t know the definition of, as I have, you may relate to this podcast. Welcome to Sleep With Me.
It’s a podcast…maybe I’ll look that up, 'cause I honestly have no clue. But I’m not trying to impress anybody now. I’m just trying to put you to sleep. This is a podcast that’s here to keep you company, take your mind off of stuff so you could fall asleep. It’s a very different podcast. I’m really glad you’re here and I really hope the show can help you fall asleep. Most people, it’s…they say it takes two or three tries to get used to this podcast just 'cause it is very different. It’s not traditionally soothing. It’s more like you call a friend on the phone, you know, a quirky friend. I’ve been referred to politely…let’s just pretend it’s still that same…oh, your quirky friend was talking…I don't think they know what the Gilded Age is. Then they started singing The Golden Age, but they were saying ‘the Gilded Age’.
But they didn’t…I don't think they knew they were singing under their breath. They’re quirky. Who are they? Oh, that’s my bore-friend. They put me to sleep at night. Can you imagine? That would be pretty cool if I was hired help in that way. Oh yeah, they’re here. I keep them around. I mean, if it came with a place to live and a salary, it’d be pretty sweet. Yeah, what if I talked…what if they had…? Yeah, this is…would this take place in the Gilded Age? I would have my own room which would be my bedroom and my workspace, and it would have a horn that I would talk into, and then it would be connected down one or two stories and it would come out like another horn, a bit like a tin-can phone, in their bed. That would be my…whoever I work for. I don't know, would it be the Astors?
I don't know, are they involved in the Gilded Age? I’m not trying to…I better look that up. I don't know, that just popped in my head. So, maybe some of my education is there; it’s just not…it’s just free-floating. Anyway, welcome to Sleep With Me. Give this show a few tries. This is just supposed to be just the teaser of the show. But what we got coming up; support so you could listen to the show for free. If you don’t like the support, you could support the show and get ad-free episodes. Most people enjoy listening to the show linearly, though. Then after the support we got a long, meandering intro intro that’ll help ease you into bedtime, and then a bedtime story covering some episodes of the web series The Guild, the second and third seasons. So, I’m glad you’re here and I appreciate you checking the show out, and thanks for making it possible, my bore-friends.
INTRO: [INTRO MUSIC] Hey, are you up all night tossing, turning, mind racing? Trouble getting to sleep? Trouble staying asleep? Well, welcome. This is Sleep With Me, the podcast that puts you to sleep. We do it with a bedtime story. Alls you need to do is get in bed, turn out the lights, and press Play. I’m gonna do the rest. What I’m going to attempt to do is create a safe place where you could set aside whatever’s keeping you awake. It could be thoughts, like things in your head, thoughts about the past, the present, the future. Particularly, you might be having thoughts about the past now, 'cause I say, well, I gotta look up this Gilded Age. No better time to learn than…never been said even in the history of…no better time to learn than in the intro of a sleep podcast.
Then you could forget it just like I had, or I have. But yeah, it could be thoughts, it could be feelings, anything coming up for you emotionally. It could be related to those thoughts, it could be feelings that are just there, it could be changes in time, temperature, routine, travel, work schedule, guests, you could be going through something. The only reason I list some of that stuff is so you know you’re not alone. There’s enough people listening right now…and the reason people stick with this show other than that it puts them to sleep and keeps them company is that I think a lot of people relate to how it feels in the deep, dark night and they’re glad to be seen and say, hey, I think I know how you feel. I might not know exactly what you’re going through. I might not have been through something similar.
I think I can relate to how it feels, but even if I can't, there is someone listening right now somewhere in the world who’s perking up right now because they have been through something similar. They do know how you feel and they’re glad you’re here and they really hope this podcast can help you out, help you fall asleep. So, they’re glad you’re here, I’m glad you’re here, and I hope one day you become one of those people that said, yeah, it took two or three tries for me to get used to. Now I’m glad you’re here, new listener, because you can relate to how they feel. That’s really what really works about this show. ‘Cause you say, man, no one got it up until now. Everybody just said, Gilded Age? Why don’t you just look it up? They say, well, I just wanted to impress people at a party.
So, you just talked about the Gilded Age even though you had no idea what it was? I didn’t think they’d ask me for details and then when I couldn’t answer, go to the restroom. They didn’t really…I know they didn’t really go to the restroom. They were just being polite. I get it, I get it. Those are the things that go through my head at bedtime. Those were two voices in my head. So, I’m glad you’re here. What we’re gonna do here…oh no, what’s more important than just me understanding or relating to how you feel is the fact you deserve a bedtime where you could get the rest you need so your life is more manageable. You could get the rest you deserve so you could be out there living your life and not have a bedtime that you have to dread, not have a bedtime that feels like it’s full of rigmarole.
So, I’m glad you're here and, yeah, what’s gonna happen is I’m gonna send my voice across the deep, dark night. I’m gonna use lulling, soothing, creaky, dulcet tones, pointless meanders, and superfluous tangents. So, that means I’m gonna go off-topic, I’m gonna get mixed up about…you’ve already seen it. Then I’m gonna double back. I’m gonna look up the Gilded Age. I’ll say, does the Gilded Age have gold leaf? Is that gilding? Is that…gilded stuff is gold-leafed, right, with a antiques kinda look? I don't know. We’ll find out. But yeah, my voice is not traditionally soothing 'cause this podcast is more here to be a distraction. The reason it takes some getting used to…even though this show has been around for ten years…and I was kinda like, hey, is there…?
How come there’s not a podcast that’s kinda boring, like a friend to keep you company and help you fall asleep? The whole idea of that is a bit ridiculous. So, when you get here, you’re like, this is supposed to put me to sleep, this dreck? I’ve heard that before, or ‘drivel’ or whatever. I think Gilded Age people use those terms when they time travel and refer to Sleep With Me. They say, Sleep With Me, my word, what is this dreck and drivel? Honey, get the machine back. The Astors said we have to have it back by half-four. They say, the Astors don’t say ‘half-four’, dear. Okay, well, let’s just get back…did you know they have gold-gilded, gilded-age time-travel machines? They call them the Gilda. They came…they would come here originally…this is…no one talks about this part of history.
They would come, pick up Gilda Radner, bring her to perform, and then bring her back. But it was disguised as a limousine. She’d say, I’ve never seen a club like this before. But it was well-paid, paid in gold-gilded notes. That’s available on an imaginary novel. One day I’ll be in gingerbread…gild is golden…golden gild is gilded…that’s a famous tongue-twister. Gild is golden…whatever. I can't even say it. My tongue’s so twisted, I can't even do the tongue-twister or make…I can't even make…the tongue-twister is so twisty, I can't even make it up on the spot. But it involves Gilda, gold, gilded…I mean, I don't know, probably other words. But I say, that’s probably not a sleepy word. Gilding, gilder…I don't know, that word sounds…might sound…I don't know what it is. Is that a currency?
Anyway, so, where was I? Oh, so, this podcast is very different. So, when you first get here, you might be annoyed, you might be impatient, irritable, skeptical for sure, and that’s why I say give it a few tries. If you already know the show won't work for you, we have a website, sleepwithmepodcast.com/nothankyou, that you could check out. But yeah, that’s…I don't know. What else do you need to know? Oh, structure of the show, why I make the…oh, other things…oh, this is a podcast you don’t really listen to. You just kinda barely listen, a little bit like background noise. You just kinda barely pay attention to it, I don't know, like a TV on in the other room or like trying to hold onto beach sand. It’s also a podcast that doesn't put you to sleep. I’m here to keep you company while you fall asleep and take your mind off of stuff.
So, there’s no pressure to fall asleep. There’s a reason this show is over an hour; no pressure to fall asleep. I’m here to be your bore-friend, your bore-bae, your bore-bud, your bore-bestie, your bore-bor, your Borbie, your bores, your borer, your borer in general. Or, yeah, imagine…there I am, and hopefully it’s a mansion, like a well-appointed room, otherwise I’d prefer not to do it. But, you know, I think I’d be pretty good. I could just talk into something just like I’m doing now, and they’d be hearing me in their room downstairs, three stories down. I don't know, that’s not…it’s not a pneumatic tube, though, but it’s something…I don't know. They have…that’s their technology of the day. I guess I could get a job back…maybe. I mean, I don't think…I think if they were thinking of it, they would not hire me.
Believe it or not, even though I’ve been doing a sleep podcast for ten years and kinda was like, hey, why don’t we try this out? A bit like…I don't think I could get a job putting people to sleep, especially…'cause I’ve tried. I say, well, this is how much I would charge for a single episode. They’re like, oh, no, no. So…and I also tried…I’m sure in the Gilded Age, my other idea…it wouldn't have worked, but I would think the only time it could have worked is a human-warmed bathtub. They say, but we’re putting hot water…I say, no, no, but…yeah, it’s warmed by a human first. Okay, so, what else do you need to know? The structure of the show also throws people off. So, it’s a podcast you don’t listen to, it doesn't put you to sleep…what else do you need to know? Well, it’s structured in a very particular way.
You can adjust how you listen, but most people listen in a linear way for free. So, I’ll just tell you that’s how we build the show, to benefit the most people we can, but it’s also flexible. So, the show starts off with a greeting; friends beyond the binary, ladies and gentlemen, boys and girls, then I usually go off topic or say something silly. That way, you feel seen and welcomed in. You say, okay, I might check this show out. But you could always go to sleepwithmepodcast.com/nothankyou, again, if you say, definitely don’t want to. There’s other sleepy stuff on there. Then there’s sponsor support, and the listeners who support the sponsors keep…that’s cool. Then anybody can listen for free.
If you prefer a ad-free version, you could get that on Sleep With Me+ or through our referral program, or you could just use your phone to skip it or whatever. Then there’s a long, meandering intro. Now, the long, meandering intro is not meant to put you to sleep. It’s meant to ease you into bedtime. There is a small percentage of people that fall asleep to it. There’s people that listen all night. Sleep With Me+ is probably better if you listen all night. But yeah, the intro is designed as a buffer between the day and the bed. For a lot of regular listeners, it becomes part of their wind-down routine, and that’s just what’s worked for me personally and what’s been shown with sleep stuff to actually work, is having a wind-down routine.
So, you could listen while you’re getting ready for bed, you’re doing another chill activity like petting your pets or foam-rolling or drawing or painting, doodling, staring at the ceiling, staring out the window, or in bed getting comfortable, and we are happy for those people that fall asleep. Now, there’s some people that don’t like the intro. Again, you could start the show at twenty or thirty minutes or you could listen to story-only versions. But for most people, it just works, having the wind-down routine. It’s just how I practice, too. It’s what works for me most of the time. Then after the intro, again, is support so the show could be free, then there will be our bedtime story.
I’ll be covering The Guild and we’ll be covering the second half of Season 2 and maybe some of Season 3, and then there’s thank-yous at the end of the show. So, that’s the structure of the show, why I make the show. What’s the Gilded Age, though, Scoots? Well, it was named after a 1873 Mark Twain novel, and I think the Astors were involved here. It was a time of rapid economic growth. Wages grew higher and a lot of people moving into the US…industrialization led to real wage growth of 40% in thirty years. The Gilded Age was not great for everybody, though, because it created…it furthered the divide and did concentrate stuff up top. I don't see the name of…what else we got?
Political landscape…the name…The Gilded Age: A Tale of Today was a collaborative novel with Mark Twain and Charles Dudley Warner, and it satirized the Golden Age, the gold gilding of economic expansion. So, I guess I was somewhat right about something. Who were the people of the Gilded…who are the people of the Gilded Age…of the Gilded Age…of the Gilded Age? Well, I don't know. I know…I don't want to say any of the names, though, 'cause…the Vanderbilts…I’m just quoting Wikipedia here. Who else we got? Engineering colleges, railroads, shipping…this is how you make the big bucks, not putting…putting these people to sleep. Railroads, economic growth…oh, there’s Carnegie, okay. We got the libraries out of that one.
Okay, here we go; Rockefeller, Gould, Frick, Mellon, Carnegie, Flagler, Rogers, Morgan, Guggenheim, Stanford, Schiff, Crocker, Vanderbilt. I don't see any Astors in there, though. So, it looks like…once again, I was wrong. We got the rise of the unions, though, later, politics stuff…we try to avoid that on Sleep With Me. Obviously I wandered into this, though. Yeah, there’s…this is a very long article. I’m still trying to find any mention…but anyway. So, we tried to cover that. But yeah, so, welcome to Sleep With Me. Believe it or not, we go off topic like this all the time. I’m really glad you’re here. I work really hard. I yearn and I strive and I really hope I can help you fall asleep. Thanks again for coming by, and here’s a couple of ways we’re able to do this for you for free twice a week.
Alright everybody, this is Scoots here. We’re still doing our coverage of The Guild. We’re gonna be covering I think the second half of Season 2. I’m not sure where we left off, to be honest, but I’ll…don't worry, I’ll find it. Yeah, we’ll do this for a little…you know, we’ll do this for another forty-five, fifty minutes. Huh, I can't find what I recently watched. So, I’m pretty sure we’re on Season 2, Episode 6. Or, at least that’s where I’m gonna start. Apologies. It’s been a little while since I’ve done this. Codex is say…is on camera. Brass bed behind Codex’s head…brass bed behind Codex’s head. She’s talking about how she just had witnessed some special effects from her neighbor 'cause he was part of…he was going through a makeup process. She was like, yeah, I don't know about looking at people’s makeup.
Also, toes is not a thing, either. So, she had some tummy-tummy-tum-tum trouble, so now she’s like, okay, well, at least this…I’m not gonna be dating this person. So, it won't get in my…way of my gaming schedule. So, she’s just trying to look at it like a positive, and then she puts her head in her hands 'cause she realizes the positive that she’s seeing might not be a positive for everybody. Okay, then we have them giving her a hard time, Clara, Clara…thanks for the support. Thanks for goofing on me. Tink is saying, yeah, no, I don't think it’s the bad news. Clara’s been playing forty-eight hours straight. So…and they say, you’ve been on that long? You gotta take…she’s nodding off. She’s like, this is my ‘me’ weekend, and I’m trying to get an orb. Then we see Zaboo.
Eighty-six…eighty-nine gold for food, or you can trade in-game food. He’s pumping iron while he’s playing. He’s saying, hey, your character’s not great. He’s got a tub of mayo. I can't…oh, somebody keeps sneaking up on me, another character. I have many people out to get me. Kenny Macintyre, a seventh-grade rival for president, class president. I need your help. There’s somebody that keeps surprising me. Yeah, Zaboo’s still working out…kisses his bicep. Codex says, yeah, now I’m gonna have to avoid my neighbor 'cause it’s so embarrassing. Clara’s goofing around 'cause she’s so tired and loopy. She’s playing two games. Tink’s giving Codex advice. Hey, what about these beef burritos? Tummy-tum-tum trouble…Clara did a shot. Zaboo and Vork are trying to work together. Oh, I re-mapped your hotkeys.
You re-mapped my hotkeys? Big trouble. The light changes. We get a slow-mo…Cyd’s getting dressed up, Codex is getting dressed up. Bladezz calls Codex; hey…he’s cutting…making paper hearts. They’re linked together, I think. So, everybody’s talking about relationships, basically. Oh yeah, he’s even using a glue gun to…I don't even know. Then his sister…oh, he’s doing it for his sister. My sister’s birthday is Monday, or somebody’s…I’m not gonna participate in this craftsmanship, Deena. Deena says, use the stencil blades. Then Codex says, are you sure you’re not being…? He’s having trouble with the glue. She’s basically…do you think Tink actually likes you? Then Vork’s like, don’t…never deal with my bindings or my keyboards. What about the water? Keeping an eye on everything you’re using.
They’re talking about laddered CDs. He goes, yeah, this is fun going back and forth. Mano en mano, man. I’m enjoying this, but Vork does not seem to be enjoying it. Codex…officer channel call…but she’s headed outside. Her neighbor’s doing some more exercising, dancing. He’s got really good moves. She goes, oh, hello, there. He goes, hey, how’s your tummy-tum-tum-tum? She goes, oh, yeah, good. He says, okay, well, you seem like you’re feeling better. She goes, what kind of moves are those? He goes, oh, I’m just loosening up. The next job is Joust a Minute, a mini-series about knights. Polearm…she goes, like a halberd? He goes, how’d you know about a halberd? She goes, that’s something I’m a expert in, actually. He’s like, oh, that’s impressive. Then he’s practicing more special effects. Sound effects; clever.
He has a big bicep, a very large bicep. Then Vork says, Codex, who’s this? She goes, oh, this is just my neighbor. He goes, okay, we need to talk. That’s the end of that episode. Season 3 is coming in 2009. We see all the credits and special thanks…Knights of Good…Codex again, top of the thing. I can't believe Vork showed up. He calls me Codex. What is she, like a CIA agent? No. What…do you think that? That’d be pretty cool. Clara and Tink seem to be right. She goes, I gotta stop the guildies from showing up at my place without permission. Big if. Then she makes a fish face, which was pretty effective. Then we have the opening sequence again. Clara…we see everybody; Zaboo…then Vork goes into Codex’s place. She goes, how do you know where I live?
He goes, oh, a printout Zaboo decoupaged from the squib cage. He’s checking out her vases, really, with a magnifying glass or a jug. He goes, what’s up with the…? She goes, why are you here? He goes, I’m invoking the states of lemon law. He goes, Zaboo and I are incompatible as roommates. She goes, no, no, no. He’s a great revenue stream for you. Let’s think this through. He goes, there’s no logic with him. He’s rational; scientifically proven. He goes, they’re…he’s talking about different moves, but he’s…thinks there’s a one-on-one correlation. He uses my hair products without asking me. He goes…'cause he’s like…she goes, you’re…you don’t have your full head. He goes, yeah, flyaways, though. He goes, there’s a real turning point today. Oh, Zaboo 2.0. Zaboo’s trying to be super manly.
She goes, what about the gas bill? Zaboo’s wearing a headband. Vork’s…he goes, I got this reave ability. She’s like, I think…‘ever quit ever’, his shirt says. He goes, I’ve been working on myself 24, too. He goes, I’m really getting things down. He’s got a salad spinner. He’s spinning salad while he works. She takes a call. Hey, Cyd Sherman, remember? We were working together. She goes, yeah, I need somebody to talk to. This is her therapist. She goes, make an appointment. She goes, I need to talk about it now. She says, hey, I’m oblivious to how other people feel. Are you aware you’re oblivious? No, no, no, just having a lucid moment. Well, you learn things through your parents. Then she gets a call on call-waiting. Then Zaboo’s…he actually made ramen in the salad spinner, or spaghetti or something.
She says, Zaboo, your way of dealing with stuff is you learned it from your mom. He goes, Freuded. Then she goes, okay, back to my therapy. Okay, so, she’s trying to get frozen…oh, Vork’s trying to get…take her yogurt maker, her frozen-yogurt maker. Reflective of control issues…this is an opportunity to get something about…get out of your comfort zone. Interesting theory. Can I have your frozen-yogurt maker? Yes. No, no, no, hold on. Selfish…and then Zaboo’s saying, hey, are you playing? Goes, yeah, I’m dealing with ice elementals and I’m feeling vulnerable. She says, oh, I can buff you. No, no, no, you’ll have to deal with it. Tough. Okay, let me wrap this up with my therapist. The therapist says, this isn't about…you’re pretending to be somebody else to get my advice.
This is a reflection of…you want to solve other people’s problems, avoid your own…and she goes, I’ll be billing your insurance twice. She gets off, then Vork’s there. I appreciate the effort you’re taking to make the situation work, and I’ve discovered some surprising things about myself. I’d really like to make frozen yogurt. There’s a official game bulletin; tonight there’s four hours of shut-down on the servers for maintenance Vork runs, and that episode comes to a close. Then, let’s see, we got special thanks, Knights of Good, and then Codex…when the server…we realized the server…Vork forgot about Zaboo and then wanted to…Guild Management Agency…and gamma…and she goes, maybe I’m not…maybe I should just get off the computer, huh? Whatever…she says, I don't know, I don't…never mind.
Then the episode opens. We see the opening sequence with everybody. Yeah, The Guild. Clara is asleep on her computer…Clara. Vork calls a meeting to order. He’s…I got everything. Vork’s like, oh…or Zaboo’s telling Codex to talk to a…talk to his hand. Then Tink says, oh, thanks, Bladezz, for the packages, but I wanted the mauve purse. He goes, well, they didn’t have mauve. There was a purpley one. Codex is like, I can't believe this. Oh, don't worry, I’ll send it back. I’ll exchange it. No, no, I’ll take both. Thank you. Pretty please? Bladezz says, yeah, sure. He goes, how come I have to ship everything to your PO boxes? She goes, also send some giftcards. Vork says, is anybody paying attention to me? Clara, wake up. Ravencrest High…what? Okay, server’s going down.
We need to formulate a plan 'cause we have four hours of time where we can't play the game. He goes, I’m opening this up to suggestions of how we could spend our time more efficiently, like a democracy, but remember, I’m in charge. Let’s go to Fenridge Tavern and drink ale. No, it’s closed. It’s my ‘me’ weekend. I want an orb. Without the game, there’s no guild, there’s no guild master, Vork, so you have no power. He goes, wait a second…he sits back. Wow. Zaboo says, hello? Then he goes, hey, Bladezz, why don’t you come over here, and me, you, and Vork will have time. He says, yeah, well, my mom dropped me off. Don’t wear any bandanas. Or, do; I don't know. Clara wants to come to the guild party at Vork’s house. No, no, not five people. It’s too many. Clara says, I’m super fun.
It’ll be super fun; squirt guns with mayo. Zaboo says, we gotta bond. We’re having bonding time, so, we’re…that’s why we need to be alone. She goes, yeah, that’s fine. I’ll do something without you, too. She goes, let’s go to dinner. Codex is like, I actually have plans. Everybody’s like, what, what, what? Not that I care. She’s like, I’m just unpacking and I gotta put everything away. Then Tink says, yeah, what about the stunt person? She goes, it’s a good opportunity to get to know people in my new apartment building. It’ll be good to log off. Clara says, what now? What am I gonna do? It’ll be four hours. Then Clara’s husband comes…calls about the stuff she made up about the wedding, and…you’re supposed to be the matron of honor. Actually, yeah, I gotta…yeah, I miss you a lot, but…two minutes of ‘me’ time gone.
Our house is not in great shape. Then we see Cyd head out. She rings her neighbor’s door and somebody answers. Oh, hi. Oh, we don’t need any. Thanks. So, someone else answers the door and she’s like, wait a second, this isn't what I expected here, and the episode comes to an end. Okay, so, we have Episode 9 coming up here. I don't know how many episodes are in this season, either. So, yeah. Then Codex says, I can't believe that my neighbor has seemingly a girlfriend. My grandma’s right. So, yeah, she was tall, too…ran home, logged on with Tink and Clara, and then I was vulnerable, so Clara said, let’s do a girls’ night out. Let’s…I’m gonna tell my therapist I’m connecting with other women. Her calls are blocked, so her therapist has blocked her. Then we see the opening. What’s gonna happen next?
She’s decorating a cake. Oh, she’s got lights up. She opens the door; Tink’s there. Wow, hey, nice dress. Tink’s like, I got a date in a half hour, so…she goes, just tell me so I can jet. I made dinner and I have scrapbooking scissors. Then two other people just walk in and they go…she’s like, what is this? They go, is this…where’s the party? Clara has told a bunch of people about a party at her house. She even…she has a keg of beer. She’s…yeah, she’s…she made up a flyer for the party. She goes, yeah, guild party. Yeah. So, let’s get started. Let’s have a good time. Then Vork is doing a presentation about magic use and strategy in the game. Zaboo, you go over there. They’re talking about…okay, wait a second, you’re supposed to be backup. I’m tolerating your presence. He goes, I can't believe I gotta sleep with the birds.
He goes, well, I had the birds before you. Bladezz can't sit still. He goes, sorry, I’m goal-oriented. This isn't a leisure…this is an opportunity for strategy. Then Bladezz says, I got a better idea. He goes, let’s play a console game, and we could gamble on it…testosteroned. CRT TV with regular, old-fashioned jacks. Is that a black-and-white TV, Vork? No way. They’re mesmerized. How’d you take the color out of it? It has an antenna and it’s gonna come in handy. Okay, so, no console. What are we gonna do instead? Hm. Bladezz is like, I got cards, so we could play a card game. How about poker, macho? What site are we gonna do it on? No, no, real cards, actual paper. They go, the interface is better online. It’s cleaner. We don’t have to make eye contact. Ditto. Bladezz says, okay, I’ll be right back. He goes out the door.
Then there’s more people showing up to the party at…Clara, I can't believe…I don't know anybody that’s coming here. Yeah, forget about your neighbor. So, she’s introducing them to the people that work nearby. People are still coming in. How many flyers did you hand out? Hundreds, and made a spam posting. Let’s really have fun. This is gonna be awesome. Tink’s like, I’ll be here for the next ten minutes. Looks like they are playing…Vork and Zaboo are playing. Sorry, I wanted a bed not with the birds. Maybe I could clean out your guest bedroom and sleep there in 2012. He goes, we could sell that stuff. He goes, you know what? I like you. Then the network goes down. I lost my connection. Probably Bladezz…he disconnected something. Vork raises his voice…and Codex has made themed food, themed to the guild stuff.
So, people at the party are like, interesting, just like me at that party saying ‘Gilded Age’. Frosted broadsword…and Codex says, this party’s actually working. I haven't thought about Wade all night until now. Tink’s on her phone, Codex is talking, and what about…? Then more people show up. The stunt guy’s there and his super-tall girlfriend. She accidentally spittles on Tink, and then we get another Season 3 sign. Yeah, we’re watching the credits. Knights of Good…and then Codex says, yeah, I’ve never been comfortable at parties or meeting strangers. I know strangers are technically…you know, whatever, but…and I can't believe everybody was invited by my guildmate. Healing Potion Punch is her specialty, but maybe that’s the reason I don't have a lot of friends, too. She puts up one eyebrow; that’s pretty good.
Then we have the opening and we see the whole sequence. Zaboo is last. Bladezz told the neighbor about the internet. Kept calling me Betty, asking me about…if I made muffins. Vork says, Bladezz has my internet for free. What am I gonna do now? Bladezz says, well, now we can do something offline — I got the password — if you do something with me. I’d give it to you, but…and he goes, yeah, the connection will be better, though, if it’s closed, anyway. Vork’s not happy. I’m gonna give you a time-out. Time-out? Man, chillax. Even Zaboo says chillax, or maybe he’s the one who said it. He goes, fine, I’ll do something offline, but I refuse to enjoy myself. So, then Bladezz says, okay, let’s play cards. Hold ‘Em, Stud…totally Stud, Zaboo says. Studded…okay, then they say, hey, that’s…Tink sees the stunt man. Holy cow.
Wow, this is interesting. Say, okay, I can't believe he brought over his tall friend. Clara’s running the show. She goes…Codex goes over there and she goes, you’re my best friend in the world. I can't believe the guy you like is here. Wow, he’s actually really handsome. She leaves, then Codex meets Riley. Oh, Codex says, that’s the name of one of my characters, Riley. Wade said you were a gamer? Wow. Oh yeah, his roommate’s a gamer, too? I’m his roommate, yeah. Oh, roommate? I didn’t realize. I thought you were his girlfriend. Oh, no, no, no, just his roommate. Sometimes we hang out, but mostly I’m his roommate. Oh, okay. That was unexpected. She goes, it’s great to meet somebody else who games. What games do you play? Roleplaying games, mostly. She goes, oh, okay.
I play FPS games like Halo, currently. I’m ranked. It’s truth. Codex says, yeah, I just get to wear a better outfit than in Halo in an RPG. She goes, it’s cool, it’s fine. We have different game choices. Now we have nothing to talk about. She goes, okay, I’m gonna grab a drink. It’s like Scoots said ‘Gilded Age’. Codex is speechless and she goes somewhere. Okay, then they’re gonna use jelly beans as chips for their game. Vork says, I don't have a very high net worth. Zaboo’s eating jellybeans. Ninety-six minutes ‘til the servers are back up. Then Bladezz says, okay, look, look, look; fifty cents a bean, okay, instead of a dollar a bean. Let’s just play. He’s pretty good at shuffling. Or, I don't know if they have a stunt shuffler 'cause you can't see his face, but it’s really fancy shuffling. Yeah, I’m detecting magic.
So, he gets ready to deal, then Vork puts on one of this visors like Data wears. He says, just deal, man. Then we go back to the party. Clara’s trying to really get this into a wild party, but it’s not very wild. She goes…and then Codex goes, hey, Wade is single. She goes, great. That’s great news. Then Tink says, did you know he was an elf swinging two-handed in the game? He did motion capture. It’s meant to be with you two. She goes, well, I can't do it alone. She goes, okay, well, we could do it. Tink’s about to leave…but this is interesting. No, I’ll hang around…cancelled my date. We’ll be your backup. She goes, oh, I’m okay. I’m sweating. So, then they go into motion and they’re trying to navigate through the party. Then we go back to the poker game and they’re all looking at their cards.
They’re playing some sort of draw or something. Vork wins again and he goes, I play the odds, man. I surmised that you were going for a straight that included a four. I had three fours in my hand, which means the probability of you achieving a straight was 1.8%. Bladezz can't believe it. I’m supposed to be the one winning. But I was just getting him to a portfolio level. Bladezz is like, I don't even have any money, anyway. I just use my mom’s credit cards, buying stuff for Tink. They go…he goes, yeah, no, tuition, hockey tickets, purses…that’s why I was playing this game, anyway; trying to win money. I’m gonna be in trouble. Vork says, yeah, no one’s interested in me anyway, so I can't relate. He goes, I could be mediator between you and Tink and help you reacquire the objects in question.
He goes, if you give me the password. Then he goes…then Zaboo says, yeah, they’re hanging out at a party at Codex’s house. Then Zaboo realizes what’s happening at the party, that they’re trying to help fix Codex up. Then Vork goes, okay, well, I did see her interacting with someone, a possible mating ritual. So, probably not great news for you, Zaboo. He says, wait a second, you gotta be kidding me. He goes, we gotta get over there. You gotta drive. Then he goes, I don't wanna. They go, okay, well, what about the password? She goes, okay. Then they’re all talking to the stunt man. Five hundred views on one of my videos. I’m pretty impressive, huh? Then they try to talk about Codex. They’re trying to pump her up. So, it’s super awkward, super awkward. He goes, yeah, yeah, don't worry.
He goes, I have cheesy double entendres. Clara’s like, a little attention goes a long way. Let’s cut to the chase. Can we arrange things between you two? Then Codex says, listen, we…none of us have good social skills. She goes, I’m sorry, my friends are trying to connect us. I thought…I told them I thought you were attractive in an objective kind of way, and then I thought…we had a conversation and then this tummy-tum-tum trouble, I thought that was a good sign. Then she goes, yeah, I thought maybe…I don't know what to say. I’m not good at this. Bye. He doesn't say anything. Then Tink’s stunned. I cancelled my date for this? I gotta go. Clara’s like, so, stunt guy, that’s cool that you’re into stunts. Have you ever met Chuck Norris? That’s the end of that episode.
So, that was Episode 10, and then we have Episode 11 come up. She’s like, okay, wait a second, I don't know. I can't believe this. She got…we see a brass bed, windows, a night sky. Then he sits down while she’s interviewing herself online. He goes, your friend’s doing handstands on the coffee table. She’s crying. He says, hey, are you crying? You have pretty eyes. They’re making eye contact. She goes, do you really do motion capture for games? They actually kiss. They…about to kiss, so I’m sure something happens. But first we go to the episode here…go back to the party. Zaboo’s got on a scarf. I can't believe Codex is having a big party. Clara says, hey, guildies. Yeah, I just read your status update. What’s going on with you guys fixing up Codex? She goes, don't worry.
She put her foot in her mouth and tanked it, so it didn’t work out. So, Zaboo’s happy. I’ll comfort her. I’m already familiar with this area, so…that’s what Vork says. Excuse me…I think he gets the hint that Clara’s trying to…then she says…Bladezz says, is this your first party? He goes, oh no, I go to parties all the time. She goes, yeah, and he goes, okay, well, I’m gonna go into the party and say hi to Tink. Then Zaboo’s trying to find Codex, asking everybody at the party, who’s like, I don't even know who you’re talking about. He opens the door and sees them kissing. Vork’s making something. He says, I’ve been taking acting classes. She goes, what are you doing here? Did you drop off the keys for the Scooter? He says, listen, I gotta cut back on the spending. I’m tapped out. I got the orb stuff. I sent that to you.
She goes, so we’re done here. Don’t message me again. He’s like, what do you mean? I sent you everything you wanted. Goes, I thought you liked me. She goes, consider this a life lesson, Bladezz. She goes, I’m not boring. I like…I’m a taker, not a giver. You’re lucky you don’t own a lot of stuff. He goes, I can't believe it. She goes, well, I have a hard exterior and a soft, nougaty center. He goes, okay, I respect it. But he goes, can I have the airline voucher back? ‘Cause I can't really pay for any of the other stuff I got you, either. She goes, if I gave it back to you, it wouldn't be a lesson. Sorry. Vork is sneaking away with the cake. Zaboo’s watching them kissing. He says, remove your kiss from that woman. She goes, I thought you were do…in a training camp at Vork’s.
The stunt man says, excuse me, and they have…they go back and forth. They talk about layaway and the lady. Then Vork takes…or, I mean Zaboo takes off his scarf and says, I’ll see you yonder outside. Not a good idea, Zaboo. Then the stunt man says, don't worry, I’ll do that. Pardon me, excuse me. Then Codex is like, Zaboo, come on, stop this. He goes, but you’re my love. He goes, I have to prove myself. He goes, I have newly-cut man muscles. Then Clara’s encouraging him. This is the best moment since senior prom for Clara. She’s yucking it up. The stunt man looks ready for stunts. Oh, he pulls open his shirt. Whoa, those are abs. Excuse me. So, he goes to Vork and Bladezz; hey, I need your help. I challenged the stunt man to a dance-off over Codex. He’s got abs.
It looks like he’s been lifting mustard for way longer than I have. They go, this is not a good idea. He goes, I can do this. He goes, I know what I’m doing. Goes, I’m good at the game. They go, okay, but…yeah, there’s no mana bar in life, so…he goes, this could be a quantifiable…not good. He’s a couple levels above you in the real world, so probably not a good idea. Then he says, I think it was a misunderstanding. I’m not into melee. Then Clara pushes him in, and the episode ends. Then we got one more episode left. That was called Course for Colliding. So, this is Episode 12 and it’s called Dance-Off. Then Codex is talking about bad timing in my apartment…and about to have a dance-off over me? Holy moly. I’m feeling very flattered. It was awesome. I don't feel great about it, but I do.
So, she does another great physical comedy with her face to underscore the point. We get the opening and then the stunt man just practices. He goes, I gotta recalibrate. I’m not used to actually…I’m only used to doing pretend. Then they…instead of dancing, they chase each other. Clara’s still encouraging it. She’s like, this is like Rabbits, the game. Then Vork figures out that she’s the one that’s been trying to get the orb from him, or is still mad about the orb. Zaboo says, I have the power. He goes, you have metal? He goes, oh, thumb on the outside and…because he did some sort of thing from the game. Then Vork’s like, Clara, I can't believe this. She goes, yeah, you took that orb from me. I wanted it.
He goes, I’ve dedicated my life to the wellbeing of the guild members, and I can't believe you would do this to me. They’re making eye contact. Now I know how King Arthur felt. Excuse me. He storms off. Bladezz is trying to film everything. Tink’s on the phone. They’re still dancing off, the stunt man and Zaboo, with…they’re dancing off around Tink. I mean, around Codex. Then Zaboo does a handstand dance move, and then Vork’s down on the…sat on the table. They’re dancing off in the background. Bladezz is watching while Vork says, I can't believe I’m having a crisis of spirit here. Bladezz says, don't worry. Just gotta be sneaky. So, he gets up. We still have the dance-off going on. It doesn't seem to be going well for Zaboo, but he goes, rub it in. You’re a better dancer than me.
She goes, I recognize that move; it’s from the game. That was from the Fire Gladiator. Also did some of the monks. She goes, come on, Zaboo, you know how to win in the game. So, this calls back to other things. Then we see a shower and two hands. Oh, then Vork’s taking a shower. Oh, with his clothes on. He’s sad. He’s saying, Clara, I can't believe you did this to me. Why, oh, why? He still…he breaks his timer even though the time was almost up. Zaboo’s using a pillow, and the stunt man’s roommate is like, wow, Zaboo’s kinda cute and a underdog. Then they talk about lich aura, then he’s like, man, you really did good in that game with the motion capture. Money…spot on. I was also in that high school thing. I was a tiger. I loved that movie…High School Tigers.
Since it’s totally not worth fighting over me, dancing off over…Cyd says it’s totally not worth the dancing off over me. Codex is…you know, if you want to withdraw your claim…and he goes, okay. He goes, yeah, thanks. It was fun dancing off with you. It was great…bonded. Always look at my elbow when you’re doing a high five. You’re awesome, like this guy. Usually I get paid for this kinda dancing. See you around, Red. Then Codex is not happy with Zaboo. She goes, we need to talk. Then Bladezz has done something to Tink’s laptop, clearly. He goes, okay…Zaboo and Tink are…I mean, Zaboo and Codex are talking. She goes, did it ever occur to you I’m not interested in you? He goes, well, I levelled up, though. She goes, but I just tried to get you to move out, try to get you to understand.
I’m sorry you don’t understand, but I like you as a friend. He goes, I’ve heard this speech a million times before. Zaboo, I’m your imaginary friend. He goes…so, he goes…she goes, well, I’m not the person for you. He goes, well, I’m not gonna cry 'cause I’m a tough man now. He goes, well, I thought it was gonna be…I thought we had something, but…goes, 'cause I fell for you before I even saw you, but I’ll leave this quest unfinished. She’s crying a little bit, too. Goes, I guess my princess is in another castle. She’s stunned. Tink is on her phone. She sits…Codex sits down next to Tink. It’s over with Zaboo. Vork says, server’s back up. Tink says, sweet. Guild’s code is broken. Knights of Good should be renamed the Knaves of Hooliganism. Tink says, my character’s not on the log-in screen. Try re-logging. Where am I?
Oh, Bladezz was on this laptop earlier. Oh no, no, no. Then she goes, he deleted my character. Two years…gold, reputation points…I don't exist anymore. Vork says, I can't believe it. Tink’s crying. Clara is hanging out with the stunt guy. Then she goes, well, I’m glad I didn’t drop my loot for you. She bumps him in the shin and goes outside, takes a breath. But now she’s smiling. Zaboo has met the roommate of the stunt man. Then we have a split in Codex. She goes running, spiritually running, away, and she’s running in slow motion. So, I guess that’s our Season 2 cliffhanger, right? Let me just double check there’s not a Episode 13. But yeah, just double-checking. Knights of Good…and, yeah, next up is Season 3, Expansion Time. So, we’ll be back soon with some coverage from Season 3. Thanks, and goodnight, everybody.
(Transcription performed by LeahTranscribes)
TV Recap
The Gilded Age
Fancy Shuffles
Motion Capture
Shoutout to any kind of guild
Was there a Guilded Age?
I honestly have no clue about The Gilded Age
People politely call me their quirky friend
Were the Astors involved in the Gilded Age?
Deep Dark Night United
Sleep With Me Plus; SleepPhones; Rusty Biscuit Links; Emily Tat Artwork; NAPAWF; Anti-Racism Resources; Ukraine Relief; Crisis Textline
Claritin; Helix Sleep; Odoo; Air Doctor Pro; Zocdoc; Progressive; Lumen
Particularly thoughts about the past
No better time to learn than in a podcast intro
Someone listening can relate to you right now
I just wanted to impress people by mentioning the Gilded Age
Does the gilded age have gold leaf?
What is this dreck and drivel?
They’d pick up Gilda Radner in a time machine to perform in the Gilded Age
Gilda’s Golden tongue twister that I can’t say
Like trying to hold on to beach sand
Your borror in general
Hopefully I’m there in a well-appointed room, boring you downstairs
Boring through a non-pneumatic tube
Boring in the Gilded Age
Human-Warmed Bathtub
A very particular structure
SWM+ is better if you listen all night
Covering The Guild, probably seasons 2 and 3
Named after a Mark Twain novel?!
A historical summary of the Gilded Age
It furthered the divide and concentrated stuff up top
A collaborative novel co-written by Mark Twain
Who are the people of the Gilded Age?
Oh, there’s Carnegie
I don’t see any Astors in this list of names
The second half of Season 2
I can’t find where we left off
I think we’re on S2 E6
Brass bed behind Codex’s head
Her neighbor is going through a makeup process
She had some tummy trouble
She won’t be dating her neighbor so that won’t impact her gaming
Clara gives her a hard time
Clara has been playing for 48 hours straight
This is her Me Weekend
Zaboo is working out and playing
Codex has to avoid her neighbor
Clara is so tired and loopy, playing 2 games at once
Tink gives Codex advice
Zaboo and Vork work together
Don’t remap someone else’s hot keys!
Codex gets dressed up
Bladezz is doing crafting for his sister’s birthday party
Talking about laddered CDs
Codex spies on her exercising, dancing neighbor
The neighbor is doing a miniseries about knights
Codex is a halberd expert
Vork shows up in person to talk to Codex
That’s the end of Season 2
This is the start of Season 3?
Codex needs to keep Guldies from visiting her place IRL
Vork is checking out her vases with a magnifying glass
Vork doesn’t want Zaboo to be his roommate anymore
Zaboo 2.0
Zaboo is trying to be manly
Zaboo spins salad while he works
Codex calls her therapist
Codex has another call coming in
Zaboo made ramen in the salad spinner?
Zaboo is Freud-ed
Vork tries to take her FroYo maker
Codex tries to wrap things up with her therapist
Codex wants to solve other people’s problems to avoid her own
Tonight, the servers will be shut down for 4 hours
Vork forgot about Zaboo when he left
Clara is asleep on her computer
Vork commences the Guild meeting
Tink wanted the mauve purse
Bladezz is love-bombing Tink with gifts
Formulating a plan for the server downtime
Spending our time more efficiently
Vork has no power outside of the game
Guild Party at Vork’s house??
Zaboo wants some alone bonding time
Codex already has plans and can’t hang with the Guild
What’s Clara going to do?
Codex heads out and rings her neighbor’s door
Someone else answers the door??
Episode 9
How many episodes are in this season? Wow
Codex’s neighbor seems to have a girlfriend
Girls’ Night Out
Codex is blocked by her therapist
Tink has a date in a half hour
2 other people just walk in
Clara told a bunch of people about a party at Codex’s house
This can’t be the Guild party
Vork does a presentation about magic use in The Game
Vork and Zaboo and Bladezz bicker at Vork’s house
Gambling on a console game
They could play a macho card game like poker
Clara handed out hundreds of posters
Vork and Zaboo play cards
Codex has made Guild-themed food
Frosted Broadsword
Stunt Guy neighbor and his GF show up at the party
Next episode (still season 2)
Codex doesn’t like parties
Healing Potion Punch
Even Zaboo says chillax to Vork
Tink sees the stuntman neighbor
She’s surprised he’s actually handsome
Codex meets Riley
Riley is neighbor Wade’s roommate, not GF!
Riley is also a gamer
She’s a ranked Halo player!
No games in common
Betting with jelly beans in poker
Zaboo eats the ‘chips’
Bladezz is a great shuffler
Vork puts on one of those poker visors
Wade did motion capture for the game!
Tink canceled her date because this is more interesting
Back to the poker game
Vork wins again
Bladezz is shocked he’s losing again
Zaboo realizes that the girls are trying to fix Codex up with someone
Zaboo wants to go to the party
The girls fail to connect Wade and Codex
None of the guild party have good social skills
Codex bravely shares her feelings
Wade says nothing
Ep 11, Season 2 coming up
Codex can’t believe it
Wade walks in while Codex is crying
They do an About To Kiss
Back to the party
Zaboo has a big scarf on
Zaboo is glad Codex tanked it
Bladezz goes to parties all the time
Zaboo walks in on Codex and Wade kissing
Bladezz can’t keep spending on Tink
Tink cuts Bladezz off
She is a taker not a giver
Hard exterior and soft nougat-y center
Vork sneaks away with the cake
Wade and Zaboo size each other up
Zaboo challenges Wade to a fight
Zaboo has newly cut man muscles
Clara is having a lot of fun
Wade has actual abs
There’s no manna bar in life
Clara pushes Zaboo into the fight
S2 E12: Dance Off
Codex is flattered by this fight
The Stuntman isn’t used to actually fighting
Clara encourages the fight
Vork realizes Clara stole the orb from him
Bladezz is filming everything on his phone
Zaboo and Wade are dancing
Zaboo does a handstand dance move
Vork is having a crisis of spirit
Codex recognizes some of Wade’s moves from the game
Zaboo knows how to beat these opponents
Vork takes a shower with his clothes on
Wade’s roommate Riley thinks Zaboo is cute
Wade and Zaboo bond and call of their dance off
Codex isn’t happy with Zaboo
Bladezz has done something to Tink’s laptop
Codex straight up isn’t interested in Zaboo
Zaboo will leave this quest unfinished
Codex is stunned that Wade has left
The servers are back up
The Knights of Good
The Knaves of Hooliganism
Tink’s character has been deleted???!?! By Bladezzz????
Clara kicks the stunt guy in the shins
Zaboo meets Riley, the roommate
Codex runs away in slow motion
I think that’s a Season 2 Finale Cliffhanger
Season 3 will be next time
Lea, Oi, Sandra, Ashley, Mary, Danielle, John, Monet, PJ, Kirsten, Karen, Brandy, Elizabeth, Kathy, Jennifer, Charlene, Jeffrey, Susan, Ezra, Cameron, Kate, Bonn, Amanda, Ryan, Holly, Elizabeth, Dawn, Ashley, Kim, Marissa, Elizabeth, Silvia, Christine, Noor, Bridget, Rachel, Rhett, Drew, Shalene, Benjamin, Ana, Catherine, Terry, Charlene, William, Josh, Courtney, Anna, Gregor, Justin, Barbara, Candice, Clementine, Nora, Olivia, Tammy, Jamie, Jamey, Rheon, Taylor, Vivian, Christine, Warren
Episode: 1280
Title: The Guild Webseries Watch | S2 E6-12
Deep Dark Night United: n/a
Plugs: Sleep With Me Plus; SleepPhones; Rusty Biscuit Links; Emily Tat Artwork; NAPAWF; Anti-Racism Resources; Ukraine Relief; Crisis Textline
Sponsors: Claritin; Helix Sleep; Odoo; Air Doctor Pro; Zocdoc; Progressive; Lumen
SWM+ Thanks: Lea, Oi, Sandra, Ashley, Mary, Danielle, John, Monet, PJ, Kirsten, Karen, Brandy, Elizabeth, Kathy, Jennifer, Charlene, Jeffrey, Susan, Ezra, Cameron, Kate, Bonn, Amanda, Ryan, Holly, Elizabeth, Dawn, Ashley, Kim, Marissa, Elizabeth, Silvia, Christine, Noor, Bridget, Rachel, Rhett, Drew, Shalene, Benjamin, Ana, Catherine, Terry, Charlene, William, Josh, Courtney, Anna, Gregor, Justin, Barbara, Candice, Clementine, Nora, Olivia, Tammy, Jamie, Jamey, Rheon, Taylor, Vivian, Christine, Warren
Notable Language:
- Gilded Age
- Human-Warmed Bathtub
- Laddered CDs
- Halberd
- Freud-ed
- Guild-Themed Food
- Healing Potion Punch
- Stunt Shuffler
Notable Culture:
- The Gilded Age
- Gilda Radner
- The Guild
- Mark Twain
- Halo
- Chuck Norris
- High School Tigers
Notable Talking Points:
- Particularly thoughts about the past
- No better time to learn than in a podcast intro
- Someone listening can relate to you right now
- I just wanted to impress people by mentioning the Gilded Age
- Does the gilded age have gold leaf?
- What is this dreck and drivel?
- They’d pick up Gilda Radner in a time machine to perform in the Gilded Age
- Gilda’s Golden tongue twister that I can’t say
- Like trying to hold on to beach sand
- Your borror in general
- Hopefully I’m there in a well-appointed room, boring you downstairs
- Boring through a non-pneumatic tube
- Boring in the Gilded Age
- Human-Warmed Bathtub
- A very particular structure
- SWM+ is better if you listen all night
- Covering The Guild, probably seasons 2 and 3
- Named after a Mark Twain novel?!
- A historical summary of the Gilded Age
- It furthered the divide and concentrated stuff up top
- A collaborative novel co-written by Mark Twain
- Who are the people of the Gilded Age?
- Vanderbilt
- Oh, there’s Carnegie
- I don’t see any Astors in this list of names
- The second half of Season 2
- I can’t find where we left off
- I think we’re on S2 E6
- Brass bed behind Codex’s head
- Her neighbor is going through a makeup process
- She had some tummy trouble
- She won’t be dating her neighbor so that won’t impact her gaming
- Clara gives her a hard time
- Clara has been playing for 48 hours straight
- This is her Me Weekend
- Zaboo is working out and playing
- Codex has to avoid her neighbor
- Clara is so tired and loopy, playing 2 games at once
- Tink gives Codex advice
- Zaboo and Vork work together
- Don’t remap someone else’s hot keys!
- Codex gets dressed up
- Bladezz is doing crafting for his sister’s birthday party
- Talking about laddered CDs
- Codex spies on her exercising, dancing neighbor
- The neighbor is doing a miniseries about knights
- Codex is a halberd expert
- Vork shows up in person to talk to Codex
- That’s the end of Season 2
- This is the start of Season 3?
- Codex needs to keep Guldies from visiting her place IRL
- Vork is checking out her vases with a magnifying glass
- Vork doesn’t want Zaboo to be his roommate anymore
- Zaboo 2.0
- Zaboo is trying to be manly
- Zaboo spins salad while he works
- Codex calls her therapist
- Codex has another call coming in
- Zaboo made ramen in the salad spinner?
- Zaboo is Freud-ed
- Vork tries to take her FroYo maker
- Codex tries to wrap things up with her therapist
- Codex wants to solve other people’s problems to avoid her own
- Tonight, the servers will be shut down for 4 hours
- Vork forgot about Zaboo when he left
- Clara is asleep on her computer
- Vork commences the Guild meeting
- Tink wanted the mauve purse
- Bladezz is love-bombing Tink with gifts
- Formulating a plan for the server downtime
- Spending our time more efficiently
- Vork has no power outside of the game
- Guild Party at Vork’s house??
- Zaboo wants some alone bonding time
- Codex already has plans and can’t hang with the Guild
- What’s Clara going to do?
- Codex heads out and rings her neighbor’s door
- Someone else answers the door??
- Episode 9
- How many episodes are in this season? Wow
- Codex’s neighbor seems to have a girlfriend
- Girls’ Night Out
- Codex is blocked by her therapist
- Tink has a date in a half hour
- 2 other people just walk in
- Clara told a bunch of people about a party at Codex’s house
- This can’t be the Guild party
- Vork does a presentation about magic use in The Game
- Vork and Zaboo and Bladezz bicker at Vork’s house
- Gambling on a console game
- They could play a macho card game like poker
- Clara handed out hundreds of posters
- Vork and Zaboo play cards
- Codex has made Guild-themed food
- Frosted Broadsword
- Stunt Guy neighbor and his GF show up at the party
- Next episode (still season 2)
- Codex doesn’t like parties
- Healing Potion Punch
- Even Zaboo says chillax to Vork
- Tink sees the stuntman neighbor
- She’s surprised he’s actually handsome
- Codex meets Riley
- Riley is neighbor Wade’s roommate, not GF!
- Riley is also a gamer
- She’s a ranked Halo player!
- No games in common
- Betting with jelly beans in poker
- Zaboo eats the ‘chips’
- Bladezz is a great shuffler
- Vork puts on one of those poker visors
- Wade did motion capture for the game!
- Tink canceled her date because this is more interesting
- Back to the poker game
- Vork wins again
- Bladezz is shocked he’s losing again
- Zaboo realizes that the girls are trying to fix Codex up with someone
- Zaboo wants to go to the party
- The girls fail to connect Wade and Codex
- None of the guild party have good social skills
- Codex bravely shares her feelings
- Wade says nothing
- Ep 11, Season 2 coming up
- Codex can’t believe it
- Wade walks in while Codex is crying
- They do an About To Kiss
- Back to the party
- Zaboo has a big scarf on
- Zaboo is glad Codex tanked it
- Bladezz goes to parties all the time
- Zaboo walks in on Codex and Wade kissing
- Bladezz can’t keep spending on Tink
- Tink cuts Bladezz off
- She is a taker not a giver
- Hard exterior and soft nougat-y center
- Vork sneaks away with the cake
- Wade and Zaboo size each other up
- Zaboo challenges Wade to a fight
- Zaboo has newly cut man muscles
- Clara is having a lot of fun
- Wade has actual abs
- There’s no manna bar in life
- Clara pushes Zaboo into the fight
- S2 E12: Dance Off
- Codex is flattered by this fight
- The Stuntman isn’t used to actually fighting
- Clara encourages the fight
- Vork realizes Clara stole the orb from him
- Bladezz is filming everything on his phone
- Zaboo and Wade are dancing
- Zaboo does a handstand dance move
- Vork is having a crisis of spirit
- Codex recognizes some of Wade’s moves from the game
- Zaboo knows how to beat these opponents
- Vork takes a shower with his clothes on
- Wade’s roommate Riley thinks Zaboo is cute
- Wade and Zaboo bond and call of their dance off
- Codex isn’t happy with Zaboo
- Bladezz has done something to Tink’s laptop
- Codex straight up isn’t interested in Zaboo
- Zaboo will leave this quest unfinished
- Codex is stunned that Wade has left
- The servers are back up
- The Knights of Good
- The Knaves of Hooliganism
- Tink’s character has been deleted???!?! By Bladezzz????
- Clara kicks the stunt guy in the shins
- Zaboo meets Riley, the roommate
- Codex runs away in slow motion
- I think that’s a Season 2 Finale Cliffhanger
- Season 3 will be next time