1278 – Summer of HBO
A lulling meander of memories of Kids in the Hall and some sleepy cinema.
Episode 1278 – Summer of HBO
SCOOTER: Friends beyond the binary, ladies and gentlemen, boys and girls, it’s time for the podcast who’s gonna delve into past years’ schedules on HBO. So, if you’ve ever wonder…if you’ve ever…if you ever thought linear…the idea of linear TV could put you to sleep, oh boy, are you in for it. We’re going down an HBO hole to see what we find. It’ll be very lulling and soothing and sleepy. If you’re new, welcome to Sleep With Me. Home Box Office is what HBO used to stand for. HBO…now they…now it’s…I don't know. I’m confused. I think it’s still HBO and there’s…the app is Max. But, I don't know, it’ll be sleepy. Don't worry about it. But if you’re new…oh, welcome to Sleep With Me if you’re new.
You might be confused, you know? I mean, I’ve…I’m confused 'cause I still have both apps on the thing I use to watch TV, and then I lost my original remote, so then I can't figure out how to delete the one app. Anyway, not important. Welcome to Sleep With Me. It’s a podcast to keep you company and take your mind off of stuff so you could fall asleep. I don't actually put you to sleep. I’m here to be your friend in the deep, dark night, a distraction, a kind voice full of pointless meanders and superfluous tangents. This show, if you’re new, it does take some getting used to, so give it a few tries. See how it goes. That’s just what most listeners say. So, just see how it goes. I’m glad you’re here. I work really hard. I yearn and I strive.
I really am glad you’re here. I think I already said that. I appreciate you coming by, and here’s a couple of ways…oh, what we got coming up; support so the show…podcast comes out free twice a week, then a long, meandering intro to help ease you into bedtime, and then our bedtime story. It’ll be about some HBO summer…what are they…HBO summer guides. Oh boy, will it be barely interesting. I’m excited. I mean, I’m excited to build a playlist based on what I’ve found. So, yeah, I’m glad you’re here. I work really hard. I yearn and I strive. Give this show a few tries if you’re new. See how it goes. Yeah, this is a podcast that’s your friend in the deep, dark night. Thanks again for being a regular listener and a supporter of the show, my bore-friends.
INTRO: [INTRO MUSIC] Hey, are you up all night tossing, turning, mind racing? Trouble getting to sleep? Trouble staying asleep? Well, welcome. This is Sleep With Me, the podcast that puts you to sleep. We do it with a bedtime story. Alls you need to do is get in bed, turn out the lights, and press Play. I’m gonna do the rest. What I’m going to attempt to do is create a safe place where you could set aside whatever’s keeping you awake. That could be thoughts, feelings, physical sensations, changes in time, temperature, routine…changes in time, temperature, routine, it could be…you could have some…be going through something, you could have something coming up, you could be traveling, you could have guests.
Whatever it is, I’m here to keep you company and take your mind off of stuff so you could fall asleep. I’m actually not here to put you to sleep; I’m here to keep you company while you fall asleep, which I already said, but I get mixed up. What happened was my…I thought I heard my dog’s tail bumping against the railing above…so, I record this podcast under the stairs, and they’re not a full staircase. It’s like a three-quarter or a half-staircase, width-wise, in my apartment, and my apartment is reversed or…whatever, it’s a bungalow but it has a half-basement, and the bedrooms are in the half-basement, and then the upstairs has a living room, kitchen, and bathroom, and there’s a half-stairs leading downstairs. What happens…this is a little behind-the-scenes.
What happens is normally my dog Koa…usually not when I do an intro, but I’m when I’m recording a full episode for over an hour, she’ll come downstairs to check on me 'cause she wakes up and she’s like, where’s that guy that feeds me and takes me out? Then she’ll come downstairs. She never stays. She sleeps down here with…in my room. But when I’m recording the podcast, first she won't be able to find me. Then I’ll pause the recording, I’ll call to her…eventually she’ll put her head in here, and then I usually say, hey, why don’t you lie down here in your bed and just listen to me record? She said, no thank you. Then she goes upstairs. But I thought I heard her tail, so I was predicting she was about to come downstairs and then she didn’t, which threw me off. So, I paused the recording. I went upstairs to check on her.
She was sleeping. Then I realized it was…there was somebody moving stuff 'cause there’s part…whatever, not important. But either the next bungalow or on the other side of the one wall, there’s…there was people…there’s somebody…there’s other live…I live in…whatever, somebody was making noise and it threw me off. So, I apologize, but this is a little behind-the-scenes. I mean, I talk about it a little bit but, yeah, Koa, she doesn't listen to me…she listens to the podcast sometimes. She gets the real-life version of it. Oh, Koa’s my dog, K-O-A. Good question, and she is a…she was…what is she, fifteen years old, sixteen years old? Her name…I didn’t name her.
I adopted her when she was already grown, an adult, and…so, those are just…those are a few things about my dog Koa when I should have been…so, whatever’s keeping you awake, though, I’m here to take your mind off of it and keep you company so you could fall asleep. The reason I make the show is 'cause I’ve been there; tossing, turning, mind racing, trouble getting to sleep, trouble staying asleep, thinking about bedtime, especially bedtime on Sunday night starting on Friday afternoon, definitely on Saturdays, and anticipating bedtime with dread. All those things I experience from time to time and I experienced in very sharp doses at different times in my life. That’s why I make the show. I don't have all the answers. I’ve been…the reason I make the show is 'cause I’ve been there. I’m not a sleep expert.
I’m not a expert on…clearly I’m not a expert on talking. I’m just someone that’s been there and I know how it feels, and I can probably relate to how it feels for you. Even if I don't know exactly what you’re going through, even if I have not been through something similar, I can relate. So, yeah, I send my voice across the deep, dark night. I’ll use lulling, soothing…oh, no, no, I gotta say…the other reason I make the show…not only I can relate to how it feels, but that you deserve a bedtime where you can get the rest you need. You deserve the rest you need so your life is more manageable, and that’s important to me because I’ve been there but because I know if you get the rest you need and your life’s more manageable, you’ll enjoy it more.
Ideally, you get the rest you need, you’re…on a regular basis, you could be out there flourishing. So, that’s why I’m here. I’ve been there and I want to help. Now, this show does not work for everybody. When most people get here, they’re skeptical, they could be frustrated or doubtful because…you heard about a sleep podcast, you might have heard about this one. We’ve been doing this a long time. Maybe somebody told you about it or you read about it or you searched for it, then you said, well, let me check it out. You said, well, I thought this would be more sleepy or soothing or something, and I don't understand what’s going on here. This guy’s just rambling on and on and on. I’m skeptical this is gonna be helpful. This isn't what I expected.
So, it does take two or three tries to get used to the show 'cause the show is always going and never going anywhere. Always never going anywhere; that’s one of our sayings, and always never getting started. So, just give it a few tries and see how it goes. That’s what…a huge number of people have said that that became regular listeners, that support the show directly. Some people have supported the show for seven or eight years. So, just give it a few tries and see how it goes, 'cause you really have nothing to lose. If you already…if you say, you know what? I do, because I just don’t…I don’t enjoy your voice or your manner, that’s understandable, too. You still deserve a good night's sleep. You don’t have to like me. There’s no pressure to like me.
So, I have a website…if you’re already 100% sure, you could check out sleepwithmepodcast.com/nothankyou. That has other sleep podcasts and sleepy stuff on there, so check that out and see…maybe find another sleep podcast. But what I’ll do here is I’m gonna send my voice across the deep, dark night. I’ll use lulling, soothing, creaky, dulcet tones, and pointless meanders and superfluous tangents, which I may have said already. Like I said, I’m a little mixed up still. That’s…means my voice is not traditionally soothing, but I go off-topic, I get mixed up. It does take some getting used to, too, because this is a podcast you don’t really listen to.
It’s kind of like background noise that you kinda barely listen to, and…almost like sand in your hand or a out-of-focus picture or a TV on in the other room. Or, the best analogy is a friend that you’re not really listening to. This is really the most idealized state of this podcast, is that you called me and you said, Scoots, could you talk to me about nothing for a while while I fall asleep? I’m not…I want you to try to be as barely engaging as possible. Maybe throw in some mild humor, but don’t be too funny — I said, don't worry, I got that part; got it down — and just talk for my benefit so I can ignore you but not totally ignore you so I could fall asleep, so I could be distracted from what’s keeping me awake and just have some comfort, 'cause it’s not easy in the deep, dark night.
That’s what I’m here to do because that’s just…I’ve done that for people once or twice in the past, but it’s not something that’s sustainable, obviously. So, I do it here. I’m on-call. So, it’s a podcast you just barely listen to. You could listen to it, but you don’t need to. There’s also no pressure to fall asleep with this show. I’m not here to put you to sleep; I’m here to keep you company. There’s a reason all the episodes are over an hour…so you don’t have to worry about it. You say, okay, I don't have to worry about the episode ending at twenty minutes or thirty minutes or forty minutes. He’s gonna be here over an hour. There’s over 600 episodes I could listen to, and he’s here to keep me company, not to put me to sleep.
There’s people who listen during the day because they need a break or they need a mild distraction because of their job, and there’s people who are listening who just can't sleep at all. So, I’m here to keep you company whether you’re awake or asleep, to be your friend in the deep, dark night, and that’s important, to be your bore-friend, your bore-bae, your bore-sib, your bore-bud, your Borbie, your bore-bor, your bores, your bore-friend, your bore-bestie, your BFF f’eva. Or if you’re more comfortable, your bore-bruh. You know? I could be your bore-bestie or your bore-bruh or your best bore-bruh f’eva. I’m here to just be your friend in the…a friendly voice in the deep, dark night and take your mind off of stuff.
So, those two things do take some getting used to, 'cause you say, when am I…when are the…when’s the…when are the bells gonna sound and I’m gonna fall asleep? Are you gonna count down in reverse or forward? I say, I don't know if I’ll be do…I mean, I’ll be counting through some movie times and stuff coming up, but yeah. What else do you need to know? Oh, the structure of the show really throws people off, but I got great news; the show is very adjustable. There’s other versions of the show. But this particular version is what works for most people. This particular ad-supported version is what works for most people that become regular listeners, but you can adjust or check out other versions of the show, and I’ll explain all that to you.
But there’s a reason the show is structured the way it is and what’s what we’ve seen work over time. So, just see how it goes, like I said, and then you can adjust from there. No pressure. So, the show starts off with a greeting; friends beyond the binary, ladies and gentlemen, boys and girls, and that’s just so you feel greeted and welcomed in and you say, okay, I could check that podcast out. I kinda get a sense of the tone of it. Then there’s sponsor support. Again, I get that not everybody likes that, but it’s what benefits the most amount of people, and if you’d rather have a ad-free version, you can do that with Sleep With Me+ or Apple Podcasts or for free just by doing our referral program, but that’s what works for most people and lets us put out the show twice a week.
Then after the support is our intro, totally separate from the support. It’s a show within a show, has nothing to do with the support, but for some reason, people that don’t like that, they don’t like the intro, either. But the intro’s about a twenty-minute…well, a fifteen-to-twenty-minute cooldown where I unsuccessfully try to explain what the podcast is and I get mixed up and it go…it peters out. But it’s a same structure every time. It follows a familiar structure so as you become a regular listener, it’s familiar but it’s different every time so that it offers a variety, and that’s what distracts me, is having a variety. My brain adjusts otherwise to every other thing I’ve tried. So, that’s why…one of the reasons…well, that’s a reason the intro’s different every time.
Now, the other thing is that the intro is about fifteen to twenty minutes long to ease you into bedtime instead of just to start a bedtime story and put you to sleep. Now, if you only want to listen to the bedtime stories, we have a separate version of the podcast called Bedtime Stories from Sleep With Me. You could check that out. But if you…for most people, having the wind down of the intro gives you a buffer between the day and bed and helps you as you’re getting ready for bed if you want to listen, as you’re in bed getting comfortable if you want to listen, or if you’re doing some chill, wind-down activity which is what I recommend, to ease you into bedtime.
There are some people that fall asleep during the intro, but for most people it just…I don't know, it offers…that’s just what works for me, if I have a bedtime routine that chills me out and gives me a break from my daytime or my evening self. I don't know, it just helps me more regularly get the rest I need. So, the intro eases you into bedtime. Then after the intro is support, then after that will be our summer HBO…late eighties, early nineties, looking at the TV…some of the HBO guides, channel…I don't know, the magazine that they used to send out.
Then there’s…I think we’re slowly…there will be…might be thank-yous at the end of the show, but we’re trying to change up the structure of the podcast to keep it sustainable for everybody, so…and that’s it. That’s the structure of the show. That’s why we make the show. I’m really glad you checked this podcast out and came by. I really hope I can help you fall asleep. I work really hard on the show. I yearn and I strive. A team of people do 'cause we really want you to get the sleep you need and you deserve, so thanks again for coming by, and these sponsors and the listeners who support the show are how we’re able to do it for you for free twice a week.
Alright everybody, this is Scoots here. This is a style of show…a lot of times these are bonus…a style of bonus show we do or similar to a style of bonus show we do. But I was like, huh, we could do this as a summer public-release episode, and I really found a treasure trove of these. I worked really hard. I was doing research for something else for the podcast, and I found something. So, what I’m gonna do is tell you to…refer you to an episode which I think we’ve run twice. I think we ran it as a repeat called My Life With HBO. It’s not the current HBO which is now known as Max, I think. Or, that’s the app you can watch HBO on. HBO in the current…its current iteration is more associated with shows, and actually, it’s funny that it’s associated with shows, 'cause a lot of my associations are with some shows, too.
But really, we wouldn't have Sleep With Me without the times where HBO was running free samplers of HBO or the cable company my parents subscribed to…there was just a couple years where we had HBO. We didn’t have it all the time. So, we’re gonna go through some summer HBO channel guides. So, HBO used to send out — I think even recently — to subscribers before they had…before…this was pre-streaming era, probably right on the crossover. They would send you a monthly or a quarterly magazine with…hey, what’s going on on HBO. It was tactile. It had the movie times and stuff. It was before people were really using a lot of apps.
It’s also interesting just because these companies, in a non-judgmental way, are always trying to figure out kinda how to influence what you’re watching a lot of times to make sure you’re watching what you want to watch or you’re gonna be most likely to watch on their platform, right? This magazine was a way of doing that, and so…and, I don't know, I would scroll through this and look at this. So, I have a bunch of them from summers…summer issues from different years. So, what we’ll just do is go through some of them. Let’s see, we got ‘84, ‘85, ‘97, ‘90…no, no, that’s not ‘97. ‘76, ‘79, maybe? So, some of these are predating me. Oh, wait…okay, well…so, I don't quite know which ones…like, which…but we’ll start with…let’s start with this one. Okay, so this is the HBO guide, June 1990.
This was when HBO’s song…they’re simply the best. They were better than all the rest, better than anyone, anyone you ever saw. HBO was simply the best. Oh, that was a Tina Turner song. I was thinking it was a HBO…I was like…but I think they may have paid Tina Turner. So, this was 1990, June. On the cover is one, two…again, interesting how circular things are. As much as people try to reprogram…because…obviously I work in creating stuff, so I follow a lot of news…I over-read it, you know? Two of the big things that the plat…the streaming platforms are trying to figure out or are investing a lot of money in are comedy specials and live sports. Who has two of those out of their four things on the cover of the June 1990 HBO guide? HBO does.
So, the biggest thing on the cover is Dustbusters 2, the movie, where I ain’t afraid of no dust, and it has the number two. Then the rest of the page has three things; Star Trek V, The Final Frontier, HBO Comedy Hour with George Carlin, and then a dance-off with Mike Tyson. Dance-off…Mike Tyson Returns. Then it has the…a list of the movies, the original programs that they talk about in the…that thing, limited plays, sports, family, daytime, and limited plays. I don't know if…we’ll come back to that. Then the next page is another…a full-page ad for Star Trek V: The Final Frontier. William Shatner, Leonard Nimoy…a renegade Vulcan mystic borrows the Enterprise without permission to go into a finite universe on a quest for a higher power.
In this fifth Star Trek movie, Kirk, Spock, and McCoy go with Sybok who forces them to go where no person has gone before. Now, that’s an…that was an exclusive HBO premiere, June 3rd. Then the next…oh no…okay, so then the next page, Jennifer Capriati, The Making of a Champion, HBO Sports Special. That aired June 15th, 17th, 20th, 28th, and 30th. This was when Arthur Ashe predicted a brilliant future for the teenage tennis sensation. First pro tournament was hosted by Billie Jean King behind the scenes. Then a Walter Cronkite special about taking good care of yourself, and then a movie that…its remake is out. Because I’m watching a show on that service, it’s…I see that all the time. This is Patrick Swayze. Exclusive premiere, June 2nd; Road House.
This talks about action, bouncer, cleaning up a honkytonk in a Missouri town…PhD in philosophy…Patrick Swayze sets out to tame the Double Deuce for its owner, but somebody else from the wrong side of town…so, that’s that one. They also have other movies out, a movie about pumpkins, C to the H to the U to the D II, Bud. Diana Ross World Tour…what do we got? An endearing comedy…Billy Crystal comedy special…Saturday the 14th; I think that was a comedy. Ray Walston…oh, then another show, a full page, all-new episodes. Tales from a Place…from an…a Tent…Tales from the Tent Bedroom. Every Tuesday night, a different episode. Don’t touch that dial. Looks like they got one, two, three new episodes…four new episodes. Harry Anderson stars as a comic book artist.
We got…yeah, so those are on on Tuesday nights. Carol Kane was in another one. So, this is kinda like that show, The Mirror at Nighttime. You know that show? Charlie makes it? My daughter and I watch it a lot. Charlie…the Charlie book or show about mirrors. Okay, then the next page has an ad for an HBO original movie for June…Jeff Goldblum and Kristin Scott Thomas. Kristin Scott Thomas is awesome if you watch Slow Horses, so, that’s cool they were in a movie together. Picture Perfect Romance, a off-beat comedy. Stylish caper, hip…Jeff Goldblum, an American artist living in Paris, and Kristin Scott Thomas brings him in to be up to stuff he shouldn’t be up to. So, that was out June 24th, 27th, and 30th. Then they had the Monday Main Event, a new blockbuster movie every Monday night.
June 4th; Big, June 11th; Major League, June 18th; Cocoon: The Return, and June 25th; Dundee 2. Okay, then it has the daytime guide, or is this all…? Oh, this is everything. So, June 1st, The Opera, Wizard of Oz Adventures…this is in the morning. Adventures of Tom Sawyer…8:00 a.m.; Young Love First Love, Dustbusters 2…I guess I’ll read through the plays 'cause we don’t want to go through every single thing. Double Feature Fridays…HBO fanclub, Dan Akroyd…Dustbusters 2 and the Great Outdoors, Night Light Theatre, Saturday 14th. Oh, that must be two, and C to the H to the U to the D II. Then they had Out of Time Out of Place; June 15th, Star Trek V, and Starman, Comic Capers, How I Got Into College in Plain Clothes, and then Pink Cadillac and Road House.
Then a dance-off double-header with…it was a live…June 16th from Caesar’s Palace. Dance-off double-header; Mike Tyson and Tillman, and Foreman and Rodrigues. Then they have a ad for Twins, starring Danny De Vito and Arnold Schwarzenegger, and…Arnold Schwarzenegger separated at birth…oh, Wimbleton 1990, eleven days of the world’s greatest tennis. That was…yeah. Steffi Graf and Boris Becker are the ones on the cover there. Oh, wow, so we definitely had HBO whatever…in whatever this was, 1990. Children’s Checkerboard; see a different episode of a different family series every weekday morning. Encyclopedia Brown, Boy Detective: The Case of the Beauty Queen. Is EB really in love?
When he meets Darlene, the winner of the Idaville Beauty Contest, she calls him to figure out something going on with the library. But who did it? It’s thirty minutes long. June 5th, 11th, 20th, 23rd, 25th. Then it has a bunch of movies; Starman with Jeff Bridges, Remember West, Superman 2, My Mom’s Barking, History of Tennis, Parenthood, Starting Over, The Pole Heist 3…there was three of these movies? Stand and Deliver; Edward James Olmos, Murphy’s Romance; never saw that movie, but I remember seeing ads for it. Stand By Me, Plain Clothes, Arliss Howard…never heard of it. How I Got Into College, starring Anthony Edwards. Wacky 101; Corey Parker struggles to get to a top-notch college. Imagine by John Lennon…oh, then Gung Ho with Michael Keaton. I remember that movie. I definitely saw a lot of this stuff.
The Seven Voyages of Sinbad by Ray Harryhausen; I remember that. That was in 1958. Breakin’ 2: Electric Boogaloo…probably saw that movie fifty-five times. June 2nd, 5th…yeah, that was off of school, probably. 13th, 15th, 18th, 24th, and 29th…saw all of those. First You Love, Young Love…I don't remember that one. The Chipmunk Adventure; I probably saw that one. It’s G, a hour and seventeen minutes. During the day on HBO they had Cat on a Hot Tin Roof, Jeff Bridges in the City, something with…Goodbye Columbus and Ali MacGraw, a 1969 movie…a Charles Bronson, Robert Duvall movie, a Tom Selleck lead movie, a Burt Lancaster Western, and The Muppets Take Manhattan. Do we hear wedding bells? Okay, next page.
Oh, HBO Late Night; that’s when I was…a lot of those were movies…autumnal-themed movies. Yeah, I think all of them. There was a Beau Bridges movie, though. Rob Lowe, Skipper For Hire…a Brian De Palma movie with Kirk Douglas, The Rose with Bette Midler…what else do we got here? A lot of these are…Dennis Quaid and Jessican Lang, a Sylvester Stallone movie that I saw…I definitely saw that on there even though it was R. It was June 9th, 15th…it was a Stallone action movie. What else do we got? A Kevin Pollak comedy special, Young…the Western full of…The Youthful Western; that movie I saw a lot, with Emilio Estevez…is back, but that was the first one. Freddy…the movie with Freddy, your friend Freddy, then coming in July, something else. So, that was that one. Now we just jumped to 1989, August.
It’s funny; so, on this one, the cover, we have three movies, one of which is I think a HBO original, and then another dance-off with Nunn and Barkley. But one of the…the main movie on the cover is now considered a holiday movie by a lot of us, and I’ve watched it the last few holidays. It’s with Bruce Willis…It’s Hard to Find Batteries. It’s a movie where he works…he goes to a tower trying to find batteries. Then a movie — I’ve thought about doing the Tale of the Tape — with De Niro and Charles Grodin, Midnight Run, and then a movie called Tailspin. Looks like Robert Duvall, maybe? It’s not about a tailspin. Okay, and then they have everything listed for this month on HBO, including Midnight Run with Robert De Niro and Charles Grodin. The best movies are on HBO.
So, that was their…before they were simply the best. One is looking for people; the other is an accountant in one of the most entertaining road pictures ever. De Niro’s trying to get Grodin from New York to California, but everybody’s on their tail. Okay, the next page has…oh boy, this was a big show, but it looks like a different…the new cast. So, first they have Bright Lights, Big City with Kiefer Sutherland and Michael J. Fox. Definitely saw that. I’ve thought about rewatching it just to see that. Then, Not Necessarily the News. Tom Parks and Anabelle Gurwitch…so, this is…oh, Merrill Markoe and Harry Shearer. So, that’s…I wonder if…there’s gotta be Not Necessarily the News somewhere for streaming. Then Caddyshack 2; Jackie Mason and Chevy Chase. I definitely saw that a bunch of times. It was only on twice in August.
A couple other movies…nothing jumping out at me. Then the dance-off between Nunn and Barkley; that was August 14th. A William Hurt movie with Kathleen Turner…I think that’s a De Palma movie. So, When You’re Warm…In the Warm Weather, it was called. Then a Vanessa Redgrave movie about a secret, a secret ingredient. A off-beat comedy about a chocolatemaker’s “secret”, in quotes, ingredient. It was R. So, maybe the secret was kisses. Whoa, a Jerry Seinfeld stand-up special. That was probably…I don't know if Seinfeld was on the air yet. Okay, a lot of stuff’s coming back here. Holy cow. Okay, this is a HBO Family page. Babar…so, they had Babar: To Duet or Not To Duet, The Missing Crown, Something Surprising, Between Friends, and School Days. You could see Babar every Monday evening.
HBO Family Playhouse…When We First Met, a modern-day Romeo and Juliet. Encyclopedia: Fun With Words Beginning S Through W. So, I don't know what that is. Children’s Choices is the different episode of a different family series every weekday morning. Batteries Not Included, where a couple finds their place full of spaceships. Lady in White with Lukas Haas and Overboard with Goldie Hawn and Kurt Russell. That also got remade. Okay, holy moly, we got…so, they also had nature shows every Monday evening. Nature Watch, Charlotte’s Web, Rocko Star, A Friend Indeed, The Last Roundup of the Elephants, Paddington Goes to School, From the Earth to the Moon; that was Jules Verne.
Encyclopedia Brown: The Case of the Missing Time Capsule…fifty-four minutes…and of course, The New Adventures of Pippi Longstocking. There’s a sweatshirt I wear somewhere and people call me Pippi Longstocking for some reason. But I don't know…I definitely probably saw the Pippi Longstocking. It looks familiar. Then the…holy cow, a big, big, big…The Kids in the Hall, a weekly comedy series. Don't worry, they just want to pat you on the head. That was one of the bits. Four new shows featuring daring sketches, inventive short films…I loved Kids in the Hall. Holy mackerel. Thirty minutes…the first one was on August 7th…4th, 7th, 9th, and 10th. The second one; 11th, 14th, 16th, and 17th. So, I don't know what days…obviously I can't figure that out.
Then Stand and Deliver; Lou Diamond Phillips, Edward James Olmos. Meet a teacher you won't forget. This is a comedy drama based on fact. PG-13. No, no, just PG. Sorry. Okay, what else do we got? This is all listings. Let’s just try Saturday, so…see what I could have watched. 9:00 a.m.; Superman 4. 1:00…I don't think any of these I would have seen. Maybe Overboard at 3:30. 11:15 p.m…oh, they had…9:00 p.m. on Saturday night was the Saturday night movie with Hard to Find Batteries. Then Risky Business Saturday night. What about Friday night? Oh, Friday night…Double Feature Friday; Meatballs 2 and 3, then The Kids in the Hall, then Not Necessarily the News. Well, let’s check the other weekend nights. That’s interesting. The next Saturday night movie was Midnight Run and Stand and Deliver.
Friday night double feature was some surprising autumnal films. What else do we got? Oh yeah, here we go, here’s double-feature Friday. Meatballs Night 2 and 3, Night Light Theatre; that’s the autumnal films, Comic Capers, Midnight Run, and Born in East LA. That was a Cheech Marin-only movie; no Tommy Chong. Then a action pack; Hard to Find Batteries and Best Seller. Okay, then they have an HBO original movie. Michael Murphy, Michael Moriarty…Tailspin, but not the Tailspin from HBO afternoon. But, you know, or whatever…that was Disney afternoon, then another ad for Hard to Find Batteries. If you’re ready for knock-your-socks-off, you’re ready for this movie, bruh. Bruce Willis plays McClane. No first name but it’s John McClane, somebody tough in a skyscraper looking for batteries.
So, that was awesome. Promised Land; four high-school graduates grappling with adulthood. Jason Gedrick, Kiefer Sutherland, Tracy Pollan…looks like Meg Ryan as well. Dancing When You’re Muddy; Jennifer Grey and Patrick Swayze. What do we got on the other weekends? Friday night double feature…okay, that was the Midnight Run one. Kids in the Hall is on midnights on Friday nights, 11:00 p.m. on Wednesdays. What do we got? Saturday…oh, Three O'Clock High; I remember seeing that movie a thousand times, too. No wonder; Saturday at 1:00. Best Seller…don’t remember that one. What else do we got here? Friday night, the 25th…oh, that was in Double Feature Friday. That was Hard to Find Batteries. Saturday; Caddyshack and The Edge. That’s the end of the month with the things.
They had a consumer report special about…so, Consumer Reports had a show on HBO. Clean and Sober with Cathy Baker and Michael Keaton; been a while since I’ve seen this movie, but it’s about redemption. Keaton deserves applause for his gritty…gutty performance. Darryl Pointer, a real estate agent, needs some abstinence. Morgan Freeman…oh yeah, I have to watch that sometime. What else do we got? There’s a show…let’s see, James Wood and Brian Dennehy are in Best Seller. It’s captivating, a thriller. A novelist who’s burnt out wants somebody to write his story. Short Circuit 2; holy cow, I definitely saw this about a thousand times, too. His new human buddy, Ben, are in New York and people try to trick Number 5 into helping them do stuff they’re not supposed to.
The Edge…oh, this is an anthology series. That also sounds like…then we got daytime…this is a pretty long one. So, a daytime, I guess, is classic films. We got one…another one with Brian Dennehy, Tommy Lee Jones, Martha Plimpton, a John Wayne Western, Audrey Hepburn, Roman Holiday, Patsy Cline, a biopic with Jessica Lange and Ed Harris, a Paul Reiser movie with odd jobs, Paul Newman and Henry Fonda…Fiddler on the Roof; that was August 6th, 14th, and 29th, a John Frankenheimer movie, another HBO movie…huh, Robert Elliott Burns, Nadine, Kim Basinger, and Jeff Bridges…yeah, Three O'Clock High; I remember that movie. Any other movies? HBO Late Night…they got a bunch of movies. Party Camp…I’m gonna have to look some of these movies up, man. Holy cow.
There’s a movie about being alive, Superman 4: The Quest for Peace, Bette Midler’s Mondo Beyondo…meet the brassiest host in TV variety show history. Comic Relief 3: The Highlights Part 1…that’s from 1989’s Benefit for America’s Homeless. Remember When: The Birds and the Bees; look at how America’s attitudes change. Uncensored Channels 2: TV Around the World with George Plimpton. Interesting stuff. Oh, here’s a Robert Ludlum book made into a movie; The Hollowcroft Covenant. Okay, The Fourth Protocol; that also sounds like a Robert Ludlum movie. Lip Service; an ambitious young newsperson versus a fading pro. The Believers, Born in East LA, Time Flies, and Coming Attractions. What’s coming up on HBO? This show highlights it.
Then in September they had Dundee 2, Diana Ross, Crossing Delancy with Amy Irving, and a Pierce Brosnan movie. Oh, and Tom Hanks in Big. Interesting. Okay, let’s go to another year. This one…oh, this might have been the same year, just a month before. This is definitely ones that…this is another year…this is definitely, like I said…I watched some of these movies and some of them I didn’t. A Fish Called Wanda; I definitely watched that one and it’s been a while since I watched it, so I’ll have to rewatch that one. Then we have The Youthful Western with Charles Sheen, Harry the muddy guy who looks around for stuff, his last movie, I think. I kinda remember seeing the previews for this but I never watched it as a kid. Maybe at some point I kind of watched it in my life.
Then we had Mike Tyson dancing-off, then another ad for that movie, The Young Western. Emilio Estevez, Kiefer Sutherland, Lou Diamond Phillips, Charlie Sheen, and…a nineteen-year-old heads up a bunch of youth hired to help out, but then Billy’s got a little too much of a idea. It’s fast-paced. Let’s see what else we got. Okay, we got a list of everything on this month, then the show, Tales in the Tent, Monday nights at…oh no, that’s different. Monday night shows…oh, Richard Donner, Walter Hill, Robert Zemeckis all made episodes of it. That’s on Wednesday night. Dig That Cat, and All Through the House, and something else. Then that…the show, Tales from the Tent, would come out after another movie.
So, they said, yeah, if you like those kind of movies…oh, a Bobcat Goldthwait film, Hot to Trot, a frisky comedy about a talking horse inside a stock exchange. Then I’m also gonna follow that up…July 9th would have been Bob Goldthwait Night, also from Syracuse. An incredibly nice person and funny person. Hot to Trot, and then Bob Goldthwait…Is He Like That All the Time? Comedy special, then Not Necessarily the News, Tom Parks, Annabelle Gurwitch, Merrill Markoe, Harry Shearer, Will Durst, Arty Rosen on Not Necessarily the News, then Geist 3. Didn’t even…I can't believe there was three of those, with Carol Anne in Chicago. Then a Harrison Ford movie, What Happens When You Move to A New City and You Don’t Speak the Language? I don't know. Find out. The next page has a ad for Wimbleton ‘89.
This one has Steffi Graf on the cover, then somebody…we’re talking serious comedy here. HBO Comedy Hour…Rick Duco, then Mike’s dance-off with Carl Williams, July 21st. What other stuff we got on? Oh boy, look at this, Flashdance with Jennifer Beals. Oh, what a feeling. Tracks with Shadoe Stevens, Priscilla Barnes from Three’s Company, an HBO sleeper sci-fi, Pulse. Huh, interesting. Margot Kidder in Keeping Track as a TV anchor person, School Days with Spike Lee; that came…that was on July 19th, 23rd, and 28th. Two hours exactly. Arnold Schwarzenegger in The Running Man; that was a action adventure game show of the future. HBO World Stage: Tina Live from Rio; Tina Turner in the heat of a summer night in Rio. When Tina walks on the stage, she sends temperatures rising.
Then The Great Outdoors with Dan Aykroyd and John Candy; I definitely saw this one. Holy cow, oh my, a brother-in-law who’s making John Candy not enjoy himself. Nestled in a cozy cabin…Dan Aykroyd shows up and is not nice. Okay, what else do we have? T1 with Arnold; that was out in July. Double Feature Fridays…they only…there was only three Fridays. They skipped Friday the 21st. We’ll figure out why. Don't worry, we’ll look into it. First Friday Night Light was a movie about somebody that got remade. HBO Fan Club, Arnold the 14th, T1 and The Running Man. Then the 28th; A Fish Called Wanda and Risky Business. So, Friday the 7th, that was that double feature. Saturday the 8th…Saturday night movie was HBO, A Fish Called Wanda. The 14th double feature, that was the Arnold double feature.
Saturday night; Baby Boom, Hot to Trot…the Saturday night movie was that movie with Harry, Muddy Harry. Muddy Harry in Pool Time. Muddy Harry’s dancing. It’s in San Francisco. A rockstar, movie critic, talk-show host all want to dance with Muddy Harry. Liam Neeson, Patricia Clarkson…then A Fish Called Wanda; John Cleese, Wanda, Jamie Lee Curtis, Kevin Kline, and Michael Palin. Hook, line, and sinker for the zany, sexy, witty romp. Superb cast. They all get involved together. Kevin Cline won a 1988 Oscar for his performance. John Cleese…sure to be the catch of the month. Princess Bride, holy moly…funny, enchanting, a treat for everyone. July 1, 9, 14, 18, 24, and 29. Risky Business, that was July 23rd, 28, and 31. But we were trying to figure out what happened on that Friday, right, or Saturday.
Alright, yeah, here we go; Friday, July 21st. Yeah, that was a Mike Tyson dance-off, so that’s why they didn’t have a Double Feature Friday. Double Feature Friday; yeah, I can say that. Then Saturday…I definitely watched the Saturday 'cause they had a movie about fishing, then they had…Uncensored Channels was on at 1:30 p.m. I wonder how uncensored it was. Saturday night movie; Kids in the Hall. Oh wait, we gotta go…sorry, I jumped ahead. Friday the 28th…A Fish Called Wanda, Risky Business, a Saturday night movie there…Little Nikita…okay, here we go; when…we got The Kids in the Hall, this one…five-person troupe of comedy, subversives turned loose in the exclusive new series. Oh, so, this was a premiere. It had to be…it couldn't…maybe the season premiere? No, the new weekly comedy series?
So, was this the second time they had been on or was this the first time? I don't know. These are great questions. Then some HBO Showcase movie about being around…okay, then we get to daytime on HBO. Again, this seems…does seem to be…Paper Dolls with Daryl Hannah and Joan Collins, Mermaids Singing, Airport, 1975; Cary Grant and Grace Kelly in a thief movie. Toys, telephones ring…Audrey Hepburn in My Fair Lady, Dom Delouise and Suzanne Pleshette, Henry Fonda in another Western…let’s see, White Water Summer. Holy cow, this is another movie. This was on July 4th, 8th, 17th, 23rd, 26th, and…so, I saw this movie a lot of times, too. Spoiled, over-protected city kid Sean Astin…maybe we just had him on tape…with Kevin Bacon.
LA’s Hottest Disco, Sesame Street: Follow That Bird. Where is Big Bird? Then a Tom Bosley mystery, okay, then we had Baby Boom with Diane Keaton; saw that one a lot, too. Big Business vs. Babies…Sam Shepard, then Sidney Poitier in Little Nikita…River Phoenix and Sidney Poitier…July 29th and 31st. Mister North, Anthony Edwards…okay, Nicholas Nickleby, an animated Charles Dickens movie on the Dickens Festival, then more of that HBO Encyclopedia. Nature Watch: Kangaroos, Moms on Strike…Mary Kay plays…stars as mom in this…I remember that. A heartwarming comedy drama. Whale Mission…HBO Playhouse, The Voyages of Sinbad, Lyle, Lyle Crocodile the Musical, Young Detectives on Wheels, Babar’s First Step, City Ways: Babar Returns, City of Elephants, and Babar’s Triumph.
Then we got HBO Pictures Anthology, History of Tennis, Inquiry Squeeze, a frisky action comedy with Michael Keaton. Big Easy with Dennis Quaid and Ellen Barkin, Chinatown with Jack Nicholson, For Keeps, Hooper…oh my gosh, Hooper…Burt Reynolds is a stunt person. The King of Kong…and what else we got here? We got HBO at night…Night Riders, Modern Day Knights, a one-of-a-kind movie about modern day knights starring Ed Harris. Eleventh Commandment, Midnight, Night Gum, then The George Plimpton Show, Paul Newman and Sally Field in a movie, Gregory Peck in a movie, William Holden…Date With an Angel starring Michael Knight from All My Children. Olivia Newton, John Live in Australia…have a musical, good time down under.
Light of Day with Michael J. Fox…Whoopi Goldberg’s Fontaine; okay, I haven't seen that one. Jane and the Lost City, James Wood as…James Wood plays the burnout photojournalist in this movie. Didn’t he just play a burnout novelist? John Malkovich is a robot. Falls…a person falls in love with a robot. Making Mr. Right…oh, a comedy special with Joy Behar, Susie Essman, Carla Fishla[sic], and Diane Ford. Then a drama about dancing…a fish friend comes back, Kramer vs. Kramer…HBO and the Power of Cable coming in August, which we just covered. So, they have every preview for that. Let’s just see, let’s go to a older one. This is June of ‘89. Is that what we were just in? I guess we might as well just go to June of ‘89, huh? June of ‘89 had on the cover Willow.
Tales from the Tent, The Presidio, and Traveling Man, then a ad from Tales from the Tent. Let’s see if they have anybody…nothing listed. It’s Wednesday nights…oh boy, a couple of big ones here. Arthur 2: On the Rocks. That’s with Arthur and…with Dudley Moore and Liza Minnelli. On the Rocks. I don't think I understood that movie. But, yeah, that came out, then we had Pee-wee Herman: Here Comes Pee-wee. Everything’s neato. Oh, this is a Pee-wee show. Oh, Big Top Pee-wee; okay, Big Top Pee-wee. It’s a movie. I don't remember that one. A circus camps out on Pee-wee’s property. It was a hour and twenty-five minutes. Not Necessarily the News, Getting Ready…they talk about Dan Quayle. Richard Pryor and Randy Quaid in a movie about moving…Across the Country…a zany farce. What do we got?
Academy Four: On Patrol, Academy Five: On Miami Beach, Pee-wee’s Big Adventure, Kids in the Hall Special Edition…these five Canadians bring their comedy into the nineties. Whoopi Goldberg in a movie…another movie where she’s Rita Rizzoli. The Underachievers…Neil Diamond’s Greatest Hits Live…okay, what else do we have down here? Charles Dickens’ Pickwick Papers and Les Mis, Seabert; that’s about some sort of sea animal. Babar: The Show Must Go On, To Duet or Not to Duet, The Missing Crown…and I gotta check these Charles Dickens animated films out. A hour and twenty-five minutes…I’ll catch up on all of them. Let’s see what we got. Wilder Summer, People, Edge of Town, Harbor, Madeline the Musical…it’s only twenty-nine minutes.
Nature, Encyclopedia…oh, La Bamba, Lou Diamond Phillips; that’s…that was a movie I saw a thousand times. It Takes Two…they don’t have any of the stars listed, so I don't know what movie that was. Lori Singer, Christopher Penn…Made in the USA. Three up-and-coming chase thrills. Martin Short Goes Hollywood…HBO Comedy Hour. We’re talking serious comedy here. It’s a Comedy Hour debut of Martin Short. Long on laughs as he reels his lifetime love affair with the glory and glamor of Tinsel Town. Eight of his most bizarre characters; Hed Grimley, Jackie Rogers Jr., Martin…with guest Katharine O’Hara. What else we have? Let’s check the weekends, right? Am I right? Okay, we got Friday, June 2nd…oh, Not Necessarily the News was on at 3:30 on Fridays; that’s why.
Double Feature Friday was The Academy 4 and 5. June 3rd Saturday night movie was Arthur 2: On the Rocks. What else do we have here? Pee-wee’s Big Top…Big Top Pee-wee, it’s called, actually, Scoots. Oh, thanks. What else? Oh, so here’s the Double Feature Fridays; Academy 4 and 5, Virginia Madsen, a HBO fanclub. Comic Capers, a Pee-wee Herman fan club, and then Action, Presidio, and some other movie. Willow is on Friday, June 9th, at 5:45 p.m. That Double Feature Friday is not even…oh, it was Virginia Madsen Fridays. Okay. That’s Saturday…Moving was the Saturday night movie. What’s on at noon? Oh, Martin Short Comedy Hour was on at 2:00 p.m. Saturday, June 10th, so I may have seen that. Just trying to figure out…after I watch cartoons.
Like Father Like Son, Dudley Moore and Kirk Cameron…I remember this one. It was kinda like Friday where they change perspectives. What else do we got? Arthur 2; 11:30. Oh, 11:30 a.m. on a Sunday. Cirque du Soleil, Magic Circus; I definitely saw that. Saturday, 1:30…what else we have here? Interesting. I’d like to recreate one of these schedules for my own personal thing. The Presidio with Mark Harmon and Sean Connery; that’s where they’re both looking into something. Willow…the best movies are on HBO. Willow; a fantasy and romance and adventure directed by Ron Howard. Willow, a simply farmer and would-be sorcerer finds and helps out somebody in need. Oh, I just lost my page. Willow’s attempt to return the girl he’s helping involves him and Madmartigan, and they have to deal with Gene Marsh.
Okay, then Mondays…June 19th, that’s…oh, these are movies…like, autumnal ones. Saturday, June 17th…Saturday night movie was Presidio. But All the President’s Men is on at noon on Saturday. Where does that leave me as a kid? Sunday…oh, maybe I watched those movies. What about Friday night? Oh, that’s the HBO Comedy Hour. Martin Short; 6:00 p.m. Okay, No Way Out; Kevin Costner, Sean Young. I’m pretty sure this is a really good twist movie. Like, don’t…if you’re gonna watch it…Gene Hackman’s also in it. Pretty sure this is one of those movies that’s like…where if you watch the whole thing, you’re like, holy cow. You could only watch it once I guess in twenty years, 'cause I don't remember. Maybe it was remade, but I’m pretty sure that’s one of those good movies with a big surprise at the end, so don’t look it up.
What else do we have here? Friday night June 3rd…Not Necessarily the News was on at 1:30 p.m. and 12:30 a.m. Pee-wee…that was a Pee-wee double feature. Saturday, June 24th, Arthur 2 is on again in the middle of the day. Saturday night movie was something…okay, what else do we have here? Saturday…Friday, June 30th, Wimbleton in ‘89 started. So, I would have watched that with my grandma. Then we had a HBO movie with John Lithgow and Jonathan Silverman about selling stuff. Hard work and height made him a success, and a smart kid is about to make him happy. Wimbleton ‘89…comprehensive same-day watch…weekday coverage. So, that was…that’s exciting. Steffi Graf and somebody else…I can't tell who it is. Even when I zoom on it, I don't know who it is. I’m sorry.
A Michael Caine movie, Ed Harris movie, Midnight Crossing with Faye Dunaway…what else? Anything? Golden Age of Sport, another Whoopi…oh, is that the same one? No, no, this is another one. This one I…I think this was one…Whoopi Goldberg’s in one with Bobcat Goldthwait? I don't know if this is the one, but it’s a Comedy Caper in San Francisco. Then we got daytime, The Natural, Little Gloria with Gloria Vanderbilt…oh no, about Gloria Vanderbilt with Betty Davis and Angela Lansbury. Navarone, One of Our Own, George Peppard, James Garner, and Lou Goss play some people. All the President’s Men; Redford and Hoffman. I know it’s a great movie, but when I was a kid, I didn’t have any urge to see it, you know?
Paul Newman about race driving…Timothy Hutton in a movie…Turk 182; I never…I think that movie was really popular or something. I don't think I ever saw it. Or maybe it was about a book? I can't remember. Okay, Fast Forward, Long Game, High Tide, Carly in Concert: Coming Around Again. Carly Simon…and Martha’s Vineyard, then a John Cusack movie I saw about a thousand times that we did for a Subscriber Summer, a movie about summer camp, Dragnet with Tom Hanks and Dan Aykroyd. What else do we got? Another HBO movie with Treat Williams and Virginia Madsen. I remember seeing these movies. John Candy hosts the Montreal International Comedy Festival. That’s a pretty big deal.
Then we got a couple nighttime movies, Goldie Hawn movie…Eric Stoltz in a Sister Sister movie, John Ritter and James Belushi in a movie, Shirley MacLaine and Debra Winger and Jack Nicholson; Terms of Endearment. Send Me A Kiss from Sally Field, the canoe movie, coming attractions HBO in July…another movie…let’s see. I see Thomas Howell’s in a movie. Sunset; that’s another Western. Crystal…and, yeah, that’s it. So, that’s it for now. Yeah, I’ll try to do a few more of these for Subscriber Summer, but yeah, thanks for joining me, everybody. That’s pretty good to get to look at everything going back on with…yeah. Goodnight.
(Transcription performed by LeahTranscribes)
Catalog / HBO
HBO / Max
Linear TV
Down an HBO Hole
Deep Dark Night United
Sleep With Me Plus; SleepPhones; Rusty Biscuit Links; Emily Tat Artwork; NAPAWF; Anti-Racism Resources; Ukraine Relief; Crisis Textline
Claritin; Helix Sleep; Odoo; Air Doctor Pro; Zocdoc; Progressive; Lumen; Netflix Junior
I thought I heard my dog’s tail bumping against the rail above
¾ width-wise
A bungalow with a half-basement where bedrooms are located
Half stairs, leading downstairs
Normally, Koa will come downstairs to check on me while I’m recording
It was a false alarm, Koa-wise
Sharp doses of sleep dread at various times in my life
Clearly I’m not an expert at talking
Always Never Getting Started
Scoots, can you be as barely engaging as possible
Don’t worry, I’ve got the ‘not too funny’ part down
I could be your best, your bore bruh, your best borefriend fo eva, whatever
Counting Through Some Movie Times
Unsuccessfully trying to engage
My brain adjusts without variety
A style of show that is typically a bonus show
The heritage of HBO shows on SWM
SWM exists because of the occasional free HBO sampler times during my childhood
Pre-Streaming Era
A monthly magazine of what’s gonna be on HBO that month
Scrolling through these old summer issues
84, 85, 76, 79, 08, all kinds
June 1990, The HBO Guide
On the cover
It’s interesting how circular these things are
Comedy specials and live sports continue to be a focus
Dustbusters II
Star Trek V
George Carlin Special
A dance off with Mike Tyson
Further info about Star Trek V
Jennifer Capriotti documentary special
A Walter Cronkite special on taking care of yourself
The original Road House
A bouncer with a PhD in philosophy
Billie Crystal comedy special
Diana Ross world tour concert special
Tales from the Tent Bedroom
This is kind of like that show, The Mirror at Nighttime
Shoutout to Kristin Scott Thomas on Slow Horses
A new movie every Monday night
Double Feature Fridays
Dance Off Double Header, live from Caesar’s Palace
An ad for the movie Twins
Wimbledon 1990
I remember these Encyclopedia Brown episodes
The Pole Heist 3??
Whacky 101
Gung Ho, with Michael Keaton
7 Voyages of Sinbad, by Ray Harryahusen
I probably saw Breaking 2: Electric Boogaloo 55 times
Muppets Take Manhattan
HBO late night, a lot of autumnal themes
The Youthful Western, with Emilio Estevez
Jumping to 1989
3 movies and a Dance Off
That Christmas movie with Bruce Willis, looking for batteries in a tower
‘The Best Movies are on HBO’
Praise for Midnight Run
Bright Lights, Big City
Not Necessarily the News
Is that streaming somewhere?
Caddyshack II
A Vanessa Redgrave movie about a secret ingredient
Is this pre-Seinfeld?
HBO family page
Some Babar shows
Overboard with Goldie Hawn and Kurt Russell
Some Lukas Haas movies
The new adventures of Pippi Longstocking
The Kids in the Hall – huge for me
Superman IV
I don’t think I would’ve seen any of these
Stand and Deliver
Night Light Theater
A Cheech Marin only movie, no Tommy Chong
Consumer Reports show on HBO
A clean and sober movie with Michael Keaton
I have to watch that sometime
Short Circuit 2 – saw that about 1000 times
Daytime was like classic films
I remember 3 O’Clock High
Bette Midler’s Mondo Beyondo
Crossing Delancey
A Pierce Brosnan
Same year, just a month before
A Fish Called Wanda – I’ll have to rewatch that
Another Mike Tyson dance off
Oh, a Bobcat Goldthwait film!
An ad for Wimbledon ‘89
Mike’s dance off with Carl Williams
Oh boy, Flashdance
School Daze by Spike Lee
Tina Turner, live from Rio
T1, with Arnold
Why did they skip a Friday double feature on the 21st?
Everyone wants to dance with Muddy Harry
A Fish Called Wanda facts
Princess Bride, holy moly
Double Feature Friday
The uncensored channel was on at 1:30pm??
Oh wow, this was the actual premiere of Kids in the Hall!
That Cary Grant thief movie
Henry Fonda in a western
Whitewater Summer, holy cow I saw this all the time
A Tom Bosley mystery
NIcholas Nickleby, an animated Dickens movie??
Mom/s on Strike
Modern Day Knights
Night Gum
George Plimpton show
Going back to June of ‘89
Arthur 2: On the Rocks
Pee Wee Herman
Oh, this is Big Top Pee Wee
Getting ready to talk about Dan Quayle on Not Necessarily the News
Neil Diamond, live
I gotta check out these animated Dickens movies
I saw La Bamba so much
Martin Short goes Hollywood
What would I have watched after cartoons on Saturdays?
Arthur 2 at 11:30am on a Sunday, wow
The Presidio
I think No Way Out is one of those great twist movies
So many Whoopi Goldberg movies
Carly Simon in concert
Tom Hanks and Dan Ayrkoyd in Dragnet
John Candy hosts the Montreal International Comedy Movie
C Thomas Howell is in a movie
That’s it for now
Thanks for listening with me
Elizabeth, Sylvia, Christine, Noor, Bridget, Rachel, Rhett, Drew, Shalene, Benjamin, Ana, Katherine, Terry, Charlene, William, Josh, Courtney, Anna, Gregor, Justin, Barbara, Candice, Clementine, Nora, Olivia, Tammy, Jamie, Jamey, Rheon, Taylor, Vivian, Christine, Warren
Episode: 1278
Title: Summer of HBO
Deep Dark Night United: n/a
Plugs: Sleep With Me Plus; SleepPhones; Rusty Biscuit Links; Emily Tat Artwork; NAPAWF; Anti-Racism Resources; Ukraine Relief; Crisis Textline
Sponsors: Claritin; Helix Sleep; Odoo; Air Doctor Pro; Zocdoc; Progressive; Lumen; Netflix Junior
SWM+ Thanks: Elizabeth, Sylvia, Christine, Noor, Bridget, Rachel, Rhett, Drew, Shalene, Benjamin, Ana, Katherine, Terry, Charlene, William, Josh, Courtney, Anna, Gregor, Justin, Barbara, Candice, Clementine, Nora, Olivia, Tammy, Jamie, Jamey, Rheon, Taylor, Vivian, Christine, Warren
Notable Language:
- Linear TV
- Down an HBO Hole
- Bungalow
- Always Never Getting Started
- Night Light Theater
- Double Feature Friday
Notable Culture:
- HBO / Max
- “Simply The Best”
- Tina Turner
- Ghostbusters II
- Star Trek V
- George Carlin
- Mike Tyson
- Jennifer Capriotti
- Arthur Ashe
- Billie Jean King
- Walter Cronkite
- Road House (Patrick Swayze)
- Black Mirror
- Slow Horses
- Kristin Scott Thomas
- Twins movie
- Steffi Graff
- Boris Becker
- Encyclopedia Brown
- Breaking 2: Electric Boogaloo
- Muppets Take Manhattan
- Die Hard
- Midnight Run
- Bright Lights, Big City
- Not Necessarily the News
- Overboard
- Pippi Longstocking
- Kids in the Hall
- Cheech and Chong
- Stand and Deliver
- Consumer Reports
- Short Circuit 2
- Fiddler on the Roof
- 3 O’Clock High
- A Fish Called Wanda
- Bobcat Goldthwait
- Hot to Trot
- Flash Dance
- School Daze
- Tina Turner
- The Princess Bride
- Charles Dickens
- La Bamba
- Martin Short
- Willow
- The Presidio
- Ron Howard
- No Way Out
Notable Talking Points:
- I thought I heard my dog’s tail bumping against the rail above
- ¾ width-wise
- A bungalow with a half-basement where bedrooms are located
- Half stairs, leading downstairs
- Normally, Koa will come downstairs to check on me while I’m recording
- It was a false alarm, Koa-wise
- Sharp doses of sleep dread at various times in my life
- Clearly I’m not an expert at talking
- Always Never Getting Started
- Scoots, can you be as barely engaging as possible
- Don’t worry, I’ve got the ‘not too funny’ part down
- I could be your best, your bore bruh, your best borefriend fo eva, whatever
- Counting Through Some Movie Times
- Unsuccessfully trying to engage
- My brain adjusts without variety
- A style of show that is typically a bonus show
- The heritage of HBO shows on SWM
- SWM exists because of the occasional free HBO sampler times during my childhood
- Pre-Streaming Era
- A monthly magazine of what’s gonna be on HBO that month
- Scrolling through these old summer issues
- 84, 85, 76, 79, 08, all kinds
- June 1990, The HBO Guide
- On the cover
- It’s interesting how circular these things are
- Comedy specials and live sports continue to be a focus
- Dustbusters II
- Star Trek V
- George Carlin Special
- A dance off with Mike Tyson
- Further info about Star Trek V
- Jennifer Capriotti documentary special
- A Walter Cronkite special on taking care of yourself
- The original Road House
- A bouncer with a PhD in philosophy
- Billie Crystal comedy special
- Diana Ross world tour concert special
- Tales from the Tent Bedroom
- This is kind of like that show, The Mirror at Nighttime
- Shoutout to Kristin Scott Thomas on Slow Horses
- A new movie every Monday night
- Double Feature Fridays
- Dance Off Double Header, live from Caesar’s Palace
- An ad for the movie Twins
- Wimbledon 1990
- I remember these Encyclopedia Brown episodes
- The Pole Heist 3??
- Whacky 101
- Gung Ho, with Michael Keaton
- 7 Voyages of Sinbad, by Ray Harryahusen
- I probably saw Breaking 2: Electric Boogaloo 55 times
- Muppets Take Manhattan
- HBO late night, a lot of autumnal themes
- The Youthful Western, with Emilio Estevez
- Jumping to 1989
- 3 movies and a Dance Off
- That Christmas movie with Bruce Willis, looking for batteries in a tower
- ‘The Best Movies are on HBO’
- Praise for Midnight Run
- Bright Lights, Big City
- Not Necessarily the News
- Is that streaming somewhere?
- Caddyshack II
- A Vanessa Redgrave movie about a secret ingredient
- Is this pre-Seinfeld?
- HBO family page
- Some Babar shows
- Overboard with Goldie Hawn and Kurt Russell
- Some Lukas Haas movies
- The new adventures of Pippi Longstocking
- The Kids in the Hall – huge for me
- Superman IV
- I don’t think I would’ve seen any of these
- Stand and Deliver
- Night Light Theater
- A Cheech Marin only movie, no Tommy Chong
- Consumer Reports show on HBO
- A clean and sober movie with Michael Keaton
- I have to watch that sometime
- Short Circuit 2 – saw that about 1000 times
- Daytime was like classic films
- I remember 3 O’Clock High
- Bette Midler’s Mondo Beyondo
- Crossing Delancey
- Big
- A Pierce Brosnan
- Same year, just a month before
- A Fish Called Wanda – I’ll have to rewatch that
- Another Mike Tyson dance off
- Oh, a Bobcat Goldthwait film!
- An ad for Wimbledon ‘89
- Mike’s dance off with Carl Williams
- Oh boy, Flashdance
- Pulse
- School Daze by Spike Lee
- Tina Turner, live from Rio
- T1, with Arnold
- Why did they skip a Friday double feature on the 21st?
- Everyone wants to dance with Muddy Harry
- A Fish Called Wanda facts
- Princess Bride, holy moly
- Double Feature Friday
- The uncensored channel was on at 1:30pm??
- Oh wow, this was the actual premiere of Kids in the Hall!
- That Cary Grant thief movie
- Henry Fonda in a western
- Whitewater Summer, holy cow I saw this all the time
- A Tom Bosley mystery
- NIcholas Nickleby, an animated Dickens movie??
- Mom/s on Strike
- Modern Day Knights
- Night Gum
- George Plimpton show
- Going back to June of ‘89
- Arthur 2: On the Rocks
- Pee Wee Herman
- Oh, this is Big Top Pee Wee
- Getting ready to talk about Dan Quayle on Not Necessarily the News
- Neil Diamond, live
- I gotta check out these animated Dickens movies
- I saw La Bamba so much
- Martin Short goes Hollywood
- What would I have watched after cartoons on Saturdays?
- Arthur 2 at 11:30am on a Sunday, wow
- Willow
- The Presidio
- I think No Way Out is one of those great twist movies
- So many Whoopi Goldberg movies
- Carly Simon in concert
- Tom Hanks and Dan Ayrkoyd in Dragnet
- John Candy hosts the Montreal International Comedy Movie
- C Thomas Howell is in a movie
- That’s it for now
- Thanks for listening with me